Lucid dreaming technique of entry. Lucid Dreaming Technique

There are many various ways self-awareness in a dream, as well as the achievement of " out-of-body experience» (WTO). The various terminology introduced by modern experimenters seems to be strained and redundant, and strictly speaking, the techniques for entering lucid dreams, as well as the techniques for entering the astral plane, are divided into two types:

  • direct transition from the waking state to a lucid dream (OS) or to the astral (lie down, sit or stand, and then immediately enter the desired state of consciousness);
  • transition mediated sleep (first fall asleep, and then do what you need).

First class technician may be of interest to those who are interested in how to enter a lucid dream directly from the waking state. For this you need enter a special trance state, which occurs in all people at the time of falling asleep. It is better to do this not before going to bed, but in the morning. If you sleep 8-9 hours, then set an alarm 3-4 hours before waking up. Then wake up and take a walk, for example, to drink water. This needs to be done so that drowsiness subsides a little. Taking a shower or coffee will be unnecessary, you do not need to wake up at all. Then lay down again on the bed, drop unnecessary thoughts. To do this, you can use the basic technique of clearing the mind.

Now start falling asleep, but you need to be aware. For this I recommend concentrate on the sensations of your body, on the surrounding sounds, but don't think what you see and hear, otherwise this thinking will pull you back into sleep. When you start hearing auditory hallucinations, remember that you want to achieve a lucid dream. It is especially important to remember this if visual images begin, since their appearance indicates that sleep has almost come. Do not move your eyes, try to catch the moment when the body is asleep, and your mind remains awake. You may not notice this transition, or you may feel some cramp passing through the body - in different people it happens in different ways.

Even if you fall asleep anyway, there's nothing to worry about - try again next time. Every time you will be everything easier achieve desired state. When you enter lucid dream, you can fulfill the previously set goals there: from playing situations in order to overcome some fears or temptations to exits to the astral plane and the like. For these purposes, you need to increase awareness in a dream. This can be done using the techniques used to enter a lucid dream from a sleeping state.

So, we smoothly moved to second class technician entering a lucid dream- from a dream. To do this, you need to remember yourself in a dream, remember that you are dreaming. At this point, it will be important not to wake up, although many do not have such a desire.

  • One of the most simple waysinspire oneself that by all means you are aware of yourself in a dream. It is advisable to do this during the day every 30 minutes or at least every two hours. However, it is often enough to make the suggestion "I will fall asleep and realize that I am dreaming" right before falling asleep.
  • Another method is that during the day you trying by force of will to do something that is possible in the reality of sleep, but impossible in the reality of wakefulness. For example, try to change the color of the sky, the color of the walls, etc. with a snap of your fingers. If you succeed, then you will immediately understand that you are dreaming.
  • Third way: during the day remember that in a dream you should look at your hands. You can look at your hands during the day, wondering: “am I sleeping?”. After that, looking at the hands in a dream, you become aware.
  • Fourth method: speak about lucid dreaming, think about it, write comments and posts about lucid dreaming. Very often, after a little conversation or thinking about how to enter or how to learn lucid dreaming, people spontaneously in a sleeping state realize that they are dreaming.
  • And finally, I would recommend a method that logically follows from the previous one: write down your dreams right after waking up. Put a notebook and pen next to the bed, and when you wake up, write down what you managed to remember. If some details are forgotten, there is nothing to worry about. Try to grasp that image or thought that escapes and leave it. Soon she herself will come to mind, but if she doesn’t come, it’s okay. Over time, you will be able to remember dreams in detail, to draw up the so-called dream maps.

It is not necessary that every method will work for you. It is advisable to try them All and choose the most suitable one for you. In the end, there are thousands of other methods besides these, I have chosen those that are most suitable for me personally and, in my opinion, are most efficient for most people. So good luck with your practice, but always be careful. Realize yourself in a dream!

Dreams have long been considered a phenomenon that ordinary person impossible to control. Night visions were attributed to a supernatural origin. People tried to understand what dreams mean, and made up various dream books to be ready for what they "talk about".

In the future, dreams began to be considered only a projection of our fears or desires, and sometimes simply an analysis of the past days. And scientists have recently come to the conclusion that night dreams can be controlled. The term " lucid dream”, and some psychologists began to study this phenomenon with interest.

What is a lucid dream?

When a person sees ordinary dreams he loses his sense of reality. The action taking place in the subconscious seems real. In a lucid dream, the sleeper realizes that he is in a state of sleep, and everything he sees is just a figment of his imagination.. And therefore, regardless of the plot of night vision, a person is able to direct it in the right direction.

For example, if the sleeper is in danger, he can turn into a powerful strongman or gain the ability to fly to avoid the threat. If desired, he can become a celebrity, a magical creature or an animal.

Despite the fact that a lucid dream is completely controlled by a person, the power of emotions from the sensations experienced in it does not disappear anywhere. Sometimes it even becomes brighter, as the sleeper realizes that his vision will not turn into a nightmare, but will be as he wishes.

How to have a lucid dream? Entry technique

The techniques for entering a lucid dream are not difficult and can be mastered by anyone. The following are some of the methods by which you can “enter” into this state:

  1. Before going to bed, you need to put a pen and notebook next to you. After waking up, you need to find a few minutes to remember what dream was seen. Details of night visions are entered in a notebook. Described and emotional condition sleeping at the moment of sleep. Such memory training is necessary so that in the future lucid visions bring psychological benefit. If you do not want to keep records manually, then you can use the voice recorder, which is available on almost every mobile device. And in order to remember the plot of the dream was easier, you need to lie still for some time, concentrating on the task.
  2. Since in a dream a person does not realize that what is happening is a fiction, in order to learn how to control his visions, you need to master the so-called "sense of reality." To do this, it is necessary to mentally ask the question “Am I sleeping now?” Every 2-3 hours. And in order to check whether a person is really in reality, he must pay attention to the clock, to his feet or palms, to some book or newspaper. If a person cannot see papillary lines on the skin, cannot understand what time it is, or is not able to decipher the text, then most likely he is sleeping. The brain will get used to such a "checking procedure", and therefore dreams will also become subject to this organ.
  3. Before going to bed, it is also necessary to carry out the procedure of suggestion. The person should repeat to himself that he will be aware of the fact that he is asleep.
  4. Often people have similar symptoms before the onset of visions. It can be a slight haze, flickering, the appearance of a certain color. There may be other signs. If you re-read your "sleepy notes" in a notebook, then similar elements will somehow reveal themselves. By these signs, being in a fantasy world will be easier to determine.
  5. If time allows, it is recommended to try to take a nap after waking up. Remembering your dream and describing it in a notebook, you need to lie down again and concentrate on the past fictional plot. Thoughts are subsequently projected into the subconscious, and the dream becomes lucid.
  6. It is worth buying a light alarm clock, which, instead of the usual call, will glow by the time of awakening. You can set the clock to wake up every hour. Light contributes to the emergence of lucid dreams.

In mastering the technique of entering lucid dreams, patience and perseverance are essential. It will not be possible to learn how to enter this state in a few days.

What can you do in a lucid dream?

The possibilities in dreams, in which a person is aware of his sleeping state, are limited only by a person's knowledge of reality. In lucid night visions, you can:

As you can see, there are many benefits to lucid dreaming.

Books about lucid dreaming

To learn more about the phenomenon of lucid dream and methods of entering into given state from the following books:

  • Bradley Thompson, « Lucid dreaming in 7 days» - equates controlled night visions with entertainment, the book is written in simple language, contains a lot of practical advice
  • Carlos Castaneda, « The art of dreaming” - describes the traditions of Mexican shamans for entering a state of awareness in a dream;
  • Patricia Garfield, « creative dreams”- the author tells how lucid dreams helped in her scientific career, gives readers recommendations for controlling night visions.

The study of the above publications will help you navigate your subconscious world.

First I will tell you about some of the main techniques lucid dreaming for beginners, next I will tell you in more detail about the methods for each technique, then I will tell you about the methods I use. I will also give you a personal opinion which one I consider more productive. Perhaps I can throw some information you need.

2 Basic Lucid Dreaming Techniques

According to the method of entering the OS, all methods are divided into two main groups: direct and indirect.

The Direct Lucid Dreaming Technique is a technique that allows you to move from the waking state to the dream state without losing consciousness.

If you are a person interested in unusual things, you have wondered if it is possible to go to sleep without losing consciousness. As a child (and still) I fell asleep for a very long time. It took me about 40-60 minutes to fall asleep. But I didn't know for sure. I had the idea to time the time it takes me to fall asleep. I did not tell anyone about this idea, because I thought that no one would want to do it.

Gradually I came to the conclusion that the only way, which I was not too lazy to try, was to remember the time when I went to bed, and somehow remember the time when I passed out. Unfortunately, I immediately realized that in my entire life I had never been awake while falling asleep to memorize this number. A few minutes before bedtime, I felt that the course of my thoughts was disturbed, and it was much easier for me not to think about anything at all. And what happened next, I do not remember!

I became interested in this phenomenon, but still could not maintain awareness to check how long I fell asleep.

I had no idea about it, but at that moment I was very close to the OS world. With the direct technique of lucid dreaming, a person can fall asleep without losing consciousness.

The indirect lucid dreaming technique assumes that you will regain consciousness while you are sleeping. In other words, you will realize that you are in a dream only after being there for a while.

Direct Lucid Dreaming Technique: Methods

You can find information on the Internet that the direct OS call technique is the easiest to use. There may be something wrong with me, but in all my life I have never achieved direct entry.

Most effective methods applied at a time when you accidentally wake up at night. At this time, you should carry out some manipulations with your consciousness, which I will describe below.

So, you are awake. Try not to move! In fact, don't move at all. If you make at least one movement, it will drastically reduce the chances of getting into the OS.

Can you submit any active actions. It is recommended to imagine yourself as a swimmer in the sea. Imagine that you are swimming, and in a few minutes you will realize that you are swimming not just in your fantasies, but in a real dream! Lucid dream.

You can also try the phantom movement method. Try to imagine in your mind that you are moving your finger without moving it. At first you will be aware that there are no physical movements, but after a few minutes you will believe that you are doing them! After a while, you will be in a lucid dream.

Direct entry into lucid dreaming can also be tried in the afternoon or evening before bedtime.

You will again have to lie still. If you do not move at all, then in 30-60 minutes you will be possessed sleep paralysis. You may not be able to move, your chest may feel heavy, and your ears may ring. Don't be scared. This means that you are entering the OS.

Indirect technique of lucid dreaming. Methods

To take advantage indirect technique, you should check every few minutes that you are not in a dream. When you sleep, your habit will work and you will be able to understand where you are.

In addition, you can study the phenomenon of lucid dreams in order to think about them more often. This also contributes to the achievement of success in our field.

Below I will list several ways to check reality:

  1. Try to breathe through your nose, covering it with your hands. In a dream, you will succeed.
  2. Try to remember the last hour of your life. You won't be able to do this in a dream.
  3. Look at your hands. You will notice something strange. And everyone is weird.
  4. Turn on the light! In a dream, you cannot do this.
  5. Try to take off. If you have been to the OS before and learned how to do it, then you can do it.

In addition to reality checks and studying the OS, you should study and own dreams. You must keep a dream journal. Unfortunately, many dreams are forgotten after a couple of minutes after waking up. Some dreams are forgotten after a couple of seconds! To do this, you should have a voice recorder or a notebook nearby. As soon as you wake up, write down some details of your sleep. If it's already morning and you're about to get up, then write down your dream in full before you forget it.

My relationship with lucid dreaming

Since I have a specific dream, you should not look only at me. I will only say what will help people like me.

First, I would advise you not to waste your time on direct entry if you are taking too long to fall asleep. In addition to the fact that entering the OS will take you a lot of time and effort, you are unlikely to last long there. Experiments I've read about on the Internet show that a lucid dream lasts 5-15 minutes with direct entry. This is too little.

It fits me indirect technique lucid dreams. First of all, it's damn effective for me. When I did this for the first month, I experienced such short span time 10 OS! This is a lot for a beginner. And I'm sure you can do the same.

In addition to being effective in achieving, the indirect lucid dreaming technique allows you to be in the OS for up to an hour. Everything is individual, it depends on your efforts, but with the help of direct entry, I would never achieve such a result.

I think that I have covered the topic of entering lucid dreams most fully, and I hope that you succeed in the study of their own dreams.

All for now.

Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

There is not a single person in the world who would never dream of something. Someone's desires are extremely simple, and someone will never be able to realize their own, because the laws of physics, biology, mechanics and common sense unanimously oppose him, what to do in this case? For this, there are lucid dreaming, the entry technique for beginners to master them may seem incredibly complicated and incomprehensible, so we will try to study the phenomenon in detail. It's worth it.


What's happened lucid dreams and what they may be needed for? This is what usually primarily interests everyone who encounters this concept. However, the answers lie in the name itself. We are talking about a dream that we are aware of as a dream, and we can control everything that happens in it. Sounds tempting?

What is it for? The answer is clear. However, let's clarify some points:

  1. You will get the opportunity to fulfill any desires. The feelings and emotions experienced during lucid dreams will be very real, only much more vivid.
  2. You will be able to fight your fears and inner demons, but this is for more experienced "users" who enjoyed the opened horizons and decided to focus on themselves.
  3. You will finally have the opportunity to develop your creativity, even if in reality you draw a horse with a ruler. In a dream, you can create everything that your brain gives birth to, hear your own melody. And this is not all that will be subject to you.

On this moment scientists are very actively engaged in lucid dreams, studying the practice of application and the phenomenon itself. Therefore, it cannot be said that this is something unscientific, invented. Experts say that having reached a certain level of sleep control, a person can not only realize his desires, but also study himself. AND we are talking not only about the intricacies of the psyche and the peculiarities of the brain. Having plunged into a lucid dream, you can turn to each of your internal organ, see its condition and learn about existing problems. Someday doctors will be able to use this method in their practice, while only a few master it.

How to learn to control dreams?

How to induce lucid dreams, how to learn to control them? These questions are asked by anyone who first hears about the wonderful possibility of living in a dream. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Potentially anyone can master this art. It is necessary to want and carefully follow all the instructions.

Before trying to get into lucid dreams , you need to prepare for this. The main difficulty is to understand in a dream that this is a dream. Agree, most of the time we don't realize it. Everything that happens seems to us for granted, only when we wake up, we understand how absurd and abnormal situations we have observed.

To prevent this from happening, you need to train your observation in reality. Train yourself to pay attention to small details. Usually it is by them that you can understand where you are. Our subconscious mind is able to build a world in a dream that is absolutely identical to the one in which we are used to being, but it cannot repeat exactly the little things. For example, try looking at a picture on the wall. You approach it, you see the strokes that make up the image, the traces of the bristles of the brush. You won't be able to do it in a dream. Also, any incomprehensible object that clearly does not belong where it is should alert you.

Constant observation of reality is also important in order to develop this habit. What we usually methodically repeat from day to day is transferred to sleep. That is, if you develop your powers of observation before you start entering lucid dreams , it will work there too. These simple exercises will allow you to instantly realize that you have succeeded, you are sleeping, you know about it and you can control the world around you.

little different from what the professionals do. The algorithm is the same. It’s just that those who regularly practice diving have mastered the entry technique so much that they don’t need any effort for this.

Awareness of the boundary between dream and reality is only the first step. It is incredibly important, without it nothing will work, but many other conditions must also be met. Let's talk about them.

Sleep management

It may seem that controlling sleep is very easy. However, this is not quite true. Most people, upon realizing that they have managed to enter a lucid dream, experience such a storm of emotions that they lose control. Most of the time they just wake up. Alternatively, you can stop feeling the presence in a dream and calmly see further dreams, but no longer control them.

To avoid this, you need to learn to control your emotions. This can be helped by regular meditation, then in a dream it will be easy to force yourself to return to the necessary state of relaxation or concentration, which is familiar in life. In general, in order to master the technique of entering lucid dreams, it is very important to be able to control your own consciousness. It is worth spending some time on this, especially since such a skill will be very useful in life.

In order for a lucid dream not to end suddenly and prematurely, you need to constantly remind yourself that you are actually dreaming. The brain in this way will regularly concentrate on what is happening, not relax too much, so as not to lose touch with reality.

How to call up the desired images

By understanding how to induce a lucid dream, a person begins to strive for more. He doesn't want to just watch the scenes unfold from the sidelines. Now he needs to see something definite. Someone longs to return to their favorite moments of the past, someone needs to replay recent scenes from life, and someone has a desire to go on a date with a girl they like, who in reality does not want to pay any attention to him. It sounds like a fairy tale, but in fact, all this is quite possible.

How to act? You need to understand that in a dream you will no longer be able to suddenly decide that you want to see yourself small and ride a bike. Here you need to prepare in advance. Before going to bed, try to concentrate on what or who you want to face. Think about it, create an image in your imagination. At the same time, do not limit your imagination, because everything is possible in a dream.

How to change the world around

Because in reality we cannot change the world with a snap of our fingers, it is difficult for our brain to imagine it in a dream. However, what's the point of being in one room when the entire castle and surrounding properties are at your service?

To make the dream world truly endless, you need to learn how to change locations. To do this, there are several methods that are quite within the power of beginners.

So, if you are in a room, you just need to find the door from it. Imagine where you would like to go, and just step over the threshold. You can not think about something specific, but leave it to your subconscious mind to come up with routes for you.

Portals are also a great way to travel. Their role can be played by such objects as mirrors, windows, paintings, etc.

Another method is to switch TV channels. Imagine that on the screen is the place you want to go to, and just dive there. Do not be surprised, everything is possible in a dream.

If you're a fan of The Matrix, you can try using the method by which the characters left the fictional world and entered reality. Remember how they disappeared into the handsets? Nothing prevents you from doing the same.

By regularly experimenting in your sleep, you will gradually select the most comfortable and effective ways. The main thing is not to stop there and constantly repeat the exercises.

Is there a danger?

Can Lucid Dreaming Be Dangerous? Any experiments with consciousness can drive a person into a trap, so you yourself need to worry about this not happening.

The worst thing that can happen to a person is the inability to distinguish a dream from reality. Such things very often lie in wait for beginners who are just learning to control their dreams, are delighted with what is happening and are ready to dive countless times. At some point, they may well get confused between the worlds. There is only one way out - do not do anything dangerous to life. For example, don't jump off a roof unless you're 100% sure you're dreaming. Experienced dreamers usually don't have these problems.

Many believe that the world of dreams is so tempting that it can draw a person in, take him away from real life. As is the case with computer games. However, there are several points that significantly limit the frequency of diving. And above all, it is the need to sleep, and it is infinitely impossible to do this. At the same time, it will not be possible to plunge into a lucid dream under the influence of any drugs, because the consciousness must be pure and clear.

To make entering into a lucid dream easy, you must always get enough sleep. If you go to bed dying from fatigue and lack of sleep, you will not succeed.

Continually develop your powers of observation. Try to go to bed at the same time.

Here they are - lucid dreaming, the entry technique for beginners may seem complicated, but if you practice regularly, the results will not be long in coming.

There is not a single person in the world who would never dream of something. Someone's desires are extremely simple, and someone will never be able to realize their own, because the laws of physics, biology, mechanics and common sense oppose him in unison, what to do in this case? For this, there are lucid dreams, the entry technique for beginners to master them may seem incredibly complex and incomprehensible, so we will try to study the phenomenon in detail. It's worth it.

What are lucid dreams and what are they for? This is what usually primarily interests everyone who encounters this concept. However, the answers lie in the name itself. We are talking about a dream that we are aware of as a dream, and we can control everything that happens in it. Sounds tempting?

What is it for? The answer is clear. However, let's clarify some points:

1. You will get the opportunity to fulfill any desires. The feelings and emotions experienced during lucid dreams will be very real, only much more vivid.

2. You will be able to fight your fears and inner demons, but this is for more experienced "users" who enjoyed the opened horizons and decided to focus on themselves.

3. You will finally have the opportunity to develop your creativity, even if in reality you draw a horse with a ruler. In a dream, you can create everything that your brain gives birth to, hear your own melody. And this is not all that will be subject to you.

At the moment, scientists are very actively engaged in lucid dreams, studying the practice of application and the phenomenon itself. Therefore, it cannot be said that this is something unscientific, invented. Experts say that having reached a certain level of sleep control, a person can not only realize his desires, but also study himself. And we are talking not only about the subtleties of the psyche and the features of the brain. Having plunged into a lucid dream, you can turn to each of your internal organs, see its condition and learn about existing problems. Someday doctors will be able to use this method in their practice, while only a few master it.

How to learn to control dreams?

How to induce lucid dreams, how to learn to control them? These questions are asked by anyone who first hears about the wonderful possibility of living in a dream. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Potentially anyone can master this art. It is necessary to want and carefully follow all the instructions.

Before you try to get into lucid dreams, you need to prepare for this. The main difficulty is to understand in a dream that this is a dream. Agree, most of the time we don't realize it. Everything that happens seems to us for granted, only when we wake up, we understand how absurd and abnormal situations we have observed.

To prevent this from happening, you need to train your observation in reality. Train yourself to pay attention to small details. Usually it is by them that you can understand where you are. Our subconscious mind is able to build a world in a dream that is absolutely identical to the one in which we are used to being, but it cannot repeat exactly the little things. For example, try looking at a picture on the wall. You approach it, you see the strokes that make up the image, the traces of the bristles of the brush. You won't be able to do it in a dream. Also, any incomprehensible object that clearly does not belong where it is should alert you.

Constant observation of reality is also important in order to develop this habit. What we usually methodically repeat from day to day is transferred to sleep. That is, if you develop your powers of observation before you start entering lucid dreams, it will work there too. These simple exercises will allow you to instantly realize that you have succeeded, you are sleeping, you know about it and you can control the world around you.

The technique of lucid dreaming for beginners differs little from what professionals do. The algorithm is the same. It’s just that those who regularly practice diving have mastered the entry technique so much that they don’t need any effort for this.

Awareness of the boundary between dream and reality is only the first step. It is incredibly important, without it nothing will work, but many other conditions must also be met. Let's talk about them.

Sleep management.

It may seem that controlling sleep is very easy. However, this is not quite true. Most people, upon realizing that they have managed to enter a lucid dream, experience such a storm of emotions that they lose control. Most of the time they just wake up. Alternatively, you can stop feeling the presence in a dream and calmly see further dreams, but no longer control them.

To avoid this, you need to learn to control your emotions. This can be helped by regular meditation, then in a dream it will be easy to force yourself to return to the necessary state of relaxation or concentration, which is familiar in life. In general, in order to master the technique of entering lucid dreams, it is very important to be able to control your own consciousness. It is worth spending some time on this, especially since such a skill will be very useful in life.

In order for a lucid dream not to end suddenly and prematurely, you need to constantly remind yourself that you are actually dreaming. The brain in this way will regularly concentrate on what is happening, not relax too much, so as not to lose touch with reality.

How to call the desired images in a dream.

By understanding how to induce a lucid dream, a person begins to strive for more. He doesn't want to just watch the scenes unfold from the sidelines. Now he needs to see something definite. Someone longs to return to their favorite moments of the past, someone needs to replay recent scenes from life, and someone has a desire to go on a date with a girl they like, who in reality does not want to pay any attention to him. It sounds like a fairy tale, but in fact, all this is quite possible.

How to act? You need to understand that in a dream you will no longer be able to suddenly decide that you want to see yourself small and ride a bike. Here you need to prepare in advance. Before going to bed, try to concentrate on what or who you want to face. Think about it, create an image in your imagination. At the same time, do not limit your imagination, because everything is possible in a dream.

How to change the world around.

Since in reality we cannot change the world around us with one click of our fingers, it is difficult for our brain to imagine this even in a dream. However, what's the point of being in one room when the entire castle and surrounding properties are at your service?

To make the dream world truly endless, you need to learn how to change locations. To do this, there are several methods that are quite within the power of beginners.

So, if you are in a room, you just need to find the door from it. Imagine where you would like to go, and just step over the threshold. You can not think about something specific, but leave it to your subconscious mind to come up with routes for you.

Portals are also a great way to travel. Their role can be played by such objects as mirrors, windows, paintings, etc.

Another method is to switch TV channels. Imagine that on the screen is the place you want to go to, and just dive there. Do not be surprised, everything is possible in a dream.

If you're a fan of The Matrix, you can try using the method by which the characters left the fictional world and entered reality. Remember how they disappeared into the handsets? Nothing prevents you from doing the same.

By regularly experimenting in a dream, you will gradually choose the most convenient and effective ways for yourself. The main thing is not to stop there and constantly repeat the exercises.

Is there a danger?

Can Lucid Dreaming Be Dangerous? Any experiments with consciousness can drive a person into a trap, so you yourself need to worry about this not happening.

The worst thing that can happen to a person is the inability to distinguish a dream from reality. Such things very often lie in wait for beginners who are just learning to control their dreams, are delighted with what is happening and are ready to dive countless times. At some point, they may well get confused between the worlds. There is only one way out - not to do anything dangerous to life. For example, don't jump off a roof unless you're 100% sure you're dreaming. Experienced dreamers usually don't have these problems.

Many believe that the world of dreams is so tempting that it can drag a person away from real life. As is the case with computer games. However, there are several points that significantly limit the frequency of diving. And above all, it is the need to sleep, and it is infinitely impossible to do this. At the same time, it will not be possible to plunge into a lucid dream under the influence of any drugs, because the consciousness must be pure and clear.

To make entering into a lucid dream easy, you must always get enough sleep. If you go to bed dying from fatigue and lack of sleep, you will not succeed.

Continually develop your powers of observation. Try to go to bed at the same time.

Here they are - lucid dreams, the entry technique for beginners may seem complicated, but if you practice regularly, the results will not be long in coming.



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