Main drug

Budget Generic

Indications for use

Ambroxegal (110 rubles)

Ambroxol (50 rubles)

A drug that helps to expel mucus. It is used to treat wet cough, bronchitis in any form, pneumonia.

Aspirin-cardio (125 rubles)

Cardiask (35 rubles)

An analgesic that relieves fever and stops the inflammatory process. It is used for angina pectoris, for the prevention of stroke and heart attack, circulatory disorders in the brain, thromboembolism.

Bepanten (280 rubles)

Dexpanthenol (140 rubles)

Ointment that triggers regenerative processes. It is used to restore the skin due to burns and wounds, the treatment of boils, dermatitis, trophic ulcers.

Voltaren (400 rubles)

Bystrumgel, Fastum-gel (200 rubles)

Ketoprofen (60 rubles)

NSAIDs, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. Takes away the heat. It is used externally as an ointment for injuries and joint damage.

Diflucan (800 rubles)

Fluconazole (40 rubles)

An antifungal drug used in therapy against thrush, mycosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis.

For the nose (100 rubles)

Rinostop (30 rubles)

Zirtek (350 rubles)

Ranitidine (50 rubles)

Antiulcer agent.

Zovirax (240 rubles)

Acyclovir (40 rubles)

An antiviral drug that helps eliminate herpes, smallpox and lichen.

Immunal (200 rubles)

Echinacea extract (50 rubles)

An immunostimulating agent used to prevent viral infections, in combination therapy with antibiotics to support the body.

Kapoten (120 rubles)

Captopril (15 rubles)

Antihypertensive drug, ACE inhibitor. It is used in the combined treatment of heart failure, with hypertension of any etiology, after myocardial infarction and diabetes mellitus with kidney damage.

Mezim (300 rubles)

Pancreatin (30 rubles)

Compensates for enzyme deficiency, helping the pancreas to more easily absorb heavy foods.

Maxidex (120 rubles)

Dixamethasone (40 rubles)

Glucocorticosteroid is used for endocrine diseases, cerebral edema, bronchial spasms, blood diseases, anaphylactic shock, rheumatism.

Midriacil (360 rubles)

Tropicamide (120 rubles)

It is used in inflammatory processes of an ophthalmic nature, for the study of the fundus, in therapy after operations.

Movalis (410 rubles)

Meloxicam (80 rubles)

NSAIDs, which relieve inflammation, fever and pain, can also be used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Normodipin (620 rubles)

Amlodipine (40 rubles)

Reduces blood pressure, used in vasospastic angina.

No-Shpa (150 rubles)

Drotaverine (30 rubles)

Antispasmodic, indicated for spasms of the digestive tract, brain, uterus, headaches, urolithiasis.

Nurofen (120 rubles)

Ibuprofen (20 rubles)

NSAIDs that relieve fever and pain. It is on the list of essential drugs.

Omez (180 rubles)

Omeprazole (50 rubles)

It is used in antiulcer therapy, as well as in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Panangin (170 rubles)

Perineva (310 rubles)

Perindopril (120 rubles)

ACE inhibitor used for ischemia, hypertension, heart failure, after a stroke.

Sanorin (140 rubles)

Naphthyzin (15 rubles)

Drops in the nose, which have a vasoconstrictive effect. Used for the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, and during operations of the nasal cavity.

Sumamed (450 rubles)

Azithromycin (90 rubles)

Antibiotic of semi-synthetic origin, used for infections of the respiratory tract, skin, soft tissues, digestive tract.

Troxevasin (220 rubles)

Troxerutin (100 rubles)

Flucostat (200 rubles)

Fluconazole (30 rubles)

An antifungal drug used in the fight against candidiasis of any type, mycosis of the skin, cryptococcosis.

Finalgon (320 rubles)

Kapsikam (140 rubles)

Ointment with a local irritating effect, used for muscle and joint pain caused by injuries or rheumatism.

Enap (110 rubles)

Enalapril (55 rubles)

Necessary for the treatment of hypertension of any ethnology and heart failure.

Even if you do not know the exact name of the generic of the expensive medicine prescribed for you, you can look at its active ingredient - it is highly likely that the budget analogue will have exactly the same name. For example, such a scheme shows its performance with acyclovir, potassium iodide, panthenol, fluconazole, etc.

The domestic pharmaceutical market presents a wide variety of drugs, at the same time, most of them are very expensive. As an affordable alternative, many people prefer to choose Russian analogues of imported drugs, the list and compliance of which can be obtained from the attending physician or pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Painkillers and antispasmodics

Painkillers (analgesics) are designed to relieve pain syndromes of various origins. In general, analgesics are divided into 2 groups:

  • Non-narcotic drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, analgin, paracetamol, mephinamic acid, piroxicam, ibuprofen, dimexide, etc.
  • Narcotic drugs that are prescribed in the most extreme and serious cases, such as morphine, promedol, fentanyl, etc.

Antispasmodics (antispasmodics, antispasmodics) are designed to relieve spasms of blood vessels, smooth muscles of internal organs, such as the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and biliary tract, and the female reproductive system.

Cardiac and hypotensive

Cardiac drugs combine several groups of drugs to improve ischemic and cerebral circulation, normalize heart rhythm, increase oxygen content and transport to the heart.

Antihypertensive (antihypertensive) drugs are designed to lower blood pressure. The desired effect can be achieved through different principles of drug action:
  • decrease in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • suppression of renin production (a component of the blood pressure regulation system);
  • vasodilatation;
  • increased urination (diuretics).

Antibacterial and antiviral

Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) are drugs that inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms or cause their death.

Antiviral agents are drugs that are used to treat viral diseases of various origins. Often they are used to prevent viral diseases and to increase the body's immunity in complex therapy.

Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, NSAIDs) have an anti-inflammatory effect, to which antipyretic and analgesic effects are also added.


Diarrhea (indigestion) is a common symptom of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, other internal organs, and intoxication. Antidiarrheal drugs reduce intestinal motility, increase the tone of sphincters. This group also includes eubiotics (enzymes and bacteria that regulate the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract) and adsorbents (cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, allergens).

Table of drug analogues. Replacing expensive drugs with cheaper analogues

Far from always the price of a drug determines its quality, it is not always possible to understand why the consumer should overpay a large amount when the active component of a medication prescribed by a doctor can be found under a less popular name. Almost every expensive drug has a generic: its analogue in terms of the principle of action and chemical composition. A list of such funds should always be at hand.

It should be noted that a 100% guarantee of the correctness of such a replacement cannot be given. The same active and auxiliary components may be present in different proportions, have different degrees of purification, etc. A number of expensive medicines may turn out to be safer due to certain ingredients that mitigate side effects, while the budget generic does not have them. In particular, this applies to antibiotics that adversely affect the body. Therefore, experts warn that any replacement, even with a generic, and not an analogue, is carried out at the patient's own risk and peril, unless it has been discussed with the attending physician.

We bring to your attention a table of cheap analogues of expensive drugs with prices relevant for 2016. It should be noted that only budget drugs are included here, the cost of which does not exceed 150 rubles, i.e. when the price difference really matters. Figures may vary depending on the point of sale.

NameActive substance
Russian analogue
Lactic acid and bifidobacteria
Dioctahedral smectite
SorbexActivated carbon
Activated carbon


The action of antiulcer drugs is aimed at eliminating ulcerative manifestations on the mucous surface of the stomach and duodenum. They reduce the excess secretion of gastric secretions, reduce the activity of pepsin (the main enzyme of gastric juice), destroy Helicobacter pylori in the gastrointestinal tract, and normalize the motility of the upper digestive tract.


Anti-allergy drugs (antihistamines) perform blockade of histamine receptors in the body, a neurotransmitter that affects the respiratory tract, skin, gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, smooth muscles and causes manifestations of an allergic reaction.

Inhalants and cough medicines

Inhalation is a method of introducing drugs into the body by inhaling steam, gas or smoke. For its implementation, nebulizer devices (inhalers, nebulizers) are used, which are filled with gaseous, liquid or volatile substances.

Mucolytics are cough medicines that loosen mucus in the lungs and make it easier to clear and reduce inflammation in the airways.


Sedative drugs (sedatives, psycholeptics) are a group of drugs that cause calm or reduce emotional stress without a hypnotic effect, and at the same time facilitate the process of falling asleep, improve the quality of sleep.

Preparations for external use

The group of drugs for external (topical) use combines a huge number of drugs in the form of ointments, gels, creams, solutions, powders, etc. Depending on the composition, they have antibacterial, disinfectant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and other effects.

Featured Articles

They say there are no easy times. But how little it consoles when faced with a total rise in price of everything and everything! Savings has become the basis of today's home economy. We constantly have to look for "something similar, but cheaper." Are such replacements correct and how not to earn oxygen deficiency when trying to tighten the belts?

Internet disservice

The most popular and almost bottomless storehouse of information is, of course, the Internet. We fearlessly plunge into the World Wide Web, naively believing that the mind will help distinguish lies from truth. But, alas and ah, this is not always the case.

Millions of Russian citizens, in an effort to save money, are studying lists of domestic analogues of expensive imported drugs that have flooded the Web. Tomorrow they will go to the pharmacy and with unconcealed pleasure they will buy a penny domestic “substitute” instead of the original drug. And then the story may have a different continuation, and it depends on the anonymous person with an unknown education who posted the information, and on His Majesty Chance.

Behind this careless trust lies an invisible tragedy. When I, a pharmacist with many years of experience, open such a “list of substitutes”, I can hardly contain my emotions. Unnamed authors strongly advise replacing the Mercedes with a VAZ, arguing that domestic cars also have four wheels. And sometimes they offer a scooter under the sauce of a car!

My pharmaceutical consciousness boils, noticing several pairs of completely different drugs in the list of “analogues”. For example, miramistin is not chlorhexidine, and ersefuril has only one relation to furazolidone: both drugs belong to the group of nitrofurans. And this is just a drop in the ocean. Moreover, even quite correct at first glance, replacements can be far from harmless.

Original drug and analogue

The original drug is a drug that was first synthesized by the manufacturer. When buying an original, or, as pharmacists often say, a brand drug, we pay for many years of drug substance development, for, for registration, and so on. The manufacturer includes all these huge costs in the price, so the original drugs are a priori much more expensive than generics (from the English generic), or analogues.

Manufacturers of analogues only synthesize a substance according to a well-known algorithm, prepare a dosage form from it and pack it. Their costs are minimal, and this most favorably affects the price of the final product. Ideally, analogues should correspond to the brand drug in all respects, including effectiveness. But in fact?

The drug substance is the basis of the drug, its "core". The effectiveness of the future drug depends on how well it is synthesized, how well all technological requirements are met. In addition, the composition of the drug includes many excipients, which also affect bioavailability, absorption and other indicators, and hence the final result.

In order to "comb" all manufacturers under one quality comb, in 1968, with the participation of WHO, uniform standards for the production of medicines and dietary supplements GMP (Good manufacturing practice) were adopted. The GMP system regulates all aspects of the production of medicines: from raw materials, the condition of premises and equipment, to personal hygiene and staff training. By the way, far from all Russian enterprises have switched to GMP, and this gives one more reason for reflection.

But even if all the requirements and standards are met, the generic may differ from the original. In 2000, American scientists published data from an independent study. After comparing the properties of the original clacid drug and forty of its generics produced in 13 countries around the world, scientists came to a disappointing conclusion. No analogue has been recognized as equivalent to the original! And this despite the fact that all drugs were produced in accordance with GMP requirements.

We save correctly

And yet, experience shows that it is possible to cook a good fish soup from a cheap fish if you follow all the cooking rules. First you need to decisively click the mouse to remove from your bookmarks sites with ill-fated lists. Well, fluconazole of unknown production cannot work in the same way as the famous Diflucan, purified, standardized and verified to thousandths of a milligram!

Do not expect the same effect that the unique Creon enzyme gives from domestic pancreatin. Yes, they have the same active ingredients - the Internet did not deceive in this. But to make an enzyme that does not break down in the stomach and intestines, but is absorbed and, most importantly, begins to act like one's own, is a whole art. And while it is not available to domestic enterprises.

Of course, an engineer or a teacher cannot and should not know pharmaceutical subtleties. Moreover, even a pharmacist has no right to interfere with prescriptions and change one drug for another. But the doctor who leads hundreds of patients sees perfectly how the original and the generic work, and knows exactly the difference between voltaren and diclofenac. Therefore, the decision to replace should be made only by the doctor.

Let go of false embarrassment and let your doctor know if you can't afford an expensive brand name drug. The choice on the modern market of medicines allows you to replace the original medicine with a high-quality and more economical analogue that is not inferior to the progenitor in efficiency. And sites that offer to change the awl for soap, be sure to close it so that you never open it again.

Marina Pozdeeva

Photo by Alina Trout

Sometimes patients do not know that there are cheaper analogues of expensive drugs, and the full list of them in 2017 is quite large. During an illness, a person does not care what medicines to buy, the main thing is that they help. Despite the fact that they are advised by a doctor, a person with humility goes to the pharmacy and buys expensive drugs.

Many drugs are quite expensive, however, this does not mean the quality of the drugs. The price of many drugs includes additional markups associated with marketing. How to make the right choice, and at the same time save money.

Full list of drug analogues 2017

1. Drugs that help fight psoriasis, dermatitis, simple chronic lichen, eczema.

Belosalik - the price of the drug is 350 rubles.
Akriderm SK - price 180 rubles.

2. Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the mucous membrane.

Bepanten - the cost of a tube is 230 rubles.
Dexpanthenol - price 83 rubles.

3. Medicines to get rid of dizziness, nausea, headaches, with hearing loss.

Betaserk - 520 rubles.
Cheap analogue in 2017: Betahistine - 220 rubles.

4. Means that have an anti-inflammatory effect when stretched, torn, bruised.

Bystrumgel - 150 rubles.
Ketoprofen - 60 rubles.

5. Preparations intended for the treatment of rheumatism, reducing edema, in chronic polyarthritis.

Voltaren - 284 rubles.
Diclofenac - 28 rubles.

6. Medicines that are prescribed for ulcers.

Gastrozol - 100 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

7. For convulsions, venous insufficiency, the following medicines are intended:

Detralex - 600 rubles.
Venarus - 360 rubles.

8. For psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

Diprosalik - 280 rubles.
Akriderm - 180 rubles.

Diflucan - 400 rubles.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.
In the full list of drug analogues in 2017, a significant difference between cheap analogues and expensive medicines is visible.

10. In acute rhinitis, the following preparations should be used to cleanse the nose:

For the nose - 80 rubles.
Rinostop - 20 rubles.

11. For treatment and prophylactic purposes for heartburn, ulcers, experts recommend paying attention to the following drugs:

Zantak - 250 rubles.
Ranitidine - 22 rubles.

12. In case of conjunctivitis, rhinitis, skin itching, you should turn to the following drugs:

Zyrtec - 240 rubles.
Cetirinax - 70 rubles.

13. Preparations intended for the treatment of herpes.

Zovirax - 250 rubles.
Acyclovir - 30 rubles.

14. For the treatment of diseases during a cold, with overwork, specialists prescribe drugs:

Immunal - 210 rubles.
Echinacea - 50 rubles.

Imodium - 300 rubles.
Loperamide - 15 rubles.

16. As a preventive measure for iodine deficiency, pregnant women are recommended to take the following vitamins:

Iodomarin - 200 rubles.
Potassium iodide - 90 rubles.

17. For mental disorders, headaches, a complete list of drug analogues 2017 offers cheap analogues of expensive drugs

Cavinton - 600 rubles.
Vinpocetine - 225 rubles.

18. With rhinitis, edema, conjunctivitis, allergies after insect bites, the following drugs will be an excellent helper:

Claritin - 160 rubles.
Lorahexal - 50 rubles.

19. The following drugs are antibiotics, they are prescribed for bacterial infections, otitis, ulcers.

Klacid - 615 rubles.
Clarithromycin - 175 rubles.

20. For colds, experts recommend paying attention to the following drugs:

Lazolvan - 320 rubles.
Ambroxol - 15 rubles.

21. In case of damage to the skin and nail plates by fungal infections, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

Lamisil - 380 rubles.
Terbinafine - 100 rubles.

22. For prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of hemorrhoids, with edema, various kinds of bruises, hematomas, injuries, it is recommended to refer to the following drugs:

Lyoton-1000 - 320 rubles.
Analogue: Heparin-akri gel - 90 rubles.

23. In case of rhinitis, puffiness, conjunctivitis, manifestation of allergic reactions with insect bites, the following drugs should be chosen:

Lomilan - 140 rubles.
Lorahexal - 48 rubles.

24. With conjunctivitis, retinitis, after surgery, with otitis media, you can choose the following drugs:

Maxidex - 110 rubles.
Dexamethasone - 40 rubles.

25. In case of diarrhea, indigestion, maintaining a passive lifestyle, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Mezim - 275 rubles.
Pancreatin - 27 rubles.

26. In case of inflammation, ophthalmologists use the following tools for diagnosis, in the full list of drug analogues in 2017, expensive drugs can be replaced with cheap analogues.

Midriacil - 350 rubles.
Analogue: Tropicamide - 100 rubles.

27. As an antiseptic to treat wounds, you should choose drugs:

Miramistin - 225 rubles.
Chlorhexidine - 12 rubles.

What other analogues of expensive drugs exist

28. In case of arthritis, inflammation of the joints, which is accompanied by unbearable pain, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Movalis - 400 rubles.
Meloxicam - 120 rubles.

29. A neurologist often prescribes the following vitamins to his patients:

Neuromultivit - 100 rubles.
Cheap analogue: Pentovit - 40 rubles.

30. With severe pain in the lower abdomen, colic, ulcers, with the threat of premature birth, after labor pains, experts advise paying attention to the following drugs:

No-shpa - 180 rubles.
Drotaverine - 30 rubles.

31. With angina pectoris, these drugs are among the best:

Normodipin - 650 rubles.
Amlodipine - 40 rubles.

32. Painkillers that allow you to cope with various ailments: sciatica, migraine, toothache, after surgery. The best medicines are the following:

Nurofen - 100 rubles.
Ibuprofen - 12 rubles.

Omez - 165 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

34. In infectious diseases, as an anesthetic for migraine, toothache.

Panadol - 40 rubles.
Paracetamol - 4 rubles.

35. In cases of brain damage in elderly people, attention should be paid to the following drugs:

Pantogam - 320 rubles.
Pantocalcin - 250 rubles.

36. In acute rhinitis, otitis media, to cleanse the nasal passages in a pharmacy, you can find the following medications:

Rinonorm - 45 rubles.
Rinostop - 20 rubles.

37. Antibiotics to fight infectious diseases of the respiratory tract:

Summed - 430 rubles.
Cheap analogue: Azithromycin - 100 rubles.

38. In cases arising from circulatory disorders in the brain, after a heart attack, with asthma, experts recommend replacing expensive drugs with cheap drugs in the full list of analogues in 2017.

Trental - 220 rubles.
Pentoxifylline - 50 rubles.

39. Antibiotics that help fight pneumonia, sepsis, abdominal diseases, meningitis are the following drugs:

Trichopol - 80 rubles.
Metronidazole - 10 rubles.

40. For patients with varicose veins, skin lesions, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, diathesis, the following remedies are intended:

Troxevasin - 210 rubles.
Troxerutin - 120 rubles.

41. In case of an ulcer, specialists prescribe the following medicines:

Ultop - 250 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

42. In case of difficulties during movements, sprains, swelling, ruptures, bruises, doctors recommend turning to the following medicines:

Fastum-gel - 240 rubles.
Cheap analogue of the drug: Ketoprofen - 60 rubles.

43. In epilepsy, seizures accompanied by convulsions, during anxiety, to improve sleep, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Finlepsin - 250 rubles.
Carbamazepine - 40 rubles.

44. For meningitis, skin infections, for the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to choose the following drugs:

Flucostat - 150 rubles.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.

45. For purulent wounds, infections affecting the female organs, the following medicines are used for prophylactic purposes after surgery:

Furamag - 350 rubles.
Analogue: Furagin - 40 rubles.

A complete list of drug analogues 2017 allows you to replace expensive drugs with cheap analogues. This will help not only to carry out effective treatment, but also save the family budget. The most important thing is to study in advance which medicines will be an excellent replacement for expensive medicines. After that, you can safely begin treatment and expect a positive result.

Having addressed his illness to a doctor and received from him an impressive list of medicines, the patient rarely questions him. And only after learning the cost of the necessary drugs, a person wonders if the medicines prescribed by the doctor are so effective, and do they have cheaper analogues? This question, no doubt, is of interest to everyone, and therefore in this article we will answer a number of questions:

  • what cheap domestic analogues of expensive medicines can be found on the shelves of our pharmacies?
  • why are these drugs so cheap?
  • can they provide a therapeutic effect that is not inferior to the original means?

But first things first.

What are generics?

Analogues of expensive medications are called generics all over the world. In fact, these are reproduced "copies" of original drugs for which the patent has expired. Generics have the same active substance as the original drug and the same dosage. They differ only in auxiliary components, which means there is no doubt that the therapeutic result of the original and the “copy” is practically the same.

Why are generics so cheap?

The low cost of generics is alarming for many people, because it is completely incomprehensible why a “copy” that is in no way inferior to the original drug costs several times cheaper? In fact, there is no big secret here. Unlike the original, generic manufacturers do not spend a penny on the development of the active substance, which means they do not include the costs of experiments and tests in the cost. In addition, unlike foreign originals, domestic drugs are not subject to import duties and taxes. All this, in the end, allows you to form a much more reasonable price.

Other Benefits of Generics

Low price while maintaining a decent therapeutic effect is by no means the only advantage of domestic analogues of expensive drugs. A huge plus of these drugs is that they are not counterfeited (it is simply unprofitable!). In addition, the assessment of the quality and safety of domestic drugs is growing year by year, which means that the population of the Russian Federation trusts these drugs much more than the same Vietnamese or Chinese medicines.

Disadvantages of generics

Given that generics are still “copies” of the original medicines, they do not fully correspond to the original and this should not be forgotten. We list their shortcomings:

1. Differ in a lower degree of purification, which means a large list of side effects. Indeed, the cheapness of generics is also explained by the low degree of purification of the drug, which increases the number of side effects. Original drugs in this regard benefit significantly.

2. In comparison with the originals, generics, as a rule, have a "cut down" composition. For example, the original medicine can have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the temperature in parallel, while its cheaper counterpart will act only in one direction.

3. Original products have a high cost, not only because of the high degree of purification and multicomponent composition. Unlike analogues, their action is much longer, and they need to be taken less often.

And yet, given the serious difference in cost and the same therapeutic effect (compare Omez and Omeprazole, Fervex and Paracetamol), modern visitors to polyclinics increasingly prefer domestic analogues of original foreign drugs. Below is a complete list of these medicines and their substitutes.

List of cheap domestic analogues of expensive drugs

Antispasmodic and analgesic drugs, antipyretics

Cardiac and antihypertensive drugs

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents


Antiallergic drugs

Inhalants, cough medicines

Calming agents and drugs that improve cerebral circulation

Gels, ointments and creams for external use

Other medications

Actrapid NM Humulin NPH
Potassium and magnesium asparaginate Asparkam
Vinblastine-Teva Winblastin-Lance
Sermion Nicergoline
Oftan dexamethasone Dexamethasone
Timolol Okumed
Hypothiazide Hydrochlorodiazide
Vermox mebendazole
Iodomarin Potassium iodide
Troxevasin Troxerutin
Finlepsin Carbamazepine
Mezim Pancreatin
Movalis Meloxicam


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