How much sleep should a woman get pregnant. Do I need to have sex often to get pregnant quickly? How is the gender of the child determined?

Pregnancy is a joyful event for most couples. Unfortunately, in recent years, doctors are increasingly faced with pathologies in the reproductive sphere, both in men and women. This leads to the fact that, despite an intense sex life, conception does not occur. However, illness is not always the cause.


Conception is the fertilization of an egg by a sperm, as a result of which the maternal and paternal sets of chromosomes unite, and a new organism begins to develop. It successively passes through the stages of the fetal egg, embryo, fetus. All these changes occur during the nine months of pregnancy and culminate in the birth of a child.

If conception has not occurred within 2 years of unprotected intercourse, doctors make a diagnosis of infertile marriage. However, sometimes the alarm should be sounded after a year of unsuccessful attempts.

However, sometimes it happens that even a thorough examination does not reveal pathology. And doctors shrug. What reasons can explain this?

Not all partners are well aware of the work of their sexual sphere - the menstrual cycle in a woman and spermatogenesis in a man. And sexual life on days unfavorable for successful conception can easily turn into inexplicable infertility.

Menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle (MC) lasts about a month, usually 28-35 days. For some women it is longer, for others it is shorter. But this does not mean that a woman can become pregnant any day. Throughout the entire MC, only one short period is distinguished, which can be called favorable for the successful fertilization of the egg.

How often to have sex to get pregnant quickly? The best time for this purpose is when the egg matures and leaves the ovary. Normally, the female reproductive cell lives and retains the ability to fertilize for no more than a day. This means that it is during these 24 hours that the sperm should get to it.

A mature egg ovulates (leaves the ovary) in the middle of the cycle. As a rule, this is 14-16 days. It is necessary to count the period from the first day of menstrual bleeding. Sex after ovulation is the most win-win option for conception.

But sometimes a woman claims that she was sexually active only in the first half of the cycle, and nevertheless, the pregnancy occurred. Yes, this is also possible.

Sex before ovulation

Unlike an egg, sperm in a woman's body can live much longer. Some researchers argue that even a week is not the limit for them. Also, the majority retains the ability to fertilize throughout this period.

This means that having sex immediately after menstruation, you can easily turn into future parents. This is especially true for women with long periods - 7-8 days. Within a week, they are very likely to ovulate, and if sex was immediately after menstruation, it can lead to successful conception. The closer to the middle of the cycle of sexual intercourse, the greater the chances for partners to become pregnant.

In addition, there is an interesting medical observation regarding the relationship of the sex of the child and ovulation. It has been observed that sex before the release of the egg is more likely to result in boys being born. Male children are born in about 70-80% of cases. This is due to the peculiarities of spermatozoa carrying the male chromosome set - the Y-chromosome.

They turned out to be more resilient and retained the ability to fertilize the egg longer. In contrast, spermatozoa with the X chromosome died faster, so the chances of having a daughter in such a couple are no more than 20–25%.

Does it make sense to have sex after ovulation?

sex after ovulation

After the egg has left the ovary, only its viability matters. This means that only the sexual intercourse that occurred within the next 24 hours is capable of leading to conception. But since this period is an average value, gynecologists agree that the most favorable period for pregnancy is 48 hours after ovulation. And it is at this time that you need to have sex most intensively.

In addition, sexual life after the release of the egg contributes to the birth of girls. Despite the fact that spermatozoa with the X chromosome are not as hardy and viable as their "male" counterparts, in the first or second day of their life they show much more activity in fertilizing the egg. The probability of having a girl in this case is 70–80%.

However, not all women feel the release of the egg and can accurately determine exactly when this happened. How to be in such a situation? How to have sex to get pregnant for sure?

In this case, the calendar method comes to the rescue. Ovulation is calculated approximately - on the 14-16th day from the beginning of menstruation with a standard MC. And it is added several days before and after the middle of the cycle, taking into account the possible early or late release of the egg.

If the partners want to increase the chances of success, the gynecologist may recommend that they use a thermometer or a special test.


One of the well-known methods for determining the exact date of ovulation is basal, or rectal thermometry. The mechanism of its work is simple. In the first half of the cycle, estrogen hormones predominate in a woman's metabolism. The body temperature is kept below 37 °.

Ovulation occurs against the background of an increase in the level of progesterone, which causes an increase in temperature to 37.2–37.5 °. This is a rectal measurement, when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum. The date of ovulation is considered the day of a sharp jump in temperature.

This method is quite reliable and tested by many patients. In the practice of gynecologists, it has been used for many years. However, to obtain reliable results, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Measure the temperature in the rectum daily throughout the menstrual cycle.
  2. Enter the data in a special chart.
  3. Do this in the morning without getting out of bed, immediately after sleep.

But the method of determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature is not without drawbacks. It is influenced by external factors - for example, an illness with a fever. In addition, it is not suitable for all women because of its duration and routine. And omissions in the thermometry chart can significantly distort the indicators.

To get reliable results, it is better to use an ovulation test.

Ovulation test

Determining ovulation with this method is similar to taking a pregnancy test. Special indicators are also used, which are applied to a paper strip (strip tests). There are also more expensive options:

  • jet;
  • tablet;
  • electronic.

Possible ovulation is determined within five days, usually twice - in the morning and in the evening. However, some tests require only a morning determination.

The expected date of release of the egg is calculated conditionally, based on a long menstrual cycle. If it is irregular, the shortest duration is taken into account.

So, with MC at 28 days, the expected ovulation will occur two weeks after the onset of menstruation. And the test must be used from the 11th day.

It is important to correctly interpret the results. Ovulation is confirmed by the appearance of a second strip, which, in terms of severity and brightness, coincides with the control one. On this day, you can safely have sex, as the probability of becoming pregnant for a woman is highest.

If the second strip appeared, but at the same time it is not clearly visible, dim or blurry, then ovulation is still ahead. However, an active intimate life during this period of time also does not hurt. However, the chances of successful conception are much lower.

In addition, when calculating the date of the most successful sex for pregnancy, one should not forget about its frequency.

Sex frequency

How often should you have sex to be sure you're pregnant? This question is asked to gynecologists, perhaps, by all couples who complained of infertility. And many of them are surprised when they find out that the frequency and intensity of sexual activity does not in the least increase the chances of successful conception.

For fertilization and the birth of a new life, only one sperm and one egg are needed. And this means that one single sexual intercourse is quite enough for the onset of pregnancy. The main thing is that it happens at the right time.

But doctors do not always warn patients about the possible disadvantages of an intense sexual life.

To understand why a lot of sex harms conception, you need to understand the basics of spermatogenesis.


The formation of spermatozoa - spermatogenesis - occurs in the testicles of a man continuously from the period of puberty - puberty. On average, one cycle lasts about 75 days. But since the processes of division and formation of spermatozoa run in parallel in the testes, both mature and immature forms of male germ cells are always present there at the same time.

Does this mean that an intense intimate life can reduce the likelihood of successful conception? Partly, yes. In a man who has sex 3-4 times a day, the number of mature germ cells capable of movement and fertilization inevitably falls. And thus, the chance of pregnancy is reduced. It usually takes some time to restore normal sperm concentration after this, usually 2-3 days. That is why many doctors advise having sex in a period roughly corresponding to ovulation, but at least every other day.

In addition, it should be remembered that normal spermatogenesis can only occur at a temperature of no more than 34 °. Therefore, having sex after a bath or sauna will not bring results. In some countries, the hot sitz bath method was previously used for the temporary sterilization of men.

Some couples at the doctor's appointment are interested in whether it is possible to continue sexual activity after conception.

Sex after conception

Is it possible to have sex after conception? There are no medical contraindications for this if the woman feels fine and does not notice such symptoms:

  • Sharp, cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain in the right or left iliac region.
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In practice, during the first two weeks it is impossible to determine whether conception has occurred. Even a blood test at an early stage will not show an accurate result, and therefore a possible pregnancy can only be assumed.

In addition, a fertilized egg during this period is not as sensitive to the action of external factors as a developing embryo. Even if partners assume that conception has occurred, they can continue to have sex as usual. Naturally, we are not talking about extreme sex or some excesses. In everything, it is desirable to observe a reasonable measure, even when it comes to intimate life.

How often to have sex is a private matter for partners. For the long-awaited onset of pregnancy, sometimes you just need to calculate the most favorable days. And remember that the amount of sex plays a much less important role than its timeliness.

Sometimes conception does not occur for a long time in an absolutely healthy couple. At first glance, the reason may seem strange. Most likely, spouses simply do not know how often they need to have sex in order to get pregnant. The regularity of intimate relationships is an important point when planning a pregnancy. The frequency of sexual intercourse, posture and behavior after sex indirectly affect conception. In addition, from time to time intercourse partly depends on who is born - a boy or a girl.

The number of sexual intercourses plays an important role in the process of pregnancy planning. If you have sex once a week, then the probability of success will tend to zero. Of course, a couple can accidentally guess and hit a fertile day. However, not everyone succeeds. Let's try to figure out how frequent sex should be when planning a pregnancy. Three conditions are necessary for conception to occur: ovulation, high sperm activity, and unprotected intercourse.

The maturation and release of the egg from the ovary plays a decisive role. Without this, fertilization cannot occur. Unlike a man, a woman is ready for procreation for only 24 hours in the menstrual cycle: this is how long the egg lives after leaving the ovary. Therefore, for successful conception, sex should be on the day of ovulation or on days close to it. You can determine the fertile period of the female body using various methods. These are ultrasound, test, temperature chart, tracking the consistency of cervical mucus and the position of the cervix.

The second important criterion that determines the chances of fertilization is the activity of spermatozoa. Numerous experiments have shown that male germ cells can remain in a woman's body for several days. According to some reports, with good sperm activity, this period increases to 10 days. It turns out that a woman can become pregnant not one day in a cycle, but within 7-10 days.

If you have several sexual contacts in 24 hours, then the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sperm will be reduced. Therefore, it makes no sense to regularly and hourly perform marital duty: in the morning and in the evening, every day.

Reproductologists believe that the chances of pregnancy in couples who have sex every day are no higher than those who have 2-3 contacts per week.

The third condition that determines successful conception is unprotected intercourse. To get pregnant, you should not have sex every day and not several times. It is optimal to have an active sex life during the fertile period. For a healthy man, the rest of the time you can have sex whenever you want.

Biological processes in the body of a partner create the most favorable conditions for conception in the morning. Therefore, the chances that sexual intercourse after waking up will lead to pregnancy are higher. This is due to the psychological unloading that occurred at night, and the active production of testosterone in the morning.

If the partner has disorders that are reflected in the spermogram, then in order to conceive, sex must be done correctly. It is recommended to have sex life not every day, but with periodic abstinence.

How long should a man abstain before conception?

Abstinence before conception increases the chances of success. The process of formation of spermatozoa, called spermatogenesis, occurs within 75 days. That is how much spermatozoon from sermatogonium degenerates into a mature cell. This process lasts continuously, so a man is always fertile, and not one day out of 75 days. In the testicles, there are the rudiments of germ cells and already matured sperm, carrying a genetic set ready for fertilization.

Abstinence for men before conception is necessary in order for the sperm concentration to be higher. The more cells in the ejaculate, the more likely it is that one of them will reach its goal. It is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse 1-2 days before the woman's fertile period.

During the following days, when the probability of conception reaches its maximum, it is better to have intercourse every other day. If a man with low motility or low sperm concentration is excluded from abstinence before conception, then the chances of success will be lower.

If there are problems with quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm, it is better to consult a urologist or andrologist and determine individually what is the optimal time period for abstinence.

Abstinence and the sex of the child

In the conception of a boy or girl, the main role is played by the spermatozoon. Inside the egg contains half a set of chromosomes, the second part comes from the father of the unborn child. A spermatozoon can carry an X (girl) or Y (boy) chromosome. It would seem that the moment of ovulation does not affect the sex of the unborn baby. However, scientists have proven that the duration of the break between sexual intercourse and the release of the egg from the ovary affects the sex of the child.

With abstinence in a man, the concentration of spermatozoa increases. This process may be accompanied by the formation of antibodies that are more aggressive towards Y chromosomes. It turns out that the probability of having a girl increases. There is another assumption.

Spermatozoa carrying the Y chromosome are more active, light and mobile. They reach their goal faster, but have a short life span. Sperm with the X chromosome, on the contrary, are heavy and less active. However, they can exist longer in the cavity of the female body. Therefore, sex on the fertile days of the cycle, as close as possible to the time of ovulation, increases the likelihood of having a boy. If intercourse takes place long before ovulation (4-5 days), then most likely it will be a girl.

The period of life of spermatozoa, their activity and features have not yet been thoroughly studied. Therefore, it is impossible to plan the sex of the child with high accuracy in this way.

Other Important Factors

Couples experiencing difficulties with fertilization take into account all the factors that can affect the process. To conceive a child, you should pay attention to minor points that can both increase and decrease the likelihood of success.

Women's Cycle Day

The average woman has a menstrual cycle of 28 days. The release of a mature egg occurs on the 14-16th day. A favorable time for conception will be the period from 10 to 16.

It is not a deviation if a woman's cycle varies in one direction or another up to 7 days. At the same time, the fertile period also shifts. It is important that sexual intercourse takes place during the period of ovulation or as close to it as possible.


In a healthy couple, the position during intercourse does not affect the process of conception.

If a woman has a posterior bend of the uterus, then the “man behind” position will be optimal. When the uterus is tilted forward, you should have sex in the missionary position. If the conditions are met, the volume of sperm penetrating the cervix will be maximum.


It is not recommended to use lubricant when planning a pregnancy. It is assumed that all lubricants have a negative effect on spermatozoa. Some are more destructive, others less so. Either way, it's not worth the risk. If partners cannot conceive a child for a long time, then the use of lubricants will definitely not help. There is also evidence that lubricants can distort sperm DNA.

How to behave after PA?

It is believed that after sex, a woman needs to remain in a horizontal position for at least half an hour. At this time, the sperm liquefies, and the sex cells rush to their goal. To increase the likelihood of successful conception, some sources recommend placing a pillow under the pelvis or.

Gynecologists are skeptical about such methods. Of course, if you lie down after sex, then this will not hurt in any way, but it will also increase the likelihood of success a little. Sperm consists of a liquid fraction and spermatozoa. After penetration into the vagina, male cells use cervical mucus as a transport channel. Therefore, the duration of the preservation of the liquid fraction in the vagina does not play a decisive role for them.

Many men and women who have made the decision to conceive a child have something like a sex schedule. One couple has plans for daily erotic training, “to be sure!”, As they say. Another couple decides to alternate a night of love with a three or four day downtime - they accumulate sperm and "stand" it. More advanced family planning couples calculate the most fertile days and arrange a sexual marathon during this period. Who is right? Who will reach the cherished goal - two stripes on the test - faster ?!

You need to know: there is a period most favorable for the onset of pregnancy, it is called the fertile period. Its duration is only 6 days: five days before and one day after it. So, it is on these days that you need to try hard in the bedroom. Although the place plays far from the first violin in matters of conception.

For a long time there was an opinion: sperm needs time to accumulate and “ripen”. In other words, a man should abstain from sex and masturbation for a few days before his partner is fertile so that he can collect more seminal fluid.

This point of view is only partly correct. Studies show that the more often a man ejaculates, the less sperm he has. But in such a case as the fertilization of an egg, it is not so much the quantity of sperm that matters as its quality. Semen suitable for conception must meet such indicators as: a sufficient number of spermatozoa, their high mobility, good morphological characteristics of spermatozoa, a low number and types of immature spermatogenesis cells, as well as the number and types of leukocytes, etc.

So, indeed, from frequent sexual intercourse, the amount of sperm in a man decreases, and its quality, “fertilizing” property, on the contrary, only gets better. In other words, the more ejaculations, the better the main indicator for conception - sperm motility. According to the World Health Organization, the number of motile sperm in a fertile man should reach 50% or more.

Research in this area was carried out by Australian scientist David Grinig. 118 male volunteers took part in his experiments. The conclusions are the most optimistic for fans of frequent sex: with daily ejaculation, the volume and concentration of sperm decrease slightly, and the quality of sperm improves - sperm motility increases, the volume of damaged DNA decreases. Similar scientific experiments were carried out in the UK: Dr. Carol Cooper and Ian Banks came to similar conclusions - you need to have sex often and regularly, this keeps male sperm healthy.

But it's important not to overdo it. Several ejaculations a day have a negative effect on sperm - the concentration of spermatozoa is significantly reduced.

It turns out that in order to increase your chances of an early conception, you need to make love during the fertile period every day? Not necessary.

Research has shown that couples who have sex during their fertile period every other day are about as likely to conceive as couples who do it every day. If sex happens only once a week, the chances of pregnancy are halved.

So, if a woman has an average duration of the menstrual cycle, namely 26–30 days, and ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, then it is best to adhere to the following scheme: starting from the 10th day of the menstrual cycle, seduce each other every other day; keep the frequency of sex up to the 18th day. On non-fertile days, do not arrange long breaks without good reason.

Do not forget that the quality and quantity of sperm is affected not only by the regularity of male ejaculations. Negatively affect the fertility of a man: consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs, smoking, visiting a bath, sauna or hot bath - overheating reduces sperm motility. A sedentary lifestyle, past illnesses and stress will not have a positive effect on sperm. Tight underwear for men (not "family shorts") looks very erotic, but reduces blood flow to the testicles, contributes to their heating, and as a result, reduces the quality of sperm. Some researchers claim that saliva has a negative effect on sperm, and suggest temporarily abstaining from oral sex so that saliva does not get on the genitals. A mobile phone in the pocket of men's trousers (the area close to the genitals), according to some scientists, negatively affects the quality of sperm.

A balanced diet, active lifestyle, long sleep, outdoor walks can have a positive impact on the quality and quantity of sperm.

If you are trying to get pregnant, have sex regularly. Do not forget about intimacy on "safe days", do not offend your partner by refusing during a period when there is no ovulation. This can negatively affect your relationship. It is important to keep the passion; sex is not only a means of procreation, it is a pleasure. Relax and listen to yourself, to your desires - just love and be loved.

Text: Denise Mann, Louise Chung

Don't know how to get pregnant fast? Although you have long been ready to become a mother, and treat this with the same zeal as you once did with your career? Alas, there is one caveat - you have to wait, and you do not know for sure how long.

7 tips to help you get pregnant

In order to make this wait as short as possible, use the advice of experts - the luminaries of gynecology.

  • 1 Pass a medical examination Before you officially start "trying," go through a medical examination. Ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins containing folic acid, which will reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. Drink a course of vitamins before you start trying to get pregnant. If you have any health problems, they should be under the supervision of a doctor until pregnancy. At the same time, look at the dentist, the pharmacy, the bookstore and the gym.
  • 2 stick to the cycle Women should know their cycle and favorable days for pregnancy. Ovulation is the optimal time for fertilization. This is the best time to focus on sex. You can also use special medical kits for home use, which accurately inform you about the onset of ovulation. Consider this: the first day of your menstrual period is day number one. Start testing from the ninth and continue until you get a positive result.
    Women with a 28-day cycle usually ovulate on day 14, but there are individual differences, so a 100% guarantee cannot be given.
    Contraceptive use plays a role in birth control. Women spend half their lives trying to not get pregnant using all sorts of birth control pills or other contraceptive methods, so there is nothing strange in the fact that you do not get pregnant immediately after giving up these drugs, no. A few years ago, there was an opinion that some time should pass after you stop taking birth control, but now this opinion is no longer true. You may wonder how to get pregnant immediately after giving up contraceptives. The only problem is that it can be difficult for you to track the process of ovulation the first time.
  • 3 Don't waste time picking the "right" poses There are myths about the correct positions for quick fertilization, but in fact, there is no scientific evidence that the missionary position is better for conception than the position in which the woman is on top. If you think theoretically, it is better not to forget about the law of gravity, which operates in certain positions, slowing down the flow of sperm.
  • 4 Lie down after sex You have probably heard this advice on how to get pregnant faster - they say you need to lie in bed after sex with your legs up? It is not right. It's good advice to lie down for 10 to 15 minutes, but there's no need to lift your legs up. The position of the pelvis does not change during these acrobatic tricks. But if you stay in a prone position for 10-15 minutes, then the sperm will probably enter the cervix.
  • 4 Do not overdo it Constant sex around the time of ovulation will not necessarily increase your chances of getting pregnant. The value of male sperm decreases with frequent ejaculation. Generally, having sex every night when you ovulate doubles your chances, as sperm can remain active for up to 72 hours. But, if you like to have sex more often, your partner can take a semen analysis after a few ejaculations. The test will help determine the level of sperm activity.
    Speaking of good sperm fertility, experts recommend not wearing tight clothes, not going to the sauna too often, and not carrying a mobile phone around the genital area. A recent study published in the journal Fertility and Infertility found that men who used a hands-free device while leaving their phone in their trouser pocket, in the crotch area, had reduced sperm quality.
  • 5 Try to relieve stress The stressful state associated with trying to conceive a child can affect ovulation. It can also cause sexual dysfunction and fear of failure in men. Use any healthy options that will help you relax.
  • 6 Lead a healthy lifestyle Regular exercise is good, but over-exercising can lead to a lack of ovulation. While this threshold is largely individual, experts believe that exercising seven days a week for 45 to 50 minutes a day can lead to problems with ovulation. This does not mean that you need to give up physical activity, you just have to reduce the level of intensity.
    • If you're into heavy exercise, this can affect the second half of your menstrual cycle.
    • A 30-minute aerobic activity such as walking is the best option for a healthy lifestyle, and the right diet and the right diet will help you conceive a child faster.
    • Quit smoking. Nicotine, in addition to all the known negative effects of influence, also reduces fertility. Cigarettes affect estrogen levels and ovulation.

    85% of women can get pregnant within the first year of trying. If a year has passed and you still haven't started shopping for baby clothes, see your doctor. Women over 35 are advised to see a doctor after six months of unsuccessful attempts.



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