After the birth of a child, what to eat. What can a nursing mother eat after childbirth

What can you eat in the first week after giving birth?

1. Kashi: they should be boiled in water from whole grains. In the first week, preference should be given to buckwheat, corn or rice, since they practically do not cause allergies.

2. Pasta - any.

3. Vegetables: you can eat potatoes - boiled or baked. Zucchini - steamed or baked. Cauliflower and broccoli - steamed or in soups. Carrots and beets can be consumed in small amounts in soups.

4. Meat products are recommended to be included in the diet from the second day after childbirth. The best meat for a nursing mother is rabbit and veal. Rabbit meat is a dietary meat, it has little cholesterol and a lot of protein, which is digested by more than 90%. Beef and turkey are somewhat more difficult to digest. Pork and lamb are not recommended for nursing mothers. Meat can be consumed boiled, in soups, in the form of steam cutlets or meatballs. The general recommended amount of meat products for nursing mothers in the first week after childbirth is 150-180 g per day.

5. Dairy products: ordinary cottage cheese (150-200 g two or three times a week), fermented milk products, sour cream 10-15% fat, cheese - low-fat, simple, without additives, a thin piece on a sandwich.

6. Bread - preferably black, slightly dried. For tea, you can offer dryers, crackers without poppy seeds, nuts and raisins, dry biscuits without additives.

7. Vegetable oils should be on the table daily in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons. Preference should be given to unrefined varieties of sunflower oil. Other types of oils should not be tried yet.

First month after childbirth

A week after the birth, making sure that the newborn is well tolerated by all the foods that the mother eats, the diet can be gradually expanded.

To produce enough milk in the first month after childbirth, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid. It can be weak tea, including green, without flavoring and aromatic additives, compote of prunes, pears, apples, dried apricots, jelly from cranberries, lingonberries, currants, chokeberries, rosehip infusion, decoctions of mint and lemon balm. Coffee for a nursing mother during this period is still banned. You can drink natural juices from green apples, pears, plums. It is better if these are freshly squeezed juices without preservatives, in extreme cases, you can drink baby juices. The use of products with a long shelf life should be avoided.

The diet of a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth:

Kashi: you can gradually introduce millet, barley, pearl barley, wheat and oatmeal porridge in 2.5% fat milk with the addition of a small amount of butter.

Any pasta.

Vegetables: you can expand the diet by sweet peppers - green and yellow, eggplant, turnips, pumpkins with white-green peel; in small quantities, white cabbage, greens (dill, parsley, lettuce), corn, carrots and beets are allowed. All vegetables can still be consumed only thermally processed: this significantly reduces gas formation in mother and baby. During this period, a nursing woman still cannot eat fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, green peas.

Meat: Rabbit, veal and turkey should still be preferred as more dietary meats. You can add boiled beef tongue to your diet. You should not eat kidneys, brain and other offal. Chicken, pork and lamb are not recommended. The norm for a nursing mother is 180-200 g of meat per day. It is better to give preference to steam cutlets, "hedgehogs", meatballs, boiled meat - you can in soups.

Dairy products: whole milk can be added to cereals in small quantities, but if the mother notices an increase in gas formation in the child, then it should be completely excluded. You can drink sour-milk drinks without sugar in an amount of up to 0.5 liters per day. Cottage cheese 5-9% fat can be eaten twice a week for 150-200 g only thermally processed - in the form of cottage cheese pancakes, casseroles. Sour cream with a short shelf life with a fat content of 10-15% should be eaten daily, adding to soups, cottage cheese, dressing salads with it. 1-2 thin slices of cheese with a fat content of 20-30% without additives can be eaten daily on a sandwich. It is necessary to eat foods with reduced fat content, but not fat-free: the child will receive the necessary fats from them, and excess reserves will not be deposited in the mother's body.

Fish are completely excluded.

Confectionery: dryers, crackers, biscuits without additives, simple caramel without filling and icing, natural jelly from juice and gelatin, blackcurrant jam and jam from apples, pears, plums are allowed for tea.

Fruits: baked, you can eat apples, plums and pears grown in the region where the woman lives. Raw fruits tend to cause severe colic in the baby. You can eat fresh bananas - no more than one a day, as they can cause constipation. From the berries you can try black and white currants, gooseberries, chokeberries, lingonberries, honeysuckle.

Nuts are completely prohibited. From dried fruits, you can eat prunes, pears and apples, 2-3 pieces of dull dried apricots. Raisins are not recommended because, like grapes, they cause increased gas formation.

Vegetable oils - unrefined varieties of vegetable oils, especially the first cold pressing, are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for the development of the baby. During this period, you can eat olive, sunflower, corn and mustard oil.

If a child has a reaction to any of the products, it is necessary to exclude him for at least a couple of months, and then try again. Over time, the baby's enzyme systems develop, and, most likely, after a while it will be possible to use this product without consequences.

It should be remembered that you can enter one product every three days, observing the reaction of the child. It is necessary to assess the general condition of the baby, the appearance of the skin - the presence of a rash, redness, crusts. The baby's stool should be yellowish in color, a small amount of milk inclusions is acceptable, without greenery and impurities. Against the background of the introduction of a new product, the baby should not have an increase in gas formation and an increase in colic. When such a problem appears, and also if the child reacts literally to everything that the mother eats, it is necessary to extend the diet of this period to at least 2-3 months.

Further nutrition of the nursing mother

If the child perfectly tolerates all the products from the mother's diet, you can gradually return to the woman's usual diet. The same rules for introducing new products apply here.

A woman should drink up to 2-2.5 liters per day. In the morning, one small cup of weak coffee with milk or cream is allowed. Dried apricots, raisins, dried cherries can now be added to compote. With tea, you can eat a coffee spoon of honey, but not every day, as this is a rather allergenic product. You can put a slice of lemon in a cup. A nursing mother can try to include cranberry, sea buckthorn jelly, fruit drinks from berries in the menu.

What can be added to the diet?

Kashi: food can be diversified by multi-grain cereals, rice and buckwheat can be boiled with dried fruits. Various cereal flakes, especially enriched with vitamins and minerals, along with a cup of milk will be an excellent breakfast for a nursing mother, but still you should not abuse them, because whole grains are superior in nutritional properties.

Any pasta is acceptable, preference should be given to durum wheat pasta.

Vegetables: you can gradually introduce fresh cucumbers, tomatoes (preference should be given to local ground vegetables), green peas, grain corn, a little onion, you can try a clove of garlic. There must be greens on the table of a nursing woman. In winter, you can cook frozen vegetables, which, thanks to modern freezing technologies, retain all the vitamins. You should choose well-known, well-established brands of frozen vegetables that do not contain preservatives, dyes, GMOs. When introducing vegetables into the diet, the general rule is: the more brightly colored the fruit, the greater the likelihood of an allergy that it can cause in a child.

Meat: dietary, easily digestible varieties are preferred. From the second half of the year, boiled and baked chicken can be introduced. You can try pork and lamb, but these types of meat should not dominate the diet of a nursing woman. In summer, you can treat yourself to barbecue, but the meat should be lean, marinated in kefir, naturally, without wine and vinegar.

Dairy products: Fresh, natural, unflavoured, low-fat dairy products are still recommended. Butter should be on the table every day: a nursing mother needs to add it to porridge and smear a thin layer on a sandwich. It contains the most important proteins and fats of animal origin.

Fish: it's time to try white types of sea fish - it's better to start with hake, cod, later you can add fatter mackerel, halibut to the menu. Salted herring can be eaten with good tolerance in small quantities, and you need to cut it yourself, excluding the use of fish preserves with vinegar. Later, you can try red varieties of fish. Preference should be given to fish cooked in the oven, steamed, boiled. Breastfeeding mothers should not eat fried fish, as it is less digestible and contains an excess amount of fat. Caviar is a very allergenic product, so it is not recommended to eat it during breastfeeding. Fish should be eaten at least three times a week.

Eggs: it is better to start with quail eggs, as they are less allergenic. Later, you can enter into the diet and chicken, but not more than 2-3 per week.

Bakery products: you can enter grain bread enriched with vitamins and fiber. You can diversify the diet with crispbread and dry biscuits made from corn, buckwheat, oatmeal. But sweet products made from premium flour do not contain anything useful, and they will not bring any benefit to the figure. From sweets for tea, you can try natural marmalade, for example, prepared yourself from apricots, peaches, berries; sunflower or sesame halva in small quantities; kozinaki from sunflower, sesame seeds. Keep in mind that sesame seeds contain a lot of calcium. Feijoa berries mashed with sugar contain a lot of iron and iodine, this jam is not allergenic. Without the risk of food allergies, you can also use fresh blueberry and blackcurrant jam.

Fruits: Everything that was previously baked can be eaten raw. In addition, you can gradually introduce apricots, peaches, cherry plums, red plums into the diet, you can try watermelons - just not early ones, but September ones. From the berries from the second half of the year you can eat cranberries, sea buckthorn. But with strawberries, doctors still recommend waiting, because many kids react to it. When introducing new fruits of bright color into the diet, as well as imported ones specially processed for long-term storage, one should be aware of the possible reaction of the child.

You can eat walnuts and pine nuts: they are the most useful and contain a large amount of valuable oils. Peanuts are a very allergenic product, and their nutritional value is low.

Vegetable oils: you can enter pumpkin, sesame, walnut oil, olive oil. They contain many useful substances and will diversify the taste sensations. The total amount of oil consumed should be no more than 3 tablespoons per day.

During breastfeeding, no diets are allowed. Any dietary restrictions in order to return to "pre-pregnant" forms inevitably lead to a violation of milk production, and therefore, the baby will not receive the substances he needs for growth and development. But this does not mean that during the period of breastfeeding there is no opportunity to influence the figure. The fact is that the mother's body maintains a constant fat content of milk produced. Lactation is the only period in a woman's life when hormonal changes help move fat from the mother's body stores into milk. Therefore, by limiting (but, of course, not excluding) the intake of fats with food, a woman can influence her weight. This can be done by reducing the fat content of consumed dairy products, eating lean meat, low-fat cheeses, and butter. In addition, the process of milk production itself consumes an additional 600-700 kcal, so long-term breastfeeding will not only help the baby grow up healthy and happy, but also contribute to the normalization of the mother's weight.

Whatever a nursing mother eats, one should not forget about the aesthetic component of nutrition. Of course, with a baby it is often not up to culinary delights. But it is worth remembering that the simplest food, cooked with soul, eaten in a relaxed atmosphere, will bring much more benefit to you and your baby.

Nutrition after childbirth for a nursing woman has many features and prohibitions. After all, the composition and amount of breast milk directly depends on this. The whims of the baby due to poor health, short sleep, constipation - all these are the consequences of non-compliance with the diet by a nursing mother. So what should you eat to keep your baby healthy and calm?
Nutrition in the first months after birth should be light, but frequent, new foods should be introduced carefully, observing the reaction of the child. Do not forget about the restrictions on junk food. Consider the basic principles of menu formation for a young mother.

Proper nutrition of the mother after childbirth will ensure successful lactation, good health and health of the newborn baby.

Everything that the mother ate enters the body of the baby with breast milk and can provoke negative consequences:

  1. Flatulence of the intestines and severe colic.
  2. or vice versa, diarrhea.
  3. Allergic manifestations in the form of a rash may occur on some products.
  4. Foods that have a strong taste and aroma impair the taste of milk, and the baby may refuse to breastfeed.
  5. Improper nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can have an exciting effect on the baby's nervous system.

Adhering to a diet, a woman will also provide herself and her family with a good rest. After all, a baby who does not suffer from colic or constipation sleeps better, eats well and gains weight.

Such a child grows and develops calmly, without suffering from allergic itching and from constant pain in the tummy, and the mother is not nervous, trying to calm the baby. In addition, a balanced and regular diet, excluding fried and fatty foods, will help a woman get rid of extra pounds gained during childbearing.

Much depends on the mother's eating habits during pregnancy. If a woman used to constantly consume persimmons, apples, plums, then after childbirth you can also add these products to the diet. However, if the mother did not eat these fruits before, and after giving birth she was carried away by their consumption, then it is quite possible that the child will develop an allergy.

The menu must be designed so that the daily diet contains:

  • proteins - 20%;
  • fats - 15-20%;
  • carbohydrates - 60%.

Nutrition in the first three days after childbirth

The issue of following a certain diet should be considered by a woman not only after the birth of a child, but also during pregnancy. If the tests are bad, the doctor may advise her to limit the use of certain foods so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

A few days before the birth, it is better to give up such excesses as:

  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • coffee, strong tea, cocoa;
  • strawberries, tomatoes, red fish;
  • smoked or salty dishes;
  • citrus fruits and various exotic foods.

It is also better to reduce the consumption of dairy products. So, you will save a newborn baby from appearing immediately after birth.

Nutrition on the first day after childbirth should consist of freshly prepared and light meals, without spicy and fragrant seasonings. After all, during this period, a woman is getting better at lactation and accustoming a child to the breast.

It is better to limit yourself to cereals on the water, a boiled egg or a piece of lean meat, you can eat lean soup without frying. From sweets, a baked apple, a banana and a simple biscuit cookie are allowed.

There is an opinion that in order to increase milk, a woman needs to drink plenty of water. This is not the case, as drinking large amounts of liquid can lead to flushing and stagnation of milk in the breast. After all, a newborn baby eats very little.

Those who gave birth by way should not eat foods rich in fiber: raw vegetables and fruits, black bread, bran. On the first day after the operation, it is better to limit yourself to water without gas.

End of the first week after birth

A breastfeeding woman should not starve. Nutrition after childbirth in the first days should be frequent and fractional, ideally, after each feeding, you should eat some light food and drink warm tea or compote.

At the end of the first week after the birth of the baby, the mother can:

  1. Warm sweetened tea, cranberry juice, dried fruit compote, herbal decoctions.
  2. Stewed vegetables: beets, zucchini or eggplant, carrots, pumpkin with a couple of drops of vegetable oil.
  3. You can make croutons for tea or soup from black or rye bread.
  4. Introduce a few pieces of low-fat sea fish into the diet, observing the well-being of the baby.
  5. Some good quality mashed potatoes or pasta.
  6. Lean boiled beef.
  7. Dairy products (no more than 300 g per day).
  8. Once a day, be sure to eat low-fat soup or borscht without cabbage.
  9. Carefully introduce nuts and hard cheese into your menu.
  10. Eat one banana and two baked apples a day.

Introduce new foods into your diet carefully, in small portions, carefully observing the reaction of the baby's body to them.

Portions should be small so that mom does not gain extra pounds.

Nutrition in the first 4 weeks after childbirth

Several weeks passed after the birth of the child, the baby grew up a little, and it would seem that mom can return to her usual diet, but no. Nutrition in the first month after childbirth is as important as in the first days.

During this period, a nursing mother is allowed:

  • all cereals on the water, except for rice, corn and wheat;
  • you can put a little butter in porridge;
  • lean pieces of boiled beef or poultry;
  • milk, yogurt;
  • baked fruits, raw green vegetables.

You can make cheesecakes and casseroles from cottage cheese, adding dried fruits or berries there. It is allowed to add a little sour cream to the dishes.

When introducing new products into your diet, you should be guided by a number of rules:

  1. Eat a new dish in the morning, but it is better in the morning, and carefully observe the reaction of the child.
  2. Add only one new product per day.
  3. If a child has rashes or has become nervous and capricious, then it is better to refuse to eat a new dish. For ease of observation and systematization of information, you should keep a food diary.
  4. Introduce new products to your menu in small pieces. With a good reaction of the baby, the portion can be increased at the next meal.

breastfeeding period

Of course, nutrition in the first month after childbirth is very limited, but after 8-12 weeks it can be significantly expanded.

At this stage, it is allowed to add to the mother's diet after childbirth:

  1. Some sweets (marshmallow, marmalade, natural marshmallow). Choose a product with a minimum amount of dyes, without extraneous chemical odors, with a short shelf life.
  2. Dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates). They can be eaten in their natural form, as well as added to various dishes. Do not forget to wash dried fruits well before use, and even better - pour boiling water over them.
  3. Diversify the menu with other types of fish.
  4. A little boiled corn and young peas, not forgetting to note the condition of the child after the introduction of new products.
  5. Fresh fruits in season (peaches, apricots, plums, non-red apples). Of the berries - honeysuckle, blueberries, white currants and gooseberries.
  6. Four months after giving birth, you can add freshly squeezed juices to your menu, but it is better to dilute them with boiled water and drink no more than one glass a day.

Dietary restrictions for breastfeeding mothers

With what you can eat after childbirth, we figured it out. But these products are strictly forbidden to be used by a woman when breastfeeding a baby:

  1. Alcoholic drinks and food from fast food restaurants. It is better to exclude them at the stage of pregnancy in order to avoid health problems.
  2. Citruses are strong allergens, they must also be removed from the diet of a nursing mother. In the autumn-winter period, it is better to give preference to rosehip broth or sauerkraut, they also have a lot of vitamin C.
  3. Store-bought cakes, cream puffs, and alcoholic candies should be replaced with plain cookies. If you really want to, you can bake the cake yourself by making custard from low-fat milk.
  4. Many women drink tea with the addition of milk, considering this drink to be beneficial for lactation. But it's not. Whole cow's milk is also considered an allergen and should be consumed very carefully, in small quantities. And it is even better to replace the goat.
  5. Fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods are prohibited not only for a nursing mother, but also for a pregnant woman.

In the first days after childbirth, the nutrition of a woman is very limited, this is necessary for the well-being of the woman in labor and the baby. Healthy food will help to improve the functioning of the newborn's digestive tract and avoid such unpleasant problems as colic, bloating and constipation. Later, the mother's diet will expand, coming to the one that was before pregnancy.

Sample menu for the week

A nursing mother can eat many foods, the number of meals should be at least 4 per day. If a woman wants to lose weight, then food should be divided into small portions, but you need to eat 6-7 times a day. You should remember the rules for the heat treatment of food, raw fruits, greens should be eaten in small quantities, while making sure that the child does not have problems with the digestibility of milk.

What should not be eaten by a nursing mother?

The list of forbidden foods during breastfeeding helps new mothers avoid sleepless nights at the crib of a crying baby, as well as set up his digestion in an excellent way and prepare him for the introduction of more solid foods.

Sample menu for the week:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Monday Oatmeal porridge on the water, stewed vegetables, fermented baked milk Vegetable soup, boiled potatoes, boiled chicken breast Chamomile tea, biscuits, banana Pasta, stewed mushrooms, dried fruits
Tuesday Boiled egg, stewed broccoli, bread and butter, tea Boiled fish, rice porridge, cottage cheese with pear, compote Kefir, apple charlotte, cookies Vegetable casserole, steamed meatballs, yogurt
Wednesday Barley porridge, boiled zucchini, dried fruits, kefir Pasta, stewed veal, salad with vegetables, sweet tea Baked apple, drying, ryazhenka Fish soup, boiled egg, bread and butter, compote
Thursday Cottage cheese with sour cream, cookies, tea Corn porridge, boiled vegetables, poultry meat, fermented baked milk Biscuits, dried fruits, kefir Soup with meatballs, rice with vegetables, compote
Friday Buckwheat porridge with beef goulash, cheese sandwich, kefir Vegetable stew, baked rabbit, tea with biscuits Rice casserole, drying, compote Vareniki with cottage cheese, fruit puree, milk
Saturday Baked fish mashed potatoes, natural yogurt, banana Oatmeal with butter, poultry meatballs baked apple, compote Homemade fruit casserole, juice or compote Cheesecakes with sour cream, salad with vegetables, tea
Sunday Rice porridge with apple, ryazhenka cheese sandwich Fish soup, beetroot salad (small amount), steamed cutlets, tea Cookies, cottage cheese, green tea Casserole with meat and potatoes, boiled egg, dried fruit compote

If we consider the various variations of the menu, you can see that they do not have sweets, coffee, chocolate. Products that contain a large amount of sugar are harmful in this case, sweets can be replaced with marshmallows, homemade jams, marshmallows, pastries, etc.

Nutrition in the first week of the postpartum period should be not only full and high-calorie, but also hypoallergenic. In this case, the restoration of the physical strength of the woman in labor will occur much faster and without harm to the health of the newborn. Let's look at the different categories of food and start with what you can bring to the hospital after childbirth from food.

Food after childbirth

Cereals and cereals

The main source of carbohydrates and energy for a nursing mother are cereals. A woman in labor should eat cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley), black bread, biscuits, dryers, crackers, cookies. Rich bakery products made from white wheat flour, especially factory-made, should not be consumed, as they can cause colic and increased gas formation in the baby.


Meat products are the main source of proteins that are necessary for the formation of breast milk, so they can be brought to the maternity hospital in a small amount. Preference is given to lean meats: young beef, chicken, turkey meat, rabbit. Pieces of meat are brought in boiled form, cutlets or steamed meatballs are prepared from them, you can bring rich meat broth with crackers in a thermos.


Boiled, baked and steamed fish, fish meatballs and cutlets - all this can be eaten in large quantities by a woman in labor. The type of fish doesn't matter. In addition, nursing mothers can eat both river and sea fish - both types of fish have a high content of minerals, protein and unsaturated fatty acids. It is important to remember that before serving, the fish must undergo heat treatment. It is not advisable to eat fresh, dried or smoked fish.


An indispensable source of fiber, minerals and dietary fiber for a nursing mother is vegetables. They can be consumed fresh, baked, boiled or stewed. Fresh vegetable juices are especially useful. The most useful for women in labor are potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, celery, green beans. And it is better for a nursing mother to limit fresh onions, garlic, radishes and other vegetables with a spicy aftertaste.

Food that is prohibited for consumption after childbirth in the hospital

Since all products and things for a woman in labor in the maternity hospital are carefully checked at the post of a nurse, they must be collected with special care. A pregnant woman, shortly before giving birth, should make a list of prohibited foods as a hint for relatives and friends.

Do not bring the following foods and dishes:

  1. Spicy, fried, smoked, pickled, heavily salted, canned - this food should not be brought, it is prohibited during the entire period of breastfeeding.
  2. Sweet products: muffins, cakes with cream, cakes, meringues. These products spoil quickly.
  3. No need to bring and take coffee, chicory, soda, kvass, energy drinks with you to the maternity hospital.
  4. Sweet: ice cream, chocolate, gingerbread cookies, waffles, chocolates. You do not need to eat these foods, they can cause allergies in the child.
  5. Citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines.
  6. Vegetables with a bright external color without prior heat treatment and vegetables with a characteristic spicy aftertaste.
  7. Mushrooms are limited, as they are difficult to digest and assimilate.
  8. Legumes cause increased gas formation, which provokes an attack of colic in a newborn, so they should also be discarded.

Important! Before you go to the store, make a list of what you can bring to the hospital from food after giving birth. In this case, it is difficult to make a mistake with the choice and preparation of tasty and healthy food for a young mother.

Of course, homemade food seems more delicious. But it’s not worth giving up hospital food completely. The menu for nutrition in the maternity hospital is compiled taking into account the physiological needs of the woman in labor, it is the most balanced in its composition. Then the young mother and her relatives will not have to think about what food can be brought to the hospital after childbirth. In addition, having spied a couple of recipes for tasty and healthy hospital dishes, they can easily be repeated later at home in the kitchen.

All nine months you tried to eat right so that the baby gets all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The pregnancy has come to an end, the birth is approaching. Soon you will have to build your diet in a new way. While in the womb, the baby received all the nutrients in finished form. Now his body needs to get used to breast milk, which changes its composition depending on what mom ate today. Colic and nighttime anxiety, constipation and other problems with the tummy are associated precisely with the diet of a woman. Today we will talk about what you can eat after childbirth.

Drinking regime

In the first few days it is very important to prepare the body for breastfeeding. Doctors say that on the day the baby is born, you need to drink at least 2-3 liters of pure water or herbal tea. Only by the third day, you need to reduce fluid intake to 1-1.5 liters, since its excess affects the fat content of milk. Speaking with a young mother about what you can eat after childbirth, it is necessary to recall the importance of soups and broths, liquid cereals, jelly and compotes. The more natural the ingredients, the better.

Entering the maternity hospital

Soon you will meet the first meeting with the baby, which means hard work. Before discussing what you can eat after childbirth, it would be good to pay attention to the immediate birth of the baby. During contractions, you need to provide the body with energy. To do this, stock up on snacks in the form of nutritious and high-calorie foods. These are protein and cereal bars. Do not forget a bottle of non-carbonated mineral water - you will need it too. Of course, in the process of childbirth, there will no longer be time for food. But contractions take a lot of time and have breaks during which you can refresh yourself and quench your thirst.

About what you can eat after childbirth, women are told in the courses of young mothers. If for some reason you missed such classes, do not hesitate to ask your doctor about the proposed menu. Today we will consider the general rules, but the observing specialist can give more specific recommendations based on your condition and individual parameters.

If the birth was successful

If everything went without breaks, hemorrhoids and complications, in this case, as a rule, cereals and lean boiled meat, whole grain bread and natural cheese are allowed. While in the diet should not be anything fatty, heavy and fried. Everything that can be eaten after childbirth is steamed or boiled. Rich soups, spicy and sour, canned - while all this is banned. The most gentle nutrition will allow the body to recover faster.

Main principle

Each neonatologist has his own opinion about what mom can eat after childbirth. However, there is a general principle: "do no harm." Therefore, it is not recommended to immediately eat everything that relatives brought from home. It is better to get by with what is prepared in the dining room of the maternity hospital. This is a diet table that fits now more than ever. Simple soups and cereals with a minimum of salt and sugar will have a positive effect on the condition of mother and baby.

List of prohibited products

Before moving on to consider what you can eat after giving birth to a nursing mother, let's define the limitations. For now, you have to give up coffee and cocoa. Canned juices are also still banned, not to mention alcohol. We exclude all spicy foods, onions and garlic, ketchups and any spices, pickles and marinades. For now, you have to give up fruits and berries. Soon we will gradually introduce them into the diet, with the exception of citrus fruits, grapes, pineapples.

Focus on the characteristics of your body. If you have an allergy to certain foods, then most likely your baby will have it too. Nuts and legumes, mushrooms and honey, sweets and fresh pastries, especially yeast ones, are still banned. From vegetables it is worth giving up radish and cabbage for a while.

All these products can negatively affect the quality of breast milk, so we exclude them from the diet in the first month. Then gradually you can begin to try, paying attention to the reaction of the baby.

First day

Most mothers are interested in how long after giving birth you can eat. After you have been transferred from the birth unit to the ward, you can refresh yourself. You need to replenish your strength, because right now the body is preparing to produce milk. The simpler the food, the better. Now is not the time for heavy meals. The best choice would be porridge on the water or a boiled egg, a piece of lean meat. You can lean. As a dessert, a baked apple is suitable. Such nutrition is observed during the first 3-5 days.

Childbirth with complications

In this case, ask your doctor how long after giving birth you can eat. If stitches have been placed, the doctor may suggest a pause. That is, on the first day you will have to starve. It is permissible to drink water without gas. From the second day, broths, boiled meat, and preferably steam cutlets, baked apples and cereals on the water can be introduced into the diet. If home births were not practiced, then the young mother at that time is in the hospital, where the norms and rules of dietary nutrition are observed. Ask relatives not to bring anything forbidden from home to you, and there will be no problems.

If there are seams on the perineum, you must also be careful with the choice of products. Avoid sources of coarse fiber. The main diet is cereals and soups, a small amount of dairy products. The goal is to minimize stress on the intestines to avoid constipation. This is important at the recovery stage, because excessive straining can lead to divergence of the seams.

Number and size of servings

After 3-5 days, mother and newborn baby are already allowed to go home. What is possible on the first day after childbirth, we have already discussed above, now it becomes the basis of the diet, to which new products are gradually added. Below we will focus on the general rule, which will avoid problems with the baby's tummy.

It is difficult to say how much you can eat after giving birth at a time. We are all different in terms of metabolism and physique. Try to stick to the one-palm rule. That is, there should be as much food on the plate as will fit in a handful. The number of meals can reach 10-12 times a day. That is, we again repeat the principles of healthy eating. You need to eat in small portions, but often. It is especially important at first to eat after each feeding of the crumbs.

End of the first week

When the baby is seven days old, mother can gradually introduce sweetened tea and jelly, compote into the diet. Vegetable stew will be very useful. Together you can stew beets and zucchini, as well as other vegetables, with the exception of cabbage. Important and useful are low-fat sea fish and boiled beef. Let's have some mashed potatoes. You can introduce fermented milk products (up to 300 g), low-fat soup or borscht into the diet. It is recommended to eat one banana every day. You can replace it with an oven-baked apple. Keep cookies and sweets to a minimum. As part of these products, there are usually a lot of flavors and dyes, preservatives that will definitely not bring benefits.

Introducing your baby to new foods

No wonder in the early days the diet consists of the simplest dishes. The intestines of the crumbs are just starting to work on their own, you should not overload it. Therefore, try to survive these days without harmful goodies. After returning home, it will become a little more difficult. Now you need to cook for the whole family and separately for yourself, as well as resist temptations. But not everything is so scary. By the end of the first week of a baby's life, you can begin to make your menu more diverse. The only condition: every day only one new product. We try a small piece in the morning, and during the day we eat as usual. We skip the second day, on the third we repeat the same portion and again observe the reaction of the crumbs. If everything is in order, then this product can be introduced into the diet already calmly and taken for the next one.

First four weeks

The baby is gradually growing up. Above, we examined what you can eat after childbirth in the first days. But when the baby's age approaches a month, it already seems that you can return to the previous diet. But no, you will have to adhere to the restrictions now. During this period, all cereals on the water are allowed. But now you can add a little butter to them. Boiled beef or poultry should be on the table every day. But it is better to refuse rich broths. Feel free to eat milk and yogurt, baked fruits, cottage cheese casseroles with berries.

breastfeeding period

Within 8-12 weeks after giving birth, it will be possible to significantly expand your diet. And remember that all restrictions are introduced solely in order not to overload the baby's immature intestines. This is not a weight loss diet. Everything that you can eat after giving birth to a nursing mother should fit the definition of a healthy diet.

  • Now you can gradually eat marmalade and marshmallows, marshmallows. Try to choose the most natural product, with a minimum content of dyes and flavors.
  • Dried fruits (except raisins) can be eaten from the fourth month of life.
  • Fish of different varieties.
  • Boiled corn and young peas.
  • Fresh fruits and berries in season.

Once again about the main

So, it's time to rebuild for life after childbirth. What can mom eat, we have already considered in some detail. Do not despair and transfer the family to a strict diet regimen. This is only a temporary measure, and you can plan the menu in such a way that you can choose something for yourself. A double boiler and an oven are very convenient in this regard, as they allow you to cook tasty and healthy dishes without excess oil.

Let's list the allowed products again:

  • Dairy and sour milk. If the baby does not have an allergic reaction, fresh milk is also possible. Otherwise, only low-fat sour milk is allowed. Homemade sour cream and cream are still banned.
  • Meat and fish. Only lean varieties. You can cook chicken or rabbit. Take any fish except mackerel.
  • Fats. Butter should be present in the diet every day. But vegetable and margarine should be limited.
  • Vegetables and fruits should always be on the table. Start with baked, gradually moving to raw.

Instead of a conclusion

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman's life, full of joy and hope. But this is only a bud, which, after childbirth, opens into a beautiful flower. Now you are a mother. How much joy this moment brings! So that happiness is not overshadowed by pain in the tummy, mom must eat right. But, despite all the restrictions, the diet should be complete and varied.

It happens that the child reacts literally to all foods, leaving the mother with a rather meager choice - buckwheat or rice in weak chicken broth. In this case, it is necessary to introduce an additional course of vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids. Consult your doctor, because there are a lot of drugs today, but not all of them are ideal for a nursing woman.

But such cases are the exception rather than the rule. Most babies tolerate their mother's healthy diet, especially if she adhered to this principle during pregnancy. Therefore, the first month you have to withstand strict restrictions, and then the diet gradually approaches the usual one. And most importantly - all products in it must be natural and healthy.

The body of a woman after childbirth requires special attention.

First of all, it concerns nutrition.

There are several reasons for this, but the main one has to do with breastfeeding. H

what can and what can not be eaten in the first days and months after childbirth?

Mom's nutrition in the first days after childbirth

During pregnancy, the body of a woman and her baby are closely related. The nutrition of the fetus is due to the nutrients entering the woman's blood. That is why there are a number of dietary restrictions for pregnant women. They are connected, first of all, with the prohibition of alcohol, which negatively affects the baby. The same is often associated with caffeine from tea and coffee. Another aspect is excess weight, which is gained with excess nutrition and harms both mother and baby.

And then a woman becomes a mother. The close connection in the form of an umbilical cord is torn. However, a number of restrictions may still exist. What does it depend on? The fact is that childbirth and a woman's attitude to breastfeeding can be different.

Option 1: Birth by caesarean section

In this case, a lot of restrictions are imposed on nutrition in the first days, which are typical for abdominal surgery. Usually on the first day only light drinking is allowed, just a few spoons. Next, vegetable broth, lactic acid products are added. On the second or third day, you can eat some crackers from dried bread. Then, within a month, nutrition approaches the usual - soups, cereals, light meat, vegetables, and fruits are introduced. The correct diet is observed - several times a day after 3-4 hours. However, all this is corrected in the case of breastfeeding, which imposes certain restrictions.

Option 2: Natural childbirth and artificial feeding

Some mothers know even before the baby is born that they will not feed him with their own milk. For some, this is due to health problems, doctors prohibit breastfeeding. For other moms, it's just their own choice. In any case, after childbirth, women who do not plan to breastfeed return to their usual eating style. Well, if it is correct, balanced, complete.

Option 3: Breastfeeding

If a woman plans to feed the baby herself after a natural birth or caesarean section, there are a number of rules for her in terms of her own nutrition. They concern how not to harm a child whose digestive system is only going through the formative stage. However, in the early days it is necessary to establish the production of milk for feeding. How to combine the solution of these two problems? How to choose the right products that would help lactation and at the same time would not harm the baby?

What foods can be after childbirth

After giving birth, a woman should eat well. This means that the food should contain sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a complete set of vitamins and trace elements.

Among the products that you can after childbirth:

Milk - better as a component of cereals, soups, sauces

Sour-milk products are useful for both mother and baby, just make sure that they do not cause fermentation in the intestines

Vegetables - those that do not contribute to gas formation, that is, it is better to be more careful with cabbage, exclude legumes

Meat - beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken and other lean varieties will enrich the food with protein

Cereals - necessary as a source of carbohydrates, coarse fiber to improve the digestion of mother and baby

Fish - a source of useful fatty acids, trace elements

Fats - butter and vegetable oils should be in moderation in the diet of a nursing mother

Fruits - within reason, observing the condition of the baby.

Good to know: To establish lactation, it is necessary to consume more liquid in the first days. Advise herbal teas with milk, condensed milk, which is desirable to drink in the form of heat for an hour or half an hour before feeding. Nuts are also recommended to improve milk production. However, you need to look at how they affect the child, yet nuts are a rather fatty product.

What foods are not allowed after childbirth?

Currently, there are many myths around breastfeeding. Some women, often on the advice of not very knowledgeable friends or older relatives, exclude a lot of healthy foods from their diet. Having heard what foods are not allowed after childbirth in a particular case, for example, with a sick child, people transfer it to themselves. Especially this trend has intensified with the spread of the Internet, where you can read a lot of "horror stories" about completely innocent foods and dishes.

Of course, someone may have milk protein intolerance, and another baby reacts with rashes when mom eats eggs or berries. But it can be individual features. The golden rule on the nutrition of a nursing woman is that you can eat everything, but in moderation, and be sure to monitor how the baby reacts.

However, there are definitely prohibited products. And also something that is simply not recommended to eat to avoid the problem.

So, what foods are not allowed after childbirth:

Alcohol - absolutely and in no quantity!

Products containing caffeine - strong tea, coffee

Potential allergens: citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, red fruits and vegetables

Onions, garlic, spicy seasonings - can affect the taste of milk and discourage the child from feeding.

It is important to note that if alcohol is completely prohibited, then other products can be consumed little by little and with caution. A cup of weak coffee with milk once a day will not bring big trouble. However, it is in the first days after childbirth that it is better to refuse it, as well as the rest of the products on this list. And in the future, gradually try to use them.

Mom's nutrition in the first month after childbirth

The baby is born in the maternity hospital - with the exception of some special cases. In the same place, mother and child spend the first days of their lives. Most often, in the maternity hospital, mothers are provided with normal nutrition. For some, of course, it may seem tasteless, lean, inexpressive and not rich. However, this is often just a matter of habit. People get used to fried, fatty foods, various not-so-healthy seasonings like mayonnaise in large quantities, an excess of salt and sugar. Therefore, healthy soups, cereals, stews do not like. In fact, it is they who are safe for a baby who feeds on mother's milk, and are useful for the woman herself.

Returning home after the maternity hospital, a woman should adopt many of the nutrition rules from this institution. In particular, the mode of eating.

The principles of the mother's diet after childbirth:

- breakfast, lunch, dinner and one or two more meals between them - second breakfast, afternoon snack should be mandatory

- Reasonable serving size

- time between meals - 3-4 hours

- avoid both a strong feeling of hunger and excessive satiety.

Important! As during pregnancy, during the feeding period, in no case should you follow the principle of “eat for two”. The baby should receive all the nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, so the usefulness of food is important, and not an increase in its volume.

In the first month, the composition of food remains basically the same as in the first days. The basis is cereals, dairy products, lean meat, also lean fish, vegetable fats, moderately butter and eggs. Alcohol is prohibited. Fatty, fried foods can cause digestive problems in the baby. It is better to avoid spicy, pickled, bitter foods.

Young mothers often have questions about various products. In particular, for these:

- Bread - what, how much? In order not to get better, black, rye bread is usually recommended, but it tends to cause gas formation.

It is necessary to observe the golden mean. Begin to introduce bread with dried white. In moderation - if there is no desire to get better, you should not eat several pieces, and even eat buns, rolls and loaves for dessert. Introduce black and rye bread little by little, observing the condition of the baby.

- Sweets- it's nice, it's tasty, and a source of carbohydrates. However, there are so many fears...

And fears are often justified. Firstly, a lot of complex carbohydrates - and this is sugar in its pure form or sweets, pastries - you quickly gain weight. Secondly, sweets can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to use sweets in moderation, give preference to marshmallows, marshmallows.

— Chocolate is a favorite delicacy of many. Natural chocolate contains useful substances and even, they say, promotes lactation ...

Chocolate, if it is a quality product, is dangerous for one thing - allergic reactions. In some babies, they may be on cocoa, others on sweets in general. Therefore, not in the first days, but at least a couple of weeks after giving birth, you can try to eat one piece. If after a couple of days there will be no manifestations, you can use it. Of course, observing the measure, as in everything.

Top tips for moms - watch your baby, focus on his well-being, and not on some abstract advice. So, sometimes they ban fruits, fresh vegetables, it seems like the baby can have diarrhea from them. However, children often suffer, on the contrary, from constipation, and fruits, vegetables, prunes, and beets in the mother's diet will help solve the problem. Conversely, if the baby often weakens, it is better to use fixing products.

Mom's nutrition in the first month after childbirth is, in fact, proper nutrition. Well, if it becomes habitual for life.



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