
The scientific species name comes from other Greek. χαμαί ("on the ground") and lat. morus("Mulberry"). "Cloudberry" is both the name of the plant and its fruit.

In ancient times they were called "marsh amber", "eyes of the swamp", "marsh guard". In the north, the name "royal berry" took root.

Folk names: moss currant, gloshina, northern orange, arctic raspberry.

Cloudberry is a unique northern berry. Swamp Guardian or cloudberry berry - where it grows in Russia and its beneficial properties

Northern cloudberry is a herbaceous perennial plant, and belongs to the genus "Raspberry". It grows in the wild in northern Russia, Belarus, the Far East and Scandinavia. Difficult to grow artificially. Cloudberry has a unique composition, and a beautiful color, for which it is called "swamp amber"

Where the berry grows, the natural conditions are very harsh. It is found even beyond the Arctic Circle. In Russia, it grows in the north of Siberia and in the north of the Far East. Cloudberry is common in Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Norway. There is it in England, and in Alaska. In Finland, coins are minted with the image of this berry. Cloudberry perfectly adapted to the conditions of the tundra and forest-tundra. It grows in wet, swampy, mountainous areas, on plains and mounds.
It grows, forming a dense carpet, on top of which, amber translucent berries are visible.
The plant is very productive, up to 1,000 kg of berries are harvested from one hectare.

Botanical description of the berry and chemical composition

Cloudberry is a squat plant, up to thirty centimeters in height. The root system is very branched. Roots can go up to two meters deep. The berry belongs to cross-pollinated plants, it produces male and female flowers.
The leaves of the royal berry are small in size, jagged in shape, green in color. Each berry is located in a closed sepal, which opens when the cloudberry ripens. The fruit is a drupe. It looks like a raspberry. The color of the berries is red at first, as it ripens, it becomes yellow, translucent. The color is similar to amber. At first, the berries are firm, ripening, becoming juicy and soft at the end. The ripening period lasts 45 days. The taste of the fruit is sour - sweet, very delicate. Cloudberries bloom in May-June and are harvested in July. It is rich in vitamins and minerals.

It consists of vitamins A, B, C, E and PP and organic acids:

  • lemon
  • salicylic
  • apple

From minerals;

  • silicon
  • iron
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • aluminum
  • magnesium
  • calcium

It contains pectin and tannins, vitamin A carotenoids, dietary fiber, sugar, fiber and water.

Useful and medicinal properties of cloudberries

The berry is very beneficial for health.

  • strengthen immunity
  • help with colds
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora
  • improves night vision
  • increases hemoglobin,
  • fights germs
  • gets rid of lamblia
  • helps to recover from an illness
  • improves respiratory function
  • increases efficiency
  • prevents atherosclerosis
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
  • removes waste and toxins from the body
  • relieves cramps
  • improves blood circulation
  • promotes skin regeneration and healing

In addition, the use of cloudberries will help in the prevention of cancer.

Cloudberry has medicinal properties such as:
Using cloudberries fresh or in the form of jam, puree, compotes, you can saturate the body with natural vitamins and minerals, improve immunity. In the north, it has always been used as a cure for scurvy.

The use of cloudberries in folk medicine

The plant is widely used in folk medicine. According to the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse, the berry is similar to raspberries, of which it is a relative. Various preparations from the plant need to be used:

  • with cystitis
  • gout
  • with diarrhea
  • dropsy
  • with kidney stones
  • for coughs and colds
  • with tuberculosis
  • with beriberi
  • with scabies
  • with beriberi
  • scurvy
  • with metabolic disorders

In folk medicine, the plant is used in the form of:

  • decoction
  • infusion

Leaves, sepals, stalks, roots and berries are used for them.
A decoction is made from the leaves. To do this, a spoonful of dried leaves should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for fifteen minutes. Let it brew for 40 minutes, strain thoroughly and add boiled water to the original volume. You should drink 50 ml half an hour before meals four times a day.
For infusion, take two teaspoons of fresh or dried berries and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for four hours. Drink per day, divided into equal parts. The infusion helps with gout, metabolic disorders, kidney stones. An infusion can also be made from dried leaves.
An infusion of dried leaves and roots will help with cystitis, cough.
Tea from the leaves can be drunk like regular tea, but no more than two glasses a day. It turns out very tasty if you mix one part of the leaves of the northern berry and two parts of the leaves of wild wild strawberries. You can add honey for taste. Tea is used as a general tonic for the body.

Berries are eaten to boost immunity as a tonic for colds and severe coughs. Juice from ripe berries is smeared with scabies, as well as long-term non-healing wounds.
The leaves serve as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. They are recommended to brew in the presence of kidney stones, with metabolic disorders. Cloudberry will help heal a festering wound. To do this, the wound should simply be sprinkled with powder from dried leaves. The leaves are lubricated with fish oil and used as a dressing.

Cloudberry in cosmetology

With great success it is used in cosmetology. The berry has excellent cosmetic properties, and its benefits for female beauty are undeniable. On its basis, creams, shampoos, soaps are made. The extract from it is added to gels and cosmetics. For production, not only the juice of the berry itself is used, but also oil from the seeds. Cosmetic companies produce entire lines of products based on cloudberries.

The content of vitamins A and E in fruits has a beneficial effect on dry and irritated skin, soothing and nourishing it. Fatty acids restore the protective barrier of the skin on the face, remove fine wrinkles. Influencing the skin of the hands, they restore its elasticity and firmness, cleanse well and make hair shiny and healthy. At home, you can make natural masks based on berries.

Contraindications to the use of cloudberries

Despite the undoubted benefits for the body, cloudberries can also be harmful to the body. It has some contraindications for its use. First of all, you need to make sure that there is no allergy that cloudberries can cause. If there is an allergy to raspberries, it is quite possible that it is also to cloudberries.
It is necessary to refrain from eating berries for people with gastritis, with a stomach and duodenal ulcer. In addition, bones should not be eaten, as they irritate the stomach.
In diseases of the liver and kidneys, you should also carefully consider how you feel after eating the fruit.

Northern berry has found its application in many areas. It is used in folk medicine, industrial cosmetology and cooking. You can make jam, jelly, compotes from it and just freeze it in order to get healthy vitamins in winter. Its benefits are enormous. No wonder one of its names is “royal berry”.

Cloudberry is a unique plant that is valued for its beneficial components. It has peculiar bright yellow amber berries. It grows in the regions of Belarus, Russia. He loves the swamp most of all, therefore he chooses swampy forests, tundra with moss and shrubs. The berry does not like severe frosts, winds and rains. Reproduce, can both vegetatively and with the help of seeds, rhizomes. This is the best honey plant. The plant genus Rubus, the Pink family, belongs to a perennial herbaceous plant, the rhizome is long and branched, it has several stems that reach 30 cm in height.

Cloudberry Description

The berry of the plant is an orange-yellow drupe that can reach up to 2 cm in diameter. It is similar in shape to a raspberry, but it has an unusual aroma and sweet taste. When cloudberries bloom, they constantly change their color like a chameleon. It is best to collect ripe berries at the end of July.

Cloudberry leaves are wrinkled, distinguished by a heart-shaped kidney shape and lobed edges. They are an excellent remedy. There are many drugs that contain cloudberries, they help well with colds, impaired metabolism.

Cloudberries are used to treat many diseases, because in their composition they have a number of useful components. For example, using cloudberry leaves, you can stop bleeding.

Collecting cloudberries is very difficult, because they like to be located near swamps.

At first, the berry is red, then yellow-orange, and finally acquires a translucent color. The root is best harvested in October. The popular name for cloudberries is the royal berry, gloshina, raspberry of the Arctic.

This is a northern berry, it loves a swampy, peaty surface, prefers to hide in shrubs and moss tundras.

Useful properties of cloudberries

The composition of cloudberries includes pectin, proteins, tannin, sugar, fiber, various vitamin complexes, antioxidants, fatty acids, phytosterol, carotenoids.

Cloudberry is an excellent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tonic, rejuvenating, astringent, choleretic, wound healing, antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory agent.

The use of cloudberries

With the help of medicinal leaves, berries, roots, you can help a person get rid of quite serious diseases. Therefore, it is often used for kidney pathology, problems with the intestines, liver, biliary tract, and also in order to restore the cardiovascular system. If you regularly use berries, you can get rid of the putrefactive and fermentation process in the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the biochemical process.

This type of plant helps to overcome intoxication in the human body, rejuvenate skin cells. Berries are good to use for beriberi, skin pathology, colds and internal. With the help of cloudberries, you can improve the functioning of the immune system, get rid of chronic fatigue. Berries are useful for gout, scabies, tonsillitis, diarrhea, scurvy. This is one of the best cancer preventatives.

Healing recipes based on cloudberries

1. To stop bleeding, you need to take dried cloudberries, brew it in 200 ml of boiling water, cool the mixture, drink up to 3 times a day, 80 ml each.

2. For nephrolithiasis, the above recipe can be used, only more than half a liter of water is required. Drink an infusion of half a glass 4 times a day.

3. Wounds that fester can be healed with fresh cloudberry leaves, first you need to apply fish oil to them, then attach the leaves. Be sure to change the compress up to 3 times.

4. To improve your appetite, you need to drink freshly squeezed juice from berries, diluted with water.

5. At an early stage, with the help of cloudberries, cancer can be cured, for this you need to crush the berries, lubricate the area affected by them. The more you lubricate, the better.

6. Cloudberry berries are an excellent and effective remedy for scurvy. They can be prescribed for colds. This is an excellent general tonic for the whole body.

7. Cloudberry tincture should be drunk if metabolism is disturbed, a person is worried about gout, with kidney disease. To prepare it, you need to take two teaspoons of dried leaves, a glass of boiling water. If you regularly use this infusion, you can cure gastritis and protect yourself from cancer.

8. Cloudberry tea will help strengthen the body, to prepare it you need to use cloudberry and strawberry leaves, you can drink it instead of regular tea.

9. A healing drink that will help with colds, problems with the urinary and kidney systems should be prepared in this way - take dry cloudberry leaves, fruits. Pour 200 ml of boiled water, insist. Add honey. But do not get carried away with it, you can drink no more than 400 ml per day.

10. Cloudberry is the best remedy that will help get rid of the painful and debilitating cough that accompanies colds and tuberculosis. To prepare the tincture, you need to take 2 teaspoons of leaves, 200 ml of boiling water, but be sure to cool it. Brew and insist up to 5 hours. You need to drink everything only gradually, not all at once.

Contraindications to the use of cloudberries

It is forbidden to use all medicines based on cloudberries with and stomach. Also, if a person has exacerbated gastritis, due to increased acidity.

Thus, cloudberries are the best remedy, which contains valuable chemicals in its composition. Because it is used to prepare a variety of medicines, it has a diuretic effect, because it is actively used in medicine for problems with the kidneys and urinary tract. An infusion based on cloudberry leaves is an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, hemostatic agent. With the help of cloudberries, you can improve blood formation and strengthen the immune system.

In central Russia and in the south, many have not even heard of cloudberries, and few have tried it. And having tried, they consider the taste of cloudberries to be specific, and therefore refuse it. But the inhabitants of the northern regions consider cloudberries the most delicious berry. Cloudberry grows only in wet swamps, on sphagnum mosses.

Since cloudberries bloom early, occasional frosts “kill” their flowers, and therefore berries are not available every year. If the weather in June is favorable, berries are tied from the flowers, and already at the beginning of the second decade of July, cloudberries ripen. On the endless green carpet of the swamp, amber cloudberries are visible everywhere.

Before the revolution, not a single royal feast could do without cloudberries. In Moscow, this berry was very fond of and was called royal, the menu of every Moscow tavern included cloudberry juice and kvass. Now this berry is undeservedly forgotten, for many it is an exotic product. Cloudberry prices are very high, which is what many northerners use, selling it for 1000 rubles. for a liter jar.

In a swamp where cloudberries grow, you can often find wild rosemary

"Cloudberry loves legs," as the people say. Collecting it is not easy. To get to the berry place, you need to find swampy swamps surrounded by forest thickets. In a swamp where cloudberries grow, you can often find wild rosemary. But not every swamp will find a "cloudberry carpet", so many berry growers have their own cherished places that they keep secret from others.

Useful properties of cloudberries

Cloudberries are unique not only in berries, but also in leaves. The berries, sepals and leaves of cloudberries contain a lot of tannins and pectin, minerals, organic acids. Cloudberry is rich in tocopherols, which accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells. Due to the high content of potassium, it protects the body from cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Cloudberry fruit juice has a strong bactericidal effect. Skin affected by scabies can be cured by rubbing cloudberry juice on sore spots.

Cloudberry dolls (sepals)

Healing cloudberry dolls help get rid of a lingering cough. To do this, they can simply be brewed and drunk like tea.

With a strong cough, they drink a decoction of cloudberry sepals, which are popularly called dolls. There are a lot of dolls during the bulkhead, they must be dried and stored like weeds. It is a powerful expectorant.

But still, the main thing in cloudberries is not only its benefits, but its unusual taste - sweet, slightly tart, with a unique aroma.

To store cloudberries, no special tricks are required, just pour the berries with cold water and take them to the pantry, cellar or balcony if there is no room in the refrigerator. Some people sprinkle it with sand. From cloudberries, they cook delicious jam, compotes, and prepare it in their own juice.

I keep cloudberries according to my grandmother's recipe: I put berries in a steamed glass jar, slightly crushing, put gauze moistened with vodka on top and close with a plastic lid. I keep this tasty storehouse of vitamins in a dark pantry. Raspberry pies are delicious.

Cloudberry in cosmetology

According to the content of carotene, this berry is not inferior to carrots. The provitamin A contained in it contributes to the rejuvenation of cell populations and prevents the aging process. Cloudberries are used for nourishing masks for hair and skin. They moisturize the skin and restore it. After a course of such procedures, the feeling of skin tightness disappears. Hair after the masks become radiant. Finnish scientists have found that due to the regular use of cloudberries in women, the formation of wrinkles slows down.

List of used literature

F.I. Chumakov Forest basket. Arkhangelsk, 1992

R. I. Vorobyov. Nutrition and health. M. Medicine, 1990

Koshcheev A.K. Wild edible plants in our diet. M. 1981

V.P. Makhlayuk. Medicinal plants in folk medicine. Saratov. 1976

I.I. Wide. Bow down to each blade of grass. Kotlas. 1992

P. P. Golyshenkov "Medicinal plants and their use" 1971


The fruits are harvested in July - August, the roots are harvested in late autumn.


Cloudberry grows in the northern hemisphere from 78°N to about 55°N in a swamp. In very rare cases, it occurs down to 44°N, mainly in mountainous areas.

Chemical composition

Ripe berries contain sugars (6%), proteins (0.8%), fiber (3.8%), organic acids: malic, citric - (0.8%); vitamins C (30-200 mg), B (0.02 mg), PP (0.15%), A; minerals: a lot of potassium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, anthocyanins, tannins and pectin.


Fruits with good taste, are used in various forms (fresh, in the form of jam, juice, marmalade, jam, compote). Keeps wet for a long time. In Finland and Sweden, cloudberry liqueur is produced, which is popular among foreign tourists.

medical significance

Cloudberries are used in dietary and clinical nutrition, for the treatment of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, burns and skin diseases, for heavy metal poisoning, as an anti-febrile agent.

Cloudberry berries have antimicrobial, diaphoretic, antispasmodic effects. In terms of provitamin A content, cloudberries are superior to carrots. Cloudberries are a source of tocopherols, which are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

Fruits can be used as an aid in the treatment of beriberi and hypovitaminosis. In addition, they have a diuretic effect. The berry is used as a thirst quencher, which is useful for colds. Cloudberries with honey can be given when feeding debilitated patients. Cloudberry is able to enhance blood clotting, has a fixing effect. However, with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastritis with high acidity, especially during an exacerbation, cloudberries should not be consumed.

Fruits and leaves in the form of infusion are taken in folk medicine as a diuretic, for gastritis with low acidity, malignant tumors.

Cloudberry roots are used as a diuretic, with nephrolithiasis, beriberi, metabolic disorders, colds and malaria.

Cloudberry juice lubricates the areas of skin affected by scabies.

Cloudberry is effective in the treatment of non-healing wounds. In this case, berries and other parts of the plant are used: leaves, roots, sepals.

One of the common diseases of the inhabitants of the polar countries is scurvy. The name of this disease among the Nenets - singa, sigga - is borrowed from the Russians, but methods of dealing with it were found long before their arrival. Therefore, alien people suffered more from scurvy, until they borrowed medicines from the Nenets, Khanty, Pomors, Evens, Koryaks, Chukchi and Eskimos, which included cloudberries.

Khanty and Nenets use cloudberry leaves as a dressing and hemostatic material. Khanty apply cloudberry leaves lubricated with fish oil to festering wounds to speed up their release from pus, changing them twice a day.

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  • Gubanov, I. A. and others. 768. Rubus chamaemorus L. - Cloudberry // . - M .: T-in scientific. ed. KMK, In-t technologist. issl., 2003. - V. 2. Angiosperms (dicotyledonous: dicotyledonous). - S. 404. - ISBN 9-87317-128-9.


  • (eng.): information on the site (Retrieved September 15, 2009)
  • on the website of the Community of Lovers of the Ethnic Culture of the Indigenous Peoples of the North

An excerpt characterizing Cloudberry

The Pavlograd Hussar Regiment was stationed two miles from Braunau. The squadron, in which Nikolai Rostov served as a cadet, was located in the German village of Salzenek. The squadron commander, captain Denisov, known to the entire cavalry division under the name of Vaska Denisov, was assigned the best apartment in the village. Junker Rostov had been living with the squadron commander ever since he caught up with the regiment in Poland.
On October 11, on the very day when everything in the main apartment was raised to its feet by the news of Mack's defeat, camping life at the squadron headquarters calmly went on as before. Denisov, who had been losing all night at cards, had not yet returned home when Rostov, early in the morning, on horseback, returned from foraging. Rostov, in a cadet uniform, rode up to the porch, pushed the horse, threw off his leg with a flexible, young gesture, stood on the stirrup, as if not wanting to part with the horse, finally jumped down and called out to the messenger.
“Ah, Bondarenko, dear friend,” he said to the hussar, who rushed headlong to his horse. “Let me out, my friend,” he said with that brotherly, cheerful tenderness with which good young people treat everyone when they are happy.
“I’m listening, your excellency,” answered the Little Russian, shaking his head merrily.
- Look, take it out well!
Another hussar also rushed to the horse, but Bondarenko had already thrown over the reins of the snaffle. It was evident that the junker gave well for vodka, and that it was profitable to serve him. Rostov stroked the horse's neck, then its rump, and stopped on the porch.
“Glorious! Such will be the horse! he said to himself, and, smiling and holding his saber, he ran up to the porch, rattling his spurs. The German owner, in a sweatshirt and cap, with a pitchfork, with which he cleaned the manure, looked out of the barn. The German's face suddenly brightened as soon as he saw Rostov. He smiled cheerfully and winked: “Schon, gut Morgen! Schon, gut Morgen!" [Fine, good morning!] he repeated, apparently finding pleasure in greeting the young man.
– Schonfleissig! [Already at work!] - said Rostov, still with the same joyful, brotherly smile that did not leave his animated face. – Hoch Oestreicher! Hoch Russen! Kaiser Alexander hoch! [Hooray Austrians! Hooray Russians! Emperor Alexander hurray!] - he turned to the German, repeating the words often spoken by the German host.
The German laughed, went completely out of the barn door, pulled
cap and, waving it over his head, shouted:
– Und die ganze Welt hoch! [And the whole world cheers!]
Rostov himself, just like a German, waved his cap over his head and, laughing, shouted: “Und Vivat die ganze Welt!” Although there was no reason for special joy either for the German who was cleaning his cowshed, or for Rostov, who went with a platoon for hay, both of these people looked at each other with happy delight and brotherly love, shook their heads in a sign of mutual love and parted smiling - the German to the barn, and Rostov to the hut he shared with Denisov.
- What's the sir? he asked Lavrushka, the rogue lackey Denisov known to the whole regiment.
Haven't been since the evening. It’s true, we lost,” answered Lavrushka. “I already know that if they win, they will come early to show off, but if they don’t until morning, then they’ve blown away, the angry ones will come. Would you like coffee?
- Come on, come on.
After 10 minutes, Lavrushka brought coffee. They're coming! - he said, - now the trouble. - Rostov looked out the window and saw Denisov returning home. Denisov was a small man with a red face, shining black eyes, black tousled mustache and hair. He was wearing an unbuttoned mentic, wide chikchirs lowered in folds, and a crumpled hussar cap was put on the back of his head. He gloomily, lowering his head, approached the porch.
“Lavg” ear, ”he shouted loudly and angrily. “Well, take it off, blockhead!
“Yes, I’m filming anyway,” answered Lavrushka’s voice.
- BUT! you already got up, - said Denisov, entering the room.
“For a long time,” said Rostov, “I already went for hay and saw Fraulein Matilda.
– That's how! And I pg "puffed up, bg" at, vcheg "a, like a son of a bitch!" shouted Denisov, without pronouncing the river. - Such a misfortune! Such a misfortune! As you left, so it went. Hey, tea!
Denisov, grimacing, as if smiling and showing his short, strong teeth, began to ruffle his thick, black, tousled hair like a dog with both hands with short fingers.
- Chog "t me money" zero to go to this kg "yse (nickname of the officer)," he said, rubbing his forehead and face with both hands. "You didn't.
Denisov took the lighted pipe handed to him, clenched it into a fist, and, scattering fire, hit it on the floor, continuing to shout.
- The sempel will give, pag "ol beats; the sempel will give, pag" ol beats.
He scattered the fire, smashed the pipe and threw it away. Denisov paused, and suddenly, with his shining black eyes, looked merrily at Rostov.
- If only there were women. And then here, kg "ome how to drink, there is nothing to do. If only she could get away with it."
- Hey, who's there? - he turned to the door, hearing the stopped steps of thick boots with the rattling of spurs and a respectful cough.
- Wahmister! Lavrushka said.
Denisov frowned even more.
“Squeeg,” he said, throwing a purse with several gold pieces. “Gostov, count, my dear, how much is left there, but put the purse under the pillow,” he said and went out to the sergeant-major.
Rostov took the money and, mechanically, putting aside and leveling heaps of old and new gold, began to count them.
- BUT! Telyanin! Zdog "ovo! Inflate me all at once" ah! Denisov's voice was heard from another room.
- Who? At Bykov's, at the rat's? ... I knew, - said another thin voice, and after that Lieutenant Telyanin, a small officer of the same squadron, entered the room.
Rostov threw a purse under the pillow and shook the small, damp hand extended to him. Telyanin was transferred from the guard before the campaign for something. He behaved very well in the regiment; but they did not like him, and in particular Rostov could neither overcome nor hide his unreasonable disgust for this officer.
- Well, young cavalryman, how does my Grachik serve you? - he asked. (Grachik was a riding horse, a tack, sold by Telyanin to Rostov.)
The lieutenant never looked into the eyes of the person with whom he spoke; His eyes were constantly moving from one object to another.
- I saw you drove today ...
“Nothing, good horse,” answered Rostov, despite the fact that this horse, bought by him for 700 rubles, was not worth even half of this price. “I began to crouch on the left front ...” he added. - Cracked hoof! It's nothing. I will teach you, show you which rivet to put.
“Yes, please show me,” said Rostov.
- I'll show you, I'll show you, it's not a secret. And thank you for the horse.
“So I order the horse to be brought,” said Rostov, wanting to get rid of Telyanin, and went out to order the horse to be brought.
In the passage, Denisov, with a pipe, crouched on the threshold, sat in front of the sergeant-major, who was reporting something. Seeing Rostov, Denisov frowned and, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb into the room in which Telyanin was sitting, grimaced and shook with disgust.
“Oh, I don’t like the good fellow,” he said, not embarrassed by the presence of the sergeant-major.
Rostov shrugged his shoulders, as if to say: "So do I, but what can I do!" and, having ordered, returned to Telyanin.
Telyanin sat still in the same lazy pose in which Rostov had left him, rubbing his small white hands.
"There are such nasty faces," thought Rostov, entering the room.
“Well, did you order the horse to be brought?” - said Telyanin, getting up and casually looking around.
- Velel.
- Come on, let's go. After all, I only came to ask Denisov about yesterday's order. Got it, Denisov?
- Not yet. Where are you?
“I want to teach a young man how to shoe a horse,” said Telyanin.
They went out onto the porch and into the stables. The lieutenant showed how to make a rivet and went to his room.

As soon as the northerners did not call this wonderful berry - “marsh eyes”, “royal berry”, “marsh amber”, “arctic raspberry” and even “northern orange”. All these names refer to the mysterious tundra berry - cloudberry. For many centuries, this amazing berry has been held in high esteem by the inhabitants of the Far North. Its beneficial properties were used to save from scurvy and strengthen immunity in the difficult northern climate, and liqueurs and jellies made from cloudberries became one of the tourist brands of the Scandinavian countries.

Cloudberry description

Here is what Wikipedia writes about cloudberries: a low shrub reaching a height of about 25 cm. The stems are thin, and the leaves are wrinkled, rounded with uneven edges. Cloudberry blossoms white flowers in mid-summer, fruits appear at the end of August.

The berry itself is a combined drupe, about 2 cm in diameter. The fruit looks very similar to raspberries, but with its own unusual taste and aroma. Ripe berries should be transparent orange color. They begin to harvest from the end of August, and the roots of the plant are dug up for making a decoction in late autumn.

Northern raspberry grows in swamps in peat forests, moss tundras, and sometimes it can also be found in the Far East and in central Russia. In places of growth, it often coexists with blueberries, blueberries and lingonberries.

As for Russia, most of the berries are collected in Arkhangelsk and Tomsk regions and in the Komi Republic.

Cloudberry useful properties and contraindications

Cloudberry berries contain many vitamins and microelements. This is real storehouse of vitamin C. One hundred grams of vitamin berries contain more than the same amount of an orange. Arctic raspberries are also rich in B vitamins, as well as A and E. There are many trace elements in it - iron, copper and potassium.

Thanks to this composition, cloudberries have long been used by northerners for the treatment and maintenance of immunity in the cold season.

Benefits during pregnancy:

Cloudberry is one of the foods recommended for women during pregnancy. Given that many cold medicines are contraindicated during this period, with the help of cloudberries you can protect yourself from viruses and cure seasonal diseases without resorting to traditional medicine.

Cloudberry medicinal properties and benefits

What is useful cloudberry

Its medicinal properties are widely used in the preparation cosmetics. There are whole series consisting of face, hand and body creams based on cloudberry extract. This series is produced by the famous Swedish company Oriflame. In stores you can buy products of domestic firms.

Cosmetics with it help to significantly improve the structure of the hair, rejuvenate the skin of the face and hands, reduce wrinkles and slow down the aging process. Cloudberry seeds are used to prepare natural scrubs for lips and body.

Contraindications and harm

  • If the product is eaten for the first time, then you should first make sure that there is no allergy.
  • It is forbidden to use berries for enterocolitis.
  • It is not recommended to use fresh berries for stomach ulcers and pancreatitis.
  • Do not eat the bones, they irritate the stomach.


Not only jam and jelly are prepared from it, it is also pickled and dried, liqueurs, compotes and marshmallows are made.

Fresh berries do not store well and after three days the fermentation process begins. Therefore, it is recommended to make any seaming, keeping it for a long time.

Soaked cloudberries

To prepare it, you will need not quite ripe berries and a tub in which the berries will be soaked. Syrup is prepared from one glass of sugar and a liter of water. Berries are poured into the tub, and syrup is poured on top, water with sugar should be on the same level with the berries. The tub is covered with a lid and left for four months. Soaked cloudberries are used as a filling for closed pies, and are also added to compotes and jelly.


It will take one kilogram of sugar, the same number of berries and thirty grams of gelatin. Pour the berries with sugar and boil over low heat. Gelatin is diluted in water and after a while added to the jam, boiled for another 15 minutes and poured into jars.

You can make jelly in another way, already without gelatin. A kilogram of fruit is rubbed through a sieve and mixed with two kilograms of sugar, the mixture is boiled down to the desired condition and poured into jars.


Marshmallow is prepared from a mixture of apples and cloudberries. They take equally one kilogram each, pass through a meat grinder, add two kilos of sugar and cook until thick. After that, the finished marshmallow is poured into plywood molds covered with pre-oiled parchment and dried in the oven for two days. When preparing marshmallow, consider the thickness, it should not exceed more than two centimeters.

Jam 3 types

You can store cloudberries and frozen, but its shelf life is very short - about two months.

Tasty and healthy drinks are prepared from arctic raspberries, which both adults and children will drink with pleasure.

Drink with cream

Washed berries are poured with cream and powdered sugar is added. For three tablespoons of cloudberries, one glass of cream is enough. Powder is added to taste.

Coffee with jam

A very unusual drink is made from coffee, milk and cloudberry jam. Half a glass of strong coffee without sugar is taken, a tablespoon of milk and two tablespoons of jam are added. The drink is served chilled. It is desirable to take pasteurized milk.

Green tea can be replaced with dried cloudberry and regular raspberry leaves. Brewed like regular tea.

Cloudberry can be found not only in the wild, often this plant grown in cottages and household farms. And they do it absolutely right: it is unpretentious, frost-resistant, and it is also insanely tasty and extremely healthy.



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