Calculate the square of Pythagoras by date of birth yourself. The magic square of Pythagoras by date of birth is the most accurate decoding of personality

With the help of the numerological matrix, you can tell a lot about a person. The square of Pythagoras reveals all the strengths and weaknesses of a person, his inclinations, character traits, compatibility with other people, and much more. In this article, we ourselves will calculate and build a psychomatrix, and give it a small description.

Knowledge from numerology is part of astrology. We are talking, of course, about Vedic astrology, as the ancestor of all other branches in astrology. Thanks to the numerological matrix, it is possible to help people more effectively from the point of view of psychology.

Therefore, take further information seriously and responsibly.

What is the square of Pythagoras?

The psychomatrix or Pythagorean square is a kind of “cast” of our physical and mental (subtle) body. The matrix is ​​calculated from the date of birth, through some transformations with numbers, which will be discussed below.

The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras studied even more ancient works on numerology, and then he brought it into a more understandable system. Here we will analyze the psychomatrix in a form adapted for our time.

The matrix allows you to look into the fate of a person. Thanks to it, you can understand what a person needs to focus on in his current life and where he may have problems.

What is the essence of the work of the numerological psychomatrix?

It may be news to you, but in our world everything consists of certain energies (vibrations). Everything is created, maintained and destroyed due to: goodness-sattva, passion-rajas, ignorance-tamas. Human life is also under the complete control of these energies.

One of the main tasks of a person in life is to get out from under the influence of the three material gunas (energies).

Astrology speaks of planetary influence on a person and his destiny. Planets are conductors of material energies in human life. As a result, fate develops in a certain way in all areas: certain health, wealth, talents, environment, opportunities, level of knowledge, and much more are given.

In numerology, each number is under the influence of a particular planet and also carries a certain energy or vibration. Therefore, within the framework of numerology, we will repeatedly return to the planets and ways to harmonize them.

The square of Pythagoras tells us how the influence of each of the planets is represented in the fate of a person. Numerology speaks on this topic in a simpler and more accessible way than astrology as a whole. But with the help of the analysis of the natal (astrological) chart of a person, more and more can be said.

How to calculate the psychomatrix of Pythagoras?

To build a Pythagorean square, we need two working lines . The first consists of the date of birth, and the second consists of four working numbers. Accordingly, we first need to calculate four working numbers. This calculation is suitable for those who were born before 2000. A little lower will be given a calculation for people who were born after 2000.

For example, let's take the date of birth 10/07/1952. The full name is also required here (in this example, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin).

  • 1 working number- obtained by adding all the numbers in the date of birth

25 - First working number

  • 2 working number- add the numbers of the first working number

7 - Second working number

If it turns out 10, 11, 12 - these are the dominant numbers, we leave them in the Second Working Number in the same form.

  • 3 working number- from the first working day we subtract the doubled first digit of the birthday


11 - Third working number

  • 4 working number- add up the numbers of the third working number

In this example, the Third working number is 11, which means:

11 - Fourth working number

Now we write down the name of the matrix and two working lines. The name of the matrix is ​​​​the name, patronymic, surname of its owner. Psychomatrix of Pythagoras is a set of energies in the form of numbers and planets that control these numbers, so each matrix must have its own name, corresponding to reality.

In our example, it looks like this:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin


In each cell of the table we write out numbers from 2 working lines.

This is what a fully completed Pythagorean square looks like for a particular person:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin


Can't box matrix because there is an energy behind every number. That is, there should not be external lines, like almost everyone who talks about the square of Pythagoras.

Each number, each row, column, diagonal in the matrix has its own meaning and can say a lot. Also some squares and triangles in the matrix matter.

When analyzing the psychomatrix, we rely on the ideal matrix, comparing with it the matrix that was obtained as a result of our calculations. Here is an example of an ideal matrix:

The missing numbers say what you need to work on (with what qualities).

Now we will calculate the matrix for those born in the 2000s, and after that we will describe the meaning of the numbers in the matrix.

Calculation of the psychomatrix for those born after 2000

In many ways, the procedure is the same as above, but there are some differences. We also need the full name of the owner of the future matrix and two working lines. We write down:

Full name– Stefania Dmitrievna Malikova

Date of Birth – 13.02.2000

  • We add up all the numbers in the date of birth 02/13/2000

8 - First working number

  • Then we add the numbers of the first working number

If it turns out 10, 11, 12 - the dominant numbers, leave.

8 - Second working number

  • We add 19 to the First working number (a constant is a constant number, support from the generations of the 1900s in the form of energies 1 and 9)

27 - Third working number

  • We add the numbers of the third working number

If the Third working number is 10,11,12, then we do not add up the numbers and transfer them in the same form.

9 - Fourth working number

Now we write down the name of the matrix (full name) and two working lines, and then fill in the matrix according to the same pattern as above:

Stefania Dmitrievna Malikova


Note to parents: it is important to give the energy of the missing figures in the family to children. The best ways: harmonious education and personal example.

For people born after 2000, there is a tough karmic task: follow the path of spiritual development, benefit the world and master a certain skill. For those born after 2015, this task is somewhat weakened.

I talk in detail about the self-calculation of the Pythagorean square for those born in the 2000s and later in this video:

The meaning of numbers in the square of Pythagoras

It is impossible to give an accurate and detailed description of all combinations of numbers in the numerological matrix within the framework of the article, but I will talk about this a little lower. Therefore, now we will briefly talk about what each number in the matrix is ​​responsible for and which planet is under the control.

1 - Sun

On the one hand: character, self-determination, will, strength of personality. On the other hand, selfishness, pride.

This is a very important figure in the matrix and we start the analysis from it. According to it, we determine the strength of character, the tendency to leadership, the ability to achieve something. We can also see the degree of a person's egoism by this figure.

For example, if a person has “11111” or “111111” in the matrix, then this indicates a high level of egoism and this is a zone of special attention for him. But again, a more accurate "diagnosis" can only be made when considering the entire matrix as a whole.

The best option for women is "111", and for men "1111". But this is not critical, there may be other values. Much depends on how a person lives.

2 - Moon

On the one hand: relationships, partnership, choice, energy. On the other - laziness, apathy, anxiety.

Two shows the level of energy in a person, his ability to build relationships in the family and with others. “22” is considered the norm, but everything is individual.

When a person has a lot of twos: "222", "2222", etc., then he can do a lot, provided that he applies energy in the right direction and does not get scattered. But sometimes a large number of twos have the opposite effect and a person becomes very lazy.

3 - Jupiter

On the one hand: interest in science, curiosity, creativity, ability to study. On the other hand - unwillingness to develop, chaos.

In many ways, the triple speaks of a person's ability to exact sciences, various types of creativity and art. The norm is one triple, but if there are no triples at all, then this indicates that a person needs to develop in creativity. As the number of triples grows, it can develop as a strong interest in science and technology, but also a complete lack of desire to develop.

4 - Rahu

On the one hand: health, sexuality. On the other hand - neglect of the body and health, pedantry.

According to the four, we can determine the level of human health, the beauty and strength of the body, and study the issues of childbearing. The norm is "4". If there are no fours, then health and childbearing are a special area of ​​\u200b\u200battention, abortions cannot be done (although no one can do them, because this is murder).

But a lot of fours is not always good. People with "444" or "4444" are very concerned about their body and health, or, on the contrary, they may not give a damn about their body.

5 - Mercury

On the one hand: intuition and logic at the same time, the perception of life according to the male or female principle. On the other hand, there is a retreat into mentality, an excessive tendency to think.

Also a very important figure in the square of Pythagoras. We look at it in the second turn after the analysis of units. According to it, we determine by what principle a person perceives life. If there is no “5”, then a person has 80% of the energy of the opposite sex and 20% of his own. This means that a person will be with a certain character and shortcomings in him.

The norm is one "5". If the fives are “555” or more, this indicates good intuition and even a connection with otherworldly forces.

6 - Venus

On the one hand: skill, ability to work with hands, physical labor, manipulation. On the other hand - fear, anger, fear, destruction, unwillingness to work physically.

Although the six in the matrix shows creativity, including its absence, it indicates a special propensity for creativity. The energy of this figure is easy to accumulate up to 12 years. To do this, the child needs to learn to do something with his hands.

If a person has "666", then he has a strong ability to manipulate other people, and he can also cause a feeling of fear in others. One "6" is considered the norm.

7 - Ketu

On the one hand: success, luck, connection with the Guardian Angels, the study of the laws of the universe, joy. On the other hand - sensitivity, excessive vulnerability.

Quite an important figure in the square of Pythagoras. Ketu is the planet of wisdom, good luck, luck, and it is desirable that there be at least one "7" in the psychomatrix. If it is not there, then it is imperative to develop the energy of "7" through gratitude to God and all those around you for everything that comes into life, through sympathy for all living beings, through the comprehension of deep and wise knowledge.

The norm is one "7". If a person has "77", then he should be lucky in life, unless he worsens his fate with his actions. And if a person has "777", then he is a happy talisman for others, but not for himself. Such a person needs to bless others, wish them all the best and kind.

8 - Saturn

On the one hand: service, truthfulness, reliability, tolerance, kindness, belonging to the Family, duty to parents and relatives. On the other hand - anger, intolerance, irritability.

Saturn is one of the most important planets in our horoscope, as it distributes the fruits of good and bad karma. Accordingly, the energy "8" in the matrix is ​​important for us. The norm is one "8".

The absence of "8" in a woman can lead to problems in her personal life and disrespect for the opposite sex. Two and three "8" speak of a strong connection with the Family and a person needs to pay attention to relatives and relatives.

9 - Mars

On the one hand: memory, the level of mental abilities, a tendency to teaching and psychology. On the other hand - resentment, envy, vindictiveness, greed, greed, vindictiveness.

First of all, "9" shows the mental abilities of a person and a tendency to teach others. Three or more "9" can give phenomenal abilities and a strong connection with the Higher powers. The main thing here is to lead a good life.

The norm is "99". If the nine is one, then there may be a weak memory. And the combinations "999 + 5" and "999 + 77" speak of a special gift in a person who is associated with the Highest Values, but we can only talk about this in detail during a consultation.

What do the horizontal lines in the Pythagorean psychomatrix mean?

The value in the matrix is ​​not only the absence, presence and number of numbers, but also groups of numbers in horizontal and vertical lines, in diagonals, some squares and triangles. Now consider horizontal lines - lines.

Line 1-4-7

Shows a person's ability to set and achieve goals, his views on life.

Four or five numbers in a line speaks of a good sense of purpose and the ability to correctly set goals, based on common sense and one's capabilities. Less than 4-5 digits per line indicates that this quality is weakened in a person. If there are more than five numbers in a line, then this means a tendency to overestimate goals and spraying.

The string ideal is "111-4-7".

A lot of goal-setting depends on the strength of a person's character. Depending on the number of units in the matrix:

  • "1" - usually doubts, sets goals and does something for the company;
  • "11" - does not take into account his interest in the goal and its subject, stability is more important, does not pay attention to details;
  • "111" - sets goals from the state of interest; that is, if it is interesting, then I will set a goal and I will achieve it;
  • "1111" - goals are set from the state of money and other material interests;
  • "11111" - is interested in power (powers) and goals that can give it to a person;
  • "111111" - like a person with one "1".

Depending on the presence of the four in the matrix:

  • There is "4" - sets goals and implements them;
  • No “4” - doubts arise in the middle of the path, there may not be enough strength to bring the plan to the end.

The following depends on the seven:

  • No "7" - there may not be enough luck and good luck to achieve the goal;
  • There is a "7" - able to achieve goals and have enough luck for this.

Line 2-5-8

This line speaks of the qualities of a family man in a person and the desire to create a family.

The ideal string is "22-5-8".

Four or five numbers in a line speak of the good qualities of a family man, such a person knows why he needs a family. If the numbers are less than 4-5, then this says that the family is not a priority for a person. If there are no numbers, the person wants a family, but something constantly prevents him from creating it (either the wedding was canceled, or something else) or saving it. And when the numbers are more than five, the relationship partner is of great importance, there is a strong attachment to him.

Line 3-6-9

This horizontal line speaks of the desire for stability, habits and rituals. It also shows a fear of change.

The string ideal is "3-6-99".

Four or five numbers in a line indicates that the person is stable and grounded. If the numbers are more than five, then a person can get bogged down in habits and rituals, be strongly attached to stability and the usual state of things. If the numbers are less than four, then such a person is easy-going and not afraid of change.

Columns in the numerological matrix

The columns in the Pythagorean square also show a lot of information about a person and the description of all the nuances of this requires a lot of time. For now, I would like to point out that

  • The column "1-2-3" shows a person's self-esteem, his desire to stand out;
  • The column "4-5-6" also shows financial karma;
  • The column "7-8-9" shows the presence of talents in a person.

I want to note that sometimes a person's real life differs sharply from fate in the matrix due to the fact that a person with strong indicators in his matrix is ​​strongly “included” in it. For example, a child with parents, or parents with a child, or one spouse with another.

The value of the diagonals in the square of Pythagoras

On the diagonals, we look at the material and spiritual component of human life.

Diagonal "3-5-7"

This diagonal is called descending or material. It shows the carnal interests of a person, the need for intimacy, and other material needs.

Let's look at the number of digits:

  • There are no numbers - such a person can be an ascetic and have very few material needs (rarely) or, conversely, very strongly strive for everything material;
  • 1-2 numbers - the needs of such a person are not too high;
  • 3 - numbers - the norm;
  • 4-6 digits - tactility (touch, massage) is important to a person, other material needs and their quality are important.

Diagonal "1-5-9"

This diagonal is called falling or spiritual. Shows a person's desire for spirituality, development, primarily in religion, psychology and esotericism.

Here we also focus on the number of digits in the diagonal:

  • Less than six digits - a person is more imprisoned for material interests;
  • 6 digits - the norm; strive for the spiritual, but also develops in the material direction;
  • 7-8 or more numbers - a person can become a fanatic, there are often clues for spirituality;
  • There is no number "5" - either the material side of life is more interested, or a person is shaken from side to side and he needs to find a balance between the spiritual and the material.

According to the numerological matrix, you can look at many other things: propensity for certain professions, compatibility with a partner, tasks of a person in the Family, financial map, karmic tasks, draw up a schedule of fate, choose a name for a child, and much more.

Square of Pythagoras: the main conclusion

If you look at life from the perspective of numerology or astrology, then the main task of each person is to go beyond the matrix(psychomatrices of Pythagoras), or beyond the horoscope in astrology (natal chart).

Therefore, you need not to be conditioned and not to fall into dependence on your psychomatrix, but to take actions to get out from under the influence of fate. And this is a separate topic for discussion.

I ran through several articles that are in the TOP of Yandex and Google. And in them, the decoding of various combinations of numbers in the square of Pythagoras is largely superficial, and sometimes outright nonsense.

To give a complete description of a person according to the psychomatrix, it is necessary to carefully study it in all its subtleties. And in order to describe all the options here, you need to write a separate book. So there are two options in this situation:

    320 621 Sergei Yuriev http://website/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergei Yuriev 2018-10-18 05:00:07 2018-11-13 18:13:20 How to calculate the square of Pythagoras (psychomatrix) by date of birth?

The square of Pythagoras is a numerological method for calculating fate according to the numbers of a person's date of birth. The date of birth carries a lot of information about a person: his character, his abilities, success in life, propensity for activities and professions. The square of Pythagoras allows you to find out the individual characteristics of a man and a woman, and then, based on these data, calculate the compatibility of the couple.

She is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January February March April May June July August September October November December
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901
Calculate Compatibility

You can also make your own personal square of Pythagoras, which will tell you about your abilities, skills, talents and health.

How is compatibility calculated by the square of Pythagoras?

As you can learn from the article "", each of the nine cells of the Pythagorean square tells about some quality of a person. For example, the first cell of the Pythagorean square shows the strength of a person's character - the more units, the more strong-willed a person. The second cell of the Pythagorean square is responsible for the energy of a person - the more twos in the second cell, the more powerful the person from an energy point of view. The fourth cell of the Pythagorean square will tell about a person's health: a large number of fours promises a person excellent health, and the absence of fours indicates pain.
The author of this system for analyzing a person's personality is Pythagoras, a famous philosopher, numerologist and mathematician. The square of Pythagoras accurately describes the qualities of a person, his fate, and for many years has been very popular with people. Over the years, scientists appeared who were able to open up new possibilities for analyzing personality based on the Pythagorean square.

One of these people is the numerologist-mathematician Alexandrov, who proposed to consider the square of Pythagoras not only as separate 9 cells, each of which tells about the quality of a person’s personality, but also to analyze the columns, rows and diagonals of the Pythagorean cell. Each column, row and diagonal of the Pythagorean square carries information about a person's personality. For example, the first row of the psychomatrix (cells 1, 4, 7) will tell us about the person's purposefulness, and the first column (cells 1, 2, 3) will tell us about the self-esteem of the individual. It is for these personality traits, which the rows and columns in the Pythagorean square tell about, that the Compatibility of the couple is calculated.

Analysis of the compatibility of a pair by the square of Pythagoras (for example):

For example, let's take a guy and a girl born on January 8, 1987 and October 14, 1991 and analyze their compatibility. To analyze the compatibility of your couple, use the Pythagorean squares based on your dates of birth. To do this, at the beginning of this article, enter your dates of birth in the boxes called "He" and "She", and then click the "Calculate" button.

For analysis, lines, columns and diagonals of the Pythagorean square are taken in turn. Each diagonal and column is responsible for a certain quality of personality. The more numbers in a line or column, the more developed the quality of a given person.

To calculate the purposefulness of the guy in this pair, you need to add up the number of digits in the first line. It turns out: 3 digits + 1 digit + 2 digits \u003d 6. Purposefulness of the girl: 7.

Thus, according to the criterion of purposefulness, this couple does not quite fit together. The girl in this pair will be more active and ambitious, which can negatively affect her relationship with the young man. A man in this pair should develop a sense of purpose in order to achieve harmony in relations with his girlfriend.

Do the same with your Pythagorean squares: count the number of digits in the first line of the guy and the girl, and then analyze how you match each other in terms of the quality of purposefulness.

This couple is not too in a hurry to start a family, he is quite satisfied with a romantic relationship throughout his life without concluding a legal marriage. Both the girl and the young man have a low level of attachment to the family, which is 3 digits.

It is believed that a guy and a girl are suitable for each other according to this criterion, since both of them are not attracted by family values ​​and they are ready to live their whole lives in a celibate relationship, but have a feeling of love for each other.

Determine your compatibility with your loved one by the level of attachment to the family. To do this, count the number of digits in the second line of the guy's square and the girl's square. The more numbers, the more the person expresses attachment to the family and family traditions.

The stability of a man is 3: 1 digit + 2 digits. The stability of a woman is 4. Such a couple has moderate stability: they value a quiet family life, but at the same time they are ready for unexpected changes in their lives. An excellent level of stability in a pair for a long and strong relationship.

The first column of the Pythagorean matrix is ​​responsible for the self-esteem of the couple. The self-esteem of a man has 4 points, and the self-esteem of a woman - 6. This is not very favorable, since a woman can crush a man with her strength and faith in herself. A man in such an alliance should develop faith in his professional abilities, and a woman should believe in him and inspire new feats.

The numbers 4, 5 and 6 are called the Material column in the square of Pythagoras. The material well-being of a man in this pair is 1 point, and the material well-being of a woman is 4 points. This means that the wife in this pair is better able to earn money and has the ability to do so. This is not a very favorable compatibility, but in our time, some couples are satisfied with this kind of family life, when a woman provides more for the family than a man.

Using the same method, determine how much you fit each other in terms of material well-being. The more numbers in the second column, the more successful the person is financially.

The talent level of a man is 7 points, and the talent level of a woman is 3 points. This is excellent compatibility for family life: a woman automatically respects a man for his abilities in a creative or other field. Such a high level of talent in men suggests that he is able to achieve a lot in the field of literature, painting or business.

The couple's temperament or sexuality is calculated along the diagonal of the square by the numbers 3, 5 and 7. The sexuality of a man is 3 points, and the sexuality of a woman is 0 points. This is not a very favorable compatibility, since the man in this couple needs sex more than his girlfriend.

This couple does not belong to the category of people who are deeply interested in spirituality and worship God. Although this couple has some interest in everything deep and mysterious. The guy and the girl have favorable spiritual compatibility for creating a strong family.

9. Household crisis

With the help of the square of Pythagoras, you can also find out when domestic crises await the family and prepare for them by minimizing discord and conflicts in the family. Use a calculator for calculations.

Using the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the period of a domestic crisis in their relationship. Having understood the method of calculating the timing of a domestic crisis, use it to calculate the timing of a domestic crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
1) Count how many digits are contained in the ascending diagonal, the third and second lines of the Pythagorean square.

The guy gets: 3 digits, 3 digits, 3 digits.
For enrollment volume of household stability of a man multiply these numbers: 3×3×3=27.

The girl gets: 0 digits, 4 digits, 3 digits.
To calculate girl's household stability volume multiply these numbers: 3×4=12.

2) Calculate total household stability.

To do this, multiply the amount of everyday stability of the girl and the guy.
Total household stability = 12×27 = 324

3) To calculate the period of the onset of a crisis in everyday life, you need to divide the total volume of domestic stability by 365 days. Thus, we will find out the number of years after which a domestic crisis will repeat in the family. Let's calculate the period of the onset of the crisis in everyday life: 324:365 days = 0.8 years. It turns out that a household crisis in this family will occur even more often than once a year. This couple needs to seriously think about how to improve and facilitate their life, try to build their relationship on a spiritual basis, not focusing too much on the little things of life.

10. Spiritual Crisis

The square of Pythagoras allows you to find out the period of spiritual crisis in a married couple.
On the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the period of a spiritual crisis in their pair. In this example, you will understand the method of calculating the spiritual crisis. Use this method and calculate the duration of the spiritual crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
1) Count how many digits are contained in the descending diagonal, the first column and the first line of the Pythagorean square.

The guy gets: 5 digits, 4 digits, 6 digits.
For enrollment volume of spiritual stability of a man multiply these numbers: 5×4×6=120.
The girl gets: 4 digits, 6 digits, 6 digits.
To calculate volume of spiritual stability of the girl multiply these numbers: 4×6×6=144.
(If there are no digits in a row or diagonal, then 0 does not need to be used when multiplying digits).

2) Calculate total amount of spiritual stability.
To do this, multiply the amount of spiritual stability of the girl and the guy.
Total amount of spiritual stability = 120x144 = 17280

3) To calculate the period of the onset of a spiritual crisis, you need to divide the total amount of spiritual stability by 365 days. Thus, we will find out the number of years after which a spiritual crisis will repeat in the family. Calculate the period of the spiritual crisis: 17280:365 days=47 years. This family is very strong on a spiritual basis, a serious spiritual crisis in this family will come only after 47 years of marriage. Despite the fact that every year this couple will expect a conflict on a domestic basis (domestic crisis), they will be able to save the family on the basis of high spiritual stability.
It is worth noting that the most dangerous for a family union are the years of the intersection of the spiritual and everyday crisis. For this couple, this year will come after 47 years of relationship. This year will be the most critical for the couple, because in addition to the domestic crisis, the family will face a deep spiritual crisis. You need to prepare for this year and try to maintain relationships by going through the crisis with the least loss for the family.


The numerological technique "Pythagorean Square" has been in circulation for more than two centuries. A number of sources claim that
it was proposed by Pythagoras himself.
Without going into theoretical discussions about the square of Pythagoras, we will fight to show the essence of the method in practice, about how to calculate it.

Calculation of the square of Pythagoras

For example, you were born on July 11, 1953. We write: 07/11/1953.
Add up: 1+1+7+1+9+5+3=27.
This is the first working number.

We again add up its numbers: 2 + 7 \u003d 9.
This is the second working number.

From the First working number, we subtract the doubled first digit of your birthday:
This is the third working number.

For example, if the date of birth starts with 0 (01) - 0 is discarded, 1 is multiplied.

We add the numbers of the Third working number: 2 + 5 \u003d 7.
It turned out the fourth working number.

We write your date of birth and four working numbers in a line: 11.7.1953.. We count the number of digits in the date numbers and the number of working numbers (4): 2+1+4+4=11. This means that you are living in the world for the eleventh time.

Now look at the table:


Square 1

1 - a person has an egoist program, the program embedded in him is aimed at developing the personality itself.
11- selfishness is expressed to a lesser extent.
111 - the character is compliant, there comes a balance in the external and internal use of energy.
1111 - the influence on the outside world already prevails, a strong, strong-willed person.
11111 - purposeful, cruel character. Dictator.
111111 - despotic, but capable of anything for the sake of relatives and friends. It's very difficult with him.

Square 2- an indicator of energy strength

The absence of deuces or one deuce means the absence of a reserve of one's bioenergy. This means that the channel is open for an intensive intake of alien or cosmic energy. This is the so-called. "Energy Vampires" Note: one of the signs is that you like old things and are highly communicative. With liveliness in communication, you are trying to feed on energy from others. Your energy reserve is quite enough, but try to pay more attention to gymnastics.

22 - a person is able to share energy with others, can become a healer.
222 - indicate good extrasensory abilities.
2222-22222 - among strong psychics, sometimes prone to despotism.

There is another way to determine the state of your bioenergetics. Refer to Second Working Number. If it is small - from 1 to 4, then you are an "energy vampire" living by recharging from others.
If from 5 to 9, then you are the so-called "energy donor", 10 - "white magician", 11 - "black", if the number is more than 11, then add up the numbers that make it up and operate with the resulting number. Consider this discovery of the ancients: at 2222 you are of great interest to the opposite sex. But if three more sixes (666) are added, beware of temptations.

Square 3(decency).

The absence of triples - a very neat or punctual person. He stands out among those around him with his conversation.

3 - these people are worried about disorder, but relatively (I want to do it, I want to - no), it all depends on the mood.
33 - the ability to science (remarkable mathematicians, physicists, chemists).
333 - the ability to science (with a vengeance). Pedantry, accuracy, if there is no implementation in science.
3333 - unwillingness to develop is clearly manifested.
33333 - unwillingness to develop becomes pathological.

Square 4(health).

fours - this person is prone to serious illnesses (especially when calculating 2).

4 - it will hurt, mainly from old age.
44 - a very healthy person or has an increased temperament. With more of them, abnormal manifestations of temperament, including sexual ones, are possible.

Square 5(intuition).

No fives - unopened channel at birth. These people are always trying to do something, to do something, always in thought, in experiment, in calculations. Life experience shows that many mistakes will be made by this person. These people have a hard time. Everything that is given is punched with the head.

5 - the channel is open, these people make fewer mistakes.
55 - a person is "led" by higher powers.
555 - the gift of clairvoyance opens.
5555 - a person can simultaneously be in different dimensions. There are moments when they are on the other side of time and space.

Square b- Sign of the Earth.

There are no sixes - a person came into this world to get a profession, physical labor is necessary, but he does not like it.
6 - a grounded person, physical labor is necessary, you can think about studying.
66 - very grounded, but physical labor is not needed, and he loves it.
666 is a warning sign. The person is very attractive, temperamental. His partner must be with a lot of deuces. 666 - in accordance with the Bible, the sign of Satan is evidence of a destructive nature.
6666 - this person in his previous earthly transformations gained a lot of grounding and worked very hard. For this man there is no yoke of physical labor. He is always working. Such a person definitely needs to go to college, especially if there are also nines.

Square 7

No sevens - this man was born to earn sevens in his subsequent transformations. But they can only be earned by sympathy. A very hard life. It doesn't come easy.

7 - testifies to the beginnings of talents that need to be developed.
77 - about a more obvious manifestation of talents.
77 is a very strong sign, especially if its strength is fully developed. The person is musical, has an artistic taste, can draw. If there are 1 and 2 in the calculation, then his egoism will guide him and his talent, no one needs him. A person walks on a razor's edge, endowed with everything: both good and bad. There will be no closed doors for him.
777 is a special sign. Three sevens are a sign of angelicity and indicate that a person came to earth for a short time. These people will face serious difficulties.
7777 is a sign of alarm. Four sevens for angels who descended to earth and die already in infancy. People with this sign should be very careful.

Square 8. Reliability sign.

A person who does not have eights should not be relied upon if he is something
take it is not in a hurry to give.

8 - punctual.
88 - for those capable of self-sacrifice.
On my own, I would like to add that people with one and two 8 are less likely to break the bonds of marriage, although this is not excluded.
888 - a sign of serving the people.
8888 - very rare only in people with psychic abilities. 8888 in the current century were only in 1988. Children were born with developed abilities, with a penchant for studying the exact sciences.

Square 9. The level of mental abilities.

At one nine they are normal, at two they are brilliant. Children with three nines study already without interest, with four - they have an outstanding mind, but they are also quite demanding of others. 9999 - the truth is revealed to a person in conjunction with a rare mind, but they are distinguished by rudeness, mercilessness.

Of great importance, in the interpretation of the square of Pythagoras, is the combination of numbers in different cells. With three sixes and the absence of twos, a person turns into an energy vampire, which is recharged from others. The presence of sevens does not yet guarantee an angelic character with a minimum number of units. In all these cases, you need to work on yourself, build a child-rearing program correctly in order to harmoniously combine the qualities inherent in nature.

If you feel that something is wrong in your life, it does not bring you joy and satisfaction, look at numerology will reveal your true self and help you find your path.

Pythagoras was engaged not only in mathematics: he was also interested in psychology. After much research and calculations, he managed to create a coherent numerological system that allows you to find out the innate inclinations of a person, the characteristics of his personality and temperament. And knowing them, it is much easier to go through life - it is no coincidence that the square of Pythagoras is even called "Matrix of Destiny".

How to calculate the square of Pythagoras

  • We add up all the numbers included in this date: 2+5+0+9+1+9+6+7=39 - this is First working number.
  • Next, you need to add the numbers that make up the First working number: 3 + 9 \u003d 12 - this is Second working number.
  • Then from the First Working Day we subtract the first digit of the date of birth multiplied by 2: 39-2*2=35 is Third working number.
  • We add together the numbers that make up the Third working number: 3 + 5 \u003d 8 - this is Fourth working number.
  • We line up the dates of birth and the resulting working numbers: 25, 09, 1967, 39, 12, 35, 8.
  • And now we build the final table. We put all units in the first cell, all milkings - in the second, triples - in the third, etc. (Zeros in this table do not need to be counted.)


Cell with units - character

If in a cage no units- you have a generous soul, you are always ready to help people. But you lack intelligent selfishness.

1 - you are an egoist. If you do not learn to think about others, you can be completely alone.

11 - egoism is expressed to a lesser extent. At the same time, you need praise and admiration. Think less about the opinions of others.

111 - "golden mean": you are balanced and sociable, do not like subordination, but are not inclined to leadership either. Able to reach a compromise in conflicting situations.

1111 and over- very strong and strong-willed character. You are unnecessarily demanding of yourself and others, love order. Everything is calculated in advance, do not tolerate uncertainty. You need to feel your importance.

Cell with deuces - internal energy

No deuces- lack of energy. You are too impressionable. Try to avoid stress, increase your energy potential with the help of physical education. Don't overwork.

2 - the energy potential is weak. You get tired quickly. Dose the load, relax. Stay away from energy vampires (always whining people) - you are easy prey for them.

22 - you have a normal level of internal energy, you know how to accumulate it and spend it wisely.

222 - the level of energy is increased, because of this you are overly emotional, inconsistent and aggressive. Learn self-control.

2222 and more- very powerful potential. But if it is not used (for creation or self-development), a person can embark on the path of destruction, including himself.

Cage with triplets - logic and order

No triplets- you like order, economic and practical. Take responsibility for your work. But at the same time you are too conservative.

3 - your mood often changes, you go to extremes. For example, at first you hold on to every penny, and then you abruptly begin to lower your savings. Either keep order in the house, then start everything. You need to discipline yourself.

33 - you tend to think things over and use the results in practice. However, you are too fixated on your rightness - learn to respect other people's opinions.

333 - you have an analytical mindset, you try to substantiate and sort everything out. But you think too much about the fact that many things in life are wrong. Better start putting your skills into practice.

3333 and more- a sign of great abilities for applied sciences. However, if you do not use the potential inherent in you, you can become a bore and notice only minuses around.

Cage with fours - health

No fours- poor health. Give yourself reasonable physical activity regularly, especially if you are sedentary.

4 - you have weak joints, muscles and ligaments, "problem" organs of the digestive and respiratory systems. Salvation is in daily exercises.

44 - Health is good, but this does not mean that it can be squandered. Lead the right way of life, harmonize your sexual sphere.

444 - you are endowed with good health, physically developed and strong. However, addiction to alcohol and smoking can knock you down.

4444 and more- an excess of health can push you to excesses. Learn to control your desires, use your health reserve for the benefit of yourself and others.

Cell with fives - intuition

No fives- no intuition. You have to think everything over, because of this you get a lot of mistakes.

5 - intuition is poorly developed. But it is enough if you know how to calculate all the risks and consequences of an act.

55 - you have good intuition, are able to foresee the development of the situation, guided by a seemingly insignificant detail.

555 - very good intuition, thanks to it you rarely make mistakes.

5555 and over- You have the gift of clairvoyance. But you should not interfere in other people's lives.

Cage with sixes - diligence

No sixes- you came to Earth to master a craft, to engage in physical labor, although you do not like it.

6 - your main purpose is physical labor, but do not forget about creativity and science.

66 - mental work is preferable for you, although you like physical work.

666 - due to the lack of a life goal, your attitude to work is changeable: you either work tirelessly, or you are lazy. Try to understand what the soul lies to.

6666 or more- you are not afraid to work physically. But you can achieve harmony in life only if you study and develop intellectually.

Cage of sevens - talent

No sevens- your soul is still very young, and talents have not yet manifested themselves. You have everything ahead!

7 - Your creative success is the result of hard work. Keep up the good work, but show more initiative.

77 - you are a gifted person, you have an artistic taste and various abilities. Use them for the benefit of yourself and others.

777 - you are very talented and can make this world even more beautiful. However, if the talent is not realized, it will fade away.

7777 and more- you are endowed with great abilities. The fate of not only yours, but also of many people depends on how you dispose of them. Be careful.

Cage of eights - responsibility

No eights- You want freedom. Learn responsibility, develop a sense of duty in yourself: in this world you are not alone.

8 - you are moderately disciplined, you have an innate sense of duty. But you try once again not to make promises and not to take on obligations. It annoys the people around.

88 - you have a heightened sense of responsibility. You sympathize with the homeless, feel sorry for the animals in the zoo, blame yourself for other people's troubles. Be on the lookout: many are not averse to using these qualities of yours for their own purposes.

888 You need to feel that you are needed. If not, you consider your life empty. Do not neglect your own interests for the sake of others.

Cell of nines - intelligence

No nines You have to put in a lot of effort to absorb new information. Learn to reason, read more.

9 - you have good mental abilities, but your memory often fails. Develop it, often remember what you studied before.

99 - you are smart, easily acquire new knowledge. Put them into practice more.

999 - you have a very developed intellect, and you know it. Try not to demonstrate your superiority over others, otherwise you will make enemies.

9999 or more- intelligence at the highest level. However, it is often accompanied by such negative qualities as arrogance, intransigence and even cruelty. Always be human.

Pythagorean table determined by simple calculations. For example, take the date of birth March 12, 1950. The numbers in this series are: 1, 2, 3 (day of the month), 1, 9, 5, 0 .
1) As in simple numerology, all numbers add up. It is also calculated as the birth number: 1+2+3+1+9+5+0= 21 . This is the first working number.
2) Digits of the previous number are reduced to one digit 2+1= 3 . This is the second number.
3) Double digit of the 1st day of the date of birth is subtracted from the number of birth. In our example, this is 1*2=2. That is 21-2= 19 . This is the third number.
4) The last number is also reduced to one digit 1+9=10=1+0= 1 . This is the fourth number.

By the way, the number of the second calculation in ordinary numerology is yours destiny number. In this example, this is the number 3. Next, we write all the numbers, including the date of birth, in a row: 12 3 1950 21 3 19 1. Now these numbers can be moved to the corresponding cells of the Pythagorean matrix. We will be able to:

11111 - -
22 5 -
33 - 99

It can be seen from the table and from the calculations that the numbers 4, 6, 7, 8 are missing. What would that mean?

The meaning of numbers in the square of Pythagoras

So, Pythagoras gave his meaning to each cell of the psychomatrix.

Cell 1. Character

1 (or no units) - Weak egoist, irresponsible "sissy";
11 - The character is moderately selfish and subject to other people's influence;
111 - Positive and sustainable character;
1111 - Typical "hero", very strong-willed and strong character.
11111 (and more units) - Tyrant and dictator, intolerant of other people's opinions. Extremely unpleasant in communication.

Cell 2. Bioenergy

There are no twos or one 2 - Bioenergetic channels are open for active absorption of energy. A typical "energy vampire" prone to collecting old things. Likes freebies.
22 - Bioenergy is enough to share with others. At the same time, it replenishes its reserves in the environment of more energetically saturated people.
222 - Chorismatic personality, popular with the opposite sex.
2222 - Psychic, can heal people.
22222 - The owner of five or more deuces "jamming" someone else's biofield. After talking with such people, my head hurts a lot.

Cell 3. Organization and ability to science

No triples - A very punctual person, stands out among those around him with cultural speech and good manners. Accurate to the point of disgust.
3 - A person of mood (“I want - I do, I don’t want - I don’t do ...”). He does not like disorder, but he will again begin to clean up, depending on his mood.
33 - A typical "good student" with ordinary abilities in the natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry ...).
333 - "Programmer". Can clearly formulate the task and the procedure for its solution, but will postpone the implementation to the last moment. Pedantry, stinginess.
3333 - The owner of four or more triples will be successful in the scientific field. He can work for days on his dissertation, if only his rear (household chores, laundry, cleaning, etc.) is securely covered.

Cell 4. Health

No fours - Explicit or hidden health problems.
4 - Doctors in the anamnesis write about such people - “practically healthy”, diseases begin to manifest themselves with age.
44 - A person with good health and high resistance to disease, while not necessarily a heroic physique.
444 - "Indigenous Siberian". Such people are implicitly chosen to create a family and have children.
4444 or more fours - The owner of a large number of "fours" is very resistant to acquired diseases, but genetic (hereditary) diseases come to the fore.

Cell 5. Intuition

No fives - Closed channel of intuition. The person is active, trying to do something. Always thinks about his actions, but makes many mistakes. Such people have to make their way in life with hard work.
5 - The channel of intuition is open, but weak intuition leads to errors due to lack of information.
55 - Strongly developed intuition (such people can be auditors, investigators, criminalists).
555 - Clairvoyant. Everything that happens around him is clear.
5555 - Such people are subject to time and space, they rely on the "sixth sense" and will not go to the store for bread if they feel that it is stale there.

Cell 6. Grounding

No sixes - A hard worker, despite the fact that he does not like physical labor.
6 - An earthly person, physical labor for him is a natural path to intellectual labor. Creative propensity.
66 - "Workaholic". He likes to work, although physical work is just a hobby for him.
666 - A very attractive and temperamental person, but requires a lot of money from a partner. Will do anything to not work. Satan sign.
6666 - This person can teach or lead, because he cannot work - hands do not grow from there.

Cell 7. Talent

No sevens - A person will become talented in his subsequent reincarnations. Probably... Maybe...
7 - This person has a subtle talent that can be developed. It is important to correctly determine the scope of his abilities.
77 - A sign of very talented people. They are musical, have an artistic taste, can draw, design houses, write books. A person of this sign is endowed with everything - both good and bad.
777 or more sevens - "Artist", whose talent can be encroached upon by envious people. This can lead to serious difficulties.

Box 8. Responsibility

No eights - "Eternal debtor", easily borrows, but is in no hurry to give.
8 - A good family man with a developed sense of responsibility.
88 - A very developed sense of responsibility. He is always ready to help other people, sometimes to the detriment of himself.
888 - A person is called to serve the people, but this does not mean at all that he can become a deputy. Outstanding personality.
8888 - Explicit parapsychological abilities, as well as abilities in the field of exact sciences.

Box 9: Mental abilities

9 or no nines - A low intellectual level that needs to be raised, since mental abilities are trained.
99 - A smart head, but on the neck of a lazy person. A typical "student", one of those who study not for knowledge, but for a diploma.
999 - "Lucky", and the path of luck lies through his mind.
9999 - Smart, but boasting of it, and therefore a rude and merciless person.

And that is not all. Now we determine the fullness of the diagonals. In our example, the first column is the most populated.
11111 - -
22 5 -
33 - 99

This means that the individual is a very practical companion. By the value of the subsequent diagonal columns, you can determine the following if they are filled: 2nd column - strength of character, 3rd column - the presence of talent, 1st line from the top (numbers 1,4,7) - how much willpower is manifested, 2nd line - what is the propensity for family life, line 3 - how good is the image. Next, we determine diagonally: 1, 5, 9 - mean integrity, mercy, 3, 5, 7 - God's nature. Strength can be determined by the number of digits in the cells.


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