Meal rules message. Among the disadvantages you can find such phenomena

How to eat properly? We rarely think about this question. Meanwhile, this is one of the most important aspects proper, healthy eating. It is important not only to use high-quality, healthy food, but also do it according to all the rules.

  1. Do not eat immediately after serious physical activity: playing sports, heavy physical work, hypothermia or overheating of the body, as well as after violent emotions. Immediately after such stress, the body has no time to secrete digestive juices. Take at least a half hour break.
  2. Every meal should start with raw vegetables or fruits. Eat them whole or as salads. Vegetables and fruits eaten on empty stomach, stimulate the functioning of the digestive glands, motility gastrointestinal tract, contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora. Especially useful in this regard are apples, cabbage of all types (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli...), carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers. By the way, cabbage can also be eaten sauerkraut - this is one of the very few products that, when prepared for future use, almost do not lose their beneficial properties.
  3. But together with thermally processed food, and even more so immediately after it raw vegetables and fruits should not be consumed - in this case they contribute to the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines. Eating fruit for dessert is harmful!
  4. Chew your food thoroughly. When chewing, not only mechanical grinding of food occurs (which facilitates the work of all other departments digestive tract), but also partial breakdown of carbohydrates and some proteins under the action of enzymes contained in saliva.
  5. Eat slowly, take breaks between dishes - at least 5, and preferably 10 minutes. Breakfast and dinner should last at least half an hour, lunch - at least 40 minutes.
  6. Do not drink immediately before, during or immediately after meals. An exception can be made only if you eat very dry food, which can be washed down with small sips. Water and other drinks wash away saliva from the mouth and dilute gastric juice, which negatively affects the digestion of food. You should drink at least half an hour before meals and no earlier than an hour after meals.
  7. Avoid very cold (well below room temperature) and very hot (burning your mouth and lips) food and drinks. It is not advisable to combine cold and hot dishes in one meal.
  8. Immediately after eating, do not start working, but rest a little. But don't lie down and sleep. It's best to take a leisurely walk. The break must be at least 15 minutes per mild case work and at least half an hour in case of heavy physical work. And for serious sports activities, the break between the end of the meal and the start of the workout should be at least an hour.

Very rarely does a person think about the question of how to eat food correctly? But knowledge of this aspect presupposes correct and healthy eating. Success will be achieved only if a person not only eats healthy food, but also does it correctly.

So let's talk more about this

Firstly, you should not eat immediately after heavy physical activity (sports, heavy physical labor, hypothermia or overheating of the body, violent emotions). After these loads, the body still does not have the strength to secrete digestive juices. Therefore, it is recommended to take at least a 30-minute break.

Secondly, every meal should begin with eating raw vegetables or fruits. They must be eaten whole or in the form of salads. Vegetables and fruits eaten on an empty stomach help stimulate the activity of the digestive glands, gastrointestinal motility, and normalize the intestinal microflora. The most useful are apples, all types of cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and Bell pepper. You can also use sauerkraut, because... During its preparation and long-term storage, practically no beneficial properties are lost.

Thirdly, you should not eat raw vegetables and fruits along with or immediately after thermally processed food. Otherwise, the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines begin to intensify. Remember that eating fruit for dessert is harmful to your health!

Fourthly, you should chew your food thoroughly. During the chewing process, food is mechanically crushed. Then the work of the remaining parts of the digestive tract is greatly facilitated. Chewing also contributes to the partial breakdown of carbohydrates and some proteins under the influence of enzymes contained in saliva.

Fifthly, you should eat slowly. Between dishes you need to take breaks of at least 5 minutes. The duration of breakfast and dinner should last at least 30 minutes, lunch - at least 40 minutes.

Sixth, you should not drink immediately before, during or immediately after meals. If you eat very dry foods, then you can make an exception. But even here you should drink it in small sips. Water and other drinks cause saliva to be washed away and gastric juice to become diluted. This situation adversely affects the digestion of food. Therefore, you should drink at least 30 minutes before meals and no earlier than one hour after it.

Seventh, you should not eat very cold (much below room temperature) and very hot (which burns your mouth) food. A combination of cold and hot dishes in one meal is not recommended.

Eighth, you should not get to work immediately after eating; you need to rest a little. In this case, you do not need to lie down or sleep, it is best to take a walk. If you are planning to do easy work, then the break should be at least 15 minutes, but if it’s severe, then at least 30 minutes. At active activities during sports, the break between the end of the meal and the start of the workout should be at least one hour.

If you want to have good health to be in excellent shape and show good results in training, you need to adhere to simple and understandable rules that will help rebuild the culture correct reception food for her to bring maximum benefit.

The most important component of human productivity health is correct and balanced diet. The foods we eat provide our body with everything necessary substances for restoration, ensuring energy metabolism and efficient work all organs and systems. If you want to have good health, be in excellent shape, and show good results in training, you need to adhere to simple and clear rules that will help rebuild the culture of proper eating so that it brings maximum benefits:

1. It is advisable to eat in a calm environment

Don’t focus your attention on the radio or TV, broadcasts, playing with your mobile phone, reading, working, talking... Then you will be happy to absorb food, your attention will be focused on the food, its taste, its smell, then the products you eat will be full absorbed by the body.

2. The diet should be regular

Irregular meals confuse both the body and mind.

3. Eat while sitting

It happens that you are in a hurry and all you think is just to have a quick snack, give yourself time to sit down at the table, then digestion will be complete and normal.

4. It is very bad to eat when you are nervous or excited.

When a person is angry, digestive enzymes, are produced by the body to a much lesser extent. And when you feel that you are already calm, and nothing irritates you or interferes with your eating, start eating.

5. Don't overeat

When you feel a comfortable state in your stomach, it means you have already eaten. Food should not be consumed in quantities greater than 75% of the feeling of complete satiety. After all, when the stomach is filled to capacity, metabolism does not function fully.

6. Try not to eat food cold

Such food slows down and extinguishes the digestion process, and takes away thermal energy from your body.

7. “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb” - do not chat while chewing food

Your feelings while eating and your thoughts about what the food has aroma, taste and appearance will bring pleasure and benefit from the meal.

8. Take your time when eating, eat slowly

When you swallow food quickly, the digestion process becomes difficult. Take food in small pieces, gradually, until you chew the previous piece.

9. Do not eat again until the previous food is at least partially digested.

This condition is allowed to be violated only during periods of heavy training, when the body needs a constant source of energy. But still, you need to give your stomach a head start for at least twenty minutes - half an hour. Basically, it’s worth eating again at the first the slightest sign hunger.

10. Don’t run right after eating or lie down.

Sit quietly, at least for a few minutes, then the food will be digested easier, without tension and problems.

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From the fact are we eating right?, in fact, a lot depends. AND general state the whole body, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular. Besides, eating incorrectly, we begin to gain weight, and, as a result, due to increased weight, problems begin in the work of other organs. In a word, everything is interconnected.

So how to eat right? Are there any rules for eating? In fact, there are rules. And if you try to follow them, you will soon feel great!

Basic rules for eating

1. Can't start food right after you study physical labor or any loads. You should not do this immediately before playing sports. The minimum break that should be taken is half an hour to an hour.

2. Every meal, regardless of the time of day, should start with fresh fruit and vegetables. They activate the digestion process. Especially useful in this case are apples, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.

3. You should try to structure your diet in such a way that you did not eat raw vegetables or fruits at the same time along with food that passed heat treatment . This is extremely harmful to the stomach. Moreover, it is strictly prohibited after that. As you eat the main course, eat fruit. They should not be served as dessert under any circumstances!

4. Any food of any consistency must be chewed well. Otherwise, still for a long time after eating you will feel feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

5. When eating, you should not rush. Between doses of several different dishes Take at least short breaks - five minutes each.

6. You should not drink any drinks immediately before, during or immediately after eating. This significantly complicates and slows down the digestion process. IN as a last resort, you can drink food only when it is too dry. But you should drink it in small sips.

7. The temperature of the food you are about to eat should be as close as possible to body temperature. You cannot eat very hot and very cold food at the same time.. If you have such dishes on your menu, you should take at least a short break between eating them.

8. Immediately after eating it's worth resting for half an hour. Just don’t lie down on the sofa, much less fall asleep. You can take a slow walk, or go out onto the balcony to get some air.

9. Only then should you start eating when you really feel hungry. And not just because it’s time for lunch or someone invited you to the table.

10. You should never overeat. From the table you must leave with a slight feeling of hunger. This is due to the fact that information about satiety travels slowly from the stomach to the brain. In about fifteen minutes. During this time, you manage to eat so much that your stomach swells like a drum. And if you leave the table with a feeling of slight hunger, then in ten to fifteen minutes it will pass, and you will feel great.

11. At one meal, you should eat no more food than can fit in two of your palms, folded into a handful. Anything larger than this volume is superfluous.

12. Fifteen to twenty minutes before eating, it is advisable to drink one glass warm water. Water activates the stomach, and prepares it for the digestion process.

13. Solid food should be chewed until liquid. But if you eat something liquid (for example, a first course), then you still need to chew it several times.

14. While eating, it is very important not to think about anything bad. Put everything aside unpleasant thoughts and problems for later. While eating you need to think only about the good, or not think about anything at all.

15. Half the amount of food that is yours daily ration, must be of plant origin. And in its raw form. Only then will your body receive everything it needs nutrients, and your stomach will start working like a clock!

I would also like to say something about reading while eating or watching TV. Most people read or watch TV during dinner, for example. But this is actually harmful. Firstly, you do not see what you are eating, approaching the process of eating purely mechanically. And secondly, when your attention is distracted, you don’t notice how full you are. And as a result you eat more than necessary.

For best result, OK good follow all the rules given here. But, even if you try to follow at least some, then we can say with confidence that you halfway to perfect health!

If you want to have good health, be in excellent shape, and show good results in training, you need to adhere to simple and clear rules that will help rebuild the culture of proper eating so that it brings maximum benefits.

The most important component of human health and productivity is proper and balanced nutrition. The products we consume provide our body with all the necessary substances for restoration, energy metabolism and efficient functioning of all organs and systems. If you want to have good health, be in excellent shape, and show good results in training, you need to adhere to simple and clear rules that will help rebuild the culture of proper eating so that it brings maximum benefits:

1. It is advisable to eat in a calm environment.
Don’t focus your attention on the radio or TV, broadcasts, playing with your mobile phone, reading, working, talking... Then you will be happy to absorb food, your attention will be focused on the food, its taste, its smell, then the foods you eat, will be fully absorbed by the body.

2. The diet should be regular.
Irregular meals confuse both the body and mind.

3. Eat while sitting. It happens that you are in a hurry, and all you think is just to have a quick snack, give yourself time to sit down at the table, then digestion will be complete and normal.

4. It is very bad to eat in a nervous or excited state.
When a person is angry, digestive enzymes are produced by the body to a much lesser extent. And when you feel that you are already calm, and nothing irritates you or interferes with your eating, start eating.

5. Don't overeat. When you feel a comfortable state in your stomach, it means you have already eaten. Food should not be consumed in quantities greater than 75% of the feeling of complete satiety. After all, when the stomach is filled to capacity, metabolism does not function fully.

6. Try not to eat cold food.
Such food slows down and extinguishes the digestion process, and takes away thermal energy from your body.

7. “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb” - do not chat while chewing your food. Your feelings while eating and your thoughts about what aroma, taste and appearance the food has will bring pleasure and benefit from the meal.

8. Take your time when eating, eat slowly. When you swallow food quickly, the digestion process becomes difficult. Take food in small pieces, gradually, until you chew the previous piece.

9. Do not eat again until the previous food is at least partially digested.
This condition is allowed to be violated only during periods of heavy training, when the body needs a constant source of energy. But still, you need to give your stomach a head start for at least twenty minutes - half an hour. Basically, you eat again at the first slightest sign of hunger.

10. Do not run immediately after eating and do not lie down.
Sit quietly, at least for a few minutes, then the food will be digested easier, without tension and problems.



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