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Almost everyone loves tomatoes, so those who have their own country cottage area or lives in rural areas, be sure to grow this themselves healthy vegetable. Fruit collection can be done in different time, it all depends on the timing of ripening, that is, on the plant variety. Let's figure out when to harvest tomatoes grown in open ground?

When to pick tomatoes in open ground?

In order for the plants to provide you with fruits to the maximum, it is important not to miss the time to harvest. If you start this process too early, you may not get part of the harvest, but late harvesting can result in you losing part of the harvest, as there is a risk of developing various diseases, for example, late blight or the process of decay will simply begin. This primarily concerns open ground. So, when the moment comes to pick tomatoes, here are some tips:

  • If the variety is early, then fruit harvesting can begin in mid-July. It is also necessary to take into account when the plants were planted.
  • Later varieties begin to bear fruit in mid-August. At this time, you should be more careful, as the dawns become cold, heavy dew falls, and excellent conditions appear for the development of late blight.

Tips for properly harvesting tomatoes in open ground

  • As soon as tomatoes begin to ripen, they must be harvested regularly.
  • If the weather is good and there is no danger of late blight developing, then you can wait until they finally ripen right on the bush.
  • Closer to mid-August, they should be collected at the stage of milky ripeness. That is, when they are able to ripen outside the plant. The fruits become less green and have a whitish tint.
  • If you collect unripe tomatoes in the open ground, then in a dark place or just in the kitchen they may well ripen.
  • At the end of August, even if the weather is still sunny, it is better to collect all the tomatoes from the bushes, since the dew is already cold and it is cold at night, and this good conditions for the development of various diseases.

Collect tomatoes on time, then the plant will fully reward you with the harvest.

The timing of the tomato harvest depends not only on the variety, but also on the climate of the region and weather conditions. Closer to autumn, it is better to pick tomatoes green, so that other fruits have time to grow and ripen before the frosts. We will tell you in our article when to pick tomatoes in open ground and greenhouses, and how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

When to pick tomatoes

Experienced gardeners recommend picking tomatoes from the bush a little unripe in late summer and autumn. As noted above, this is necessary so that the remaining fruits have time to ripen. It is best to pick tomatoes when they turn light brown.

IN middle lane In Russia, tomatoes are harvested in August, and in Siberia, the Urals and more northern regions, the fruits are harvested in September, since here they plant later in the spring. In the southern regions it is still warm in September, so late varieties have time to ripen on the bushes and can be left untouched until October.

Cold and rainy weather can cause plant damage by fungal diseases. In such weather, it is recommended to pick tomatoes green.

When to harvest tomatoes:

  1. At temperatures below +10 degrees.
  2. At the first sign of late blight.
  3. If you don’t come to the site often, pick the tomatoes when they reach milky ripeness.

It is better to pick tomatoes green than to lose the crop due to it freezing or late blight destroying the fruits.

At the same time, you cannot pick all the green fruits in a row, since poorly developed and small ones will not ripen at home.

Signs of when to pick green tomatoes:

  • tomatoes have grown to the size corresponding to the variety;
  • the fruits have become whiter, that is, they have reached the milky ripeness stage;
  • the seeds in the fruits are fully ripe.

Such tomatoes can be safely picked from the bush and stored for ripening.

Attention! Diseased fruit should be removed from plants and discarded or stored away from other crops. Otherwise, they will infect all healthy tomatoes.

How to pick tomatoes correctly

In greenhouses and open ground, tomatoes are removed from the bush every three to five days. In this case, the remaining ones will have time to develop.

Harvesting is carried out in the morning in dry weather. In order for the tomatoes to ripen and not begin to rot at home, it is important not to damage their skin, therefore, using pruners or scissors, the fruits are cut off along with the stalk.

Sick tomatoes are thrown away, and damaged ones are eaten immediately or used for winter preparations. If the fruits are not very damaged by late blight, the affected areas can be cut off and the remaining portion can be used to make a winter salad.

A healthy crop is harvested for ripening.

Methods for ripening tomatoes

Before harvesting green tomatoes for ripening, study the following rules:

  1. The fruits are not washed before storage and ripening. They are simply cleaned of soil and dirt.
  2. Fruits affected by late blight can be immersed in water at a temperature of +60 degrees for a couple of minutes. This procedure will destroy all spores on the surface of the tomatoes. Store affected tomatoes separately.
  3. A room with low temperatures and high humidity is not suitable for ripening tomatoes.
  4. Tomatoes do not tolerate being near other vegetables well, so they are stored separately.
  5. Ripe tomatoes spoil quickly at room temperature, so they are immediately put in the refrigerator or other cool place. Among the green fruits, be sure to leave a few ripe ones.

Traditional ripening method

Tomatoes ripen fastest at a temperature of +28 degrees and in bright light. To do this, they can be laid out on a sunny windowsill.

However, the harvest will ripen well even at room temperature of +20..+25 degrees. The fruits need to be placed in several layers in boxes, baskets, crates, or simply laid out on shelves.

Attention! Bananas or red apples lying nearby will help speed up the ripening of tomatoes. These fruits emit ethylene, which contributes to rapid maturation.

Laying for long ripening

Tomatoes will ripen within a month if they are stored indoors at a temperature of +12..+15 degrees and a humidity of about 80 degrees. The harvest is placed in boxes or crates in two or three layers. Each layer is sprinkled with dry sawdust or covered with paper. Air must flow to the fruits, so cover the top of the container with a cloth or loosely close the lid.

With this method of ripening, you can enjoy it until winter, and sometimes even later. fresh tomatoes. If ripe fruits will be needed earlier, they can be transferred to more warm room and top with red apples or bananas.

Ripening at home on bushes

Not only will the tomatoes ripen, but they will also grow if you dig up the bush along with the fruits. Shake off the soil from the bush and hang it upside down in a warm and well-ventilated room. Hang the bushes so that they do not touch each other. As the tomatoes ripen, they are picked.

If you were unable to harvest your tomatoes on time, you should not be upset. You can make delicious preparations for the winter from green tomatoes.

The ripening of everyone's favorite tomatoes varies slightly in different regions. It depends on the variety, daylight hours and climatic conditions. Most gardeners in Russia, Belarus and Tatarstan begin harvesting outdoors in early August. To remove tomatoes from the bushes good quality, it is important not to miss cleaning time.

Features and time of harvesting tomatoes in Siberia

In Siberian open ground, the best varieties are those intended specifically for this region, since the harvest from such varieties is reliable and worthy.

Of course, not every hybrid is suitable for cultivation in this harsh climate, however, modern originators have developed new varieties that are successfully grown by Siberian gardeners. It should be remembered that even the very early hybrid must be collected before the average daily temperature parameters drop to +13 degrees. Otherwise, the fruits will rot and will not be suitable for consumption.

Tomatoes in the regions of Siberia begin to be harvested in early August. Often tomatoes of medium and mid-late varieties in the Siberian climate do not have time to ripen before the sharp drop in night temperatures begins, so they need to be picked brown and stored indoors for ripening. In this case, when the fruits turn red, they will have a sourish-bitter taste.

If you want to prolong the ripening of tomatoes in the Siberian climate, stakes are driven near the plants, on which agrofibre or polyethylene is stretched. In this case, the fruit harvest can be extended until the first days of September.

Features and time of tomato harvesting in the Moscow region

In this region, real warmth comes late, and autumn frosts come very early. Short summer period forces the gardener to select early-ripening hybrids and varieties for cultivation, and also to create conditions for the rapid ripening of tomatoes.

Tomato seedlings planted in the Moscow region for good fruit ripening should be provided with a good layer of mulch and fertilizing with complex fertilizers three times a day. In this case, the soil will warm up well, providing effective development beneficial microorganisms, and root system plants are protected from overheating and hypothermia.

Early ripening varieties and hybrids of vegetables begin to be harvested in the Moscow region at the end of July. Tomato harvesting in this region should begin at the stage of milky ripeness. It should be taken into account that if the weather is rainy, the fruits should be collected without waiting for complete ripening. Indeed, with high humidity, tomatoes are attacked by pathogens. Tomatoes picked brown will ripen well in a dry room.


If you want to harvest tomatoes in the Moscow region before the end of autumn, the plants should be provided with shelter from cold rains and dew. To do this, in mid-August, polyethylene is stretched over the plantings, which in case of night frosts should be covered with agrofibre.

Features and time of harvesting tomatoes in the Urals

When growing tomatoes in this region, preference should be given to hybrids and varieties that are resistant to negative weather conditions, short daylight hours and increased resistance to diseases. In this region, you should not wait until the fruits are fully ripe. Tomatoes should be picked at the browning stage in mid-August and ripened indoors. Such fruits ripen well in room conditions in 10-18 days.

The signal that all tomatoes should be completely harvested from the bushes is the defeat of plants by late blight, which in the regions of the Urals causes irreparable harm to the crop, leading to the death of the entire crop.

Features and time of tomato harvesting in Tatarstan

Ultra early ripening varieties and hybrids in this region ripen already in early July. In this case, the complete death of the bushes occurs at the end of August. Therefore, until the middle last month In summer, reddened fruits should be removed, which can be ripened indoors.

The Tatarstan region occupies a large territory, therefore different regions differ in climatic features and short-term drops in temperature at night. In this case, the growth of tomato bushes slows down, but the harvest is preserved.

High air temperatures in the region expose fruits to more early maturation and defeat sunburn. In this case, you can protect the plantings with a non-woven mesh for shading. Gardeners growing tomatoes in Tatarstan claim that without this material, you can’t expect a good tomato harvest. With this method of sun protection and compliance with all agrotechnical practices, the mass harvest of tomatoes in this region begins from July 5-10. To obtain a good harvest, you should select varieties and hybrids for planting that are appropriate for cultivation in the region.

Features and collection time in the middle zone

Proper care of plants in the open ground in this region helps to obtain a decent harvest. Considering the average climatic conditions cultivation, you should know that tomato seedlings need to be planted in the first ten days of June, when the likelihood of night temperatures dropping below zero degrees has passed.

After planting the seedlings in a permanent place, the gardener will need maximum care and maintenance of the plantings. To get a decent harvest in central Russia, timely organization is necessary: ​​watering, loosening, fertilizing, preventive treatments against pathogenic fungi and insect pests.

The fruit harvest in central Russia occurs in early August, and preventative treatments with biofungicides alternating with spraying with infusions of medicinal herbs will help prolong its harvest.


Tomato fruits laid out for ripening on sunlight, will receive a brighter color than those that ripen in the dark.

Features and collection time in Chelyabinsk

Tomato fruits should be collected in early August, without waiting for their biological maturity. Timely picking of brown and disease-affected tomatoes will allow them to ripen next wave tomatoes.

To do this, the tomatoes should be placed in a room with good lighting and ventilation, as well as an air temperature of +18 - +26 degrees.

Mid-late varieties and hybrids that do not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather in the Chelyabinsk region should be picked green. However, when ripened, such fruits will not have a sugary taste.

Tomatoes are one of those vegetables that require systematic plucking of ripened fruits. In any region, without removing ripe fruits, you can allow them to be damaged pathogenic diseases. Therefore, no matter where tomatoes are grown, the most important thing is to harvest on time.

Tomatoes, like many other healthy and nutritious vegetables, were brought to us from America. In those days they were called earth apples and for good reason, since tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. To obtain large and high-quality harvests, many varieties have been bred in our area that are quite productive, but there are still losses. In order to harvest large and high-quality harvests, you need to know when to harvest tomatoes. If you pick tomatoes on time, the still green fruits will ripen faster. It is clear that you need to collect tomatoes that have acquired the appearance characteristic of the variety you are growing. Typically, most tomatoes are red or orange when ripe.

Features of tomato harvesting

Tomatoes need to be collected regularly, every 3-5 days. Thus, the fruits will not overripe and it will be possible to quickly ripen the fruits that are still left on the bush. The main features of tomato harvesting include:

  1. It must be remembered that even green tomatoes need to be collected before the period when the average daily temperature drops to 1 1 degrees Celsius. Because if you pick green tomatoes at more low temperatures, then they will ripen poorly and slowly. Fruits that were picked at temperatures of 3-5 degrees Celsius may begin to rot after a few days.
  2. The most acceptable option is to pick all the fruits when they have reached the size characteristic of the variety. When the tomatoes are still just brown in color, they can ripen well in rooms with good ventilation and air temperature 20-25 degrees Celsius with relative humidity up to 85%. To ripen quickly, tomatoes can be covered with hay and stored along with ripened fruits. This is explained by the fact that ethylene will be released, which will contribute to faster ripening of the fruit. To prevent tomatoes from rotting, you can wrap them in newspaper. Tomatoes also need to be heated to ripen quickly. To do this you need to immerse them in warm water(60 degrees). In order for tomatoes to have a bright color, they need to be kept in the light.
  3. If you want the tomatoes to ripen faster, you need to raise the room temperature to 30 degrees Celsius. Also, rapid ripening is facilitated by an increase in the amount of ethylene in the room. It should be remembered that tomatoes high temperatures shrink and quickly become susceptible to fungal diseases.
  4. In most late varieties of tomatoes, the fruits do not have time to ripen before the cold nights begin, so they must be picked while still completely green. Even when ripe, such tomatoes will have a sour taste.

Tomatoes are one of those vegetables that require regular picking of ripened fruits. If this is not done, then ripe fruits may begin to rot and infect still green tomatoes. This is explained by the fact that tomatoes quickly overripe and are quickly affected by various fungal diseases, especially in wet weather. Therefore, you need to regularly pick tomatoes. In this case, you need to pick fully ripe and partially ripe ones. You also need to pick tomatoes that have begun to rot or are affected by late blight. This is done in order to stop infection of other fruits.

The main thing in caring for tomatoes is to speed up the ripening of the set fruits and protect them from rotting. To do this, you need to continue to remove newly appearing stepsons, excess leaves, be sure to pinch the tops of all fruit-bearing shoots, and remove flower clusters on which the fruits no longer have time to form. In low-growing tomato varieties, the trusses with fruits should be turned towards the sun. It is also a good idea from August 11, in addition to all the basic fertilizing, to additionally feed the tomatoes: dilute 1 tablespoon of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water, using 0.5 liters of solution per plant.

It is most advisable to remove all formed tomato fruits from the bushes when brown and lay them for ripening. This simple technique speeds up the filling of the remaining green fruits on the bush. Before storing for ripening, in order to protect the fruits from blackening, they must be warmed up. How do they do it? Into the bucket hot water with a temperature of 60 degrees. Dip approximately 1 kg of tomatoes for 2 minutes, then wipe them with a soft cloth, dry them in the sun and only then put them in for ripening.

To speed up the ripening process, it is carried out indoors at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. The fruits are placed in small boxes in 2-3 layers, no more, removing the pedicels from them. Add some red tomatoes to the boxes. By releasing ethylene gas, they accelerate the ripening process of their green “brothers”.

In the light, ripening tomatoes acquire a more intense color than in the dark.

The fruits remain green for 2.5 months or more if you select absolutely healthy tomatoes and, after heating, place them in boxes with the stalks up in 2-3 layers. Each layer must be sprinkled with dry peat or sawdust; you can wrap each fruit in paper. They should be stored at a temperature of 8-10 degrees.

It is necessary to remove all the fruits from the bushes until the night temperature drops below 8 degrees. Harvested at temperatures below 4 degrees. Tomatoes will rot during storage.



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