How to speed up the process of puberty in girls. Puberty early and late in boys

Premature puberty is called in the case of the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in boys under the age of 9 years, in girls - up to 8 years. According to statistics, this symptom complex is common among children all over the world - about 0.5% of children suffer from diseases accompanied by it. However, this syndrome is most often recorded in America and African countries.

In this article, we will acquaint the reader with the types of precocious puberty (PPS), the causes and mechanisms of its development, as well as describe the symptoms, principles of diagnosis and treatment of this pathology.


The classification of the syndrome of precocious puberty is very conditional, since some of its forms under certain conditions are able to transform into others. However, there are 4 main varieties of this violation, each of which includes several subspecies. Let's consider them.

True precocious puberty

It occurs due to increased activity of the pituitary-hypothalamus system. It, in turn, is divided into 3 types: idiopathic (the causes of which cannot be identified), cerebral and arising under the influence of sex hormones.

Cerebral true PPS can cause:

  • tumors of the central nervous system (glioma of the optic tract, hamartoma of the hypothalamus and others);
  • cysts of the III ventricle;
  • birth injuries of the central nervous system;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • infectious diseases of the brain (, toxoplasmosis);
  • surgical interventions on the brain;
  • radiation therapy.

True precocious puberty, resulting from prolonged exposure to the child's body of sex hormones, can occur in such cases:

  • with late treatment of congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • as a result of the removal of tumors that produce hormones.

False PPP

In girls, it usually occurs against the background of:

  • tumors (carcinomas) of the ovaries;
  • ovarian follicular cysts.

In boys, the cause of this pathology is:

  • tumors that secrete hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • tumors (androsteromas) of the adrenal glands;
  • tumors (leidigoma) of the testicles;
  • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex (namely, deficiency of the enzymes 11-beta- and 21-hydroxylase).

Forms not dependent on gonadotropins

Such variants of precocious puberty occur with testotoxicosis and McCune-Albright syndrome. The activity of the gonads in this case is determined by genetic disorders, it is not associated with the level of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones in the blood.

Incomplete (partial) forms of teaching staff

They are manifested by premature secondary hair growth or isolated early enlargement of the mammary glands.

A separate variant of PPS is one against the background of the primary in the stage of decompensation. It cannot be attributed to any of the above forms of the disease, since the mechanism for the development of this pathology is different.

Causes and mechanism of development

Signs of precocious puberty can appear against the background of various diseases.

As is clear from the data provided above, precocious puberty is not an independent pathology, but only a syndrome, a complex of symptoms that occur as a result of other disorders in the body, against the background of a variety of diseases.

True PPS occurs in connection with the premature activation of the secretion of GnRH, a hormone synthesized by the cells of the hypothalamus. The main function of this hormone is to stimulate the release of gonadotropic hormones by the anterior pituitary gland - FSH (follicle-stimulating) and LH (luteinizing). They, in turn, stimulate the work of the gonads - their release of sex hormones with all the ensuing symptoms (development of secondary sexual characteristics). In a healthy body, all these processes are activated in puberty, and in pathology - ahead of time. In most cases, the cause of early activation of GnRH secretion is a tumor of the hypothalamus - hamartoma.

False PPS occurs, as a rule, as a result of a deficiency of the enzymes 11-beta- and 21-hydroxylase, which results in increased secretion of androgen hormones by the adrenal glands. In some cases, an excess in the body of sex hormones occurs in the presence of tumors that secrete them.

Gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty is the result of genetic mutations. They cause hyperproduction of hormones by the sex glands without the participation of FSH and LH in this process.

Clinical manifestations

True PPS in girls is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • growth of mammary glands;
  • the appearance of "as in adults" of the external genitalia;
  • hair growth is activated in the pubic and axillary areas, but it is still less than in healthy girls during puberty;
  • increased sweating;
  • , often even regular (observed in 40-50% of girls, and in the rest they may be absent even against the background of all other symptoms of PPS for several years after the onset of the latter).

At the age of 6-7 years, the ability of the adrenal glands to produce androgens is activated, therefore, starting from this age, symptoms of premature sexual development appear.

Symptoms of true PPS in boys:

  • an increase in the size of the external genital organs (penis) and glands (testicles);
  • acne
  • increased sweating;
  • hair growth of the external genital organs, hair growth in the armpits;
  • coarsening of the voice;
  • muscle growth.

With false forms of PPS in boys, the size of the testicles remains the same, or they are slightly enlarged.

Also, this pathology in both girls and boys is accompanied by a rapid growth of the child - as in puberty. Such children grow by 10-15 cm in 1 year. There is an accelerated differentiation of bones - this leads to early closure of growth zones and growth of a person below average as a result.

Diagnostic principles

At the stage of diagnosis, the doctor faces the following tasks:

  • determine the form of the disease;
  • find out if the function of the sex glands is active (that is, there is a gonadotropin-dependent or gonadotropin-independent variant of PPS);
  • understand why the secretion of gonadotropins and sex hormones is increased.

To answer all these questions, the specialist listens to the patient's complaints, collects an anamnesis of his life and disease, conducts an objective examination, and determines the need for additional examination - laboratory and instrumental.

History of life and disease

The most important thing at this stage is to find out what was the sexual development of the patient's close relatives.

  • So, testotoxicosis is characterized by early puberty of men in families of both mother and father.
  • In favor of congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, PPS in the patient's brothers or symptoms of virilization in his sisters will say.
  • Hypothalamic hamartoma is characterized by the early onset of puberty and the rapid progression of this process.

Objective examination

Actually, the fact of premature puberty is clearly visible "by eye". Examining the girl, the doctor will pay attention to:

  • an increase in the volume of the mammary glands, darkening of the areola;
  • change in physique (the figure of the girl becomes more rounded, feminine);
  • changes in the external genitalia;
  • the presence, frequency, duration and volume of menstruation.

Examining the boy, the specialist:

  • assess the size of the testicles and penis;
  • clarify the fact of the presence of erections and their frequency;
  • pay attention to the degree of development of the muscles of his patient;
  • evaluate the timbre of the voice, ask the parents of the child whether the voice has become rougher.

In children of both sexes, the doctor will pay attention to the presence of rashes on the face (acne), hair growth of the axillary and pubic areas, and determine indicators of growth and body weight.

In addition, during an objective examination, symptoms of various diseases can be detected, the manifestation of which is PPS (coffee-colored spots, subcutaneous fibromas, signs of hypothyroidism, and so on).

Laboratory diagnostics

Patients with PPS can be assigned the following methods of laboratory diagnostics:

Methods of instrumental diagnostics

In the diagnosis of precocious puberty, the following methods can be used:

  • radiography of the hands to determine bone age (high levels of sex hormones in the blood increase bone age);
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the skull (allows to exclude tumors of the central nervous system);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (it determines the degree of enlargement of the genital organs - the uterus, ovaries, detects follicular cysts, tumors, adenomatous nodes);
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography of the adrenal glands and kidneys (allows to identify tumors of these organs).

Principles of treatment

It pursues the following goals:

  • stop the development of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • to suppress the rate of bone maturation in order to delay the closure of growth zones, than to improve the prognosis for it.

True gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty is treated by taking drugs from the group of gonadoliberin agonists. The most commonly used is diphereline, which actively binds to GnRH receptors in the pituitary gland, preventing the hormone itself from binding to them. This drug is administered intramuscularly, 1 time in 28 days. The dose is calculated individually, based on the body weight of the sick child.

Forms of precocious puberty, progressing slowly, occurring at the age of 5-6 years in girls, are usually not subject to treatment.

A tumor of the hypothalamus - hypothalamic hamartoma - does not threaten the life of the patient, since, as a rule, it does not increase in size. Nevertheless, it is accompanied by neurological symptoms that are very unpleasant for a person, including convulsions, which worsen the quality of life and require treatment using radiosurgical methods, radiofrequency thermocoagulation. If PPS is the only sign of this pathology, surgery is not performed, but gonadoliberin analogues are used.

Gliomas of the chiasmal-optic region may be an indication for surgical and radiation treatment, but sometimes patients suffering from them are simply under the dynamic supervision of a doctor. This is due to the fact that in some cases such tumors can involute (undergo reverse development) by themselves. Therefore, if the glioma does not manifest itself as some life-threatening or very unpleasant symptoms for the patient, they do not touch it.

McCune-Albright syndrome should be treated if it is accompanied by a prolonged increase in the level of estrogen in the blood and frequent bleeding with loss of large volumes of blood. To normalize the level of estrogen, Arimidex and Faslodex are used.

With testotoxicosis, ketoconazole is used. Its leading effect is antifungal, but this drug acts by inhibiting steroidogenesis (blocks the conversion of 21-steroids into androgens, reducing the blood level of the latter). Against the background of treatment in some patients, the development of insufficiency of the functions of the adrenal glands and the liver is possible. Cyproterone acetate, Arimidex and Bicalutamide can also be used, which do not affect testosterone synthesis.

From non-drug methods of treatment, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are extremely important. Patients should avoid external sources of testosterone and estrogen. They should also maintain a normal weight through regular exercise.

Since children suffering from precocious puberty feel different from their peers, they often have complexes and other psychological problems. In such cases, they are shown consultation and treatment by a psychotherapist.

Do I need to worry if the child's peers have already grown mustaches and a third breast size, and your "baby" seems to have not changed? ..

What happens to the body during puberty?

Puberty is the time when a child's body turns into an adult's body. Girls the mammary glands begin to develop, pubic hair appears, the girl sharply increases in growth, the first menstruation appears. The body changes - the hips become wider, and the waist is thinner. Boys facial hair begins to grow, pubic hair appears, there is a rapid increase in growth, the genitals become larger in size. The body changes - the shoulders become broad, the body becomes more muscular.

All these changes are caused by sex hormones - in boys, and estrogen in girls. Hormones begin to be produced in large quantities, so changes occur that called puberty.

Puberty can begin between 7 and 13 years in girls, in boys puberty occurs a little later - between 9 and 15 years. In some children, puberty occurs earlier, in others later. But there are times when the child's body does not change, although all deadlines have already come or passed. Such the deviation is called delayed puberty.

Delayed puberty

In adolescents, delayed sexual development - when there are no physical changes during puberty, by 13 years in girls, and by 14 years in boys, who indicate puberty.

Causes of delayed puberty

Delayed puberty may be due to hereditary features, that is, late onset of physical maturity - can be passed on from generation to generation. In this case, no additional treatment is required, maturation will come on its own, but a little later than in other children.

Also, delayed puberty can occur due to chromosomal disorders, hereditary diseases, chronic diseases, tumor formations that disrupt the work of the pituitary or hypothalamus.

Chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cystic fibrosis, kidney disease, asthma can cause delayed sexual development. Children with these diseases need more careful medical supervision; proper treatment will help to avoid delayed sexual development.

Children who malnourished (malnutrition, lack of nutrients) may experience a delay in sexual development, in contrast to peers who eat fully. If the child has, then with this violation, the body cannot develop properly. Girls who play professional sports have delayed puberty. Physical activity does not allow fat to form in the female body, the body needs fatty formations so that puberty goes without problems and the first menstruation begins.

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Problems with puberty may arise due to thyroid or pituitary dysfunction, which are responsible for the production of sex hormones.

A striking example of chromosome disorders in girls is Turner syndrome, which is characterized by the absence or violation of one female chromosome (X chromosome). Girls grow more slowly, they also have slower ovarian development and poor production of sex hormones. If Turner syndrome is not treated, then women remain short, often infertile.

Boys with one extra X chromosome are observed, so sexual development is slowed down in children with this diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of delayed puberty?

Absence signs of puberty- the main sign that the child has delayed puberty. There are general symptoms of delayed puberty, but each child may show only some of the symptoms.

Symptoms of delayed puberty in girls:

  • No enlargement of the mammary glands and nipples by 12 years.
  • By the age of 14, there is no first menstruation.

Symptoms of delayed puberty in boys:

  • No development of genital organs by 14 years of age.
  • Absence of pubic hair by age 15.

Symptoms of delayed puberty may be a reflection of other health problems or diseases. To identify the cause of the problem, consult a doctor.

Maria Soboleva

puberty. Problems of puberty

Every child goes through puberty, the time of puberty. In this difficult period of life, a teenager faces many problems. What do parents need to know to help their son or daughter grow up the right way?

What is puberty?

An important step on the path of growing up, a difficult life span, a transitional age - this is how puberty can be characterized.

Girls acquire more feminine forms, boys gradually turn into young men, acquire purely masculine features.

The result of puberty with all its biological transformations and changes in psycho-emotional behavior is the onset of puberty.

On average, puberty in girls lasts from 9 to 14 years, boys begin to grow up later - from 11 to 16 years.

But there is no clear framework for puberty, there is an earlier or later onset of puberty. It depends on hereditary factors, ethnicity, weight of the child, nutrition, constitution.

Puberty - problems of puberty

Problems of puberty include the so-called teenage complex.

Both boys and girls during this period can behave inconsistently: on the one hand, they are extremely sensitive to the assessment of their appearance and abilities by others, and on the other hand, they are arrogant and make harsh judgments about others.

Adolescents are sometimes painfully shy, sometimes deliberately cheeky, they can rebel and deny any authority, but at the same time literally create idols for themselves, be fans of a musical group or the leader of some informal movement.

The problem of puberty among adolescents themselves and their loved ones lies in emotional instability, both girls and boys are characterized by sharp mood swings - from enthusiastic to depressive.

It is important for parents and educators to understand these features, which are caused by puberty. Any attempt to infringe on self-esteem can cause a violent reaction.

Emotional instability reaches its peak in girls at 13-15 years old, and in boys - from 11 to 13 years old.

The pubertal period of adolescents is characterized by the fact that they are already actively striving for independence and independence, but in difficult everyday situations they are just waiting for the help of adults, they do not dare to take responsibility.

Considering the problems of puberty, it is necessary to note the influence on the teenager of his environment, the environment of peers with whom he communicates.

The opinion of the team, the very belonging to a certain group, is extremely important for the guys. This gives them self-confidence, but isolation can provoke complexes, anxiety, and sometimes aggressive behavior.

Physiological problems of puberty

During puberty, adolescents grow rapidly, which is provoked by hormones produced in the body.

Some girls can add 6 to 9 cm in a year, and boys up to 12 cm. This is fraught with a deterioration in well-being.

The growth of bone mass is faster than the internal organs, children have dizziness, heart pain, weakness, muscle cramps.

Often in adolescents during puberty, scoliosis develops - a curvature of the spine. In adolescence, the risks of injuries of the musculoskeletal system are increased.

The problems of puberty relate to the appearance of adolescents - they are unhappy with their angularity, clumsiness, disproportionate growth, sometimes fullness (this is more about girls - watch their diet).

Hormonal changes in the body of both girls and boys lead to the appearance of acne (acne). Teenagers are especially worried about acne and blackheads on the face, which becomes a reason for suffering and tears.

Consult a doctor in time - after all, these are not only aesthetic problems, but also medical ones.

It is important for parents to explain to their girl that puberty will soon pass, you will become beautiful and slim. Update your daughter's wardrobe, help her learn how to dress fashionably and beautifully.

And the boys suffer because of their appearance, they also need to show attention and sympathy. Boys are good at engaging in sports activities.

Communicate with children more often, convince them of your love, emphasize their dignity.

Today's children are growing up faster than we sometimes would like. Do not put off until later conversations about the dangers of early sexual activity, about what promiscuous relationships are fraught with, what means of protection exist.

Adolescents who become sexually active during puberty are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections such as papillomavirus.

Puberty problems in boys

It is important for parents to know the stages of their son's puberty in order to prepare him for changes and the correct attitude to the processes taking place in the body.

During puberty, the boy's body begins to produce large amounts of sex hormones, the main of which is testosterone.

Excess hormones cause excessive sweating in boys, especially in the armpits and groin.

Teach your son the rules of hygiene - regular showering, use of antiperspirants. A boy may not smell an unpleasant odor, but peers (especially girls) will smell it right away.

At 11-12 years old, testicles increase in adolescents, then hair appears in the pubic area.

Armpit hair usually occurs at the age of 14, and by the age of 15 mustaches appear.

Boys grow up differently - your son may seem "small" against the background of taller classmates, and then stretch out sharply.

On September 1, classmates did not recognize Ivan - a tall guy came to the 9th grade, although a cheerful, nimble, but short boy left for the holidays.

It is important to reassure a teenager by explaining that growing up does not occur according to a clear schedule - it is individual for everyone. And in order to catch up with peers in their physical development, it is useful to exercise physically and eliminate bad habits.

During puberty, adolescents awaken libido - sexual desire. The maturing boy experiences erotic desires and fantasizes.

In order for him to form the correct orientation, communication with the opposite sex is important. It is also necessary to protect the child from outside influences that promote non-traditional sexual attitudes.

The boy needs to be explained what wet dreams are - involuntary ejaculation during sleep. On average, they occur at the age of 14 and are a sign of the normal development of the future man.

Almost all teenagers go through masturbation during their puberty. Do not make a tragedy out of this - this is how sexual tension is relieved.

In addition, a teenager studies the technical side of sexual relations, as if training the sexual function of the body.

Today, young men begin their sexual life earlier, even before the end of puberty, the guy can already become sexually mature.

But the ability to have sexual intercourse and the psychological readiness for a serious relationship are far from the same thing.

It is necessary to explain to the son about his responsibility for the possible consequences of sexual contacts - the girl's pregnancy.

A trusting relationship with your son is especially important during his puberty - be a friend to your growing up boy.

Problems of puberty girls

Puberty in some girls can begin as early as 9 years of age with intensive growth.

By the age of 11, many teenagers notice an increase in the mammary glands, then the appearance of pubic hair is observed, at the same time or a little later, hair in the armpits begins to grow.

Today, the so-called menarche - the first menstruation occurs in girls at 11.5-13 years old, 2 years after the first noticeable changes in the development of the mammary glands.

The onset of menstruation is an important event in the life of a future woman, the body of a maturing girl is already capable of pregnancy.

On the eve of menarche, a teenager has health problems - weakness, headaches, nausea, bouts of depression or irritability, pain in the lower abdomen.

The girl needs to be prepared for such sensations by talking about the features of critical days, proper hygiene.

Also, the mother should teach her daughter to keep a calendar of menstruation, which they take with them when visiting the clinic (for various examinations, information about the date of the last menstruation is often required).

The cycle in the first year of menstruation may be irregular.

But it is important to monitor its duration (no more than 7 days), the abundance of menstruation (no more than 4 pads were used per day), and the girl's well-being these days.

Problems of puberty in almost 75% of all cases are in the presence of inflammatory processes of the external genitalia: vulvitis, vulvovaginitis. During puberty, girls still have a low level of estrogen and the protective functions of the epithelium of the genital organs are weak.

The pubertal period in a girl's life requires parents to be especially attentive to their daughter.

The physiological processes in the body of adolescents of different sexes are different, but the psychological development of the personality during this period is equally important for both girls and boys.

Let your children grow up, surrounded by loving and understanding loved ones, in a strong friendly family.

Take it, tell your friends!

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Puberty is a difficult and sensitive time for many young people. Boys and girls do not always know how to survive this stage. Various changes begin to occur in the body, but do not rush to worry: they are all completely natural and occur with every teenager. Being informed and aware will help you deal with change more easily.


Common problems

    Watch for changes in body odor. During puberty, adolescents begin to sweat more (especially in the armpit area), and body odor becomes more expressive. This is completely normal and now you need to pay more attention to personal hygiene issues. Start showering every day and wear clean clothes. Use deodorant in the morning to keep your body smell fresh and clean.

    Know how to treat acne. During puberty, the skin changes under the influence of hormonal changes, resulting in acne. Sometimes the skin becomes dry or oily. Wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser to deal with this problem. So, an over-the-counter acne cream can help heal wounds, and a moisturizer will relieve dry skin.

    • Acne treatments may contain active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid, which are extremely effective. Everyone's skin is different, so try a few options and find the right product for you.
    • Such products can dry out the skin, so do not forget about a moisturizer.
    • Always use an oil-free moisturizer on your face, especially if you have acne. Oil-based products can cause new acne. Sun protection products will protect you from UV rays.
    • Do not squeeze or scratch pimples, so as not to aggravate the problem.
    • Do not touch your face with your hands or hair, so as not to carry sebum from your hair and cause new acne.
    • If the problem cannot be solved with over-the-counter remedies, see a dermatologist.
  1. Be prepared for changes in growth. Most have at least one growth spurt during puberty. Probably, your height will increase by a dozen centimeters, your weight will increase, and your body shape will begin to change. If the new body seems awkward and awkward to you, then you should know that you will soon outgrow this stage. Someone puts on weight and then begins to grow, others first grow and then get better - both options are completely normal.

    Emotional changes. Puberty is driven by a surge of the hormones testosterone and estrogen. They affect not only the appearance, but also the internal sensations. As a result, many teenagers become angry and show emotions more strongly than before. There is not much you can do about it, but try to acknowledge the emotional changes and not take it out on others.

    Don't compare yourself to others. Puberty can occur at different ages. If your period started earlier or later than other friends, then there is no need to worry! In the next few years, you will catch up with each other.

    • In girls, puberty usually begins between the ages of 8 and 13.
    • In boys, puberty usually begins between the ages of 9 and 15.
  2. Get ready for sexual attraction. At a certain point in puberty, you will begin to experience sexual desire. Such an attraction does not mean at all that you are already emotionally ready for sex. Either way, you should talk to a trusted adult to know when you're ready and learn about safer sex.

    Find an interlocutor. If you find it difficult to cope with changes in the body, it is often helpful to talk to someone who has already experienced this stage. Talk to a trusted adult of your gender - a doctor, parent, older sibling.

    • You can discuss problems with friends, but it's important to remember that they are just as inexperienced as you, so it's best not to rely on the advice of your peers.
    • If you are uncomfortable discussing problems with a pediatrician of the opposite sex, then ask your parents to find a new doctor.

    Girls problems

    1. Learn to get rid of body hair. During puberty, girls begin to grow hair on their arms, legs, and around the pubis. If you don't want to shave, then it's not necessary, but most girls prefer to shave their hair. It's best to talk to your mom or another woman you trust first.

      • The easiest option is a razor. There are different types of machines, but in any case, you need to use a lubricant such as soap or shaving gel. Be careful not to damage the skin. Instead of a conventional machine, you can use an electric razor.
      • Leg, underarm and bikini hair can be removed with waxing. It hurts a little, but the result will last longer than after shaving.
      • There are also chemical hair removal products that you can buy at the pharmacy.
    2. Start wearing a bra. As your breasts begin to grow, you may want to wear a bra. Ask your mom or another woman you trust for help choosing your first bra.

      Get ready for your first period. The first time can be very scary, but everything will be easier if you are ready. During menstruation, you should use pads that are attached to underwear, or tampons that are inserted into the vagina. All instructions are on the package, but it is better to seek advice from elders (for example, mom).

    3. Get ready for weight gain. In addition to breast growth, other changes occur with the body of girls that affect the shape of the body. During puberty, it is quite normal and healthy for a girl to gain some weight and become more curvaceous, so do not try to interfere with this process.

      • Diets during puberty interfere with normal weight gain and are hazardous to health! Even if change makes you uncomfortable, it's important not to discourage change. This is a normal process, because the body of a woman does not look like the body of a girl.

The period of puberty in girls is quite long - about ten years. It is characterized by the presence of several stages of improving the puberty of a girl.

The onset of puberty occurs at the age of eight or nine years, which is characterized by an acceleration in the growth of girls.

The appearance of further signs of puberty - enlargement of the mammary glands, growth of pubic hair begins at about ten to twelve years of age.

On average, two years after the above external transformations, the first menstruation appears.

The final stage of puberty for girls is considered to be the age that occurs after four to six years after the onset of the first menstrual bleeding. Usually, this happens at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

However, there are groups of girls who, due to their developmental characteristics, can begin puberty at the age of nine. This means not only the accelerated growth of the body and its limbs, but the formation of secondary sexual characteristics - the development of the mammary glands and so on. It happens that absolutely healthy girls begin to enter puberty from the age of seven or eight years, which is associated with the genetic characteristics of their development.

Also, the onset of puberty in some categories of girls can be delayed until the age of thirteen to fifteen. At the same time, girls are healthy and normally developing, and such delays in maturation are caused by hereditary factors.

Beginning of puberty in girls

The onset of puberty occurs at the age of eight to nine years. This stage is characterized by a strong jump in the growth of girls, which can reach about ten centimeters per year. It happens that girls at this time overtake their male peers in growth.

During this period of puberty, the skeletal system, muscular system, and nerve endings grow at different rates. Therefore, outwardly, girls who have entered puberty may seem clumsy and awkward, somewhat angular.

Often, such changes in the figure cause suffering to girls and fears that they will forever look like funny grasshoppers. Parents need to reassure the girls by telling them that their figures will soon acquire positive transformations.

In the future, at about eleven - thirteen years, secondary sexual characteristics begin to change rapidly - the mammary glands grow, the waist decreases, body shapes become rounded, and so on.

Age of puberty in girls

The age of puberty in girls is as follows:

  1. The onset of puberty occurs at about eleven to thirteen years of age.
  2. The end of puberty occurs at the age of seventeen - eighteen years.

There are several categories of teenagers who do not mature in the same way. Some of the girls begin to enter puberty earlier and, accordingly, earlier and finish puberty. Such teenagers are called accelerators. They have the onset of puberty in the form of an increase in the mammary glands observed at the age of nine - ten or eleven years. And the growth spurt occurs about a year before. Accordingly, the appearance of the first menstruation in the above girls occurs at the age of ten to eleven.

In another category of adolescents, the onset of puberty is delayed until the age of thirteen - fourteen - fifteen years. This is manifested in growth retardation and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. The first menstruation appears in these categories of girls at the age of thirteen, fourteen or fifteen. Accordingly, puberty ends at a later age, at eighteen years of age. Such teenagers are called retardants, that is, slowed down in their development, which is absolutely normal and genetically determined.

However, there are certain developmental anomalies and hormonal disorders in girls that cause a delay in puberty and the appearance of menstruation. Therefore, if there are no signs of puberty at fourteen or fifteen years old and menstruation has not begun by the age of fifteen, it is recommended to show the girl to a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Signs of puberty in girls

The signs of puberty in girls are as follows:

  • A sharp growth spurt - a girl can grow up to ten centimeters a year. At the same time, girls are ahead of the growth of their male peers. Leveling differences in height is carried out at the age of seventeen or eighteen years, that is, by the end of puberty in girls. At this time, the girls are stunted, while the boys continue to grow.
  • Change in the figure of a teenage girl in the initial stage of puberty - an increase in the length of the limbs compared to the length of the body. Because of this, there is a change in the proportions of the body, which leads to a visual impression of its awkwardness.
  • In the future, secondary female sexual characteristics begin to form. First of all, the mammary glands begin to increase. Then, after a while, smooth pubic hair appears on the pubis. After a short time, pubic hair begins to change in structure - it becomes wavy. The following changes in the girl's body relate to the appearance of axillary hair growth.
  • The small and large labia increase in size.
  • Soon comes the first menstruation - menarche.
  • Changes in the appearance of the girl continue - the volume of the hips increases, the waist becomes thinner, the shoulders narrower, and the figure acquires rounded, smooth outlines characteristic of the female body.
  • The amount of hair on the girl's arms and legs increases, and they become darker.
  • There is a hormonal restructuring of the girl's body, as a result of which the appearance of her skin and hair changes. The activation of the sebaceous glands located in the skin begins. Therefore, the skin and hair take on a more oily appearance; the girl's face, neck and back begin to become covered with red pimples and blackheads.
  • The overall percentage of fat in the girl's body increases, and fat deposits are seen mainly in the pelvis, abdomen and hips.

Stages of puberty girls

The stages of puberty in girls are correlated with the appearance of each sign of puberty.

  • Spike in growth - in a normally developing girl, this increase in height occurs at about eleven years of age. If before this period, at about seven to eight years old, girls add five to six centimeters a year in height, then entering the age of puberty is marked by an increase of eight to ten centimeters a year. At this time, the child grows out of the newly bought clothes and shoes so quickly that it surprises not only his parents, but also the girl herself.

At this time, the annual weight gain reaches the mark of four to nine kilograms, although before this period the usual weight gain averaged two and a half to three and a half kilograms.

An increase in growth affects the increase in the child's appetite and the amount of food eaten, because such transformations require an increased influx of energy and building materials.

  • Such changes may appear even earlier, around the age of nine, in girls who are formed earlier than their peers.
  • In the future, there is an increase in the size of the pelvis and hips, which refers to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. It happens that such changes occur at the age of nine.
  • Further changes in the girl's body are manifested in an increase in the mammary glands. First of all, the nipple and areola around the nipple are enlarged. After six months - a year, the mammary glands become like small cones. At this time, it is not recommended to use a bra, which can stop the formation of the mammary glands.
  • Approximately, around the beginning of the first menstruation, the entire mammary gland increases in size and becomes rounded, like the mammary glands of adult women. This usually occurs during the onset of the first menstruation. It is at this time that it is worth putting on the first bras, which will contribute to the convenience of the girl's movements.
  • At the age of twelve - thirteen, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics continues: hair grows in the pubic area and a waist is formed, which is characteristic of the structure of the female body. Primary sexual characteristics also develop - there is an increase in the external genitalia (labia minora and labia majora).
  • There are various skin changes associated with the activation of sebum secretion. Such "innovations" are due to the process of hormonal and physical changes in the girl's body. An increase in the amount of sebum provokes the appearance of red acne on the skin of a girl and acne, and also causes increased oily hair.

Such changes do not at all please the matured girls, who are very worried about the deterioration in appearance that has occurred. Parents need to consult with hairdressers and cosmetologists about the purchase of special shampoos and cosmetics for the skin, with which you can maintain good condition of the skin of the body and hair, as well as preserve the girl's external attractiveness. It will not be superfluous to undergo special cleansing cosmetic skin procedures in the cosmetologist's office. In addition, a grown-up girl must be taught the rules of thorough personal hygiene so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair.

  • The appearance of the first menstruation, called menarche. This fact means that the girl is already sexually mature, that is, capable of reproductive function. At first - within two years - the menstrual cycle is most often unsteady. This is manifested in the unidentified rhythm of bleeding, as well as in their strength and duration. After the menstruation becomes cyclical, we can say that the girl is ready for conception and the birth of a child (but only from a physiological point of view, and not psychological and social).

As noted above, in the first two years, menstruation in girls has an unidentified cycle, that is, deviations of a different nature appear. These features are not a violation of the normal development of the girl, but are considered fluctuations that do not go beyond the normal physiological stages of the manifestation of puberty. First of all, this concerns violations of the regularity of the menstrual cycle, which has two phases. During the period when menstrual bleeding has just begun, the primary eggs may not mature to the end, and therefore there is no separation of mature eggs from the ovaries. The formation of the corpus luteum in this case either does not occur at all, or is underdeveloped, which does not stimulate the production of an increased content of progesterone in the girl's blood.

The first phase of the menstrual cycle leads to increased growth of the uterine lining (endometrium), which occurs under the influence of estrogens. This provokes the appearance of uncomfortable sensations and prolonged uterine bleeding, called juvenile. Approximately five to ten percent of girls have similar manifestations.

Sometimes, menstruation may not take place every month, but at intervals of two to three months. Perhaps the manifestation of other violations in the cyclical nature of menstruation, but such deviations, as already mentioned, disappear after a couple of years.

It is very important for the period of menstruation to prepare the girl for recurrent bleeding. It is necessary to tell the girl about hormonal changes in her body, that her body is already ready for reproductive functions. Such a conversation can be conducted by the girl's mother and / or a gynecologist. It is worth preparing the girl to accept the fact that menstruation is a common occurrence in women's lives. But if bleeding is accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations that can disturb the girl and cause her inconvenience, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist.

It is also necessary to have a conversation with the girl about the dangers of early onset of sexual activity and possible pregnancy in this case, which leads to tragic consequences at this age.

  • Since the onset of menstruation, the increase in the growth of the girl does not occur at an accelerated pace. At this age, on average, by the age of thirteen, the growth rate is reduced to one and a half - two and a half centimeters per year.
  • At the age of fourteen - sixteen, the girl's figure begins to take on a feminine shape - in addition to the already grown breasts and thinned waist, the hips begin to round, the pelvis grows, the shape of the legs changes, and so on. Hair growth appears in the armpit area. Menstruation becomes rhythmic. The development of the skeletal system, bone growth stops.

To maintain hygiene, the girl must be taught how to use a razor for women to shave the hair in the armpits. Pubic hair should not be removed, as it is not necessary at this age.

Early puberty in girls

Early sexual development is considered the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and the occurrence of menstruation (in some cases) in girls about ten years old. Such manifestations in development, slightly ahead of the norm, are not considered a deviation or violation. Therefore, we can say that for some girls, a slight lead in terms of development is a variant of the norm. Such features of development are observed in accelerated girls, who differ from their peers in early physical, sexual, psychological and emotional development.

Early puberty in girls should not worry parents. But in these cases, it is recommended to conduct special conversations that can explain to the girl the changes in her own body and teach her personal hygiene skills.

Precocious puberty in girls

Precocious puberty is characterized by the appearance of a full set of secondary sexual characteristics (or some of them) in girls under the age of eight years. Sometimes at this age there is the appearance of menarche - the first menstruation. There are several forms of precocious puberty in girls:

  1. True precocious sexual development. This form of premature development is considered cerebral, that is, arising due to the processes occurring in the brain. Early onset of puberty leads to an early manifestation of the activity of the hypothalamus or adenohypophysis, which are responsible for reproductive functions. The activity of these glands stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Activation of LH leads to the production of estrogen in the girl's body, which leads to changes in her body due to puberty. The activity of FSH leads to the beginning of the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovaries.

True precocious puberty has a number of features:

  • isosexual in nature, that is, it correlates with the female sex genetically and on a gonadal basis;
  • complete in its manifestations, that is, it is characterized by the presence of thelarche (growth of the mammary glands), adrenarche (the appearance of pubic and axillary hair) and an acceleration in the growth rate of the body.
  • completed, that is, characterized by the premature appearance of menarche.

The causes of the cerebral form of true precocious puberty may be infections that were transferred by a girl under the age of one year. Organic lesions of the brain, which puts pressure on the hypothalamus, as well as certain problems that arose during maternal pregnancy, also lead to such manifestations.

There is not only a cerebral form of true precocious puberty, but also a constitutional form. The latter form of deviation in puberty is more rare and has a hereditary character.

False precocious puberty

This type of premature maturation occurs due to the increased release of estrogens in the adrenal glands or ovaries. The use of drugs containing estrogens or gonadotropic hormones in the treatment of a girl also provokes the appearance of false puberty.

The false type of premature development is characterized, like the true one, by the accelerated growth rate of the girl. But false development always has an incomplete character, which is manifested in the absence of premature menarche. Also, false development can take place both in isosexual and in heterosexual type.

Characteristics of a false isosexual type of development (according to the female type):

  • fast growth rate;
  • there is an increase in the mammary glands;
  • hair growth of the pubis, inguinal zones and armpits occurs.

Characteristics of a false heterosexual type of development (according to the male type):

  • before the age of eight, the clitoris enlarges, which begins to resemble a penis in shape;
  • rod hair appears in the area of ​​​​the upper lip and chin;
  • bones grow faster than in girls developing according to the isosexual type;
  • the fat layer is distributed according to the male type.

It should be noted that the heterosexual type of development is quite rare and is caused by hormonal disorders in the body of girls who were injected with androgen hormone preparations. If there was a timely appeal to specialists, deviations in the development of the girl can be reversed, into the female direction. The application of the correct method of treatment, which is carried out for a long time, can completely restore the correct sexual development of the girl. The mammary glands will form in due time, the menstrual cycle will be established on time. In the future, the cured girl's reproductive functions will be preserved, she will be able to conceive and bear a child well, as well as give birth normally. If treatment is neglected, then the development of the female type in such girls will not occur at all.

Incomplete precocious puberty

This type of premature puberty is caused by the appearance in the girl's body of an excess of gonadotropic hormones. A strong increase in estrogen can also lead to similar deviations in sexual development.

Characteristics of incomplete precocious puberty:

  • not accompanied by accelerated growth;
  • only the mammary glands are formed, without the appearance of other secondary sexual characteristics;
  • only hair growth of the groin, pubis and armpits appears without the formation of other secondary sexual characteristics.

Diseases of a different nature that provoke the appearance of premature sexual development. These diseases include:

  • the occurrence of follicular ovarian cysts,
  • the presence of ovarian tumors,
  • the appearance of primary hypothyroidism,
  • McCune-Albright syndrome,
  • Russell-Silver syndrome.

Such diseases are characterized by the appearance of spotting, which resembles menstrual bleeding. But secondary sexual characteristics do not receive their development.

Films about girl puberty

Films about the puberty of girls are recommended to be watched with a mother or another adult woman who can explain to the girl any incomprehensible or embarrassing moments. Parents are advised to watch the film on their own before watching it together with their child to make sure that it is useful and that there are no frames and information that, in the opinion of mom or dad, are premature for their daughter. It is worth starting watching such films at the age when the first signs of the girl's puberty appeared, and also when she became interested in such issues.

Films about the puberty of girls are represented by the following documentaries and cartoons:

  • A film about the formation and protection of the reproductive functions of girls "When a girl grows up ...", which won the main prize in the nomination "Applied animation" of the Open Suzdal Festival in the city of Suzdal in 2003. The film was created with the support of the Russian Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical company Gedeon-Richter.
  • Documentary "Maiden Power" from the Discovery Channel.
  • Documentary film produced in Great Britain in 1998 “The human body. Puberty."
  • Documentary film created in 2008, "About sex - Puberty".


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