Training. Equipment used in dog training

Training dogs at home helps your pet develop basic skills used in Everyday life. You need to train a dog of any breed and size. Train pet best from 4 or 5 months, the training period is six months, sometimes it may take a little longer. A novice dog owner may be wondering how to properly train a dog, and the answer to this question can be found by watching dog training video tutorials. Very often, you can learn a lot of useful things by visiting forums of experienced dog breeders, where they share information about proper dog training.

When training a dog, it is important to have a lot of free time, be patient and have a great desire to do this difficult task. When going out to train a dog, you need to forget about bad mood, conduct all training only in high spirits and with a positive attitude. Otherwise, the dog will definitely feel the owner’s bad mood, and you can forget about full training. If problems arise, you can visit a dog training school located in Moscow, where you can find answers to all your questions.

How to teach a dog commands?

Teaching a dog a name . This command needs to be taught to the pet from the moment it appears. In order for your four-legged friend to begin to respond to his nickname, you need to call it very often. It is always necessary to call a dog only with positive emotions; as soon as the pet begins to respond, it must be rewarded with praise or some kind of treat.

Concentration of attention . It is important to teach the dog to concentrate its attention on the person - the owner has left, which means the pet must immediately follow him.

This effect can be achieved using one very simple exercise: let the dog go for a walk (it is important that the place is deserted) and move a few meters away. The dog will not immediately notice the absence of the owner, but when he sees it, he will immediately run up to him. The owner should not immediately praise the dog - he needs to wait about five seconds, and then praise with a glance, stroking or words; if there is any treat, it must be given. After half an hour, the exercise must be repeated, but the time interval between the time the dog approached the owner and the time he praised and encouraged it should gradually increase. Over time, when the dog gets used to concentrating on the owner, the exercise does not need to be repeated.

Command “Come to me!” . This command can be instilled into the puppy at a fundamental level, that is, almost from birth. The command can be pronounced when calling the dog to play or eat. When pronouncing a command, your voice must be made friendly; this is the only way to make the dog obey and carry out this command. With the start of training, some changes can be made to this command - the dog can walk around the owner and stand next to him, or he can simply come up and sit in front of the owner.

Team “Place!” Every pet should have its own place, the same goes for dogs. The dog needs to be taught this command from the age when it is just little puppy, big dog It’s very difficult to force someone to do this, and it’s not a fact that it will work out at all. A place for a pet can be anything - a blanket, a pillow, a rug, a special house. You must first introduce the puppy to the place, you need to bring all your pet’s favorite toys there. If the dog falls asleep somewhere else, you need to take it to the place. It is important not to forget that this place cannot be moved anywhere, and also there cannot be any manipulations with the dog that it does not like - for it it should be a favorite place, with the most positive emotions associated with it.

The command “No!”, “No!”, “Ugh!”. All these 3 phrases mean one command; you can teach the dog to all phrases at once, or to just one. It is important during the training period to convey to the dog the meaning of the spoken phrases. They must be pronounced firmly, in a tone that does not foretell any concessions; threatening notes can be used. The dog must feel the owner. Despite the fact that you need to pronounce these phrases in a firm tone, you should never break into a scream.

The command “Near!” The essence of this command lies in the fact that the four-legged friend always moves next to the owner. In this case, the person can walk, stand or sit - the dog must be near him. To teach it this command, you need to make the leash as short as possible, and the dog is at left hand from the owner. With your left hand you need to hold the leash next to the collar, and with your right hand you need to hold the free end of the leash. The dog should be given an order to stay nearby - it should not deviate to the side, overtake or lag behind the owner; any attempt to do this should pull the leash harder and command the order again. If the dog has done everything correctly, you must reward it. To check the assimilation of the material, when overtaking, lagging behind or deviating to the side, without the help of a leash, you need to pronounce an order. If the dog has learned his lesson, he will return to the man's left leg.

The command “Sit!” To teach this technique dog, you need to place it on your left hand, say the command, right hand At this moment, it is necessary to pull the leash up and press the left hand back torso. The dog will sit down, but at first it will constantly try to get up, in this case you need to press a little harder and repeat the command. After some time, the dog will get used to it and begin to follow the order on its own. After the dog has learned this lesson, it is necessary to ensure that it carries out this command when the owner is at some distance from it.

The command “Lie down!” The dog should stand on the left side of the owner, he should sit next to her on right leg, with your right hand, pull the leash down, and with your left, press on middle part torso and say the command. The exercise must be repeated until the dog begins to understand what is being asked of it.

The command “Stop!” This command It is needed mainly when the dog is being cleaned or bathed, as well as during an examination by a veterinarian, so it is important to ensure that the dog carries out this command clearly and unquestioningly; the dog should not be allowed to shift from foot to foot while standing. A dog that is in sitting position, you need to give a command, while pulling the leash up, you can help the dog stand up by lifting it by the bottom part torso. Repeat the exercise until the command is completely mastered.

The command “Aport!” This command is very necessary for dogs; it means bring, take, give. The essence of this command is for the dog to grab and bring to the owner what he asks of it. Everyone knows that dogs have one congenital feature– grab an object that is in motion. The dog's favorite toy, a stick or a small ball are suitable for this command. To perform the exercise, you need to sit your pet in front of you, and wave some object in front of him, when the dog is about to grab it, do not interfere with it, but do what you have planned, while saying a command. When the dog has mastered the exercise, it needs to be made a little more difficult - throw the object some distance and repeat the command.

Additional and more detailed information can be found in dog training books.

Equipment used in dog training

No special equipment is required for dog training; only a few items are needed for this purpose. When training a dog, you cannot use an everyday collar, because it is too soft, the dog simply will not obey. You will need a tarpaulin leash 5-10 m long or a regular rope of the same size. If you use a rope, you need to attach a carabiner to one end.

An electronic collar with a remote control is often used to train a dog. This collar affects the dog using electrical impulses. The impact can be applied with varying strength and duration using a small receiver on the dog's collar. This collar can be controlled using a remote control specially designed for this purpose.

The whistle for dog training can be used either conventional or ultrasonic. An ultrasonic whistle always allows you to focus the dog’s attention on the owner; he needs to be taught this almost from the moment he appears in the house. The frequency of the tones on each whistle is always adjusted individually for each dog. The use of an ultrasonic whistle is also notable for the fact that during training, those around you are not irritated by the noise, as is usually the case when using a regular whistle.

A muzzle is required attribute, used in dog training.

During each training session, you should take a small amount of your dog’s favorite treat with you. This is necessary in order to encourage every success of the dog.

It is advisable to take with you to training a toy that the dog constantly plays with. It is important that this thing is not new, but something that the dog has already gotten used to.

This video explains in detail how to properly use all the necessary equipment used in dog training.

It is important to remember that if a dog cannot complete a task during training, there is no need to blame it, since only the one who trains this dog is to blame. In this case, it is recommended to stop all training and consult with a professional dog trainer: how to behave so that the dog begins to obey and follow commands.

Before you start training your dog at home, you need to first watch the video instructions, and it is advisable to do this several times.

It is necessary to reward the dog for each completed task. Reward can be anything, usually it is the dog's favorite treat, verbal praise or a simple stroke. The main thing is that the dog realizes that the owner is happy with it.

If the dog does not follow commands, then it must be punished for this. Punishment can be a threatening tone in the voice, a sharp tug on the leash, or a light blow or slap. The dog must understand that the owner is not happy.

For failure to comply with commands such as “Come to me!” and “Aport!”, the pet under no circumstances should be subject to punishment.

Commands to the dog should be given in a loud voice, phrases should be pronounced clearly and expressively. It is not recommended to say anything extra, just a strict command and that’s it. You cannot say the same command more than 2 times in a row. The first time the command is pronounced in the form of an order, if the dog does not comply with it, the second time a threat must be heard in the voice, which the pet must necessarily feel and obey the owner. If this does not happen, you need to force the dog to comply with the command.

The exception is the command “No” or “Fu” - these phrases must be pronounced no more than 1 time, the tone must be threatening.

The dog quickly learns new commands, but it is important, in addition to learning new commands, to constantly repeat the old ones. During each walk you should devote at least half an hour to this.

It is important to remember that if something doesn’t work out, you can sign up for dog training courses, where you can learn all the nuances of training.

Dog training at home from scratch was last modified: July 22nd, 2016 by Maxim Bartsev

Puppies are touching creatures, but, in addition to manifestations of affection, tenderness and love, they also need proper upbringing and proper training.

Some owners think that their dog does not need to be trained unless they attend shows or participate in competitions.

This is a misconception. Training is needed, first of all, in order to discipline the dog and subsequently not experience problems with the pet’s behavior during a walk. We'll talk about how to teach your dog commands at home below.

Age to start training. The puppy is raised and accustomed to the rules of behavior in the house from the first moment it arrives in the home. The actual training begins at three months, following the recommended training order.

How to train an adult dog at home? If the moment is missed, the dog has matured, but does not perform basic set commands, classes should also be organized taking into account the pet’s developmental level.

Remember Any breed of dog can be trained, regardless of age. Yes, it will take longer to train an adult pet. Before you start training your pet unlearn old habits.

Here basic rules to follow.

  1. The entire training course is divided into stages.
  2. The pet must be encouraged.
  3. The owner shows strength of character during training, under no circumstances resorting to aggressive behavior!
  4. The owner understands the pet’s character and finds him individual approach.

Important! One lesson with a pet lasts no longer than an hour.

It is better to divide the allotted time into intervals with short breaks. They gave a command - the dog complied - let him run and get distracted. In one lesson, the pet performs all the necessary commands.

Preparing for training

Necessary items. At the first lesson, the owner will need a collar, leash and treats.

Choosing a training location. A deserted area that is already familiar to the dog is a good place for training. During training, the owner remains alone with the pet so that there are no distractions. If the owner has chosen an unfamiliar place, the pet must first sniff the surrounding area thoroughly to make sure there is no danger.

Choice of treats. Be sure to stock up on your pet's favorite treat. The opportunity to get a treat motivates your pet to obey and good execution commands They take dry food with them, it is comfortable to carry and does not stain clothes. If your pet is not interested in food as a treat, you can purchase special dog biscuits at the store.

Attention! Some owners do not trust store-bought treats because they are not one hundred percent sure of the quality of the products used for cooking. In such a situation, you can prepare cookies yourself.

Time for training select according to their plans. It is not recommended to conduct classes in the middle of the day in the summer. But, if this is the only free period of time the owner has, he must stock up on water. Before starting the class, it is advised to give your pet a good walk and run several laps around the stadium with him.

How to teach your dog commands at home?

The commands that form the basis of the training course include the following:

  • "To me" They learn first of all together with the skill of responding to a nickname. The pet is called using its nickname, tempted with a treat and praised after completing the command;
  • "Ugh"- an important command that stops the dog from doing the wrong thing;
  • "Near". Skill is necessary for the pet to walk next to the owner’s feet;
  • "Sit"- a common command, the basis for other skills;
  • "Lie". This skill is mastered only after successful study“sit” commands;
  • "Stand". The command is used frequently, but is a little more difficult to teach than the “down” command;
  • "Give"- effectively prevents the dog from picking up any nasty things from the ground. This is important in the realities of our country, where dog hunters act with impunity, scattering deadly baits;
  • "Aport." At this command, the pet brings the object thrown by the owner;
  • "Walk"- used to change activities;
  • "Place"- a command important for the pet to learn its place in the house;
  • "Face"- a defensive skill that is taught only after mastering all previous commands.

In addition to this list small dogs They teach the commands “fu” and “near” and develop their self-control.

Important! The development of self-control constantly accompanies the education process.

This is one of the main skills, because The dog must be able to control emotions to follow the owner's orders and obey. Read on to learn how to train a dog at home.

Features of training

How to train small dogs? Pets small breeds, it’s easier to train, because they have a complete set service commands is optional. They love to run around headlong, so First of all, you should master the “come to me” command. The command will prevent the pet from escaping over a long distance.

Tiny pets, for example, are especially loved, which allows them to behave incorrectly, for example, running on beds and clean sheets. For this reason, the next required skill will be execution of the "place" command.

Training hunting dog. Training with hunting dogs has its own specifics. The owner will have to suppress some of the pet's character traits. He must carefully raise and conscientiously train the dog. At the age of six to nine months, a hunting dog is taught the basics, and from ten months they begin to master special commands.

If the dog doesn't listen. There are situations when a pet does not want to obey and start training, not responding to the owner’s demands and even refusing treats. In this case, the owner should either pat the pet by the scruff of the neck, or sternly pull the collar.

The dog must understand that the owner is the leader. This is not always easy with breeds as serious as or

Attention! Do not forget that aggression towards a pet is contraindicated.

Perseverance, consistency and following correct recommendations will help the owner teach the dog everything necessary commands. If you invest a lot of time, attention and love into your pet and go through a general training course with him, you can get the perfect four-legged friend, which is properly raised and devoted to the owner to the tip of the tail.

Additionally, we suggest you watch a video on how to properly train a dog at home:

Anyone can train a pet. Dogs are very smart and easy to train animals. Many people believe that such training is only needed service dogs, but this is a big misconception. This will also be needed in everyday life, since training is aimed not only at controlling the dog, but also at learning to understand and communicate with each other. You can't break a dog, it's better to make friends with him.

You should start training your dog from the first day the puppy lives in the house. These classes just need to be thoughtful, based on training methods.

First, your dog needs to purchase a collar and leash. Also, during training, do not forget about treats. They are mandatory, as they provide additional motivation in the dog. When a pet receives a treat after a successfully executed command, it perceives it as encouragement and knows that it did the right thing. The treat can be completely different, depending on what the animal prefers. Dry food or special training cookies, which are sold at a pet store, are excellent.

Advice: “The place for training should be familiar to the dog. When coming to a new area, you should let him look around and sniff everything. Only in this way will the dog understand that the place is safe and will be able to train efficiently. It’s better to take the dog for a good walk before training, for example, go for a little run with it.”

Stages of training

There are 3 types of dog training at home:

  1. Puppy training;
  2. Obedience training;
  3. Special training.

All these stages of training directly depend on the age of the dog. Training a puppy involves teaching him to walk with a collar and leash, toilet training, responding to his name and following the “Come to me” command. The dog should be able to know all this by the age of 3 months. The owner should approach this stage only with positive emotions, otherwise nothing will work out.

You should not overload the puppy; if he is not interested, you need to stop the activity. Let it continue for 20 minutes. And each action is repeated no more than 3 times. Following the command is mandatory; indulgences are not appropriate in training, even if it is a puppy.

Advice: “Obedience training can begin at 5 months. It should include the main (basic) commands. By 9 months, the dog should be taught to accurately follow commands. You should also have such skills as: refusing food that is on the ground or offered by strangers; calm attitude towards the muzzle, passing people and dogs; display of bite."

Special training is used when the dog has mastered basic commands. Of course, this stage includes many techniques. This type of training can be divided into such specializations as guarding and protection, hunting, sports, and search. But such training is carried out only by highly qualified specialists who first test the dog.

Training process

  • You can't ask for food;
  • You cannot sleep with the owner or in another bed. The dog must have his own place;
  • You cannot bark without a reason or command, or snap at the owner;
  • You can't jump.

Advice: “Teaching your pet the word “No” from the very beginning small age, training will progress much easier in the future.”

When working with a dog, you don’t need to overload him; when he follows the command, you need to let him run. Then you should return to training. The lesson should be no longer than an hour and it is better if this time is divided into several times. It should be remembered that training is good, but the dog first of all needs walks and, of course, encouragement and communication with the owner.

Basic commands

The main commands include:

  • The first command is " To me" The dog learns it thanks to a treat that needs to be used to entice the pet, and this also needs to be repeated with the dog’s name. First you need to teach this command at home. Only when the animal is already performing it at home can you try to do it on the street. After your pet has completed everything, do not forget to praise him.
  • « Near"is a command that requires a collar to learn.
  • « Sit- is better absorbed by the dog if it is trained together with the “Nearby” command. The training is carried out with the help of a treat, which is held above the dog’s head so that he is not able to reach it in a standing position, then he pulls his head up and eventually sits down. The treat must definitely be given to the dog.
  • « Lie“—this command can be learned only after the commands indicated above. For the first time, the dog takes the desired position thanks to a treat.
  • « Ugh"- the dog must carry out it unquestioningly, since it prohibits any action. To learn this command, you should distract the dog when pronouncing it, for example, this can be done with a leash, cotton with a newspaper, etc. With the help of such maneuvers, the puppy learns quickly.
  • « Aport" - this is the most difficult team of all of the above. In combination with it, the dog learns to guard a place or object, etc.
  • Shooting training. You can teach a puppy to behave appropriately at the sound of a gunshot only gradually. This means that while the pet is following commands about 80 meters away, you need to fire a shot, and so reduce the distance with each training session. If the dog focuses on the sound, you need to distract him and continue the lesson. But there are dogs that are afraid of loud sounds, then there is no point in training them to do so.

Training a puppy is much easier than training an adult dog. Since if a puppy is accustomed to everything for the first time, then an adult dog needs to be weaned from old habits. There will be much more time spent on such activities. Only after this are new behavior patterns developed.

The owner's voice should be calm and commands should be clearly pronounced. In this case, all orders should be accompanied by gestures. The dog must perceive them, just like voice orders. You should never be aggressive towards your pet. Don't scold or hit. The owner's relationship with the pet should be friendly. If the dog experiences fear, then quality training will not work.

Advice: “The most important rule when training is encouragement. Be sure to praise the dog for following the command, treat it with a treat, and pet it.”

Hunting: training at home

Training a hunting dog should involve suppressing certain manifestations of the dog’s character. This kind of training takes a lot of energy. The dog must be taught to flawlessly and accurately carry out the commands given to him. Also, the pet must know the command “Come to me” by whistling or horn.

With such training, the pet should not be afraid of the owner, but of course it is necessary to achieve obedience and devotion in any situation. Do not think that the animal acts only thanks to reflexes. Dogs, especially hunting dogs, have high intelligence; they are able, based on their experience, to compare situations and model behavior in them.

Mistakes during training

The main thing is to establish contact and under no circumstances should you hit, that is, use violence, including psychological violence. If aggression is shown towards a pet, the person will also receive aggression and uncontrollability in response. It depends on the dog; if he shows aggression, he can become timid and fearful, then he will be afraid of everything and everyone and training will not work.

During training, you do not need to let your dog behave playfully. You should be moderately strict.

If the dog does not respond to the command, there is no need to repeat it constantly. You should pause for at least 30 seconds, and then repeat the command again. If you do not adhere to this rule, the dog will get used to it and will not follow orders immediately, but after repeating the command.

The owner must share praise and commands with emotion and intonation. Praise is given with admiration and joy. Commands are given in a strict tone that does not encourage a playful state.

Orders should be repeated for better absorption, but if you overdo it, the dog will become bored and will begin to lie down on the ground. This is an indicator that you need to give your pet a rest and let him go for a run.

Training dogs at home should begin with studying the characteristics of the breed. You can choose a training method for each specific dog.


In order for your dog to achieve great results, everything should be done gradually. And the main thing is to stick to one technique, that is, if you often change the training program, you can confuse the animal.

If the dog lives in a larger family, then all its members should treat the dog in the same way as the trainer. All prohibitions and restrictions must apply regardless of whether the dog’s owner is at home or not.

Advice: “Guests and family always love to give their pet a treat from the table. This absolutely cannot be done, so everyone should be warned in advance.”

You need to walk with the dog both in an area where he can run - a square, a forest, etc., and in noisy places where there are a lot of people - a market, a highway, etc. This is necessary so that the dog is not afraid. While the dog is undergoing training, you should not let it off the leash in crowded places, and you should also not forget about the muzzle.

You need to play with the puppy, it’s better to come up with cooperative games and do it often enough. Since such games develop in the pet a social need for the owner, this later develops into boundless devotion, and such a dog will also be easy to train.

The puppy should not be left alone to play with the child. Since the pet has sharp teeth and in a fit of play it can injure the child. To prevent this from happening, you need to control this process and thus teach the puppy to play correctly.



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