Golden mustache folk remedies. Oil emulsion for the treatment of stomach cancer and lung cancer

Golden mustache is mainly a houseplant, grown in large pots, with the addition of hard-boiled egg shells, pebbles, and sand as drainage. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates shade and coolness well, the normal temperature for it is + 15 C, it is watered once a week. Golden mustache is a large perennial plant. Two types of escapes. It can reach a height of up to two meters. Shoots are erect and horizontal. So that the shoots do not break off under their own weight, it is better to tie them up. The upright shoots look like corn.

The scientific name of the golden mustache is fragrant callisia. The leaves of an adult plant are alternately large, long, up to 7 cm long, 4 cm wide. The leaves of a healthy plant are bright green. The plant blooms rarely, the flowers are white, small, with a very pleasant smell, collected in inflorescences. The so-called tendrils are made up of "joints". The plant is grown in all regions of the world.

Preparation and storage of a golden mustache

As mentioned above, the golden mustache is a house plant. Propagated by cuttings. A stalk (joint) of the plant is cut with a sharp knife and placed in a glass of water for ten days, after the roots appear, the golden mustache is ready for transplanting into a pot.

A young plant must be watered regularly, the pot should be in a well-lit place, preferably on a windowsill. You can grow a golden mustache in greenhouse conditions. In greenhouses, the plant is bred as follows: a long mustache is bent to the ground and sprinkled with a small amount of earth. As soon as the plant is rooted, the mustache is cut off, and a separately growing plant is obtained.

For medicinal purposes, fresh leaves and "joints" of the plant are used. You can cut off all the leaves and "joints" and dry them, but not in the sun. Store in a hermetically sealed container, make sure that moisture does not get into dry raw materials.

Sometimes the green mass is stored in the freezer.

Application in everyday life

The golden mustache is still a medicinal plant and is rarely used in everyday life, most often tea is brewed from the leaves of the plant, both fresh and dried. Golden mustache is part of many vitamin and soothing teas.

The composition and medicinal properties of the golden mustache

  1. As you know, the medicinal properties of a plant are determined by the presence of various chemical elements that have a positive effect on the human body.
  2. Scientists, having conducted a large number of experiments, proved that the golden mustache has unique healing, medicinal properties and is able to heal, due to the fact that it contains active biological substances. The plant contains flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin), steroids, iron, copper, chromium, vitamins P and C.
  3. With the help of a golden mustache, many diseases are treated, and the course of some diseases is facilitated.
  4. The plant has astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and bactericidal properties, it can be used to treat burns, various wounds and ulcers. Excellent effect is on the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Used for rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the throat and nasopharynx. There are proven cases of the positive effect of the golden mustache in cancer, tuberculosis, and diabetes.
  5. It is especially helpful in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, including hepatitis. Golden mustache is a unique plant.
  6. The plant is able to heal wounds, stop blood, stimulates the work of the cardiac system, gastrointestinal tract, has a good effect on nervous system improves metabolism. It helps in the treatment of hypertension, some gynecological problems, it can be used to relieve joint pain in arthritis, gout, rheumatism, sciatica - in this case, make an infusion of water or tinctures of vodka or alcohol and rub it into sore spots or make compresses.
  7. With dermatitis, skin diseases, eczema, various rashes golden mustache first mate.
  8. If you suffer from a depressive state, take golden mustache water tincture daily.

The use of the golden mustache in folk medicine

Golden mustache is used to treat various diseases. Infusions, decoctions, oil, ointments are prepared from it, juice is squeezed out. For the preparation of medicinal products, leaves of an adult plant are taken, having a length of at least 4-5 cm, there must be at least 7 “joints”, they must have a purple color. Only such a plant has medicinal properties.

Golden mustache oil for the treatment of skin diseases and arthrosis

An oil is prepared from the golden mustache, which successfully cures various skin diseases. It is also used for arthritis, arthrosis, rubbing into sore spots. It is prepared in this way: the juice is squeezed out of the leaves, stem and mustache of the plant, the cake is dried, finely chopped. Juice and crushed cake are poured with oil, olive oil is best. The mass is infused in a dark place for 3-4 weeks. After the oil must be filtered. It is better to store medicated oil in the refrigerator in a dark glass container.

Ointment based on a golden mustache for bruises, various skin diseases, ulcers, mastopathy and other female diseases of the breast and gynecology

The ointment based on the golden mustache helps very well. It can be prepared in two ways.

  • First: squeeze the juice, as for making oil. Then we add fatty cream, vaseline or fat to the juice with cake, the ratio is 1:2. Transfer to a dark glass dish and store in the refrigerator.
  • The second way: grind and grind the leaves and stems, mix with fat cream, petroleum jelly or fat in a ratio of 1:3. Transfer to a dark glass dish and store in the refrigerator.

Alcohol tincture of golden mustache for the treatment of cancer

For the treatment and cleansing of the body, from osteochondrosis, with diseases of the respiratory system, with some forms of cancer, alcohol tincture from a golden mustache is used. To prepare it, you need to take up to 45-50 “joints” of the plant, place it in a glass jar and pour 70% vodka or alcohol. Insist up to a crescent in a dark, cool place, periodically shaking and stirring. When the tincture acquires a lilac color, it is ready. Strain, pour into a dark glass bottle, store in the refrigerator. In the manufacture of alcohol tinctures, large leaves of the plant can also be used.

Water tinctures and decoctions are used to treat various organs.

In particular, the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, for the prevention colds, treatment of the cardiovascular system, for the treatment of certain forms of cancer. 1 large mature (not young) fresh leaf of the plant is taken, poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours. Drink as tea (you can add a little honey).

Infusion for general health improvement and cancer prevention

In the preparation of tinctures and decoctions, all parts of the plant are used - leaves, antennae, stem. Everything is crushed, placed in an enameled saucepan, poured with not hot water and the mixture is brought to a boil, but not boiled. Leave for 8 hours to infuse. Strain, pour into a dark glass bottle, store in the refrigerator. Drink 100 grams 3 times a day an hour after meals.

Infusion for recovery of the body after surgery, chemotherapy, in the treatment of tuberculosis

Take up to 30 “joints” from the stems, where there are at least 9 of them, chop, then pour boiling water and leave for up to 10 hours. Strain, pour into a dark glass bottle, store in the refrigerator.


  • Although the golden mustache is a unique remedy for many diseases, it must be borne in mind that some people may experience an allergic reaction to preparations containing this plant.
  • It is better for pregnant and lactating women not to take the golden mustache.
  • It is also strictly contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.
  • It is also better for asthmatic patients to refrain from the use of golden mustache preparations.
  • An overdose can lead to swelling, damage to the vocal cords, and rashes.
  • If you decide to take preparations based on the golden mustache, be sure to consult your doctor, you may have to exclude certain foods from the diet, such as pickles, fatty and spicy foods, and sweets.
  • Naturally, it is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • And then the golden mustache will save you from many diseases, including chronic ones. Your quality of life will improve significantly.

Golden mustache or fragrant callisia is a common perennial belonging to the Commeline family. In the wild, the plant grows in South America. Tradescantia is considered to be its closest relative. This unusual culture has about 50 varieties.

The plant began to be domesticated about a century ago. It came to our country not so long ago, but at the same time it has already managed to win the hearts of not only flower growers, but also adherents of traditional medicine, thanks to its unique healing properties. How to grow a golden mustache and properly care for it, we will tell in this article.

Varieties and types

Golden mustache - The natural habitat of the plant is the tropical forests of South America. There culture forms real thickets. At home, she looks much more attractive. Golden mustache has long creeping shoots with large dark green leaf plates resembling corn. The inflorescences of the plant are white, small, racemose with a pleasant aroma. However, at home, the golden mustache blooms very rarely.

Callisia fragrant - in the wild, the plant can grow up to 3 meters. A domesticated culture has creeping shoots up to 2 meters long. The foliage of the plant is large, narrow and long, has a rich green tint. Callisia flowers are racemose, lilac or pink in color with a pleasant aroma. Flowering time falls in the summer. At home, the culture blooms extremely rarely.

Golden mustache growing at home

Callisia can grow both indoors and outdoors. It is best to grow the plant in a room with fresh air and good lighting. The kitchen is not the best place for this culture.

An ideal option for a golden mustache would be a south window with artificially created shading. Despite the fact that the plant is very photophilous, direct sun rays it does not tolerate. It can also grow in the shade, but in this case the culture will be weak and lose its decorative effect. Its leaf plates will turn pale, and the stems will begin to stretch. If the callisia is comfortable, the grower will notice a slight lilac tint that will appear on the shoots and leaf plates.

The golden mustache is extremely thermophilic, so the ideal temperature regime for it will be from 25 to 28 degrees. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, otherwise the plant will get sick and die. It also does not tolerate temperature changes.

The optimum humidity in the room where the flower is located should be at least 60%. In winter, it can be reduced to 50%.

Planting a golden mustache

It is best to plant a young plant immediately in a large pot, since the golden mustache is extremely negative about transplants. It is also worth considering the fact that its root system grows very quickly, so transferring the flower to a new pot can damage it.

It is necessary to plant young shoots deeply, as in this way, better rooting and survival can be ensured. Do not forget about the drainage, which will be small expanded clay. The land for the plant should be loose and nutritious, and after planting it should be fertilized with top dressing for deciduous plants.

By following all the rules regarding planting and caring for a plant, you can grow a healthy and beautiful collision, which, in addition to its decorative effect, will help you effectively deal with various ailments without visiting doctors.

Watering the golden mustache

In spring and summer, the golden mustache should be watered every day, but the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. In the autumn-winter period, watering should be reduced to two times a week.

However, if the room is hot, you should monitor the condition of the soil and prevent it from drying out. Flower growers recommend watering the culture in the morning.

As for spraying, it should be carried out every three days, using warm, settled water for this purpose.

Ground for golden mustache

The soil for the plant should be loose and nutritious. However, its preparation should begin with drainage, which can be fine expanded clay or a mixture of coarse sand with eggshells. Such drainage will not only avoid stagnant water, but also supply the earth with silicon.

The soil for the golden mustache can be purchased either at a flower shop and then mixed with forest soil, or you can cook it yourself.

To prepare the soil mixture yourself, you should take the soil from under a deciduous tree (except birch) and mix it with sand and humus. But before mixing the components, they must be treated with a solution of manganese in order to destroy fungi and pests. The acidity of the soil should be 5.5 pH.

Golden mustache transplant

The plant does not like transplanting, so when planting a young callisia, you should pick up a large pot so as not to disturb the plant for as long as possible. But sooner or later, the selected capacity will become small for him and a transplant will be required. Approximately it will be necessary to carry out a transplant once every three years.

This procedure is carried out in the spring by transferring the plant to a new, larger pot, along with a zemlyok, which will protect the roots from damage.

A drainage layer should be made at the bottom of the pot, after which the plant can be transferred into it by adding the missing amount of the necessary earth mixture. After transplanting, the golden mustache needs to be fertilized and watered. Adaptation to new conditions will last about a month, after which the plant will grow.

Golden mustache fertilizer

Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used to feed the plant. In spring, the plant should be fertilized with organic matter, and in summer and autumn with mineral fertilizers with trace elements.

It should be noted that trace elements are absorbed through the leaf plates, therefore, for top dressing, they must be diluted in water and sprayed from a spray bottle. Feeding is carried out weekly. From the end of autumn to spring, fertilize the plant is stopped.

Golden mustache bloom

Despite the fact that callisia rarely blooms at home, it can still happen with good care.

Before flowering, the plant throws out a long peduncle, on which small inflorescences appear, collected in a brush. They can be white, pink or pale blue. The inflorescences smell very pleasant and resemble hyacinth in aroma. Flowering time is in late spring or mid-summer.

Pruning a golden mustache

The plant does not need pruning, however, in order to preserve its decorative effect, withered leaf plates and dried shoots should be removed.

If the plant is not grown in a pot, it should be tied up, as its tall and fragile stem cannot support the weight of the shoots and can break without support. A peg made of wood is usually used as a support, tying a plant to it, in order to avoid deformation and breaking of the trunk.

Preparing a golden mustache for winter

Like many representatives of the plant world, callisia needs a dormant period that occurs in winter. At this time, care for her mute changes.

Watering is reduced to three times a week, fertilizing is canceled and the temperature drops to +16 degrees. With the onset of spring, standard care resumes.

Golden mustache reproduction by rosettes and layering

Callisia can be propagated using rosettes and layering. In the first case, you should use rosettes that appear at the ends of long branches. They must be cut and lowered into the water by ¾. The planting material must stay in the liquid for two weeks so that the root system can get stronger.

After the young are ready for planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil from leafy turf, sand and eggshells used as drainage. Then you need to take a small pot and plant a plant there. After a few years, it will be necessary to transplant into a larger container.

Propagating the golden mustache by layering is quite simple, for this you need to tilt the shoot to the soil, sprinkle the socket with soil and wait until it takes root. After that, the young plant can be carefully separated and transplanted into a new pot.

In order for young plants to take root better, and later grow and develop normally, reproduction should be carried out in spring or autumn.

Diseases and pests

The plant is not susceptible to diseases, but it can be attacked by harmful insects represented thrips and red spider mites . They settle on leaf plates and feed on their juice, which results in their yellowing, drying and dying .

Regular airing of the room with a golden mustache, as well as spraying the leaf plates, will help prevent their appearance. However, if pests have already appeared, callisia should be treated with Actellik insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

Problems when growing a golden mustache

Although this plant is quite simple to grow, there are still some problems that flower growers have to face.

These include:

  • Yellowing leaves - most likely, the plant was struck by pests or the grower does not feed it enough. To get rid of the misfortune will allow treatment with insecticides and the introduction of the required dose of top dressing.
  • Drying of leaf plates - leads to drying of leaf plates an insufficient amount moisture. Regular watering will eliminate this problem.
  • leaf rusting - the appearance of rusty spots on the leaves is nothing more than sunburn. To return the leaf plates to their former decorativeness, the golden mustache should be slightly shaded, but at the same time not deprive of light.
  • Stopping shoot growth - the plant slows down in growth with a lack of mineral fertilizers and in too heavy soil. In this case, transplanting into a nutrient substrate and applying a sufficient amount of fertilizer will help.

With proper care of the plant, such problems will not arise, and the golden mustache will delight the grower not only with its extraordinary decorative effect, but also with useful properties.

Golden mustache medicinal properties and contraindications

The golden mustache is mostly known precisely as a plant with medicinal properties. It is thanks to its healing properties that callisia is used not only in folk, but also in official medicine.

The plant has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, tonic, diuretic, anti-allergic and bactericidal effect.

All the properties described above, the culture received thanks to its bioactive and chemical substances that are in it in high concentration. Golden mustache is rich in phytosterols, vitamins, pectins, trace elements and flavonoids.

Medicinal teas, decoctions, tinctures and ointments can be prepared from various parts of the plant. In medical preparations, an extract from the shoots and leaves of callisia comes out.

The plant is used for arrhythmias and cardiovascular ailments. To combat these diseases, juice squeezed from fresh leaf plates is used. For hypertension and joint disease, alcohol tinctures based on leaf plates, branches and mustaches are used.


Treatment with drugs based on this plant should be abandoned for allergy sufferers, children, asthmatics, expectant mothers and people with kidney problems.

For the rest, the golden mustache will only benefit. However, it should be noted that before using funds from callisia, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

A decoction of the golden mustache for diabetes

Decoctions from leaf plates are used for gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes mellitus. Ointments based on culture juice are used for trophic ulcers and damage to the integrity of the skin. In general, this unique plant is used in the treatment of many diseases, we will give the most common recipes based on it below.

To prepare a decoction, you should take 4 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped leaf plates and pour them with 750 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the decoction should be throughout the day.

It is necessary to use it twice a day for 250 milliliters for a month. It will help stabilize the glycemic index and improve the condition of the diabetic.

Golden mustache tincture for joint disease

To prepare the product, you should take 12 branches of the plant, put them in a dark jar and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. After that, the jar should be placed in a dark place for three weeks.

From time to time it will need to be taken out and shaken. Store the finished product in the refrigerator. Use the tincture to rub diseased joints in the morning and evening until the desired results are obtained.


The information provided in this article will help grow a healthy and beautiful plant for both the novice and experienced grower.

He will also talk about the medicinal properties of the plant and recipes for preparing infusions and decoctions based on the golden mustache.

fragrant callisia, Chinese mustache, venus, corn, homemade ginseng

Indoor perennial plant with immunostimulating, tonic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, wound healing, bactericidal, adsorbing properties. Used in folk medicine for the manufacture of tinctures, decoctions, ointments, creams.

Name in Latin: Callisia fragrans

Name in English: Callisia fragrans

Family: Commeline

The medicinal properties and contraindications of the golden mustache plant are known all over the world. This medicinal plant is native to South America. The golden mustache came to Russia relatively recently - at the end of the 19th century. Its healing effect was not immediately discovered, and at first the plant was used only for decorative purposes. In many sources on folk medicine, the golden mustache is presented as a panacea, if not for all, then for very many ailments. It is no coincidence that he is called the "home doctor" and "the cure for a hundred diseases." They are treated with osteochondrosis, and burns, and a sick stomach, and heel spurs, and hypertension, and hemorrhoids, and cysts, and fibroids. It is actively used in cosmetology, anti-aging and tonic creams and balms are prepared from it. However, there is another point of view: non-existent medicinal properties are attributed to the golden mustache, especially in the treatment of oncological, severe chronic diseases. For example, in official medicine it is not recommended to take a tincture of a plant against the background of treatment with anticancer drugs.

Features of the golden mustache

The beneficial properties of the golden mustache are explained by its rich chemical composition, the high concentration of biologically active substances in the plant sap, as well as their combination and quantitative ratio.

Botanical description

In botanical reference books, the golden mustache is called differently - fragrant callisia. What does this plant look like?

There is an opinion among the people: if the golden mustache has blossomed, it means that kind people with positive energy live in the house.

Chemical composition

The golden mustache plant is unique in its chemical composition and ratio of nutrients.

  • Flavonoids. This is a group of plant polyphenols. They have an expectorant, antimicrobial, hemostatic, vasodilating effect, normalize the work of the heart and pancreas. The flower contains two main flavonoids - kaempferol and quercetin. Another type of flavonoids (catechins) is valuable antihistamine, vasoconstrictor properties.
  • Vitamins and trace elements. Vitamin C, B vitamins, nicotinic acid, provitamin A, nickel, iron, zinc, chromium, potassium, copper, calcium, manganese. It also contains metals combined with organic substances (chelates). These biogenic stimulants enhance the effect of other beneficial substances.
  • Phytosterols. These beneficial substances are necessary for the normal production and synthesis of hormones in the human body. They lower cholesterol levels and remove it from the body. Phytosterols are natural immunostimulants and antiseptics.
  • Pectins. Thanks to these substances in the body, the process of binding harmful toxins and their removal takes place. Pectins are safe adsorbents, remove radionuclides, slags, heavy metals, synthesize B vitamins, and normalize the intestinal microflora.
  • Tannins or tannins. They treat inflammation on the mucous membrane of any organs, ulcers and erosion, have an astringent pharmacological effect. Good for the stomach and intestines.

Growing conditions

The golden mustache flower is an unpretentious plant. It can be grown not only as a medicinal raw material, but also for decorative purposes. The flower belongs to the ampelous, that is, the climbing type of indoor plants. What are the features of growing fragrant callisia?

How to care for a plant? Watering should be regular and moderate. The flower does not like dryness and excess moisture. At least once a month, you need to feed the plant with special fertilizers.

Therapeutic action

Due to its unique healing properties, the plant is actively used in the treatment of many diseases as an independent and auxiliary remedy.

Indications for use

What heals a golden mustache?

  • Digestive organs. The flower treats gastritis, pancreatitis, liver, large and small intestines, rectum, in particular hemorrhoids.
  • Gynecology. Treated: fibroids, fibroids, cervical erosion, ovarian cysts. A long course of therapy is required.
  • SARS, colds, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The golden mustache well relieves inflammation on the mucous membranes, increases local and general immunity, and thins sputum. Effective in bronchial asthma, chronic sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis.
  • Endocrinology. Indications - malfunctions of the thyroid gland (toxic, endemic goiter, myxedema), diabetes mellitus, overweight.
  • Damage to the joints and spine. These include such diagnoses: sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis, bursitis.
  • Heart and vessels. The flower helps with ischemia, angina pectoris, arrhythmias, lowers blood pressure with hypertension, increases with hypotension. Successfully treats atherosclerosis and varicose veins.
  • Outwardly. Wounds, bites, burns, erosions, fistulas heal quickly, which is facilitated by the bactericidal, regenerating property of the flower. Fragrant callisia helps with sprains, bruises, cracks, bone fractures. Also, tincture is taken for inflammation of the skin of an allergic and non-allergic nature.
  • Nervous system . Neuroses and depression pass faster when treated with tinctures of fragrant callisia.

Golden mustache well cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. It is useful to drink it as a tonic to strengthen the immune system, with beriberi. It is mentioned that fragrant callisia cures oncological diseases, in particular cancer of the cervix, rectum. However, there is no official evidence for this.

What are the contraindications of the golden mustache? It is forbidden to use in children, adolescents, women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in diseases of the kidneys, adenomas of the mammary, prostate, thyroid glands. The plant belongs to the category of toxic, contraindications have so far been little studied, so a doctor's consultation is necessary before the course of treatment. There may also be individual sensitivity to the drug. In case of an allergic reaction, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

Preparation of preparations based on the golden mustache at home

Recipes for the treatment of golden mustache are very popular among the people. Many monographs have been written about this plant. Its medicinal properties are studied not only by amateurs and traditional healers, but also by well-known scientists, doctors of medical sciences. What dosage forms based on the golden mustache are made? And how to prepare medicine at home?

Pharmacy preparations

In a pharmacy, you can buy ready-made preparations based on a golden mustache. Most often, products for external use are made - cream, ointment and balm. The preparations may contain such natural ingredients: bee venom, comfrey extract, cinquefoil, larkspur, horse chestnut, formic acid, Japanese Sophora, chaga and others. Also available are tablets with an extract of a golden mustache, St. John's wort, cinquefoil, burdock root, white willow bark.


The ointment is prepared from the fresh juice of the plant. Used for skin diseases - eczema, trophic ulcers, bedsores, bacterial inflammation. Ointment can be made on the basis of any hypoallergenic baby cream. You can also use internal pork fat.


  1. Cut the leaves and young shoots of the golden mustache as finely as possible.
  2. Squeeze out the juice.
  3. Mix with the base in proportion: 1 part juice and 3 parts cream.
  4. Store in refrigerator.

How else is the ointment used? Used to treat joints. Apply a thin layer, lightly rubbing, on the area of ​​painful joints. On wounds and burns, the ointment is not rubbed, only gently applied.


Tincture is made from all parts of fragrant callisia separately: mustaches, leaves, knuckles, young shoots, trunk. It is also possible to prepare a medicine using the whole plant. The tool can be used externally, compresses, lotions, rubbing are made from it. It is also taken orally for thrombophlebitis, diseases of the lungs, blood vessels, and blood. The medicine from the leaves and whiskers is suitable for internal use. But the main stem of the plant is used only locally - for lesions of the joints and spine.


  1. Pour the crushed side shoots of the golden mustache with a liter of vodka.
  2. Put the infusion in a dark, cool place.
  3. Insist in a glass container for 14 days.
  4. Pour the filtered solution into a dark bottle.

How to drink tincture? There are two reception schemes.

  • First scheme. The first dose is 10 drops. Then every day the dose is increased by 1 drop. The increasing dose should be taken within a month. Then, over the next month, the dose is reduced by 1 drop every day. As a result, the course takes 2 months. You can repeat the treatment in a month to enhance the therapeutic effect.
  • Second scheme. Single dose - 30 drops diluted in ½ glass of water. You need to take 2 times a day. The course lasts no more than 10 days, after which a break is made for 10 days, and if necessary, the course is repeated. Compared to the first homeopathic regimen, this is an intensive course of treatment. It has a higher risk of side effects.

This tool can also be used as an antiseptic for external use for acne, inflammatory processes on the skin. It can be applied to wounds and burns.


It is intended for internal use in inflammation of internal organs (liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines). Effective in diabetes. Also, the infusion is used for washing the eyes, baths and lotions. They are treated with conjunctivitis, glaucoma, barley, progressive myopia.


  1. Grind the fourth part of a leaf of a golden mustache.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist until completely cooled.
  4. Strain the decoction.

How to take an infusion? Before meals, a tablespoon no more than 4 times a day. Every day you need to prepare a fresh broth. The course of treatment is 7 days. After a break, you can repeat the reception. Golden mustache infusion can be brewed with other medicinal plants: valerian, mint, hops. This collection is taken for nervous disorders, increased excitability of the nervous system, insomnia.

Cosmetical tools

Golden mustache is successfully used in cosmetology. Masks, creams, tonics, balms for hair, hands, face are prepared from the fresh juice of the plant. You can prepare a one-component cream, but more often it includes other herbal ingredients. It is recommended to keep the torn leaves and stems in the refrigerator before use, wrapping them in a plastic bag. During storage, biologically active substances show their beneficial properties even more. Cosmetics are prepared from a golden mustache based on a nourishing cream (preferably lanolin), olive oil.

Preparing face cream

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of golden mustache juice, aloe, olive oil, honey.
  2. Mix with 75 ml of lanolin cream.
  3. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

The cream is applied before going to bed with light massage movements. Excess cream should be blotted with a napkin.

Preparing hand cream

  1. Take 75 ml of any nourishing hand cream, 1 teaspoon of golden mustache juice, olive oil and vitamin A oil pharmacy solution.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

The cream is applied to the hands at night. It is especially useful to apply in winter with dry, rough skin.

Preparing a hair mask

  1. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh golden mustache juice.
  2. Pour in a liter of boiling water.
  3. Infuse the decoction for a day.

The solution is used for rinsing after shampooing.

Preparation of tonic for dry skin

  1. Take a tablespoon of strained golden mustache juice and strawberry juice.
  2. Mix with 250 ml of water
  3. Add ½ teaspoon of glycerin.
  4. Protect from light, store in a cool place.

Tonic wipe the face in the morning and before going to bed. It moisturizes the skin well, prevents the appearance of blackheads and pimples.


Raw materials for decoction - leaves and stems. Indications for admission - gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory symptoms.


  1. Grind one large or several small leaves of a golden mustache.
  2. Fill with a liter of cold water.
  3. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Insist 30 minutes.
  5. Cool, store strained in the refrigerator.

How to take a decoction? 30 minutes before meals, a tablespoon. The course lasts 7 days. If necessary, it can be repeated with a break of 1 week.

Precautionary measures

Despite such popular popularity, the side effects of the flower have been little studied. Healers, who have been preparing ointments and tinctures from the golden mustache for many years, warn about the "treachery" of the plant, some of the dangers of its use, and recommend consulting a doctor before treatment with folk methods. How to use the golden mustache correctly? What to pay attention to?

  • Dosage and shelf life. The plant is dangerous overdose. At the beginning of treatment, a noticeable improvement may occur, but after a week, after the accumulation of biologically active substances in the body, the condition may deteriorate sharply.
  • Carefully apply the trunk of the golden mustache. It is suitable only for external use as ointments or tinctures.
  • Overdose symptoms. Headaches, weakness, increased thyroid gland, sore throat, hoarseness, fever, blurred vision. Often there is an allergic reaction in the form of a rash and itching.
  • Allergy when applied externally. If, with extensive burns and wounds, the leaves are applied to the affected areas, a local allergic reaction may begin.
  • Discontinuation of the drug or dose reduction. If side effects occur, you should refrain from using the golden mustache, wait until the symptoms pass. Treatment can be repeated after a month. Also, at the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to use diluted golden mustache recipes.

During treatment with a golden mustache, alcohol, cigarettes, fasting, and the use of vegetable and fruit juices in large volumes are excluded. You also need to limit animal fats, carbonated drinks, confectionery, canned food and dairy products. The diet should include fish products, olive oil, walnuts.

The use of a golden mustache is allowed only after consultation with a phytotherapeutist and the attending physician. The plant contains healing biologically active substances, which, at high concentrations, pose a health hazard. From the plant, you can prepare tinctures and decoctions, which are used both internally and externally. For external use, ointments, creams, balms are prepared.

Golden mustache is a herbaceous plant native to South America. It is known to almost every housewife. It has a large number of useful substances necessary for a person. There are many folk recipes for intestinal diseases, diabetes, against obesity using this plant.

At the moment, medicine does not give accurate confirmation of the healing properties of the golden mustache. Therefore, before using the plant for medical purposes, it is better to consult a doctor.


Golden mustache or Callisia fragrant (from the Greek. "Beautiful lily") is a perennial herb that can reach up to 2 m in height in its natural environment and up to 1 m at home. The leaves of the golden mustache are long, large and oblong. The upper side of the leaf is usually dark green, the lower side is purple. The length of one sheet is up to 18-20 cm.

Golden mustache has shoots of 2 types: erect and horizontal. Horizontal shoots (whiskers) consist of purple knees up to 10 cm long.

Only that golden mustache has medicinal properties, on which there are at least 9 horizontal shoots.

Horizontal shoots appear in spring. Rosettes of leaves appear at the ends of the shoots, with the help of which the collision multiplies. The flowers of the plant are small and fragrant. At home, the collision blooms very rarely.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition is based on such groups of useful substances as flavonoids and steroids. Also, the plant is rich in microelements and vitamins of the P group.

Flavonoids- these are biologically active substances, plant pigments, which, getting into the human body, change the activity of enzymes. A large number of plant pigments maintain the youthfulness of the body, providing an antioxidant effect.

Steroids- Substances with high biological activity. These substances affect metabolism, the cardiovascular system, and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Also, the golden mustache contains:

  • Alkaloids. In the form of oxalic, citric and malic acid;
  • Tannins. Contained in every herbaceous plant in different proportions and have an astringent effect;
  • bitterness. Compounds that affect the endocrine glands and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Saponins. Organic compounds that contribute to expectorant action;
  • Coumarins. Unsaturated aromatic esters;
  • Essential oils. Volatile mixtures that have a calming effect;
  • Microelements. The golden mustache contains a large amount of copper, iron and chromium.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Improves the digestive process, regulates the balance of cholesterol in the blood;
  • resins;
  • Enzymes.

Beneficial features

The rich amount of nutrients in hydrangea allows you to use it as a powerful antiseptic. It treats skin diseases such as lichen, ulcers, cystic neoplasms.

Plant phytosterols in the composition have the following actions:

  • perform antibacterial action;
  • kill cancer cells
  • destroy cholesterol plaques;
  • remove toxins.

Chromium is a vital element for the human body. The content of this trace element in juice and leaves has a positive effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates, on blood sugar levels.

The lack of a microelement in the body leads to: the development of cardiovascular diseases, disruption of the endocrine system, is one of the factors in diabetes mellitus.

Copper and sulfur in the composition of the golden mustache resist the development of infections, radiation, purify the blood and slow down the process of skin aging.

Quercetin (biological antioxidant) cures the following ailments:

  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Allergic skin reactions;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.

With a lack of vitamins, the golden mustache well compensates for the deficiency of vitamin C.

Folk recipes

The people believe that the golden mustache is a cure for 100 ailments. For their treatment, juice, stems and leaves are used, which are cut at the base of the rosettes of the golden mustache. Prepare a variety of infusions, tinctures, ointments, oils, balms, etc.

Before starting the preparation of the drug, hydrangea leaves must be kept for 3 days in the refrigerator. The shoots and stem of the plant are stored under the same conditions for 14-15 days.


Golden mustache juice is a frequent component of folk recipes. It has properties that are used as decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant agents. Juice is added to ointments, oils, infusions and decoctions.

In order to get juice, you need to pick the leaves and stems, wash them and grind them. Place the raw materials in a deep container and pour boiled water, leave to release the juice overnight. In the morning, the resulting composition is filtered through gauze.

Golden mustache juice can be stored for 24 hours. In order to extend the shelf life, it should be mixed with honey or alcohol.

Concentrated golden mustache juice can also be purchased at a pharmacy.


Golden mustache decoction recipes are used to treat a wide variety of diseases. Compared with infusions, they do not need long-term preparation, which allows you to more quickly respond to sudden manifestations of ailments. Decoctions can only be from a golden mustache, as well as in combination with other medicinal plants or honey.

Decoctions from a medicinal plant are prepared only in enameled dishes.

The appearance is associated with metabolic disorders. The growth of the gland leads to squeezing of the urethra and severe difficulty urinating. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a urologist and can reach up to surgery. At the initial stage of the disease, therapeutic methods are used in which a decoction of a golden mustache can be used. Required ingredients for the recipe:

  • 1 crushed golden mustache leaf;
  • 4 tsp dry crushed hazel leaves;
  • 1 liter of water.

For cooking, the ingredients are placed in a bowl and put on fire. The mixture is brought to a boil and left on fire for 5-10 minutes. The prepared broth is cooled and stored in a dark place. The tool must be taken in 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. The course is held every six months for 2 weeks.

Decoction to improve vision in myopia prepared as follows: it is necessary to grind 1 leaf of the plant, pour it into a deep container and pour 1.5 liters of hot water. Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes and insist under the lid for 3-4 hours. Take a decoction 3 times a day for 2 tsp. 20-30 minutes before eating. Follow the course of the drug as follows: 10 days of admission, 5 days off and again the course for 14 days.

Bronchitis- this is an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, which is accompanied by bouts of coughing, fever, weakness, sputum production. For a speedy recovery of the patient, the following recipe is recommended: put 1 crushed leaf and 250 g of honey in a deep bowl and pour 200 ml of warm water. Boil the mixture for 1 hour on low heat, cool, transfer to a glass or ceramic dish. The course of treatment with a decoction is carried out during the entire illness. Take 2 times a day for 2 tsp. in 30 min. before meals.

- These are benign neoplasms that occur due to the penetration of viruses into the skin. Most often, the infection affects the skin of the face and hands. In traditional medicine, warts are removed surgically. In folk medicine, there are many therapeutic methods, including the use of golden mustache leaves. For decoction you will need:

  • 2 crushed golden mustache leaves;
  • 2 tsp crushed celandine leaves;
  • 0.5 l of water.

To prepare the recipe, you need to mix the ingredients, pour water and boil for 15 minutes. Leave the decoction for 3 hours, strain and store in a cool, dark place. The liquid should be applied to the warts with a cotton pad for 3-5 minutes, half 3-4 times a day.

Conjunctivitis- this is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which causes lacrimation, photophobia, itching, burning, discharge from the eyes. The anti-inflammatory properties of the golden mustache have a therapeutic effect in mild forms of the disease. The best therapeutic result is achieved by adding chamomile. This medicinal flower is able to soothe pain, relieve redness and reduce inflammation.

To prepare a decoction, you need to mix 1 leaf of a golden mustache and 2 tbsp. l . Mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave on fire for 5-10 minutes. Leave the decoction for 1-2 hours, strain and store in a dark place. To use, soak the decoction in cotton pads and make compresses on the eyes for 3-5 minutes 2 times a day.


Due to the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action, bruises, bruises, arthritis and even flu are treated with the help of infusions from the plant. The presence of a large number of antioxidants helps in the fight against premature aging.

For making infusion from premature skin aging 2 tbsp required. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water over golden mustache leaves. Infuse for 5-6 hours at room temperature, store in a refrigerator. It is recommended to make ice cubes from infusions and wipe your face with them every morning. To combat flu symptoms, golden mustache infusion is mixed with echinacea infusion. They are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1 and taken 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals.

For treatment of otitis media golden mustache juice is used both externally and internally. To prepare a compress, it is enough to soak a cotton swab in the juice and put it into the ear cavity, leaving it overnight. During the treatment of otitis media, it is useful to drink an infusion of a golden mustache, 2 tbsp. l. 30-40 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Alcohol tincture helps in getting rid of various diseases. The interaction of the plant and 70% alcohol helps in the fight against colds and bronchopulmonary diseases, against amenorrhea and fibroids, the treatment of prostate adenoma, and has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and metabolism. Depending on the need, the tincture is rubbed into the skin, drunk, used as compresses. A tincture can be prepared from the knees and leaves of the plant.

To prepare the tincture, shoots of the plant are used, on which at least 5 knees. The outlet at the end of the shoot is usually cut off and used for a new planting. The required volume of alcohol is calculated by the number of knees used. On average, 1 knee contains 20 ml of alcohol or vodka. For the treatment of fibroids and amenorrhea, the proportion is 1 knee per 10 ml of alcohol, for external use - per 1 knee 30 ml of alcohol.

To prepare the tincture, the crushed knees are placed in a glass jar and poured with alcohol. The jar is closed and stored in a dark place for two weeks. Shake the container every 2-3 days. After 2 weeks, the tincture should acquire a dark purple hue. The liquid must be filtered and taken strictly drop by drop, depending on the disease.

For normalization of the endocrine system the course of treatment with tincture should be carried out for 61 days. The liquid should be drunk 3 times a day, changing the dosage as follows:

  • From 1 to 31 days of the course, the dose is increased daily from 10 to 40 drops;
  • From 32 to 61 days, the dose is reduced from 39 to 10 drops.

It will take 3 courses with breaks per month.

During treatment prostate adenomas tincture should be taken 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The treatment lasts 2 months, the course can be repeated with a break of a month.

For treatment amenorrhea and fibroids it is necessary to carry out at least 3 courses of therapy in a row with a break of a month. Take the tincture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. As well as in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system, it is necessary to adjust the dose of the drug:

  • From the 1st to the 30th day of the course, the dose of the drug is increased from 1 to 30 drops;
  • From 31 to 59 days, the dose is reduced from 29 to 1 drop.

For pain in the joints, osteochondrosis and other problems of the musculoskeletal system tincture is taken 2 months 3 times a day before meals. Sore spots are rubbed with tincture every evening.


Ointment from the golden mustache returns mobility and flexibility to the joints, relieves pain and restores tissues after bruises and bruises.

Suitable for making ointment leaves and stems of a plant older than 3 months. It is best to cut the leaves in the fall, since by this period the plant accumulates the maximum amount of trace elements and nutrients.

The recipe is simple, it only needs a fat base. Vaseline, baby cream or animal fat can serve as a base.

Leaves and stems should be refrigerated for a few days before cooking. So the golden mustache mobilizes beneficial properties that will turn into an ointment.

The recipe consists of 2 steps:

  1. Grind chilled leaves and stems to a state of gruel;
  2. Mix the resulting slurry with a fatty base in a ratio of 2: 3.

To prepare the ointment, you can use hydrangea juice. The juice is mixed with the base in a ratio of 1:3. The finished product should be stored in a dark place at a low temperature. You can use the ointment as needed every day, rubbing the bruised area or applying compresses.


It should be remembered that before using the golden mustache for medicinal purposes, you should consult a doctor. Incorrect dosage of the drug can lead to an allergic reaction.

It is forbidden to take medicines containing a golden mustache for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Should not be taken medicines based on the golden whisker for patients who:

  • Drink antibiotics;
  • Are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy;
  • Treat the kidneys and liver with potent drugs;
  • Take sleeping pills and sedatives;
  • Take a course of drugs containing glycosides;
  • They are endemic.

to keep a healthy plant at home it is important to find the secrets of the content. Most want to breed colorful plants. The breeding secrets of most plant species are not similar. Each living being requires individual observance of conditions. In this article, the authors tried to collect a selection of secrets in order to prevent death when keeping a particular flower. We recommend that you determine to which family your pet is assigned to determine further procedures.

Golden mustache treatment, recipes and tinctures

Golden mustache: treatment, recipes, golden mustache tincture, healing properties; strong biostimulant, use in traditional medicine. Its botanical name is fragrant callisia (Callisia fragrans), from the Commelinaceae family. It is also called homemade ginseng, hair venus, Far Eastern mustache, golden mustache, corn, callisia, callisia, calisia.

Juice is obtained from freshly harvested leaves of the golden mustache. You can store it for no more than a day. In order to extend the shelf life of juice up to two days, it can be mixed with an equal amount of honey and boiled over low heat for half an hour. You can keep the juice longer by adding alcohol to it in a ratio of 3:2. Such a solution can be stored for up to 7-10 days, but it is better to use it externally.

Golden mustache syrup can be used as an expectorant. Grind a callisia leaf about 20 cm in size, pour it with half a glass of water, bring to a boil and evaporate until 1 tbsp remains. Cool, add 1 tbsp. vodka and filter. Prepare sugar syrup by mixing sugar with water in a ratio of 2:1 and bring to a boil. Mix the filtrate with sugar syrup to make half a cup, bring to a boil, cool, pour into a glass dish and store in a cool place for no more than 3 weeks. An infusion is prepared from the leaves of the golden mustache plant. One large leaf of callisia, at least 20 cm long, is placed in a glass or ceramic dish, pour 1 liter of boiling water, wrap it carefully and insist for a day. The resulting liquid has a raspberry-violet hue. To prepare a decoction, use all the green parts of the plant.1. Grind the leaves of the stem, place in an enamel bowl, pour cold water, bring to a boil and leave for 6-7 hours. Then strain the broth, pour into dark glassware and store in a cool place.2. Grind 20-30 joints of the golden mustache plant, pour hot water, bring to a boil and leave for 10 hours. Then strain the broth, pour into a dark glass dish and store in a cool place. An infusion of the golden mustache can also be prepared in a thermos. Golden mustache oil can be prepared in several ways.1. Squeeze the juice from the leaves and stems of the golden mustache, dry the remaining cake, chop, pour olive oil so that the cake is slightly covered with oil. Insist 2-3 weeks, then squeeze. Store the resulting oil in a dark glass container.2. Pour crushed mustaches of callisia with olive or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 2. Put in the oven and simmer for 8 - 10 hours at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. Strain the mass. Store in a cool dark place.

For the manufacture of ointment, gruel or juice from the leaves and stems of the plant and a fatty base are used. As a base, you can take baby cream, petroleum jelly, interior pork or badger fat for solid ointments, and olive, cedar, sunflower or linseed oil for liquid ointments. Juice is mixed with the base in a ratio of 1:3, gruel - 2:3.

Fresh whole or crushed leaves of the golden mustache are used externally: applied to abrasions, wounds, ulcers, abscesses, inflamed joints. Poultice - used externally for boils and trophic ulcers. To prepare it, grind a leaf of a golden mustache, mix it with a small amount of hot water, put it on a linen cloth and apply it to a sore spot, wrap it with a woolen cloth or shawl so that the poultice cools more slowly. Source:

Healing properties of plants

Treatment with a GOLDEN MUSTache.

How to be treated with Golden Mustache?

Golden mustache or fragrant Collision (Callisia fragrans) is famous for its healing properties. This plant perfectly reduces cholesterol in the blood, removes inflammation from the intestines, gallbladder, stomach and biliary tract. Excellent removes toxins and restores the intestinal-alkaline balance.

In its composition, the Golden mustache contains a large percentage of trace elements that normalize cellular metabolism, reduce harmful microflora and ensure the functioning of the spleen, thyroid gland, kidneys and adrenal cortex.

The plant Golden mustache is quite large, sometimes reaching 1.5 - 2 meters in height with long side shoots (whiskers). If it is grown at home, then in the summer it is advisable to take it out to fresh air, but at noon to shelter from direct sunlight. If the plant is planted in open ground, then it is advisable to choose a place in the shade of trees. From a solar overabundance, the leaves of the plant begin to darken and dry out.

When undergoing treatment with Golden Mustache, you must strictly follow a diet: exclude spicy, fatty, salty, sweets, potatoes, yeast bread, dairy products and meat.


In order to prepare an infusion or tincture of Golden mustache, cut a leaf, at least 20-25 centimeters long, wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, under the freezer or close to it. And keep the antennae and stem of the plant in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks.

Grind the leaf of the plant, pour 1 liter of boiling water in a glass bowl, cover and warm with a towel. Insist 1 day, take 2-3 times a day for a quarter cup half an hour before meals.

Take 0.5 liters of vodka, pour 7-9 joints of the trunk and whiskers of the plant and leave to infuse in a dark place for 15 days. Take in the morning, on an empty stomach for 1 week, 1 teaspoon and for 2 weeks, 1 dessert spoon.

The tincture can be taken in drops: dilute 20-30 drops of the medicine in 50 ml of water and take it for 3 weeks before meals 3 times a day.

After a three-week course of treatment, it is worth taking a break.


During treatment and at least a year after it, you can not drink alcohol, smoke, drink large quantities of juices from fruits and vegetables. It is strictly forbidden to undergo urine therapy, phytotherapy for cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy during the course of treatment with the Golden Mustache.

Golden mustache in its composition is a very strong stimulant and in the first days of treatment there is an increased surge of energy. But in the following days this condition passes and worsens. This is due to the fact that an overdose of plant hormones (phytosteroids) occurs in the body. In this regard, there is weakness, enlargement of the thyroid gland, headache, swelling of the mucous membrane and severe itching. There are manifestations of wet eczema in the abdomen.

During scientific research, scientists have found that when using drugs that include the Golden Mustache, the vocal cords are damaged and it is very difficult to restore the voice.

If during the course of treatment you find such signs in yourself, you should immediately stop taking the medicine and take activated charcoal (enterosorbent).

Golden mustache treatment for frostbite:

Golden mustache: application, treatment, tincture recipe, contraindications

Fragrant callisia, more commonly known as "golden mustache", is of great interest in modern society. This unusual plant, brought to Russia in 1890, to this day does not cease to amaze with its healing properties. In folk medicine, preparations created on its basis are considered a salvation from many diseases.

The presence of flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol already allows us to talk about the healing properties of the "golden mustache". These flavonoids increase the elasticity of capillaries and promote rapid regeneration of organic tissue.

Phytosterols are similar in their mode of action to hormones produced in animal organisms, therefore preparations of the "golden whisker" are often effective in the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances.

Types of medicinal preparations

Golden mustache tincture is one of the most effective drugs. To prepare the tincture, alcohol solutions of various concentrations are used (usually 40% and 70%). In the manufacture of tincture from the "golden mustache", traditional healers use side shoots, but sometimes the whole plant. It is usually recommended to take from 30 to 50 "phalanges" (a segment limited by internodes) per 1 liter of alcohol (the concentration is chosen for reasons of expediency). The crushed raw material is poured with the required amount of extractant and infused in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Golden mustache oil. For external use - in the treatment of skin diseases, rubbing in with articular and rheumatic diseases, etc. Olive oil is used as an extractant. It has been experimentally determined that the highest quality oil is obtained using dried raw materials. The shoots of the "golden mustache" are crushed and squeezed out the juice, which is used for other purposes. The cake is dried, additionally crushed and poured with oil. Within 3 - 4 weeks there is an infusion, after which the oil is drained, and the cake is squeezed.

Ointment "golden mustache". To prepare the ointment, you can use fresh juice, oil or tincture. Any creams, lanolin, etc. can be used as an ointment base. It is preferable to choose lanolin if ointments are prepared on the basis of fresh juice or tincture. The ratio of fresh juice to ointment base is 1:3, tinctures - 2:3.

For treatment, decoctions and infusions are also often used, especially in cases where alcohol-containing drugs are contraindicated for use.

Contraindications to the use of callisia preparations

The presence of biologically active compounds in the composition of the plant requires a particularly careful approach when prescribing a particular drug. In doing so, it must be taken into account that:

Preparations of the "golden mustache" should not be prescribed in conjunction with drugs that have a strong effect on the liver and kidneys.

- "Golden mustache" is contraindicated in persons suffering from endemic goiter.

Callisia drugs are not prescribed during pregnancy.

As a rule, preparations of the "golden mustache" are incompatible with taking antibiotics.

If you are going to undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy, then the treatment with the "golden mustache" should be postponed.

Preparations of the "golden mustache" enhance the effect produced by cardiac glycosides (lily of the valley, foxglove, etc.), therefore, it is especially necessary to select the dosage carefully.

Favorable combinations of drugs "golden mustache"

Preparations of the "golden mustache" are perfectly combined:

With the use of prophylactic drugs for colds.

With anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, in the treatment of gynecological problems).

With the intake of vitamins, especially with ascorbic acid.

With anti-sclerotic drugs.

With biologically active preparations of plant origin (aloe, kalanchoe).

Combinations of "golden mustache" with immunomodulators

With echinacea. Echinacea tincture (10%) is prepared with 70% alcohol. It is recommended to take it in the treatment of adenoma and prostatitis, together with the drug, the formulation of which is given below:

20 g of black poplar buds, 10 g of mistletoe, 5 g of gravel roots, elderberries and golden mustache joints. 1 tbsp Mixture pour 1 cup of water, cook over moderate heat for 5 minutes. Insist 4 hours. Take 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals. At the same time, take half a teaspoon of echinacea tincture. Course treatment - 1.5 - 2 months, carried out quarterly.

With Rhodiola Rosea. The pharmaceutical extract of the "golden root" has various medicinal properties depending on the dosage: sedative effect - 1 time per day, 2 - 3 drops; stimulating effect - 5-10 drops per reception. Callisia tincture produces a calming effect, so the combination with the "golden root" can both enhance and weaken the sedative properties, depending on the appropriateness.

With aloe. The drug, developed by academician Filatov, is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer, in case of gynecological problems, etc. This drug has shown high efficiency in ophthalmology (keratitis, conjunctivitis, etc.). For internal use, you can combine Filatov's drug with a "golden mustache" tincture made using a similar technology. First, it is necessary to withstand an adult callisia plant without watering for 2 weeks. After that, the raw material is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where it is aged for 14 days (wrapped in cellophane). After aging in the cold, juice is squeezed out, which can be preserved with 40% alcohol (mixed in equal parts).

Medicinal properties of the "golden mustache" in the treatment of liver diseases

Infusion of "golden mustache" and calendula flowers will help alleviate the course of many liver diseases.

Preparations are prepared separately:

Infusion of calendula. Prepared from 2 tsp. flowers in 1 cup boiling water. Infusion time - 1 hour. Infusion of "golden mustache". Grind 1 leaf of callisia, pour boiled water in a thermos and soak for 5-6 hours.

Before use, the infusions are mixed - for 2 tsp. calendula 1 tsp "golden mustache". In this dosage, the drug is taken three times a day, half an hour before meals. Treatment course, with the acute nature of the disease - 1 - 2 weeks, with a chronic course - up to 2 months. During treatment, after 10 days of taking the remedy, it is necessary to take a 5-day break.

In case of painful sensations in the liver area, it is recommended to rub a mixture of "golden mustache" and fir oil into the painful area.

"Golden Recipes"

The newspaper "Grandmother (Recipes for 100 troubles)" published a recipe for wound healing ointment from Roman Sviridov. It contains biologically activated juice of callisia, aloe and kalanchoe. To prepare the preparation, it is necessary to place freshly cut leaves of aloe, Kalanchoe and the “golden mustache” joint on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where to stand for 2 weeks. The squeezed juice is preserved with 96% alcohol (for every 100 ml of juice - 20 ml of alcohol).

The ointment is prepared using goose fat. For 100 ml of fat heated to a fluid state, 50 ml of activated juice and 1 tsp are added. vitamin E (oily solution). For the treatment of burns, 1 tsp is additionally added. vitamin D.

Roman Sviridov's ointment helps in the treatment of skin problems (cracks, abrasions, etc.), contributing to the rapid regeneration of damaged skin.

Biologically activated juice can be used to make a face cream by replacing goose fat with lanolin or spermaceti, adding 1 tsp. vitamin A.



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