What is a pre-infarction condition. Pre-infarction state: what is it, manifestations, how to identify and prevent development

heart attack- one of the most dangerous and widespread diseases of the 21st century and has long been a disease of old age. Unfortunately, the disease has become younger and occurs in women during menopause, and this is mainly 50-55 years old.

What is a heart attack?

myocardial infarction- this is the cessation of nutrition of the heart muscle due to a violation of the conduction of the coronary arteries.

Insufficient blood flow through the main artery to the heart muscles leads to a lack of oxygen and oxygen depletion of myocardial cells, and as a result they die, which leads to a heart attack. At the site of cell death, a rough connective tissue is formed, which is not able to perform contracting movements.

On the wall of the heart of the myocardium, a hard scar is formed from the connective tissue, it does not allow the organ to function fully.

Cardiac ischemia- the main harbinger of a heart attack, since this is already a violation of the blood supply and nutrition of the heart muscle of the heart (myocardium). What disrupts the blood supply? Atherosclerotic plaque. This problem occurs due to the deposition of fats, cholesterol and other lipids (plaque is their accumulation). So the lumen of the vessel begins to narrow.

Over time, after plaque detachment thrombus develops and grows. It can occupy the entire lumen of the artery and, accordingly, disrupt the supply of oxygen, which leads to cell death (necrosis).

The first signs of a pre-infarction

Up to 50 years old female sex hormones (especially female estrogen) protect them from the formation of cholesterol plaques. As hormonal disruptions and other diseases in women increase, estrogen in the body becomes less. Namely, it promotes the expansion of coronary vessels and protects the female body from an early heart attack. Symptoms of preinfarction in women are different from men.

Another bad news is that women are much more difficult to tolerate a heart attack. Women, unfortunately, are simply inattentive to their body when it signals problems.

There are two types of signals of this disease:

1. distant- their appearance is a signal of a violation of oxygen supply, a lack of oxygen in myocardial cells;
2. Late- this is a signal of the body about a critical state and cell death in a few hours.

In a pre-infarction state, you can stay from 3 days to 3 weeks or even more. This is an individual feature of each person and his body.
Treatment of a preinfarction is possible and necessary.

Pay special attention to your heart if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • If you hold your breath at night or snore (don't think this is just a male problem).
  • If you find it difficult to breathe, you may experience shortness of breath at rest.
  • If your fatigue, as it seems to you, is unreasonable and does not go away even after a long rest.
  • If you suffer from insomnia.
  • If you have frequent urination, especially at night.
  • If your face feels swollen in the morning.
  • If you have advanced periodontal disease.
  • If you feel discomfort in the stomach area or you have an upset stomach for no reason you understand.
  • If you started to suffer from arrhythmia and tachycardia.
  • If you feel panic or inexplicable anxiety, or even fear of death.

Read more about here.

Call your doctor if you have more than two of the above symptoms. Perhaps this will give you the very first aid for a preinfarction.

Remember, if symptoms are detected early, a heart attack can be prevented.

Symptoms and manifestation of pre-infarction condition

Women have their own characteristics of the body and they are less likely to suffer from this disease:

  • the female heart muscle is smaller;
  • heart contraction in women in one minute more often (90 beats and 70-75 in men);
  • estrogen is the main protector of female coronary vessels.

But a heart attack and its symptoms in women are less studied. The fact is that women tolerate pain better, they are more tolerant and, accordingly, do not pay due attention to health problems.

The most important symptoms of myocardial infarction are:

  1. severe chest pain that occurs suddenly, the heart contracts, something presses on it, and the pain palpably radiates to the neck, back or shoulder. Often pills do not relieve pain;
  2. shortness of breath during preinfarction, shortness of breath at rest.

Sometimes the symptoms are invisible or subtle, the disease may have atypical symptoms, for example, women with diabetes. They should pay special attention to their health. They may be asymptomatic in their preinfarction state.

Late signals of a pre-infarction state:

  • the temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • profuse sweating, which is cold and clammy;
  • starts to feel sick;
  • pain in the abdomen and behind the sternum (due to the structural features of the female diaphragm, pain may occur in the abdomen);
  • neck, shoulder, or left arm pain;
  • blood pressure drops sharply;
  • rapid pulse;
  • numbness of the extremities (hands and fingers);
  • headache often due to pain in the back of the head;
  • weakness, turning into dizziness or even fainting.

What to do with a preinfarction?

First aid for preinfarction should be provided quickly and efficiently:

  1. Call an ambulance;
  2. put the patient down;
  3. it is necessary to ensure the supply of fresh air;
  4. measure the pressure;
  5. give 1 tablet of nitroglycerin under the tongue;
  6. give an aspirin tablet (500 mg);
  7. give the patient a sedative (Valocordin, Corvalol);
  8. give the patient a pain reliever.

A biochemical blood test shows the presence of enzymes in large quantities. These are some kind of markers that indicate necrosis in the region of the heart. Troponin is considered the main indicator, since the level of troponin rises and lasts from 4 hours to 12 days after a heart attack. But even a general blood test, as a rule, shows a large number of leukocytes.


The main cause of this disease is cholesterol plaque, and the main cause of damage to the artery is high blood pressure and excessive heartbeat. So, hard physical work, stress, strong emotional stress lead to increased heart rate, increased pressure and to a pre-infarction state.

People suffering from atherosclerosis are at particularly high risk for a heart attack. Change the wrong way of life - as this is the main cause of this disease. If atherosclerosis is inherited from relatives, then it is especially important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The main causes of the disease in women:

  • age over 50;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • bad habits: smoking and alcohol;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • emotional exhaustion;
  • stress, nervous exhaustion.

How to prevent a heart attack?

  • No bad habits. No nicotine and alcohol.
  • Start treatment for atherosclerosis.
  • Healthy food. It is very important.
  • Weight control. With a healthy diet, this problem should not be.
  • If there is a need to take blood thinners, be sure to take such medicines.
  • Make it a rule to undergo an annual medical examination (with a blood test for sugar and a general one) and an ECG.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin). It is essential for your health if you are over 50 for many reasons.

Be attentive to your health and well-being.

Heart attack treatment

Treatment depends on the extent and location of possible or existing damage.

Medical therapy

This technique has a number of contraindications. The effectiveness of treatment reaches 70%.

Such treatment only dissolves the thrombus, but the atherosclerotic plaque remains:

  • Thrombolytics (Metalise, Actilyse, Streptokinase)
  • Narcotic painkillers (Morphine, etc.) to reduce pain.
  • Sedative drugs for a sedative effect.
  • Nitroglycerin intravenously to expand the coronary arteries and improve the nutrition of the heart muscle.
  • Heparin intravenously to eliminate the risk of recurrent thrombosis.

Other medicines are prescribed by the doctor with careful monitoring of the course of the disease and the condition of the patient on an individual basis.

If no surgical intervention is necessary

If without surgical intervention can not be dispensed with, then it is carried out:

  1. open intervention(coronary bypass grafting) - is performed quite rarely due to the huge risk of death. The operation is performed under general anesthesia using a heart-lung machine (AIC). At the same time, the patient’s heart is stopped for a while, which makes it possible to carry out all manipulations;
  2. mini invasive procedure(, angioplasty, coronary angiography) - which is considered less dangerous and better tolerated. This is especially important for patients with diabetes or other complications. The narrowed place of the vessel is inflated with a special balloon, and a special mesh (stand) is installed to stabilize the vessel wall.

Consequences of a heart attack

If the treatment of pre-infarction was not positive and nevertheless a heart attack occurred, then one must be prepared for post-infarction complications. They can be mechanical (ruptures), ischemic, electrical, and so on.

Let's look at some of the complications below:

  • Cardiogenic shock- one of the most severe post-infarction complications, especially common in diabetics, women, or patients with a second heart attack. Unfortunately, it leaves no chance for almost 20% of patients. The main reason is the loss of precious time when you can still change something.
  • Mitral insufficiency- a common complication that can be treated both medically and with the help of emergency surgery. It is more common in patients who have had a heart attack of lower localization.
  • Heartbreak. This is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to the patient. Rupture of the heart is practically not treated. It takes about 3% of patients. Undoubtedly, the most dangerous complication for women, since their heart often cannot withstand heavy stress, improper or late treatment, which provokes a rupture.
  • Dressler syndrome. It occurs as a reaction of the immune system to substances that have come from cardiomyocytes. The immune system does not perceive these substances and, accordingly, the body begins to fight foreign bodies. Happens in 5% of cases.
  • Thromboembolism- after surgery, there is a particular risk of blood clots, especially the first 5 days. To prevent this from happening, heparin is administered to patients in the fastest lines after. On the second day warfarin is taken.
  • Post-infarction syndrome is the response of the body's immune system to cell death. As a result, there may be inflammation of the pleura, in the lungs or pericardium (separately or simultaneously). Treatment consists of hormonal drugs.

After a heart attack, you must be especially careful about the prevention of new complications.

Know your numbers, namely:

  1. blood glucose level;
  2. cholesterol level;
  3. blood pressure (should be checked regularly).

Try to keep these indicators normal, the quality and duration of your life largely depend on them.

I repeat that the prevention and reduction of the risk of a heart attack is the main rule of those who have encountered this disease or have a genetic predisposition.
The main change in the lives of women who have suffered from this disease should be their diet.

You need to follow a special diet, specially designed by experts in this field. Give preference to stewed, or boiled, or baked dishes, they need to be salted immediately before taking. Remember that some products are strictly prohibited.

Long live healthy eating

  • Green tea (rich in antioxidants, they reduce bad cholesterol and help normalize blood pressure).
  • No fats in your diet. Be careful with fats, they can harm you.
  • Olive oil - replace regular sunflower oil with it.
  • More foods that contain coarse fiber (you can buy bran at any supermarket, and it is better to choose bread from whole grains).
  • Replace fatty meat with fish. Fish oil is also a good option.
  • Drink juice. The best choice is orange fresh, tomato, grape juice.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits are your best bet. Take advantage of the huge selection of fruits and vegetables. Love cabbage - white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli.
  • Nuts are tasty and very healthy.
  • Start adding flaxseed to your favorite meals.
  • Try making something with soy.
  • Move more.
  • Eat garlic, it will protect you from blood clots.

Preventive actions

Currently, cardiac pathology occupies one of the leading places among the causes of death in the population. Diseases of the cardiovascular system should be detected and treated in a timely manner, but if one treats such diseases inattentively, this approach can lead to dangerous health consequences. In particular, myocardial infarction may develop, which is often preceded by a pre-infarction condition, the symptoms of which in men and women, and what to do if you feel bad, consider today.

Cardiologists equate the pre-infarction state with unstable angina, which, if the necessary and timely assistance is not provided, can cause the development of partial necrosis of a section of the heart muscle.

If you are attentive to the emerging symptoms, then it is quite possible to avoid the development of an extremely severe complication of coronary disease.

Not all patients are vigilant about their health and monitor the symptoms of a condition that are harbingers of a heart attack, and they cannot be left without due attention and ignored, because a timely visit to a doctor will help save lives.

The pre-infarction state develops against the background of a significant deterioration in coronary circulation as a result of stenosis (narrowing) of the arteries that feed the myocardium. As a result, the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle becomes difficult or completely stops.

Clinical symptoms will depend on the size of the lesion in the area of ​​the heart muscle, as well as on individual characteristics. There are no differences in the symptoms of a pre-infarction state in men and women, except for the fact that most of the weaker sex is more emotionally enduring the disease.

The main symptoms of a pre-infarction condition in men and women

The provoking factors causing the development of a pre-infarction state are the following situations: excessive physical activity; psycho-emotional arousal; prolonged exposure to cold can provoke a spasm of the coronary vessels; in some situations, symptoms may occur after eating.

Usually, the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition in women and men are the appearance of pain behind the sternum, which are compressive or pressing in nature, they often radiate to the left upper limb, as well as to the lower jaw, under the shoulder blade, and sometimes to the neck.

Typically, the duration of a pain attack varies from 1 to 15 minutes. In such a situation, you should definitely stop (prevent) the pain, for this purpose, the patient should have nitroglycerin tablets with him, which contribute to the normalization of the coronary blood supply.

Atypical manifestation

In addition to the classic manifestation of a pre-infarction state, it can also occur in an atypical form. If so, then atypical symptoms in women and men will not be accompanied by pain, but instead, there will be weakness, irritability. Dizziness joins, and you can also see cyanosis (blue) of the nasolabial triangle and fingers, which is associated with impaired blood supply to the tissues.

In addition, the patient may be disturbed by sleep, which will be expressed in the form of drowsiness or insomnia, in addition, shortness of breath is observed. In this situation, an atypical form of a pre-infarction state can be diagnosed by performing an ECG (where extrasystoles, signs of paroxysmal tachycardia will appear).

In some situations, symptoms in men and women on the eve of a heart attack are expressed in abdominal syndrome. In this case, pain appears in the upper abdomen, it can radiate to the left sternum, the patient complains of some burning and pain in the so-called epigastric region.

In addition, pain can be noted in the upper back, which can be mistakenly regarded as arthrosis or osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine. But after an x-ray examination, the diagnosis is not confirmed, and the pain increases, which brings the onset of a heart attack closer. Accordingly, it is important to recognize the patient's condition in a timely manner in order to provide him with proper qualified assistance.

Suspected pre-infarction condition - what to do immediately?

The patient should be kept calm. If the patient's condition does not improve after taking nitroglycerin, it is recommended to urgently call an ambulance to hospitalize the victim in the cardiology department.

The principles of treatment of a pre-infarction state are to prescribe the following groups of pharmaceuticals to the patient: anticoagulants, nitrates, in addition, antiplatelet agents, calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, and also beds.

Prevention of a pre-infarction condition consists in the mandatory treatment of angina pectoris, it is necessary to keep blood pressure under control, and also to monitor blood cholesterol levels, since its elevated level can provoke the development of blood clots on the so-called intima (inner lining) of the vessels, which is fraught with impaired blood supply to the myocardium.


It is important to eat right, you should not lean on the intake of fatty foods, as this leads to high cholesterol. Evening meals are light - until 19 hours. The medication prescribed by your doctor is now permanent for you. Discuss the need for magnesium + potassium vitamins, if they are not prescribed separately (they may be included in the main preparations). Now you should always have a plate of Validol tablets or its analogues and a container of Nitroglycerin in your pocket. In addition, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, be sure to give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), which negatively affect cardiac activity. Discuss the possibility and amount of feasible physical exercises - squats at a comfortable pace, lifting on toes, other light weights, as well as time for walks in the fresh air.

The development of myocardial infarction, as a rule, is preceded by a pre-infarction state, which appears due to the cessation of blood flow through the coronary vessels. However, a heart attack subsequently develops not in all cases: if the signs of the disease are recognized in time and treatment is started, the condition will stabilize and become safe for the body.

One of the most pronounced signs of a pre-infarction condition in women is a pain syndrome that appears in the chest area and has a similar character to angina pectoris. A distinctive feature of pain is the impossibility of eliminating it with Nitroglycerin or Nitrosorbide, as well as the increase in attacks up to 22-25 times a day. The pain appears in most cases at night, its duration is about half an hour. Long stay in this state often leads to gradual necrosis of the heart muscle. Sharp pain extends to the right side of the body and gives at the same time to the arm and under the collarbone.

The main signs of a pre-infarction condition in women:

  1. Restlessness and sudden excitement.
  2. The appearance of cold sweat.
  3. Pain in the region of the shoulder joints.
  4. Difficulty coordinating movements.
  5. Inability to take a deep breath.

See also: First aid for myocardial infarction

The above signs of a pre-infarction state are not typical for everyone. Some patients have atypical manifestations that are absolutely similar to those listed, among them:

  • general weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • periodic dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • irritation and aggressiveness of women.

The preinfarction state is accompanied by squeezing pains in the left hypochondrium. According to the sensations, the pain syndrome manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation and occurs against the background of intense physical exertion, stress, and sometimes minor unrest.

Asthmatic pre-infarction condition in women has similar signs with causeless cyanosis and breathing difficulties.

A pre-infarction state often leads to a heart attack, which in some cases ends in death, so when the first symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The pre-infarction state is characterized by signs of angina pectoris, accompanied by additional symptoms. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of:

  • angina attacks that appeared for the first time;
  • increased frequency of seizures that are longer in nature;
  • pallor of the face against the background of the manifestation of an attack;
  • unexplained fatigue;
  • shallow breathing and sudden interruptions in the heartbeat;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • chest pain at rest.

The pre-infarction state appears due to local spasm of the coronary artery that occurs at the site of atherosclerotic plaque formation. Also, a spasm of the vessel may occur due to damage to its inner shell - this provokes the formation of a blood clot, which further narrows the lumen of the vessel, which leads to myocardial infarction.

Diagnosis of pre-infarction condition in women

Only a cardiologist can diagnose a pre-infarction state or the development of a heart attack, having studied in detail the entire clinical picture. In assessing the general condition of the patient, symptoms, examination data and laboratory tests will be taken into account.

To confirm the diagnosis, the following is prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • magnetic resonance therapy.

After a thorough study of the data, the cardiologist will establish a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of a pre-infarction condition

All therapeutic measures of the pre-infarction state in women are carried out in stationary conditions. The patient is anesthetized for symptoms according to the same principle as with a heart attack. Bed rest is prescribed until the pain disappears completely and the electrocardiogram parameters are restored to a normal level. As a drug therapy, drugs are prescribed that reduce the need for oxygen in the heart muscle, such as:

  • Sustonitis;
  • Trinitrolong;
  • Sustak;
  • Sustabuccal;
  • Nitroglycerine.

Heparin is used to prevent thrombosis. This tool will reduce the likelihood of angina attacks and improve lipid metabolism. In some cases, drugs that improve blood flow may be prescribed, these include:

  • Isoptin;
  • Nifedipine;
  • Corinfar etc.

Also Read: How To Raise Your Blood Platelet Level

If medications do not give the desired result, surgical treatment may be prescribed. Coronary artery bypass grafting is usually used. The operation does not provide a guaranteed cure.

Preventive actions

To prevent a pre-infarction condition in women, it is recommended, first of all, to change their lifestyle, give up alcohol and smoking, and also establish a regimen of rest and physical activity. Partially abandon fried, smoked foods and confectionery. In addition, it is necessary to introduce regular intake of cardiovascular drugs.


anxiety symptoms

There are certain signs that indicate the approach of a heart attack.

Basic premise: narrowing of the coronary vessels on the background of a chronic disease, for example, coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

If you have the above diseases, a heart attack can also happen after a strong emotional or physical stress, as well as with hypertension.

If a person suffers from coronary heart disease, then the onset of a heart attack can be determined in advance.

Symptoms of impaired coronary circulation make themselves felt in about a week.

The risk group includes the following categories of people:

  • men
  • people over 45
  • hypertension
  • people with high blood cholesterol
  • obese people
  • people who abuse smoking and drinking alcohol
  • people whose relatives have had a heart attack

Symptoms of a pre-infarction condition

It is possible to determine the pre-infarction state by a strong pain syndrome. The pain is similar to an attack of angina pectoris, localized behind the sternum. Attacks do not stop after taking nitroglycerin and are repeated more and more often. More than 20 seizures can occur per day, which certainly leads to the death of heart muscle tissue.

The pain gradually changes its boundaries and goes to the region of the collarbone, to the right arm and under the sternum, to the area under the tongue.

The patient is thrown into a cold sweat, the internal state is anxious, panicky, there may be a fear of death.

Sometimes the scheme may differ from the typical. A few days or weeks before a heart attack, a person may

complain about:

  • weakness
  • headache, dizziness
  • sleep problems
  • mood swings

When a heart attack approaches, shortness of breath, blue skin and mucous membranes appear for no apparent reason.

It happens that the pain is on the left side, in the region of the hypochondrium and upper abdomen. The patient's complaints are as follows:

  • pain of a different nature
  • pain that increases with the slightest physical exertion and stress

During the preinfarction state, the patient may suffer from coughing, nausea, hiccups, and feel a rapid heartbeat.

You should be aware that a heart attack can happen suddenly. A great shock must occur for the body, so that the vessels immediately narrowed by more than 50% and myocardial necrosis occurred. The most dangerous is a heart attack at rest.

Diagnosis of a preinfarction state

If there are the slightest violations, you can check the state of health using an electrocardiogram.

In old age, the diagnosis will include: circulatory decompensation, blockade, paroxysmal tachycardia

The second research method is an echocardiogram. It reveals tumors, scars, blood clots, defects, pathologies of the heart departments and cavities, and circulatory disorders.

Magnetic resonance therapy assesses the blood supply to the myocardium, determines whether there is ischemia, and also allows you to determine infarction and tumors. To complete the picture, contrast agents are introduced into the blood.

Coronary vessels can be studied by coronary angiography. During the procedure, non-ionic contrast agents (urographins) are introduced into the blood. It is analyzed in which places there is a narrowing, its size and what threat it poses to the body at the moment.

Long-term monitoring of the work of the heart will allow the method of Holter monitoring. The device records the work of the heart throughout the day. The results are analyzed by a computer program. In this way, moments of increased pressure, myocardial ischemia and cardiac arrhythmias can be determined.

Emergency medical care

If a pre-infarction condition has occurred, as evidenced by a strong pain syndrome, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors, the patient must take a state of rest. Introduce fresh air into the room.

Drinking several tablets is highly undesirable, despite the positive feedback from patients. A large dose of medication can lead to a sharp drop in pressure.

If there is no nitroglycerin at hand, you can replace it with validol, corvalol, valocardine. They contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and increase the access of blood to the myocardium. To eliminate the risk of blood clots, aspirin is taken, it thins the blood.

After calling an ambulance, it is necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital.

To eliminate all disturbing symptoms, intravenous nitroglycerin is administered, which relieves spasm from the coronary arteries.

Treatment is carried out similar to the treatment of the heart attack itself.

The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • beta blockers
  • nitrate preparations
  • antiarrhythmic drugs
  • anticoagulants
  • antiplatelet agents
  • antispasmodics
  • ACE inhibitors

During the entire treatment, the patient is provided with maximum rest, a diet is observed.

Before discharge, physical activity gradually increases.

If a critical narrowing of the coronary vessels has occurred, an operation is performed. It must be done no later than 4-5 hours after the first severe attack of pain.

If the pre-infarction condition is not critical, but the doctor determines a high risk of a subsequent heart attack, then coronary artery stenting or coronary artery bypass grafting is performed.

At home, you will need long-term medication, constant monitoring of blood pressure, diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Experts will tell more about the pre-infarction condition in the form:


The main forms of pre-infarction state

In medical practice, a pre-infarction state is defined as unstable angina. It develops against the background of incorrect or incomplete treatment, stress and various complications. In some cases, this condition can be stopped on its own, after which the person is rapidly on the mend. Preinfarction includes the following:

  • Tension angina pectoris that occurs in a person for the first time.
  • Strenuous progressive angina pectoris, when attacks of a similar condition have already occurred in the past. It is characterized by a more pronounced pain syndrome, irradiation of a burning sensation and squeezing.
  • Angina at rest, which develops after a phase of exertion. It usually occurs after vigorous physical exertion and other types of stress.
  • Early post-infarction angina pectoris - pain in the left side appears 1-30 days after a heart attack.
  • Angina, which appeared after bypass surgery - occurs due to impaired blood flow by atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Prinzmetal angina, which develops against a background of spasm in large coronary arteries. It is characterized by severe pain in the region of the heart in the morning.

Common harbingers of the disease

At first, a pre-infarction state can be easily confused with a common cold. Because of this, many sick people do not pay attention to such a problem for a long time - they do not even suspect a serious violation in the work of the heart.

40-60 minutes before a heart attack, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • chest discomfort;
  • ache in the bones;
  • general malaise;
  • change in normal body temperature in both directions.

It should be noted that in women, it is much more difficult to determine the pre-infarction condition than in men. They have such a serious cardiovascular deviation diagnosed after the fact. The signs of a pre-infarction state are more easily tolerated by pensioners and diabetics. Due to the increased pain threshold, they can endure discomfort for a long time and do not betray it.

If you have been experiencing discomfort for a long time for no apparent reason, try to see a doctor for a detailed diagnosis.

Among the harbingers of a pre-infarction, difficulty breathing, blue nasolabial triangle, pain in the left side of the chest, dizziness and fainting are also distinguished. Seek immediate medical attention if any of these signs appear.

Masked signs of preinfarction

myocardial infarction- a disease of the cardiovascular system, which can be asymptomatic. Of course, in 70-90% of cases, certain signs of damage still appear, but in other people this condition can be disguised as some other chronic ailment for a long time. The most common other options for an attack are:

Option Symptoms Distribution frequency
Asthmatic Shortness of breath, palpitations, shortness of breath, little or no pain Approximately 10% of all heart attacks occur predominantly in the elderly
gastralgic Pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, hiccups and belching, bloating In 5% of cases, most often diagnosed with low myocardial infarction
arrhythmic Heart palpitations, mild pain, general malaise In 1-5% of all cases
Cerebrovascular Dizziness, loss of space, loss of consciousness, vomiting 5 to 10%, most common in the elderly
oligosymptomatic None, myocardial infarction is diagnosed only by ECG results Varies from 0.5 to 20%, most common in diabetics.

The first signs of pre-infarction in women

When the first signs and symptoms appear preinfarction in women, you should immediately consult a doctor - you may be able to stop the attack and prevent the development of a full-fledged myocardial infarction. The first harbingers of such a condition occur long before a cardiovascular lesion, which gives you the opportunity to determine a pre-infarction in the early stages on your own. You should pay the most attention to the following harbingers:

  • recurring bouts of weakness;
  • recurrent pain in the chest, regardless of the exact localization;
  • constant shortness of breath.

If these signs appear, you should immediately consult a cardiologist. With the help of timely diagnostic methods, he will be able to determine the pre-infarction state in the early stages. It is enough for the treating specialist to conduct an ECG, according to the results of the decoding of which he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. When the right signs of a preinfarction appear, the woman is sent to the hospital for intensive care.

Symptoms of a pre-infarction condition in women

A clear symptom of pre-infarction in women is severe heart pain which cannot be stopped by any pills. Such attacks are repeated every day more and more often, they can recur up to 20-30 times a day. Most often, the greatest discomfort haunts a woman at night at rest.

Female preinfarction is characterized by a blurred clinical picture - it is quite difficult to recognize such a condition.

All this leads to the death of the heart muscles, which subsequently negatively affects the speed of recovery. Heart pain may radiate to the right side of the body.

You can recognize a pre-infarction condition by the following symptoms:

  • inability to take a deep breath;
  • the appearance of fear, anxiety, strong arousal;
  • pain in the shoulder joints;
  • violation of spatial coordination;
  • coldness of the extremities, the appearance of cold sweat.

It should be noted that the pre-infarction state in each person can manifest itself in its own way: some people have all these symptoms, while others have none. Shortly before myocardial infarction, the patient begins to complain of insomnia, constant dizziness, weakness, lethargy, constant nausea. The woman's behavior also changes: she becomes more aggressive and irritable.

The first signs of pre-infarction in men

A more accurate clinical picture is considered to be a distinctive black pre-infarction condition in men.

In representatives of the stronger sex, this condition is rarely diagnosed only by the results ECG- Usually, when the first violations appear, men feel deviations in the functioning of the body.

Male preinfarction has a more typical clinical picture; it is not difficult to determine the obvious symptoms of such a condition in them.

For a long time before an attack, men suffer from unstable angina, which occurs mainly at rest. It is not stopped by medications, after a while it goes away on its own. The following harbingers of a pre-infarction condition in men are also distinguished:

  • increased fatigue, lack of vigor even after a long rest;
  • sleep disturbances, insomnia, frequent awakenings;
  • shortness of breath, development of shortness of breath;
  • causeless bouts of fear and anxiety;
  • constant headache, decreased visual acuity;
  • constant discomfort in the chest area;
  • indigestion: nausea, vomiting, heartburn;
  • pallor of the skin, the release of cold sweat.

When the first signs indicating a pre-infarction condition appear, try to immediately contact your doctor. The sooner you receive medical attention, the sooner you will be able to restore the body. Don't ignore discomfort that cause you serious discomfort.

Symptoms of a pre-infarction condition in men

Symptoms and the first signs of preinfarction in men completely depend on how this disease proceeds: typical or apathetic. For the diagnosis of difficulties, it represents only the second type, in which heart disease disguises itself as other ailments of the digestive, respiratory or other systems.

For a typical and most common case, the symptoms of pre-infarction in men are as follows:

  • The appearance of acute intense pain that spreads to the entire chest. Also, such discomfort can spread to the left shoulder or collarbone, neck, teeth, and can radiate to the ear or the area between the shoulder blades.
  • Attacks of heart pain are undulating in nature: they either intensify or subside. This phenomenon is not stopped by Nitroglycerin, lasts from several hours to 3-5 days.
  • Painful sensations can be different: pressing, sharp, arching. The larger the surface of the damaged muscle layer of the heart, the stronger the pain.
  • The appearance of a feeling of intense fear, excessive excitement - in some cases, on the contrary, there is shortness of breath and weakness.
  • Blood pressure rises rapidly and then drops sharply.
  • Arrhythmia and tachycardia are traced, which cannot be stopped with pills.
  • Cold sweat appears, the skin becomes pale.

The hallmark of pre-infarction in men are clear and easily distinguishable symptoms. The stronger sex is characterized by a classic version of the development of this disease, in which severe chest pains predominate. Do not endure pain and discomfort - immediately call an ambulance.

What to do if signs of a pre-infarction appear?

When the first signs of a preinfarction appear, immediate drug therapy is necessary. This will help not only save life, but also subsequently quickly restore the body to its usual state. Call an ambulance immediately for chest pain, and before it arrives, do the following:

  • sit on a chair, put pillows under the head;
  • get rid of tight clothing, unbutton your shirt and remove all accessories from your neck;
  • put Nitroglycerin under the tongue, renew the tablet every 5 minutes, but no more than 3 times;
  • dissolve an effervescent tablet of Aspirin and Plavix in a glass of water and drink the medicine - this will help thin the blood;
  • with a long absence of an ambulance, the patient must enter Baralgin or Analgin intramuscularly to reduce pain.

Do not ignore the first signs of a pre-infarction condition - as soon as you have some kind of discomfort in your heart, you should immediately consult a doctor. You may be able to get rid of this phenomenon and prevent it from developing into a full-fledged heart attack. Also, the timeliness and completeness of drug therapy depends on how fully it will be possible to restore the body.


Preinfarction state symptoms pressure

A pre-infarction condition in humans is a progressive angina pectoris with an advanced stage, which can soon turn into a myocardial infarction (with insufficient treatment, with stress, other complications), or it can stop on its own and make a reverse progression. Preinfarction state symptoms of pressure and pain attacks become more frequent during the progression period.

Preinfarction state - symptoms, pressure.

The pre-infarction state has a pronounced pain syndrome - pain behind the sternum is the same as with angina pectoris. But, unlike angina pectoris, attacks are not stopped by nitroglycerin, and their number increases. Sometimes 30 or more attacks can occur per day, which leads to gradual necrosis of the heart muscle.

The pain that occurs in a pre-infarction condition radiates under the tongue, to the right side of the sternum, under the collarbones, and into the arms. The patient has a cold sweat, there is a strong excitement and anxiety, fear of death. Nitroglycerin does not help relieve pain, this is also noted by the patients themselves, sometimes only taking about two to three dozen tablets of nitrosorbitol or nitroglycerin in a row can slightly ease the pain syndrome.

The atypical course of the pre-infarction state is marked by weakness, irritability, severe dizziness, sleep disturbances, insomnia, but there is no pain syndrome as such. In a patient with such a course of a pre-infarction state, shortness of breath appears, cyanosis occurs for no apparent reason, even at rest. Only an electrocardiogram helps to diagnose a preinfarction state: the patient has extrasystole, blockade, circulatory decompensation, paroxysmal tachycardia. An atypical picture of a pre-infarction state is most often observed in the elderly (age group from 75 years to 90 years).

Sometimes there is an abdominal syndrome of a pre-infarction condition, in which pain is localized in the left hypochondrium, in the upper abdomen. The patient notes that he has a burning sensation in the epigastric region, the pain can be aching, stabbing, burning, cutting in nature, and is aggravated by physical exertion, walking, stress and anxiety. Pain may improve significantly at rest or after a large dose medicines– nitrates.

The reason for the appearance of a pre-infarction state from angina pectoris is stress, nervous strain and excessive physical exercise, conflict conditions, sports overload, taking excessive doses of alcohol, drugs, frequent smoking, overheating of the body, and so on.

The pre-infarction state is not always characterized by an increase in blood pressure, although hypertensive patients are most susceptible to the appearance of a pre-infarction state.

The duration of the preinfarction state may not exceed three days, and may last up to three weeks. Mortality from a heart attack could be significantly reduced if the diagnosis of a pre-infarction condition could be accurate and timely in each case.

If a patient is diagnosed with a pre-infarction condition, then he must be urgently placed in a hospital, prescribed treatment and ensured complete rest.

Undoubtedly, the very first attack of angina pectoris in a patient, as well as spontaneous, unpredictable, situational angina, progressive, or unstable, angina pectoris can be considered a pre-infarction state.

In patients who have experienced angina pectoris for the first time, changes are visible on the electrocardiogram: segment displacement, T wave change, conduction and heart rhythm disturbances.

Several attacks in a row, which are absolutely not stopped by medications, indicate a great threat of developing myocardial infarction against the background of a pre-infarction state.

The greatest concern in patients with angina pectoris should be caused by a change in the nature of pain and seizures: with constantly existing angina pectoris, seizures suddenly occur at rest, or, conversely, with rest angina, pain occurs during exertion or nervous shock. Of particular concern regarding the pre-infarction state should be caused by nocturnal seizures, increased frequency of seizures, an increase in their duration, intensity, and characteristic changes in the electrocardiogram.

Any symptom that occurs for the first time indicates the possibility of progression of the pre-infarction condition, and should be a signal for urgent medical attention.

In the pre-infarction state, loads that were previously well tolerated by the patient cause increased pain and worsening of the patient's condition.

In this condition, the patient may change the nature of the pain - they can appear in other areas of the body, change direction and intensity. Night pains are accompanied by a newly arisen state of suffocation, which was not observed before. Pain may increase when the patient attempts to strain during defecation or urination.

On the ECG, all the changes that arose in a patient with the onset of an attack do not disappear within two to three days, but may persist for a longer time. Unstable angina may last up to several months, eventually leading to stable angina.

With spontaneous angina pectoris, pain attacks appear mainly at night or in the morning.

Treatment of a preinfarction condition.

In a pre-infarction state, it will not be enough to stop pain attacks in a patient - it is necessary to carry out intensive therapy with anticoagulants, antispasmodic drugs. The patient needs an intravenous infusion of nitroglycerin to stop the attacks.

The treatment of a pre-infarction condition is long, and after intensive therapy and first aid, the patient must be observed by a doctor, undergo a preventive examination and do an ECG to detect the progression of the disease.
The pre-infarction condition, symptoms of pressure and pain attacks are the basis for hospitalization of the patient in a hospital and the provision of intensive care.

How to recognize the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition?

Do you know what are the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition? In our article, we will talk about how to recognize heart disease in time and prevent dangerous consequences.

In most cases, recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack is easy: if a person has a sudden pain in the chest, which rapidly intensifies and grows in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left arm and back, then medical attention should be provided as soon as possible, otherwise it could be fatal. Pa heart attack and angina pectoris, although not so dangerous, but despite this, they also require urgent treatment, since they should serve as your first signal that something has gone wrong in the body and the work of the heart is disrupted for some reason.

In our article, we will talk about the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition that everyone needs to know, because it is very important to notice signs of a violation of the heart in time. If you notice such symptoms in yourself, sound the alarm: your body may be in serious danger!

First of all, you must know exactly what a pre-infarction condition is: This is a malfunction of a section of the heart muscle called the myocardium. Violation of the work of this muscle causes severe pain in the chest, which occurs due to the fact that the flow of blood to the heart decreases. Chest pain can be frequent and severe and is a major signal that your heart is in danger and needs immediate medical attention.

Symptoms of a pre-infarction state

  • Pain or heaviness in the chest, feeling unwell
  • Severe pain in the arms, neck, jaw, shoulders, or back
  • Nausea
  • Rapid fatigue, shortness of breath
  • Labored breathing
  • Restlessness, anxiety
  • The appearance of perspiration
  • Dizziness

People who have experienced a pre-infarction state describe it as a sudden heaviness in the chest, as if the chest was squeezed hard or something heavy was placed on it.

Symptoms of a pre-infarction condition in women

In women, the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition can be very different from those described above, for they may not feel any heaviness in the chest, but only unpleasant tingling, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, or abdominal pain, so in this case, women can easily mistake these symptoms for signs of some other disease. In no case should this be allowed, because medical care must be provided as soon as possible, and an erroneous diagnosis and self-treatment can delay the necessary medical care and lead to very disastrous consequences.

What can lead to a pre-infarction condition?

In fact, the pre-infarction state in different casesmay vary in duration, severity, and symptoms. Therefore, you need to know the possible symptoms very well and be extremely vigilant, because chest pain can be a sign of unstable angina, much more dangerous than ordinary angina.

The most important piece of advice we can give you is to contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the above symptoms. They should alert you and serve as a signal to you that your heart is not working properly, that there are some violations that can lead to serious and very serious consequences. Therefore, with any manifestation of the symptoms that we described in our article above, without delay, consult a doctor so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment as soon as possible before the disease begins to progress.


  • Vasodilators (or vasodilators) are drugs that control blood pressure. dilate blood vessels and help improve blood circulation
  • If you have heart problems, you need to make drastic changes in your diet, include as many fruits, vegetables, grains, fish as possible, and also eliminate all foods containing fat from the diet.
  • In the case of heart disease, regular moderate physical activity is very useful, such as walking or cycling. Such exercises you can do regularly, and they will greatly benefit your body, because they will improve blood flow to the heart.


The pre-infarction condition is also characterized by the fact that acute chest pain occurs during the general tension of the body and subsides after a short rest. A heart attack, on the other hand, can be identified by the following symptoms: it causes much more severe chest pain, can last more than 5 minutes, and in this case the pain will not go away even if you lie down to rest.

In conclusion, it should be said that in no case should we forget that Preventing heart disease is easier than curing it: this is the best advice for those who want to always be healthy and full of vitality and energy. Therefore, it is so important to conduct appropriate medical examinations from time to time in order to detect heart problems in a timely manner and prevent them through the immediate necessary treatment.

Preinfarction: symptoms, first signs

The crazy rhythm of modern life does not always have a positive effect on health. Many people simply do not think about some specific symptoms and ailments, which can be alarming bells and an urgent need for medical intervention and hospitalization in order to save the life and viability of the body.

One of these life-threatening conditions is the pre-infarction state of the body. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to be savvy in the prevention of this condition, its main symptoms and first aid to the patient. This is where the principle of knowledge is power comes into play. People who know the main symptoms preceding a heart attack are able not only to help, but also to save lives by reacting in time and calling an ambulance. And how many lives could not be saved due to ignorance and stupidity, because in such a serious matter every second counts.

First of all, you need to drop the panic, gather your thoughts, arrange bed rest and comfortable rest conditions for the patient until the doctor arrives. Heart attack is described in the medical literature. as damage to the heart muscle with partial tissue death, due to impaired blood supply and blockage of the artery, the formation of blood clots.

There are a great many reasons that can provoke a pre-infarction condition:

  • bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • malnutrition, which consists in the use of foods rich in cholesterol, which in turn slowly kills the vessels of the human body, as it contributes to the formation of plaques on their walls.
  • people with diabetes are at risk;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • but the most important is the constant stress that accompanies a person, wherever he is: conflicts with superiors, a tense atmosphere in the family, quarrels with friends. All diseases come from the nerves, or rather from their unstable state.

So how to recognize a preinfarction: symptoms, first signs. The first main symptom is a rapid heartbeat or angina pectoris, the attacks of which become more frequent over time, accompanied by acute pain in the chest area. Concomitant symptoms: pallor of the skin, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, dizziness and general weakness, expressed by a breakdown. The determining indicator is a decrease in the action of nitroglycerin or in general its complete inaction.

The person himself is not able to distinguish a pre-infarction state from a heart attack, this can only be done by a specialist based on the results of tests, a cardiogram and the collection of information during the examination. The saddest thing is that in some cases these symptoms may not be observed, people often suffer a microinfarction without even knowing it.

If you have at least a few symptoms from the above list, you should immediately call an ambulance. Doctors will put in droppers that thin the blood, slowing down its coagulation, in order to remove fresh blood clots, thereby avoiding dangerous consequences such as blockage of blood vessels, impaired blood supply and death of parts of the heart.

Health care should always come first. The only organ in the human body that never rests, always works, ensuring the vital activity of the body, is the heart. Regular visits to the cardiologist several times a year for a preventive examination will save you from possible problems and complications in the future. And following a therapeutic diet, limiting fatty foods and getting rid of bad habits will become the main assistant in strengthening the heart muscle.

Signs of a heart attack in a woman should alert and force them to call an ambulance so that doctors can provide medical care on time.

Myocardial infarction is a formidable disease that doctors around the world have been fighting for many years. Often leads to serious consequences - to the death of a person.

In the Russian Federation, according to statistics, 65 thousand people, both elderly and young, die annually due to myocardial infarction. The myocardium is the name of the heart muscle, which receives blood through the coronary arteries.

If a blood clot clogs one of the arteries, some part of the heart stops receiving oxygen. This state can last no more than 30 minutes. The main cause of the myocardium of the heart is the arrest of coronary circulation.

In men, diseases of the cardiovascular system are observed 5 times more often than in women, who may first encounter them only during the period hormonal disruptions or menopause, with a lack of progesterone and estrogen in the body. The risk group will include the age category of the fairer sex from 45 to 50 years.

Women can prevent the onset of an attack of coronary disease if they carefully monitor their health. In them, the process of formation of blood clots and disruption of the blood supply to the heart occurs gradually.

In this case, it is quite simple to determine the characteristic initial signs of a heart attack:

  • Snore. There is a periodic violation of breathing during sleep.
  • Dyspnea. It begins after heavy physical activity or strong emotional excitement.
  • Fatigue, weakness.
  • Poor interrupted sleep, state of anxiety.
  • Vomiting, nausea, discomfort in the stomach.
  • Manifestations of periodontal disease. Gum problems, frequent bleeding.
  • In the evening or after waking up, swelling may appear in the lower extremities.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.

Naturally, these violations should alert. If such signs of a heart attack in a woman appear periodically, and after a temporary relief they repeat again, an urgent need to contact a specialist. The body cannot cope with the disease on its own.

Every year more and more people apply for medical care with problems associated with heart disease or circulatory disorders. These are women and men over 55 years old with already advanced angina pectoris or in a pre-infarction state, which were not previously observed by a cardiologist. Delayed treatment often leads to such consequences.

There are several reasons that can trigger a heart attack:

  • Age-related changes in the vascular system. Loss of elasticity, the presence of blood clots, narrowing of the gaps that impede the blood supply to the heart.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Permanent arrhythmia.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Hypertension.
  • Rheumocarditis.
  • Too much physical, mental and emotional stress.
  • Wrong lifestyle, bad addictions.

Ischemic heart disease can also manifest itself under adverse environmental conditions, possible genetic predispositions or congenital pathologies.

There are additional reasons that not only lead to cardiovascular disorders, but also accelerate the process of their occurrence. Increasingly, there are cases when myocardial infarction is diagnosed in women already at the age of about 40 years.

Factors that lead to the risk of coronary disease:

  • sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • obesity;
  • infections caused by staphylococci and streptococci;
  • alcohol, drug addiction, smoking;
  • high or low cholesterol levels;
  • previous ischemia;
  • angina;
  • chronic kidney disease.

To the above characteristics, we can add the fact that most people do not go to medical institutions for examination on time. This increases the death rate from myocardial infarction by 15% every year. Specialists have to cope not only with necrosis of the heart tissue, but also with concomitant diseases. And it is impossible to count on a favorable prognosis of treatment in this case.

Heart attack symptoms in women and pregnant women

Symptoms of a heart attack in women are gradually becoming more frequent. And if the attack lasts more than 15 minutes and does not recede, it is necessary to call an emergency ambulance. Consequences and complications can be unpredictable, up to death, because it is most likely a myocardial infarction.

The symptoms in women are as follows:

  • sharp, sudden burning pain in the region of the heart, chest on the left, near the shoulder blades;
  • tingling of the arm up to the elbow and hand;
  • an attack of heaviness in the stomach;
  • periodic numbness of the back of the head, turning into an unpleasant pain syndrome in the front part and even teeth;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • shortness of breath can cause any movement;
  • copious secretion of sticky sweat;
  • slurred speech;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • panic attacks;
  • blurred vision;
  • rapid pulse;
  • jumps in blood pressure.

This is how a heart attack manifests itself in women. All these signs indicate the gradual death of myocardial cells, insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the heart, and impaired blood circulation. In such cases, before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to provide first aid. With a strong lack of air, it is necessary to open the window and loosen the clothes, choose the most comfortable position for the patient, give Nitroglycerin and Aspirin preparations. Be sure to maintain calm and silence all this time, do not panic.

The most beautiful period of every woman's life can overshadow the onset of coronary heart disease. This is an infrequent occurrence, but after the age of 40, the likelihood increases during the period of bearing a child. There can be various reasons for the occurrence of a disease such as myocardial infarction, the symptoms in women during pregnancy will be the same as in an ordinary woman.

But there are many reasons for this:

  • emotional stress;
  • heredity;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • coronary embolism;
  • chronic or acquired disorders of the kidneys and heart.

Don't rule out age. Vessels wear out, their walls become thinner and the load on the coronary arteries increases. During pregnancy, the pressure of the fetus on the lower limbs occurs, which also disrupts the full blood circulation. Ischemic disease can manifest itself in the form of shortness of breath, frequent urination, pain in the left side of the body, numbness of the arm, tingling in the upper abdomen. Accompanied by dizziness, migraines. During sleep, there is often a temporary cessation of breathing, involuntary snoring. If similar symptoms of a heart attack are observed in women, the patient is hospitalized for further examination, treatment and stay within the hospital.

Harbingers of a heart attack in women and symptoms of a pre-infarction condition

Harbingers of a heart attack in women are all the signs of an approaching disease noted earlier in this article. They can be messengers of other diseases, but their presence should at least alert the person and think about going to the doctor.

Alarming symptoms of a pre-infarction state in women are remote, gradually leading to a heart attack. Imminent signs of a heart attack require immediate medical attention to provide the necessary emergency care. If this is not done, then a heart attack can overtake a person in a short period of time.

Seeing the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition in women, the very first thing is to call an emergency team, having previously laid a person with a suspected myocardial infarction on the floor, lifting him up a little. It is impossible to leave a person sitting on a chair - the heart will not be able to work normally under load.

It is necessary to help in restoring breathing - by unbuttoning the collar of clothes, loosening the belt. The inflow of fresh air from the window will also help, but do not catch the patient.

Medicines. One tablet of Nitroglycerin and Aspirin. If the ambulance does not arrive in half an hour, repeat the medication.

If a person is in a state of panic, then let him take sedatives. If pain is felt, give the sick person a tablet of Analgin. A person with an attack of a heart attack cannot be left unattended for a minute, one must be nearby and monitor his condition, breathing, and heart function.

If a cardiac arrest occurs during a myocardial infarction, then at the very first moment it is necessary to start resuscitation - applying short and strong pressure to the sternum, since it will no longer be possible to prevent a heart attack in women. We perform heart massage in an indirect way, we try to restore breathing by supplying air from mouth to mouth. First aid should be provided as quickly as possible, otherwise, the consequences will become irreversible.

How to recognize a heart attack in women: early signs and prevention

How to recognize a heart attack in women in the early stages in order to provide her with the necessary assistance. There are specific signs of the disease.

  1. Pain in myocardial infarction in women in the shoulder joint, the pain gives to the left side.
  2. Heart failure from any cause.
  3. There was a feeling that a hot pressing object (such as a brick) was lying on the chest.
  4. There is dizziness.
  5. Movement becomes stiff.
  6. Disrupted coordination.
  7. Speech becomes slurred, as in a stroke.
  8. Coherent speech turns into delusional.
  9. Conscious activity ceases.
  10. Elevated blood pressure increases the risk of acute coronary disease and is often recorded in women with a heart attack.
  11. Frequent nighttime urination, along with other symptoms, may be a sign of heart failure.
  12. Heart failure that occurs even after small exertion, a feeling of lack of oxygen.
  13. Insomnia, the causes of which are not clear, is also a distant symptom of an impending ailment.
  14. Even mild pain in the region of the heart that does not stop over time, causing slight discomfort, is a warning factor.

Constant fatigue, which lasts for a long time, even after waking up from sleep, and does not go away after rest, should alert. It is even worse when the tired state turns into chronic form. Ordinary dental periodontal disease, when the gums bleed and hurt, indicates a poor local blood supply. Although distant, but a definite sign of a distant heart attack.

Frequent swelling of the right or left leg, as well as the feet, may occur due to a violation of the cardiac activity of the heart. Familiar to many, even young people, arrhythmic heartbeat, that is, disruption of the artery that pumps blood to the heart.

Heart failure caused by shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. A signal that the heart is working with insufficient performance. If a cough occurs during shortness of breath, this means that the pulmonary circulation is slowed down, and necrosis of a large area of ​​the left ventricle may occur. Pulmonary edema is also possible.

A sharp feeling of mortal fear, incomprehensible to a healthy person, a premonition of impending troubles, sowing panic feelings.

Sudden awakening from sleep, after which a person feels sticky and cold sweat, signals the onset of the development of a serious pathological disease, possibly myocardial infarction.

Headache, often recurring, not only brings suffering, but can also indicate, along with other symptoms, an impending threat - myocardial infarction.

An unreasonable state of anxiety, strong anxiety, characteristic of women, should be alarming. It can talk about the onset of coronary insufficiency, be its first sign.

There are burning pains and painful sensations in the abdomen, shoulder blade, neck, etc. The pain is compressive in nature. It can be given to the teeth, ears, collarbones, lower jaw.

You should also pay attention to other symptoms of the disease, characteristic of the female.

An upset stomach, characterized by bouts of vomiting and nausea, oddly enough, can also be a pre-infarction condition. If an upset stomach is also accompanied by severe pain that is difficult to endure - an alarming sign for any disease. And in the female, the diaphragm of the stomach, the digestive organs are closer to the heart muscle than their location in men. Heart pain gives its response to the stomach, strong spasms of a nervous nature occur in it.

Respiratory failure that may stop briefly. In this case, the heart ceases to receive oxygen in the required amount, which leads to the occurrence of myocardial ischemia. Breathing disorders in the form of snoring are a sign of coronary disease, which leads to interruptions in the work of the heart muscle.

An unreasonable state of anxiety, strong anxiety, characteristic of women, should alert her, regardless of age. It can talk about the onset of coronary insufficiency, be its first sign.

Try to prevent myocardial infarction:

  1. conduct physical training and play sports;
  2. eat right and rationally;
  3. quit smoking and not drinking alcohol;
  4. for prevention, the drug Entresto may be prescribed;
  5. Get regular check-ups with your cardiologist.

Since it is not always possible to recognize a heart attack in women on time, you should not delay diagnosis at the slightest discomfort in the chest area, especially with pain and accompanying symptoms.

In our article today:

It is a serious malfunction of the heart, or as it is also called, unstable angina. It is also classified as a separate disease - acute coronary syndrome. In this state, a person runs the risk of developing a heart attack if medical assistance is not provided to him in a timely manner.

Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition, the causes, as well as the methods of treating this disease.

Pre-infarction condition: causes

The following factors contribute to the development of this condition in humans:

1. Strong psycho-emotional overstrain and stress.
2. Excessive physical fatigue.
3. Overheating in the sun.
4. Frequent use of alcoholic beverages.
5. Frequent smoking (including passive smoking).
6. Overdose of certain types of drugs.
7. Hypothermia.
8. Obesity.
9. Progressive hypertension (hypertensive crisis).
10. Excessively intense sports training.
11. Elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, which clogs the vessels of the heart.
12. Acute or chronic heart failure.
13. Severe heart disease, which gave complications in the form of unstable angina.

Pre-infarction condition: symptoms and signs

Reveal given state in a sick person it is not difficult, since it is almost always accompanied by such characteristic signs:

1. A person suddenly has a panic fear of death. At the same time, his heart rate will become more frequent, his head will be spinning and his limbs will go numb. This state is somewhat similar to a panic attack.

2. The patient may experience drowsiness or vice versa, which will be accompanied by anxiety and agitation. Also, this usually causes nausea and fear to stand up (due to dizziness).

3. There is a feeling of cutting pain in the chest area, which increases even more with physical exertion. Pain usually goes away after taking cardio. - drugs.

4. A person may have shortness of breath and burning in the area of ​​the pancreas.

5. Sometimes there is a cold sweat, sudden failures in the work of the heart. The person can neither walk nor lie still.

It is important to know that in some cases, pain can radiate to the neck and shoulder area. At the same time, physicians often perceive this symptom like wasting time.

Pre-infarction syndrome is considered especially dangerous in adolescents, since their cardiovascular system is not yet working well enough. Moreover, there are documented cases of instantaneous death during exercise in those adolescents who long time suffered from heart failure, but it was not treated at all.

Pre-infarction condition: first aid and treatment

The main task of emergency ambulance in a pre-infarction condition is to prevent the development of a heart attack and relieve acute pain.

Thus, in this state:

1. Lay the person in a horizontal position on high pillows so that he is in a semi-sitting state.

2. Reassure the patient and give him a tincture or motherwort.

3. Open a window to make it easier to breathe. You also need to rid the patient of a tight tie, loosen the belt or replace a sweater with a tight neck.

4. It should be controlled that a person in this state does not get up and in no case engage in physical activity, as this can give impetus to the development of an acute heart attack.

5. To prevent thrombosis, a person can be given the drug Heparin. It will not only have its anticoagulant effect, but also reduce the severity of an angina attack. Moreover, this drug will improve lipid metabolism, which plays a very important role in the treatment of acute angina.

6. Also, the patient can be given one tablet of Nitroglycerin. After taking it, a person may feel dizzy, but this is not dangerous, since such an effect of the drug quickly passes.

7. It is very important to periodically measure the patient's blood pressure until the ambulance arrives. With obvious tachycardia, you can give a person one tablet of Anaprilin.

In a pre-infarction state, stopping an angina attack alone will not be enough. A person must be hospitalized in a hospital, examined and prescribed medical therapy.

Pre-infarction condition: methods of treatment

Immediately after hospitalization, the patient undergoes a cardiogram of the heart. After that, the doctor writes an individual treatment plan. It is aimed at preventing the development of necrosis of the heart muscle (prevention of a heart attack).

Traditional therapy includes:

1. Appointment of antispasmodics for chest pain.

2. Appointment of anticoagulants and beta-blockers.

3. The patient must be sure to observe bed rest and reduce the load on the heart as much as possible.

4. A therapeutic diet is shown. It provides for a complete rejection of salty, fatty, fried and sweet. All meals should be very light and well digestible. It is desirable for a person to eat cereals, vegetable soups, cottage cheese and kefir.

5. The patient needs to constantly monitor the indicators of the heart and blood pressure.

6. Appointment of antiarrhythmic drugs (Cordinorm).

7. Without fail, a person must be prescribed drugs from the calcium antagonist group. They will help supply oxygen to the muscles of the heart. The best drugs in this group are Nifedipine and Corinfar.

In the absence of clinical improvement in the patient's condition (with drug therapy), the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. As a rule, a person undergoes coronary artery bypass grafting. It is important to perform such an operation no later than six hours after the first signs of pain appear. Using this procedure, you can prevent the development of myocardial infarction.

Pre-infarction condition: treatment, prevention

To reduce the risk of developing a pre-infarction condition, the following recommendations from a cardiologist should be followed:

1. Control your weight and prevent obesity, because in this state an even greater burden is placed on the human heart. If you cannot lose extra pounds on your own, then you need to contact a nutritionist and gastroenterologist who will prescribe an individual diet and a general weight loss program.

2. Avoid experiences, nervous strain and stress. At the same time, it is worth learning to control your psycho-emotional state and remain collected even in critical situations.

3. Quit smoking and taking alcohol, because apart from total harm to the body, these habits do not bring absolutely any benefit.

4. Avoid severe physical overwork and hypothermia.

5. At least once a year, contact a cardiologist and conduct a preventive examination. Moreover, people over the age of forty are advised to examine their heart every six months.

6. It is very important to eat right. At the same time, the diet should be rich in fiber (most of all found in vegetables, herbs and fruits), vitamins, protein foods (fish, meat, eggs) and other useful substances. Moreover, you need to completely abandon the use of fatty, fried foods, as well as minimize the consumption of animal fats. This is justified by the fact that such dishes contribute to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which has a bad effect on the functioning of blood vessels.

7. Monitor laboratory blood counts (with high cholesterol, follow a diet).

8. Be physically active. This does not mean that you need to squeeze all the "juice" in the gym, but yoga, walking or swimming regularly will be very useful.

9. With hypertension, you should always control your blood pressure and avoid its sudden changes.

10. In case of chronic heart disease, it is imperative to drink all prescribed drugs. Also in this state, you should maintain a special daily regimen and follow a diet.

11. When the first signs of a pre-infarction state appear, one should not panic and try to wait until the simple disease goes away. It is best not to endanger your health and immediately call a doctor.



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