Combined product for external use. Fukortsin solution has antimicrobial And fungicidal effects . What the solution is used for can be found in the section “ Indications».

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Fukortsin what is it? The medicine is a kind of liquid. The solution has a pungent odor phenol (specific aroma of gouache). Because of the dark red color provided by the synthetic dye fuchsin, the drug is sometimes called "Castellani Paint" .

What's happened Castellani liquid ? This is also, in fact, another name for the drug. The most convenient to use is the modified form of fucorcin - Castellani colorless paint , which has similar effects but does not stain adjacent tissue red. Colorless Castellani liquid can be found under the name Castellani Gefe B solution.

Upon contact with the skin and mucous membranes, a short-term burning sensation occurs, which is explained by antimicrobial , disinfectant And antifungal effects .

Indications for use of Fukortsin (Area of ​​destination)

The use of Fukortsin under the supervision of the attending physician allows you to effectively combat fungal And microbial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. What is Fukortsin used for:

  • abrasions ;
  • erosion ;
  • superficial wounds;
  • pustular lesions.

At streptoderma the solution allows you to quickly prevent the spread of the disease by using the medication in the early stages.

Fukortsin analogues (Structural, according to indications)

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Structural analogues not developed. How to replace the medication: any solution that has antifungal, antimicrobial effects (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol).


For newborns, Fukortsin can be used to treat the skin with fungal and bacterial infections. Reviews for newborns: the drug effectively copes with ulcers, erosions and pustules.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Reviews of Fukortsin (general opinion)

Medical forums and portals contain exclusively positive reviews regarding this medication. The drug has a pronounced fungicidal effect, which makes it possible to prescribe Fukortsin from . Reviews indicate good tolerability and high effectiveness of the drug.

Price for Fukortsin, where to buy

The price of Castellani liquid depends on the country and region. For example, colorless fucorcin can be bought in Moscow for 20 rubles. The price of the solution varies depending on the volume of the bottle. The price of the ointment is not indicated, since the drug can only be purchased in the form of a solution. You can find out how much the drug costs in your city by calling the pharmacy chain.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine


    Fukortsin solution for external use bottle with a brush 10 ml Samaramedprom Samaramedprom

    Fukortsin solution fl scoop cap 10 mlMoscow pharmaceutical factory

    Fukortsin solution for external use bottle with shaving brush 10 ml TulaTula Pharmaceutical Factory

Europharm * 4% discount using promo code medside11

    Lekker fukortsin 5 ml Lekker LLC

    Fukortsin 25ml Yaroslavl FF CJSC

    Fukortsin solution 10 ml

For a long time, people have been using fucorcin for all skin diseases; indications for use indicate that this bright liquid disinfects small wounds well and fights fungal flora. In the modern pharmaceutical market, it has been pushed aside by other drugs that are more effective and easier to use, but it is still too early to write it off.

The multicomponent composition of the drug allows it to be used for any superficial damage to the skin, thereby disinfecting the wound surface. Very often it is prescribed by dermatologists as an additional remedy to the main treatment. It can be used not only by people, but also by animals.

Fukortsin: composition, release forms

This combination drug is produced in the form of a solution that is used to lubricate various skin lesions. The liquid has a bright pink color (it is difficult to wash off from the skin) and a pungent phenolic odor, similar to gouache.

It includes the following components:

  1. Boric acid.
  2. Phenol.
  3. Resorcinol.
  4. Magenta.
  5. Acetone.
  6. Ethanol.
  7. Water.

Boric acid is used as a disinfectant. In medicine, it has found application in the treatment of eczema and dermatitis. Phenol is an antiseptic, used for serious skin diseases (for example, inflammation of the hair follicles). Resorcinol acts as an antiseptic and has antimicrobial, dermatoprotective and antiseborrheic effects. Fuchsin is a unique substance, it has an antifungal effect, is active against staphylococci, and it is also due to it that the product acquires a crimson color, since it is a dye.

There is an alcoholic and aqueous form. As the name suggests, one of them contains no alcohol.

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Cases when you can’t do without it:

  • damage to the epidermis by fungal or microbial flora;
  • shallow superficial wounds;
  • cracks and abrasions;
  • erosion.

Fukortsin: instructions for use for adults

For adults, it is prescribed for mild skin damage: scratches, cracks, fungal and purulent rashes. They can also be used to treat opened watery calluses to prevent infection from getting there.

Fukortsin solution: instructions for use

The product should be applied very carefully only to the damaged surface, without touching healthy skin:

  1. Before treating the wound, you should rinse it with running water to remove any possible contaminants such as sand or soil.
  2. Dry the damaged surface in the open air.
  3. Apply the fucorcin solution using a cotton swab using point movements.
  4. Wait until it is completely dry.
  5. If required, a wound healing ointment can be applied over it.
  6. The product can be used 2-5 times a day, the course is no more than 2 weeks.


There were no recorded data on its manifestation. But although the drug is an external remedy, it should not be used in large quantities. The phenol included in its composition is capable of penetrating into the bloodstream when it covers a large surface of the skin and causing toxic manifestations:

  • dizziness;
  • pain in the back of the head;
  • general weakness;
  • breathing problems.

If the drug is accidentally ingested, symptoms of poisoning may appear: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. In this case, you should perform gastric lavage as soon as possible and give the victim a large amount of sorbents.

Compatibility with other drugs

The official instructions do not contain data on its effect on other drugs. But you can independently conclude that it is capable of dissolving other external fatty products, since it contains alcohol. In this case, the effect of the first applied ointment will decrease. Therefore, it is better to apply other products last.

Fukortsin: instructions for use for children

The drug should be used carefully and applied strictly to small areas of the skin. The phenol contained in the composition can penetrate into the blood if the liquid is applied too liberally. For safe use, it is diluted half with water. This minimizes side effects.

For children, 2 treatments per day are usually enough. After the preparation has dried, it is possible to apply the next one on top of fucorcin. Without a doctor's prescription, the course should not exceed 7 days.

How to wash Fukortsin

How to wash fucorcin from skin? This question is asked by many mothers of young children. The safest, but longest way is to wait until it washes off on its own.

For the face, it is best to use one of the following methods, or combine several for the best result:

  1. Ascorbic acid. You can use lemon juice or dissolve powdered vitamin C from the pharmacy. Using a cotton pad soaked in such a solution, the fuchsin is washed off much faster. But an allergic reaction may occur, since the product is quite aggressive.
  2. Oil. Regular vegetable oil or rich cream will help dissolve the paint and wash it off faster. You can use cotton pads instead of sticks. The method is more gentle than the previous one.
  3. Soap. You need to cut it into pieces and prepare a soap solution. It is better to wipe the skin in a circular motion to speed up the process as much as possible.

For body:

  1. Alcohol. You can use any cologne, perfume or other alcohol solution. Using cotton swabs, the remnants of the drug are precisely removed from the surface of the skin.
  2. Aspirin. You need to crush 5 tablets and pour 2 tbsp of powder. spoons of water. The method is aggressive for the skin, so it is more suitable for rough areas.

For children:

  1. Peroxide. It needs to be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. This method is the most gentle for children's delicate skin.
  2. Chlorhexidine. It works about the same as the previous method, but slower.

Treatment of various diseases with Fukortsin

Due to its multicomponent composition, it is used for various diseases in pediatric practice.

Fukortsin for chickenpox

The product should be applied to dry and clean skin using cotton swabs in order to accurately apply the drug to the itchy blisters. For children aged 1 to 5 years, it is recommended to dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. It can be applied 2 to 5 times a day. After use, you need to let the liquid dry on the surface of the skin, then you can use the following auxiliary ointments. The course should not last longer than 2 weeks in a row.

When treating wounds in the mouth

In order for the product to stay on the mucous membrane longer, the wound should be “dried” as carefully as possible using cotton wool. After this, you can apply fucorcin and wait until it dries. It is not recommended to carry out treatment more than 2 times a day.

For streptoderma in children

Fukortsin is used for this disease in combination with other agents that destroy streptococcus - the pathogen itself. The product is used as an antiseptic and drying agent. It should be diluted with water and applied with precise movements.

Fukortsin for stomatitis

It is the most suitable remedy for stomatitis in children and adults, which is due to its combined composition, which has both antiseptic and antifungal properties. Apply with a cotton swab strictly to the ulcers, without affecting healthy mucous membranes. Treatment should not be repeated more than a couple of times a day.

Fukortsin for herpes

Herpes is a viral disease. The drug does not have such activity. Moreover, it has a bright color, and ulcers mainly form on the lips. It is worth choosing the most “inconspicuous” and effective drug. If you use it, then only a transparent one in the form of an antiseptic, so that a secondary infection does not occur.

Fukortsin for lichen

The disease is fungal in nature, so the drug is suitable like no other. The only problem is that lichen can appear in large spots. In this case, the product is applied pointwise along the edges of the stain so that it does not spread further. If the stains are small in size, you can cover them completely with a solution previously diluted with water.

Fukortsin for nail fungus

Although the drug has an antifungal effect, it is better not to use it to treat nail fungus. Firstly, its activity is very weak. Secondly, it will have to be applied up to 5 times a day, which will not be convenient for everyone. Thirdly, the fuchsia color does not wash off from the nail plates for a very long time, which may be unacceptable. Fourthly, there are more effective modern means.

Fukortsin during pregnancy

It is prohibited to use it during this period of time. This is due to phenol, which can enter the bloodstream even through a healthy skin surface and cause possible harm to the unborn baby, or aggravate the well-being of a pregnant woman.

Side effects

There are practically no negative consequences after using the product. There may be:

  • allergic reaction at the site of application (itching and burning, rarely pain);
  • dyeing the skin a bright color.

If too much product is applied and it gets into the bloodstream, the following symptoms appear:

  • breathing problems;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

Contraindications for use

It is allowed in almost all cases, except:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation (there is no data on the safety of the drug during this important time for a woman);
  • allergies to the constituent components.

Children under 3 years of age should use with caution and only as directed by a doctor.

Fukortsin: analogues

The most accessible analogues are:

  • brilliant green;
  • methylene blue.

There is also a colorless fucorcin, which is called Castelanni liquid. But since it does not contain fuchsin, it has a weaker effect compared to the usual one.

Fukortsin: reviews

Maria, 23 years old, Moscow:

My mother suggested this remedy to me when my child developed stomatitis and she couldn’t even eat. He, of course, wears a lot of makeup, and we all walked around with pink spots, but the attack receded very quickly.

Vladislava Sergeevna, 56 years old, Kaliningrad:

The grandson had strange spots and blisters around his mouth, all the prescribed ointments helped temporarily or did not help at all. We changed several doctors, and only the last one, already aged, advised us to use the good old Fukortsin. He overcame the disease almost immediately.

Fukortsin for nail fungus: reviews

Vladimir, 67 years old, Kirov:

Since childhood, I knew that “red green”, as fucorcin was previously called, helps against fungi, so I immediately remembered it when I was diagnosed with “onychomycosis”. I didn’t buy the prescribed creams and tablets, but immediately started applying them. But something is not helping yet, and walking with a pink toenail is not very comfortable.

Dermatologist, 11 years of work experience, Moscow:

People of the older generation often use fucorcin as an antifungal agent: they apply it generously to their nails and skin, and then walk around with different colors and no effect. Yes, it works well against some types of fungi, but it is not effective enough against those that cause nail fungus. Yes, and you need to use it 5 times a day until the nail plate grows completely, and this is a long process.

Fukortsin: price

Its cost is very ridiculous - in any pharmacy it costs no more than 50 rubles for a 25 ml bottle.

Fukortsin: indications for use, contraindications, method of application and side effects - all this is indicated in the official instructions of the drug. Most often, the bottle is given out at the pharmacy without an annotation, since it is produced without packaging. If you want to read more about the product, do not hesitate to ask for instructions for use.

Fukortsin solution is a medical preparation that has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect.. This product is widely used to treat mechanical damage to the skin, scratches and abrasions, as well as for fungus and purulent inflammation. Let's take a closer look at what Fukortsin is needed for.

To consider what Fukortsin is, you need to look at the release form of the drug. Quite often, this medicine is called brilliant green - red, because both solutions have the same properties. To date, the drug Fukortsin is manufactured only in the form of a solution.

This mixture has a burgundy hue and has a characteristic alcoholic odor. The medicine is packaged in glass containers with volumes of ten, fifteen and twenty-five milliliters. Depending on the manufacturer, a special dispenser or brush may be included with the medicine for convenient use of the medicine.

Fukortsin is a disinfectant and antiseptic for external use.

Among the ingredients in the mixture, the following active components should be highlighted:

  • magenta;
  • resorcinol;
  • boric acid.

In addition, the medicine contains products such as acetone, distilled water and ethanol. The container into which this product is bottled is colored dark orange. This measure allows you to reduce the effect of ultraviolet rays on the drug. In this regard, the medicine must be stored away from sunlight. The recommended storage temperature is twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Operating principle

The instructions for the Fukortsin solution say that this medicine has an antifungal and disinfectant effect. In addition, due to its composition, the medication is often used as an antiseptic.

The active substances contained in the composition are capable of changing the structure of pathogenic bacteria, leading to their death. In addition, these ingredients help relieve inflammation.

This drug has two types of therapeutic effects. The composition can be used for the treatment of wounds on the skin, disinfection and disinfection. Also quite often, this mixture is used as a remedy for the treatment of diseases caused by fungus and accompanied by purulent rashes.

Indications and instructions for use

Fukortsin solution has the following indications for use:

  • purulent rashes;
  • fungal diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the skin.

Fucarcin liquid, instructions for children state that the solution is used to treat any type of skin damage. Since this remedy has an antiseptic effect, the use of the medicine helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes, as well as protect the child from infection. In addition, the medicine can be used to treat infected lesions. The use of Fukortsin will speed up the regeneration process, as well as eliminate inflammation and suppuration.

This means that the medicine can be used if any tumors or injuries occur. This product is great for children, as it accelerates the healing process of abrasions, burst calluses, and squeezed purulent pimples. In addition, the solution can be used to treat conditions such as prickly heat, allergic rashes, dermatitis and eczema, which often affect infants.

Fukortsin is used to treat various wounds, erosions, cracks, abrasions, as well as pustular and fungal diseases of the skin.

Fukortsin solution is used in cases where there is a need to dry out injuries, as well as to prevent the occurrence of inflammation and infection.

The medicine is applied only to damaged areas of the skin or areas of inflammation. For application, you can use either cotton swabs or a special dispenser located on the lid of the bottle. Experts recommend using the solution three times a day. The maximum recommended dose is five applications in one day.

If you want to use this composition in combination with other external agents, then initially treatment is carried out only with Fucoricin. Then, after the liquid has completely dried, you can use other means. The medication should be used until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. Doctors say that there is no specific duration of the course. Each disease must be considered individually.

It is very important to use the product correctly. It is forbidden to dip an already used cotton swab or cotton swab into the bottle. Such actions may lead to contamination of the entire composition.

Before using the solution, it can be poured into a small container. It is advisable to use disposable dishes, since it is quite problematic to wash the container from the solution. After this, the composition is applied to the skin using various devices. After the treatment procedure, the remaining solution must be poured out. All of the above actions must be carried out before each treatment.

Application of Fukortsin to damaged skin may be accompanied by itching and burning sensations. These symptoms are observed within a few minutes after applying the medicine. If symptoms do not disappear within five minutes, this may indicate the development of an allergic reaction. In such a situation, it is recommended to wash off the composition and use special allergy medications. Unlike brilliant green, Fukortsin is applied only to areas of skin damage. This rule of use is dictated by the fact that one of the components of the drug is toxic.

The peculiarity of this product is that one of the components acts as a dye. In this regard, its contact with clothing and the surface of furniture can lead to staining. The medicine is quite difficult to wash off, so you need to use the drug with great care.

Fukortsin is also called red green or Castellani liquid

Overdose symptoms

An overdose of Fukortsin can occur due to prolonged use of the solution. In addition, negative effects from use can be observed when treating large areas of skin. These symptoms include the following negative phenomena:

  • attacks of dizziness;
  • increased weakness;
  • breathing problems.

The appearance of such symptoms requires immediate measures to eliminate them. In addition, immediately after their appearance, it is recommended to go out into the fresh air.

Particular attention should be paid to such a nuance as driving a vehicle after applying the solution. In a situation where the medicine is used on large areas of the skin, it is best to refrain from driving. In addition, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require a person to react quickly or have particularly strong concentration in the process.

Directions for use for children

Fukortsin, instructions for use for children indicate that the solution can only be used in diluted form. The ratio of medicine and water should be one to one. Such measures are necessary in order to reduce possible risks of overdose and other negative aspects.

You can use “pure” Fukortsin when the child’s age exceeds five years.

Experts say that Use the medicine on children with some caution. For this purpose, the medicine is applied for a short period of time. You should stop using it immediately after the healing process begins.

You can use the medication no more than four times a day. Violation of this recommendation may result in toxic substances entering the child's body. When applying the solution, it is very important to pay attention to what layer the composition is applied. It is best to squeeze it out using the side of the container after the cotton pad or swab is placed in the solution.

When applying the product to the limbs, back or chest, you need to let it dry completely and only then put on clothes. If necessary, after the medicine has completely dried, you can use other external agents.

In order not to get dirty in the solution when opening the bottle, you can use either special latex gloves or various pieces of fabric. This approach will protect leather and furniture from contact with coloring components.

Currently, Fukortsin is available in a single dosage form - a solution for external use.

Cleaning furniture, clothing and leather from Fukortsin

Since this product has a coloring effect, the question of how to wash Fukortsin is quite popular. In order to remove it from the skin, you can use the following recipes.

To prepare the cleanser, you will need a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The proportions of the ingredients are two to three. This mixture cleanses only those areas of the skin that have been affected by the coloring composition. After using the product, it is recommended to rinse the painted area with warm water.

You can also add crushed soap to the above mixture. This composition should have a mushy consistency. Once prepared, apply it to the stained skin and leave for five minutes. After this, the product can be washed off with water.

For cleaning, you can use various alcohols, as well as vodka. After cleaning, the skin should be washed in hot water using laundry soap.

People often open bottles that are difficult to open with their teeth, which can lead to the appearance of burgundy stains on the enamel. In order to get rid of them, you need to prepare the following mixture. Table soda is mixed with lemon juice, after which the teeth are brushed with this solution. Using this method allows you to get rid of unwanted stains in a few minutes.

To remove the composition from synthetic clothing, it is enough to wash it in hot water with laundry soap. Cotton and other natural fabrics require a more careful approach. To clean them, you can use a solution based on ammonia and soap. The mixture is applied to the painted areas, and after fifteen minutes it is washed off with water.

Also, to remove paint stains, you can use a special stain remover from the Faberlic company. Apply the product to clothing until the paint is completely dissolved. After this, the laundry must be washed.

Another way to get rid of stains is to use toothpaste. It is applied to the dyed fabric and then left until completely dry. After the paste has dried, the painted areas are treated with laundry soap and washed in hot water. This measure allows you to carefully clean natural fabrics from dye.

To clean furniture, use: bleach, aspirin or salicylic acid. The method of using these tools is quite simple. Chlorine-based bleach is diluted in water, after which the resulting liquid is treated with the painted surface. Acetylsalicylic acid in tablet form must be dissolved in one glass of water before use. After this, the solution is applied to the painted furniture.

Fukortsin must be applied pointwise to areas of damaged skin.


Unfortunately, a product such as Fukortsin has no analogues that combine the same components. However, there are certain drugs that have a similar principle of action. In simple words, we can say that on pharmacy shelves you can find similar products that have a different composition, but the same spectrum of action.

Such drugs include Acerbine (a colorless analogue of Fukortsin), brilliant green and Octenisept. Fukortsin analogues are used in situations where there are contraindications to the use of the solution itself. Such contraindications include side effects due to overdose or individual intolerance to individual components.

In contact with

Release form

The medication is available in the form of a solution in bottles of 10 and 25 ml. Each of them is packed in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Combined product for external use. Fukortsin solution has antimicrobial And fungicidal effects. What the solution is used for can be found in the “Indications” section.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Fukortsin what is it? The medicine is a kind of liquid. The solution has a pungent odor phenol(specific aroma of gouache). Because of the dark red color provided by the synthetic dye fuchsin, the drug is sometimes called "Castellani Paint".

What's happened Castellani liquid? This is also, in fact, another name for the drug. The most convenient to use is the modified form of fucorcin - Castellani colorless paint, which has similar effects but does not stain adjacent tissue red. Colorless Castellani liquid can be found under the name Castellani Gefe B solution.

Upon contact with the skin and mucous membranes, a short-term burning sensation occurs, which is explained by antimicrobial, disinfectant And antifungal effects.

Indications for use of Fukortsin (Area of ​​destination)

The use of Fukortsin under the supervision of the attending physician allows you to effectively combat fungal And microbial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. What is Fukortsin used for:

  • cracks;
  • abrasions;
  • erosion;
  • fungal diseases;
  • superficial wounds;
  • pustular lesions.

At streptoderma the solution allows you to quickly prevent the spread of the disease by using the medication in the early stages.

Application for herpes: the drying and disinfecting effect of the medication helps prevent the spread of microbial infection and promotes rapid healing of wounds with herpes.

After the solution has dried, you can additionally apply moisturizing ointments and creams. Why and for what purpose is ointment needed: if the skin is significantly dry after intensive treatment with a disinfectant solution, you can moisturize the problem area.

Use for children is possible only after consulting a pediatrician.

So, what is the drug needed for: to treat the skin and prevent the development of infection.


The medication is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to phenol, boric acid, resorcinol. Extensive application of the solution to the skin is unacceptable due to the risk of phenol intoxication, which manifests itself breathing disorder, weakness, dizziness, instability blood pressure, collapse.

Side effects

A quickly passing burning sensation and pain in the area of ​​application. The medicine is capable of turning the skin red, which is why the solution received another name - Red brilliant green.

How to wash off fucorcin from the skin of the face? Special instructions on how to wash off the medication have not been developed, but a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide gives a good effect. It can be difficult to wipe off the drug. How to wipe it off the skin is described in more detail in the next section.

Instructions for use of Fukortsin (Method and dosage)

It is recommended to apply Castellani liquid using a glass rod or cotton swab 2-4 times a day. After the solution has completely dried, you can apply a moisturizing ointment. The instructions for the fucorcin solution indicate that the liquid stains the skin a specific red color and is difficult to wash off. Instructions for use for children are no different from those for adults.

Fukortsin at chickenpox allows you to effectively fight pustules and promotes rapid healing of wounds. For chickenpox in children, daily treatment of new rashes is recommended.

What is better: Fukortsin or Zelenka for chickenpox?

Both solutions have an antimicrobial effect, and fucorcin additionally has an antifungal effect. Is it possible to smear chickenpox with medicine? Yes, antiseptic treatment of new lesions can prevent microbial infection of wounds, papules and prevent the formation of scars on the skin. How to wash treated skin surfaces after chickenpox: a hydrogen peroxide solution will help remove the red tint. How else to wash Fukortsin from the skin: there are positive reviews of use salicylic acid for these purposes.


Cases have not been registered in medical practice and have not been described.


Can be used in combination with other medications.

Terms of sale

Without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Vials must be protected from light and excessive humidity.

Best before date

24 months.

special instructions

It is unacceptable to apply the solution to large areas of skin. The medication can be used for stomatitis, but in the form of spot applications on ulcers And erosion, not for rinsing. Currently, there are many drugs for stomatitis: Efizol, Metrogil, Inhalipt.

Fukortsin analogues (Structural, according to indications)

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Structural analogues not developed. How to replace the medication: any solution that has antifungal, antimicrobial effects (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol).


For newborns, Fukortsin can be used to treat the skin with fungal and bacterial infections. Reviews for newborns: the drug effectively copes with ulcers, erosions and pustules.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Fukortsin at pregnancy has not been studied, but can be used according to the indications of the attending physician, who will assess all the risks and expected benefits of using the solution. Not recommended for use in lactation period.

Reviews of Fukortsin (general opinion)

Medical forums and portals contain exclusively positive reviews regarding this medication. The drug has a pronounced fungicidal effect, which makes it possible to prescribe Fukortsin from nail fungus. Reviews indicate good tolerability and high effectiveness of the drug.

Price for Fukortsin, where to buy

The price of Castellani liquid depends on the country and region. For example, colorless fucorcin can be bought in Moscow for 20 rubles. The price of the solution varies depending on the volume of the bottle. The price of the ointment is not indicated, since the drug can only be purchased in the form of a solution. You can find out how much the drug costs in your city by calling the pharmacy chain.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


    Fukortsin solution 10 mlSamaramedprom

    Fukortsin solution 25 mlSamaramedprom


    Fukortsin solution for external use 25mlTula FF

    Fukortsin solution for external use 10mlMoscow pharmaceutical factory

    Fukortsin solution for external use 10mlTula FF

    Fukortsin solution for external use, alcohol 25mlKirovskaya pharmaceutical factory

Pharmacy IFC

    FukortsinS-Petersburg FF / GalenoPharm, Russia

    Lekker-Fk (fukortsin)Lekker CJSC, Russia

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    FukortsinGEZMP (Ukraine, Kyiv)

    FukortsinTernopil FF (Ukraine, Ternopil)

    FukortsinFitofarm (Ukraine, Artemovsk)


    Fukortsin solution 25mlGEZMP

    Fukortsin solution 25mlGEZMP

    Fukortsin solution 25mlGEZMP

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NOTE! Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Fukortsin, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Castellani liquid or “Fukortsin” is a combined antiseptic medicinal solution with antifungal properties. In addition, it is also a very reliable disinfectant, therefore it is often used for various types of injuries, damage and diseases of the skin or mucous membranes.

Castellani liquid - composition

"Fukortsin" is classified as a combination drug. It contains several components: resorcinol, phenol, acetone, boric acid, distilled water, as well as fuchsin and ethyl alcohol. This medicine is available in the form of a concentrated solution of bright crimson color for external use, with its characteristic phenol odor.

Castellani liquid - indications and methods of use

Fukortsin is used to treat fungal and pustular diseases of the surface of the skin, rapid healing of erosions, abrasions, cracks and superficial wounds of the skin. The active substances of the solution provide extensive antimicrobial action, due to which pathogens sensitive to the components of the drug on the human skin or mucous membranes die. Thus, the use of this drug makes it possible to localize the infection and neutralize it very quickly.

Castellani liquid is applied to the surface of the damaged area of ​​skin using a glass rod or a small cotton swab dipped in the solution. Treatment is carried out 2 to 4 times a day. After the drug has dried and the alcohol component has evaporated, other medicinal gels, ointments or pastes can be applied to the wound.

When it comes into contact with the wound surface, the drug causes a slight short-term burning sensation or mild pain, which goes away within 2-5 seconds from the moment fucorcin is applied.

This drug has a number of contraindications for use

Castellani liquid should absolutely not be used on large areas of skin with various types of lesions. The phenol contained in the medicinal solution has an increased ability to quickly penetrate the blood, which can cause its toxic effects, expressed in weakness, decreased blood pressure or dizziness.

Fucorcin is prohibited for use during pregnancy or lactation, as well as for use in patients with particular intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components included in this medicinal product.

It is not advisable to use this remedy for young children without special prescription from a doctor.

Castallani colorless

Recently, a colorless modification of fucorcin liquid or the so-called castellani solution Gefe B has become increasingly popular. This drug has the same properties and therapeutic effect as the carbolic-fuchsicin castellani solution, but, unlike it, does not have the same pronounced bright color.

“Fukortsin” is a serious medicinal drug, and it is highly not recommended to use it without permission, without a doctor’s prescription. If you suspect a fungus or other skin disease, consult a specialist and he will help you choose the right course of treatment without compromising your health. It is also undesirable to use castellani before visiting a doctor because, due to its intense color, the solution, after use, changes the color of the skin and the appearance of the rash, which can prevent the correct diagnosis of the disease. The only exception is castellani colorless.

Castellani liquid, or Fukortsin, is an antiseptic drug with an antifungal effect. This drug is used for disinfection. It is used in the treatment and prevention of certain skin diseases, has an antifungal, fungicidal, antiseptic effect against infectious pathogens that are sensitive to the active components of Fukortsin.

The use of the drug ensures the prevention of further development of infection and the speedy restoration of damaged skin areas. Castellani liquid has a broad antimicrobial effect due to the active substances included in its composition.

Fukortsin is a combined preparation and contains: phenol, boric acid, resorcinol, acetone, fuchsin, ethyl alcohol, distilled water. On the pharmaceutical market, Fukortsin is presented in one medicinal form: an alcohol solution for external use. The solution has a characteristic dark red color and a phenolic odor.

Indications for use of Castellani Liquid

Castellani liquid is used for various bacterial and fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin. The drug also ensures rapid healing of various abrasions, superficial wounds, erosions (superficial), and cracks in the skin.

Contraindications for Castellani Liquid

The instructions for Castellani Liquid indicate that it should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the components that make up this product. It is not recommended to apply Castellani Liquid to large areas of the skin. This is due to the fact that phenol, which is present in the drug, has the ability to easily penetrate into the blood, which can lead to toxic phenomena (manifested in the form of dizziness, weakness, disorders in the respiratory system, collapse, that is, a sharp drop in blood pressure) . Also, Castellani Liquid is not used for chronic allergic dermatosis.

Side effects of Castellani Liquid

Reviews of Castellani Liquid indicate that this drug has a cauterizing effect and tends to irritate the skin. The sensation of pain and burning that occurs in this case is short-term, stops on its own, and is not a reason to discontinue the drug. In case of prolonged use, dermatitis and local allergic reactions may develop.

Precautions when using Castellani Liquid

Castellani liquid has a peculiar odor and red color, and can stain clothes and linen. Do not use the drug on large areas of the skin of the body due to the possibility of an overdose of phenol, which is part of the drug. The drug is applied using a glass swab, a cotton swab or a cotton swab. After Castellani Liquid has dried, a variety of medicinal ointments can be applied to this area of ​​the skin.

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Today, many drugs have been developed for chickenpox. This is a common viral disease with 100% susceptibility to the virus. This disease is treated only symptomatically, i.e. complete recovery depends on the functioning of the patient’s immune system. You can only strengthen it by weakening the symptoms. The main problems are rash and itching, and new drugs are being developed to treat them. Some of them (such as brilliant green solution) gained their fame quite a long time ago. But this is not the only popular medicine. Castellani or Fukortsin paint for chickenpox in children and adults has become widespread due to numerous positive reviews. In addition, there is a colorless version of the drug, which significantly increases the demand for this product. It is important to know how to use this alcohol solution, how many days to smear the rashes and whether there are contraindications, but first things first.

Composition of Fukortsin

People often apply it to rashes and superficial wounds without thinking about why the drug has such a bright crimson hue and whether it can cause harm to health. Yes maybe. It’s easy to understand this by analyzing the composition:

  • Resorcinol (antiseptic reagent);
  • Magenta;
  • Acetone (solvent);
  • Phenol alcohol (antifungal component). The fact that it dries out the skin is good - this is very important when treating chickenpox rashes. But people with hypersensitive skin need to be careful;
  • Boric acid (antibacterial reagent).

Important! It is the reaction of phenol and acetone that gives the drug its crimson color. No dyes are used in the production of Fukortsin.

Castellani's liquid is colorless for chickenpox

Recently, a colorless analogue of the red solution was developed. This effect was achieved by replacing the component that caused this tint - phenol. At the moment it is quite difficult to purchase, since it is not sold in all pharmacies. In addition, as a result of the removal of one of the active ingredients, Castellani's colorless liquid for chickenpox has slightly lost its effectiveness. But it is also used to smear chickenpox rashes, and is being used more and more often because it does not leave marks on skin or clothing.

Contraindications to the use of Fukortsin

When using Fukortsin for chickenpox, you need to know in which cases it is better to refuse treatment with this drug. The phenol contained in the medicine penetrates the skin into the blood, causing poisoning and subsequent side effects. Contraindications to the use of Fukortsin for chickenpox are:

  • Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Due to the rather aggressive composition of Fukortsin, the development of allergic dermatitis is possible.
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period (breastfeeding).

Important! Extensive application of the solution to the skin is unacceptable due to the risk of phenol intoxication, which is manifested by respiratory distress, weakness, dizziness, and instability of blood pressure.

Fukortsin for chickenpox

Many are accustomed to comparing Fukortsin for chickenpox in terms of its action with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). Indeed, this is its analogue, but significantly effective, with additional antiseptic characteristics. This is what modern doctors prefer to use, if possible. It has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. But, like the brilliant green solution, Fukortsin does not get rid of the pathogen (Vacilla-zoster virus) for chickenpox; it prevents additional bacterial infections and reduces itching.

In addition, traces of chickenpox treatment with Fukortsin are quite easy to wash off.


The process of using Fukortsin for chickenpox is quite simple, the main thing is to do it very carefully, applying locally at the site of the rash. An important question is how many times to apply to vesicles (pimples) per day?

Fukortsin for chickenpox is applied pointwise to the affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the rash and the patient’s well-being.

At the first contact, a slight burning sensation and pain may occur, they will pass quite quickly, this is a normal reaction.

  • Do not touch healthy areas, the smaller the area of ​​contact with the skin, the better;
  • Use a cotton swab, swab or turunda;
  • This medicine, after the liquid has dried, can be used in combination with other medications (ointments, creams, pastes). Only a doctor can prescribe additional medications.

Fukortsin for chickenpox in children

Many parents are concerned about the question: is it possible to smear chickenpox with Fukortsin on small children?

Instructions for use indicate the age restrictions of patients: children under 12 years of age are not recommended to use Fukortsin. But pediatricians, based on an examination of the patient, can prescribe the drug to young patients.

When using Fukortsin for chickenpox in children, you should always remember that a young body is more susceptible. You should not start treating your child with any medications without consulting a doctor.

If the patient is under 12 years old, how many times a day should Fukortsin be used? No more than twice, during the day and before bed, using only spot application!

Full recovery depends on the body, some people go through the main stage in two weeks, and others in months.

An important point of treatment for children is that Fukortsin reduces itching. But due to the fact that it should be used with caution and in small quantities, they resort to auxiliary medications.

Often parents are afraid of the color red and use colorless Castellani liquid for chickenpox, but in this case the effectiveness will decrease slightly.

Side effects

Like many medications, Fukortsin has a number of possible side effects:

  • Drowsiness;
  • General weakness and lethargy;
  • Headache;
  • Burning;
  • Edema;
  • Redness of the skin.

How to get rid of spots after treating chickenpox with Fukortsin?

When the transparent version of the medicine was used, no traces remained at all; if regular Fukortsin was used to treat chickenpox, then the stains were quite easy to wash off.

To help get rid of the crimson color:

  • Aspirin solution;
  • Ammonia;
  • Laundry soap;
  • Makeup removers;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Olive oil.

Thanks to modern science, the number of products that can be used to smear chickenpox is growing every day. But some medicines have been tested not only by research in specialized laboratories, but also by years of practice. Although brilliant green solution was often used in the past, now its leading position in the matter of treatment is being questioned. Chickenpox and fucorcin are more compatible, since Castellani paint has significantly effective properties. However, this is not the only treatment option; you can choose an analogue on the pharmaceutical market, and more than one, but only after consultation with your doctor.

Composition of the drug

Castellani liquid (or Fukortsin in other words) is a special disinfectant and antiseptic that has an effective antifungal effect. This drug is produced in the form of a solution, which is intended exclusively for external use. As a rule, these are glass bottles with a capacity of ten or twenty-five milliliters. The characteristic features of Fukortsin are its dark red color (very bright shade) and pungent odor. Castellani's solution smells of phenol (carbolic acid), which is contained in its composition and has a specific aroma of gouache. The presence of a rich red color is due to the presence of fuchsin, a red aniline dye, in the preparation. In addition, this preparation includes: boric acid, resorcinol, acetone, ethyl alcohol and distilled water. It is also worth noting that today the manufacturer also offers a transparent Castellani preparation. The colorless liquid is obtained due to the absence of fuchsin in the composition. At the same time, the antiseptic, called Castellani-Gefe, has exactly the same properties and effects as Fukortsin.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to the complex effects of the components that make up this medicinal drug, it has an excellent antimicrobial effect. And it is used to treat many infectious skin diseases. In addition, Castellani liquid also has a strong antifungal effect, due to which this product is actively used for therapeutic procedures for lesions of this kind. The presence of drying properties makes the use of this disinfectant very useful for diaper rash and pustular rashes. Considering the medicinal properties that Castellani liquid has, it is important to emphasize that before starting treatment with this remedy, it is imperative to consult with a specialist and carefully read the instructions that come with the kit.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to the complex effects of the components that make up this medicinal drug, it has an excellent antimicrobial effect and is used to treat many infectious skin diseases. In addition, Castellani liquid also has a strong antifungal effect, due to which this product is actively used for therapeutic procedures for fungal infections. The presence of drying properties makes the use of this disinfectant very useful for diaper rash and pustular rashes. Considering the medicinal properties that Castellani liquid has, it is important to emphasize that before starting treatment with this remedy, it is imperative to consult with a specialist and carefully read the instructions that come with the kit.

Indications for use

The abstract for this medication notes that this solution is effective for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases such as cracks, abrasions, purulent lesions, fungus, pyoderma, superficial wounds and erosions. Castellani liquid is applied to the affected skin in a small amount several times a day using a cotton swab or cotton swab. If necessary, apply an appropriate medical gel or ointment on top of the solution.

Contraindications for use

This drug is contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions to the components included in its composition, with high skin sensitivity and chronic dermatosis. Fukortsin should also not be used during pregnancy or in women who are breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

Experts say that when using this solution, dermatitis, various allergic reactions, as well as addiction may occur, as a result of which this drug ceases to have its therapeutic effect. In addition, the solution should not be applied to too large an area of ​​skin (to avoid an overdose of phenol).

Castellani Liquid: what you need to know. Side effects of Castellani Liquid

Castellani liquid or "Fukortsin" is a combined antiseptic medicinal solution with antifungal properties. In addition, it is also a very reliable disinfectant, therefore it is often used for various types of injuries, damage and diseases of the skin or mucous membranes.

Castellani liquid - composition

"Fukortsin" is classified as a combination drug. It is prepared in a pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription.

It contains several components: resorcinol, phenol, acetone, boric acid, distilled water, as well as fuchsin and ethyl alcohol. This medicine is available in the form of a concentrated solution of bright crimson color for external use, with its characteristic phenol odor.

Castellani Liquid - indications and methods of use

Fukortsin is used for:

  • treatment of fungal, pustular diseases of the skin surface;
  • rapid healing of erosions, abrasions, cracks and superficial wounds of the skin.
The active substances of the solution provide extensive antimicrobial action, due to which pathogens sensitive to the components of the drug on the human skin or mucous membranes die. Thus, the use of this drug makes it possible to localize the infection and neutralize it very quickly.

Castellani liquid is applied to the surface of the damaged area of ​​skin using a glass rod or a small cotton swab dipped in the solution. Processing is carried out 2 to 4 times a day. After the drug has dried and the alcohol component has evaporated, other medicinal gels, ointments or pastes can be applied to the wound.

When it comes into contact with the wound surface, the drug causes a slight short-term burning sensation or mild pain, which goes away within 2-5 seconds from the moment fucorcin is applied.

This drug has a number of contraindications for use

  1. Castellani Liquid categorically cannot be used on large areas of skin with various types of lesions. The phenol contained in the medicinal solution has an increased ability to quickly penetrate the blood, which can cause its toxic effects, expressed in weakness, decreased blood pressure or dizziness.
  2. Fucorcin is prohibited for use during pregnancy or lactation, as well as for use in patients with particular intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components included in this medicinal product.
  3. It is not advisable to use this remedy for young children without special prescription from a doctor.

Castellani colorless

Recently, a colorless modification of fucorcin liquid or the so-called Castellani Gefe B solution has become increasingly popular. This drug has the same properties and therapeutic effect as Castellani's carbolic-fuchsic solution, but, unlike it, does not have the same pronounced bright color.

"Fukortsin" is a serious medicinal drug, and it is highly not recommended to use it without permission, without a doctor's prescription. If you suspect a fungus or other skin disease, consult a specialist and he will help you choose the right course of treatment without compromising your health. It is also undesirable to use Castellani before visiting a doctor because, due to its intense color, the solution, after use, changes the color of the skin and the appearance of the rash, which can prevent the correct diagnosis of the disease. The only exception may be Castellani colorless.



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