Physical inactivity: a sitting position is unnatural for a person. How does a sedentary lifestyle affect your health? 

Can you tell exactly how much time you sit during the day? If you don’t think about this issue, the problem does not seem global. But as soon as a timer appears next to you, recording the time you spend on the chair, the result will be quite shocking. Many people work outside of industry, and most of us sit in the office for 8 hours. If we add to this driving a car and lounging on the couch in the evenings, eating or checking the children's homework, it turns out that we are without active movement the vast majority of hours per day. Even if after work you introduce an hour-long workout into your usual routine, this will not improve the situation. Most of the day modern man remains inactive.

Intense training does not solve the problem

Movement is important and good for our health. But even intense workout until he sweats, he cannot balance the situation. The danger from sitting on a chair for many hours is so great that in most cases it causes chronic problems with health. One of the authoritative medical publications told the world community about this in January 2015. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle has become the norm in our culture. We are not afraid of the statistics provided World organization health care: none physical activity Among the adult population, it is the fourth most important risk factor leading to premature mortality.

What happens to the human body when there is insufficient activity?

The report provided notes that sedentary image life causes changes in the human body. Scientists also managed to prove that training twice a week cannot change the situation. Many of us are used to sitting for most of the day. But for some reason we do not connect the problem with the sharply increased statistics cardiovascular diseases with physical inactivity. In addition to heart disease, inactive citizens risk developing density depletion bone tissue, and even cellular mutations that provoke cancerous tumors. It has been proven that if a person sits on a chair for 8 to 12 hours daily, he increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 90 percent. Fortunately, these risks can be offset by getting out of your chair at least every hour. Just a two-minute warm-up will help get your blood circulation back on track.

Modern people sit too much

This trend is typical for all developed countries. For example, in the United States, the average adult sits 60 percent of their waking hours. If we convert these statistics into hours, the average is more than 6 hours. Recently, the Mayo Clinic reported a study in which they observed people sitting in front of a television or computer. As a result, it turned out that people who spend their leisure time watching movies or chatting in social networks four hours or more have a chance of premature death(regardless of the reason) 50 percent more than those who sit in front of a screen for less than two hours a day. The experiment also revealed that volunteers from the less active group (those who watch TV all evening long) more than doubled their risk of cardiovascular disease. Note that these results are valid regardless of the number of participants.

Transforming your workspace can save the day

If you sit at your workplace without getting up throughout the working day, and after work you go for a run, you will have the same health risks as your colleague who lies on the couch after work. That's why in many progressive companies, management has equipped standing areas for their employees. That is why in companies that care about the health of their employees, rest rooms are equipped with exercise equipment. That's why many meetings are held informally on a walk, rather than at a round table. And before you start working out good habit regular warm-ups and breaks, we will tell you about the changes that occur in your body during continuous sitting.

Your muscles are getting weaker

So we know that a sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous. But what exactly is this danger? This problem comes down to the anatomical design of our bodies, which were designed by nature to move. This is why a sedentary lifestyle during long period really affects everything internal systems body, and the muscles suffer first. If we consider modern conditions labor, it is worth noting that people tilt their heads towards the monitor while working, and this puts unbearable strain on the neck and lower back. An unnatural body position while sitting can also be observed during long telephone conversations.

Spinal health and posture

When the body is in a sitting position, the spine is in an extremely uncomfortable position, at right angles to the surface. Supporters lumbar region the muscles relax, the entire load goes to the spine. Stress and strain on the spine are manifested by pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. Over the past 30 years, cases chronic pain in the lower back began to occur three times more often, this is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work and relaxation in front of the TV destroy posture, causing curvature of the spine, scoliosis, complications of the degenerative process in the intervertebral discs, and disorders of the biomechanics of the spine.

Development of diseases internal organs

The American Journal of Preventive Medicine conducted a number of studies and confirmed a direct link between a sedentary lifestyle and increased blood pressure, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and even an increase in the level of bad cholesterol in blood. The dysfunction of almost all internal organs occurs due to malfunction blood flow A person constantly feels tired and is depressed.

Sitting for long periods of time leads to stagnation venous blood in the pelvic organs, which causes dysfunction of the reproductive system in both women and men.

The appearance of excess weight

Lack of the habit of playing sports and inactivity lead to an increase in body weight; sitting in one place, a person cannot spend a lot of energy. If you consider a typical evening watching TV while eating chips or something sweet, the threat of gaining weight increases. Two three extra pounds they won't bring it great harm health, but if you constantly adhere to a sedentary lifestyle, the danger will become too great to ignore.

Shortened life expectancy

Scientists say that an hour spent on the couch in front of the TV reduces life by 22 minutes, that is, if you watch TV for six hours a day, your life will be shorter by five years. Work week- this is 40 hours of sitting in one place, if you add to this constant nervous stress, then life may become shorter by three to seven years. Life is shortened due to pathologies of the spine, the development of atherosclerosis, pathologies of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, and impaired coordination of the nervous system.

How to deal with a sedentary lifestyle?

Nobody wants to face the above problems, but what if sitting position is it a work necessity? You need to compensate for the lack of activity with physical activity - get into the habit of doing exercises in the morning, sign up for Gym or to the pool. During breaks at work, you should not sit, but move; if it is not possible to go outside, then at least walk along the corridors. Try to get up from your workplace every two hours, if possible, do simple exercises, learn the technique acupressure, you can do it anywhere - at home, at work and even on the road.

Other materials


For many people office work assumes prolonged sitting at the table, sometimes even throughout the day.

Of course, today you can find various ergonomic products that make office work more comfortable.

In addition, some companies offer their employees free hours, for example, gym or swimming pool.

Don't forget about those who work remotely - a sedentary lifestyle also affects those who work from home.

Yet scientists believe that many of those who often have to sit at a desk have already damaged your body, and fixing these problems will take more than one day.

Here's what Dr. Peter T. Katzmarzyk, PhD, thinks about it:

"Even for those people who lead an active lifestyle, high risk harm your body. Long sitting cannot simply be compensated for by physical activity.”

Seated position

It's hard to imagine that an activity like sitting can be so harmful to our health.

In fact, sitting for long periods of time can have many adverse effects.

Why sitting is harmful

Here is a list of 12 side effects prolonged sitting:

1. Slow metabolism

Prolonged inactivity reduces the rate at which fat is burned, which slows blood flow, and reduces the effectiveness of insulin.

2. Incorrect posture

Sitting creates pressure on the lumbar spine intervertebral discs.

In this position, the head is tilted forward, forcing the shoulders to compensate for the weight transfer.

3. Back and spine injuries

Prolonged sitting creates constant pressure on bottom part back, including muscles and ligaments.

4. Reduced social skills

In addition, sitting for a long time at the computer means going out less. Fresh air, and the disadvantage sunlight leads to a lack of vitamin D. According to scientists, a lack of this vitamin significantly increases the risk of diabetes or cancer.

6. Metabolic syndrome

Sitting for a long time leads to an increase in visceral fat mass, the tissues become resistant to insulin. This in turn leads to hormonal and clinical disorders, and ultimately to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

7. Chronic pain

Poor sitting at a desk over a long period of time leads to increased pressure on the lower back. The pain that eventually occurs can become a symptom of chronic diseases.

8. Obesity

Due to the fact that during sedentary work the main muscle groups of a person work less, calories are burned more slowly. Over time this can lead to excess weight or even obesity.

9. Diabetes

Inactivity reduces the body's ability to maintain normal level blood sugar, which reduces insulin sensitivity.

10. Cancer

Decreased activity increases your chances of developing cancer. According to one study, sedentary work has a negative impact on women, which contributes to development of breast, uterine and ovarian cancer.

11. Heart failure

Sitting at a desk, driving and/or watching TV for long periods of time is also harmful to men. According to a study, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and sometimes to fatal outcome. The risk of developing such diseases, according to scientists, increases by 64%.

12. Death

After several studies, scientists found that a prolonged sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of overall mortality among men and women by 6.9%

Overall mortality is the ratio of the number of people who died from any disease and/or injury to the number of people with this disease, expressed as a percentage, over a certain period of time.

Simply put, if you have health problems, being sedentary can make those problems worse.

Useful tips for those who cannot avoid a sedentary lifestyle

This advice comes from James A. Levine, MD, PhD, of the Mayo Clinic, one of the largest private medical centers peace.

Move/move around in your seat periodically

Stand up when talking on the phone or having a snack

Use a desk (standing desk)

Take regular breaks while working

To talk with colleagues, do not arrange a conference, but walk with them a little; Simply put, make circles while talking.

Hello, dear friends!

Today we have an interesting, simple and not boring topic. We will learn how to draw a person in motion using a very simple and reliable method.

Simple rule

“Everything ingenious is simple”, this proverb is perfect for characterizing the most accurate and correct method construction of a human figure in motion. The essence of this method is that we initially begin to build a person from lines “stick, stick cucumber, it turned out to be a little man”, and then we add a certain body shape to this simplified skeleton.

Here's a simple example:

Stages of creating drawings of funny characters

Small clarification: the very first line on your sheet should reflect the pose, the action of the person(bending, tilting, posture). If necessary, guides for arms or legs can be added to this line.

Drawing a person in motion is interesting; there is always something to learn and something to strive for. Standing, sitting, moving, a person must maintain balance, balance the weight of his body so as not to fall.

There are two main centers of mass that have to be constantly balanced with each other: mass of the torso and pelvis. The head is usually held straight, and the arms and legs help maintain balance and serve as supports.

Drawing a human figure

To stand upright, people tilt their chest slightly back and their pelvis forward. This is especially clearly visible if you look at the figure in profile.

Now we need to define one term that will be useful to us today: Jugular fossa - This is a depression on the collarbone, it is marked with a red dot in further illustrations for this article. In fact, the jugular fossa is the center of gravity of the human body.

In a straight stance, everything is simple, the weight of the body is evenly distributed on both supports - the legs, and the jugular fossa is located directly above the fulcrum.

Pay attention to how the vertical line runs from the jugular fossa to the support when looking at the person in profile. It also divides the body mass into two equal parts, although in this position it is not as clearly visible as in the front view.

One leg stand

If a person stands leaning on only one leg, the center of gravity shifts to this support. The jugular fossa will be directly above the supporting leg. In this position, the mass is distributed differently, taking into account the fact that the supporting leg supports most of the body's weight.

Drawing a fish

In drawings and paintings, there is often much more emphasis on the supporting leg, and much less emphasis on the other leg. Thus, emphasizing the support and balance of the figure.

Additional support

If you need to depict a person leaning on something, keep in mind that in this position center of gravity will be located between two supports.

For example, consider the figure below:

Learning to draw a human hand

In a sitting position

When a person sits, the main support point is the pelvis.

Let's look at the illustration, the support points are highlighted in green:

  • To maintain balance while sitting and leaning forward, you need an additional point of support for your torso. For example, a table or elbows on your knees.
  • If you want to lean back, you will have to lean on the back of a chair, sofa, or put your arms back, resting on your palms.
  • Another example: while sitting, balance can be maintained with both hands, one stretched forward to the knee, the other back, instead of the back of the chair.


A person carrying any additional weight must take such a position that the weight of his body and the load are in balance.

The reference point in this case will be located between the jugular fossa and the center of mass of the load, and will coincide with the supports (legs).

Let's look at the illustration: the center of gravity of the human body is marked in red, the center of gravity of the load in blue, the point of balance and support in green.

The heavier the burden, the more the person carrying it must bend. The person leans in the direction opposite to where his load is located.

In fact, examples great amount, these are the first and brightest that came to my mind.

How to draw a rose with a pencil

Body in motion


To describe walking in a simplified way, it is pumping from side to side, or a controlled fall. Hands in motion help maintain balance. Legs are supports that change alternately. When walking, the pelvis and rib cage lean in opposite directions.


How to draw a running man? To create even greater dynamics of movement and run forward quickly, a person is forced to tilt his torso forward. Since the center of gravity (torso and jugular fossa) is tilted forward, a person can either fall or substitute support (leg). This is how we run, throwing our torso forward and placing our supports (legs), and our arms help us move faster with their movements.

In the illustration: the center of gravity is marked in red, the direction of movement is marked with a blue arrow, and the supporting leg is marked in green. The faster you need to move forward (run), the more you need to throw your center of gravity forward, the wider your step becomes, and the more sweeping your arm movements become.

Drawing human ears

Dynamic movement of the torso and arms

To create a drawing of a person in some pronounced dynamic movement, you need to subordinate the entire body of the character to this movement. In such cases, the center of gravity shifts greatly in the direction of movement, and the whole body must be placed on very reliable supports - legs widely spaced.

For example:

To balance when the torso and arms are very mobile, it is tedious to find good point support, but it’s better to play it safe and stand confidently on both feet.



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