I gave up sugar at 70. Your liver will become healthier

The mother of three children and the happy wife of a 40-year-old man will celebrate her 70th birthday in July. But you will never believe this figure when you see photos of Caroline in a bikini. Australian woman claims looking half her age helps her proper nutrition especially avoiding sugar.

“I have not eaten sugar for 28 years. At first it was very hard, I was obsessed with sweets, I loved to eat buns and cakes. But when I was diagnosed with prediabetes, I gave up sugar and revised my diet. I am sure that it is thanks to this that I am now healthy and I do not have excess weight”, explains Caroline Hartz.

Instead of sugar, the Australian introduced xylitol into her diet - a polyhydric alcohol in the form of colorless hygroscopic crystals of a sweet taste that dissolve in water. In terms of calories, xylitol is close to sugar, in terms of sweetness - to sucrose, but biological value does not have. Carolyn says that with age, metabolism slows down and you need to take control of the body into your own hands.

“Most women over 50 believe that it is no longer possible to have a good figure. Even 40-year-old women, especially those who have children, give up before overweight and imperfections of the body. In fact, to stay young, you only need to do two things: watch what you put in your mouth and move your legs regularly,” Caroline told news.com.au.

Carolyn Hartz says she walks on fresh air, does charity work, sleeps 7-8 hours a day and meditates in the morning - this helps her to be calmer and more collected. But, according to the Australian, the most main secret her youth and beauty is the certainty that the glass is half full.

“I always tell my three children that life is not perfect. If you have a problem or setback, get up and go again. It often happens that this is how the Universe points you in a different direction. I strongly believe that when one door closes, another one will open. I also had hard times, but any failure is just a stone on the road to success. You have to get up and go again."

Carolyn Hartz from Australia, mother of three, 70 years old and looking great. The woman admits that 28 years ago she was literally addicted to sugar and sweets. “Most women over 50 find it impossible to maintain their figure and weight. Even after 40, women who have children are sure that it is impossible to return to their former figure.

Carolyn assures that everything is possible, you just need to really want it and work tirelessly. And, admittedly, her body is the best confirmation of her words.

“As we age, our metabolism slows down. That means you have to take control of your body, make healthier decisions, and work for yourself a little more.”

“I think it is very important to pay attention to what and how much you eat. Mindlessness always leads to excess weight. Enjoy every bite. This will help you not to overeat."

For 28 years, Caroline Hartz has not eaten sugar. She found an alternative - xylitol (Xylitol), a polyhydric alcohol in the form of colorless crystals that dissolve in water. In terms of calories, xylitol is close to sugar, in terms of sweetness it is close to sucrose, but it has no biological value.

According to Carolyn Hartz, obesity in Australia has already reached epidemic levels and one of the reasons for this is sugar.

“I gave up sugar 28 years ago. At first it was very hard, because I was obsessed with sweets and could not live without it. I am sure that it is due to the fact that I do not eat sugar that my health is in in perfect order and I'm not overweight." The Australian does not call for completely abandoning your favorite foods and drinks - everything should be in moderation.

Important role plays and sleep. Caroline Hartz tries to get at least eight hours of sleep a night so that her body and mind can recover. Another Australian calls for meditation: “Every day before work I meditate for half an hour, it helps me a lot throughout the day. I have become calmer and more collected since I started meditating at the age of 65. It's never too late to start something."

For women in their 20s and 30s, Caroline Hartz advises to live full life. “Be happy, rejoice in the success of others, and never worry about age. Don't listen to anyone, be yourself. Yes, life is far from perfect, deal with it.”

Caroline, 70, lives in Australia and looks at least 20 years younger, and her appearance She explains that she does not consume sugar. Twitter users believe that the rejection of sweets was not enough, and accuse the woman of accessing services plastic surgeons.

July 31 live English channel ITV appeared 70-year-old Australian Caroline Hartz. The hosts could not believe that the woman was really 70, and carefully questioned the woman about her lifestyle.

Caroline admitted that she has not eaten sugar for 28 years, although she used to be very fond of sweets. According to her, she only looks like that because she stopped eating sugar and sleeps for eight hours every day. From the question of plastic surgery the woman carefully dodged.

I gave up sugar 28 years ago, although before that I was very fond of sweets. Eating half a cheesecake at a time was business as usual for me.

Caroline had good reason stop eating sweets - she was diagnosed with a predisposition to diabetes. Because of this, the woman had to switch to sweeteners, which, however, did not stop her from enjoying flour and even publishing a book of baking recipes.

But despite everything, the audience clearly did not believe her. Caroline's face alerted them - there was almost no wrinkle on it, which clearly does not fit with the image of a 70-year-old woman who gave birth to three children.

“Hmmm, did you mean her secret is plastic surgery? Because her face is even more frozen than ice.”

“It has nothing to do with sugar. I think she just got lucky with her genes. Or she has a good surgeon.”

“If you give up sugar, you will not look so young without the help of plastic surgeons. Even good cream won't help with wrinkles.

Even if she lied, then, according to the audience, not so much. There really is no sugar in Botox.

“At 70, her eyebrows can’t be that high. Is she going to talk about her operations? There is no sugar in Botox.

There were those whom she inspired to switch to healthy food, but a little later. After another pie.

“This woman looks amazing. I will stop eating sugar… as soon as I finish my apple pie.”

Others, however, were not at all impressed by the appearance of the woman. The reason to give up sweets should be more significant.

“Give up sugar, do plastic surgery and inject Botox. This woman can't move her face. I'd rather be addicted to sugar."

For some people, age really has no power. For example, over a Singaporean photographer who in .

Experts have found that activity brain activity of a person is directly related to what language - native or foreign - he speaks. Details are reported by Cortex magazine.

Scientific work was carried out on the basis of several scientific institutes: University of Toronto, Nebrija University of Madrid and Basque Learning Center. With the participation of 60 volunteers, experts figured out how synchronization is carried out brain waves in the context of different languages.

As part of the experiment, participants, divided into pairs, had to enter into a conversation, while using their native and foreign languages ​​​​alternately. During this time, scientists tracked their brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG).

It turned out that during the conversation on foreign language, the work of the brain changed, he had to constantly adjust in order to better understand the interlocutor.

The brain of people who this moment spoke a foreign language, installed completely different neural connections compared to speaking in one's native language,” said study author Alejandro Perez.

The specific reasons for this restructuring are still not clear to scientists, it is assumed that this is due to special joint attention strategies that help the brain to encode and process information associated with each new language.

At the moment of dialogue in their native language, both interlocutors pay close attention to the style and meaning of their communication, but when their conversation is in a foreign language, the main attention is focused on the pronunciation of individual words and sounds.

The information obtained allowed the authors to assert that the synchrony of our brain work is largely related to the language we speak with our interlocutors. According to the researchers themselves, these data will allow them in the future to learn to objectively evaluate the verbal communication of two people.

A team of scientists from the University of Basel found that the placebo effect can only occur if the curator of the experiment behaves with volunteers in a friendly and accommodating manner. All participants were shown several videos, having previously warned them that they have a relaxing effect and can cheer up. But in the end, the video had the expected effect only if the curator of the experiment behaved politely and friendly with the subjects.

Each of the 421 volunteers, after watching the video, filled out a special questionnaire in which they talked about the change in their mood before and after the video. All volunteers were divided into several groups, and depending on this, the curators behaved differently with them. And volunteers from the control group were asked to simply watch the video.

When the video was accompanied by a preliminary psychological justification, the mood of the subjects improved markedly, but only if the curator was friendly with them. And the video itself had no effect, said study author Jens Gaaba.

The authors were able to prove that the psychological rationale in the process of using a placebo can only have an effect if it is presented in a calm and friendly atmosphere. These conclusions should be very useful for all other experiments and scientific works that use the placebo effect.

Anxiety. healthy level worrying about your health is important because it will allow you to notice this or that disease in time.

Meditation. No, it does not relax the brain at all, as many people think. During meditation, just the front part of the brain, which is more "thinking", is activated.

Gratitude. Every day, write down three things you are grateful for the day you left. Within three weeks, you will notice a difference in your level of happiness.

Negative. It is important to try to get rid of any negativity and not to believe in every nonsense that comes to your mind.

It is in your hands to rejuvenate and improve your brain and you will notice the first results after two months. And with brain health, your life will become better, more interesting, and more varied.

In contrast to the meticulous following of healthy trends that younger generations are into, Hartz, who turns 70 in July, says the formula slim body simple.

"You have to watch what you put in your mouth - that's the first thing - and two, you have to move your feet," she states.

Hartz has never used age as an excuse to slow down her pace of life. Even this year, when the author cookbook As Sugar Free Baking enters its 8th decade, she decides to start playing tennis again.

At the same time, the woman hired the same coach who, at the age of 30, told her that she was too old to play tennis and could never reach class A.

“When I called my coach, who is now retired, he laughed. He said, “You can play tennis, but I'm telling you that your first session will be 30 minutes long. Don't think that you will play more because I know your abilities!".

Harz's lifestyle is confirmed by the results of a recent study published in the British Journal sports medicine. Scientists have found that physical activity not only reduces mortality, but exercising with a racket in hand resulted in a 47% lower risk of mortality compared to those who did not exercise. By comparison, fans aerobic exercise had a 27 percent reduction in the risk of mortality. And although Hartz now has a balanced attitude towards health, this does not mean that she did not go to extremes in the past.

Carolyn was forced to give up sugar by a pre-diabetic diagnosis. Then another 40-year-old woman whole year didn't eat cheesecakes for breakfast and a pack of cookies for dinner. “At the end of that year, I looked like a very healthy specimen and my blood sugar was perfect. I didn’t have any more problems, but at that stage I didn’t like living like this, because I was depriving myself of everything that I loved, ”the woman says.

So instead of continuing the torment and deprivation, she focused on eating healthy food and carefully enjoy the pleasures without overeating.

“In those days, we never talked about mindfulness, but I was very aware of what I was eating. And so I had sweets, and I definitely tried them.” Search delicious food, which can be eaten without guilt, eventually led the woman to become an entrepreneur at 55 when she opened SweetLife, a company distributing a sugar substitute called xylitol.

I went back to all my favorite recipes like lemon butter cake, jams, sauces, meringues, everything I love and changed them to be sugar free,” says Carolyn. When a woman makes cakes at home, she cuts them into pieces and freezes the portions. - I do not leave them, because the temptation is too great to eat it all.

In addition to staying active and consciously eating, Hartz has been meditating every day and going out with her husband for 40 years. At the same time, Carolyn admits that she turned to a beautician, but this is not her secret to a beautiful look. “Yes, I do some supportive things, but the operation is not the reason wellness" she says.

She sleeps 7 to 8 hours a night and does charity work for the Brain Cancer Foundation. But according to Hartz, the real secret to her health is optimism.

At the same time, the woman notes that her life does not go without obstacles.

“I have always told my three children that life is not perfect. Things won't go the way you want, but that's okay. If you face a challenge or failure, stand up. Go again. Because often it is the universe that is pushing you in a different direction. I strongly believe that when one door closes, another one opens.”

“I'm not saying that I'm always like this. No, I also have hard times, but the secret is that the glass is half full. Get up and go again."



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