Female genitals from the inside. Types of female genital organs

The article describes the main functions of the female genital organs, as well as their classification depending on size, type and physiological characteristics.

The location of the female genital organs remains unchanged throughout life, but their structure and functionality related to age-related changes body.

The female reproductive organs are located in the middle of the pelvic cavity - a large space between the bones of the pelvis. This space, unlike the male space, is wider and lower in women, which allows the uterus to expand during pregnancy when the fetus grows.

Scientifically, the external female genitalia are called vulva, consisting of the vestibule of the vagina, pubis (mountain of Venus), labia, urinary outlet, hymen and the opening of the vagina itself.

Pubis- very important part female genitalia, although most authors of thick tolmuts on gynecology devote only a few lines to it.

The tubercle of Venus or Aphrodite can be called whatever you like, it all depends on which country’s mythology is preferred: Greece or Rome. One thing is important - both of them were considered in ancient states as goddesses, patronesses of love and fertility.

The pubis is a pad of fat on pubic bone, performing in tandem with her protective function internal genital organs and, when a woman is expecting a child, the fetus early stage development.

During puberty, females begin to grow pubic hair, indicating an increase in the male hormone in their body.

IMPORTANT: The older the woman, the hairline pubic area is thicker, so experts suggest that beautiful ladies do not shave their hair and do not painful procedures depilation, and do intimate haircuts, which is a safe, fashionable and sexy option for solving the problem.

Labia majora– 2 folds of skin located below the pubic area and having a thick layer of fat. For most women, they are colored pink-raspberry, but there are also dark versions.

Labia minora– 2 folds between big lips. Very sensitive due to their location nerve endings.

Clitoris, reminiscent in its structure manhood in miniature, located behind the anterior junction of the labia majora. It is a collection of nerve endings, so it is very sensitive during sexual intercourse. The size of the clitoris does not depend on sexual experience or orientation - what nature has awarded is what it will be: no more, no less.

Urethra , located downward from the clitoris, is different from the male: it is much shorter and wider, so it is more accessible to spread various infections and bacteria, which can thus move up genitourinary system women.

Between the external and internal genitalia is located hymen– mucous membrane thickness from half a millimeter to two. It is not solid, but contains small holes so that it can flow freely menstrual blood and mucus.

Vaginal vestibule– located in the interval from the labia majora to the entrance directly to the vagina itself. Its constant moisture is due to the peculiarities of the secretion of glands.

Consist of:

  • vagina, 12 cm long, shaped like a pipe or cylinder. The structure of the vagina is elastic and muscular. From above, the vagina has a connection with the cervix. The result of this connection is 4 arches: one of which is located in the front, the second in the back, and the remaining two on the sides. The thickness of the walls is 0.4 cm, and they themselves consist of three layers: inner, outer and middle, located between them
  • hollow uterus, close in size to the size of a fist, consisting of a neck, isthmus and body. Passes through the cervix cervical canal, in which there is a so-called plug. It consists of mucus that has bactericidal properties. This is very important point, because it is this mucus that protects the uterus from infection. The wall of the uterus also has three layers: interior, consisting of basal and functional layers, middle and outer
  • fallopian tubes
  • ovaries - paired organs, measuring 3*2*1 cm
  • uterine ligaments
  • ovaries

Types and classification of female genital organs

Despite the same purpose and functionality, the genital organs of each woman are individual and have a number of features. They vary in color, shape and location.

There are several classifications dividing women reproductive organs into separate groups.

Depending on where and how is the vulva located, the following definitions exist:

  • "English Lady"- located closer to the stomach and navel
  • "Minx"- located near anus
  • "Queen"- has a middle location

Depending on size, namely depth, female vaginas also have their own “names”:

  • "Doe"- up to 12.5 cm. Its owner has an elastic body, excellent appetite and increased sexuality
  • "Mare"- up to 17.5 cm. Women are flexible and loving, but curvy, with a prominent tummy, wide hips and big breasts
  • "Elephant"- up to 25 cm. Ladies are short-legged, often short, with large breasts and a rough voice.

There is also a classification by lenght:

  • "Manila"- up to 7 cm
  • "Swan"– 8 – 9 cm
  • "Guinea fowl"— 10 cm
  • "Durilka"– 11 – 12 cm

AND in width:

  • "Khmelevka"— 2.5 cm
  • "Sorceress"– 2.6 – 3 cm
  • "Sweetheart"– 3.1 – 3.5 cm
  • "Lyubava"– 3.6 – 4 cm
  • "Hetera"— from 5 cm

To identify and label female genital organs sexologists use their own terminology:

  • "Bacchante"- excitable
  • "Forget-me-not"- has not yet undergone childbirth
  • "Bride"- after intercourse with the first partner
  • "Chamomile"- girly
  • "Madonna"- after the first act of love
  • "Drinker"- having known many men

There is also generalized classification of female genital organs. Each of the definitions combines the most striking features:

  • "Virgin", "Pervachka"- never had sexual intercourse
  • "Dichka"- with a special hymen, which, stretching, is present until birth
  • "Chilean"- without hymen
  • "Eve", "Monkey"- with a clitoris wide and long, more than 6 cm
  • "Milka"- with a low-set clitoris, which comes into contact with the penis during intercourse, which ensures its owner quickly achieves orgasm
  • "Peahen"- with a high-set clitoris. Ladies with “Pava” need long-term caresses to achieve orgasm
  • "Zamazulya"- when aroused, it releases abundant lubricant, which can cause the partner to refuse intimacy
  • "Drupe"- underdeveloped, unattractive to men. Owners of "Drupes" usually have narrow pelvis and skinny body
  • "Hottendot Apron"- an organ with huge labia minora that hang down
  • "Princess"- the most desirable for men, ideal

This classification is given in his works by the scientist L.Ya. Yakobson

Beautiful female genitals - princess

"Princess"- the crown of feminine nature, the ideal desired by all men without exception. The attractiveness of the vulva – “Princess” – is easy to explain:

  • clitoris has perfect sizes , clearly expressed and quite sensitive
  • small lips look like blooming pink bud, which seems to cover the entrance desired by men
  • “Princess” is accessible and convenient a wide variety of poses
  • capable satisfy a man and satisfy yourself
  • owners of "Princesses" have attractive appearancebig breasts And wide hips

Owners of "Princesses" always attract men

Functions of the female reproductive organ of the ovaries

The ovaries serve as producers of progesterone and estrogen necessary for work reproductive system, and also allow the eggs to grow and develop.

The eggs mature in follicles, of which each ovary contains from 200 to 400 thousand.

Functions of the female reproductive organ fallopian tubes

The fallopian tubes serve to pass the egg into the uterus. Their length is about 10 cm. The movement of the eggs occurs due to the constant contractions of the tubes and the movements of the cilia inside them.

Functions of the female reproductive organ of the uterus

The function of the uterus is to bear the fetus.

Menstrual blood comes out through the cervix. She also serves entrance gate"for sperm.

Interior slime layer uterus - endometrium, promotes attachment of the egg to the wall after successful fertilization.

The function of the female reproductive organ of the uterus is to bear a child.

Functions of the female reproductive organ vagina

Main functions of the vagina:

  • participation in fertilization (is an intermediate “reservoir” for sperm heading to the uterus)
  • formation of the path along which the baby will move during childbirth
  • removal of various secretions from the uterus

When the female body is ready to bear a child, the inner layer of the vaginal wall forms many transverse folds, which disappear after childbirth.

The layer located in the middle is characterized by good extensibility. This function allows female body painlessly respond to fetal growth.

The inner layer is pink in normal conditions and turns blue during pregnancy.

The outer layer has connections with other nearby organs.

Functions of the female reproductive organ clitoris

The clitoris has only one function and it is to concentrate and accumulate orgasmic sensations and release them at a certain moment.

For many women, this organ is the main, most sensitive, erogenous zone. Stimulation of the clitoris is accompanied by the release of lubrication, which facilitates movement and delivers even more pleasant sensations partners during sexual intercourse.

Functions of the female reproductive organ hymen

The hymen is proof of a girl's innocence. However, its main purpose is to fence internal environment genitals from infections and harmful microorganisms that can penetrate from outside.

By the time defloration occurs, there is no longer a need for the hymen - the girl’s body matures and learns to defend itself.

Functions of the female reproductive organ of the labia minora and majora

The labia majora and minora belong to the external genitalia of a woman and have several important functions:

  • provide sexual sensitivity
  • participate in the formation of orgasmic sensations
  • are the last obstacle, a kind of gate through which the child must pass during childbirth

The labia majora, like the pubis, are covered with hair. Girls try in every way throughout their lives to get rid of this vestige. However, they do this in vain, since nature placed them there for a reason and endowed them with certain powers:

  • protect delicate skin pubis from minor injuries, abrasions
  • block the way small foreign bodies in the vagina
  • perform the function of attracting representatives of the opposite sex, concentrating and enhancing the smell of a special secretion that causes sexual attraction
  • prevent vaginal discharge from spreading further into the body
  • increase a woman's libido during sexual intercourse

Diagram of a healthy female reproductive organ

In living nature, everything is individual, and on the entire globe, for example, there are not even two identical leaves. The male genital organs (length and thickness of the penis) are different, but the female genital organs are even more diverse.

In addition to the topographic position of the slit (queen, sipovka, palm), the genital organs of women also differ in the size of the vagina (length, width), the position of the clitoris relative to the vagina (high, low), the size of the clitoris (large, small), the size and design of the labia , especially small ones, by the degree of moistening of the vagina with juice during sexual arousal (dry and excessively wet vagina), as well as by the plane in which the woman’s genital tube is compressed.

General classification of the vulva

Classification according to L. Ya. Jacobson:

VIRGIN- a girl’s genital organ untouched by men (in Polish “Pervachka”).

WILD- a genital organ with a stretchable hymen that persists until childbirth.

CHILIAN- the genital organ of a girl without a hymen. Found in India, Brazil, Chile. This is explained by the fact that mothers in these countries wash little girls so vigorously that the hymen is completely destroyed in early childhood.

ZAMAZULYA- vulva with abundant juice secretion during sexual arousal of a woman. Mucous fluid is secreted in all women. This is an indicator of normal physiological activity body. Yes, Zamazuli has this discharge - a little more lubricant than other women. And this process should in no way worry either the woman or her partner. A large number of mucus is a sign of sexual arousal and a woman cannot control its secretions, which are produced by glands located in the epithelium of the vagina and uterine cavity. In such women, as a rule, copious discharge ejaculate during orgasm and several times during one sexual act, unlike men. This is especially noticeable among young girls. The amount of ejaculate is significantly greater than in men. This is rather a big plus, when a woman quickly gets excited and immediately becomes “wet”, there is no need to spend the family budget on lubricants, for example Vagilak.

“I came so good,” the woman says to her sex partner. But it will be visible to him anyway, won’t it!

SIPOVKA- The vulva is located next to the anus. The most common type of vulva among women. From the front of the sips, only the upper edge of the gap is visible. Penis insertion is easier in a rear position, difficult in a face-to-face position. Sipovka has deep roots in the primitive communal system of the ancestors, when the ancestors of people sometimes still walked on four legs. The survival rate of the species and the location of the reproductive organs depended on the lifestyle. And animals have only one position for having sex for the purpose of procreation; only people have sex for pleasure.

According to Darwin's theory, the ancestors of humans are monkeys, whose female genitals are clearly visible and, when aroused, swell strongly to attract a male for mating. The male, of course, positioned himself behind, or in modern parlance, the doggy position. Therefore, this type of organ is more common than others. Two important organs breeding and reproduction and were located in one place and nearby. From the front of the sips, only the upper edge of the gap is visible. A good location for urination, as the stream is directed straight down. And two organs are immediately visible: the vulva. What's not to love?

IN modern world girls with vulvas have also mastered the girl on top position well, giving themselves and their partners pleasure. Yes, the range of movements is not large, but you can stroke the girl’s body when she is lying on her partner. And also enjoy the view of her breasts when she sits on her partner.

DRUPE- underdeveloped flat external organ women with infantile labia. It is found, as a rule, in thin women with a narrow neck; almost all Drupes are Sipovki, that is, they have low position genitals. The drupe is one of the most unattractive genitals for men.

MONKEY- a female sexual organ with an abnormally long clitoris, more than 3 cm. It is named so because in some monkeys the clitoris reaches a length of 7 cm and is often longer than the male penis.

LADUSHKA. Ladushkas are women for whom everything is as it should be, everything is in place, and the vulva is also where it should be in its place. These are good in any position.

HOTTENDOT APRON- a woman’s genital organ with overdeveloped labia, covering the entrance to the vagina and hanging beyond the labia majora.

The custom of stretching the female genital organs existed among some tribes in South Africa. For example, tribal women Hottentot(hence the name) used to extend the labia minora so much that they protruded several inches above the entrance to the vagina. Women took great pride in their sexual attractiveness, and this technique was called the “Hottentot apron.”
Hottentots – ancient tribe in South Africa.

Its name comes from the Dutch hottentot, which means “stutterer,” and was given for a special clicking type of pronunciation of sounds.

Another pathology of the organ can develop as a result of excessive female masturbation on the labia.

The types of labia minora, or rather the classification of their changes according to shape, are as follows:

  • Elongation– with maximum lateral stretching, their size is more than 6 cm. This is degree 4; 4-6 cm are typical for grade 3; from 2 to 4 cm – normal size labia minora, although women feel most comfortable when this size is stretched to no more than 1 cm.
  • Prothusia– zero, when in a standing position the small lips do not protrude beyond the large lips; first degree, characterized by protrusion of 1-3 cm; and the second – protrusion of more than 3 cm.
  • Scalloped edges– smooth or carved edges of various shapes, which also differ in color.
  • True hypertrophy– increase in all parameters – thickness, folding, pigmentation, wrinkling
  • Absence of labia minora generally occurs in little girls and women with hormonal abnormalities.

PRINCESS- the most beautiful female reproductive organ with a well-developed clitoris, labia minora in the form of a pink flower bud above the entrance to the vagina. The princess is the most beloved by men, the most attractive and convenient female sexual organ for intercourse in any position. With good hormonal secretion, a woman with a Princess is able to receive and give a man inexpressible pleasure. In addition, the small size of the reproductive tube, which also attracts men. The princess is found only in short (but of average height women inclusive) women with full hips, developed breasts and a wide pelvis.

“Princess” is a completely different story. This organ appeared in a woman specifically for poets, artists, and sculptors. Goddesses have such an organ. Goddesses of beauty! Goddesses of sex! Goddesses of dance! The location of the entrance to the vagina is at a decent distance from the anus. The labia majora have correct form. Male gaze caresses each organ separately, which causes double pleasure from contemplation. And they look beautiful from the front, just as women are depicted in paintings, sculptures, and poets glorify that same flower.

And when it comes to intimacy, beauty and passion are added by the labia minora, which open like a flower when excited or desire to have sex. In this option, the pleasure of having sex comes first, and then procreation.

Half-princess, half-druce, half-ev, etc. organs occupy an intermediate position.

This classification appearance vulva Some authors also mention transverse vulvas, vulvas of the “Mongolian type”. But the size of the genital organs of women and men has no less importance on the course of sexual intercourse. Even the most naive people understand that the sizes of everyone female vaginas or male genital organs may not be the same.

The labia majora is a longitudinal fold of skin that normally covers the genital fissure and labia minora from the external aggressive environment. Skin color can be different - it is individual for each woman.

Classification by clitoris

EVE- vulva with a large clitoris (6-8 cm or more), women with a large clitoris are less intelligent, but more sensitive.

MILKA- a vulva with a clitoris located close to the entrance to the vagina (low) and rubbing directly with the man’s penis during sexual intercourse. Women with Milka are easily satisfied; during sexual intercourse they almost do not require affection.

PEAHEN- vulva with a high clitoris. During sexual intercourse, such a vulva is in exceptional need of caresses, since its clitoris does not rub directly against the man’s penis (but rubs against other parts of the man’s body, which greatly reduces feelings).

Classification by vaginal depth

The length of the vagina is described by the following classification (Jacobson):
1. Khmelevka- vagina 2.5 cm long (gives men hops);
2. Enchantress— 3 cm (fascinates men);
3. Sweetie- 3.5 cm;
4. Lyubava- 4 cm;
5. Getera- 5 -7 cm;
6. Manila- vagina up to 7 cm long;
7. Swan- 8-9 cm;
8. Heron- 10 cm;
9. Murilka- 11-12 cm;
10. Ursa- more than 12 cm.
11. Manda- 13 cm or more.

According to the width of the vagina

The irina of the vagina allows 2-3 fingers to enter it. The length of the vagina is usually tall women more profound. But, according to medical statistics, there are women of short stature with a vagina measuring 12-13 centimeters, and sometimes 14 cm.
There are also women whose height is more than 170 centimeters, but with a vaginal depth of only 6-7 centimeters.

All these parameters (depth and width of the vagina) are determined genetically and are an individual characteristic that does not depend on the number of partners and sexual activity women.

During arousal, the female genital organs move upward, while the width of 2/3 of the vagina can increase to 5 centimeters. And the third of the vagina in the upper part, on the contrary, becomes thinner due to the large influx of blood. Thus, during arousal, the vagina becomes more elastic and firm.
Thanks to these properties, the penis inserted into the vagina is tightly wrapped around the vaginal tissues. However, the thickness of the penis is not critical. The thing is that the vagina can adapt to any thickness of the penis. This phenomenon is known as vaginal accommodation. This means that regular sex with the same partner makes the shape of the vagina suitable for that partner's penis.

The vagina is a very elastic organ, the walls of which have folds that can contract (shrink) and expand when necessary. This is why the vagina can hold both a tampon and expand to the point of allowing birth of a child.

This issue becomes especially relevant after childbirth, when the vagina stretches, adding several millimeters in diameter.

If a woman is not satisfied large sizes vagina, then the situation can be corrected by doing special exercises using the Kegel technique or resort to intimate plastic surgery: Labiaplasty and/or Vaginoplasty.

The width of the vagina is described by the following classification (Jacobson):

KHMELEVKA- vagina 2.5 cm wide (gives men hops)

SORCERER - 3 cm (fascinates men)

Sweets - 3.5 cm (sweets during intercourse)

LYUBAVA - 4 cm

HETERA- 5 cm or more (as prostitutes were called in ancient times).

Classification of other names

BACCHANTE- a female organ with easily excitable erogenous zones that always have a desire for caresses. Such an organ is popularly called a “hot vulva” (tskheli muteli in Georgian).

FORGET ME NOT- the female organ of a woman who has not given birth.

BRIDE- a one-woman vulva, that is, a female organ that has known the caress of only one man.

CHAMOMILE- the genital organ of a girl before the onset of her first menstruation and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.

MADONNA is the vulva experiencing sexual intercourse for the first time.

SINKER- the sexual organ of a depraved woman.

Of course, the above terminology does not cover all the diversity distinctive features genital organs, especially female ones, as incomparably more complex in their structure.

The internal genital organs also vary greatly among women. Different inclination of the reproductive tube relative to the pelvis, different angles of the vagina with the cervix, different size and location of the uterus, the degree of its mobility - these are far from full list internal diversity of female genital organs.

Since copulation is affected not only by such parameters of the female organs as the width and length of the vagina, but also by its inclination, the degree of hydration and, even to some extent, the acidity of the vagina, then you will understand that there are no two identical vulvas in the world, that two billion women on earth are the same number of genitals, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

About the distribution of one or another type of female genital organ. Let me make a reservation in advance that the frequency with which one type or another occurs female vulva, different from different nations. The given names of vulvas, depending on the length and width of the vagina, are valid for the peoples of Europe, including Greece, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Russia.

They are found in Europe with the following probability:

Eve is one in twenty vulvas,

Milka is one in thirty vulvas,

Pava is very common,

Drupe - quite common, in Europe each of the 6 vulvas is a drupe, and in some nations it is more common,

Hmelevka - one per 70 vulvas,

Manila - one per 90 vulvas,

Swan - one for 12 vulvas,

Enchantress - one per 15 vulvas.

As for the Princess - the most charming female organ, looking at which even women experience aesthetic pleasure, not to mention men, then they occur with a probability of one in 50 vulvas.

Sexologists, however, note that in certain nations one or another type of female organ may predominate. So, for example, it is no secret that Greek, French and Italian women have a predominance of narrow and short vaginas (among them there is a high percentage of Khmelevok, Manilok, Lebedushka, Enchantress).

Women of African nationalities, as well as black and mulatto women of the American continent, have long vaginas. Among Georgians, Spanish and German women, drupes predominate. It can be added that every nation necessarily has all the types of genital organs described above.



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