They cauterize the sinuses. Laser vasotomy of the inferior turbinates - “can’t breathe normally without vasoconstrictor drops? then you need this procedure! my story and a photo of a small aftermath"

Nasal congestion is a problem that haunts us all year round. In winter we catch colds and runny noses, in spring and summer all possible trees and herbs smell fragrant, causing allergies, and in autumn it gets cold again. Vasoconstrictor drops bring short-term happiness: you drop it in and feel how your nostrils draw in the air with all the surrounding smells. But the drops create a habit, and you can no longer do without them. If you have forgotten the last time you breathed freely through your nose without droplets, consider using a laser to cauterize the vessels in your nose and consult an otolaryngologist.

Cardinal treatment of a runny nose:

When to cauterize mucous membranes with a laser

Indications for laser cauterization of the nasal mucosa are constant congestion, a runny nose that can no longer be treated with vasoconstrictor drops, and regular nosebleeds.

Laser cauterization of vessels in the nose, like any other operation, is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. Before resorting to surgery, the ENT specialist will insist on conservative treatment. Only if a course of medication and physical therapy does not bring the desired result, cauterization of the nasal mucosa is prescribed.

The laser destroys part of the nasal mucosa and cauterizes the capillaries. Since the blood vessels are immediately “sealed,” the nose does not bleed during and after the procedure, and the likelihood of infection tends to zero. The operation to cauterize the mucous membrane with a laser is low-traumatic, is performed under local anesthesia and lasts no longer than half an hour.

How is the operation performed?

To cauterize blood vessels in the nose with a laser, a special device is used that delivers a laser beam of a certain power. The targeted action of the laser allows you not to injure surrounding tissues and act only on the corrected areas of the nasal mucosa. Laser radiation can be constant or pulsed. The surgeon selects the desired mode during the operation.

Under the influence of the laser, the cells of the nasal mucosa become very hot, lose moisture and die. The capillaries are cauterized, which eliminates bleeding. The wound is covered with a thin film that prevents the penetration of bacteria.

What are the advantages of laser

  • direction of the laser beam. The surrounding tissues in the nose are not injured;
  • treating the cause of a runny nose rather than relieving symptoms;
  • absence of bleeding open wounds in the nose;
  • extremely low probability of infection;
  • high effectiveness of treatment of chronic runny nose, the result lasts for a long time;
  • rapid restoration of damaged nasal tissues;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • speed of implementation and absence of the need to specially prepare for the operation;
  • Laser cauterization of the nasal mucosa does not limit the patient’s ability to work and does not require special recovery measures.

The availability of information on the Internet gives reason to argue with your doctor. This is probably why experts despise online advisors in medical matters. Reviews from patients who have undergone surgery to cauterize the nasal mucosa are sometimes filled with negativity. They say a week has passed since the operation, but the nose is still not breathing and hurts.

remember, that negative reviews write much more often than positive ones. Unpleasant sensations after cauterization of blood vessels in the nose are temporary. You just need to be patient and have paper handkerchiefs. A week of postoperative discomfort cannot be compared in severity with the consequences of refusing to cauterize the mucous membrane and constant nasal congestion or bleeding. It is necessary to breathe fully through your nose, so listen to your doctor’s recommendations and agree to cauterization if he recommends.

Consequences of constant nasal congestion

  1. Cold air entering the lungs. The nasal passages are designed so that the air passing through them has time to warm up to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.
  2. Insufficient air humidity.
  3. Intake of unpurified air into the lungs. The cilia inside the nose mechanically clean the air from dust and allergen particles, and immune cells noses fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Breathing through the mouth does not allow air to be delivered to the lungs at the required temperature, purity and humidity. This increases the risk of allergic reactions, including seasonal ones, and airborne diseases.
  4. Disruption of blood circulation in the head. Full air circulation through the nose allows you to supply oxygen to the brain and facial area. Violations lead to oxygen starvation with consequences of varying severity.
  5. Malocclusion and developmental defects of the facial skeleton in children. Due to nasal congestion, children are forced to sleep with their mouths open. Over time, the lower jaw and chin move back and remain underdeveloped.
  6. Restless sleep, snoring and nervous disorders due to fatigue.

Cauterization of the nasal mucosa with a laser allows you to solve problems with a long history. The operation will not take effect instantly; your nose will stop hurting and start breathing no sooner than in a week. But this minor discomfort will help you avoid serious health problems.

Cauterization of the nasal mucosa is performed in case of chronic hypertrophic processes, which are accompanied by significant growth of the mucous membrane and create obstacles for normal breathing. Cauterization is performed in the area of ​​greatest growth.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia using a laser or chemicals (chromic or trichloroacetic acid). Contraindications include severe general condition, acute infections, increased bleeding caused by various diseases or taking medications.

If during this surgical intervention the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is partially removed, then this operation is called conchotomy. With vasotomy, the mucous membrane is cauterized, as well as part of the blood vessels that are located in it.

Types of nasal cauterization

Today, there are several ways to perform this surgical intervention:

  • laser intervention (laser conchotomy or vasotomy)
  • application of silver nitrate solution 40%
  • ultrasonic disintegration
  • radiosurgery

Each of these methods has its adherents and opponents. All types of moxibustion have the right to life; they differ from each other in their effectiveness, cost, and results. And none of the methods from this list can be singled out and called leading or completely safe; each of them has its own pros and cons. Patient reviews can also sometimes be confusing, as some are suitable for a certain type of surgery, while others are suitable for another.

When is cauterization of the mucous membrane prescribed?

A person cannot prescribe such a serious procedure for himself; only a doctor has the right to do this.

Such intervention may be required in the following cases:

  1. Various types of rhinitis: vasomotor (runny nose), medicinal, hypertrophic (with severe hyperplasia of the mucous membrane)
  2. Chronic sinusitis (sinusitis)
  3. Various pathologies of nasal breathing;
  4. Difficulty in nasal breathing;
  5. Frequent nosebleeds.

In fact, the indications for such an operation must be quite serious, so a qualified doctor goes to extreme measures and prescribes it only after all other possible treatment methods (drug treatment, physical therapy) have proven ineffective in combating this disease.

How does cauterization of mucous membranes occur with silver nitrite?

The classic version of cauterization of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is performed using a solution of silver nitrate with chromic anhydride and trichloroacetic acid; All this is applied using a cotton swab. The solution concentration is usually 40-50%. Chromic anhydride has the form of crystals that completely melt over the flame of an alcohol lamp, turning them into a kind of “pearl”. Since the procedure itself is painful, the doctor must first lubricate the mucous membrane with an anesthetic solution (lidocaine with adrenaline).

The solution is applied asymmetrically, because cauterization of symmetrical areas can cause the formation of synechiae (adhesions).

At the final stage, the nasal passages are lubricated with any type of oil. Then, over the next three days, oil drops must be dripped into the nose to eliminate reactive phenomena.

Laser cauterization process

In this case, a diode device with a beam of strictly defined power is used. This is done so that the tissues surrounding the problem area are not injured, and the laser acts exclusively on the desired areas that require cauterization. The laser can operate in two modes: both pulsed (short flashes) and continuously. The doctor himself determines the need to use one method or another.

The point of such surgical intervention is to heat the mucosal cells to very high temperatures, at which they begin to lose moisture and die. The blood vessels immediately close, thereby eliminating bleeding immediately after the laser procedure, and the surface of the wound itself is covered with a coagulation film, preventing infection from penetrating the mucous membrane.

Advantages of laser exposure

  • impact only on problem areas of the mucous membrane
  • no bleeding or open wounds
  • quick recovery after the procedure
  • the operation is performed under local anesthesia
  • no special preoperative preparation required
  • no hospitalization required after surgery
  • the procedure does not just remove symptoms, but is aimed at eliminating the cause of the problem

Cauterization of mucous membranes at the “Best Doctor” clinic

Nosebleeds are quite common problem. This occurs as a result of the blood vessels being close to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. According to statistics, nosebleeds are more common in children ten years of age and in older people. Women are also more prone to nosebleeds than men.

Methods for cauterizing vessels in the nasal cavity

In medical practice, there are many ways to stop nosebleeds. Let's take a closer look at them.

Coagulation with a radiosurgical knife

This procedure refers to electrosurgical interventions. Its main goal is to prevent nosebleeds and make sure they don't appear again. As a result of coagulation, the tissues of the nasal cavity are not destroyed.

The procedure is carried out using electric current. During the coagulation process, the soft tissue and skin cells heat up. Because of this, the liquid in the cells begins to boil and evaporate. As a result, an incision of a special depth is formed, in which the blood coagulates and undergoes a disinfection process.

The radiosurgical knife has the form of a thin electrode, which does not heat up during the cauterization process. The advantage of the procedure is that during cauterization the mucous membrane and tissues of the nasal cavity are not injured. After the mini-operation, the patient has no unpleasant discomfort or pain. There is also no process of inflammation and swelling.

Laser cauterization of nosebleeds

To carry out this procedure, doctors use a device that delivers laser beams of special power. The supply of beams can be constant or pulsed. It all depends on individual characteristics the patient's body. This can only be determined by the doctor who will perform the cauterization.

If the doctor is experienced, then he directs the beam correctly. Because of this, nearby tissues and cells are not injured. At the site of laser cauterization, a film is formed that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from penetrating into the open wound. Thus, anti-inflammatory processes are completely absent.

The procedure is performed in a supine position. Before starting, the patient is given local anesthesia. The cauterization process lasts approximately half an hour. During this time, the patient should remain in one position and not move. Otherwise the laser will burn out healthy cells mucous membrane.

The recovery period lasts two to three hours. At this time, the patient is under the supervision of the attending physician. If everything is fine and the patient does not have any serious abnormalities, then the patient can go home.

To prevent serious complications, the patient should refrain from:

  • use of a certain group of medications (only those prescribed by the attending physician are allowed);
  • visits to baths and saunas;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking.

Cauterization with silver

This technique is used very rarely now, and most likely it will become a thing of the past. The reason lies not in its ineffectiveness, it’s just that now it’s hard to find silver in a pharmacy. Also in modern medicine there are already many new and less traumatic procedures.

Silver nitrate is applied to the bleeding vessel. As a result, a crust forms, which eventually falls off on its own. You cannot rip it off yourself, otherwise the healing effect will not occur.

Other methods of cauterization of nasal vessels

To create scabs, doctors resort to the use of certain acids. This can be trichloroacetic, lactic and chromic acid, alum, zinc salts, etc. The cauterization technique is selected solely based on the depth of cauterization. It is selected individually for each patient.

Often, after cauterization, the patient’s nasal vessels bleed again. To avoid this, it is necessary to cauterize not only the place where the blood is released, but also the area around this place. This way you can achieve greater effect.

The use of liquid nitrogen is compared to cauterization. Nitrogen is present in the form of a colorless liquid. There is no smell at all. The temperature of the cauterizing liquid is 196 degrees with a minus value.

During the procedure, cauterization affects only the affected area of ​​the vessel, without leaving scars. At this time, the tissue is practically not injured. This procedure is called cryotherapy and can be performed during bleeding.

Surgical cauterization

The procedure is performed exclusively in a hospital setting. Using radio waves, you can relieve the patient from bleeding, inflammation of the mucous membrane, and inflammation of the tonsils. It is also possible to remove tumors that have been diagnosed in the nasal cavity.

Features of cauterization of vessels in the nasal cavity

After the patient has undergone the procedure, he must adhere to special rules for some time. This will prevent re-bleeding and the development of complications.

Firstly, for the first few days you should not strain your nose so that the film does not come apart. If it falls off prematurely, it can provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

Secondly, you should not blow your nose, and thirdly, you should not try to remove the crust yourself. Even if it causes discomfort in the nasal cavity, you need to be patient. Soon it will disappear on its own.

After the operation, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal passage with Vaseline or for approximately two days. But again, this needs to be done carefully. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe a medicinal ointment instead of oil.

If you notice that your nose bleeds from time to time, you should consult a doctor for help. It is cauterization of blood vessels that will allow you to get rid of this disease for a long time.

Only the attending physician can prescribe cauterization. When choosing a procedure, he is guided by the results of an objective examination and additional examination.

Otolaryngology is a medical specialty that combines both therapeutic and surgical focus. During the treatment of pathologies of the nasal area, various methods of influence are used. The method of cauterization of the nasal mucosa is intended to stop nosebleeds and can be prescribed for various forms of rhinitis. The appropriateness of its use is determined by the attending physician depending on the clinical situation. For the cauterization procedure, numerous types of chemicals (in particular, silver nitrate), as well as laser radiation, can be used. How is cauterization of the nasal mucosa performed? Is there a risk undesirable consequences? The patient should know about the advantages and disadvantages of the method.

Cauterization method

Cauterization is also called coagulation or cauterization. The method combines many techniques, the difference between which lies in the method of execution and the means used for this. It is used:

  • for persistent, frequently recurring nosebleeds;
  • with vasomotor rhinitis;
  • with drug-induced rhinitis;
  • for chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.

Clinical situations in which nosebleeds occur are quite varied. Cauterization of the nose is one of the most effective treatment methods and is performed by an ENT doctor (otolaryngologist). The essence of the procedure is a chemical or thermal effect on the mucous membrane, which leads to the closure (clogging) of blood vessels and stopping bleeding.

The choice of cauterization method depends on pathological changes identified during the survey. Silver cauterization is an alternative to outdated methods of sclerotherapy of the mucous membrane. Sclerosing agents cause dryness and crusting, which increases the risk of a repeat bleeding episode and aggravates the symptoms of rhinitis.

Are there any benefits to moxibustion? Experts point out several advantages of the method, which determine its widespread use in various types of pathologies:

  1. Possibility of local impact.
  2. Quick recovery after the procedure.
  3. No need for anesthesia.

Cauterization of nasal vessels - painful procedure. Since the manipulations performed by the doctor cause pain, anesthesia will be required. The use of drugs belonging to the group of local anesthetics is associated with the risk of an allergic reaction. If you are allergic to any medications, you should inform your doctor in advance - this way you can reduce the likelihood of adverse consequences of the procedure.

When is cauterization of vessels in the nose with silver performed? This option of cauterization is indicated for nosebleeds from the anterior sections. The severity of bleeding matters - the procedure is effective when its intensity is low.

Manipulations are carried out in stages:

  • anemization of the nasal mucosa;
  • providing pain relief (anesthesia);
  • spot cauterization with a solution of silver nitrate.

Anemization is performed in order to narrow the vessels of the nasal mucosa. This reduces the amount of discharge and simplifies the procedure. The cauterizing substance does not spread, which allows you to control the boundaries of the effect. A drug (Adrenaline, Ephedrine, etc.) is applied to the mucous membrane, which is administered by spraying or lubrication. Anesthesia is carried out using local anesthetics (for example, lidocaine).

The concentration of the silver solution may vary. A strong solution (40 to 50%) is suitable for targeted treatment. A modern transformation of the silver cauterization technique is the use of a cauterizing substance not in the bleeding area, but around it. Since applying silver nitrate directly to the bleeding area can cause damage and increase bleeding, the technique of “surrounding” the problem area provides better results.

What can you encounter after cauterization of the nasal mucosa with silver is performed? Some patients complain of burning, sneezing and watery eyes after the procedure. Many people are bothered by nasal congestion. Although these are temporary phenomena, it is necessary to clarify the likelihood of their occurrence with the attending physician, along with methods of elimination.

Silver cauterization cannot be called a gentle method. Sometimes the procedure is recommended as a component of the treatment of rhinitis of various etiologies. At the same time, cauterization is not always necessary; it can often be replaced by alternative methods of alleviating the patient’s condition. During the procedure, there is a possibility of injury to healthy tissue, so the effect on the mucous membrane using silver nitrate must be justified.

Cauterization of vessels in the nose with silver is prohibited in case of hemorrhagic diathesis.

Hemorrhagic diathesis is understood as a group of pathologies that manifest themselves as a tendency to increased bleeding. Tissue damage during chemical coagulation leads to an increased risk of recurrent nosebleeds, which can be profuse as the boundaries of the affected area become wider.

Cauterization of vessels in the nose with a laser can be effective for chronic nosebleeds and various types of rhinitis (in particular, for drug-induced rhinitis that has developed as a result of long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops). This manipulation is considered as a type of surgical intervention, which requires careful justification of the indications.

How are vessels in the nose cauterized? First, local application anesthesia (Lidocaine, Adrenaline) is performed. The necessary manipulations are carried out in the intervention area using laser radiation. Coagulation is carried out along the perimeter of the intended area, then the “problem focus” itself is coagulated.

The operation can be performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization or long-term recovery. Laser cauterization of the nasal mucosa allows you to eliminate congestion in chronic rhinitis and prevent recurrence of bleeding. After completing the procedure, the patient is prescribed ointments (Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Traumeel S).

For chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, cauterization of the nasal mucosa with a laser is only one of the possible treatment methods. The advantage of laser radiation is the sterility of the intervention, fast healing area of ​​influence.

What to do after cauterization in the nose? There are several recommendations that are relevant for patients who have undergone a cautery procedure:

  1. You can't strain.
  2. You can't blow your nose.
  3. It is forbidden to remove the crusts yourself.

For several days after the procedure, you need to use Vaseline or sea buckthorn oil. Cotton swabs are soaked in it, which are then inserted into the nasal cavity 2 to 3 times a day. Your doctor may recommend other medications.

Cauterization must be unilateral.

If cauterization is required, it is recommended to carry out the procedure on only one side at a time, otherwise there is a risk traumatic injury, in particular, perforation of the nasal septum. If pathological foci are present in both halves of the nasal cavity, repeat cauterization is indicated several days (from 5 to 8) after the first episode of intervention.

Cauterization of the capillaries in the nose allows you to quickly solve the problem of nosebleeds. However, each cauterization method has features that must be taken into account. Only a doctor can recommend a procedure based on the data of an objective examination and the results of additional examination.

Cauterization of vessels in the nose is a common name for such medical procedures as conchotomy and vasotomy.

Conchotomy is characterized by partial removal of the mucous membrane. Vasotomy is the direct cauterization of blood vessels located in the nasal cavity.

Similar surgical interventions are performed for frequent recurrences of nosebleeds.

Causes of frequent nosebleeds

If a person experiences regular symptoms, it is quite difficult to identify the causes of this disease. There are local and general reasons for this phenomenon.

Common ones include:

  • Increased blood pressure and heart defects. Older people are most often susceptible to this. With age, blood vessels lose their elasticity and become fragile.
  • Poor blood clotting in diseases such as anemia, hemophilia and thrombocytopenia.
  • Poor sleep, insomnia, stressful situations and overwork.
  • Sun or heat stroke.
  • Increased body temperature in infectious diseases.
  • Dryness of the nasal mucosa. Dry air negatively affects the condition of the mucous membrane.
  • Allergy. With an allergic disease, blood accumulates in the vessels, causing them to burst.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Menstrual irregularities.

Local reasons are:

  • received as a result of a blow or fall.
  • Finding a foreign body in the nasal cavity (typical for children).
  • Sinusitis, rhinitis or adenoiditis.
  • Deviation of the nasal septum.
  • Neoplasms in the nose.
  • Nasal burns: chemical, thermal, radiation or electrical.

from the nose

There are two types of nosebleeds: anterior and posterior.

In the anterior one, blood flows out from the nasal cavity. The discharge is weak and short-lived and ends on its own after a while.

Posterior bleeding occurs as a result of damage to large vessels located deep in the nose. In this case, the blood moves through the nasopharynx, or rather along its back wall. Cauterization of nasal vessels will be required for posterior bleeding.

Heavy nosebleeds lead to blood loss of up to 200 ml. If the volume approaches 1 liter, then a person’s life is in danger.

Cauterization of mucous membranes and blood vessels: varieties

Cauterization of blood vessels in the nose is carried out only after conservative treatment has failed. The nasal mucosa can only be restored through surgery.

There are several types of surgical intervention in the nasal cavity. Each technique has opponents and supporters. Such a procedure as cauterization of vessels in the nose with a laser has more supporters. Reviews from patients who have tried the effectiveness of this method on themselves are numerous. Some say that the procedure is painful, and in addition, it will require a lot of effort and time to recover. Others, on the contrary, argue that there is no other operation that is as fast and effective. All methods have only one thing in common - complete safety for human health.

Therefore, you should not be surprised that different otolaryngologists prescribe different operations.

So, cauterization of vessels in the nose can be done in the following ways:

  • using a laser;
  • by silver treatment;
  • radiosurgery;
  • disintegration by ultrasound.

Any surgical intervention has its positive and negative sides, and cauterization of blood vessels in the nose was no exception. Reviews from patients and otolaryngologists say that this procedure has more advantages than disadvantages. It's all about the speed of the operation, the absence of preliminary preparation and complications, as well as the rapid restoration of the mucous membrane and tissues in the nose. As for the rehabilitation period, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. From the reviews, only one thing is clear - the effectiveness of cauterization in the fight against nosebleeds is high.

When is surgery necessary?

Only an otolaryngologist can indicate the need for surgical intervention, and this is quite natural.

Cauterization of vessels in the nose is necessary if a person has the following chronic diseases or pathological conditions:

  • runny nose or rhinitis;
  • drug-induced rhinitis;
  • hypertrophic rhinitis;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • labored breathing.

Surgery to cauterize the vessels in the nose is a last resort when conservative treatment does not help. Before prescribing such a procedure, the attending physician uses the entire list of various means and drugs aimed at treating the disease. If drug therapy does not give a positive result, then surgery is prescribed.

People who seek the help of a doctor are worried about being forced to undergo surgery. But without this measure, sometimes it is simply impossible to cope with the problem.

It is worth noting that the negative reviews about cauterization of blood vessels that are replete with the Internet are too exaggerated. There are certain side effects, but they are not as bad as you might think after reading the comments. And it is not a fact that they will arise at all. In addition, according to experts, side effects can always be overcome.

Coagulation with a radiosurgical knife

Coagulation is an electrosurgical intervention that is prescribed to prevent nosebleeds. The operation does not lead to tissue destruction.

Due to the fact that electric current heats and expands skin cells and soft cloth, the liquid boils and evaporates. As a result, an incision of the required depth is created, and normal blood clotting is observed.

A radiosurgical knife is a thin wire that cannot heat up. Coagulation does not injure tissues and skin. After cauterization of the vessels in the nose, the patient does not feel pain, swelling and inflammation do not occur.

Laser exposure

To perform surgery, you need a special device that delivers a laser beam with a certain force. During the operation, the doctor controls the radiation power and its nature. By nature it can be targeted or impulsive.

The laser beam does not affect soft tissue; the effect is carried out only on the desired damaged area. Laser cauterization of the vessels in the nose eliminates further bleeding. During the procedure, the patient is prohibited from moving his head and talking. The surgeon monitors breathing and it must be carried out according to the rules.

Benefits of laser surgery

Depending on the situation, blood infusions and treatment for high blood pressure may be given. Absorbent tampons and hemostatic sponges remain in the human nose for 3 to 7 days. After the prescribed period, the tampons are removed, and the patient must be under constant supervision of the attending physician. The recovery period involves taking vasoconstrictor drugs, as well as agents that accelerate the tissue healing process. In addition, the patient needs to monitor the hydration of the mucous membranes in the nose every day.

Restrictions after the procedure

The patient is sent home if there are no deviations after the operation. In the first few hours after surgery, the patient is under close medical supervision.

To avoid negative consequences after surgery, the patient should not use medical supplies, whose action is aimed at treating ENT diseases, it is prohibited to visit the bathhouse and sauna, as well as drink alcoholic beverages.

Cauterization of vessels in the nose has more positive than negative aspects. With a laser procedure, the effect is noticeable immediately, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Preventing nosebleeds

Preventing frequent nosebleeds involves first identifying contributing factors (deviated septum, high blood pressure, or tumors). Besides, related reasons factors that cause bleeding can be dry air, vasoconstrictor drugs, trauma and pressure surges).

Preventive measures include all possible actions and means aimed at combating the causes of the pathological process. It is necessary to minimize the risk of developing nosebleeds in every possible way.

If you are suffering from frequent nosebleeds, then it is better to make certain observations before visiting a specialist and determine what time of day most there's blood coming out, whether there are clots in it, what is the frequency of such bleeding. And most importantly, you need to check whether the blood stops on its own or whether your actions are necessary for this to happen.



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