Literature on proper nutrition for schoolchildren. How to improve your physical health

Literature on which the resource articles are written:

  1. Monastyrsky K. Fundamentals of absolute health and longevity. Functional nutrition.
  2. Skalny A.V., Rudakov I.A. and others. Fundamentals of healthy eating: a guide to general nutrition.
  3. Zhuravlev A.V. Trans fats: what they are and what they are eaten with.
  4. Khamidova Diabetes V. R. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment using traditional and non-traditional methods.
  5. Oberbeil K. Vitamins healers.
  6. Earl L. Vitamins and minerals.
  7. Smirnov V.A., Klimochkin Yu.N. Vitamins and coenzymes.
  8. Atkins R. Dietary supplements by Dr. Atkins. A natural alternative to drugs in the treatment and prevention of diseases.
  9. Mindell E. Handbook of vitamins and minerals.
  10. Malakhov G.P. Vitamins and minerals in everyday human nutrition.
  11. Suslov N.I., Guryanov Yu.G. Products based on pantohematogen: mechanisms of action and application features.
  12. Medical reference books.
  13. Brin V.B., Vartapyan I.A. and others. Fundamentals of human physiology.
  14. Khripkova A. G., Kolesov D. V. et al. Human physiology.
  15. Green N., Stout W., Taylor D. Biology, vol. 2.
  16. Schmidt R., Tevsa G. Human physiology, vol. 3.
  17. A book about face and body. Ed. Stoppard. M.
  18. Eddar A. Treatise on nutrition.
  19. Dietetics: a guide. Ed. A.Yu. Baranovsky.
  20. Odinets A.G., Sbezhneva V.G., Mikhailov V.I. Ideal nutrition.
  21. Ugolev A.M., Jesuitov. N.N. Ideal food and ideal nutrition in the light of the new science - trophology.
  22. Sebastianovich P.V. A new book about raw food nutrition, or why cows are predators.
  23. Skalny A.V., Rudakov I.A., Notova S.V. Nutritionology: basic concepts and terms.
  24. Mayurnikova L.A., Kurakin M.S. Food and biologically active additives.
  25. Probiotics and prebiotics. Practical recommendations. World Gastroenterological Organization.
  26. Tutelyan V.A., Sukhanov B.P. Modern approaches to ensuring the quality and safety of biologically active food additives.
  27. Bokatov A.I. Sergeev S.A. Children's yoga.
  28. Gorokhov V.A., Gorokhova S.N. A therapeutically balanced diet is the path to health and longevity.
  29. Makarova N.N. Separate meals.
  30. Tumanyan G.S. Healthy lifestyle and physical improvement.
  31. Petrovsky B.V. Popular medical encyclopedia.
  32. Krivonosov M.V., Ivashchenko M.I. Diet of a healthy person.
  33. Physical culture of students. Ed. IN AND. Ilyina.
  34. Smolyansky B.L., Abramova Zh.I. A guide to therapeutic nutrition for dietitians and cooks.
  35. Hygiene in physical education and sports. Vainbaum Y.S., Koval V.I., Rodionova T.A.
  36. Bartels A.V., Granat N.E., Nogina O.P. A course of lectures for pregnant women.
  37. Murray R., Grenner D., Mayes P., Rodwell W. Human Biochemistry, vol. 2.
  38. Melnikov A.V. Alcoholism.

Anna Koroleva

Reading time: 10 minutes


A lot of books have been written on the topic of healthy eating. And our selection of publications that have already been revered and highly appreciated by millions of people will help you understand this diversity.

1. “I eat, I run, I live!”, Yulia Vysotskaya

The book is about how to live fully and enjoy it. The author will prove with an example from his own life that you can adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy foods, without denying yourself anything. The book will tell you how to find harmony in life, to know yourself and your body.

In the section on nutritional philosophy you can find information about the benefits of foods. Julia's advice will help you figure out which foods are beneficial to the body and which are harmful. Several chapters are devoted to cleansing the body - detox. Recipes for delicious, easily digestible dishes are also provided, including baked goods, desserts, and drinks. It is convenient to use an already developed menu for 4 weeks.

In the section on the philosophy of movement, Julia talks about physical activity. The loads for cardio and strength training, Pilates are described. Photos are provided where the author demonstrates step-by-step execution of the exercises.

2. “Ayurveda. Healthy recipes with a thousand-year history for modern life, Thomas Yarema, Johnny Brannigan, Daniel Roda

The book will help you understand the principles of Indian Vedic medicine. helps a person understand the meaning of a healthy lifestyle and find harmony with nature. By dividing human body types into three types, the teaching examines possible health problems. Options for solving problems by consuming certain foods are proposed. The book contains recipes from the chef with photographs of ready-made dishes.

Readers will also learn how to do self-massage to activate vitality, and breathing exercises to free themselves from negative emotions. From the book you can learn how to prolong life while maintaining youth. Various aspects of nutrition are considered, such as the practice of fasting or.

3. “A year lived correctly. 52 steps to a healthier lifestyle by Brett Blumenthal

The author of the book has been working in the wellness industry for over 20 years. The book is based on the principles of developing healthy habits. The reader is invited to work on himself for a whole year. And it will bring results because Every week you will take one step towards a healthy lifestyle. The author will help you make adjustments to your everyday life, change your eating habits, include sports training, balance your emotional state, and create an eco-friendly space around you.

In the book you can also find information about a food diary and how to form a portion of food, when and how much to drink water. In addition, the presented book contains tables of useful substances contained in vegetables and fruits.

4. “China study. Findings from the World's Largest Study of Diet and Health, Colin and Thomas Campbell

The authors of the book are a professor at the Department of Food Biochemistry at Cornell University and his son, who is practicing medicine. The book can be an excellent motivation to switch to proper nutrition.

The book is based on the results of many years of research into the effect of animal food on the human body. The study involved people from different countries with different social status. The book discusses the theory that reducing the consumption of animal products in the diet can prevent the occurrence of many dangerous diseases and prolong life. Along with these products, you should exclude simple carbohydrates from your diet and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, the authors will talk about the food industry and the impact of advertising on the human diet.

5. “Mythoids. How to stop eating misconceptions on an empty stomach”, Yulianna Pliskina

A collection of useful information that everyone should read. Easy language in an accessible form and witty humor The author introduces the reader to existing myths regarding food.

The structure and design of the book deserve high praise. It attracts attention and arouses interest in reading. Each section is designed in its own color, so it will not be difficult to find the necessary information at the right time. The products that the author talks about are found in every home - eggs, coffee, sugar, salt, milk, wine. The reader will learn how absurd misconceptions about the nutritional value of foods can be. This book will be a profitable investment in your own health!

6. The Body Book, Cameron Diaz

Guide to health. The book contains three parts.

The “Nutrition” section examines the effect of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates on the body. The author talks about empty calories and what foods contain them, and how you consume more calories than you need. Food as a source of vital energy should contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients - this is the main message of the section.

The Fitness section is dedicated to building a beautiful and strong body through physical exercise. Vivid illustrations show off every muscle in the body. The result of loads on each muscle group will be slimness and grace.

The “Consciousness” section helps you realize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, the author will tell you how to consolidate healthy habits.

7. “Food and the brain. What Carbohydrates Do to Health, Thinking, and Memory by David Perlmutter

Modern scientific research into the effects of foods on the human body has proven the harmful effects of simple carbohydrates. David Perlmutter, MD in neurology, member of the American College of Nutrition, argues in his book that Elevated blood glucose levels negatively affect the brain and destroy it. As a result, a person develops dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and neurological disorders. The author confirms his theory with studies he conducted with his patients.

In the book you can read about how to change your diet so that you feel full of energy and strength, improve your memory, and get rid of insomnia. Recommendations for carrying out fasting days are also given. A separate section presents recipes for a low-carbohydrate diet, which the author advises to follow.

8. “Eat this, not that. How to choose the right products in the supermarket”, Olesya Gievskaya

A healthy diet can only benefit the body if the products are of proper quality – this is exactly what the author of the book tells readers about. This book will be useful to every consumer!

When purchasing groceries in a supermarket, it is quite difficult to understand the gastronomic abundance. Not every one of us knows how to decipher the codes on labels, in what containers certain products should be sold, and how to understand where we were deceived. The author exposes the tricks of manufacturers and sellers. The standards for shelf life of products are considered, and recipes for preparing simple dishes that are usually sold ready-made are given. Being a proponent of healthy eating, the author does not resort to any type of diet in this book.

All information in the book is structured and understandable.

9. “Secrets of the nutrition laboratory. The science of losing weight, myths about willpower and the benefits of diets”, Tracy Mann

Determine the value of your ideal body weight, become confident, accept your body as it is - the main postulates of the book. The author worked for 20 years to prove the uselessness of diets for weight loss, and she succeeded because studies were carried out on the results of the volunteers with whom she worked.

The path to long-term weight loss is laid on a subconscious level, and not through exhausting diets. However, physical activity is important for a person with any body constitution. The author offers life hacks that will help you avoid overeating - simple ways to avoid consuming extra calories. From the book you can find out what is healthier - to gain weight and lose weight every year or to remain at the same weight with a slight excess. Appreciate the author's wit and the value of the information provided, which is not in any previously published book!

10. “Eat, move, sleep. How Everyday Decisions Affect Health and Longevity by Tom Rath

The fundamental factors of a healthy lifestyle are food, movement and adequate sleep. The author's shocking story about how he was diagnosed with cancer and a genetic disease that can cause cancerous tumors in all vital organs. The story can serve as a good motivation for those who still doubt whether to move to a new level of life, in which there will be no place for laziness and bad habits. The book is quite informative, but the chapters are short and written in easy to understand language. The author calls to stop everyday self-destruction, because the future depends on the decisions made today!

A bonus for those who are ready to make an informed choice in favor of plant-based foods. “Don’t die. Food in the Fight for Life by Michael Greger

This book became a bestseller in many countries around the world. The first part provides statistics on diseases that significantly shorten human life. These ailments are the result of junk food. The second part of the book describes products that benefit the body and serve as an excellent tool in the prevention of age-related diseases.

A selection of the best books that will help not only lose weight, but also reconsider your worldview and approach to nutrition in general.

"Healthy food. Debunking the Myths of Healthy Eating by Colin Campbell

This book is a continuation of the best-selling book “The China Study,” written by Colin Campbell based on the results of the largest study of the same name in human history on the topic of nutrition. Colin provides compelling evidence that mainstream science is firmly stuck in the past and does not have the courage to admit the obvious. It turns out that the “magic cure” that scientists have been hunting for for the last half century is not an ingenious vaccine developed over decades, not an ultra-modern surgical instrument or an operation with lasers, nanotechnologies, but... everyday food!

"Weight Loss Rules" by Richard Templar

This book is not about a diet, it describes rules that will help you cope with any diet and make it effective. Everyone knows which foods and dishes are healthy and which are harmful. But how to cope with yourself? How to deny yourself treats without feeling like social outcasts? How not to be tempted by extra canapés at a buffet table or sneak into the refrigerator at night? The humor in the book is not an attempt to smooth out or circumvent problems, it is a saving weapon, a real assistant in the fight against one’s own lack of will. And the advice collected in the book has been tested by many people who know how to eat right, lose weight and at the same time enjoy life.

"Salt, Sugar and Fat" by Michael Moss

In this book, Pulitzer Prize winner Moss talks to food industry insiders and uses examples from Coca-Cola, Frito-Lay, Nestle, Kraft and many others to show what marketing techniques are used in the industry and how experts in food giants' laboratories find the "bliss point" - the perfect combination of ingredients to create attractive products.
After reading this book, you won't be able to look at supermarket labels the same way. This book was included in the lists of the best books of the year according to The Atlantic, The Huffington Post, Men's Journal, MSN (U.K.), Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly.

"Eat, Move, Sleep" by Tom Rath

We are accustomed to the fact that the transition to a healthy lifestyle requires some drastic changes, for example, a complete cessation of nicotine and alcohol, regular sports activities, and a change of place of residence. This is largely why we don't pay enough attention to the "little things" - the daily decisions about what to eat for breakfast: oatmeal or a sandwich? Call a colleague or walk to his office? Go to bed early or allow yourself to relax a little and watch your favorite TV series until late? But it is these “little things,” as Tom Rath argues, that have a significant impact on the duration and quality of our lives. The author has developed a simple technique that allows him, having a serious illness, to lead an active lifestyle and do what he loves. The technique is based on three main principles - quality sleep, constant movement and proper food. No matter what lifestyle you lead today, you can always change to live a long and fulfilling life. Read about which habits you should change, what and when to eat, and how to add more movement to your life in this book.

Food and the Brain, David Perlmutter, Kristin Loberg

Many of us have heard about the dangers of fatty or fried foods, the dangers of meat or dairy products, but the fact that carbohydrates (sugar, bread, cereals, pasta, rice) destroy the brain is unexpected news. The author of the book, famous neurologist and nutritionist David Perlmutter, over the years of practice, has established a connection between what we eat and the functioning of our brain. Based on experience and clinical research, he has proven that brain health is in our hands: the right diet can help maintain good health and mental acuity, and memory problems, stress, insomnia and bad mood can be treated by avoiding certain foods.

Eat Healthy, Run Fast by Steve Friedman and Scott Jurek

Scott Jurek is an ultramarathoner, meaning he competes at distances longer than marathons, up to 200 miles. This is the food system. Surprisingly, Scott, despite his enormous workload, is a vegan, that is, he eats only natural products of exclusively plant origin. As you can understand, his veganism has nothing to do with the simple fashion for vegetarianism: he is a doctor himself and closely monitors his well-being and results, which have improved after eliminating animal products from his diet.

“Tag Diet”, Oleg Tern

Perhaps every adult remembers an exciting puzzle game called “Tag”, which in childhood occupied every free minute. On its basis, doctor and nutritionist Oleg Tern created a system of rational nutrition, which provides ample opportunities for creating a menu depending on the goals being pursued - losing weight, gaining or maintaining weight, improving the health of the body. This technique is well known both among nutrition specialists and among ordinary users under the name “Fifteen Diet”.

“Lose weight forever”, Margarita Koroleva

The author's program for losing and maintaining weight by Margarita Koroleva is an undeniable bestseller. The book's circulation has already surpassed 500,000 copies and continues to break records. This is not surprising, because in the book Margarita Koroleva described not only the author’s nutritional plans, fasting days and mono-diets, but also the history of the issue, known and unknown things about obesity, the psychology of losing weight, nutrition as a way of life, 20 steps towards a healthy lifestyle.

“You just don’t know how to lose weight,” Mikhail Gavrilov

The main feature of Dr. Gavrilov is that he treats not the stars, but you and me. There are already several tens of thousands (!) of people who have lost weight using his method. The book describes in detail the stages of weight loss, provides an individual nutrition diary, and talks about the secret ingredients of the simplest recipes that will help you lose weight and strengthen your immune system. Dr. Gavrilov knows the secret points and has already picked up the keys to our subconscious: with the help of the book you will strengthen your motivation and receive powerful psychological support.

"French Women Don't Get Fat" by Mireille Guiliano

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Many people around the world are very concerned about their appearance. Achieving physical perfection involves not only physical exercise, but also the right approach to aspects of nutrition in everyday life. Books on dietetics are literary collections of the most important medical research in the field of diets, sports, and healthy nutrition, compiled by leading doctors. Departments of gastroenterology, as well as professional nutritionists, provide the reader with a wide selection of therapeutic diets made from the simplest foods.

What is dietetics

This is an area of ​​modern medicine that studies the characteristics of eating habits, the scientific aspects of dietary nutrition, and provides practical recommendations for losing weight and treating gastrointestinal diseases. This modern branch of clinical research originates in domestic medicine. A standard book or textbook on dietetics will provide the reader with everything he would like to know about therapeutic nutrition and the basic features of using diet therapy. Gastroenterology, which belongs to the field of dietetics, studies in more depth the scientific aspects of the diet of patients.

Who needs books on proper nutrition and why?

Dietetics is given great importance in modern society. The use of a therapeutic diet will help a person with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and associated pathologies. By consuming food recommended by books on dietetics, the body is gradually cleansed of waste and toxins. Correcting diets also helps athletes. Many of them are required to adhere to unique diets, which are a sports menu. The high content of carbohydrates in dietary foods provides the much-needed amount of energy during training.

Best books

Thanks to the achievements of modern domestic and foreign dietetics, any person is able to change himself for the better. In addition to medical concerns, the nutrition guide often includes self-management techniques that will prevent you from returning to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Healthy competition in the field of clinical literature makes any nutritional book as accessible as possible to all segments of the population. All of them are written in clear language, and their pages contain methods of therapeutic nutrition, often based on the teacher’s own experience.

Zholondz M.Ya. – Excess weight. New dietetics

A nutritionist describes the problems of people suffering from obesity. The publication is based on the thesis that excess weight is not a cosmetic defect, but a direct and real threat to health. Relying on the experience of modern immunology and the results of scientific research, the author makes recommendations for the treatment of many diseases caused by obesity. The scientific work provides recommendations on the use of nutritional supplements, acupuncture, and the stages of weight loss that a person will go through. Zholondz focuses on the joy of positive changes in well-being and appearance.

Shevchenko V. P. – Clinical dietetics

This publication on dietetics is distinguished by its presentation of the fundamental clinical features of the physiology of nutrition in healthy and sick people. Methods for treating gastrointestinal diseases are given, as well as examples of special diets that will help cope with many problems. The author talks in detail about the healthy dishes that form the basis of diets and responsibly approaches the presentation of scientific facts that confirm his point of view. Here are recipes for healthy food, the principles of its effect on the main vital processes taking place in the body:

  • hematopoiesis;
  • functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • uninterrupted heart function;
  • stability of the nervous system.

Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with the participation of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition - Seven-day menu for the main options for standard diets

The team of authors provides information received from medical nutrition specialists and methods of teaching dietetics. In a book on dietetics, the Department of Clinical Medicine uses scientific information to prove the importance of dieting. This educational collection puts the problem of therapeutic nutrition, as well as food consumption by healthy people, in first place. The scientific work provides numerous ways to lose weight and treat diseases, which are based on following recommended diets. The fundamentals of nutrition discussed by the authors are based on historical examples.

Dietetics. Management. Edited by A. Yu. Baranovsky

The basis of the collection of articles devoted to sections of clinical research, including dietetics, was the use of the experience of professors of medical specialties of St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. The thesis of the publication is the problem of integrating a healthy diet into a person’s daily life. Many medical sections that study the theory of the influence of food on the body are united by scientific work into a single system. The book offers an overview of the history of the development of domestic dietetics and related branches of medicine, and will help you choose a health-improving, strengthening diet.

Evenshtein Z. M. – Popular dietetics

The author puts in first place the problem of excessive consumption of far from healthy products: sugar, coffee, table salt, etc. The very concept of a dietary dish, the validity of refusing to eat junk food, and the consequences of its constant consumption are considered. An important part of the collection is a complete nutritionist’s dictionary, which describes the nutritional value of many dishes, grouped alphabetically. The reader can glean from the articles of Evenshtein Z. M. a lot of interesting, useful knowledge, which is based on the author’s own experience.

Lidia Ionova – “Healthy Habits”

The publication, authored by L. Ionova, immediately brings the reader to the main question: how to start eating right, and not give it up after the first week. The author tries to show in accessible language that you cannot constantly alternate between a healthy lifestyle and a “food binge.” The article provides arguments proving that such a diet will not bring any benefit, and may even cause harm, disrupting the most important metabolic processes. Ionova L. calls not to lose heart after an unsuccessful attempt, but to continue to fight for the health and beauty of your own body.

Mikhail Gavrilov - “You just don’t know how to lose weight”

The main feature of the work authored by M. Gavrilov is the simplicity of the language in which it is written. This brilliant psychotherapist makes strong arguments in defense of healthy eating and lifestyle in general, calling obesity “the plague of the 21st century.” The author’s goal was to make the reader believe in his own strength, to fight a problem that many people do not even recognize, considering excess weight to be commonplace. Gavrilov has his own scientific weight normalization program, which is successfully used by people visiting his health centers.

The articles are easy to read, in one breath, being written by an ordinary person for the same people. The author does not hesitate to joke, pushing and encouraging the reader on the way to achieving the goal - getting rid of extra pounds. The outstanding psychologist also pays great attention to strengthening self-confidence, a correct attitude towards the world around us, and the importance of a positive attitude and worldview. According to reviews from clients of his psychocorrection centers, when trying to get rid of excess weight, the right attitude plays as important a role as the right diet.

Margarita Koroleva – “Lose weight forever”

One of the country's leading nutritionists pays great attention to fractional meals. According to the information presented on the pages of the book by M. Koroleva, the best way to lose weight forever is to clearly separate meals, which helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the body’s need to store fat. The method proposed by the author involves eating food at least 5-6 times a day. Its total weight should not exceed one and a half kilograms. Foods that can be eaten are also clearly marked by the author.

The author notes that in addition to the diet itself, the right attitude is very important. Queen M. advises setting a clear goal for yourself - getting rid of excess weight. Only a purposeful person is able to adhere to a fractional diet for a long time, while limiting the consumption of foods that are not part of it. The second most important section of the book is a set of 5 prohibitions:

  1. Do not eat 4 hours before bedtime. All the food eaten during this period of time will not have time to be fully absorbed, which will contribute to an increase in fat mass.
  2. It is forbidden to starve yourself. During a hunger strike, the body experiences significant stress, which will affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and general mental state. After its completion, the body will begin to actively store energy in order to more easily endure such a test later.
  3. Don't feel thirsty. To maintain efficient metabolism, you need a lot of clean water. The author recommends drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, dividing it into small portions. Tea, coffee, and sweet drinks are excluded.
  4. Don't overeat. Excessive food consumption will negate all the efforts spent on following a fractional diet.
  5. Don't lose heart. A negative attitude and loss of confidence are fraught with stress and disruption of the entire healthy eating program, which will have to be started from the very beginning.

Lyle MacDonald – A selection of articles on nutrition

A foreign sports physiologist offers a set of articles, including a program for teaching dietetics, recommendations for people suffering from excess weight and related diseases. All articles collected on the pages of the book were compiled by professors of medical sciences who devoted their lives to studying the problem of improving the quality of life of people with a common diagnosis of obesity, as well as developing specialized diet programs for athletes. The author himself promotes the benefits of low-carb menus and ketogenic diets.

Rosenblum K. A. – Nutrition for athletes

The textbook, authored by foreign doctors, is aimed at systematizing knowledge about the correct diet for people involved in different types of sports activities. The book gives recommendations regarding the competent use of dietary supplements aimed at restoring energy after grueling workouts, gaining muscle mass, and activating the processes of burning adipose tissue. A comprehensive guide will give a basic idea of ​​diets that help improve hematopoiesis and increase the body's resistance to stress.

Team of authors "Seven Cooks"

A collection of recommendations on weight loss, sports nutrition, and wellness programs from clinical medicine specialists will help the reader independently choose an individual diet aimed at improving the effectiveness of physical training. Having become one of the foundations of the book, the research of Tutelyan V. A. - professor of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, expert of the World Health Organization on food safety - gave the authors an excellent opportunity to describe as effectively as possible the basic principles of drawing up diets for ordinary, professional athletes.

Pshendin P. I. – Rational nutrition of athletes

A scientific work authored by an employee of the Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports draws the reader’s attention to the problem of sports nutrition. A properly composed menu helps a person adapt to physical activity and rebuild the body’s systems to new conditions. The author notes that people who play sports form an important part of modern society. As P. I. Pshendin writes on the pages of his book, a person’s needs for specific food components change throughout his life. Taking this thesis as a basis, he compiled a diet for different age groups.

Aranson M.V. – Nutrition for athletes

The main goal of the author was to tell the reader about the peculiarities of the human body in order to, using the knowledge of Aranson M., create an individual diet. The author draws attention to the gastronomic tortures that numerous groups of athletes and yogis often subject themselves to. He notes that all these programs are completely perverted: they help a person achieve a specific goal, gradually killing his body. The professor recommends not avoiding such extremes altogether, but using his book to minimize harm to the body.

Varziev Soslan – Athletic tuning. A New Look at the Culture of Physical Excellence

The literary work of the famous trainer is based on his own individual experience of working with many people who strived for physical perfection. The author considers a sports diet not so much as a way to simplify training, but as an opportunity to develop self-control and discipline. The book includes a collection of recommendations for beginners and professional athletes on drawing up a training plan. Based on his twenty-five years of experience as a trainer, S. Varziev talks about specific breathing techniques and the exercises themselves.

An important role, according to the author, is played by a combination of exercises and adherence to a diet. Some training techniques work much better when the athlete eats the foods recommended in the book. Varziev S. says that the specifics of an athlete’s training program play a big role when creating a diet. It is not entirely correct to put two people next to each other, even of the same weight and age category, who are involved in the same sport.


The problem of excess weight is relevant for many women, because a slim figure is always in trend. But how to achieve the desired effect and, most importantly, maintain the result? Our review will tell you.

1 Jonathan Baylor “It's not about the calories. How not to depend on diets, not to exhaust yourself with fitness, to be in great shape and live better"

If you are familiar with the problem of excess weight firsthand, this book is for you. The author proves that the traditional system of weight loss through meticulous calorie counting is not very effective. The Baylor Method helps you lose weight without discomfort, as well. By following the author’s recommendations, you can easily stay in great shape, not feel pangs of conscience when you treat yourself to something tasty, and forget about what it’s like to force yourself into the gym every time.

2 Tracy Mann, Secrets of the Nutrition Lab. The science of losing weight, myths about willpower and the benefits of diets"

Drawing on modern science and extensive personal experience, Tracy Mann explains why popular diets don't work. And he claims: losing weight for the sake of conforming to imposed patterns is not just pointless, but dangerous to health. The weight at which you are comfortable, at which you feel healthy and content, is the ideal to strive for. It only makes sense to fight for it, and Professor Mann will tell you where to start and how to maintain the result.

3 Yulianna Pliskina “Mythoids. How to Stop Eating Misconceptions on an Empty Stomach"

This book collects and refutes myths about the most popular foods that we eat every day: eggs, bread, salt, sugar, milk, dairy products, cheese, coffee, wine. You will learn how to navigate the supermarket jungle without getting hooked by marketers and unscrupulous manufacturers! Yulianna Pliskina compiled detailed instructions on how to choose the right product, shared her favorite and easy-to-prepare recipes, and revealed her culinary chef secrets.

4 Tom Rath Eat, Move, Sleep. How everyday decisions affect health and longevity"

We are accustomed to the fact that the transition to a healthy lifestyle requires some drastic changes, for example, a complete cessation of nicotine and alcohol, regular sports activities, and a change of place of residence. This is largely why we don't pay enough attention to the "little things" - the daily decisions about what to eat for breakfast: oatmeal or a sandwich? Call a colleague or walk to his office? Go to bed early or allow yourself to relax a little and watch your favorite TV series until late? But it is these “little things,” as Tom Rath argues, that have a significant impact on the duration and quality of our lives. No matter what lifestyle you lead today, you can always change to live a long and fulfilling life.

5 Svetlana Bronnikova “Intuitive eating: how to stop worrying about food and lose weight”

Give up dietary thinking, allow yourself to eat whatever you want, learn to hear the signals of hunger and satiety and let your body regulate what, when and how to eat, while losing weight and not gaining weight again - isn’t this what we dream about? By completing the tasks on the pages of the book step by step, you can get rid of your weight and problems. Implement the specific plan proposed for you by a qualified nutritionist: stop exhausting yourself mentally and physically.

6 Ken Lloyd, Stacy Laura Lloyd “Work without extra calories. How not to gain weight in the office"

At work, we are constantly faced with numerous pleasant temptations: colleagues every now and then offer us homemade cakes, candies, and chips. Of course, all this affects your figure: unnoticed by yourself, you lose your former lightness, in return gaining extra centimeters in your waist. How to recognize and eliminate tasty but harmful foods from your diet? How to avoid numerous temptations, but at the same time not offend your colleagues? What to do if the feeling of hunger inexorably pursues you at work? The authors provide detailed answers to these and many other questions.

7 Dan Buettner Blue Zones in Practice. How to become a long-liver"

Do you want to live as long as possible and feel great at any age? This is the book for you! The author of the bestselling book “Blue Zones,” Dan Buettner, described the habits and lifestyle of the inhabitants of those places on Earth where the most centenarians are. Among such places are Okinawa in Japan, Sardinia in Italy, Ikaria in Greece, Loma Linda in the USA. In his book, the author shares how centenarians from the “blue zones” live and eat, what role family and community play in their lives, and what habits they have. This is a very practical and at the same time motivating book: you will receive specific tools and checklists, master delicious recipes for health and longevity, and learn inspiring stories of centenarians.

8 Lindsey Nixon "The Plant Based Diet" Say yes to your health"

A plant-based diet is not about giving up most delicious foods. It's about eating whole, healthy foods that will help you feel and look great. In this book you will find answers to many questions. Why choose a plant-based diet? Is this food suitable for women, men and children? How to switch to it? Is it possible with this diet? The author dispels myths about soy, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, tells how to combine a plant-based diet with a busy business schedule, and how to replace the ingredients in your healthy dishes with healthier ones without ruining their taste.

9 Oksana Zubkova, Anna Lubnevskaya “Naked FOOD. Delicious recipes for health, beauty and femininity"

Oksana Zubkova and Anna Lubnevskaya believe that life is too short for you to be fat and sick, and they offer a unique author’s system of healing and rejuvenation. They prove by their example: always staying young, slim and healthy is very simple! To look great and feel good at the same time, you don’t have to give up little joys and take the path of severe restrictions; this is not just another diet. You will learn to enjoy healthy food - and lose weight at the same time! Just like that, without diets, restrictions, exertion of willpower and strict discipline.

10 Sohair Roked “A tired man. How to overcome chronic fatigue and regain strength, energy and joy of life"

Modern people know firsthand what chronic fatigue is. We try to resist, but the body's resources are not unlimited. Our strength leaves us, and then one day we realize that we are completely exhausted and what we want more than anything in the world is not new achievements and discoveries, but at least just to get some sleep. But, alas, there is simply no time for this... This book talks about the causes of chronic fatigue and provides a step-by-step strategy for getting rid of it. The author also shares with us recipes for delicious and healthy dishes that fill you with energy, simple and effective yoga-based exercises, and interesting tests that help determine how tired you are.

11 Del Shroof, Leanne Campbell "The China Study: Quick and Easy Recipes"

Even in the busiest schedule there is room for tasty and healthy food. Del Shroof, author of the best-selling cookbook Forks Over Knives, has teamed up with Leanne Campbell to create special menus and 100 recipes for those who don't have time to cook during the week. All recipes are healthy, simple and suitable for adherents of a plant-based diet. With this book, you can spend several hours cooking once a week - and within 7 days you can eat high-quality and healthy food.

12 Lidia Ionova “Healthy recipes from Dr. Ionova”

Why don't diets work? The fact is that in a person’s mind, his nutrition is divided into two parts - this is either a diet or a regular diet. You have probably met people who alternate periods of “food binge” with periods of strict diets. But the essence of healthy eating is not in giving up “tasty” foods, but, no matter how strange it may sound to many, in variety. This book will help you reach your ideal weight by eating tasty and varied foods without subjecting yourself to torture!

13 Gordon Ramsay "Healthy Appetite"

We are what we eat, and we all want to be healthy and look our best. Gordon Ramsay, three Michelin-starred marathon runner and super-energetic TV presenter, is a living poster for healthy eating and lifestyle. In this book he collected 125 recipes. The author tells you how to prepare and serve delicious healthy food without changing your style. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a sumptuous feast or a simple dinner, you just need to slightly adjust the recipe and make your favorite dishes a little more balanced - less high in calories, with a high content of healthy nutrients.

14 Jamie Oliver "Super food for every day"

Jamie himself writes about his book this way: “Food should bring joy and holiday spirit, and healthy food simply must be bright, tasty and varied. This book consists of recipes for balanced meals that you will enjoy eating. I've done a good job on the "nutritional" front, so you can be sure that any dish in this book is the right dish. Even if you get just a few ideas from here, it can change the way you think about food, and you will definitely gain knowledge that will be useful to any cook.”

15 "100 low-calorie dishes"

The book is designed to help people who are trying to lose weight. In it you will find recipes for delicious low-calorie dishes - from healthy breakfasts, light lunches and nutritious dinners to gluten-free pies. Each recipe has a calorie information at the beginning of the recipe so you know exactly how much energy you're getting. The dishes, recipes for which are collected in the book, will make your diet balanced and healthy. They should form the basis of your diet, and it is better to make cakes and other sweets rare delicacies on your table.



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