Psychological analysis of dreams. How to correctly interpret your dreams: a method of psychotherapy

The poem “Dream” is one of those prophetic works that come to many poets and are associated with their death. Brief Analysis“The Dream,” according to plan, reveals to readers the world of poetic visions and shows how this special poetic genre found a place in Lermontov’s creative heritage. In a literature lesson in 7th grade, it can be used to explain the material.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- this poem was written shortly before Lermontov’s death, in 1841.

Theme of the poem– death as the end of life, mystical and fatal.

Composition- the work consists of two parts. In the first, the lyrical hero sees his death, in the second, a beautiful girl observes the same picture in her vision.

Genre- mystical lyrics.

Poetic size- iambic pentameter.

Epithets – “midday heat”, “yellow peaks”, “ dead dream”, “evening feast”, “young wives”, “young soul”, “familiar corpse”.

Metaphors“the wound was smoking”, “the blood was dripping drop by drop”, “the ledges of rocks were crowded around”, “the soul was immersed in a sad sleep”, “the wound was turning black”.

History of creation

When Lermontov left for his second exile in the Caucasus, which became fatal for him, his friend Vladimir Odoevsky handed him a notebook and asked him to bring it back filled with poetry. Mikhail Yuryevich wrote a lot to fulfill the order of a friend who sincerely wanted to cheer him up. As a result, this notebook contained almost all the poems relating to the last period of the poet’s work, including “Dream,” written in 1841.

Like many writers, Lermontov had mystical premonitions about his life. It is to them that the work is dedicated. It was published two years after the fatal duel for him - in 1843 in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski.


The poem is devoted to the theme of death, and the author almost accurately describes his own death. Perhaps he was looking for her - everyone knows that, being very unhappy in the Caucasian exile and worried about the prospect of leaving the service, Mikhail Yuryevich was looking for quarrels with many of his colleagues. But, most likely, this poem is a manifestation of Lermontov’s fatalism: the poet believed that his death was inevitable and simply predicted it in detail. That's what it is the main idea“Sleep.”


Compositionally, this five-stanza work is divided into two unequal parts: the first has two stanzas, the second has three.

The first part paints a sad picture of death young man, who was shot in the chest. Obviously, this happened recently: the blood flowing from the wound is still warm, it has not had time to either dry out or be absorbed into the ground. It is obvious that during his lifetime he did not like being in the Dagestan mountains; he describes them as hot and unpleasant place, so we can assume that he ended up there against his will. It is also impossible not to note the motive of loneliness: there is not even a killer near his body. The young man fell asleep in eternal sleep and sees a beautiful picture.

The second part of the composition begins with this picture. In his native land they still don’t know about his death: there is a feast and young girls They are having fun talking about the lyrical hero. And only one does not share the general playful mood. She thought and seemed to fall into a dream, but in reality it was a premonition - she sees a picture of what really happened. The composition loops in a peculiar way: the body of a young man appears before the young girl, that is, the reader seems to “see” him again, but with different eyes. Also, such a composition does not allow the reader to hope that everything will end well - the author shows that the inevitable has happened.

Some also call the composition of this particular work mirror-like, because the reality of the hero and heroine seems to reflect each other.


This is a mystical poem that describes a non-existent picture, but as if everything really happened, as if Lermontov was witnessing his own death, which would happen very soon.

At the same time, the dream about which the poet speaks also takes on a completely mystical meaning: in the first part this is the transition of the lyrical hero to another reality, in the second - premonition, foresight, that is, a kind of trance.

Mikhail Yuryevich wrote “Dream” in iambic pentameter, also using cross rhyme.

Means of expression

The paths Lermontov used are necessary to ensure that the picture he creates is bright and expressive. This:

  • Epithets- “midday heat”, “yellow peaks”, “dead sleep”, “evening feast”, “young wives”, “young soul”, “familiar corpse”.
  • Metaphors- “the wound was smoking”, “blood was flowing drop by drop”, “the ledges of rocks were crowded around”, “the soul was immersed in a sad sleep”, “the wound was turning black”.

With their help, a bleak picture of the death of a young man far from his homeland is created.

How competently analyze dreams and be convinced of the correctness of the interpretation? Psychoanalysis will answer this question. Its founder was Sigmund Freud, who developed his system dream analysis, which are part of the unconscious sphere of a person. We will take Freud's theory as the basis for the interpretation of dreams.

“But why is the dream book not enough? – you will be surprised. – You can open it on a certain page – and here you go: “An onion in a dream predicts the hatred and envy that you will encounter when you will succeed"". A dream is an element of an individual’s personal unconscious life, which conceals his psychological problems, fears, significant life events, motives - his and only his.

Certain parts of the dream are related to the complete certain moments our past, how can a dream book have any idea about this? Can he know about the intricacies of our relationships with our parents, about problems with loved ones, about what actions of our past made us feel guilty? Of course no. The interpretation of dream books is very limited, if not “wrong”.

What steps should you take to understand the hidden meaning of a dream and not make the mistake of attaching standard labels?

First stage. Element-by-element sleep analysis.

It makes sense to start sleep analysis from dividing the whole plot into parts. Ask the dreamer about specific dream elements and their relationship to recent events in his life. This way you can discard the details drawn into sleep by the impressionability of the psyche to the events of the coming day. Be sure to record all the subtleties of the dream being interpreted, because even seemingly insignificant elements for interpretation can become the most important. This is how our unconscious functions.

Second phase. A dream is the realization of a desire.

One of the functions of sleep, according to Freud, is the realization of desire. In a child whose psyche is not yet loaded with countless psychological defenses, the fulfillment of a desire is carried out explicitly: in a dream, he eats a product forbidden by his mother or defeats an opponent.

The unconscious of an adult individual does a great job of encoding the meaning of a dream. After all, this part of our psyche contains unprocessed psychological problems, unfinished business, fears, and conflicts. Such repression into the unconscious protects the psyche from “overheating”, from unbearable anxiety about our problems, of which each of us has a countless number. Imagine what would happen if all the psychological problems acquired throughout life simultaneously attacked our consciousness? It would kill anyone, even the strongest. However, it is necessary to extract such problems one by one, because in order to cope with them, you must at least have an idea about them.

Thus, in adults, the realization of desire occurs in a dream in an implicit way. Thus, a young man who is in love with a girl and feels jealous of her, in his dream makes her boyfriend only a friend in order to indirectly realize his own desire to be near her. What does the situation that formed in your dream bring you? Even if this is someone’s death, what new possibilities could it reveal to you (what is this person “preventing” you from realizing in reality)?

The main thing here is to put aside ethical standards and face the truth. Do not be afraid to become aware of your base, hostile or heavy unconscious desires. Accept it as part of yourself. Not every person will dare to admit something similar to himself, but such recognition is a step on the road to fruitful transformations that you are able to realize in yourself.

Third stage. Free associations as a mandatory element of analysis.

For each element of the dream, we ask the dreamer to give those associations that appear in relation to it. It is necessary to emphasize the following: you need to report absolutely everything that comes to mind, not excluding what looks obscene, immoral, or unsightly. Most often, this is precisely the source of the dreamer’s problem.

How can you present questions and help the dreamer initiate a flow of associations? Let's say a person is dreaming. It is necessary to find out what kind of person this is, what kind of relationship he has with the dreamer, what this person embodies for him, what past events associated with him come to mind, etc. Or comes in a dream ordinary apartment. Who is its owner according to the logic of the dream, how does this place differ from the real one, how the furniture is moved, where it turns out to be in this apartment during the dream process. Everything you receive must be recorded so that not a single detail slips out of your head. If you are interpreting your dream, then record on paper in detail every thought that appears to you, and then strive to consider them impartially, as if temporarily “forgetting” that you are interpreting your own dream.

Fourth stage. Feelings that come in a dream.

When interpreting dreams, I believe it is important to take into account the emotions and feelings that the dreamer experienced during the dream. This is especially true in cases where the emotion does not correspond to the plot of the dream. For example, the dreamer is sad and cries, but nothing terrible happens in the dream. Or someone close to you dies, but the dreamer does not feel sad - as if this fact does not bother him. Such inconsistencies can hide serious psychological problems, which is why it is especially necessary to pay attention to these components of sleep when interpreting.

Fifth stage. General analysis and interpretation of the received material.

The compiled material, at first glance, is diverse and does not have common points contact. Indeed, what can a room have in common in which there is now a sofa instead of a door; a warm, damp, calm pit as described by the dreamers; a gift for a loved one made by him new girl, which now weighs on his neck; wise and kind woman(relative) who has never given birth to children in her life and gives advice to the dreamer not to give birth? Behind all these elements lies the fear of childbirth against the background of their seeming necessity to the dreamer (she perceives the child as an element connecting the couple, which will bring the girl confidence that “now he will not leave”).

Let's take a closer look at these elements to see how this theme connects them. They enter the room through the door, but the sofa is an obstacle; it will not allow anyone to enter. And then you won’t be able to conceive a child. The first warm, moist and calm “pit” in every person’s life is the womb. What can another woman give a “homemade” gift to a young man, what does every woman fear and what will now “hang around his neck”? The metaphorical nature of the dream amazes with its sensitivity and directness. The theme of childbirth appears even more clearly when it is stated in a dream in the speech of an elderly, wise relative and in the dreamer’s associations.

Any fragment of a dream, Freud believed, relates to the same topic. From any element we are able to come to this topic through associations. An interpretation is considered competent if we are able to interpret all elements of a dream with the same theme. To see such systems, one must master metaphorical thinking and be able to think synthetically. Develop this type of thinking in yourself, and dream interpretation will become easier for you!

Your psychologist Maria Minakova.

Why do you dream about analysis?

Summer dream book

Analyzing something in a dream - your body is signaling to you that it is high time to sort out the problem that is troubling you.

Why do you dream about analysis?

Autumn dream book

Taking tests in a hospital in a dream means recovery.

Why do you dream about analysis?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Analyze events personal life- to a new addition to the family or a change in marital status (marriage).

Analyzing the progress of affairs at work - leads to thoughtless expenses and conflict with employees.

Taking tests warns of a lack of free time and upcoming troubles.

Finding out the test results sets you up for the fact that you will initiate a serious conversation with the person you like.

Why do you dream about analysis?

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you were handing over medical tests- V real life You are clearly alarmed about something.

Why do you dream about analysis?

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that you were undergoing medical tests, you have nothing to fear in real life. In any case, you will emerge victorious from this situation.

Do you carry out statistical or political research in a dream? economic analysis- you work and think too much, and even in sleep your tense brain continues to work. Isn't it time to rest?

Why do you dream about analysis?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Analysis (medical) - You see yourself in a dream taking tests to a laboratory, to a clinic - such a dream suggests that in the coming days you will be very busy with something, you will not have a minute of free time; troubles await you.

Blood analysis?

If in a dream you seem to find out the results of the analysis and evaluate them, it is possible that you will have a serious conversation with a person dear to you; you will be the initiator of the conversation; The topic of conversation is your future with this person.

Blood test - such a dream means doubt in your vitality. Be alert to health problems. If you are worried about the results of a blood test, you are unsure of your decisions, the outcome of some situation, although you have already done everything important steps to resolve it. Seeing that you are undergoing tests in a dream is a successful outcome of an important situation.

The blood test can also mean grueling and exhausting tasks that you have to do. If you stain your clothes with blood, it means that someone close to you may tarnish your reputation. In some dream books, a blood test portends good luck and promotion.

Analysis (as thinking) - You are sleeping, but your brain continues to work; you dream that you are analyzing your personal life, and you know for sure that you are sleeping at this time; you are surprised by this state - reflections in a dream; You are also interested in the fact that much in real life is illogical and unnatural - in a dream it is completely logical and natural; In this regard, you even give way to your imagination, as if influencing the dream, you see what you want to see - such an unusual dream symbolizes changes in your personal life; for girls - for marriage, for boys - for marriage; if you are already married by this time, perhaps a new addition to your family awaits you. Why do you dream about analysis - you seem to be analyzing your work affairs in a dream - this is a warning dream: perhaps you will quarrel with one of your employees at work; through this quarrel, losses (financial) are possible; do not rush to sign contracts after such a dream - you may make a major mistake.

Why do you dream about analysis?

Combined dream book

Conducting a statistical or economic analysis of a situation in a dream portends that you are preoccupied with problems and even in a dream you cannot forget about problems.

If you dreamed that you were undergoing medical tests, in real life you are very alarmed and concerned about the current situation.

If in a dream you are worried about test results, in reality you should not be afraid of anything. In any situation you will remain a winner.

Why do you dream about analysis?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

If in a dream you undergo medical tests, this is a signal that something is clearly bothering you. A dream in which you are concerned about test results portends that there is no reason to worry. You can safely look fate in the eye, because all seemingly lost situations will turn into win-win situations. If you dreamed that you were engaged in marketing or political-economic analysis, this means that you urgently need to rest, otherwise you may have a nervous breakdown due to too much intense thinking.

Sleep Analysis

I dreamed that the person I like in real life hugged me, lifted me, pressed me to him and spun me around, then he picked me up and carried me somewhere, while he looked happy.

At the same time, I got the feeling that he had wanted to do this for a long time, but was afraid of my reaction, and now he is happy, he did not meet any objections from me...

Blood test in a dream

I had a dream. I'm with best friend and a friend - the three of us - just walking around the city at night. I remember here in fragments, but the general impression is that everything was emotionally positive, they were talking about something, laughing. In the morning I tell my friends - let's go to the clinic - I need to get tested, get checked, so to speak. The three of us arrive, approach the reception: a huge window - we are on one side, on the other - a la a consultation of doctors. I call the nurse and say that I want to donate blood for tests. She calls me for an appointment. As a result, I just find myself on the other side of the glass with the doctors. I see my friends. My friend has disappeared somewhere, but I see my friend and smile at her. During the process, I still looked at her - a little worried, but then I realized that there was no need to worry about her - she was waiting for me and along the way she flirted nicely with the doctors.

A female doctor comes to me to take tests. I ask her to take blood tests, but not simple finger tests, but blood from a vein, citing the fact that I have never donated blood from a vein before and I still don’t know what my blood type is (this is true) . She looks at me in surprise and exclaims: It can’t be! In general, she takes my blood from a vein, but I don’t see the blood anywhere at all, not a drop. Then, after a little time, she immediately processes the blood, gets the results, and then begins to freak out and get angry. At this moment, another doctor enters the office - a man. She just angrily throws the phrase at him - “I won’t do this” and leaves. He looks at the tests. I don’t look the doctor in the face, but I know for sure that we know each other and have already met before. And I know for sure (this kind of side confidence) that I met him before, but in other dreams. I turn half sideways to him and simply understand that the diagnosis there is close to incurable.

There is a premonition that this is blood poisoning or one of the intractable diseases. We talk to him, I am calm, he begins to assure me that everything will be fine, that he will take on my case; that he has a completely hopeless patient with AIDS, but he’s treating him - why am I here, especially since we know each other. Then we find ourselves on the stairs - the entrance from the street to the clinic - the two of us, I’m sitting with my back half to one side on the steps, he’s standing right behind me.

I calmly ask - humbling myself and accepting my diagnosis - what should I do next? At least the first couple of steps - what next? And he replied: everything will be fine, because I was able to love you.

Tests Toilet Menstruation in a dream

My friend Yulia asks me to take a urine test for her husband. I go to the public toilet and start pushing, but my period starts and I see blood. I push and a lump pops out of me.

I decide that I will normally take the tests not for him, but for myself, and I understand that Yulia (we are in a quarrel in reality) used the need for tests as a reason to meet. I go to her with champagne.

Tests in a dream

On Sunday morning I had a dream...

Of the two parts... I only remember the second part and it’s incomplete, I’m taking a stool test with someone else. A middle-aged nurse in glasses with two large flasks in her hands with cloudy liquid inside she says everything is fine, better than the second one... I’m lying on my back on the floor and the second nurse puts a heaped basin next to me filled with stinking shit, I’m indignant... A young nurse comes out of the office door, all smeared with excrement, she’s worried because of this she is embarrassed, and the two older ones convince her that everything is fine, nothing to worry about...

Blood test in a dream

I dreamed that I went for a blood test and fluorogram at will I didn’t come to this particular hospital hungry. There were trainees there and a woman who said that the nurse was not in place right now. I don’t remember that they even took this test from me, but later I came for the result and ran and while running I felt unwell.

I went to the right office, but there was no one there yet. There were many instruments on the table and one of them was for sugar analysis, which I turned on (I wanted to check), but as soon as the nurse entered ( elderly woman) turned it off immediately. I walked in with my shoes on and followed because there was a puddle there. My sister noticed this and asked if these were my footprints - the footprints were huge, and my leg was smaller - but it turned out that these were my footprints. Somehow, I continued to climb around the table and accidentally came across a piece of paper with my analysis. It was colored, I think blue or a similar color, and covered with blue and red ink.

The red ink did not promise anything good, since the analysis was not good, and at the top of the page there was a line with an approximate lifespan and there was the number 13. I became scared and I began to calculate how long I would live, but still I did not want to believe it and decided that I needed to go and donate blood to another institution, given that I didn’t donate according to the rules and I didn’t have a finger prick to confirm.

And this piece of paper was covered with handwriting, and there were also my notes - a translation of which English word, which was filled with red and something else, it felt like it was torn out of my notebook.

Three dreams about your stay on the Internet in a dream

The backstory of the first dream begins with the fact that the Notes on Cuffs website disappeared from the Internet. I managed to download the works from the Rambler cache, but recently they disappeared from the caches of search engines. And on the forum of Notes on Cuffs 2 (more precisely, in the “defects” section), questions arose about where they can be found? I also asked myself such questions and what I read on the forum prompted me to find this site. It turned out that there is a colossal archive on the Internet where web pages have been recorded since 1996. And this site has been preserved there. True, not all pages are recorded there, but are done according to some selective principle, but let’s say for the site Notes on Cuffs, the majority have signed up. But I’ve already lost pages on the sites Userline, Rulinet and Romantic Kyiv. Yua. Therefore, I immediately tried to find these pages and it turned out that these sites were even better preserved. Then I spent a long time looking through this archive, following the links inside. I discovered a lot of interesting things for myself.

And after that I had a dream in which I wandered inside this archive for several hours. I find some of my pages, but I can’t find others, I look at versions of the same pages but in different time etc. In general, the whole dream I had in front of my eyes a monitor with pages of this archive. There is also such an interesting thing that if the owner of a domain (site name) creates one of the “robot. Txt” pages on the site and on this page describes a condition that prevents the archive robot from recording pages, then such pages are not in the archive. And on some sites, some pages can be recorded, others cannot, it all depends on how the URL address of this robot is written. And so, inside the dream, I wandered through my old stichirovo pages, which were impossible to find by simply entering the current address, but only the old one, and not from the author’s page, since the robot was placed on the author’s pages, namely, it is necessary to indicate the specific old address of the verse. What’s interesting is that if you write the old address of the stichera verse in a commentary on the stichera, then after the comment is published, the address itself is corrected to the new one.

The background of the second verse is related to the fact that the userline and rulenet sites have not completely disappeared. And if you type the address of any of the works, it will throw you onto the title page of these sites. But from the title pages only lists of thousands of authors are visible, and when you try to access these nicknames, it again throws you on the title page. In the archive itself, most of the pages have been recorded and almost all of the works can be viewed. But in this archive itself, since not all works were recorded, they are also sometimes thrown onto the current title page. And so I was thrown out like this many times and I don’t even know why I paid attention to one author, Yuri Altaitsev. I think it’s already become familiar to me on various sites, even though I haven’t visited its pages. And so I clicked on his name and it turned out that, unlike all other authors, his works were preserved on the current fragment of the site and can be read. And then I typed it into the search engine and... 400,000 sites. I followed these links and everywhere there was some kind of incredible absurdity, or rather not absurdity in the usual sense, but something like a generator of postmodernism, only on topics not related to postmodernism itself. And some sites with free publication and pre-moderation, and author’s sites and social media etc.

And then all night I had a dream that I was wandering through these pages, with the same titles of works, but I did not open the works themselves. And in the dream itself I felt somehow sorry that I was trying, inventing, trying to prove something to the reader. I wrote a lot of absurd and even abstruse things, but I always tried to do it differently and not to duplicate the same works on different sites and to choose different concepts for each site. And here, like this, a person composed something and replicated it across thousands of sites. And I realized that an outside reader would not be able to distinguish this work from mine, and most likely, he would not even notice mine in all this. And one can imagine that not only Yuri Altaitsev does this. In a dream, I went to the stichirovo page of Tatyana Borinevich about whom I once read a comment that at the beginning of her publications she wrote thousands of short laudatory comments and only then they began to read her and she became popular.

After this I pondered for several days about the nature of seterature. My opinion has changed both about setatura and about creativity in general. I had previously seen setatura as one hypertextual work, but now I have finally established myself in this picture. And that there are no worst and best works. And for your equal presence in the network, it is enough to publish some naive poem on one of the sites and you don’t even need any comments or readers. And all these assessments, competitions, geniuses, it’s all ephemeral and nonsense. And if a person thinks that he has written something good, then it is so. He does not need to behave aggressively by replicating on a million sites.

The third dream is related to the fact that in the process of all these thoughts I was re-reading my old comments and comments to me. And the bulk of my publications occurred in 2001-2004. And in a dream I dreamed of a certain village, which in reality I had never been to. And the people inhabiting this village are writers with whom I communicated in the network. But in reality, I only know three of them. From the dream, I only remembered a fragment associated with Akhtaeva, who writes not at all absurd works, but with whom I communicated in stichera from the very beginning until now, albeit with long interruptions. In real life, I did not communicate with Akhtaeva. And then someone in a dream points a finger at her and says: “Well, Akhtaeva is a real graphomaniac, she hasn’t invented anything special in literature.” And I answer: “And you don’t need to invent anything anymore. If you yourself think that your works are worthy and interesting at least to yourself, then it is so, regardless of whether it looks like high poetry, naive rhymes, absurdity.” or zaum. I respect Akhtaeva."

Two dreams in a dream

I had a dream on the night of Wednesday to Thursday - June 3, 2010 in the morning (or even early morning). The dream consists of 2 episodes:

1) While walking with friends, I accidentally meet my current boyfriend (on this moment, our relationship is in the process of completion), then exchanged a few phrases with him and parted ways, while I kind of understand that we won’t meet again, but I don’t feel any particular grief or disappointment.

2) Then the next episode is in the company of classmates (whom I haven’t seen for more than a year), among my classmates there is a guy with whom we were very friendly at school, and I really liked him, but I knew for sure that I wasn’t his type. This same guy, without any words, begins to show me signs of attention, hugs me, starts kissing me, I don’t understand what’s happening, but I didn’t resist) This is where the dream ended, I woke up with a feeling of complete happiness, although what’s strange is that this guy and I live in different countries and we don’t maintain any relationship, we haven’t seen each other for 4-5 years, and I definitely haven’t remembered him for the last six months.

I really hope for your help in interpreting such a dream) I would be very grateful!

Two parallel dreams in a dream

My first dream:

My neighbor Mikhail and I are walking along the corridor of our dorm and approaching our room. My teacher is standing near the room; when we approached, she entered the room with us. The room was ours, but it was strangely clean and tidy, not a speck of dust or speck anywhere. And what else caught my eye - she was all in green - green bed, carpets, curtains. She lay down on my bed and told me to feel like this for the third time (as I understood - as a student), and the dream stopped there.

At the same time, I and my classmate Mikhail had a dream, the dream was unclear but the main meaning was this:

He comes into our room and asks me:

Did she come?

Yes, I answered. - I took the potatoes and left.

He doesn't remember any names or faces.

Please, if anyone can interpret our dreams and is there any connection with today’s passing of the tail exam. The wrong teacher came in who was supposed to be with us today!

Not everything is clear with the meaning of a dream in a dream

I dream that I receive a message from a friend in which he invites me to meet him. He writes that his grandmother is sick (in context: that she is living last days; at the same time, I clearly imagine her image: a friendly old lady in white clothes) and therefore he wants me to come to him (it’s not clear further: it seems to be his home, but in the end the meeting place is a cinema).

I'm going to a meeting. I'm happy. I get dressed (everything that I would never wear in real life): military-type boots (clean and neat, I liked them), loose-fitting jeans and a quilted jacket. I'm thinking about the jacket. Why am I dressing her, she doesn’t look like me at all.

I came to the cinema and started buying tickets. While I’m buying, I’m thinking why I’m buying them, what if my friend has already bought them. But the cashier hands me tickets and a nice coin on top of them. I don't remember if I took it all. I think I took it.

And then I was overcome with excitement. That outfit is inappropriate for such an establishment (shameful). I have doubts about whether I even came to the right cinema. I tried to find that message, but couldn't. And I never met my friend.

Here. At the beginning it is still a little clear, but the closer to the end, the more confused I become in the interpretation. Help me please.

Bad tests in a dream

Happy New Year! Unfortunately, I have to meet him with the heaviest burden of unresolved life problems... In the morning I dreamed that I received some tests in my hands, and a young guy (for some reason his name was Danya) brought them to me, after my persistent attempts to find out them and a number of calls that contributed to this.. In They said that I have oncology...... I am extremely worried... Moreover, today I have prophetic dreams... Is this a death sentence?

Most effective method– three-phase dream analysis.

This technique includes three phases.

1. Search for associations.

2. Interpretation.

3. Ritual (using sleep to solve life problems).

Phase one. Search for associations

Write down all the images of your dream in a column. These include any items and objects, characters, natural phenomena.

Ask a question for each image: “How does this image make me feel? What associations? Your association is any word, thought, picture, feeling or memory.

Write two to six associations next to each word.

You should not create chains of associations; each association should depart directly from the dream image. For example, you have one association, then in connection with it the next one is born, which, in turn, gives rise to a third one, and so on. This takes us further and further away from the original theme of the dream. Associations should not be in the form of a chain, but in the form of rays extending from one center.

Next, from the entire variety of associations, one should select those that will lead to correct interpretation. There is a selection method that famous explorer Carl Gustav Jung called consciousness the “click method.” As you contemplate your associations, the most important one may generate a stronger energetic interaction with the structures of the psyche. At this moment, in the depths of my soul a feeling is born: “It coincided!” This is how intuition connects. The correct association will “click.” It is difficult to describe in words, but is easily mastered with practice. For some people, contact with the correct association is reminiscent of touching low voltage wires.

Using the "click method" select only one for each image association.

When associations are found, find the relationship between them. Create a mental or written short story, where the following questions should be answered:

“What part of me do these dream images represent?”

“Where in my life do they or my relationship with them show up?”

“How do the characters’ conflicts reflect my internal conflicts?”

“In what situation in my life do the selected associations appear simultaneously?”

Remember that dream images do not speak in direct text, but most often symbolically. That is, if you dreamed of grass, then you should not consider grass in reality to be the cause of your difficulties. Grass in a dream is a symbol of life. Having remembered what your relationship with grass is in a dream and what the relationship with grass is for other dream characters, think about what your relationship is with life.

The main thing is that dreams mainly tell not about external events, but about internal conflicts personality, even if images of external life are used. So, your friend’s actions in a dream do not at all reflect his real actions. Most likely, the dream shows you some of his qualities that you have and that you should pay attention to.

Always pay attention to the color of your hair, eyes, and clothes.

Scenes from the past, relationships with friends and relatives are also important.

If possible, look for relationships between the following dream elements:



natural environment;


natural phenomena;

sensations of the sense organs;

When recording a dream for analysis, it is advisable to note the smallest details that at first glance are not related to the main plot of the dream. They usually contain clues. Very often, the main plot contains a problem, and small details contain clues to its solution. And you should always pay attention to the emotions and feelings accompanying the dream. This is the main thing.

Consider the situation in the family, at work, in your personal life, what happened before, What after what worries you, what events you are under the impression of.

There are also prophetic dreams. “You should not consider the possibility of the literal realization of dreamed circumstances in reality as the only meaning of the dream. However, it is no less superficial (and sometimes dangerous) to neglect the possibility that a dream can only mean a literal warning about the development of events in external reality” (R. Moss). Prophetic dreams- a common occurrence. The only problem is that it is impossible to evaluate a dream as prophetic until the moment it materializes in reality. Therefore, searching for associations is still important.

Second phase. Interpretation

During the interpretation process, you put all the analyzed parts of the dream into a single picture. The third phase answers questions of this type: “What is the main, most important message that the dream is trying to convey to me? What does he advise me to do? What's it like general meaning sleep in my life? Sometimes you have to choose from several possible interpretations. Scroll through each of them mentally. Take the side of one, think through its consequences, then side with the other. Additional qualities and new understanding will be revealed. A correctly done analysis brings a feeling of inner relief.

Four principles of interpretation

1. Choose an interpretation that shows something you did not know or understand before. After all, the meaning of a dream is to give you information that you were not aware of.

2. Avoid self-soothing interpretations. Dreams that confirm what you think about yourself do not affect your psychological development. We must not allow it to happen, as in the expression: “Our eyes cease to see not where it is impossible to discern, but where our honesty ceases.”

3. Your dreams do not show what others should do, they show how you should change yourself and your behavior.

4. Take your time to interpret all dreams. If something doesn’t work out, put off the interpretation for a while. It also happens that some dreams are not deciphered at all. Moreover, no analysis can be considered final, since any dream elements we understand are only an illuminated part of the overall landscape hidden in the darkness.

Creating a Dream Motto

At the end of the interpretation phase, come up with a dream motto. The purpose of this action is to determine the essence of the message in one phrase. This short meaning messages. The motto phrase should not contain more than five words.

Third phase. Rituals

Once we have analyzed the dream intellectually, it is time for action. Now we need to use the message of the dream in the material world, that is why it was sent to us. Ritual unites spirit and matter.

Based on the conclusions drawn, it is necessary to take an action, even the most minimal one.

And here it is not at all necessary to perform a rational action; it can also be a symbolic action, that is, a ritual. A person could receive a message in a dream in the form of a candle, insects or natural phenomena. In this case, you can light a candle, for example, go out into the forest, give a gift to a butterfly, or entrust the solution to your problem to the wind or thunderstorm. If you dream about a dog, you can feed the dog in reality. The correct ritual will be suggested to you by the dream itself and your analysis.



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