The glandular polyp of the endometrium of a functional type is a proliferative variant. Types of endometrial polyp

This is one of the pathologies of the female reproductive system. A polyp is a benign neoplasm in the uterine cavity. The disease is typical for women of reproductive age. It is often asymptomatic, so patients are sometimes unaware of their diagnosis. Without treatment, a polyp can become malignant and cause infertility.

What is a glandular endometrial polyp

The uterus is an unpaired hollow smooth muscle organ that is designed to bear a fetus. It is located in the middle part of the pelvic cavity. The uterus consists of serous (outer), muscular (middle) and inner layers. The latter is called the endometrium. It is made up of two layers:

  • Integumentary epithelium (inner basal layer). It is dense in structure, has a minimal response to hormonal influences. The integumentary epithelium serves as the basis for the overlying functional layer.
  • Stroma. This is a functional basis with glands that produce a secret with an alkaline reaction. Its amount depends on the phase of the cycle. Stroma has the ability to reject and restore. It reacts vividly to cyclic hormonal fluctuations. The thickness of the stroma becomes maximum on the eve of the next menstruation.

During the period of menstrual bleeding, only the integumentary epithelium is separated. The stroma always remains, since it is a source of mucosal restoration in the first half of the cycle. On them, a polyp can form - a nodular neoplasm. The outgrowth appears as a result of a hyperplastic process in the endometrium, in which it increases intensively, but cannot go beyond certain boundaries. As a result, the mucous membrane grows in height. Such delimited endometrial hyperplasia is a polyp.

The neoplasm has a leg and body pierced by the smallest blood vessels. The size of the growth can be from a couple of millimeters to 4-5 cm. Since the growth is formed during the growth of endometrial tissues, it has a structure similar to it. The tumor may consist of cells from one part of the inner layer of the uterus. With this in mind, polyps are classified into several histological types:

  • glandular;
  • fibrotic;
  • glandular-fibrous.

The glandular polyp consists mainly of glands and a small number of stromal cells. This type of endometrial hyperplasia is typical for women of childbearing age. Depending on the localization, polyps are:

  1. Basal. They are located in the inner layer of the endometrium, are called true, because they consist of specifically convoluted basal glands. Takni such neoplasms do not respond to the action of sex hormones. Also, the glandular polyp of the endometrium of the basal type, in contrast to the functional one, does not change its structure.
  2. Functional. Such polyps are also called pseudopolyps because they affect only the stroma of the endometrium. If the mucous membrane is not completely separated during menstruation, then a growth may appear on the remaining area. The glandular endometrial polyp of the functional type can change during the menstrual cycle. Its cells respond to the action of sex hormones, as do the surrounding tissues. The functional polyp is further divided into several histological types:
  • proliferative (inflammation and enlargement of endometrial tissues due to active division of its cells);
  • hyperplastic (formed from epithelial cells);
  • secretory (increases due to the production of secretory fluid).


A functional glandular polyp in the uterus occurs against the background of local or general hormonal disorders. The pathology is called local estrogenia. With it, there is an excessive influence of estrogens against the background of a deficiency of progesterone. Reasons for this deviation:

  • hypertension;
  • stress;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • obesity;
  • estrogen treatment;
  • violations in the processes of tissue reception;
  • inflammation or injury of the uterine mucosa;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes.

The basal type can occur against the background of a normally functioning endometrium in women who do not have any endocrine pathologies and metabolic disorders. A true polyp is formed exclusively at the last stage of the inflammatory reaction. The reason why the process of cell division, which is necessary to replace the destroyed tissues, is getting out of control, is still not called by doctors. Specialists identify only risk factors for the development of such tumor processes:

  • abortion;
  • scraping without visual control;
  • prolonged use or incorrect installation of the intrauterine device;
  • autoimmune, allergic diseases;
  • decreased immunity;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • taking scrapings from the uterine mucosa without proper accuracy and sterility;
  • miscarriages;
  • labor activity with complications;
  • abortion;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.


About 10% of women are not even aware that they have such neoplasms. The reason is that polyps can be small. If they become large, they begin to cause discomfort to the woman. In this case, the following signs of an endometrial polyp appear:

  • pain during menstruation;
  • spotting from the genitals during the intermenstrual period;
  • a slight delay in menstruation followed by heavy bleeding;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • bleeding during menopause;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • spotting spotting after intimacy.


If even a few of these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. A gynecologist can detect a neoplasm during an examination if the growths are located in the cervix. During a study on a chair with the help of mirrors, a specialist is able to identify characteristic pink formations - these are polyps. Other methods are used to confirm the diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs. The procedure reveals the expansion of the uterine cavity and allows you to see the clear contours of polypous formations.
  • Hysteroscopy. It consists in introducing a special optical device into the uterus, with the help of which it is possible to assess the general condition of the organ, detect damage to the mucous membrane, and even remove polyps. The procedure is performed under anesthesia.
  • Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy. Necessary for accurate diagnosis and determination of the type of polyp.
  • Blood test for sex hormones. The level of testosterone, progesterone, estradiol and prolactin is being studied.
  • Histological examination of polyp tissues. Used to confirm their benign nature.

Treatment of glandular endometrial polyp

The disease is treated exclusively by surgery. Hormone therapy is indicated only for women who are still planning to become a mother in the future. An important condition is that changes should not be diagnosed in the biopsy. In addition, hormone treatment is not recommended after 40 years, since the risk of developing oncology is high. Surgical treatment is carried out in one of two ways. The first is hysteroscopy. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes about half an hour. Operation progress:

  1. With the help of vaginal expanders "mirrors" the surgeon exposes the cervix, disinfects it.
  2. Next, the cervical canal is stretched due to Hegar's dilators.
  3. Then endoscopic equipment is inserted into the uterus.
  4. By means of mechanical instruments, electrosurgical nozzles or a laser, the neoplasm is excised.

Another method for removing polyps is laparoscopy. This minimally invasive operation is performed through pinpoint punctures, which reduces trauma to other organs and tissues. The place of attachment of the growth is scraped out if fragments of the endometrial glandular polyp are removed from the uterine mucosa. At the end of the procedure, the wound is treated with liquid nitrogen or electric current. Hormone treatment is carried out after surgery to restore normal hormonal levels.

Therapy after removal

If the cause of the formation was hormonal disorders, then after the operation, hormones are prescribed to prevent recurrence of the pathology. Doctors are still arguing about their use. Some experts believe that if a woman does not have other gynecological diseases, then she does not need hormone therapy. Such a patient is recommended a healthy lifestyle, sexual rest for 2 weeks and dynamic observation by a gynecologist with an ultrasound scan every six months.

Other doctors still insist on hormone therapy. Its duration can be 3-6 months. Drugs used for treatment:

  • estrogen-gestagenic - Yarina, Janine, Diane-35;
  • based on the gestagen - the so-called mini-pills, including Micronor, Levonorgestrel, Lactinet, Charosetta;
  • monophasic combined oral contraceptives - Rigevidon, Logest, Mercilon, Novinet.


All polyps are subject to mandatory surgical removal, as they can cause a number of complications. The most dangerous is the malignancy of the glandular tissue of the growths, which occurs in 3% of cases. Other possible consequences:

  • infertility;
  • regular uterine bleeding;
  • infection or necrosis of the polyp;
  • secondary anemia;
  • pathological blood loss;
  • bleeding, placental abruption, fetal hypoxia or miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • adenomatous transformation.


There are no specific preventive measures. A woman can reduce the risk of their occurrence if she follows a number of simple rules:

  • annually undergo a gynecological examination;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • timely treat gynecological pathologies;
  • use contraceptive methods;
  • avoid abortions, sexually transmitted infections.


A polyp is a proliferation of epithelial cells from the mucous membrane of an organ. In most cases, it is a benign formation that rises above the surface of the mucosa.

A characteristic feature of polyps is the appearance of these formations: they can be attached to the mucous membrane of the organ with a wide base or are mushroom-shaped. Sizes vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. They often reach gigantic proportions.

A glandular polyp (adenomatous polyp, adenoma) is a pathological formation of glandular cells with inclusions of atypical elements. It is a formation that can degenerate into malignant under certain circumstances.

Glandular polyp - signs

The glandular polyp, the signs of which, first of all, are the morphological structure, shape and size, has:



Branched form.

It consists of a network of branching glands and is most often located on the mucous membrane:



The size of the tumor is an important factor, since malignancy (malignant degeneration) directly depends on the size of the polyp. Malignancy can occur in the following cases:

If the size of the polyp is 1.5 cm - in 2% of cases or less;

With a diameter of 1.5 - 2.0 cm - in 2 - 10%;

More than 2.5 - 3.0 cm - malignancy in more than 10%.

It is believed that the type of polyp also plays a role in further rebirth: education on a broad base often becomes malignant.

The glandular polyp, the signs of which are also multiplicity and prevalence, is divided into polyposis:


Multiple (group and scattered adenomas);

Diffuse (family).

The number of growths formed, as well as the size, have a prognostic value:

Malignancy of single formations occurs in 1 - 4% of cases;

Multiple are malignant in 20% of cases;

Diffuse polyposis can occupy the entire surface of the organ, leaving no unaffected areas, their malignancy occurs in 80% - 100%.

Glandular polyp - causes

The glandular polyp in is an acquired pathology. The risk of developing this formation in a person increases with age.

Glandular polyp, the causes of which are:

genetic predisposition;

Hormonal disorders;

Endocrine diseases;

Long-term traumatization of the mucous membrane of a certain organ,

nevertheless, in more than 50% of all cases, close relatives have it: the presence of chromosomal aberrations in many cases of this pathology has been studied and proven. These are violations in the structure of some chromosomes that make up the genes responsible for the development of polyps.

The localization of a polyp in a particular organ is explained by a number of factors and reasons that contribute to its occurrence in this particular place.

Glandular polyp - its causes in the organs of the digestive system

Polyps of the gastrointestinal tract are found most often in the stomach and intestines (in the rectum and colon). In addition to heredity, the development of adenoma in the stomach can be triggered by long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Risk factors for the formation of polyps in the digestive organs include:

Stagnation of intestinal contents due to the consumption of large amounts of fats and proteins, leading to a decrease in peristalsis and an increase in the processes of putrefaction and fermentation, and, accordingly, to the development of intoxication;

Violation of the balance of microflora, causing a violation of local immunity and a sharp decrease in the differentiation and regeneration of epithelial cells of the digestive organs;

The presence of chronic diseases and impaired production of bile acids, which can cause mutations in the cells of the mucosa.

Causes of a uterine polyp

The glandular polyp of the endometrium can be caused by the following reasons:

Inflammatory process during the formation of the body, which subsequently caused a violation of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function;

Hormonal dysfunction during menopause;

Chronic mucosal injury due to long-term use of the intrauterine device;

Operation (curettage or probing of the uterine cavity);


In addition to the above specific risk factors, there are more general ones:

Hypovitaminosis C and E;

Reduced immunity;

Concomitant diseases of the intestines (Crohn's disease, colitis), uterus (inflammatory nature - fibroids, endometriosis, as well as cervical erosion), sexually transmitted infections;

Diseases of the endocrine system (pathology of the thyroid gland with impaired hormone production and diabetes mellitus);

Excess weight;

Frequent stress.

Glandular polyp - the first symptoms

It is believed that with a glandular polyp, the first symptoms develop 5 to 6 years after the appearance of the formation. Until this time, polyps, if present, do not manifest themselves clinically. They can become an accidental finding during the examination, or they are almost asymptomatic.

With a glandular polyp, the first symptoms occur when the size of the adenoma reaches more than 2.0 cm. The typical location of the glandular polyp in the digestive tract is the stomach, colon and rectum (part of the intestine).

Gastric adenoma is formed in the fundic cavity, does not cause any subjective sensations and is, at best, a finding on EFGDS.

In the large intestine, a glandular tumor looks like a mushroom on a long stalk. It is malignant in 1% of cases, but over time it becomes overgrown with villi, mutates, and the ability to degenerate into a malignant formation increases significantly.

With its localization in the digestive organs, upon reaching large sizes, the following may occur:

Pain in the stomach or in the anus;

Gastrointestinal bleeding (black stools or vomiting of coffee grounds; there may be scarlet blood or mucus during bowel movements);

Stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea);

Frequent, sometimes painful urge to defecate;

Anal itching.

When a polyp reaches a huge size, intestinal obstruction occurs, when they become inflamed, paraproctitis develops in the rectum, often cracks.

If a polyp develops in the endometrium, it is asymptomatic for a long time. Only when the huge size of the glandular polyp is reached, the first symptoms can be:

Aching pain in the abdomen with irradiation to the perineum or lower back;

Unpleasant or painful sexual intercourse;


Menstrual disorders (irregularity, heavy or scanty bleeding, ongoing discharge between cycles, etc.);


Often there is a germination of the polyp from the cervix into the vagina.

Of the complications, in addition to the germination of the polyp, often occur:



With a polyp of the uterus - infertility;


Glandular polyp - treatment

When a glandular polyp is detected, conservative treatment is ineffective. Radical surgery is needed.

In the presence of a polyp of the digestive organs, the following methods are used:

Polypectomy by endoscopic method in the stomach with further coagulation of the bed of the removed polyp;

Transanal removal in the presence of a glandular polyp in the rectum;

In difficult cases - colonotomy or resection of part of the intestine with a polyp.

If a glandular polyp is found in the uterus, the treatment consists of:

The use of hormonal drugs;

Removal of polyps by endoscopic method;

Resection of the ovaries in the detection of hormone-dependent pathology;

Extirpation of the uterus with appendages with menopause or with a massive widespread process.

Prognosis after treatment of glandular polyp

In 30 - 50% of cases in the range from 1.5 to 6 months after successful treatment, relapses occur. In this case, malignancy of the adenoma often occurs after its recurrence. Therefore, without fail, the first examination should occur after 1.5 - 2 months, subsequently - every 3 - 6 months during the first. In the future, you need to visit a doctor twice a year.

Glandular polyp - prevention

There is no specific prevention. Self-medication is unacceptable.

With a glandular polyp, general prevention consists of annual medical examinations and immediate contact with a specialist at the slightest symptom that causes anxiety. Preventive examinations play a decisive role in the prevention of the disease and will help to avoid serious complications and consequences.

It is necessary to strive for a healthy lifestyle, eat right, treat chronic diseases in a timely manner, prevent abortions - use contraceptives.

Article plan

The glandular polyp of the endometrium is a benign formation in the uterus. It is typical for it to manifest itself during the reproductive period (when the body is ready for gestation and childbearing), but can occur in women of any age. Since the course of the disease passes with virtually no symptoms, patients for a long time are not even aware of its progression. What is the danger of a polyp in the uterus, and how to treat it can be explained by a qualified doctor during diagnostic procedures. Lack of timely treatment can lead to infertility or the acquisition of a malignant tumor.

What it is

Polyps of the mucous membrane of the uterus are called the formation of a nodular type. They often occur in young women. During menstruation in the female body, rejection of the uterine epithelium, located below the functional layer, occurs. We are talking about the basal layer of tissues, from which hyperplastic foci begin to form. Neoplasms are not hormonally active and do not respond to the effects of progesterone. Their differences become noticeable in the second phase of the cycle. It is this type of polyp that can change and be the cause of the disease.

Education remains small in size. They have a body and a leg along which blood vessels function. If the leg was not completely removed during surgery, the risk of recurrence of the disease increases. If the endometrial glandular polyp is not treated in a timely manner, then the glands located near the formations themselves begin to change their appearance and structure, thereby provoking their transformation into a malignant form.

If neoplasms arise from the cells of the functional layer of the uterus, then by histological type they can be classified as:

  • proliferative variant;
  • secretory option;
  • hyperplastic variant.

In the case of the diagnosis of glandular hyperplasia, neoplasms can change, provoking the formation (an increase in endometrial tissue due to ongoing cell division). It is possible to carry out the correct classification of glandular polyps only after receiving the results of histological studies. If the state of the uterine tissue according to the results obtained corresponds to the proliferative or secretory period of the menstrual cycle, we are talking about neoplasms that respond to the effects of the ovaries.

The risk of adenomatous transformation of neoplasms applies to absolutely all types.

The polyps themselves differ in the place of formation in the uterus.

functional type

The endometrium is built from two layers: basal (growth) and outer (functional). The functional layer is torn away from the basal layer in the absence of fertilization (during menstruation). If the process of rejection did not occur completely, then neoplasms are formed on the remaining functional layer based on the existing glandular and supporting (stromal) cells. This is the glandular polyp of the endometrium of the functional type. A benign tumor undergoes the same changes as the entire uterine mucosa.

The disease often occurs without any symptoms if the polyps themselves are small in size, and can only be detected during a gynecological examination, for example, as part of a general medical examination. In order to prevent the possible development of the disease and the transformation of tumors into malignant formations, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist every six months.

Basal type

The glandular polyp of the endometrium of the basal type is a neoplasm that manifests itself from the cells of the basal layer. They may have a glandular or glandular-cystic structure, some of which are characterized by an increased risk of adenomatous transformation (transformation into a malignant type). For polyps located on the fallopian tube closer to the uterine cavity itself, the use of epithelial and endometrial cells is typical.


Glandular polyps of the endometrium can be diagnosed in women from different age categories, regardless of sexual activity, the period of pregnancy and the number of births. At the same time, patients aged 30-35 years are included in the high-risk group. Polyps of this type have characteristic causes of formation, among which it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Disturbances in the hormonal balance in the body, provoked by an increased influence of estrogens or an insufficient amount of progesterone.
  2. Changes in the endometrium of the uterus, provoked by infectious lesions.
  3. Violations in the process of tissue reception, due to reduced functionality of the endocrine (thyroid) and immune systems. The risk group includes women with diabetes mellitus, disorders in the metabolism of sex hormones, and a high degree of obesity.
  4. Carrying out gynecological manipulations that injure the uterus, for example, abortion, miscarriages, labor with complications, or taking scrapings for research without proper accuracy and sterility. Alternatively, the cause of polyps may be the long-term use of intrauterine devices.
  5. Inflammatory processes of various types.


The glandular polyp of the endometrium is accompanied by a number of symptoms, upon detection of which it is necessary to consult a doctor. It's about:

  • about bleeding from the vagina that is not related to the menstrual cycle;
  • about painful sensations during sexual intercourse and the appearance of spotting spotting after them;
  • about the irregularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • about bleeding during menopause.

It is worth noting that the listed symptoms are characteristic of the presence of enlarged glandular polyps. Only a doctor can tell about small neoplasms after a gynecological examination for prevention purposes.

How is it diagnosed

With the appearance of the first symptoms, a consultation with a gynecologist should be carried out as early as possible. It is possible to detect a glandular polyp in the uterus already during examination, if the neoplasms are located in the cervical region. When examining conducted on an armchair with the additional use of mirrors, one can consider a pharynx, the surface of which is filled with characteristic pink formations.

The presence of neoplasms inside the uterine cavity may be indicated by the result of an ultrasound examination. If after the first two examinations there are suspicions of diseases, the doctor approaches the diagnosis more seriously in order to correctly determine the type and nature of the existing neoplasms, and then prescribe the correct treatment. In order to accurately diagnose the patient's condition, the following can be performed:

  1. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the small pelvis, in which the expansion of the uterine cavity is noted and the contours of the polyps are clearly distinguished.
  2. Blood test for hormone levels: progesterone, testosterone, prolactin and estradiol.
  3. Diagnostic hysteroscopy, during which a special optical device is introduced to the patient. With its help, you can visually assess the general condition of the uterus for the presence of any damage in it and the nature of the detected polyps, as well as remove them. The patient is under anesthesia during the examination.
  4. Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy.
  5. Histological examination of removed polyps, which allows you to determine their structure and type, thereby confirming or refuting the diagnosis.

The last two types of studies are characterized by the use of special surgical instruments, with the help of which polyps are evaluated visually and also removed. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor only after receiving all the results of the studies.

How is it treated

The process of treating endometrial diseases of this type consists of two main stages:

  1. Removal of neoplasms.
  2. Carrying out hormonal therapy.

The process of removing the glandular polyp of the endometrium in the uterus is carried out by hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. This is a minimally invasive type of surgical intervention (through point punctures or natural physiological openings of the body). Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the removal of neoplasms occurs with minimal trauma to other organs and tissues. After removal of the glandular polyp in this way, further treatment and recovery of the body is much more efficient and faster.

If the body and leg of the polyp are removed from the uterine mucosa, then the place of its attachment must be scraped out in order to prevent possible relapses. After removal, the place itself must be treated with liquid nitrogen or electric current. Hysteroscopy with a glandular endometrial polyp requires the appointment of general anesthesia. The operation itself, as a rule, lasts no longer than 30 minutes, but it is necessary to stop eating 6 to 8 hours before it starts.

Since after the operation, bleeding is allowed during the first week, it is extremely important for the patient to remain under the supervision of a doctor. This will check the effectiveness of polypectomy (removal of the polyp) and prevent the possibility of recurrence. The polyp itself must be sent for a thorough histological examination.

Glandular endometrial polyp- This is a pathology that is very popular among women at any age. In fact, this is a nodular tumor formation that appears on the mucous membrane, which spreads throughout the uterus.

In total, medicine distinguishes 3 types:

  • glandular;
  • fibrotic;

This article is devoted specifically to glandular pathologies and measures to be taken if an unwanted diagnosis has nevertheless been made.

Scientists have not yet determined the exact reason why a glandular endometrial polyp appears, however, a number of patterns have been identified, as a result of which polyps appear:

  • diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and thyroid disorders;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • surgical operations on the uterus and its cavity;
  • weak immunity;
  • constant stress and depression;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs and their inflammation.

How to make a diagnosis?

The glandular polyp of the endometrium can be diagnosed with rather specific examinations, since it is impossible to detect it during a routine examination only if it has not gone beyond the uterus.

As a rule, a set of instrumental measures is used to detect pathologies:

  1. ultrasound. This type of diagnosis can be called simple and affordable. Thanks to him, you can see round pathologies in the uterine cavity, increased echogenicity. The glandular will follow the contours of the uterus, may be similar in density to the echo signal and be leaf-shaped. Using ultrasound, it is possible to establish with certainty up to 98% the presence or absence of polyps in the body.
  2. Analysis of the uterine cavity (aspirate) . Used to determine the presence of malignant formations.
  3. . With a 90% probability, it helps to establish the presence of a polyp. The method is based on the introduction of a tube with a camera into the uterus, which makes it possible to determine the size and shape of the formation.
  4. Diagnostic curettage (separate) . Allows you to clearly define the morphological diagnosis. Based on this procedure, a conclusion about the type of education will be made.

Symptoms of a glandular polyp

As a rule, a woman with a newly formed polyp does not experience any of its manifestations, however, sometimes she may experience mild pain, especially during sex, and after that spotting will begin.

Serious pain begins already in the presence of a large polyp more than 2 centimeters in diameter, and is cramping in nature.

Such pathologies are the causes of infertility and develop into malignant tumors, and often. If this happens, the removal of the uterus cannot be avoided, which means that the woman will not be able to have children in the future and will receive a number of complications in the form of health problems.

Treatment of pathology

The only true and reliable way to get rid of the pathology is to remove it.

The glandular is removed under general anesthesia, less often under local anesthesia. The doctor expands the uterine cavity with the help of special tools, and then scrapes the pathology from the wall. After that, the affected area is cauterized with liquid nitrogen (cryolysis) so that the pathology does not recur in the future.

As a rule, the recovery of the body is painless, however, bloody discharge can sometimes be observed. At this time, it is necessary to completely exclude sex and take a course of antibiotics, otherwise there is a risk of relapse and aggravation of the health of the uterus.

In addition, women are prescribed a six-month course of hormonal treatment, which is selected by the doctor on an individual basis. After it, you need to contact the gynecologist again for an examination to make sure that there is no recurrence of the disease, relapse and the appearance of other inflammatory processes in the uterus.

If a woman has a glandular-cystic endometrial polyp, then first she needs to undergo a course of hormonal treatment, normalize the hormonal background, and then resort to surgery to remove the pathology. However, all these measures should be carried out only on the prescription of the attending physician and nothing else - no self-treatment!

Complications in the occurrence of a glandular polyp

The main complications after removal of the formation are considered to be heavy bleeding outside the monthly cycle. They lead not only to blood loss, but also to complications in sexual life.

Since glandular polyps appear in women of reproductive age, such complications will make it difficult to conceive a child. Pathology will prevent the fertilization of the ovary, so pregnancy will not occur.

A disease that occurs already during pregnancy is considered especially dangerous - this is accompanied by a number of high risks and unpleasant complications.

It can cause placental abruption, as a result of which there is a high risk of losing a child by miscarriage. If in such a situation the placenta is located in the area where the polyps occur, fetoplacental insufficiency and hypoxia of the child may appear.

Disease prevention

Of course, women would prefer not to encounter polyps at all, since their treatment does not deliver any pleasure. In order to reduce the risk of polyps in the uterus, you need to carefully monitor your health:

  • always get rid of inflammatory infections on time;
  • regularly visit a gynecologist for prevention;
  • avoid uterine trauma;
  • rule out abortion.

If you have any suspicious signs, run to the doctor. You should never try to get rid of the symptoms on your own. There is a risk of misdiagnosis, you will be treated for a completely different disease, which will only aggravate your situation and health.

Detection of a polyp at an early stage, timely diagnosis and professional medical care will help you avoid complications, as well as removal of the uterus and its appendages. No woman wants such an outcome, so do not start diseases by waving your hand at mild symptoms.

Treatment after removal of the polyp should be based on the doctor's professional advice, his conclusions made after diagnosing the patient's health condition.

Early-stage endometrial polyps are an easily treatable disease, so immediately run to the doctor if you find the slightest symptoms. A uterine polyp can be in the body and asymptomatic, so do not neglect preventive trips to the doctor in any case.

And know: if an adenomatous polyp was found in the uterus, you will be able to give birth to children and be healthy. The main thing is to take all the necessary measures prescribed by the doctor carefully, timely and responsibly!

A glandular endometrial polyp is a growth in the uterine cavity, which in itself does not harm the body. At the initial stage of development, he does not manifest himself in any way and does not bother the woman. But if it is not detected in time and does not get rid of the pathology, then this can lead to various complications.

When the endometrial polyp grows, its presence is manifested by bleeding between menstrual cycles, inability to conceive, pain in the lower abdomen, and even degeneration into cancer.

Such neoplasms are of basal and functional type.

The glandular polyp of the endometrium of the basal type is a nodular formation that grows from the basal layer of the uterine membrane. It does not respond to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, is small in size and is attached to the walls of the uterus with the help of a polyp leg, which is supplied with a network of blood vessels.

Neoplasms of a functional type grow from the functional mucous layer of the uterus and depend on hormonal fluctuations during the month.

Outgrowths from the functional layer divide:

  • to proliferative. The cells of such a formation are prone to inflammation;
  • secretory. Serous exudate collects in the ducts of their glands. Such cavities form a cyst. Mucus is continuously secreted from such polyps;
  • hyperplastic. They appear against the background of endometrial hyperplasia. Outwardly, they are similar in shape to cauliflower.

It is possible to understand which type of polyp affected the inner lining of the uterus only after a histological examination.

Allocate and glandular-cystic growths. The first consist mainly of endometrial glands, and their dense leg is made of fibrous tissue. The second are small in size, the body is made of glands with inclusions of sacs filled with mucus.

Features of symptoms

If a woman notices one or more of the symptoms listed below, she should contact a gynecologist to rule out the possibility of pathology. And if a benign formation is found, it must be removed immediately.

Most often, women who have a glandular polyp are found to complain:

  • on abundant and;
  • pain in the lower abdomen during and after sex;
  • discharge of bloody bloody secretion from the vagina after intercourse;
  • violations of the menstrual cycle, in which there is no menstruation for a long time, then unexpected bleeding opens.

Often the lack of ovulation in women of reproductive age with such a pathology is caused by hormonal imbalance. Pregnancy may occur, but there is no guarantee that it will not terminate spontaneously.

These symptoms are characteristic of overgrown polyps. Small young neoplasms can be detected on ultrasound, after diagnostic curettage, or on examination by a gynecologist, who must be visited for preventive purposes at least once a year.


Glandular polyps of the endometrium are found in women of various age groups, who have given birth and who have not given birth, who live a stable sexual life and have sex from time to time. And yet there are common reasons that encourage the formation of a polyp:

  1. An imbalance of hormones in the body caused by an excess of estrogen or a lack of progesterone.
  2. Deformation of the endometrium due to infection.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Abnormal growth of the mucous layer of the uterus.
  7. Metabolic disease.
  8. Obesity.
  9. Weakened immunity.
  10. Frequent stressful situations.
  11. Injuries of the mucous layer of the uterus as a result of abortions, childbirth with complications, unsuccessfully taken scrapings for analysis.
  12. Inflammation of the uterus.
  13. Long-term use of the intrauterine device as a means of contraception.

Prolonged use of Tamoxifen is often associated with the occurrence of polyps. Quite often, endometrial growths are found in women with impaired function or polycystic ovaries.

During pregnancy

Often, a glandular polyp of the uterus prevents pregnancy. This is because it is difficult for a fertilized egg to implant in the pathological layer of the endometrium. Even if this happens, there is a risk of miscarriage, developmental arrest or premature birth. Therefore, it is very important to undergo an examination before you start planning the conception of an unborn baby, so as not to endanger his life.

It also happens that the appearance and development of a polyp occurs after pregnancy. In this case, if the neoplasm does not grow and does not have a negative effect on the health of the expectant mother and the development of the baby, they try not to touch it, but remove it only after childbirth.

But there are times when you have to get rid of the growth during pregnancy:

  1. The polyp bleeds and contributes to the penetration of the infection to the fetus.
  2. A benign formation is rapidly increasing in size.
  3. The tumor grows in the uterine canal.

The neoplasm is fought with hormonal or antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are used if inflammatory processes are detected.

And only when it is necessary to take drastic measures, an operation is performed to remove the build-up. This occurs in case of severe pain or heavy bleeding.

Most often, a glandular polyp is disposed of by. After the operation, the condition of the woman is monitored in the hospital. She is prescribed medication to stop bleeding and protect against penetration of infections into the affected surface.

Difference from glandular-fibrous type

These types of adenomas are outwardly similar. Their main difference is the predominance of glandular tissue in one and a much smaller amount in the other. But there are a few more distinguishing characteristics:

  1. Glandular polyps are formed mainly in the genitals of women of reproductive age, glandular-fibrous - in more mature and even older women.
  2. The glandular type consists mainly of glands and stromal cells of the mucous tissue of the uterus, while the glandular-fibrous type is dominated by fibrous tissue and there is only a small amount of epithelium.
  3. Glandular polyps continuously secrete mucus due to the large volume of the glands. They respond better to medical treatment and develop more severe symptoms as they grow.
  4. Pathologies of the glandular-fibrous type are more often formed due to chronic infections of the mucous layer of the uterus. After removal of this kind of build-up, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed to exclude re-education.


Modern medicine has a large arsenal for identifying such pathologies:

  1. With the help of ultrasound, you can quickly and painlessly find a neoplasm in the reproductive organs of a woman. Ultrasound will also help determine how well the entire reproductive system works as a whole.
  2. Hysteroscopy of the polyp allows you to carefully examine the inner surface of the uterus using a photo or video camera on the probe. This is a more accurate method of research on pathology than ultrasound.
  3. A blood test reveals the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, taking into account the menstrual cycle, because polyps often appear due to hormonal failure.
  4. Gynecological examination allows you to detect neoplasms located near the cervix.
  5. A histological examination of a remote neoplasm is carried out in order to determine the propensity of the growth to oncology. After that, the doctor prescribes the appropriate postoperative treatment.

Thus, a doctor on ultrasound or a gynecologist during palpation or visual examination detects a formation. And histology helps to determine the nature of the pathology and choose a course of treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.

Therapy depends on the type of adenoma, the age of the woman and the characteristics of her body, such as the presence of chronic diseases. Therefore, in this situation, self-medication is dangerous for health, and in some cases for life.

Treatment of the endometrial polyp

To combat fibrous or glandular formations, two main methods are used:

  1. hormone therapy.
  2. Surgical destruction of tumors.

Treatment with hormones is used in the following cases:

  • the woman has not yet given birth;
  • operations are contraindicated;
  • pregnancy is planned in the near future.

Such therapy can last about six months. Although glandular polyps respond well to hormonal treatment, not in every case it is possible to achieve a healthy endometrium.

The most effective way to deal with neoplasms in the uterus is a polypectomy. As a result of such manipulation, all tumors are removed from the genital organs. To do this, use a laser, or hysteroscopy. And after the procedure, drug therapy is prescribed.


The main goal of treating polyps with pills and injections is to suppress the growth of neoplasms and eliminate the manifestation of accompanying symptoms. For this are used:

  • taking hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • GnRH agonists. They are prescribed for women over 35 and after menopause;
  • progestin agents. For example, Utrozhestan or. They are taken in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Polyps will resolve due to the alignment of hormone balance in the body.

Also, drug therapy is prescribed after the surgical removal of polyps.

Surgical intervention

Polyps are removed through minimally invasive surgery. Most often, hysteroscopy is used for this. Thanks to this method, other organs and tissues are not injured. After the destruction of the glandular outgrowth, the woman is easily restored, and subsequent treatment gives a good result.

Such manipulation takes place under general anesthesia, so the woman does not feel pain or other discomfort. After removing the neoplasm from the surface of the endometrium, together with the leg, the place of its attachment is scraped out with a curette, and then disinfected with liquid nitrogen or current. This is done to avoid complications.

The operation takes no more than half an hour. After that, the removed pathology is sent for histology for research to exclude the presence of cancerous or precancerous cells in it.

Complications in the occurrence of a glandular polyp

As soon as this pathology is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin therapy. Otherwise, the woman is expected:

  1. Abundant and painful bleeding, not associated with menstruation. This leads to anemia, poor health and a significant decrease in immunity.
  2. Discharge of blood, discomfort in the lower abdomen during and after intimacy.
  3. Uterine cancer. This is not a common occurrence, but it is still possible. Therefore, it is very important to send it for histology after the operation to remove the polyp.
  4. cycle irregularity. It is observed as a result of hormonal imbalance associated with the occurrence of glandular formation.

Most women with polypous neoplasms fail to become pregnant. And if, in the presence of such a pathology, conception occurred, then this can threaten infection of the fetus due to bleeding, placental abruption, spontaneous abortion, and premature birth.

Therefore, it is very important to undergo a medical examination when planning a pregnancy in order to exclude any pathologies even before the conception of the baby. And even without planning a child, a gynecologist should be visited for prevention purposes at least once a year. Treatment of a disease captured at an earlier stage of development will bring less hassle and worries.



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