What is a startup company? How to start a similar business. The best startups in Russia and around the world

Ideas for startups: the “freshest” ideas from all over the world - 3 keys to success + TOP 5 ideas from all over the world + 3 startup ideas from Russian developers.

Why startup ideas Are they becoming increasingly popular in the business sphere and bringing owners a lot of capital?

First of all, because they offer completely new, innovative solutions to people’s pressing problems.

Therefore, it is quite logical that in search of inspiration for creating your own startup, you should not rush “deep into history.”

Follow trends, fashion trends, what is actually in demand now.

This article, which brings together the main business trends and forecasts regarding future discoveries in the entrepreneurial “art” market, can help you with this.

What is a startup?

Before talking about startup ideas, it’s worth defining what we mean in general.

Most people have only a general understanding of startups. That’s why some believe that this is the name given to new resources on the Internet, while others believe that this is a business created by young people without experience.

There is some truth in this. However, the concept itself is broader.

Startup is a business idea that is based solely on the use of innovative technologies or the introduction of completely new products.

That is, the composition of the team and the format of the company do not matter (startups often begin to develop without being officially registered).

The main thing is that the team helps solve some problem of humanity by offering something unique.

Also distinctive features of the startup are:

  • limited money to start;
  • starting work from scratch;
  • Most often, startup partners were previously connected by some kind of relationship (worked together, studied together).

And although the world learns about such companies in their first steps, when the market position is not yet strong, only those companies that have already manufactured a product can be called startups.

The development or “raw” project is only the basis for creation, but not the startup itself.

What is the key to success of a startup idea?

If you analyze the ideas behind startups that have been particularly successful, you can identify several common features.

Conventionally, they can be called “secrets of success.”

Factors on which the success of a startup idea depends:

    What exactly do you think about the idea that became a startup?

    Do you think it can bring in a lot of money?

    Or are you really “on fire” and confident that this business will be useful to people and become innovative?

    Only in the second case does the startup really have a chance of success.

    If you don't have a genuine interest, you can quickly burn out.

    Moreover, startups rarely bring immediate profit.

    A lot depends on the team.

    It is obvious that a team of like-minded people working on the same wavelength can do more than one person.

    Don't try to put everything on your shoulders.

    You should not calculate how many people will have to divide the profit, but take care of the perfect quality of every detail.

    Youth is a plus.

    Let this statement sound like discredit.

    But the fact remains: investors are more focused on investing in the young and ambitious.

    Let people with experience do their thing - run large organizations and share their knowledge with others.

For those who no longer consider themselves a “young man”, but are eager, let us clarify: success in business has no age restrictions.

Do you have any doubts? Look at this picture:

TOP 5: global startup ideas

As a rule, startups are concentrated in the field of IT technologies. We decided to create a selection of ideas that were created and brought to life by ordinary people.

This step is designed to inspire you to implement your own ideas, even if you do not have any special education or many years of work experience.

1. An eco-friendly idea: a special shampoo

"Nephentes" looks like an enema or something.

In fact, this startup idea can have a significant impact on the environment.

Few people think about it, but ordinary plastic bottles from "" are a product harmful to the environment. The decomposition period of one bottle can be hundreds of years!

Do you remember how much you use them throughout your life?

According to the idea of ​​this startup, manufacturers produce products in huge containers, pouring the required portions into customers’ “Nephentes” bottles.

It is curious that the design does not even involve the use of a lid! The neck is simply bent and inserted into the compartment.

Another plus: you can finally use 100% of the product, including what usually remains at the bottom.

2. Indian startup idea

If you think that all that India can do is dance and make films, then you will be surprised - quite a few startup ideas have been created in this country.

Interestingly, there is even a kind of analogue of the American Silicon Valley.

In addition, India is really interested in the issue of the huge amount of garbage on the streets. Innovative ideas appear regularly.

For example, an edible spoon is an excellent alternative to plastic utensils. After eating, you can eat it as a dessert or, of course, just throw it away.

Obviously, such “material” as flour decomposes as quickly as possible and is absolutely harmless to nature.

The creators also assure that vegetarians can safely eat the product. And in the future there are even plans to develop a gluten-free version.

3. Idea for junk food lovers

Who among us is not familiar with such a problem: you carefully take chips or something else greasy, and your fingers get so dirty that you have to go wash them.

And you need to be extremely careful not to catch or stain anything!

A startup has appeared in Italy, the idea of ​​which is to create finger pads. They are very thin, but the latex fits tightly around your fingers.

Thanks to this, consumers can safely enjoy the goodies and then simply throw away the “attachments.”

It is assumed that these devices will not be sold on their own, but as a set with chips, nuts or similar food for which they were invented.

4. Startup: “folding” napkins

But the idea of ​​this startup is designed for higher cuisine – that is, for restaurants. It appeared as a reaction to the fact that ordinary napkin holders are already becoming an obsolete item.

But napkins pressed into a small round “puck” are a different matter. To use such a thing, visitors must immerse the “tablet” in an antiseptic solution.

And immediately the fabric unfolds, acquires a pleasant smell, and even becomes a “killing weapon” for harmful microbes on your hands.

Don't immediately assume the increased costs for owners: these towels are not disposable. So the startup idea will not harm your wallet or the environment.

5. Startup idea with social value

Often startups are still called upon to solve global problems, and not just improve the already comfortable lives of consumers.

For example, a special supermarket was created in Denmark – “WeFood”. Its concept is that they sell goods here that cannot be displayed on “decent” shelves.

Incorrect labeling, torn packaging, an approaching expiration date, or even being out of date - all of these are usually reasons for writing off, returning, or even disposing of goods.

Meanwhile, even in Denmark there are many people who have to save on everything.

The supermarket idea not only helped low-income people eat more nutritiously. It also revealed a 25% reduction in the amount of food wasted across the country!

This is such a useful and, oddly enough, profitable startup.

What about Russia: 3 domestic ideas for startups

Although the words “conditions of economic decline” have already become classic words for the reality of Russian entrepreneurship, in the field of startups everything is not so bad.

The “buy and sell” guideline is gradually giving way to an innovative approach.

Original solutions still do not have such strong government support as in other countries.

However, their number is increasing, and investors are ready to invest their funds. This is especially clearly seen in the variety of startup ideas in 2016.

1) A startup you've definitely heard of

Have you seen the original photo processing on Instagram that turns an ordinary frame into an artistic canvas? Most likely, you already know what we are talking about.

For the rest, let’s clarify – the “Prisma” application is a service that allows you to process user photos in an original way.

It will come as a surprise to many that Prizma was developed by Russian programmers. Moreover, its creator is a former employee of the well-known mail.ru.

The peculiarity of the program is that it does not simply impose some filters on top of the card.

Thanks to the use of neural network algorithms (which you may also have heard a lot about), Prizma analyzes the frame and then creates it from scratch. But already in the form of a painting.

The fact that almost everyone now knows about this application is already an indicator of success. It remains to be added that the Facebook administration banned the use of the program on its network only because it considered it competitive.

2) Idea for a startup on cards

It is believed that various savings and discount cards are gradually becoming a thing of the past. At a minimum, because no one wants to carry dozens of options with them without knowing which one they need.

The developers of the startup “Cardberry” came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a device that can accommodate all kinds of cards.

We won't go into technical details. The bottom line is that any user cards are, as it were, entered into the memory of this electronic device.

Every time a person needs a certain card, he goes into a special application and selects it.

“Cardberry” adapts to your choice and becomes a full-fledged replacement for the required card.

For your attention, we offer a cool video

about the 10 most successful startups in the world:

3) Startup idea for a comfortable life

You may not be familiar with the SVET company yet, but you have every chance to hear about them.

As the name suggests, the team offers lighting equipment. What makes this startup idea innovative?

What is a startup: definition of the concept + 6 differences from business + 6 stages of development + 5 options for where to get money + tips for its implementation.

Recently, unusual and new words have entered our vocabulary. But, unfortunately, they are not always used appropriately, and often many people do not give them the meaning that was originally intended.
Therefore, today we will look at what a startup is?
Agree that many equate it with a new business idea or the beginning of its implementation, and thereby try to apply a newfangled term.

But it has a completely different message. Which? Read our article.

What is a startup really?

This term was widespread back in the last century. Then, in the 30s, innovative technologies began to develop, and in 1939, two students William Hewlett and David Packard founded a business to develop computers. By the way, the guys were pioneers in their field and called their project “startup”. Now their company is famous throughout the world under the name HP (Hewlett-Packard).

1976 was marked by the founding of Apple, in 1998 the world saw Google, and in 2004 Mark Zuckenberg gave us the social network Facebook.

What are we talking about? All of these projects were the first of their kind. These are the most striking examples of startups that came to fruition thanks to the new and unique ideas of their founders.

Now let's move on to defining what a startup is. Let's go back to the roots and consider the popular definitions of this term:

Thus, it is possible to combine the proposed definitions and derive the most detailed one.

A startup is a young company that is at the development stage, operates in conditions of uncertainty and offers the world a new innovative product that solves a specific problem.

Often such companies are not only young, they are also not legally registered and do not receive income from their activities.

Important points to pay attention to in order to identify a startup:

  • no chaos - the creators understand what they are doing and what they want to give to the world;
  • a new idea - the basis should be innovation, and it is not necessary to open a new industry, it is enough to offer an interesting solution that no one has implemented before;
  • uncertainty- the creator does not know whether his idea will take off and whether it will gain scale, but he still continues to work.

Thus, a startup is neither an idea, nor the start of a small business, nor even the business itself.

Properties that distinguish a startup from a business

In order to understand even more deeply what a startup is, you need to determine its main differences from a business:

    Innovative idea.

    This is the main difference from just starting a business. Opening a store is not a startup, opening a store with a new innovative approach to service is yes.

    That is, an idea is a new product on the market that has not been implemented before.

    Team work.

    In the process of creating a startup, a team of like-minded people works. Most often, such people have creative thinking and do not tolerate rigid boundaries in their work.

    But at the same time, each participant has his own responsibilities and determination for results.

    Creation speed.

    A startup is different from a quick start business. The average period is six months.

    Young age of the founders.

    According to statistics, most startuppers are under 30 years of age.

    Need for financial support.

    If starting a business can be postponed and you can save a certain amount on your own, then a startup requires urgent injections.

    Founders only generate an idea and work on its implementation, and they need funding to launch. Therefore, for startupers.

    High risks of burning out.

    Only 15-20% of startups cross the threshold of two years and become successful projects. Most of them do not find their consumer, after which the idea is abandoned.

How does a startup launch?

To clearly answer the question of what a startup is, you need to understand what stages it goes through before becoming a full-fledged business.

There are 6 stages in total:

Stage nameDescription
1. Pre-seedAt this stage, the idea is just emerging. At the same time, a team is recruited and a plan for further action is developed. Finding an investor is quite difficult, so participants make their own investments.
Startup launch or Startup stage
2. SeedThe team is working to create a working model, analyze the market and draw up a business plan. Each participant clearly understands their responsibilities.
At this stage, you need to start looking for investors, so in the best case, expenses cover the first income.
3. PrototypeThe idea turns into a working model, which is endowed with certain functions.
Growth Stage
4. Early testing (alpha version)The product enters the market, but only a narrow circle of people know it. At this stage, the model is tested in real conditions: its advantages and disadvantages are identified, inaccuracies and defects are corrected.
This is the best time to attract additional investors, because there is an opportunity to demonstrate the product in all its glory.
Expansion stage
5. Model extension (closed beta)The product is already making a profit, marketing and PR are working at full capacity to expand the customer base.
At this stage, additional funding may not be needed, as the emphasis should be on a full-fledged partnership.
A startup can fully function without its founders. If they are not interested in further participation, then the first priority is to find an investor who would be willing to acquire a controlling stake.
Exit or Exit stage
6. Project maturity (open beta)The startup has turned into a full-fledged business that can safely be called a market leader. Profits reach peak values, and once just an idea becomes a familiar product for consumers.
At this stage, shares can be issued, which will later be sold to investors or will serve as a source of permanent income for their founders.

Stages of startup development in terms of project profitability:

Where to find funding for a startup?

But in this case, you need to be aware that the business will be almost entirely in the hands of the investor.

If the founder is interested in staying in business if the result is successful, then all the details of financing should be discussed already at the initial stages of project development.

Venture funds.

This type of financing is suitable already at the stages of product expansion and promotion. Its essence is that the fund is formed from the contributions of several investors.

Despite the fact that the venture fund is determined to work with promising and high-risk projects, it can impose extremely inconvenient conditions for startups.

How to start your own business? Startup concept.

Types of startups. Features of this direction.

There really is no set of rules that will help you create a successful, world-famous startup. The only thing everyone will agree on is that you need to be prepared to work non-stop. You need to be passionate about your work and not stop after the first difficulties.

But there are still some tips that can help in creating a startup. We divided them into several blocks:

    How to generate an idea?

    • You need to be a professional in your field.

      Often, startupers who gave the world a brilliant solution in a certain area knew it very well and worked in it.

      Therefore, do not be lazy to constantly acquire new knowledge in the field in which you work. The better you understand a particular matter, the easier it will be for you to come up with a new idea.

      Monitor market trends.

      Without knowledge of modern technologies and what is happening in the market, it is impossible to offer this world something new and interesting.

      Find the problem and its solution.

      First of all, you need to decide what specifically interests you and, perhaps, bothers you.

      Think about why you are not satisfied with the already proposed solutions, analyze them, and start looking for options on your own.

      Remember that the solution lies on the surface.

      It’s not for nothing that they say: “everything ingenious is simple.” Often the solution is the simplest and easiest way that everyone ignores.

      Record all your thoughts and ideas.

      Often thoughts come spontaneously and disappear just as quickly. And in order not to forget anything, it is better to write down your ideas.

    What to do at the start-up stage?

    • Make an action plan.

      Despite the fact that a startup is the prerogative of creative and creative people, no one has canceled the discipline.

      You won’t be able to go with the flow, so you need to make a clear plan consisting of successive stages that need to be completed one after another.

      Create a team around you.

      A team will be needed to finalize the idea together.

      Agree, not every person can be a generator, developer, marketer, economist and lawyer. Everyone must do their job.

      Start sales as early as possible.

      Early buyers are the best solution in finding the strengths and weaknesses of a product.

      Of course, at the launch stage it should not be raw, but still a lot of functions will not play into the hands of the founder. The consumer himself will decide what he needs and what he doesn’t.

      Use the services of external consultants.

      If you feel that you have a gap in knowledge, do not skimp and use the services of specialists. This will save time and in the future will insure against possible failures due to ignorance and misunderstanding of some points.

      Constantly look for investors.

      But you don’t have to agree to the first offer of cooperation. You must understand the financing terms.

      For your own peace of mind, you can resort to the services of a lawyer who will help you sign the contract.

      Don't give up at the first difficulties.

      On the contrary, they should toughen you up. In addition, mistakes and difficulties help you look at the project from a different perspective.

    What mistakes should you not make?

    • Refuse the command.

      One person cannot have all the knowledge, so it is impossible to do without assistants. It will take a lot of time to launch, and this does not work in the startup’s favor.

      Not able to negotiate with investors.


      If you are not strong at negotiations and do not understand investing, you need to study this issue so that you can speak the same language as the investor.

    Don't bother with a suitable presentation.

    Just a verbal description of a startup, no matter how brilliant its idea, is not enough.

You will learn what a startup is and what are the stages of its development, as well as how to open your own startup project and where to look for investors for your business

Today we will talk about how to properly organize a startup.

Since we ourselves have repeatedly launched business projects, we will tell you what obstacles may arise at the initial stage and give valuable advice for overcoming them effectively.

1. What is Startup in simple words - definition and history

During our short entrepreneurial career, we have opened several businesses and understand that it is not easy. Now our website “HeatherBober.ru” can be classified as a “startup”.

So, first, let's figure out what startup is. The classic definition of a startup given by American entrepreneur Steven Blank (who, in fact, coined this term).

Startup is a temporary structure designed to find and implement a scalable business model.

In simpler terms, we can define a startup as a new commercial project that is created with the aim of making a profit from a business after its successful development.

The term “Startup” is translated from English as “the beginning of a process”, its “start”. However, not every commercial project that opens can be called a startup. Only a small part of business projects developing from scratch falls under this definition.

Classic startups have one characteristic feature - they have a unique (original, exclusive) idea. A real startup never copies already known commercial projects, but represents something radically new.


At one time, Mark Zuckerberg’s idea to create the social network Facebook was absolutely original and new: there were no analogues of this format on the Internet.

In recent years, the word “startup” has become very popular, although a significant part of the population does not use the term entirely correctly.

By this concept, people mean the launch of almost any business, up to the opening of a new stall in the market. Startup is often used exclusively in relation to Internet projects.

In both cases, the definition may be correct: if a retail outlet on the market operates in a fundamentally new format that can be multiplied and used as a profitable business model, then this will indeed be a successful startup.

The same can be said about an online project. If you have launched a fundamentally new network service to serve the public via the Internet, then you have made a successful startup and become a promising network entrepreneur.

Startup- a recently created company or organization (sometimes not even legally registered), building its activities on the basis of innovative ideas or new technologies that have not yet been put into mass use.

The weaknesses of a startup include a lack of funding and a precarious position in the market. Abroad, such projects are most often created by students: sometimes such companies are called “garage”.

This term was first used in relation to a commercial enterprise in 1939 in the USA. At that time, almost all innovation and high technology companies were based in the San Francisco area.

Several Stanford students, creating a new business based on a fundamentally new idea, called their business a startup. It was this business that eventually took shape into a successful and profitable information technology company called Hewlett-Packard or HP.

Today, the word startup is more often applied to Internet projects. This is partly true, since the World Wide Web is the most promising modern commercial area.

Without even thinking, you can name 5-10 successful Internet startups that have brought millions in profits to their creators with minimal initial costs. Suffice it to recall the already mentioned Facebook, as well as its domestic version - VKontakte and other social networks.

We can mention Wikipedia (the largest and most popular online encyclopedia), the YouTube video database, the Radical service for storing and quickly displaying your personal photos on the Internet, WhatsApp, Skype and other services for online communication.

2. Main stages of startup development

A startup must be successful and in demand in order to attract the target audience, and with it, investor money.

The main indicator of the success of a new endeavor is the willingness of business partners to invest their finances in it. A startup is not always based on pure commerce: it can be informational, humanitarian, scientific, but in any case it is promising.

The initial stage of working on any startup is creation of its prototype . As the prototype turns into a full-fledged product, the startup transforms, develops and scales. Under scaling refers to an increase in the sphere of influence of the project associated with the investment of finances.

The ultimate goal of a successful startup is product sale a large corporation or continuing a profitable business as an independent company. There is another option - listing the project's shares on the stock exchange and waiting for its sale at the maximum price on the market.

For clarity, we suggest studying the following table, which presents the stages of a startup in more detail:

Stages Embodiment Peculiarities
1 Pre-seed The creators have a clear idea and understanding of what exactly the target audience needs At this stage there is usually no plan for implementing the idea
2 Seed Market research, drawing up a step-by-step plan, preparation for launch It is advisable to think about finding investors at this stage
3 Prototype Creating a working startup model The prototype has only basic functions and is designed to work under ideal conditions
4 Alpha version The product is already ready, but is used only by a small group to test and identify flaws At this stage, adjustments are made and defects in the working model of the project are eliminated.
5 Closed beta The product has a fully functional status and attracts a limited number of third-party users Investors and commercial partners have already been found
6 Open Beta Users are actively attracted, large-scale promotion of the project is underway Contracts are concluded with clients, first sales of services and products are carried out

When the above stages are successfully completed, the product (project) is launched into mass use or production. It is clear that without attracting large third-party capital, large-scale distribution of a startup is impossible.

That is why for any commercial idea the investor is no less important than originality and novelty. Even the most ingenious projects need financial support.

Generating commercial ideas is not so much an innate gift as it is a skill. Becoming a successful startup is within the power of every reasonable person with minimal creative inclinations, which, as we know, everyone has.

Experts in the field of profitable startups believe that ideas for launching the latest projects can be seen in everything that surrounds us. You just need to change your perspective a little and abandon some generally accepted social judgments.

Most “serial entrepreneurs” have a special notebook in which they regularly add fresh thoughts and observations. Over time, they can develop into interesting and profitable business ideas. We advise you to also create such a notepad or open a special file on an electronic device.

For greater business efficiency, you can use and implement TRIZ - the theory of solving inventive problems.

And now - expert advice on creating your own startups

Let's start with a simple example:

Resale of Chinese goods with a large markup (300-800%).

You can buy goods in bulk from China or from a wholesale supplier in a major city and start selling them online. Often this scheme is also called “Business with China” - a very profitable and promising direction in RuNet.

Our site team is personally acquainted with a successful entrepreneur in this topic. Zhenya not only has been running her business successfully for a long time, but also teaches others how to do it.

If you want to launch your own startup in the near future and start earning 100-200 or even 500 thousand rubles in a few months, contact Evgeniy and he will guide you by the hand on all issues of creating a successful business selling Chinese goods.

Be sure to check out the reviews from the married students to get inspired by their success stories:

Stay up to date with new ideas, technologies and initiatives. Visit current resources, use technical and information innovations and everything that did not exist yesterday. Be at the forefront, thinking about products for the next generation.

Those who did not cling to the past, but looked to the future, helped make our world what it is (meaning its best features). Our future includes portable gadgets, nanotechnology, and machines running on fundamentally different types of fuel.

Try to think in terms of the future. Don't think that these are just empty dreams and fantasies: tie innovative ideas to real problems. Original and creative thoughts rarely arise on their own; they need to be stimulated by daily practice.

In the modern civilized world, there are a lot of special areas where it is impossible for a person to get to from the street. Nuclear energy, medicine, customs, professional sports.

Creating your own business in highly specialized areas is possible only after gaining experience working for an employee of a company of this profile.

Become an insider—someone who studies a particular industry from the inside—and you can break into lucrative markets with the knowledge base you need. The main thing is perseverance and a sincere desire to understand how everything works in a particular industry.


Michael Bloomberg worked as an IT specialist at Salomon Brothers. In the early 80s, he was fired and given compensation in the amount of $10 million.

With this amount, he created his own company, Bloomberg L.P., which provides commercial information to interested organizations and individuals. Now the company is the leader of its niche, and Bloomberg himself is 13th on the Forbes list and also the mayor of New York.

Becoming an expert in some field or a master of some powerful tool is not that difficult. Just spend time on it - make a personal investment that will bring you profit for the rest of your life.

A well-known entrepreneur and expert in the field of personal development and business says that the best investment is to increase your self-worth and ability to earn money.

Meet different people, talk to them, offer your help. Let everyone know about your skills more people.

It’s great if you become great in several areas at once - for example, in medicine and trading, in stock markets and IT technologies. At the intersection of two different spheres, a lot of perspectives open up.

Tip 3: Find a problem you can solve

Look around and note what prevents you from living, working or relaxing. Pay attention to those problems for which you cannot find a ready-made solution, because it (the solution) may not exist.

It often happens like this: you have a company that is facing certain difficulties. Another company is being created that eliminates such difficulties. Successful activity leads to the fact that the second company becomes more profitable and larger than the first.


The world-famous Flickr resource for storing graphic files appeared when an online game needed a convenient way to post user images online.

Now the system has millions of clients, but no one remembers the game itself.

Tip 4. Strive for continuous improvement of service in different areas

Try to improve everything around you, because there are no limits to perfection. Pay special attention to those things that cause hostility or hatred in people: finding housing and parking, obtaining documents, transportation, visiting doctors. Think about how you can solve these problems more effectively.

It may be worth using the latest technologies to improve existing algorithms for everyday actions.

Consider, for example, how smartphones can help workers in large enterprises perform their jobs, rather than hinder them. Or how in the digital era you can solve the problem of queues in public institutions.

Remember that monopolists and large government agencies have no incentive to develop. Challenging established systems is difficult, but not hopeless. Some world-famous corporations appeared precisely because of the desire to make the service more comfortable than that of their competitors.

A significant portion of today's successful companies were at one time derivatives (and some practically clones) of other successful ventures. The most famous examples are Amazon and Ozon, Facebook and VKontakte. Even credit systems (cards) are a domestic version of the foreign analogue of Capital One.

Think about what you can add to existing commercial projects to improve them. Maybe it’s worth finding new, cheaper ways of implementation or radically improving the service. Such innovations are often much more profitable and promising than buying ready-made franchises. We have already written about this earlier.

New markets appear constantly, but not everyone has time to track them. Mass products from large corporations are constantly creating many promising areas for developing your own business.

The most significant example is the creation of Microsoft by Bill Gates. The company was founded to sell home computer software released in 1975 by MITS. The mass product became the starting point for the promotion of one of the most successful business projects in the world.

4. Investing in a startup and finding funding for your business

All major investors are aware that the maximum income is promised by “dark horses” - unknown startups from young and talented, but cash-strapped entrepreneurs.

In the Russian Federation, as well as throughout the world, startup organizations and so-called “business angels” are involved in financing startups.

Venture funds manage other people's money - mutual investment funds (MUIFs), assets of insurance companies or pension funds.

“Business angels” are representatives of private capital who independently select financing objects and invest money in promising initiatives.

It is in these two directions that aspiring startups should move in search of investment. You can also involve relatives, friends, and government funds. Oddly enough, in Russia, help from relatives is the second category in terms of the volume of investments in promising business ideas.

Another productive method of finding investors is participation in forums, conferences, competitions held by venture capital companies and other commercial structures.

5. Examples of successful projects - TOP 5 ideas for a startup

There are plenty of examples of successful startups. Every year the directions of commercial thought change. Today coworking and Internet applications are relevant, tomorrow they will talk about private kindergartens or private recruitment agencies.

Today the following startups are the most popular:

  1. Organization of a cargo transportation agency working with the active use of Internet technologies. A very promising direction, taking into account the fact that more and more people are making purchases in online stores.
  2. Organization of sales or intermediary activities through Avito (the most popular free classifieds service in the Russian Federation). Many people want to sell something, but do not have the time to do so: an intermediary can take over the organization of sales for a certain percentage of the proceeds.
  3. Organization of a private kindergarten. Many parents do not want to use the services of municipal institutions, fearing a lack of attention from staff. In a private company, children are given more time, and it is also possible to regulate the length of time the child stays in the kindergarten.
  4. Creation of convenient systems for converting electronic currency into cash.
  5. Creating effective applications for quickly posting and launching online stores for sales through social networks.

This is just an approximate list that can be expanded ad infinitum. You can find a more profitable and interesting option for yourself: you just have to get creative and put in some effort.

Watch Mikhail Dashkiev's video about what an effective startup is and how to start one:

6. Conclusion

Let's summarize. Successful ideas are in the air, and most of them are quite possible to bring to life. Each of us can create a successful startup – we just need to believe in our own strengths and use our expert advice.

Start small. To begin with, start at least one, and after gaining experience, move on to something more complex - launch your own startups.

We wish you good luck and successful projects!

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What is factoring in simple words - a complete overview of the concept for beginners + 5 expert tips for choosing a factoring company

Hello! The term “startup” is heard more and more often during economic news. It can be heard from experienced managers and aspiring entrepreneurs. We will try to reveal what this is in this article.

What is a startup

A clear definition was first given by the successful American businessman Stephen Blank. Entitled "startup"(or " ) he proposed a temporary structure that is designed to find and implement a new business model.

In simple words, this is a completely new financial project created to generate income.

The very essence lies in the translation of the term from English: start or beginning of the process. It was first heard by Stanford students in 1939. The young people named their business related to the development of computers this way. It later became known as the successful Hewlett-Packard company. In the late 70s, the term was used in articles by Forbes and BusinessWeek to describe non-standard financial projects with high profits.

The name is not suitable for all newly opened business projects. A distinctive feature is that they are original and fundamentally fresh, which have not been used before in a wide format. They are not copied from successful options, but represent a special perspective on solving problems.

The most famous startups in recent years include the Facebook project, which laid the foundation for all social networks, and the online taxi service Uber. No less striking startups in their time were the developments of Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. But this is not always a large-scale and high-profile business: more often than not, it is a small commercial development that brought good profits and became widespread.

Who are startupers

Often such profitable and ingenious projects are born in a team of young people who are called “start-ups.” These are true pioneers with a passion for their ideas. Having nothing to implement, they surprise potential investors with their developments.

Recently, such innovative ones are increasingly being presented at reputable business forums and youth congresses. Many investors are themselves interested in innovative proposals.

Distinctive features

Interesting business projects that have certain differences may fall under the name startup:

  • A team of like-minded people who are focused on results and are not afraid of risks;
  • It is based on an innovative idea or development that has not been used before by other entrepreneurs;
  • Lack of own capital (in most cases) and attraction of financial investments from outside;
  • The goal is always to make a profit;
  • Low percentage of implemented and successful business ideas (only 15-20% of the total).

Another important sign– a fairly high speed of project development: the main percentage of startups show the first positive results within six months.

Main stages

Any new project goes through several main stages of its development, each of which has its own characteristics:

Stage 1: Pre-seed or sowing, which is characterized by understanding the idea itself. The team studies the prospects in the market and draws up an initial plan, providing recommendations and developing it in the future. Often, startupers do not yet have a clear understanding of how their project will be technically implemented.

Stage 2: Launching a startup or Startup stage is the first and most problematic weeks of work. The team tries to make every effort, trying to prove the advantage of a new product or service over similar ones. To attract investment in a startup, various methods of self-promotion are used. In the absence of good business acumen and perseverance, it may not arouse the required interest. Many people fade away at this stage.

Stage 3: The growth stage or Growth Stage provides for further promotion and consolidation in the market of goods and services. At this stage, the product is already known among consumers, and work is carried out in accordance with.

Stage 4: Expansion stage: the startup is well known, makes a profit and gradually expands beyond its niche in the market. The team becomes a real production or financial company that is engaged in the purchase of new similar projects.

Stage 5: Exit or Exit stage: in case of successful business and development of the startup, at this stage many investors leave the project, and the business itself is sold to strategic partners. If the company is not successful and the project does not interest customers, the exit stage may end with the closure of the startup.

The seeding stage is the most voluminous and difficult for the team. It is here that it is necessary to develop a prototype of a new product and solve the problem of how to attract investment in a startup.

It is also divided into specific stages of development and implementation:

  • Creating a simplified product with minimal functions;
  • An alpha version is produced that can demonstrate the advantages and positive qualities of the startup to a potential investor;
  • A closed beta version is launching. It is as close as possible to the idea conceived by the startup team. The latter can invite a small number of clients interested in testing. They do preliminary analysis free of charge, show the creators weak points;
  • A public beta version is being offered and the team is trying to attract consumers and clients. The first contracts may be concluded and active advertising campaigns may be carried out.

Some profitable startups develop so rapidly that they skip certain milestones.

Main types of startups

Among the new projects, there is a certain classification according to sales markets and features of the products produced:

  • "Successful copy" is a whole group of successful projects that repeat the success and achievements of foreign startupers, supplementing them with their own details. The most successful copycats are social media;
  • "Aggressive Alien"– startups of this type enter the market and try to displace competitors with a more attractive price and interesting product qualities;
  • "A dark horse"– a special project with an unclear prospect for further development. It is difficult to calculate the expected profit in them, so they are quite risky for investors and the creators themselves.

If we consider startups according to the degree of knowledge intensity, the classification is divided into two types:

  • Traditional projects: it is based on simple, accessible ideas that the team was able to rework and translate into an interesting form;
  • Startups driven by innovation: This is an attempt to translate interesting and useful scientific discoveries into business projects. The only difficulty is the need for serious financial investments at the initial stage.

Main directions for development

Every year a lot of new innovative ideas appear that are of interest to potential investors. As before, the bulk falls on the sphere related to the Internet, mobile communications and IT technologies. More and more projects are appearing in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and energy, which are considered promising areas.

Owners of investment companies are happy to consider new business projects in the field of virtual reality and financial services. At this stage, technologies and ideas that make life much easier for users and are associated with high technology remain more in demand.

Startup financing

All over the world, startups are a serious part of the economy; famous entrepreneurs and developed companies are interested in them. Many successful projects helped the latter expand their assets and make large profits. Therefore, they are actively looking for talented startups who can offer a non-standard product.

The bulk of new startups are financed by business angels and special venture funds. Such sponsors begin to cooperate with developers at different stages and receive part of the rights in the future company. If the project develops successfully, both parties will benefit.

Business angels – private investors who invest at the stage of presenting an innovative idea. They do not interfere in the management of a startup and do not insist on an urgent return on investment. They are more interested in high profits in the future.

More prudent investors are venture funds - companies that manage the finances of certain investors. In order not to lose their deposits, such funds approach the choice of a startup carefully, joining the cooperation after studying all the prospects and features.

There are two main types of financing:

  1. Delayed until stable time: the sponsor and the developer enter into an agreement indicating the stage for the start of financing and the share that the investor will have after receiving the profit. This is a very promising option for any investor with minimal risk;
  2. Fan financing of the project: sponsors start investing funds at the earliest stages. These are riskier projects, but they can pay off in huge returns.

In some cases, the source of the initial investment may be the relatives and friends of aspiring startup founders who are ready to support enthusiasts. It is this type of investor that ranks second in Russia, financing up to 50% of all projects.

Startup support programs in Russia

Investment projects in Russia are developing confidently. Special programs and platforms are appearing to help find sponsors for development.

At the state level, assistance can be provided by:

  • Russian Venture Company (Seed Investment Fund);
  • Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

Among the non-state companies involved in supporting startups are:

  • Runa Capital;
  • ru-Net Ventures;
  • Almaz Capital;
  • Foresight ventures.

Each fund or platform specializes in certain projects. The percentage of share they will take for their financial assistance also varies.

How to attract investments correctly

Many aspiring entrepreneurs do not know how to work with potential investors. To understand their actions and not lose trust already at the acquaintance stage, you can use the advice of more experienced entrepreneurs:

  • Find “your” business angel, who will support the project at the start. Such an experienced partner will point out possible shortcomings and help increase the value of the innovation in the eyes of large investors.
  • Work on business plan options. The market situation is constantly changing, so it is recommended to submit several interesting business plans for applications. They should be aimed at investors with different income levels.
  • Setting up for long-term work. Startups must navigate long and complex development, ups and downs. It will be better for the project if a professional or an individual team member is engaged in searching for investments and developing a financial model.
  • Consider parallel options. It is necessary to negotiate simultaneously with several potential sponsors, analyze and compare proposals. Having backup options will help you stay on track if one of the investors refuses to work at the very last moment.
  • It is necessary to bargain in negotiations. Experienced entrepreneurs advise not to blindly accept any commercial offer. Through dispute and compromise, you can get more investments, “win” the rights to manage a startup or other privileges.
  • Monitor the security of the transaction. You should not sign an agreement with a business angel or venture fund without carefully reviewing it by a lawyer. Just one mistake or clerical error can lead to loss of control over a profitable project in the future.

Attracting investors is a long process. Many successful, profitable startups searched for their business angel for at least six months, holding more than 20 meetings with investors.

Startup ideas

Producing new ideas and concepts is a skill that needs to be constantly developed. Many entrepreneurs never part with a small notebook. Interesting observations, thoughts or notes are entered into it. Later, at your leisure, each entry can be carefully considered and discussed with colleagues. Most innovative ideas are in the air, demanding implementation.

Advice from experienced entrepreneurs will help you become more receptive to new offers:

Successful entrepreneurs say that the most interesting and profitable ideas for a startup with minimal investment are born from compassion for other people's problems, from the subconscious and thanks to healthy curiosity.

But even great ideas have their drawbacks that prevent them from turning into a profitable startup. According to statistics, more than 90% of all projects are closed within 3 years due to an incorrectly chosen market niche or business model. Many of them have become just clones of existing programs or developments.

Well-known entrepreneurs and owners of venture capital funds in their interviews name some bad topics for work:

  • Keeping blogs for further turning them into business projects;
  • Various types of micropayments;
  • Projects related to scanning QR codes;
  • Recommendation Internet services;
  • Programs for finding vacation spots.

Attempts to repeat successful developments that have already taken root in the market will fail. Many users quickly get used to a certain product (applications, social networks or search engines), so such online startups may simply remain unnoticed.

There are areas of activity where you can implement new startups with minimal investment and turn them into a profitable business project.

Owners of venture funds believe that the following areas may become the most promising and in demand:

  1. Robotics, which can make everyday life, treatment or production activities easier for people. Everyone knows robot vacuum cleaners, which quickly became popular among many users.
  2. Energy. The search for cheap and safe resources does not stop in the most famous laboratories in the world. All of humanity needs them, so increased interest in such startups is guaranteed. Unconventional fuels with high efficiency and the ability to obtain energy from scrap materials and household waste also have great prospects.
  3. Healthcare. For many people, high-quality and inexpensive medical services are still inaccessible, so startups will always find a profitable place in the technology market for this area. Sponsors are interested in any new developments related to the production of equipment, new treatment methods, or reducing the cost of producing expensive drugs. Of particular interest is the prevention of serious diseases and their early detection, which can save thousands of lives.
  4. Virtual and augmented reality. Innovative ideas in this area can be actively used not only for entertainment, but also when creating simulators for doctors, drivers or rescuers.
  5. Financial services. Many people are closely monitoring services and programs that can make the task of paying monthly payments easier. All developments related to cash flows are always in the area of ​​increased attention of investors. Startups in this area will be of interest to large financial institutions and ordinary users.
  6. Telecommunications. An inexpensive and high-quality method of communication will always be a priority. Products like Skype or Viber have easily won their niche in the market, but consumers carefully monitor new products and use them in their work and everyday life. Studying the requirements and wishes of ordinary users can lead to unexpectedly profitable projects.
  7. Food and green technology. The world's population is inexorably increasing, so scientists are concerned about the problem of a shortage of quality food in the foreseeable future. Finding fresh solutions for agriculture and processing industries can bring great benefits and benefits.
  8. Enterprise software. Various programs for large and small businesses are always of interest to investors and bring in good money. You can focus on processing databases, digitizing internal information, or creating data protection techniques.
  9. Online cinemas. More and more users prefer interesting videos and stories on the Internet to a regular trip to the cinema. The popularity of video content is growing rapidly, requiring new technologies and software.
  10. Education. Users are interested in programs and innovations that improve the learning process. This makes education more accessible and simpler, opening up new opportunities for remote cities. Developments in this area will always be able to find investors or business angels.

Cybersecurity and environmental issues continue to be important areas. Don't just focus on high technology: new startups can be profitable and necessary in any field. Even among a large number of competitors, you can find your niche.

Typical startup mistakes

Developing an idea is just the beginning of a complex process. To prevent the project from stalling at the initial stage, inexperienced startupers should listen to the opinions of professionals.

Here is a list of common mistakes:

  1. Reluctance to work in the same team. Many young professionals do not want to share the profit and fame from their projects, so they try to develop the idea on their own. But often one person does not have enough energy and time to cover all stages of development, negotiate and do advertising. The most original and daring ideas are born in a friendly team.
  2. Focus only on profit. Any startup requires capital investment at the initial stage. But the truly famous and highly profitable projects have become those that were originally conceived as a way to solve a common problem and provide assistance to a group of users.
  3. Incorrect distribution of material resources. At the initial stage, you shouldn’t rent an expensive office and spend money on maintaining your image. It is better to invest these funds in the development of innovation.
  4. Poor preparation of presentation for investors. You should not propose huge massive developments oversaturated with terminology. It is better to make the presentation exciting, unconventional and demonstrate your creativity. A good video should take from 3 to 5 minutes so that the viewer does not lose interest and understands the original intent.
  5. Inability to work with potential investors. Novice entrepreneurs pay little attention to developing their knowledge in the field of investments. Therefore, it is difficult for them to find a platform for presentations.
  6. Startup overload. If you want to attract more attention to your product, you should not load your new project with a large number of functions. It is better to add such changes after testing with users, focusing on their preferences.
  7. Lack of proper long-term planning. When working on a startup, many teams don't think about its duration. Although well-known entrepreneurs claim that a high-quality business plan for 3-5 years is very important for the entire team and for potential investors.
  8. Desire to cover a large market segment. Experts advise focusing on a narrow and specific niche in which it is easier to express yourself and show the importance of a startup.
  9. Unwillingness to work for a long time. Many business projects related to innovation require a lot of time and effort to implement on the market. To achieve success, you should prepare for difficulties and even falls.
  10. Reluctance to seek help from specialists. Young developers often overestimate their knowledge and skills in the field of running a business project or advertising. Sometimes it’s worth inviting a good expert or turning to a service that will help adjust the development of a startup and take on some of the problems.

There are many other mistakes, but in almost any situation the fault lies with startupers who did not navigate the market. Therefore, you should devote time to self-development, studying new material, etc.

Everyone knows that you can organize your own business. For example, build a hotel on the seashore. Also, everyone roughly knows what needs to be done for this: purchase a piece of land, draw up a package of documents, create a project, calculate an estimate, start and finish construction, find trained personnel, do not skimp on advertising, and then after about five to ten years, if successful In the course of business, the invested capital will pay off, and the business will begin to generate income.

This is a classic option for starting and developing a business, requiring considerable financial investment, and there is also this: the creators of the famous computer game Angry Birds in a few years they earned almost 56 million euros with an investment of 100 thousand. Or Facebook, the approximate cost of which is $100 billion. USA, and this with relatively minimal investment.

You can give a lot of such examples - these are projects VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and the well-known Google. All of them are similar in that they went through a rapid path of successful development, were based on the innovative ideas of their creators and did not require large start-up capital. These are startups. Projects, ideas, IT technologies. They cannot be touched, but they can bring billions to their creators.

Important Definitions

A startup (start-up - English) is a company that has just been created and started its activities, usually with limited financial capabilities and a small number of people working in it. Its activities are not necessarily based on IT technologies, as many mistakenly believe, but on any innovative ideas related to medicine, nanotechnology, the Internet, or any other field. A startup is a company, organization, or any other legal entity. It is extremely incorrect to call any Internet service, successful website or project with this term.

Startup is a person who created a startup and is an employee of the company.

The development of a startup is impossible without attracting investors. It could be:

  • Venture fund– a company that invests in innovative, risky projects, which, according to research, can subsequently bring good profits.
  • Business angels– individuals who are ready to finance a startup at the development stage and expect to receive long-term interest from profits in the future.

The main distinguishing feature of a startup is its youth. After a few months of operation, the company either becomes a fairly successful business or ceases to exist. The key point is the desire to find and offer a completely new solution to a problem, an unknown service or product. Therefore, first of all, it is creativity and innovation.

And novelty, in turn, is inextricably linked with the unknown and uncertainty, since the company has to perform all actions from scratch. This includes determining the pricing policy and payment methods, studying the audience who is interested in their product, planning a future development strategy, and much more. It is from this that follows such a feature of a startup as the search for a model of behavior in the market.

History of origin

The English term “start-up” in its current meaning was born in the USA, near San Francisco, in Silicon Valley in 1939. This is the place where almost all companies that were involved in the development of information technology were gathered. In principle, the success of the valley is inextricably linked with the emergence of the first startup - when two Stanford graduates, William Hewlett and David Packard, founded the enterprise that later became the world famous giant Hewlett-Packard.

Other classic examples of successful startups are:

  • Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
  • Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne, who joined a little later, Apple Computer Inc.
  • Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Very often in recent years, any well-known company, Internet project or website that is somehow different from others is mistakenly called startups. For example, among the popular networks Facebook, Odnoklassniki.ru, VKontakte, only the first one is a real startup, and the rest are its successful clones, which are popular mainly in the Runet.

Specifics of working in Russia

The young startup market in Russia is now in a stage of rapid growth and development. But it is largely because of his youth that he experiences great difficulties. Over the fifty years of existence of this sector in the West, a certain innovative culture, mechanisms for supporting innovation, and investment forms have developed there. There are thousands of venture capital firms and business angels, private investors, and, accordingly, thousands of opportunities for startups. This does not exist in Russia yet, so it is extremely difficult to find sources of financing. Another distinctive feature of a Russian company is the time that the company can spend in this stage.

In the classic version, which operates in the West, it is given 6-8 months, after which, if the idea fails, the company dies so as not to waste time and money. In our country, this stage can last for years, which is a mistake.

The fate of the Russian startup, its further existence or development also remains uncertain due to the low interest of our large companies in such projects. Western giants constantly monitor the teams they have and buy the most promising ones. We don't have such practice. That is why foreign investors are increasingly turning their attention to the Russian market.

Startup creation

Nowadays, anyone who would like to try themselves in this field can found a startup. The easiest way to do this is, of course, in the IT sector. Today, having a laptop, a bright head with ideas and a desire to create something unusual may be sufficient for the first steps in this field.

To make the task easier, you can follow theses:

  • Identify the problem you are going to solve. For reliability, it is better to take a real sphere and real consumers who have difficulty in something. You can find out by talking with clients, listening, reading reviews, comments, and after making sure that this is a really sore subject, you can try to find ways to solve it and implement the project. The ideal option would be to sign a letter of guarantee with the client who voiced the problem, stating his willingness to further cooperate with you and use your product if the problem is successfully resolved.
  • Take your time to optimize the product and bring it to an ideal state. Your task is to create a trial version as quickly as possible and give it to friends, acquaintances, and customers for testing. And based on their comments, refine it and release the next and subsequent versions.
  • Don't delay your first sale. You shouldn't sit on the interface for years without trying to implement what already exists. A startup is a business, and an accelerated business. Here you need to understand as quickly as possible whether it will be successful, and for this you need sales. And if they buy a raw product from you, this will be a signal that you are on the right track.
  • Don't spend money, especially money you haven't earned yet. If you have invested your own funds in a startup, are at the beginning of your journey, have not yet received a single payment for the product, save on everything - office, employees, business cards and other things that you can do without.
  • Devote as much time as possible to the project. The success of an enterprise depends almost 100% on how much work and time is invested in it. If you work on a project for an hour a day, the results will most likely be mediocre.
  • Don't rush to look for outside investors. At the initial stage, it is better to manage on your own, attract friends and relatives. In order to create a trial model, not so much money is needed. If the prototype is successful, the business has taken off and needs to be developed, then you can think about raising additional capital. Moreover, doing this with a ready-made positive result is much easier and more profitable.
  • Don't put off ideas until tomorrow. If you are sure of something, do the project immediately. There is no need to slow down on finding a team, discussions and other things. Just get started. Everything else will follow along the way. A startup is a business for the young, impulsive, and hot-headed. The older a person gets, the less susceptible he is to impulses and to the belief that a seemingly crazy idea can be successfully brought to life.
  • Don't be discouraged if you fail. Before you give up on a startup, make sure you've done everything you can. Or maybe just a little tweaking of a failed product is enough to make it sellable?

Watch the video on where to start developing your project:

The process of turning a startup into a successful enterprise consists of several stages.

Stages of development

  1. Origin. This stage is characterized by the presence of an idea and sometimes a trial sample of the product. There are initiators of creating a company, but the process of starting a business has not yet begun.
  2. Becoming. At this stage, the company has already been created, the production of the product has begun, but it is still raw, not finalized and does not yet generate income. A management team is being formed and the company’s documentation is being put in order.
  3. Early development. The momentum is gaining, the company gains its first popularity and takes its place in the market, the first profit appears.
  4. Extension. At this stage, sales of the product increase, the company reaches a stable profit, it has well established its position in the market and is able to begin the development of related projects.
  5. Maturity. The last stage, at which the company, as a rule, occupies a leading position in its industry and a fairly large share of the market segment, it is highly profitable, all processes have been worked out, and it employs highly qualified specialists. In this position, the company will usually begin issuing shares or may be sold to a suitable investor.

Investors and search for financing

For an undertaking to be successful, in addition to the idea, you need a good source of investment. Or several. Without funding, a startup will not survive. Ideally, at each stage of development it should move to a higher level of financing. Sources may be:

  • Personal savings.
  • Funds from friends and family members.
  • Crowdfunding. A startup can make a presentation of his brainchild on the Internet and ask for money for development. A prize is usually promised for depositing a certain amount. This type of investment is poorly developed in Russia, and searching on foreign sites is complicated by the fact that you will need an account in a foreign bank to withdraw funds.
  • Credit. Unlike Western countries where there are preferential lending programs for startups, in Russia you can get a consumer loan for this business or for the development of a small business. A high percentage scares off novice businessmen, making the project deeply unprofitable in the early stages of development.
  • A business angel is the investor every startup owner dreams of. For people who have the gift of persuasion and believe in the success of their project, finding such investors is quite a feasible task even in Russia, where their number is increasing every year.
  • State. The budget of any country includes funds for the development of innovative business. If you manage to meet the strict requirements, you can receive stable financial assistance at a low interest rate.
  • Venture funds. It is quite difficult to obtain such investments. In order to convince people who have enormous practical experience in such matters, it is necessary to have a truly bright and profitable undertaking.

Making a decision also takes quite a long time. Each source of funding has its own nuances and problems, but faith in your business and perseverance in your work will help you overcome these difficulties.

Business accelerators and incubators

Important elements in the startup system are incubators and accelerators. The scope of their activity is the development of companies at the initial stage, turning them into a profitable business. They work simultaneously with a large number of projects, thereby minimizing their risks.

  • Incubator– specializes in business development at the idea stage. This is, as a rule, the first structure that a startup can turn to after family and friends. The incubator's arsenal includes training programs for project development, theoretical and practical trainings that help apply acquired knowledge in practice.
  • Accelerator- works with a ready-made company that has its own team and experience, requiring serious investment. The essence of the program is approximately the same, but at a deeper level related to the analysis of investment activities and communication with future investors.

If a startup does not have enough team or space to develop an idea, it should contact an incubator. If a company has been created, but needs professional advice on how to take it into big business, go to an accelerator.

The main activity of the incubator is consulting, so any startuper who can pay for the services can become its client. In order to become a client of the accelerator, you must pass a selection process. Experts with extensive experience are involved in their work, and additional financial resources are also attracted. The accelerator’s task is to turn a startup into an investment-attractive product in a short period of time. Very often, large accelerators cooperate with venture funds, which can subsequently finance such a company. To become their client, the proposed project must show good prospects for success.

Examples of successful projects

There are many companies that have made their projects successful and extremely profitable in a short time. These include:

  • Wikipedia– the most extensive online encyclopedia, where the number of articles increases every day.
  • YouTube– the largest database of video products.
  • Among the startups that have become famous in recent years, one can name a gadget manufacturer from China - Xiaomi. By setting minimum prices for devices and providing them with decent quality, the company sold 18.7 million units of smartphones last year, and it also has other in-demand electronics in its arsenal. The company's market value is $10 billion. USA with an investment of 507 million.
  • As a striking example of a successful startup on the Russian market, we can cite the company "Enter", founded by Maxim Nogotkov. The basis of her activity was the idea of ​​​​creating a project that includes real and online stores. The company includes more than a hundred sales points, operates in 40 Russian cities, you can order goods through the website, a special application on a cell phone, a landline phone, or directly in the store. Today the product range includes more than 35 thousand items.


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