Sound names for dogs. How to name a dog, advice from cynologists

People have long paid attention to the connection between name and character, and this applies not only to human names, but also to the names of animals, in particular, dogs.

The name of a dog is not just a set of sounds, and not even just a means of communicating with a pet. Through the name of the animal, we express our attitude towards it. A dog's name can tell a lot about us: about our habits, character and even hobbies, as well as our sense of humor and erudition.

But on what principles should you choose names for your pets? What should you pay attention to in the first place, how best to call the bitch with the original name? This is what we will talk about now.

How can you call it?

First of all, let's decide on the criteria by which people choose nicknames for their dogs and what they pay attention to.

In general, before you start thinking about a name for a dog, you need to decide for yourself: do you want to give your pet a traditional or original nickname, which, perhaps, no other dog in the world will have? If you are satisfied with the first option, then just open any of the lists of popular dog names and choose the one that you like.

But what if you want to give your baby a really original nickname? Where to find such a name?

There can be a lot of options here.

  • Name of the heroine of the book or movie . Everything is simple. Suppose you like some book or some movie (TV series, cartoon, anime, etc.). Why not name a puppy-girl after your favorite heroine? Moreover, most of these names are beautiful and sonorous.
    Assol, Katniss, Arwen, Hermione, Trinity, Fiona, Sakura are just a few of the names taken from literary works and from films or series.
  • Music and stage . You can name a dog after some famous singer or opera diva.
    For example, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Britney or even Montserrat.
  • place names . Montana, Riviera, Jakarta, Etna, Corsica, Barcelona are some of the geographical names.
  • Story . You can name a dog in honor of some famous queen, queen, empress, warrior.
    For example: Nefertiti, Josephine, Lucretia.
  • Nicknames in honor of world brands . Such as, for example, Fanta, Bounty, Vista, Nokia, Chanel.
  • "Plant" and "Animal" nicknames . These include names such as Hortensia, Orchid, Azalea, Jasmine, or like Panther, Panda and even Anaconda or Mamba!
  • mythological names, that is, the names of goddesses from different pantheons, as well as nymphs, fairies, dryads and other similar creatures.
    This category includes such names as: Artemis, Vesta, Freya, Astarte, or Danae, Circe and even Lada.

As you can see, there can be a lot of options for sources of original nicknames, and this is not all of them. You can name a dog after a sports star, after a fairy-tale creature, after a musical instrument ... But you never know after someone or something else, even after your favorite food or drink. The main thing is that not only you, but also the dog likes it, it is easy to pronounce, and it is also sonorous and beautiful.

Here are some of the huge variety of nicknames on a wide variety of topics. As they say, for every taste! And we will start our list of nicknames with foreign names, which have long been especially popular as dog nicknames.

Foreign with meaning

Foreign nicknames are especially popular in the cynological world and for good reason. These are melodic, beautiful and sometimes very original names. They are easy to pick up, focusing on the country in which “your” breed was bred. In this article, we will consider names with a meaning of both European and Asian origin.


France is the birthplace of such breeds as the Basset, Briard, Poodle, Dogue de Bordeaux, Pyrenean Shepherd Dog, and, of course, the French Bulldog. Does your girl belong to one of these glorious breeds? Or maybe you just love everything beautiful and sophisticated, so you want to choose an elegant, but not too pretentious name for your new girlfriend?

In this case, French names are what you need! They are suitable not only for representatives of breeds of French origin, but also for slender and graceful dogs with an aristocratic appearance, such as, for example, dog or doberman. Or small dogs with a graceful or even sophisticated appearance, such as maltese or greyhound.

  • Aurora - morning dawn
  • Belle is beautiful
  • Vivienne - lively
  • Desiree - desired
  • Claire - clear
  • Lillian - lily
  • Marguerite - daisy
  • Fleur is a flower
  • Fortune - good luck
  • Eteri is airy.


Italy is a sunny, vibrant country where life seems like a magical carnival. If your dog has a cheerful, cheerful disposition, then an Italian nickname is perfect for her. But among the Italian nicknames you can also find elegant and even majestic names. Such nicknames are primarily suitable for dogs of large serious breeds.

  • Antonella is priceless
  • Bianca is white
  • Lucrezia is rich
  • Columbine - dove
  • Marceline the warrior
  • Norina - honor, valor,
  • Ornella - blooming ash,
  • Paola is small
  • Rosetta - rose
  • Floriana is a flower.


There are a lot of German dog breeds. These are Spitz, and Great Danes, and Dobermans, and Dachshunds, and Boxers, and, of course, German Shepherds. If your dog is a representative of a native German breed, you can choose a German name for it. They are slightly less elegant than French, but they sound hidden strength, power and confidence.

  • Annelis - elegance
  • Gretchen is a little pearl
  • Katherine is clean
  • Leona is a lioness
  • Lorelei - whisper of the rock,
  • Odile is rich
  • Senta - prosperous,
  • Sophie - Wisdom
  • Hedwig - warrior
  • Elfrid is the strength of an elf.

English and American

Perhaps the most popular of all dog names. English or American names sound good, they are simple in their own way and at the same time beautiful. Among them, you can choose both an exquisite name and a simpler name. And, importantly, English nicknames are suitable for dogs of almost all breeds.

  • Annabelle - gracefully beautiful,
  • Bonita is good
  • Wendy is a friend
  • Gladys - ruler
  • Gemma is a gem
  • Clarity - clarity
  • Mabel is attractive
  • Nancy - benefit, grace,
  • Roxy - dawn
  • Stephanie is the crown.


Asia has long attracted and fascinated with its peculiar beauty and incomprehensible mystery. In everything that has to do with it, there is something mystical. This also applies to Asian dog names, which, despite their unusual sound to our ears, are beautiful and melodic in their own way. True, they are far from suitable for every dog, but, first of all, for representatives of oriental dog breeds.

Japanese with translation

Japanese names are very beautiful and refined. They seem to be saturated with the very magic of the East. Such nicknames are suitable, first of all, for dogs of Japanese breeds, such as, for example, Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, Chin or Japanese Spitz. But if desired, any of these names can be called any dog, even a shepherd dog.

  • Akemi - bright beauty,
  • Jun - obedient
  • Yoshi is good
  • Keen - golden
  • Mizuki is a beautiful moon
  • Ren - water lily
  • Suzu - call,
  • Fuji - wisteria
  • Hoshi is a star
  • Shinju is a gem.


Korean names are peculiar and unusual to the ear of a European. But they, like all Asian names, have their own charm. Such names are suitable for representatives of oriental breeds, but some of them will suit any other dog. If you are fond of Korean pop music or the history of this country, then why not give your baby a Korean nickname?

  • Bao - protection
  • Van is a cloud
  • Jin-ho is a precious lake,
  • Yong is brave
  • Lin is spring
  • May is a flower
  • Nung - velvet
  • Tuan - bright
  • Hong is a rose
  • Shin - trust.


Chinese names are primarily suitable for Chinese breeds of dogs, such as the Pekingese, Chinese Crested Dog, Shar Pei and even the Pug., which, despite its European breed name, was nevertheless bred in China.

These names, which came from antiquity, remind us of the relationship between man, nature and the universe. Most of these names are associated with natural phenomena or with flora and fauna. Any of them will further emphasize the unusual, exotic appearance of your pet and distinguish it from other dogs.

  • Biyu - jasper,
  • Ging - abundance
  • Xia - pink clouds,
  • Lanfeng - Orchid scent
  • Meiling - plum jade,
  • Nuo - graceful,
  • Rong - warlike
  • Song - pine
  • Shan - elegance
  • Yunru is charming.

For a letter


Russian names, especially old ones that are no longer found among people, can also be a great option for those who want to name their dog in an original and beautiful way at the same time. These nicknames are close and understandable to everyone, but at the same time they feel the connection of generations.

Coming from the depths of centuries, these names are strong charms for our pets. In addition, despite the fact that they came from the depths of centuries, they sound beautiful and unusual, and at the same time they are not at all outdated.

  • Velimira - peaceful
  • Diva is wonderful
  • Zhdana - desired
  • Fun - funny, funny,
  • Young is small
  • Radmila is caring and sweet,
  • Svetozara - illuminating with light,
  • Tsvetana - like a flower,
  • Cheslava - striving for glory,
  • Clear - clear.

Lightweight and most beautiful

You don't want to give your dog a complicated or exotic name. Well, in this case, you can choose a simple but beautiful nickname for your girl. So that it is sonorous, short and easy to remember.

It is to this category that most of the dog names that have become traditional belong. If you are not afraid of the prospect of “being like everyone else” and you do not want to stand out due to the unusual, or even strange, nickname of your pet, then this is just your option. So, the most beautiful names for your baby:

  • Vesta,
  • Greta,
  • Delta,
  • Iris,
  • kerry,
  • Martha,
  • Polly,
  • Richie
  • frida,
  • Sherry.

With meaning

We refer to names with meaning those that are not just beautiful foreign names, the meaning of which we sometimes do not know. First of all, these are nicknames denoting any names, as well as phenomena or even objects. Is that the name of a dog? Yes, definitely. Moreover, among the huge variety of familiar and even seemingly ordinary words, you can choose one that will become a wonderful nickname for your pet.

  • Guild,
  • Dynasty,
  • Blackberry,
  • Crown,
  • Lyra,
  • Melody,
  • joy,
  • Plasma,
  • Dewdrop,
  • Taiga.

Funny and cool

Most often, funny and cool names are given to dogs with an unusual or even strange appearance, thereby further emphasizing their dissimilarity to most other dogs. It doesn't matter why you chose a funny nickname.

Why not Iris?

She will always cheer you up and those around you and will make your dog stand out among many other of her compatriots. Only at the same time, it’s better not to forget that a funny nickname should not be offensive or stupid, otherwise you yourself will be embarrassed to address your pet like that on the street.

  • Amba,
  • Bucha,
  • godzilla,
  • Dosya,
  • Toffee,
  • cutlet,
  • Bun,
  • Tequila,
  • Piggy,
  • Rogue.


Modern nicknames are a reflection of everything that we constantly hear about. It can be the name of some popular actress, or the name of a modern brand, and even the name of the heroine of a popular movie or series. Modern nicknames are designed to emphasize that we are aware of modern innovations and that we keep up with the times. Most of these names are suitable for dogs of any breed, but especially for representatives of newfangled breeds.

  • Angie (after Angelina Jolie)
  • Barbie,
  • Vesta,
  • malibu,
  • Nokia,
  • Riri,
  • Salma (after Salma Hayek),
  • Trinity,
  • fanta,
  • Heidi (after Heidi Klum).


Beautiful and rare names are chosen by those who want to stand out from the crowd themselves and highlight their dog. Due to their rarity, these names sound original and new. True, if the nickname is really successful, then there is always a risk that very soon it will cease to be so rare.

  • adriana,
  • Brigitte
  • Virginia,
  • Diodora,
  • Yesenia,
  • genevieve,
  • Calypso,
  • Liora,
  • Melissa,
  • Eurydice.

Simple and short

It seems that it is easier and really nowhere. One or two syllables, unpretentiousness and simplicity in sounding ... And yet, these unpretentious, simple, short names are beautiful and sonorous in their own way. Therefore, one of them can be given to almost any dog, both purebred and outbred.

  • Bassey,
  • Gaby
  • Zhuzha,
  • Nika,
  • Rhone,
  • Sophie,
  • Tera,

Original and unusual

An original nickname can be given to a dog of a rare breed or an animal with a special appearance. Or the puppy may have an unusual color, such as blue and white or brown merle and tan. Unusual and rare names are perfect for Chinese Crested, Basset Hound or, for example, Salukis.

  • Arabesque,
  • velvet,
  • Violanta,
  • Harmony,
  • dizizi,
  • giraffe,
  • Quadrille,
  • Lambada,
  • Pint,
  • Rhapsody.

Top: most popular

And now let's see what dog names are the most popular in the world and in Russia. The popularity of names is influenced by various factors. This may be the name of some show business star, or, for example, the heroine of a sensational film. Also, this category includes the names of characters from fairy tales known to all since childhood. Often, the names of dogs from popular films also get into the top names.

  • Gerda,
  • jessie,
  • Dina,
  • daisy,
  • gold,
  • Lada,
  • Lucy,
  • Martha,
  • Molly,
  • Stella.


You can give such names to dogs of any breed, but they are best suited small long-haired dogs like Yorkshire terriers, Maltese or Shih Tzu. Also a name related to fashion can be called a tall, slender dog like a Great Dane or a Greyhound.

Shih Tzu is a very elegant dog!

The best stylish names:

  • bijou,
  • beauty,
  • Diorita,
  • coco,
  • Prada,
  • paris,
  • rickel,
  • rhinestone,
  • tiffany,
  • Chanel.


Cute, affectionate names are not suitable for large and powerful dogs. But they are great for small, "toy" dogs. By naming your pet like this, you will emphasize her wonderful character and charming appearance. That is, just what small breed dogs are loved and appreciated all over the world.

  • buffy,
  • vivi,
  • Julia,
  • raisin,
  • Caramel,
  • Lyalya,
  • Milli,
  • Nyusha,
  • Polly,
  • cherry,
  • Bulya (from the word roll).


These names are suitable for serious, large dogs. Easy names are convenient for training, and subsequently a name that is easy to pronounce will facilitate communication with the animal. A simple, well-remembered nickname is better perceived by the dog, which makes it easier for her to follow the commands of the owner. Thus, between the owner and his pet, a connection quickly arises: a message - a response.

  • Alma
  • wanda,
  • josie,
  • Zosia,
  • Lassie
  • Mirta,
  • Nora,
  • pippi,
  • cherry,
  • Jasper.


Affectionate nicknames are given to gentle, fragile dogs. such as chihuahua, yorkshire terrier, pomeranian, toy poodle. They emphasize not only the grace of these cute babies, but also the attitude of their owners towards them. The small stature and fragility of these dogs evoke a feeling of tenderness and tenderness in the owner. These babies just want to be called the most tender and affectionate names.

  • Bead,
  • baby,
  • Cherry,
  • blackberry,
  • Bunny,
  • Toffee,
  • sweetie,
  • honey,
  • Baby,
  • Berry.


Nicknames from this category include the names of prominent historical figures, heroines of classical operas and ballets. Also, they include the names of animals, plants and astronomical objects. Interesting names can be given to slender, graceful dogs, both large and small. These nicknames are suitable for breeds such as Italian Greyhounds, Salukis, Dalmatians, Great Danes.

  • Beatrice
  • Cleopatra,
  • Columbine,
  • Laura,
  • Mamba,
  • Panda,
  • Octavia,
  • Flora,
  • Francesca,
  • Esmeralda.


In fact, it is not recommended to give animals the names of people. But if this name is not too common or dogs have been called that for a long time, then why not? Moreover, these nicknames emphasize the connection between dogs and their owners. True, there is always a risk that when you call your dog while walking, several passers-by will turn to your call. Therefore, in this case, it is still better to give preference to rare names.

List of female names:

  • Amelia,
  • Dina,
  • Lisa,
  • Laura,
  • Milan,
  • Nika,
  • Nusya,
  • Sonya.


Double names are not often given to dogs that do not have pedigree documents. But if your girl has a pedigree, it will be very beautiful if a nickname is written there, consisting of two words related to each other in meaning or just beautiful-sounding words.

Such nicknames can become a calling card show dog, emphasize its origin and magnificent exterior. And such names as Lady Luck or the Palm, among other things, can also become a kind of talismans. Who knows, maybe not least thanks to them, your dog will only take the first places at all possible exhibitions.

  • Hakuna Matata,
  • Eternal love,
  • Miss Fortune,
  • Dolce Vita,
  • Candy Kiss,
  • Marilyn Monroe,
  • Palm of the Championship,
  • Polar Star,
  • saint clair,
  • Club Lady.

For hunting

The most popular names for hunting dog girls (for example, hounds):


These cool, cool names are usually given to hunting, working or fighting dogs. Such as Rottweilers, Dobermans, Hounds, Hounds, Greyhounds, Spaniels, Terriers, Bull Terriers or Staffordshire Terriers. These names emphasize their serious nature, service and security qualities, as well as their speed of reaction, strength and endurance. Hearing such a nickname, you immediately understand: this dog is not to be trifled with.

Do not become a hostage to stereotypes: the dog is the way the owner raised it!

  • Beretta,
  • Bonnie
  • daenerys,
  • Karma,
  • katniss,
  • Lara Croft,
  • Leela,
  • Mafia,
  • Mystic,
  • Nikita.


Terrible names emphasize the serious nature of the pet. They are usually given to guard dogs and bodyguard dogs. As a rule, these are powerful, large, truly formidable-looking dogs. These include Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Rottweilers, Mastino, Boerboels, Irish Wolfhounds and other dogs with formidable appearance. Such names emphasize the working qualities of these dogs and their harsh, unyielding nature.

  • Entente,
  • Basta,
  • Bomb,
  • Storm,
  • Vendetta,
  • garda,
  • Thunderstorm,
  • Mamba,
  • Moray,
  • Tsunami.


Noble nicknames are suitable for such aristocratic and hunting dog breeds as great danes, greyhounds, greyhounds, pharaoh dogs. These and similar, majestic, beautiful animals from time immemorial lived at the royal, imperial and royal courts, as well as in the country residences of dukes, princes and barons. Noble names are designed to emphasize the antiquity and purity of his breed. They are beautiful and elegant, so if you give one of them to your pet, you certainly won't go wrong.

  • Beatrice,
  • Vincent
  • Gloria,
  • Countess,
  • Dauphine,
  • infanta,
  • princess,
  • letitia,
  • marquise,
  • Patricia.

For white, black, red

As mentioned earlier, often a nickname for an animal is selected focusing mainly on its appearance. What is the first thing you notice about a dog's appearance? That's right, its color.

We will not focus on rare and less common colors, such as blue, isabella, marble, we will only talk about how you can call a puppy of red, white and black. In all the names listed below, the emphasis is on the similarity of the color of the dog and some object or phenomenon.

So, for example, for dogs of a red color, names associated with gold or fire, as well as indicating the similarity of the pet with any animal of the same color, are suitable. How to call the white: some kind of "cold" name, as if hinting at the similarity of its color with snow and ice. Well, the nickname of a black dog will compare its color with the color of the night, darkness, or with the color of any animal with black fur. You can also give your pet a name associated with the name of some black fruit or berry.

Below is a list of names that can be called dogs of these colors.

How to call a redhead:

  • aurelia,
  • goldie,
  • golden,
  • gold,
  • Foxy.

Names for white:

  • Arctic,
  • Winter storm,
  • icicle,
  • Snowflake,
  • Umka.

For black:

  • blackie,
  • Blackberry,
  • Panther,
  • Midnight,
  • Shadow.


Summing up, I would like to say more about what a really good nickname should be and what should be guided by when choosing it. Here are a few simple rules that will help you choose the right nickname for your girl dog.

  • Consider character. If you want your dog to grow up serious and guard your home well, do not give her, even as a joke, frivolous nicknames. And if, on the contrary, you want your dog of a decorative breed to be cheerful, kind and affectionate, give her the name Thunderstorm or Storm.
  • The nickname should be sonorous and easy to pronounce.. Also, not too long. Therefore, do not give your pet names consisting of more than three syllables as a home, unofficial nickname.
  • If possible, do not call a dog by a human name, especially one that is widespread in your area. If you really want to give a puppy a human name, then it is better to opt for some rare, not often found. This will help you avoid embarrassing situations during walks, as well as at exhibitions and training grounds.
  • The name should please not only you, but also your pet. The fact is that sometimes there are cases when pets, for some reason known only to them, refuse to respond to their nickname. If your girl has been ignoring her nickname for a very long time, then, apparently, it is best to change her name, choosing one that your pet will also like.

On this, our conversation about how to choose the right name for a girl dog comes to an end. We hope it was useful and interesting for you.

And what is the name of your pet? Share in the comments a story about how you chose a name for your dog and what inspired you during this difficult, but such an exciting search for a suitable nickname for your fluffy princess. Express your opinion about this article in the comments, share your experience with each other and with us. And, of course, do not forget to post photos of your dog girls along with the stories.

Russian nicknames for dogs are not just a set of sounds, they have a deep meaning displayed by our ancestors. We have all heard the proverb - “whatever you call a ship, so it will sail” - exactly the same approach can be applied to choosing a nickname for a dog, which plays no less important role than the name and surname for its owner. That is why it is highly desirable to approach the issue of choice very responsibly, and even better, think about it before acquiring a dog.

In order to choose a good nickname that would really suit your pet, you need to know some rules:

Remember that the dog's name should be easy to pronounce.

  • When choosing a name for a dog, pay attention to its breed. For example, the name Bagel or Tuzik is absolutely not suitable for or a shepherd dog.
  • Always remember the meaning of the nickname. Our ancestors called dogs names that reflected their character and carried a certain meaning. That is why nicknames suitable for some breeds are completely inappropriate for others.
  • No need to chase originality. When choosing a special nickname that would make your pet stand out from others, remember that the dog's name should be easy to pronounce.
  • The dog's nickname should not overlap with the team, for example, Funtik and the "Fu" team, as this sometimes causes great confusion in the animal.
  • Pay attention to the features of your puppy. It can be funny spots on the face or back, or big ears. Such qualities can be reflected in the nickname by choosing the most suitable one, for example, Spot, for the owner of many spots.

Remember! There are a huge number of dog nicknames for every taste. That is why you should not call a pet the name of a close relative, neighbor or just a passerby. Names like Victor or Angela are simply not appropriate for a dog.

So, if you are still thinking about what to name a dog, Russian nicknames can be an ideal option. Unlike many other peoples, our ancestors tried to give dogs nicknames that would emphasize their appearance, belonging to the breed or qualities that the owner wanted to see in his friend in the future. Below is a list of popular nicknames for dogs of different sexes.

Nicknames for dog girls:

A girl dog can be called Rada, Iskra or Krasa, and for a boy the names Grad, Svyat or Amur are suitable.
  • Lelya;
  • Mlada;
  • Haze;
  • Glad;
  • Taiga;
  • Spark;
  • Fly;
  • bug;
  • Button;
  • Naida;
  • Beauty.

Popular Russian nicknames for dog boys:

  • Fog;
  • Amur;
  • Grad;
  • Ball;
  • Valdai;
  • Thunder;
  • Irbis;
  • Trezor;
  • holy;
  • Agate;
  • Chapa.

When choosing a nickname for a dog, in addition to common sense, creativity will not be superfluous. If you want your pet's name to really match his appearance, watch your puppy first. It is not necessary to call him in the first hours of life in a new place. Choosing a nickname can take a couple of days.

Choosing a nickname for a small dog is a real science. Many owners, in an attempt to be original, completely neglect the breed characteristics of the pet, as a result of which you can often meet with the nickname Behemoth or with an even more ridiculous name.

The name of a small dog should suit the pet, the names will be a good choice: Fly, Spot, Sonya.

Below is a list of nicknames for small dogs that will not only emphasize the personality of your friend, but also perfect for its appearance:

  • Chapa - suitable for a small fluffy dog;
  • A fly - this is how you can call a crumb of black;
  • Mink is the perfect nickname for a dachshund (see and);
  • Note - suitable for any miniature breed;
  • Lada is a good option for a small affectionate dog;
  • A fox is a good option for a fluffy Spitz;
  • Vetka - a name for a small nimble dog;
  • Funtik - such a nickname is associated with a small, plump dog;
  • Baron - suitable for unhurried and important kids, or bulldogs;
  • Spot - for a baby with a lot of spots;
  • Belek - this nickname speaks for itself;
  • Istok - a nickname for a mobile dog;
  • Sonya - this nickname also speaks for itself;
  • Leopard - a universal option, suitable for both large breeds and kids;
  • Arto - this nickname became popular after the publication of Kuprin's story "White Poodle".

The nickname for a large dog should be, first of all, solid and, in addition, emphasize the individual characteristics of the breed. So, how to choose a good nickname for the "giant"?

The name of a large dog should reflect its character and temperament.

Nicknames for hunting dogs:

  • Taiga;
  • Fog;
  • Willow;
  • Branch;
  • Altai;
  • Buran;
  • Haze;
  • Thicket;
  • Naida;
  • Vesta;

Nicknames for large decorative dogs, such as Great Danes or Bulldogs:

  • Buran;
  • Giant;
  • Amethyst;
  • Lada;
  • Dora;
  • Dara;
  • Nars;
  • Athol;
  • Stavr;
  • Mlad;
  • Lelya;
  • Beauty.

Nicknames for guard dogs:

A guard dog can be called Thunder, Pirate or Khan.
  • Covenant;
  • Lord;
  • Thunder;
  • Amur;
  • Pirate;
  • Gosh;
  • Leila;
  • Busya;
  • Aurora.

First of all, it is worth remembering that the nickname should be in harmony with the appearance of the dog. In addition, it is important to remember that it should be sonorous and simple just enough so that the dog can perceive it without any problems.

Most popular dog names

Just like human names, some dog names are more popular than others.

Among the popular nicknames for males are:

  • Buran - active, fast;
  • Dick is the leader;
  • Bim - cheerful, good-natured;
  • Fight - cocky, leader;
  • A friend is reliable;
  • Glad - benevolent;
  • Lel - spring;
  • Count - majestic;
  • The Danube is a reliable intercessor.

Below are Russian nicknames for dog girls:

  • Rada - cheerful, kind;
  • Aza - active;
  • Naida - faithful, reliable;
  • Sonya is lazy;
  • Vesta - obedient;
  • Aurora - affectionate, loving owners;
  • Inga - reliable, intercessor;
  • Lola is funny.

Representatives of domestic breeds (Russian black terrier, Russian toy, etc.) are usually called Russian nicknames.

In general, Russian nicknames are distinguished by their special sound. They are easy to pronounce and remember, and most importantly, carry a hidden meaning. Especially domestic nicknames are suitable for hunting dogs.

For example, in the days of Tsarist Russia, small dogs were most often called in the French manner, but larger, exclusively Russian nicknames, since not a single foreign word could single out the character of the dog with the same accuracy as the Russian nickname did.

Beautiful Russian dog names with a description of the character

It is believed that the name of a dog can affect not only its fate, but also its character. If you want your pet to have a peaceful disposition and at the same time a sonorous nickname, it is worth taking a closer look at some of the dog "names".

The most sonorous nicknames for bitches:

Beautiful nicknames for males:

  • Amethyst - proud, attached to one owner.
  • Amur is an excellent watchman and a very smart dog.
  • Baron - moderately lazy, but if necessary, he will always protect the owner and his property;
  • Dzhulbars is an angry and aggressive dog. These dogs are very vindictive, have a great sense of smell and a sharp mind. Ideal name for or any other guard breed.
  • Rad is a smart and kind dog who loves children.
  • Tuzik is kind and harmless, he can bark at a stranger, but usually his “threats” never go beyond this.
  • Gosha is stubborn, difficult to train, but he will never offend a child.
  • Sharik is highly trainable and is an excellent watchdog.
  • Umka is a kind and affectionate dog who loves to play, and is completely devoid of the instinct of a guard.

For a male, such beautiful Russian nicknames as: Amur, Dzhulbars, Amethyst are suitable.

The choice of Russian nicknames for dogs is almost limitless. If you wish, you can choose the right option for a pet of any size and breed. It is important to remember that the name given to the dog will not be able to make her life easy and happy if you yourself do not put any effort into it.

The puppy's nickname is often the subject of discussion, often even very lengthy. Why is it given such importance?

The name of a puppy can tell a lot about its owner. About his thoughts, even to some extent about character. But most often the name-nickname for the puppy itself comes to the head of the owner.

All you need is a little imagination! This article will discuss the names for dogs - boys.

How to name?

The main thing is where you purchased your dog. If he is thoroughbred and bought in a nursery, then. Most often it is intricate and quite complex. Many owners are trying to pick up a name derived from this nickname. Or they come up with an abbreviation if the nickname consists of several words. In fact, it is not necessary to do this at all.

You can choose a unique nickname, but you should remember the simple rules:

  1. Still, it is worth calling the animal by human names. Does it look a little strange if a girl in the park calls, for example, Seryozha, and a Doberman comes running to her call? Separately, I would like to emphasize that the name of the dog should be different from the name of the neighbor in the area of ​​​​the apartment where the owner of the dog lives, because few people will be pleased to know that the animal was named after him 🙂 It is better to choose exclusively dog ​​nicknames. For example, Lord, Richie, Court.
  2. Any dog ​​needs to be trained and trained in the acquired skills. That's why nickname must not contain commands. For example, if the owner teaches the dog the “Fu!” command, then the nickname Land mine or Funtik will confuse the animal with this command.
  3. Dogs don't think the way humans do. Therefore, it is better to give them a name of a maximum of two syllables, and having loud sounds in itself. For example, Buran, Bim, Jack.
  4. The breed, appearance, character, and other features of the pet should also be taken into account.. For example, dimensions. True, it is better to choose a neutral nickname for the pet. Because the owner looks strange, walking with a small dog, and calling her with the words: “Poseidon, come to me!”. Although this testifies to the owner's sense of humor. Just like calling a small dog Terrible, Giant or Gulliver. You need to choose the most characteristic feature that will not change over time. For example, Chernysh or Belyak are excellent nicknames for pure black or white puppies, respectively.
  5. It is absolutely not necessary to name the puppy as soon as he crosses the threshold of the owner's apartment. Better to watch his behavior and make the final decision.
  6. There is no need to invent anything special if you are the owner of a pooch. She has the same right to a beautiful name as her thoroughbred counterparts.
  7. If you cannot find a single suitable word in Russian, foreign dictionaries at your service. Sometimes a simple designation of a characteristic, for example, a color in a foreign language, looks original and fresh. For example, Schwartz is German for "black". You can use this name if your dog is black.

Why is it important that the name for the pet be short and as sonorous as possible? Because even if the grown-up puppy is busy with something (most often, passionate about the game), he could hear the call of the owner.


Many people dream of giving Russian names to dogs because it is convenient and familiar. List of nicknames:



Pick one of these catchy male names:

  • Loki (from ancient Germanic mythology, a malevolent God, suitable for a naughty dog),
  • Thor (also God, but fair, powerful and handsome, suitable for a large, stately and kind dog),
  • Ragnarok,
  • Hans
  • Werther (in honor of the cult literary hero from The Sorrows of Young Werther),
  • Charles,
  • Dirk (in honor of the famous king),
  • Rhine (after the river)
  • Sigmund,
  • Siegfried,
  • Ulrich,
  • Besten (best).


Many people are crazy about France and want to give their dog the flair of this beautiful country. How can you name a boy's dog in the French manner:

Japanese with meaning

  • Amai: sweet
  • Aiko: favorite
  • Aki: born in autumn,
  • Genkito: healthy,
  • Dai: great
  • Jin: silver,
  • Willow: strong
  • Yoshiko: obedient child,
  • Kadan: friend,
  • Kamede: long-liver,
  • katana samurai sword
  • Keiko: Beloved
  • Kumiko: baby
  • kuri: chestnut,
  • kuro: black,
  • Kawai (with emphasis on the long Y): cute,
  • Kuma: bear,
  • Mamoru: protector,
  • Taske: assistant,
  • Machiko: Lucky
  • Mikan: orange (can be called a red dog),
  • Natsuko: born in summer
  • Nikko: sunny,
  • Ricky: strong
  • sumi: pure,
  • Taji: silvery yellow,
  • Taka: of noble birth,
  • Fuku: bringer of good luck and wealth,
  • Haru: child of spring
  • Hoshiko: stellar
  • Tsuyoshi: strong, healthy
  • Shishio: lion
  • Chibi: cute
  • Choco: chocolate,
  • Shiro: snow white
  • Yume: a dream (like Putin).

English and American

We give cool foreign nicknames with translation:

Light and beautiful

Tired of common dog names? Do you want something beautiful, but at the same time “not hackneyed”? Then you can name a dog from this list of nicknames:

  • Iceberg,
  • Avalon,
  • Adam,
  • Berkeley
  • Gucci
  • baldo,
  • Indigo,
  • Emelyan,
  • Irbis,
  • Iris,
  • Zeus,
  • Gurion,
  • Galahad,
  • Gilbert,
  • Yves Saint,
  • Desmond,
  • Space,
  • Claudius,
  • Leonard,
  • Lafayette,
  • Neville,
  • Easter;
  • Pluto,
  • Percy (val),
  • Harry.

Cool and funny

If the owner of a "man's friend" called her cool, this may indicate a well-developed sense of humor he has. But choosing a beautiful, yet cool name for your dog may not be such an easy task. Although often it comes to the mind of the future owner by itself. Here are just a few of them:


The name of the dog should be short, max 2 syllables. In order for the dog to remember it better and faster. And the owner did not have to spend a lot of time to call his dog.

The future owner can name his dog as follows:

  • Alan,
  • Alyur,
  • Breeze,
  • Venya,
  • damon,
  • James,
  • Friend,
  • Jam,
  • Charles,
  • Queens,
  • Mulder,
  • Malik.


Non-trivial nicknames speak of a good sense of humor of dog owners. But you need to be more careful. Because not everyone can understand how it was possible to call your dog, for example, Rodbiter? Yes, and you need to think three times before giving such a nickname, imagine how you shout “Pants-biter, do not gnaw the curtains” 🙂


This is a matter of taste for each owner of the dog, and its features. Let's name the most popular of them, of those that have not yet been named.

  • Argo,
  • Rich (from the English "rich"),
  • Amur,
  • Caesar,
  • Oscar,
  • Marseilles,
  • Simon,
  • arnie,


If the person who owns the dog does not have the time and/or inclination to come up with an original nickname for their puppy, then here is a list of the most popular male names:

  • Rex (in Arabic it means "king"),
  • Hachiko (especially it became popular after the release of the film of the same name),
  • buddy,
  • teddy,
  • Charlie,
  • Zeus (it looks especially funny if a very small dog has this name),
  • Kid (If the “dog” of the Alabai breed bears this name, then similarly),
  • Sharik (out of competition in the Russian Federation 🙂).


Everyone decides for himself which dog name is unusual and interesting for him. Two dozen more names should be added to the already existing list.

  • Augur - that was the name of the priest who protected the people from unsuccessful deeds.
  • Argus - that was the name of the giant, who had a hundred heads, he was the personification of the starry sky,
  • Cupid - he was the god of love among the ancient Romans,
  • Antaeus was a ruler who drew strength from Mother Earth,
  • Argo - the ship on which, according to the legend of the Argonauts, the journey for the Golden Fleece took place,
  • Atlas is a titan who, according to legend, holds the vault of the sky,
  • Aton is the god who personified the sun in the mythology of Ancient Egypt,
  • Achilles - the great hero of the Trojan War,
  • Ares - in ancient Greek mythology, he is the god of war, and at the same time the son of Zeus,
  • Akhat is a common noun in Greek. It is used if they want to say about someone as a true friend, which is the dog,
  • Ajax - also, like Achilles, is the hero of the Trojan War,
  • Balu - translated as "lord", and in ancient Simite mythology is the god of fertility, thunder and lightning,
  • Veles - is the ancient Slavic God, the patron saint of animals,
  • Vulcan is the god of fire
  • Helios is the god of the sun
  • Hephaestus - in ancient Greek mythology was the god of fire,
  • Daksha is a deity in Hindu mythology,
  • Dionysus - the god of fertility in ancient Greek mythology, winemaking, and viticulture,
  • Zephyr - god of the wind
  • Icarus is a hero who wanted to fly to the sun, but unfortunately could not. His wings were scorched
  • Yima is a ruler in Iranian mythology.


Again, the concept of "cool" is different for everyone. You can call almost all nicknames from the lists cool for someone. Let's just add a few more cool names to the list.


They are given by those owners who want to make their boy stand out from the crowd, to make him unique.

For example, a car lover might name a dog after a favorite (and/or desired) brand of car, a traveler after a place they have visited and/or want to visit, book or movie lovers after their favorite character. For example, rare nicknames can be:

  • in honor of the pagan gods - Perun, Yarilo;
  • the names of dogs taken from mythology or other languages ​​that are incomprehensible to the main part of the people are unusual: Chur, Ragnarok, Bacchus, Jarakhsus;
  • there may be a series of sounds to which the pet reacts, and then it becomes his nickname;
  • Separately, I want to say about the comic "names". They will bring a good mood to the house. For example, chow chow or Russian terriers can be jokingly called Teddy, Barsik or Pinky.


Usually they arise if pets are officially registered. So, for example, the nicknames of puppies of the same litter in the kennel should begin with one letter. The nicknames also have an additional prefix from the breeder.

But still, in ordinary life, a short, sonorous name is used. This is dictated by the peculiarities of the dog's perception. They can perceive only the first syllables of their nickname. Therefore, a double name like Don Fleming Pand remains only for the owners. Or Double - Trouble (translated from English it means "double trouble")


The most interesting, beautiful and noble names for a male come from the names of gods and war heroes. For example:

  • Geb is the god of the earth in Egyptian mythology.
  • Gonor - the god of honors among the ancient Romans,
  • A hero is a legendary king or hero, who was glorified by his exploits,
  • Hercules is a hero who accomplished many feats in ancient Greek mythology,
  • Diomedes was a hero of the Trojan War
  • The centaur is a legendary creature, the embodiment of wild power,
  • Neptune - Roman god of the sea
  • Odysseus was a hero of the Trojan War
  • Odin is the supreme god in Norse mythology,
  • Perun is the main god in Ancient Russia.

What do famous people call their pets?

  1. Vladimir Putin: It all started with Koni. This funny black Labrador, without ceremony, violated the official ceremonies. It was presented by Sergei Shoigu. The head of state also has a Bulgarian shepherd dog received as a gift. A very rare breed. The animal's name is Buffy. Another dog, an exact copy of the dog from the film Hachiko, appeared with the President in 2012, it was presented by the head of one of the provinces of Japan. Her name is Yume, which means "dream" in Japanese. And he also has a dog of the Alabai breed, named Verny. It was presented to him by the President of Turkmenistan.

  2. Leonid Yarmolnik— he and his family have 3 dogs: Scottish terrier Solomon, dachshund Zosya, and pooch Dusya. His wife has created a charitable foundation "Giving Hope", Leonid helps her.

  3. The singer Sergei Lazarev there is a mongrel Daisy. She is a frequent guest in his pictures on social networks. He got a dog by chance. Actually, he was not going to start it because of a very busy tour schedule. He adopted a dog from a shelter, which is what he advises all people who plan to get a dog to do..

  4. The singer Lyubov Uspenskaya I have a pet - Frankie the Yorkshire Terrier. It was important for her to buy exactly her puppy, the one on which the eye would immediately fall. It only looks like a toy, but in reality it is a miniature toothy lion.

  5. TV presenter Yana Poplavskaya has a Belgian Shepherd Dusya. Poplavskaya, along with her children, found her in a terrible state. Wounded and doused with water in the cold. She began to call the veterinarians, but they only answered that she could bring the dog to be euthanized, because it was pointless to treat.

    At these words, Yana sent them away and decided to treat the dog on her own. And cured! Then she wanted to give Dusya away, found good people, but her son intervened in the matter. He was 11 years old at that time and he said, “Dusya trusted you, and you give her away.” After Dusya remained in the family and is loved by everyone.

  6. Actress Irina Lachina, her pet is Mickey the mongrel. She found Mickey in the park when she was on tour in Kislovodsk. It was scorching heat, and the puppy lay in the sun. He looked like he needed help. And it really was like that - he had a broken leg, he was emaciated and was dehydrated. But Irina took him to the vet and took him home.


Giving a name to a pet is not always an easy task, but a very important one. If it does not come immediately, then you need to choose based on the breed of the dog-boy, from the most characteristic feature (character or appearance), or you can use examples of celebrities who have a dog.

dog character depends on 5 main components:
1 - breed(it is of paramount importance for determining the temper and habits of your four-legged friend);
2 - heredity(it has long been noticed that parents pass on their children character and habits);
3 - upbringing(the diligence of the owner of the dog can significantly correct its behavior);
4 - Date of Birth(American astrologer and veterinarian Donald Wolf came to the conclusion that the character of a dog depends on zodiac sign under which she was born).
Fifth , but not the least important component for determining the character of a dog is its nickname . The main feature of this component is that you can greatly influence it at the very beginning of your pet's life.

Dog's nickname- this is not an empty set of sounds, but coded information, a sum, of genetic phonemes that dominate the animal, forcing it to behave this way and not otherwise. As the name of a person carries information about a person, so the nickname of a dog carries information about the character of the animal. Giving a name to a pet, put your soul into it. Do not use the first words that come across. Remember that you will have to use this nickname for a very long time.

By the way, if you are already looking for a nickname for your dog, then you will soon have a pet. Don't forget to create an individual vaccination schedule using an automatic form specially designed for you.

There are many nicknames and ways to choose a nickname for an animal. We can give you some advice on how to choose the right nickname for your four-legged pet. Dogs remember much faster and respond better to nicknames that begin with such consonants as b, d (especially j), f, p, h (not bad if they are inside the nickname), but worse - to vowels and to such consonants, like x, w, w, s. However, if you take a purebred dog, you will be informed in advance which letter you need to come up with a nickname for the pet. But this nickname will only be entered in the documents of the dog, in life you can call your pet by any other name. Remember that you should not name a dog after a deceased or missing pet or person, as this name can already carry negative energy.

To help you choose a dog name and understand what effect it will have on your pet, we bring you the most interesting and beautiful dog names . Even if you have already chosen the dog's name, you will probably be interested to know what it means.

See also: The most popular dog and cat names in 2010

Nicknames of bitches

ADA (from other Hebrew "decorations") A beautiful nickname for a thoroughbred dog, well suited for bitches of the Great Dane or Greyhound breed. Ada is very cute, easy to train, but does not always like to play with children. Sometimes it's capricious.

ADDI The character is complex from childhood: it grabs everyone by the hand, is vindictive, depends on its own mood and the attitude of the owner towards it, which it can bite. You need to talk to her like a person. Addie's condition is easy to determine by the eyes. Addy is clean, with contact it lends itself well to training, she makes a good watchman.

ADELA (from other German "noble") Fully recognizes only its owner. She must be treated strictly. Training does not lend itself immediately. It is recommended to give a nickname to dogs of the Collie, Standard Schnauzer, Pointer, Shepherd dog breeds.

ADELINE (from other German "noble") Kind, affectionate, trusting dog, letting children close to him. Adeline is sociable, cheerful, smart. Surprisingly: living with a cat, she is friends with her! It is advisable to give this nickname exclusively to purebred dogs, but not small ones. It is suitable for St. Bernard, Black Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Terrier, Setter.

AZA (presumably from other Hebrew "strong, strong") This nickname is taken, apparently, from the performance of I. Kalman "Gypsy Aza". The nature of a dog with this name is not easy. Winter Aze is restless, nervous. As a rule, these are lap dogs, rarely living in yards. They always happily meet their owners, greeting them with a loud bark. This fearless dog loves traveling by train and car.

ALAYDA In dictionaries there is no translation of this word, name. According to the vibration of sounds - this is a complexity in character. Dogs need to be strict. Mobile, playful, likes to bark at passers-by. Alaida lends itself well to training. Adult winter dogs are restless, they cannot be released without a leash. Alaida is an adornment of any exhibition, these beautiful dogs are always medal winners. The nickname suits the Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Rottweiler Boxer; sometimes bulldogs and standard schnauzers.

ALBIHA (from Latin "white") The nickname comes from a human name. The nature of these dogs is complex, but they lend themselves well to training. This is a purebred beautiful dog-medalist. The nickname suits the Irish and English Setter, the Afghan Hound. These dogs love to travel, swim, go hunting. Setters never leave their owners, you can walk with them without a leash - they are very calm both on a walk and at home. An atmosphere of calmness is created around them, they love to play with children, they cannot respond to evil.

ALVA (another Heb. "dawn", "dawn") This is a dog with a restless disposition, uncompromising, nervous, although at the same time kind and agile. Well trained. When playing with the owner, sometimes it can slightly bite him (out of harmfulness of character). The nickname can be given to large and small thoroughbred dogs. This nickname is especially good for poodles, collies, Newfoundlands, German shepherds.

ALEXANDRA (from Greek "to protect") This is a rare nickname for a dog, beautiful and complex in character. Winter dogs are good watchdogs, but they are difficult to train. On the exterior can take prizes. Dogs are free-spirited and should not be walked without a leash. To be free, they can run away from the owner. This nickname is suitable only for large thoroughbred dogs: Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Boxer, Great Dane, Mastiff. Sometimes this nickname can be called a mittel- and miniature schnauzer.

ALICE) This is a beautiful female name. A dog with this name can be large and small, it always reassures its owners, kind, affectionate, calm, reserved. Alice gives birth to several puppies, loves them dearly, teaches them and is hard to part with them. This is a suitable nickname for such medium-sized breeds; like Scottish Terrier, Russian Laika, Shih Tzu, Japanese Chin, Pekingese.

ALMA (from Latin "nourishing", "fertile") People often give this nickname to both yard and thoroughbred dogs, without knowing its decoding. The nature of the yard dog is kind, affectionate. They give birth to many puppies, become attached to the children who feed them. Unpretentious in everything. Easy to get used to new owners. Of the purebred dogs, this nickname is called huskies, German and Central Asian shepherd dogs, Moscow watchdogs, South Russian shepherd dogs, whose temperament differs from the temperament of the outbred Alm.

ALPHA (the first letter of the Greek alphabet is "Alpha/Elf") Thoroughbred Alphas are strong, self-confident dogs, moderately playful, with a restless disposition. They are not easy to train. Yard Alphas are simpler, they like to wander around until they find a new, more convenient haven.

AMANDA (from Latin "worthy of love") The character is difficult. Touchy, you need to communicate with her in a calm tone. She has expressive eyes, is very executive, there are almost no problems with her with proper communication. Amanda never runs away serves faithfully. The nickname is best suited to setters.

AMOND (from English "almond") This nickname is only for purebred dogs, large and small. Amond is a hunting dog. Kind, with a good flair, likes to frolic. It is not always faithful to the owner and therefore sometimes gets into various troubles. He loves children very much. Suitable for breeds of basset hound, blood hound, drathaar, kurtshaar, pointer.

ANGELICA (from Latin "angelic") The character of Lnzhelika is complex, the dog is very emotional, affectionate, loves to play with children. Good for training. The owner must be strict with her. You can walk with her without a leash: she does not run away from the owner. Externally, these are very beautiful dogs. This nickname can be called both large and small thoroughbred dogs. It is suitable for Chow Chow, Shih Tzu, Collies, Great Danes, Newfoundlands, Central Asian and Youth Russian Shepherd Dogs.

ARIADNA (from the Greek "very" and "like", "very worthy to be revered, respected") At exhibitions - these are dogs-medalists. Their character and disposition are calm, kind, they do not bark in vain. Clean, the owner does not annoy, amenable to training. They like to travel in cars, but a draft is terrible for them. These are very strong and courageous dogs. The nickname is suitable for large dogs of the breed of setters, greyhounds, shepherd dogs.

ARTEMIS In ancient mythology, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and the moon. The character is gentle, the dogs are sensitive. They must always be protected from colds. Puppies are emotional, playful, good-natured. Winter dogs are restless, difficult to train. The house has good watchmen, brave, biting. They grab it with their teeth and shake it until they tear it apart if the owner does not intervene in time.

BABETA (French caress to the name Elizabeth) The nickname, apparently, is borrowed from the French film "Babette Goes to War" and arose thanks to the talented game of Brigitte Bardot. The temperament of the dog is kind, calm, easy to train. Violently rejoicing, meets the owner. Children's favorite. The nickname suits Scotch Terriers, Dachshunds, Poodles, Pugs, Miniature Spitz.

BAGIRA This nickname came to us from R. Kipling's fairy tale and the film "Mowgli", many people know that this is a panther, a friend and protector of Mowgli. Dogs with this nickname are calm and kind, they do not growl at strangers, they allow children to pet them. Neat. Until they wipe the lala, they will not enter the house. They give birth to several puppies and do not let anyone near them for a long time. Pleases owners and neighbors.

BARBARA (from Greek and Latin "foreign") The character is simple and responsive. Behaving modestly. When he comes home after a walk, he lies down and lies calmly. Can be trained even at home - it all depends on the owner. She gives birth to two or three puppies, nurses them carefully and carefully. It is desirable to give this nickname only to purebred dogs.

SQUIRREL Small, lively, playful dog. Good temperament, unpretentious character. Can easily do without a host. Loves freedom and hunting in the forest Excellent scent, Good nickname for spitz and huskies.

BETTY A dog of calm and kind disposition. Beautiful and smart, she loves her owners. Bold, strong, likes to scare strangers. Gives birth to two or three puppies. This nickname can be given to all purebred dogs. But only small dogs are kind to people.

BONITA (from Dan. "good", "kind") The nickname was transferred from a female name. Impulsive, difficult to train. Much depends on the month of birth - the summer and autumn Bonites are the easiest. It is not recommended to walk such a dog without a leash. It is desirable to give this nickname to terriers, setters, Irish wolfhounds, Japanese chins, papillons, miniature spitz.

BULKA This is the nickname of a yard dog. She is kind and affectionate, making friends with everyone in the yard. If the dog is homeless, the children usually make a booth for it. She gives birth to many puppies and parted with them carelessly. Everyone takes pity on her and feeds her.

BECKY (an affectionate abbreviation of the female name Rebecca - from Hebrew "network") Beautiful nickname, soft sound. You can give it to any purebred dog. Mongrel such a nickname does not fit. Restrained character, kind. Becky's owners don't have any problems.

VLADA (abbreviation of the Slavic name Vladislav) Dogs of a cheerful, affectionate disposition. They quickly get used to the owners, quickly learn. Subtly feel the timbre of the human voice, easily offended. Neat, brings peace and warmth to the house. This nickname is intended for large thoroughbred dogs: Doberman, Rottweiler, Collie, as well as for medium-sized ones: Dachshund, Scotch Terrier. Exterior - Vlada medalist.

BERITA (from English "truth", "truthfulness") These are dogs of attentive attitude to people, trustful, allow themselves to be stroked by strangers. Easily trained. They can be walked without a leash: they will never leave the owner. They like to ride in a car and look out the window. The nickname is especially suitable for poodles, Pekingese, Spitz. It can be given to setters, dogs, shepherds, kurtshaars, boxers.

VESTA (from the Greek. "hearth") In Roman mythology, Vesta is the daughter of Saturn, the goddess of the hearth and fire. The name suits the Japanese Chin or Pekingese. But everything, of course, depends on the owner - he can call a dog of any breed Vesta. And whatever breed it may be, it is distinguished by touchiness, does not withstand rough treatment. Beautiful and funny, this dog is easy to train.

GALATEA (from Lat, Greek "milk", literally "milky white") In ancient mythology, Galatea is the daughter of Nereus and Dorida, a sea nymph, the personification of a calm sea. Good disposition. Good watchman. This dog can be walked without a leash. The personification of calmness and equanimity. But all this for the time being is only for someone to encroach on her little world. This is a nickname for dogs of indoor-decorative breeds.

GLORIA (from Latin "glory") Kind, curious, playful dog. Very homely, a little naughty. Favorite of the whole family, especially children. Small, almost pocket, Gloria is very graceful and smart.

GRETA (abbreviation of Margaret's name) Teaching Greta must be strict: she is a very spoiled dog. It is better to give this nickname to hunting breeds: Russian borzoi, pointer, Irish setter. The disposition is kind, affectionate. Exterior dogs, exhibition medalists.

DAISY (from English "daisy") The temper, especially of winter Daisy, is very difficult. They may suddenly growl, bite, or simply run away. In general, Daisy is a good watchman, a good mother, tenderly caring for her offspring. Never eats from someone else's hands, It is not recommended to let him off the leash.

JESSICA (from Heb. "God is watching", "God is watching") A dog with such a nickname is strong, courageous, with a calm disposition, loves to play with children, and is easy to learn. You need to be strict with her, but in no case yell at her. Can walk without a leash and never runs away. Puppies several puppies (sometimes twice a year). The nickname suits Collie, Airedale Terrier, St. Bernard.

Gilda- the name of the heroine of the opera by G. Verdi. The nature of the dog is complex, stubborn. Well trained only at an early age. Spoiled, requires careful care and attention. As she matures, Gilda becomes calmer. This is a beautiful and strong dog. Gives birth to at least 3 - 4 puppies. Quickly gets used to another owner. The nickname is suitable for large thoroughbred dogs.

DINA Presumably, this female name arose from the name of the Danube River. This is a beautiful and good name. Nickname Dean can often be heard in all yards. Yard Dina is an affectionate, well-bred dog, a mother of many children. She takes great care of the puppies. Sometimes this nickname is given to purebred dogs - mostly decorative.

DOLA The dog's name was a female name. Calm, balanced, but strict with people, she will not let herself be stroked by an outsider, but only plays with the owner. Dola never runs away She is easy to train. The nickname is suitable for large thoroughbred dogs: Doberman, collie, pointer, kurtshaar, Scottish setter, English setter, pit bull.

DONA (Russian abbreviation of the name Domna) The nickname is more suitable for yard dogs. She can also be called large thoroughbred dogs. These are easily trained dogs, good guards. This is a kind dog, but not everyone is allowed to approach him. Subordinates basically only to the owner. Unpretentious and smart. The nickname is suitable for shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler.

DOMINICA/DOMINICA (from Latin "dominant") Beautiful nickname. The dog is restless, fussy; He won't let anyone near him, not even children. Obey only the owner. Don't drive her without a leash. She won't do anything without a team. Proud, neat, excellent watchman. This is the nickname for setters, boxers, rottweilers, dobermans, terriers and other large dog breeds.

JULIET (from lat. generic name Julius, Julia) In honor of the heroine of the immortal work of B. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet gave such a nickname to the dog. The dog is friendly and playful. Well trained, caring mother for her puppies. This nickname can be called dogs of different breeds: large and small. Sometimes these are dogs with a tragic fate.

EVE (from other Hebrew. "live") This nickname comes from the female name Eva. Kind, very jealous and suspicious. Bold, without hesitation goes to the rescue Likes to swim, easy to train, Gives birth to 2 - 3 puppies, takes care of them for a long time. This nickname can be safely given to a black terrier, basset hound dog, pointer.

ZULKA This is a nickname for a simple, yard, stray dog, very hardy, which is fed by the whole yard. She has a loud voice and a kind disposition. When he lives with the owner, fed and protected, he becomes phlegmatic. It is better not to let her out on the street: she chases cars, barks at passers-by.

ZILLA (from other Hebrew "shadow") The character is balanced, proud. It's best to be strict with her. She feels confident at the circus arena, at the exhibition, in front of the camera. Change of owner, endures painfully, worries. Inquisitive, with a good sense of smell. The nickname suits dachshunds, basset hounds, scotch terriers.

ISOLDE (presumably from OE "ice" and "domination", from "beautiful, beautiful") Complicated, touchy disposition. Subject only to the owner. The character of Isolde is the character of a capricious woman. Cunning. Well trained, loves only himself. The nickname is suitable for guard dogs.

IRMA (dedicated to the ancient German god of war) A dog with such a nickname is difficult to train, restless. You can’t take it out without a leash: it can bite or bully a cat. Good watchman. The owner is respected more than the owner. The nickname is suitable for Doberman, Mastiff, Bull Terrier.

ISIDA (name of the ancient Egyptian goddess of agriculture) Only since childhood can be trained, having matured, he reluctantly carries out the commands of the owner. You can't let her out on a leash. Stroking himself, except for the owners, does not allow anyone. Growling can frighten unfamiliar children. Such a nickname can only be given to large dogs - Great Danes, Dobermans, Boxers.

BLOT This is a non-pedigreed dog, domestic, with a good disposition, accessible to everyone. Meeting a man wagging his fluffy tail. Does not like to roam like other mongrel dogs. Stays close to human habitation.

CHESTNUT The heroine of Chekhov's story. This is a yard dog with a good disposition, accessible to everyone. Easily trained, sonorous, mobile.

BUTTON A small, kind dog, very domestic, gets along with everyone, is slightly naughty, makes friends with a cat, loves children. The nickname is suitable for both yard and indoor-decorative dogs.

LADA (from other Russian "beloved", "dear") This is a beautiful and intelligent dog, which in extreme conditions will be able to stand up for himself and for the owner. The disposition is calm, it does not cause any special difficulties to the owner. Trained without problems. It is better to give this nickname to large and strong dogs of the Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Boxer, Bulldog breeds.

LIMA (from Latvian and lit. "happiness") This is a serious, strict, disciplined dog. He is well trained, guards no one is afraid. Those born in the summer can be walked without a leash. Lyme will never run away. He loves the hostess more, he walks with her more willingly. It is preferable to give this nickname to large and medium-sized dogs: Doberman, Collie, Pointer Pointer, English Cocker Standard Schnauzer.

LIZZIE (English abbreviation of the name Elizabeth) Persistent and gentle dog with a complex character, easy to train, but it needs a special approach. He guards well, occasionally works in a circus. This nickname is suitable for a boxer, Great Dane, standard schnauzer.

INDA (abbreviation of the names Theodolinda, Velinda, Ermalinda, etc.) Playful, kind, easy-to-handle dog. He trains well, practically does not resist, walks without a leash. She is attached to the owner like a child, everyone in the family loves her. Good watchman. This nickname can be given to almost all dogs.

LORNA (presumably from OE "leave", "disappear", "disappear", "abandoned") Emotional, playful, executive, kind dog. Not very fond of playing with children, but respects the owner. Likes to travel. Very neat, requires careful care. In early childhood, predisposed to lung disease. The nickname is suitable only for blood hounds, setters, terriers.

LUCIA, LICIA (from Latin "snow") A dog of a calm, balanced disposition. Learns quickly. Can perform in a circus. He often wins prizes at exhibitions. Excellent housekeeper. If a stranger enters the house, then Lucia (Lucia) will not let him out. This nickname is good to give to large thoroughbred dogs.

MAGDALENE (from the application to the name Marin - Marin from Magdala, then became a personal name) Very mobile, restless, kind dog, who loves to play with children and does not bite anyone. This is a strong and courageous dog, very beautiful, very smart, well trained, loves to ride children. The nickname is suitable for strong and thoroughbred dogs of the St. Bernard breed, Irish wolfhound, Rottweiler, Airedale Terrier.

HAYDA The nickname of everyone's favorite yard dog. She is trainable, but can bite a stranger. Naida rarely lives in an apartment, but she gets used to the owners very much. He lives with them until the end of his days. Gives birth often and a lot.

HEPA A kind and calm dog, never runs away from the owner. He loves children very much, recklessly plays with them, but does not bite anyone. Cunning, she can caress, but she won’t take writing from someone else’s hands. Feels the owners at a distance, even outside the door of the house, meets them with joyful barking. Likes to travel in the car, watch TV. Predisposed to diseases of a catarrhal nature, lungs.

PALM A universal nickname for both domestic and purebred dogs. The disposition is simple, accommodating. Quiet dog, but can suddenly bite. Home Palms are quieter, but they cannot be let out alone on the street.

REGINA (from lat scratch) The dog's name is borrowed from the female name Regina. The dog is beautiful and calm, the owner's real pride, but he is strict with children. Dressed without problems. But you can’t walk without a leash: Regin is very annoying cats. Such a nickname can be given to large thoroughbred dogs - setters, Afghan hounds, Giant Schnauzers, medium dogs, for example, the American Cocker Spaniel.

RITA (colloquial on behalf of Margarita lat. "pearl") Obedient, executive, calm and kind dog. The owners do not get enough of it, the children just adore it. Rita can be called a small dog, poodle breed, Pekingese, pug, toy terrier.

SILVIA (from lat "forest") The heroine of the famous operetta "Silva" by I. Kalman. Playful and kind, Silva is well trained, excellent guards and guards children. She is attentive, never runs away from the owners. You can walk with her without a leash. This nickname can be given to small and large thoroughbred dogs.

TINA (Russian abbreviation of the names Alevtina, Valentina) Bitch can be described in one word - quiet. Very sensitive house dog. Allows himself to caress strangers, cries with the owner, if the family grief. Kind and affectionate with all family members, understands everything. It seems that she is about to speak. The nickname suits dogs of indoor-decorative breeds.

FELISA, FELICIA (from Latin "happy") The temperament of the dog is calm, she is very sensitive, willingly works with the trainer. Glutton, Strong, can run a lot. The owner has no problem with it. She needs to be protected only from colds. She gives birth to several puppies once a year. This nickname is intended for purebred dogs.

FLORA In ancient mythology - the goddess of flowers and spring. Nickname of small (not necessarily thoroughbred) dogs. Dogs are kind, affectionate, give people joy and peace. That's just sonorous barking can scare children.

FLORENCE (from Latin "bloom") The dog is emotional, playful, but avoids children and only recognizes its owner. Smart, beautiful and courageous dog, the envy of others. She is very freedom-loving, behaves calmly at home, does not react to unfamiliar sounds. But on the street, she needs control.

HILDA (from other German "war") Good dog only to the owners. Children are not very fond of. Afraid of drafts. It is located to catarrhal diseases, it is ill for a long time and hard. She needs special care. Winter dogs are more hardy and strong. This nickname is only for purebred dogs.

ELBE The dog's name comes from the name of a river in Poland. The dog is smart, not irritable, in games he can accidentally bite his hand. Strongly attached to the owners, hard, even painfully endures separation. This nickname does not suit small dogs at all.

ELSA (English, German abbreviation of the name Elizabeth) This nickname is often called tigresses in the circus. Give it to dogs too. A dog with a calm, balanced disposition, executive, intelligent, with a good memory. Excellent caretaker and nanny for small children. Such a nickname can be called collie, dog, Newfoundland, English setter.

UNITA (from English "unity", "consent") The nickname Unita is beautiful and kind. Dog with unobstinate character, kind, beautiful. Likes to play with the owner and his children. Willingly walks in the park, in the forest. The dog is strong. Such a nickname is suitable only for purebred and beautiful specimens of the Collie breed, Great Dane, St. Bernard Airedale Terrier, as well as poodles and setters.

Nicknames of males

AGGEY (from other Hebrew. "festive", "having fun) By nature, the dog should be kind, fast, personable. The nickname is suitable for dogs of the breed Japanese Chin, Pekingese, Papillon, Toy Terrier, Miniature Spitz, Small Poodle.

IKE It can be mestizo dogs - bold, strong, big. Yard dogs lend themselves well to training, not always angry, but always hardy, courageous, strong. Some of them live in the owner's yard and are quite reliable watchmen. Winter dogs have a more complex temperament.

AMETHYST The nickname is given in honor of a beautiful gem. The nature of the dog is proud. very attached to the owner. Difficult to change ownership.

AMUR (in ancient mythology, the god of love) These are big, kind dogs, loyal to their owners, agile, good guards. This nickname can be called any dog, but it is best suited for large dogs.

LEOPARD The nickname is borrowed from the name of a predator cat leopard. This is a large, strong, proud dog, well trained, an excellent watchman, devoted to his owner. Nickname for large and beautiful dogs of service breeds: South Russian Shepherd Dog, German / East European Shepherd Dog, Podgolian Shepherd Dog.

BARSIK A diminutive nickname from the previous one. This is a small domestic dog. Maybe a yard dog. For her, no climate is terrible. Good temperament, calm, very fond of children.

BIM The nickname is borrowed from the film by G. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear". The very name of the dog is kind. Dogs lend themselves well to training; they love children, not malicious, they love their owners very much, they are devoted to them. Very smart. They do not leave their home. Suitable for setter dogs and small yard dogs.

BARON (in Western Europe - a title of nobility) This nickname is given to large, strong, proud dogs of service breeds.

BARKHAN (accumulation, mound of loose sand) The nature of dogs is complex: they are stubborn, angry, love only their owners. These strong dogs (especially winter ones) walk only on a leash and in a muzzle, because they can bite any dog. Amenable to training. They win prizes at exhibitions, as well as at championships. In battles, their reaction is lightning fast. These are good dogs for work on the border, good guards. They have an excellent sense of smell. The nickname is suitable for all shepherd dogs, Great Danes.

BURAN The character is calm, balanced, the dog is executive, lends itself well to training. Likes to play with children. This is a strong and courageous dog, can easily take a barrier of 2 meters in height. They are not picky about food, they can be taken out without a leash. Meeting the owner, joyfully greets him with a joyful bark. Dogs are hardened, get sick a little and can carry out guard duty. It is good to give this nickname to large dogs: huskies, shepherds, dogs.

TOP The dog is black or looks like a wolf, its disposition is calm, kind.

HAROLD (from other German "army" and "command") The character of the dog is complex. She is stubborn, proud, brave, self-confident, executive. This is a nickname for the Giant Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer, Great Dane, Rottweiler. This nickname can also be called a miniature schnauzer.

GASTON (from other German "guest", "foreigner") The man's name has become the dog's name. This nickname is given to large and small thoroughbred dogs of noble origin.

GIDEON (from other Hebrew. "grunt", "cut") This nickname is given to a brave, strong dog. She is a good watchdog, a glorious protector of the owner and his family. This nickname is for large shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler.

GILMORE (Servant of the Virgin Mary) This is a calm, self-confident dog of large stature; good guard. It is advisable to drive on a leash, as it is capable of picking up another small creature. The nickname is intended for a dog, rottweiler, shepherd dogs.

GORDON (from Scottish surname) The nickname is not new, but is rare. These are strong dogs with an excellent sense of smell, well amenable to training. Such a nickname can only be given to purebred dogs, mostly service breeds.

GRIF (from other Hebrew "judge") The nickname comes from the name of the bird. These are big, strong and courageous dogs that are not afraid of anything. The nickname is intended for large thoroughbred service dogs. Dogs are flexible, strong, persistent, like a mother. Winter dogs have a more complex character. Nickname for dogs of large breeds.

Jared, Jared (from Lat., Greek, Heb. "descended") This is a large, calm dog. This nickname can be called hunting dogs.

JASON (from other Greek "healer") Dogs with such a nickname are completely gentle, the kindest domestic creatures. This nickname can be given to dogs of medium breeds - pugs, dachshunds, dwarf poodles, basset hounds.

JACK (short for John) This nickname can be given to a thoroughbred and yard dog, since this kind and strong dog is a good watchman, but without a leash it can bully a cat. Training skills develop slowly.

JOHN (from other Hebrew "John" - "God granted", "given by God") In the Bible - the name of the baptist and the apostle. This nickname can only be given to purebred medium-sized dogs. They have a good disposition. Winter is stronger than summer. Dogs are sensitive, it is better not to let them off the leash. These dogs love the mistress more than the owner. The nickname is suitable for hunting dogs.

JUL (from English "precious stone", "treasure") This nickname is called large thoroughbred dogs - shepherd dogs, great danes. The nature of these dogs is not very calm, they are all very worried. They only tolerate a calm tone of communication, they are touchy.

JULBARS This is a strong, brave, angry dog, obeying only the owner. Tolerant of pain. Kindness to those who serve her. Dogs born in winter with this nickname are more vicious and less controllable. It is not recommended to let such a dog off the leash.

DICK Yard common dog. Kind to children; If the dog is a Laika breed, then it is the leader. Strong, intelligent, devoted to his owners, he goes hunting with them in the taiga.

DOMINIC, DOMINIC (from Latin "dominant") This beautiful nickname for dogs of medium size, exclusively purebred.

Bug A small fluffy capable dog. Strong and brave. It lends itself well to training, can work as an artist in the circus. These are outbred dogs, often living in the yard of the owner, where they are good watchmen.

IKAR (from Latin, Greek, "dedicated to the moon") In Greek mythology, Icarus, the son of Daedalus, escaped from captivity from the island of Kfeet, flying away on wings made of feathers and wax made by his father. This is a beautiful name for a dog. It should be given to large strong dogs. This dog is kind, well trainable, recognizes only its owner, is very executive, a good watchman.

CALVIN Puppies are given such a nickname often for their beauty. Nickname for thoroughbred medium-sized dogs.

QUINT (from Latin "fifth") This nickname is given to thoroughbred large dogs with a calm disposition. In dealing with them, strictness is needed. These are kind, dutiful dogs, well trained, but do not like cruel treatment.

CHARLES (from other German "courageous", "man" and "man") These are usually small dogs that can be trained. Winter ones are much more talented than summer ones. This nickname is usually given to medium-sized, often yard dogs.

CLARK The nickname comes from a surname. This is a small domestic dog, strict, when meeting loved ones, it always barks - it greets the owner, as if saying hello!

CLAUDE (French version of the name Claudius - from Latin "lame") This is a nickname for dogs of small size, kind, loving children, well trained, often working in the circus as artists.

CARIDON (from the Greek "funnel") This nickname is given to large, tall, thoroughbred dogs with a good psyche.

CIN Translated from the language of the inhabitants of the Isle of Man (in the Irish Sea) literally "warrior". This nickname is given to large, bold, fast dogs. The dog is kind and affectionate in liking; good athlete.

MILAN (city in Italy) These are big, kind domestic dogs, loving children, cordial, calm. Nickname for dogs of hunting breeds.

MICHAI (abbreviation of the Hebrew name "like the god Yahweh") The nickname is given to a gentle, affectionate creature, devoted to its owner.

MORGAN ("great", "light", "bright") This nickname should be given to a large calm dog that loves people. For the home, this is a good watchman. In winter, he can ride children.

MAY, MEY (eng. "may" or "hawthorn flower") Nickname for service, hunting dogs. These are large, strong, well-trained dogs, devoted to their owner.

NOUA ("peace", "calm") This nickname should be given to phlegmatic dogs, small and only domestic. These dogs have a calming effect on humans.

OREST (from Greek, "mountain") This is a large calm dog, very attached to the owner, although the change of owner does not endure too painfully. Good watchman.

OSCAR (from other Germans, "god" and "spear") The nature of these dogs is complex. These are smart, proud dogs that love children and do not offend anyone. They are large to medium sized dogs.

SHELFH This is the nickname of a yard dog, angry, restless, complex. Most of his life, such a dog travels.

FLUSH Small fluffy dog, well trainable. These kind dogs warmly welcome members of the owner's family. They love to play with children.

GLAD The nickname comes from the word "rejoice". It can be given to any dog. These strong, hardy dogs are kind, but love to scare people with their roar. Nickname for purebred dogs.

REX (from Latin "king") These are mostly yard dogs, but sometimes people give this nickname to thoroughbred dogs. According to the author's observations, these are mostly mestizo dogs. Winter has a complex temperament; In the yard they are good guards.

RENOLD, formerly REYNOLD (from other German "reason", "decision" and "rule") This nickname should be given to strong thoroughbred dogs, for example, Great Danes, Rottweilers.

RICHARD (ot.dr.-germ. "rich" and Lat. "strong", "hard") It is advisable to give this nickname to large thoroughbred dogs, strong and courageous: shepherd dogs, great danes, but not hunting dogs.

GINGER The basis of this nickname was the color of the dog. These are calm, good-natured dogs that lend themselves well to training, love children and play well with them. Most often it is a yard dog or Karelian-Finnish Laika.

SIMON (from other Hebrew "listen", "hear") The nickname of a kind domestic dog who rides children on a sled in winter. These are large dogs such as Newfoundland, St. Bernard.

TARZAN This is the nickname of a mostly yard dog, bold and courageous.

TEMOTHY, TIMOTHY (from the Greek. "revering") These are dogs with an impulsive temperament, hardy, hardworking, but not leaders.

TIFFANY (derivative of other Greek "God shows", Russian - Feofan) A dog with a calm, kind disposition. Somewhat phlegmatic. Loves children. This is the name of the dogs of large service breeds.

TUZIK This nickname is intended for yard dogs. In the mornings they meet people with kind barking and tail wagging, they love children who do not offend them, but feed them.

COAL A fictitious nickname of a yard dog, black as coal, kind, loving children, adapting to any conditions.

WILBUR This is a nickname for large hunting dogs that are not afraid of water.

WILFRED (from other German "will", "desire" + "peace") This nickname is intended for purebred dogs such as Rottweiler, Boxer, Standard Schnauzer, Giant Schnauzer.

HART (from German "hard") This nickname is suitable for large dogs of hunting breeds. The dog is calm, strong, courageous, not afraid of water, well-trained.

CHARLIK This is a small, like a toy, pocket, kind dog. Always meets the owner joyfully. Beautiful, defenseless, often sleeping in her owner's bed.

BALL This is the nickname of a medium-sized yard dog, well-trained, often working in a circus. Good watchman. Barks so loudly that it can scare.

SHERIFF This is a judge and a policeman in one person. A serious, strong, formidable dog with excellent working qualities, very devoted to his master. Such a nickname can be called service breed dogs: German (East European), Shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Doberman.

Based on the materials of L. Oleinikova, B. Khigir. Your dog's karma. Destiny settings.

The dog has been man's true friend for centuries. This animal has everything: love, courage, and loyalty to its owner. Some dogs hunt, others protect the territory, others are excellent companions. Among four-legged friends there are nannies, guides and rescuers. A person chooses a breed that matches his lifestyle, character and temperament. This is how true harmony and understanding between a dog and a person is achieved. It is noticed that animals often look like their owner.

When deciding to have a pet, many are faced with the question of choosing a nickname. Some discuss this issue at a family council, others look for the answer in books or the Internet. The nickname is the name with which the dog will live on, and the owner will have to pronounce it many times a day. Therefore, it should not cut the ear, arouse bad feelings and negative memories.

Dogs have different purposes in their origin:

  • Watchdogs.
  • Hunting.
  • Companion dog.
  • Service.
  • Shepherds.
  • Fighting.
  • Rescuers.
  • Riding.

How to choose the right name for a dog?

The nickname for the dog should correspond to its size, pedigree roots, status and future purpose. If this is a Doberman, then such a beautiful and stately dog ​​should be given a nickname that can emphasize its grace. For the boxer, we will focus on a strong physique. For hunters, we choose a sonorous name. The watchmen and guards will have nicknames that are understandable and clear. And companions will gladly respond to the names of celebrities and artists.

Be sure to study the history of the four-legged friend breed. Look into his eyes! They will guide you and help you make the right choice.

It is not advisable to come up with a nickname for a pet before it appears in the house. You do not yet know his character (and this is very important). We must remember that choosing a nickname for dogs is a responsible step. Astrology claims that the received name affects the future character of the pet and its future life.

Any owner wants a complaisant, mentally balanced friend to grow up next to him. Therefore, it is not necessary to call him the Devil or the Bes. Choose beautiful, bright and sonorous names. Which are nice to say. Avoid hissing letters and harsh endings. Say the chosen nickname aloud several times, try to shout it out loud. It happens that the dog does not respond to the chosen nickname and unexpectedly responds to another. She has a choice too!

Nicknames for large dogs

Guard dogs (Great Dane, Cane Corse, Mastiff, Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Bullmastiff, Rhodesian Ridgeback)

They guard the house and carry out faithful service. They have a difficult and responsible job. The nickname should correspond to their status and position. For such dogs, choose beautiful and serious names.

  • Male: Rich, Martin, Marcel, Orion, Fakir, Dick, Pirate, Lord, Chesar, Caesar.
  • Bitch: Irma, Alba, Laura, Dana, Yashma, Dina, Chelsea, Era, Chaka, Bagheera, Saima.

Service and guard dogs (all types of shepherd dogs, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Rottweiler, bulldogs)

Their life is meant for the protection and salvation of man. They are large and brave animals. Therefore, they need a nickname that emphasizes their main essence and purpose:

  • Male: Zeus, Sheriff, Anchar, Jack, Zaire, Icarus, Faithful, Scarlet, Max.
  • Bitch: Alba, Viola, Ruby, Cherry, Kiara, Elsa, Laura, Irana, Becky, Agnia, Daisy.

Hunting dogs (huskies, hounds, kurtshaar, pointer)

They are great hunters and know their stuff. It is better to choose a sonorous name so that you can shout it. Their names are:

  • Male: Bim, Ralph, Boy, Zaliv, Valdai, Baikal, East, Gray, Gray, Fuse.
  • Bitch: Zara, Maina, Bullet, Belka, Aika, Gerda, Adele, Lana, Zarya, Nala, Chika.

Sled dogs (husky, malamute, samoyed dog)

Visitors from the north Strong, powerful and extremely durable. They will like nicknames from a cold, northern theme.

  • Male: Buran, Ice, Bars, Polyus, Kai, Nord, Nanuk, Sever, Balto, Umka, Norman.
  • Bitch: Blizzard, Blizzard, Alaska, Utah, Dymka, Khurta, Nora, Alpa, Skye, Jena.

Shepherd dogs (collie, sennenhund, Australian white shepherd, akita inu, terriers, welsh corgi)

Smart and mentally balanced. Reliable friends of man. Help people at work. They are good guards and nannies. Suitable nicknames for them:

  • Male: Anchar, Marquis, Baron, Jackie, Karat, Albert, Muscat, Louise, Leon.
  • Bitch: Gerda, Zheka, Laima, Silva, Vesta, Alba, Mirta, Shelby, Betty, Adele.

Fighting dogs (pit bull, staffors, mastiffs, bulldogs, bordeaux)

It is difficult to choose a name for such a dog. A small puppy does not immediately correspond to the name of an adult animal. When he grows up and matures, this name will suit him. Let it be short, without a hint of "shusi-pusi."

  • Male: Kuch, Sean, Tyson, Staff, Boss, Porsche, Tair, Ben, Fred, Bruce, Hank, Duke.
  • Bitch: Elsa, Adele, Sharon, Pita, Dima, Linda, Sarah, Yucca, Chili, Hanna.

Companions, companion dogs (retweaver, labrador, afghan)

They are bred for the soul. They don't go hunting or catch criminals. The main purpose is to be near the owner and give your love. You can talk to them or go to rest. The owners prefer to call companions affectionate names.

  • Male: Meissen, Charlie, Leon, Barry, Henry, Ruslan, Anri, Kasper, Lucas, Orion.
  • Bitch: Jessie, Cathy, Berta, Marta, Eva, Margot, Jaddy, Lilu, Faina, Agatha.
  1. Choose a name no more than two syllables. Canine hearing does not perceive long names.
  2. Do not call the nicknames of the dead, dead animals. This is a bad omen.
  3. The dog's name must be meaningful and match the coat color of the animal. It's absurd to call a white dog Black and a black one Ice.
  4. A sense of humor is inappropriate here. Do not call big and beautiful dogs by folk names and yard nicknames.
  5. It is not necessary to name a word whose meaning is not known. Who knows what it will bring home?
  6. Rare and original names will give the dog a bright personality.


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