The tooth was filled and it still hurts. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis or periodontitis

Hello, dear visitors. Welcome to our website. Today you will find an interesting and important topic. Surely many have encountered a situation where, even after a filling was placed, the unpleasant sensations still remained. What to do if your filled tooth hurts?

First you need to figure out what exactly caused such unpleasant sensations. It should be understood that there is a big difference between pain in a tooth where the nerve still remains, and similar sensations in the entire/partial tooth. We'll look at a few basic options.

Root perforation

Root canals are rarely of a convenient, “correct” shape. They are usually narrow and winding. A competent dentist sends the patient to take an X-ray. This way he takes much less risk and gets a more complete picture of what is happening. Modern devices - electronic radiovisiographs - allow you to take a picture of the root without causing any harm. Their radiation dose is equal to thousandths of a dangerous dose for humans.

If the doctor works blindly, then unpleasant incidents often occur in which the endodontic instrument damages the root apex. As a result, the filling material is discharged into the periapical tissues, causing their irritation. After a day or two, the patient experiences noticeable discomfort and even where the nerve has been missing for a long time.

What to do? Go to the doctor, complain, demand to take a photo of the tooth. There are now many special dental materials created specifically to eliminate perforations. They promote the formation of secondary dentin and the restoration of root bone tissue.

The doctor broke the instrument inside

The reasons for this unpleasant situation are the same as in the previous case - without a picture, difficulties arose with the passage of the root canal. The thin instrument broke off inside the tooth and the doctor decided not to bother himself with such a difficult task as removing it.

Instead of thinking about how to get the metal part out of your root (which is possible), he simply “filled” it with filling material.

Sometimes a dental instrument breaks in the tooth canal - in this case it is important to remove the fragment to prevent

Such situations arise not only among young doctors. Even professionals with 20 years of experience make mistakes. Moreover, such sins occur both in budget clinics and in private ones. If you take a picture, the metal part will be radiopaque and noticeable. It is necessary to open the tooth, remove the filling from the canal and remove the fragment with a special tool before the patient gets even worse. Inflammatory processes are eliminated by introducing medications into the canal. Re-sealing is possible only after the canal has been cleaned and disinfected.

Doctors really don’t like to admit such mistakes. They like eliminating them even less. After all, getting a small piece of a metal object is not so easy. Often, even when they return, they try to simply “heal” the tooth using various means, and then close the canal again.

Untreated pulpitis

In modern dental practice there is a rule - to try to save a tooth until the last. Many doctors believe that we should also strive to save nervous tissue -. In some cases they succeed. The inflammation is relieved, the pulp is covered with a special material that allows you to create a dentin bridge. But it happens that acute pain begins in the tooth with the nerve. The patient comes for a follow-up appointment, the doctor opens the tooth and discovers that pulpitis is actively developing. You have to put in medicine to devitalize the pulp, and then remove it at the next appointment.

It’s even more fun when the problem is in the root pulp. One missed channel and the patient is guaranteed toothache for the next few days after use.

The optimal solution is to send the patient for an x-ray, make sure you are right, open and clean the canal. If the problem is not resolved and the filled tooth continues to hurt, you need to check whether the material has escaped beyond the apex. We have already written about similar cases above. Many modern fillings contain substances that cause allergies and irritations.

Video - Complications after treatment of pulpitis

Untreated caries, secondary caries

If pain appears when biting on the tooth that was treated, it means that it was not fully treated. That is, there are pockets of infection left - dentin affected by the bacterial process. As the tooth deteriorates further under the filling, sooner or later the tooth will begin to hurt. This happens because the layer of healthy dentin one day ends and the exposed pulp is left “face to face” with an insidious enemy.

The longer a person delays going to the doctor, the larger the outbreak. Eventually, the pulp is completely destroyed. If you do not seek help in time, a necrotic fragment of the pulp will rot in this tooth. Gradually this process will cover the root part. What's next? It is better for you not to lead to such consequences. Because bacteria are completely indifferent to which tissues they destroy. Often people neglect a diseased tooth until the root itself begins to decay.

Caries that has not been completely cured in 100% of cases turns into. This needs to be remembered at the moment when you decide whether or not to go to the doctor after pain in your filled teeth appears. And pulpitis, in turn, is a very dangerous disease. It is fraught with complications, which will be discussed below.

A filled tooth hurts - periodontitis

Sometimes pain when pressing may indicate the development of such an unpleasant disease as. What it is? This is an inflammatory process that affects the tissues surrounding the tooth. It often leads to the destruction of bone tissue and the formation of cysts under the root.

Periodontitis can occur in both permanent and temporary (baby teeth). Therefore, not only adults, but also children suffer from it.

The symptoms are simple - the tooth aches. If there is a load on it, the pain intensifies significantly. No pill will help eliminate this disease. The medicine must be directed locally to the affected tissues to eliminate the source of inflammation.

When the disease becomes chronic, it manifests itself in the form of edema, swelling of the gums of the affected tooth. Over time, a wound forms on the gum. This is a fistula in the tissue through which pus is naturally removed. Over time, weakness, headaches, and fever may appear. When the patient chews food, the pain increases and becomes acute.

Video - Periodontitis

A formation such as a tooth may appear under a tooth without a nerve. In dentistry, there are two definitions of a cyst, which forms at the root of a tooth. These are periodontal abscess and radicular cyst. If the process began in the upper jaw, then the cyst can significantly increase in size over time. This process is facilitated by the structural features of the bone, namely its porous structure. This is an ideal springboard for an attack. The cyst becomes larger and the patient experiences an increasing feeling of discomfort. At the same time, he knows for sure that his tooth has been cured and there is simply nothing to hurt without the pulp.

Sometimes the tooth is injured and the cyst shell is destroyed. As a result, the pus located inside begins to spread into the surrounding tissues. A focus of infection appears and the inflammatory process begins. If the immune system is weakened, for example, during an acute respiratory infection, the cyst fills with pus faster and severe pain appears when chewing. The feeling is not pleasant. And the person cannot understand what is happening. The doctor also cannot immediately guess what caused the patient’s condition. Therefore, it is necessary to take a photograph of the tooth for differential diagnosis.

Sometimes a cyst appears because the doctor did not fill the canal well. The size of the cyst can reach 7-10 mm, and sometimes larger formations are found. What to do?

  1. Option one is treatment with therapeutic methods. That is, the canal is unsealed, cleaned, and treated with an antiseptic. The medicine is then injected into the tissue of the cyst itself. A temporary filling is placed in the canal. This action is repeated several times, with X-ray tests. If the cyst can be cured, the canal is permanently sealed.
  2. Option two is radical. It is necessary to perform resection of the root apex. During the operation, the doctor gets to the gum side, removes it, cleans and disinfects the cavity. After this, the wound is sutured, installing a drainage through which the ichor comes out. This is much more reliable than the previous option.

The biggest problem is that people almost never come for help on time. We all understand perfectly well that it takes more than one day for a centimeter-sized cyst to appear. Therefore, it is recommended that at the first symptoms - pain, swelling and other complications after dental treatment - contact a good dentist. In many cases, it is timely treatment that helps save the tooth and avoid painful manipulations.

7 reasons to visit a doctor if you have these symptoms:

chewing food
The intensity of post-filling pain does not stop within 3 days
There was an unpleasant purulent odor from the mouth

Doctors in budget clinics often make mistakes that lead to inflammatory processes in filled teeth and periapical tissues. Therefore, it is always recommended to go only to a trusted specialist whose experience and skills you trust. Don’t be lazy to look through reviews of clinics. This will help save time, money and your health.

If you have had experience of similar situations, write about real-life cases. We are waiting for your comments!

Video - What to do if a tooth hurts under a filling

Toothache under a filling can be both infectious and traumatic in nature, that is, it usually occurs either due to bacteria that cause inflammation entering sensitive soft tissues, or due to some mechanical impact. In general, the tooth itself cannot hurt, since it consists of bone tissue, which, by definition, is not sensitive to pain. However, the pulp tissue in its cavity contains a large number of nerve endings that signal the brain about the presence of problems in the damaged area. This is why it so often happens that even a treated tooth ache under the filling.

When pathogenic bacteria enter the pulp, it begins to become inflamed and cause severe pain. If you have already gone to the dentist once for treatment of a bad tooth, then repeated pain may occur for the following reasons:

  1. If the area damaged by caries is not thoroughly cleaned or a leaky filling is installed, a repeated carious process may develop, which, due to favorable conditions, will progress much faster. Usually, such mistakes do not happen when you contact a good specialist from a trusted clinic. So, if after treatment you are experiencing severe pain for a long time, especially if it is a filling on a front tooth, you should immediately make an appointment for a follow-up appointment. In advanced cases, the tooth will have to be removed. Fillings on the front teeth must be installed with special care and precision!
  2. Sometimes it happens that deep caries has already damaged the layer of dentin under the enamel, and the infection has spread further to the soft tissues, however, severe pain has not yet begun. The doctor removes the damaged area of ​​enamel, fills a cavity. You return home, the anesthesia wears off and, perhaps immediately, or perhaps after a few days, you realize that your tooth hurts very badly under the filling. This means that the inflammatory process in the pulp has already reached the nerve endings, i.e. you have started to have pulpitis.
  3. There is another situation. Let's say a doctor has cured an advanced form of pulpitis, but the inflammatory process has already moved to a deeper level and entered through the apical foramen in the root into the periodontal area. Thus, if you have a toothache under a filling, and the nerve has been removed, there is a possibility of periodontitis.
  4. Another very unpleasant consequence of advanced forms of inflammation is a cyst. Most often, it grows for months, or even years, completely painlessly, while destroying the bone tissue of the jaw so much that it can no longer be restored without resorting to surgical intervention. So if your tooth hurts after a filling, do not put off going to the dentist, because this can result in very disastrous consequences.
  5. An allergic reaction to the components of a filling substance is not uncommon these days. Nowadays, new drugs are increasingly appearing that make it possible to reduce the patient’s treatment period to a minimum, but some of them contain potent components that can cause, among other things, irritation. If suddenly, one or two days after treatment, a tooth ache under the filling, perhaps the culprit is intolerance to some substance. Often this pain is accompanied by other symptoms that make it possible to diagnose an allergic reaction.
  6. Does a tooth under a filling react to cold, hot or pressure with aching pain? Possible reasons: shrinkage due to the use of low-quality material or left unfilled cavities, as well as the exit of filling material into the periodontium through the apical foramen. To avoid such a situation, it is recommended to contact only trusted dentists who have an X-ray machine at their disposal.
  7. No one is immune from mistakes, so even the best dentist can have trouble. Often clean tooth canals from the pulp residues it is necessary to use very thin instruments. If your tooth aches after filling, a possible cause may be a small piece of needle or drill tip remaining inside. An x-ray will allow you to rule out this possibility.
  8. And, of course, non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations, as well as hygiene rules, can lead to painful sensations.


To eliminate the causes of pain, you should definitely contact your doctor. And the sooner you do this, the less likely it is to develop complications.

If your tooth hurts after installing a filling due to caries or pulpitis, treatment will consist of drilling out the old composite, completely cleaning and disinfecting the damaged cavity, and refilling it.

With periodontitis, treatment will take longer, since repeated treatment of inflamed tooth and gum tissues with antiseptic drugs is necessary. Treatment of cysts involves exclusively surgical intervention. Recently, many clinics have begun to use a laser device for these purposes, which makes the procedure virtually painless.

In case of an allergic reaction, the only treatment is to replace the filling substance with another that does not cause harm to the body. In all other cases, only the doctor who performed the initial treatment will be able to determine why the tooth hurts after a filling and how to deal with it. All that is required on your part is an immediate response to the problem and an appointment with a specialist.

After treating the diseased tooth and installing a filling, all discomfort should go away. But sometimes the restored unit begins to ache unpleasantly and hurt when bitten or tapped. Why does a filled tooth hurt, what should I do?

Wrong diagnosis

Deep caries and very similar. If the dentist incorrectly determined the diagnosis and did not perform pulp removal or root canal cleaning, inflammation develops under the filling. The patient feels intense pain.

In such cases, it is impossible to do without root canal treatment. You need to see a dentist and carry out the necessary therapy, otherwise you may lose your tooth.

Overheating of tooth tissues

With poor quality treatment by a dentist with low qualifications who does not use air-water cooling, the dental tissues of the drill overheat. This leads to burns and pulp necrosis.

If the nerve endings are not removed, pulpitis forms under the filling. Patients suffer from severe throbbing pain. The condition can be alleviated and the tooth can be cured only after high-quality root canal cleaning.

High filling

Why did you fill a tooth, but it still hurts, what should you do? Most often, treatment is carried out under local anesthesia,
After installing the restoration material, the dentist checks whether the filling is applied correctly. To do this, he asks the patient to close his mouth and looks to see if the teeth are closing correctly, asking if anything is in the way. But under the influence of anesthetics, some areas of the patient become numb and discomfort may not be felt. After the effects of the medications stop, pain appears when biting, and the chewing surfaces of the jaws do not close properly.

To eliminate the discomfort, you need to visit the dentist and polish the surface of the filling. It is a mistake to think that a high filling will gradually wear off on its own. It can lead to injury and inflammation of periodontal tissue. In the future, the tooth can be lost.

Polymerization stress

Due to non-compliance with the technology of dental restoration using “” (light-curing composites), shrinkage may occur. Under the influence of a special lamp, the volume of the composite decreases and the walls become stressed. As a result, the tooth gradually begins to ache; the discomfort may pass after a while or be present constantly.

What to do in case of polymerization stress? To eliminate pain, it is recommended to carry out treatment using other materials.

Poor canal treatment

Why after treatment of pulpitis? After depulping and cleaning the canals, minor pain may remain for some time. Most often, discomfort occurs when pressing or biting on the treated unit. This is due to the effect on periodontal tissue. The pain should gradually subside; if the condition does not improve, it means that the treatment was carried out poorly.

The nerve fibers may not have been completely removed, the filling material may have been moved beyond the root or may not have completely filled the canals. Inflammation develops in the resulting voids, severe pain occurs when
pressing on the tooth. In such cases, retreatment of the canals is required.

A dental instrument containing nerve remains may break off in the root canal cavity. In case of difficult-to-pass canals, the doctor may perform poor-quality cleaning, which will also lead to the development of an inflammatory process with acute pain under the filling.

If long-lasting pain occurs after treatment of pulpitis, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and re-clean the canals.

Damage to the seal

Over time, restorative materials wear out and move away from the walls of the tooth cavity. Food debris and bacterial plaque accumulate under the filling. Caries forms, which can later develop into pulpitis.

A poorly installed filling can fall out and cause tooth pain. The reason for its loss may be non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations after treatment. For example, the patient ate and drank earlier than 2 hours after treatment.

In such cases, it is necessary to re-treat the carious cavity and reinstall restoration materials.

Allergic reaction

Sometimes there is an allergy to the composite materials that the dentist uses during treatment. In this case, in addition to pain, the patient will feel a strong burning sensation, itching in the surrounding tissues, and swelling of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity will appear.

What to do if an allergic reaction occurs? You need to take antihistamines: Diazolin, Suprastin. To alleviate the condition, the filling should be installed from a different material.

How to relieve pain at home

Why does a treated, filled tooth hurt? What can you do at home? The most famous and effective way to relieve pain and inflammation is to rinse the mouth with a solution of baking soda and salt. To prepare, take 1 teaspoon of baking soda and the same amount of salt, dilute it in a glass of warm water. The procedure should be done 4-5 times within 1 hour.

For more intense pain, you can take painkillers: Ketanov, Nise, Nurofen. But if the condition does not improve for a long time, you need to visit a dentist.

When should you see a doctor?

  • Swelling of the cheek and mucous membranes in the area of ​​the treated tooth appeared.
  • The pain does not go away and intensifies for more than 2 weeks.
  • Body temperature rises.

During a visit to the doctor, it will be determined why the pain occurred under the installed filling and appropriate treatment will be carried out.

When a tooth hurts very badly, a person, willy-nilly, has to seek help from a dentist in the hope that soon all his suffering will end. But there are situations that even after filling it hurts to press on the tooth.

It should be understood that the impact of a drill on tooth enamel and dentin is still a minor surgical operation. Therefore, it is quite natural that minor pain may appear while the body recovers from it. But this condition is not always harmless.

Therefore, we will try to figure out in what cases you don’t have to worry about anything, and when you need urgent medical help.

Why might a tooth hurt after treatment?

Filling a dental canal is not an easy task. First the dentist cleanses carious dental cavity, after which everything is thoroughly dried, and only then the filling of the cleaned cavity begins. This process may be accompanied by pain, which can be sharp or aching.

If toothache occurs after pulpitis, it means the dentist did the treatment incorrectly. It is possible that the channel was poorly cleaned. Acute pulpitis occurs if a small piece of the affected tooth was left during treatment. If after treatment it hurts to press on the tooth, it means that the dental canal was not completely dried or was overdried before applying the adhesive. In this case nerve endings are irritated, as a result of which the pulp becomes inflamed.

A filled tooth may hurt in the following cases:

  • after treatment of caries, when a permanent filling was installed;
  • when the canal was treated and a temporary or permanent filling was installed.

Most dentists try not to remove the nerve from the canal when caries occurs. But sometimes situations happen that medical errors occur during treatment. Let's look at the most common errors that result in tooth pain after filling.


In this case, only the attending physician is to blame, because he could not correctly figure out what was bothering the patient - chronic pulpitis or deep caries, the symptoms of which are very similar. If the dentist made a mistake and placed a filling for chronic pulpitis, then in this case the tooth it will hurt for a long time and persistently. If the root canals are not treated, the risk of complete tooth loss increases.

Overheating of the tooth

This problem is still relevant in many clinics, when the dentist does not provide air-water cooling of the treated area or it does not function fully. If the drill leads to overheating of hard tissues, then there is a high probability of burns and pulp necrosis, causing pain.

Overbite filling

Sometimes situations happen that after treatment of a tooth it hurts to press on it. This is explained by the fact that caries is usually treated under anesthesia, and the patient, due to severe numbness, cannot immediately determine does the filling interfere with him or not?. If the treated tooth hurts as a result of pressure, or there is a feeling that the filling is too high, then you should immediately consult a dentist.

Polymerization stress

Modern light fillings have a negative quality - they cause so-called polymerization stress, which is shrinkage of the filling. When the material hardens under the influence of a special lamp, it begins to lose volume, causing stress on the tooth walls. A large layer of applied filling contributes to a strong manifestation of such stress. All this leads to the fact that after the filling is installed, the tooth begins to hurt very much and may not even go away at all.

What kind of pain can there be after filling?

Pain when pressing on a filled tooth. Once the dentist installs a temporary filling, after a few hours you may experience pain when pressing on the tooth. It is especially noticeable during meals. If a painful syndrome is not the result of a medical error in treatment, then most likely it is tissue reaction surrounding the tooth root, for treatment and expansion of canals, removal of the “nerve” or for filling material. Such pain can last 5–7 days, sometimes even 2–3 weeks, gradually decreasing.

Aching pain after treatment. After the canal is filled, the tooth may ache for some time after anesthesia. If it continues for more than 2 hours and does not subside, but only intensifies, then in this case urgent medical attention will be required.

Why else can a tooth hurt under a filling?

If a filling is placed, and the tooth hurts when pressed, then this may give the following reasons:

  • When placing the filling into the canal, the material went beyond the root. Because of this error, pain occurs when pressing on the tooth and lasts for a very long time.
  • The canal is not sealed to the very top, although it should be completely filled with material. As a result of such an error, a certain area turns out to be empty, in which microbes begin to accumulate, causing inflammation at the root. Aching pain under the filling may occur immediately or after some time. In this case, it is necessary to re-treat the tooth and refill the canal.
  • Tool breakage in the canal. A complication occurs if a piece of a dental instrument that has a source of infection, for example, an inflamed “nerve” or bacteria that has not been washed out of the canal, has been left in the canal. The pain appears immediately or after a few weeks.
  • Poorly processed channels. Due to his unprofessionalism or the complex structure of the canal, the doctor may not completely clean them. If there is an untreated area left inside the root, then there is a high risk that the tooth will ache or ache under the filling.

If after treatment the nerve in the tooth under the filling continues to hurt, you can use the following recommendations:

If the pain is far from home, then you can buy painkillers. But they should be taken with caution and it is not recommended to exceed the required dosage in order to avoid the side effects of such a chemical drug.

The pain can be soothed with massage. To do this, you should massage the points on your hand from the side of the aching tooth, located between the index and thumb. It is also recommended to massage the nerve. The middle finger is placed on the cheek in the area of ​​the diseased tooth, and the thumb is placed on a point located at the lower cheekbone. After this, perform circular movements for two minutes, pressing firmly on these places with your fingers.

If two weeks have passed after treatment, and the pain continues to bother you, the temperature begins to rise, swelling of the gums appeared, then you should urgently contact a dental clinic.

Thus, a tooth under a filling can hurt for various reasons. This can be either a medical error or a reaction of the disturbed tissue to the manipulations being performed. If the pain does not go away for quite a long time, then you need to seek medical help.

Quite often, patients complain of discomfort after a recent visit to the dental office. Where to go when a tooth hurts under a filling? In rare cases, the cause of pain is a medical error or a violation of the technique of the procedure. Many patients may accidentally cause pain by violating the safety rules that the doctor warned them about back in the office.

Patient's actions after filling installation

If you've just left the dentist's office after getting a filling, there are some important rules to keep in mind. If you do not follow them and do not take safety precautions seriously, pain can be only the smallest of a wide range of negative consequences. Remember that the first time after installing the filling you need:

  1. avoid very hot, cold and hard foods;
  2. do not consume sweets (especially chocolate) in large quantities - they can cause enamel destruction;
  3. choose a comfortable brush with medium-hard synthetic bristles;
  4. toothpaste should be without harmful fillers;
  5. mouth rinse balm should be used after every meal;
  6. stop smoking for at least a few hours;
  7. do not drink alcohol - it has a specific feature of destroying a fresh filling;
  8. do not load the filled teeth with the chewing process, gently bite and press on the tooth;
  9. add to your diet food rich in vitamins and minerals, which is easy to chew and does not harm the enamel;
  10. avoid traumatizing filled teeth;
  11. If your tooth hurts after a recent filling, contact a specialist.

The sensation of having a recent filling hurt can be quite painful and can leave you with several extremely unpleasant hours. In especially severe cases, it can even hurt to touch the cheek, and the gums ache incessantly. This is why you should not put off visiting a doctor: in some cases, self-medication does not end in anything good for the patient.

Why do teeth hurt after filling?

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to find out from me how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

Why does pain occur? Pain is an absolutely adequate reaction of the body to nerve irritation. If the nerve has long been removed, it is worth looking for the cause of the pain elsewhere. There are many factors that can affect this process. First, you need to understand the type of toothache:

  1. Tooth hurts after pulpitis treatment. Improper treatment of an advanced form of the disease is the most common cause of such pathologies. It is recommended to undergo an additional course of therapy in order to completely eliminate the consequences of pulpitis.
  2. Pain in the tooth when biting food. If your enamel hurts after you bite off a large piece of solid food, you should refrain from further eating it. The fresh filling has not yet taken root well enough, which makes it an easy and vulnerable target for mechanical influence from the outside.
  3. A tooth hurts after a fresh filling (more details in the article:). It is worth remembering that in the first hours after filling this is completely normal. The form is thus seated in the canal, and the filled area is much more sensitive to pressure.
  4. The gums pulsate and itch when pressed. Inflammation may occur some time after you have your teeth filled. The pain intensifies when biting and pressing, and it feels like you need to scratch the gums to relieve the itching.

In what cases can you not do without the help of a doctor?

Many people deliberately put off visiting a doctor, trying to eliminate the discomfort on their own.

When a unit has been hurting for several days, it is impossible to sleep normally, eat food and do your usual activities, and you cannot refuse medical help.

Complications after improper treatment of pulpitis and toothache after emergency filling are a good reason to visit the dentist. The clinical picture of sensations that require immediate medical attention:

  1. temperature rise above 38 degrees;
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. headache and dizziness;
  4. apathy and lethargy;
  5. complete loss of appetite;
  6. unpleasant sensations of sharp pain radiating to the nerve;
  7. weight loss in a short period of time;
  8. intense pain syndrome;
  9. swelling and enlargement of the gums.

How to get rid of pain at home?

If you are still determined to be treated at home and do not want to waste your time visiting a doctor, you should approach this process as responsibly as possible. Be sure to study the indications and contraindications for the use of all medications that you plan to use. It would be a good idea to regularly rinse the mouth and apply special applications to the affected area.


Toothache after a fresh filling can be easily eliminated with the help of painkillers. When a unit with a filling hurts very much, you can use a maximum of two tablets - excess medications can harm and irritate the gastric mucosa. Pain after treatment of advanced pulpitis can also be removed with the help of medications. Most often for this purpose in domestic dentistry they use:

Rinses and applications

When pain and swelling of the cheek when pressed become a result of filling, it is necessary to resort to the use of applications and rinses. This is a fairly simple method of treatment, which will soon help you forget about the complications of caries and pulpitis, not experience discomfort when biting and forget about the troubles with the old filling.

How the treatment procedures are carried out:

How many days after the procedure does tooth pain disappear?

How long will the treatment take? Under normal conditions, you can touch the filling within two days after its installation. When the oral cavity begins to hurt in the first few hours, this is an absolutely normal and common occurrence. If complications develop, their treatment can take from several days to several weeks - in this case, the aching pain will accompany you for a long time.

What to do if your gums are inflamed or itchy?

When the gum space between filled teeth itches, there is a possibility that inflammation develops. This can be either a typical reaction to the introduction of a foreign agent, or the first sign of untreated caries.

  • Burns of the gums during preparation for the procedure. This complication is directly related to the patient’s anxiety or the doctor’s inexperience.
  • Violation of the integrity of the enamel. This is a fairly common pathology, which depends on the nature of the teeth’s reaction to the introduction of new material.
  • An acute painful reaction to a change in temperature occurs due to the fact that not all tooth canals were filled with filling material. The number of canals in one tooth may vary.
  • Loss or destruction of the filling. When a substance lies loosely in the canal tissue, any external influence can cause damage.
  • Sensation of a filling when biting. An incorrectly selected size can cause malocclusion and interfere with normal chewing.
  • Incomplete cure of caries, due to which it becomes unpleasant to bite. A very rare pathology that directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor.


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