Tough questions for a game of truth or dare. Party Fun: Tricky Truth or Dare Questions

List of questions for the game truth action.

Cold winter evenings contribute to the development of erudition. Very often, after the celebration of the New Year holidays, there is some emptiness, but it’s not possible to walk a lot, like in summer. But you can have a good and fun time with friends. To do this, you can play interesting games.

This game is original, it allows you to learn a lot of interesting and unusual facts about your friends. You need two jugs or jars. One will contain questions, and the second will contain assignments. They should be simple and help bring friends closer together. Questions can be both humorous and intimate. It all depends on which side you want to get to know the guy.

A list of questions:

  • Do you like extreme?
  • How often do you change girls?
  • Do you like me?
  • How do you feel about your neighbor (neighbor on the left)?
  • Do you like to sleep naked?
  • Do you like active and purposeful girls?
  • Do you love romance?
  • Do you like striptease?
  • Do you like to dance?
Interesting questions for guys, boys in the game "Truth or Dare": a list of the best

Initially, the most common questions are to make sure that a guy likes you. Do not be upset if the guy does not leave the way you want. Often these games help to dot the i's.


  • Do you like how I smell?
  • Do you like curvy or slim girls?
  • Would you like to go to the cinema with me?
  • Do you like to give or receive gifts more?
  • At what age did you first kiss?
  • Who do you think is the most beautiful of the people here?
  • Do you earn a lot?
  • Do you like my eyes?
  • Are you cheating on your loved ones?

Frequently Asked Questions to Guys, Boys in Truth or Dare Game: Top List

Such questions can serve as a prelude to sexual intercourse and excite a guy. All questions are sexual in nature.


  • Do you love kuni?
  • How do you feel about sex in non-standard places?
  • What are your favorite sex positions?
  • Do you epilate in the intimate area?
  • Do you like oral sex?
  • When was the last time you had sex?

18 plus, intimate, erotic questions for guys, boys in the game "Truth or Dare"

  • Why do you love me?
  • How many girls did you have before me?
  • Will you communicate with a gay person?
  • What is the size of your penis?
  • What is your shortest sexual intercourse?
  • What would you spend a million dollars on?
  • Who do you consider the most precious person in your life?
  • What are you doing in the bathroom for so long?
  • Do you like alcohol?
  • Have you ever used drugs?

  • Have you tried threesomes?
  • Most unusual intercourse you've ever had?
  • How often do you want sex?
  • How long can you make love?
  • Do you like erotic lingerie and stockings?
  • Do you shave your pubis often (do you shave at all)?
  • Do you like women with experience or young ones?
  • Does he shower often?


  • Which island would you like to go on vacation to?
  • What countries would you like to visit?
  • To spend a million dollars?
  • If you could change one thing in your life, what would you change?
  • Do you wake up early?
  • What is the biggest achievement in life?
  • What is your dream?
  • How did you meet your best friend?
  • Did you often bully as a child?


  • What part of your life do you want to relive?
  • How much money do you need to be completely happy?
  • Do you often break your word?
  • What act are you most ashamed of?
  • How many children do you want?
  • Are you polygamous or do you like to change women?
  • Do you have an idol?
  • Who do you admire?

Tricky, tricky questions for guys, boys

Tricky questions can be seen in the video.

Below is a list of tricky questions.

  • Do you believe in God?
  • Why do people like you?
  • How often have girls dumped you?
  • Do you like to work?
  • What do you usually spend money on?
  • Do you like discos?
  • What is your zodiac sign?
  • What are you most afraid of in life?
  • If you could live on an island, would you?

Below is a list of questions.

Unexpected questions for guys, boys

Unexpected questions for the guys, you can see in the video.

VIDEO: Unexpected questions

  • Do you lick your fingers when you count money?
  • Do you often give up your seat in public transport to women and the elderly?
  • Do you like playing on nerves?
  • Do you like hitting on girls?
  • What do you expect from a girl on a first date?
  • Do you like paying for a girl in a cafe?
  • What kind of sport do you like?
  • How do you feel about homosexuals?

Such questions will help improve the mood in the company and make the evening unforgettable.

  • Until what age did you write as a child?
  • Have you ever been on a diet?
  • Do you like girls with small breasts?
  • Do you sleep naked?
  • Ever visited a nude beach?
  • Do you like visiting the dentist?

Below is a list of tricky questions for guys. They will help bring them to clean water.

Frank questions for guys, boys

Frank questions will help to understand a potential partner and find out the features of his character. Such questions are very useful for girls who have just met their soulmate.

VIDEO: Frank questions

Questions of a personal nature will help to understand the preferences of a partner. These are not necessarily questions of a sexual nature. These may be questions about habits and some household features.


  • After getting up in the morning, what is the first thing you do?
  • How often do you shave?
  • What is your favorite dish?
  • Do you like to sleep in an embrace?
  • Do you smoke often?
  • Do you like smoking women?
  • How often do you think about sex?
  • Do you like to tidy up your appearance?

These questions will help build a general idea of ​​the guy and his perception of the relationship. Perhaps after the answers you do not want to communicate with the guy at all. Below is a list of questions.


  • Lie down on a bench and ask loudly if you can be homeless here
  • Approach a passer-by and offer to sit in the bushes together in an ambush
  • Depict minced meat
  • Ask a passer-by for a phone number
  • Ask passers-by to buy your panties
  • Ask for a cigarette and with him throw it on the floor and trample it
  • Go to the dog breeder and ask to pet the dog
  • Ask people at the bus stop for toilet paper
  • Sit in the bushes and crow
  • Barking at stray dogs
  • Kiss a stranger girl
  • Invite the first female you see on a date

List of tasks for the game "Truth or Dare"

This game is quite funny and unusual. It will improve your mood and bring friends together. A useful game for girls and guys who have recently met and want to get to know each other better.

VIDEO: True Action

The game Truth or Dare is ideal for a group of friends who are ready for provocative questions and ridiculous funny actions. Frank conversations and awkward situations - no one will be bored. It is difficult to get confused in the rules: each participant in turn takes a card from one of the four decks and fulfills the riddle. Someone will have to rap or sing songs, and someone - the most frank - will talk about the last date.

So what to choose?

All cards are divided into four types: actions, hidden actions, general questions and hot questions. Participants themselves choose the degree of frankness and emancipation, because the tasks are divided into different decks. If the company is familiar enough and is not afraid of risk, the cards can be collected in one pile - this will make the game even more interesting.

Honest answer

Someone wanted to know about their boyfriend's first love? Find out about the carefully hidden shortcomings of a cute girl? All this and more will be found out by common questions. Action cards will require imagination and artistry from the participants: which of the guys is able to walk along an imaginary podium with the grace of a predatory cat, who gives the best massage? But hidden actions should seem natural, so someone will have to pretend to be in love with a neighbor, and someone will turn into a kind-hearted sweetheart. Frank and heated questions can make some people embarrassed, because confessing erotic fantasies or telling about the worst failure in love requires courage.

All in the winners

The most artistic and sincere participants can receive a prize - the right to redirect or replace any question or action. It is awarded to the entire company. This is the only and best reward, because the most important thing is an unforgettable evening in a close circle, filled with fun and playful jokes.

In the box:

  • 232 cards with questions and tasks,
  • Rules of the game.

The game, familiar to everyone, is perfect for a bachelorette party. Truth or Dare - or Truth or Dare - is a pretty fun way to pass the time and get to know each other better. Make a list of fun fantasies ahead of time so you don't have to come up with them on the go. Recall the rules: the participants of the game sit in a circle and ask the question in turn: truth or dare? The one who chooses the truth undertakes to answer any question, and the one who prefers the action fulfills any, even the most surprising, wish from the list of actions. You can repeat only twice: that is, after two answers “truth”, you will inevitably have to perform an “action”.




If the questions for the “truth” are very individual, then unusual actions can be thought up in advance, taking into account where the game will take place. Forfeits dangerous to health for a bachelorette party are best excluded. We offer options for every taste!

  1. Read a poem from memory without preparation.
  2. Stand in tree pose (vrikshasana) for three minutes.
  3. Brew tea for everyone present.
  4. Build a house of cards.
  5. Dance tango with a plush toy.
  6. Take a selfie with each of those present separately.
  7. Massage the legs of the person on the left.
  8. Order pizza and eat alone.
  9. Paint the nails of the person on the right.
  10. Sing a song from the 90s.
  11. Fortune telling on the cards to one of those present. You don't need to know how to guess!
  12. Invent and sing the anthem of the magical state.
  13. Show a scene with your fingers (finger theatre)
  14. Prepare a gourmet meal from the available products.
  15. Mix cocktails for the whole company.
  16. Show how a dove walks.
  17. Cut out snowflakes from paper and decorate the room regardless of the season.
  18. Think of a quatrain about someone present.
  19. Draw a portrait of the person who last asked the question.
  20. Make up in the style of the 80s and take a photo for memory.
  21. Draw a March cat.
  22. Pronounce a very long and instructive Caucasian toast.
  23. Play rock, paper, scissors with the person on the left. The winner gets a pass.
  24. Address those present with a New Year's presidential speech.
  25. Twist the balloon figurine.
  26. Tell a bearded but funny anecdote. Beard is the main condition.
  27. Make roses from napkins and give a bouquet to the person on the right.
  28. Perform the dance of little ducklings, singing along on your own.
  29. News. Tell the audience about the latest events taking place in the world.
  30. Imagine that the corridor is a podium. Hold a fashion show. Camera flashes are welcome!
  31. Push up from the wall, clapping your hands, 15 times.
  32. Thumb fight with the one sitting opposite!
  33. Come up with and tell an alternative ending to the movie "Titanic"
  34. Make yourself a “palm tree” hairstyle for the rest of the evening.
  35. Get on the "bridge" or at least try.
  36. Open a dictionary on a random page, choose a word and show it with gestures without using words.
  37. Tell a very scary story.
  38. Speak with an accent all evening. Emphasis on the discretion of the public!
  39. Sit in the lotus position and pretend to be a Buddha for five minutes.
  40. Fold origami from memory.




We hope that such forfeits-actions are perfect for a fun and friendly bachelorette party and even help to reveal talents. Suddenly someone sings, draws or improvises perfectly? Surely after such a game there will be something to remember. Do not be shy and do not worry about who and how will look during the tasks, and then the game will bring only positive emotions!

Anna Utochkina, editor of Miss Bride

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To favorites 16

Studio Blumhouse continues to bring good and eternal things to the world: it shoots low-budget (1-5 million dollars) horror films in batches and hopes that at least a couple will “shoot”. Perhaps everyone wins: horror authors get funding and a chance to become famous, and the audience gets a steady influx of not-so-trash horror movies into cinemas. "Truth or Dare" is completely within the canon of Mr. Bloom, but the glory of "Happy Death Day" or, even more so, "Get Out" is not to be seen. Why? For starters, the game wants to play a game with you (hehehe!)

- Truth or Dare? True! Did you like the movie?

Yes. It successfully intertwines elements of such hit films and franchises as "Final Destination" the evil force evenly goes in a circle from hero to hero until it mows them all down to one; the hero hides from fate in a "soft" room; "It" (It Follows) evil lies in wait for the heroes everywhere and always, appearing either in the form of a familiar person, or in the form of a terrible old woman in a nightgown; “Call” the curse needs to be urgently “transferred” to other people in order to get out of the game himself. Yes, and the initial conditions themselves a group of overgrown boobies falls under the distribution of an inexorable unknown force create an interesting collision for viewing. If you do not take it into your head to empathize with one of the characters.

- Truth or Dare? Action! Choose a more decent translation of the movie title.

The task is difficult. Foreign "stable" expressions like Halloween's "Trick or Treat" are difficult to translate just as short and succinctly - it turns out to be a freak like "Trick or Treat". In this case, Truth or Dare, a popular children’s game in the United States, is similar to a game of forfeits participants must take turns answering the question truthfully (like “Who do you love?”) Or doing some stupid task (like running naked) . It is not entirely clear how to check the players for truthfulness, but the degree of stupidity of the tasks is solely on the conscience of the questioner. The fact that evil forces “invade the game” (I don’t know what exactly is meant, but it sounds cool) gives the game an unexpected twist the game itself will “test” you for the truth, and the tasks are given the most unpleasant. Where "break a friend's hand" is the most innocent. How to translate this is completely unclear. "Truth or Dare?" gives away as a clerk. Google slips options "Truth or Dare?" or "Truth or Dare?" You can offer creative options like "Truth or a corpse?" or “Hide nothing or do stupid things,” but this is unlikely to look good on a poster. "Confess or try?" Damn, even worse. There is also a 2012 film with the same name, we passed it as "Play to death". Well, let it remain "Truth or Dare."

Truth or Dare? True! Why didn't you like the ending?

The endings of films with a pseudo-original concept are deplorable. It's hard to surprise the viewer in the way that in "The Sixth Sense" or "The Ring" so that the jaw falls off. In Truth or Dare, the dynamics are rapidly slowing down the characters go on a trip to Mexico three times (!!!), go to the same detective for interrogation twice The game is burdened with new irrational rules When the heroine, closer to the finale, tells another character: “Don’t action, trust me!" it seems that she came up with something that we, as viewers, missed. But no feint follows after that At all. The final “decision” invented by the heroine does not stand up to criticism at all (although it echoes her answer to the first question of the game about whose life she will choose hers or a bunch of other people). No, such stories need to be completed beautifully, within the framework of the built-in rules. Otherwise it turns out cheating.

- Truth or Dare? True! How do you like acting?

Actually, no way. The film suffers from a flaw typical of American horror - schoolchildren are played by aunts and uncles in their thirties. Lucy Hale was in Scream 4 before, but I don't remember her at all. Tyler Posey is supposedly the star of Werewolf and Scream (again!), but I haven't watched them. But the role in Scary Movie 5, it seems, should not be proud of. I wonder who he played in Indemnity 16 years ago? Is it really the kid that Schwartz saves?

Truth or Dare? True! It is impossible, the game itself chooses! Why? Who knows, so in the movie. Ok, so what? Action! Stop writing a review. Good

The board game Truth or Dare is familiar to most since adolescence. Everyone at least once gathered in a company and asked this tricky question. How difficult it was to choose! Action is always scary, but some questions can be even more dangerous. Often it took more time to choose a task than to complete it.

Over time, the game was forgotten and all the time the players began to devote to work, household chores and other "adult" matters. But who said that graduates of institutes cannot gather at the table and remember their youth with the new version of the 18+ game?

Board Game Truth or Dare

Game Description

The board game Truth or Dare can be played by anyone who has reached the age of majority. It will be relevant in the company of old friends and new acquaintances. Take a chance to try your luck in the circle of school friends, this will help you get closer. Participants do not even realize how much they do not know about their acquaintances. By drawing cards, everyone will be able to show their skills. Actions involve dancing, singing, rapping and lots of acting assignments.

When playing with new friends, the set will relieve awkwardness and allow you to get to know each other better. By the end of the game, you'll know surprisingly much about your guest, and after a minute of hugs provoked by the action card, you'll definitely feel more comfortable in the company of a new friend.

Anyone who has reached the age of majority can play

What's in the set?

In the Truth or Dare game you will find two hundred and thirty two cards of four types. The blue ones indicate the usual questions that the most modest player can answer. Red cards contain provocative questions that can make you blush. Orange cards describe actions to be taken. Gray tasks according to the participants are the most interesting. They will ask you to complete pending actions. What exactly, you will find out below.

The set includes rules in Russian. They describe in detail the tasks that you will meet and how to complete them. All this is packaged in a box measuring fifteen by twenty-one centimeters, which is convenient to take with you. If you're going to play Truth or Desire outdoors (including the beach), the publishers recommend purchasing card protectors to protect the cardboard from sudden rain and spilled drinks.

Included in the game are two hundred and thirty-two cards of four types.

Rules and course of the game

The rules of Truth or Dare 18 years of the game are elementary: draw cards and do what is written on them. All specifications for their tasks are described in detail in the rulebook. There you will also see a list of possible wishes for the game and questions. In the game there are risk tasks, and many options for frank questions. The game will make the evening cool, funny and memorable. To start the rest and test the courage of the audience, you need:

  • Take all the cards out of the box and distribute them into three piles. If there are modest people at the table who are not ready for personal questions, remove the red cards from the game. If everyone wants to test the degree of their modesty, mix them with blue questions.
  • Sit around a table or any other level surface so that all participants can reach the cards or leave the table if necessary.
  • Decide who will go first. This can be done by agreeing or remembering who last played Truth or Dare. Plus, you can’t find a compromise, but everyone has problems with memory, to determine the first player by drawing lots.

The game will make the evening cool, funny and memorable

What tasks?

The types of tasks in the game are distinguished by the colors of the map. What to take during the course, you decide for yourself. Blue questions do not touch on personal and vulgar topics. They are the easiest to answer, because most often they ask you to talk about the most embarrassing incident in your life or are interested in what literary characters you associate yourself with. Sometimes there are also cards that allow you to personally ask a question to another player. Moreover, it must necessarily be tricky, but only you decide what exactly to ask.

On red cards, participants will see much less modest questions. Some of them will touch on the topic of personal relationships, others relate to sexual life. Either way, this deck will make players blush. An important rule: the game is strictly prohibited from lying. If your answer is incorrect, you may be kicked out of the game.

candid questions

Open-ended questions might look like this:

  • "Does pornography turn you on? What kind?"
  • "Name three sensitive areas on your body."
  • "Describe your funniest sexual experience."

Game box and cards

    • The types of tasks in the game are distinguished by the colors of the cards.

Orange cards will force the participants to get up from the table to perform a given action. This is a great opportunity to show your creative skills and show all the artistry that you are capable of. Assignments vary in theme and requirements, so there is something for everyone. Here are examples of actions a card might ask for:

  1. "Show everyone present what is in your pockets / bag."
  2. "Hug the person next to you warmly. Sit like this for a minute."
  3. "Sing the song of Mikhail Boyarsky, imitating his manner of performance."

The most interesting cards according to the players are gray. They describe long-term actions. They do not need to be done right away. Try to make it difficult for the participants to understand if you are doing the task or just a little weird. Action requires no risk: no one will force you to drink bleach or run naked down the street. They can not be called dangerous, except perhaps strange and funny. The wish list you see on the cards varies in theme and difficulty, but they are all "fun" according to the participants. Here are examples of tasks that you can get:

  • "Start sitting in the most bizarre, uncomfortable position possible."
  • "Try to act like the dark lord Darth Vader, whatever that means."
  • "Persuade other players to pull only vulgar questions, assuring that everyone else is boring."
  • "Start flirting with two players of the opposite sex at once."
For especially artistically executed gray cards, the game provides a "delicious" bonus

Who will like it?

Truth or Dare is a game for adults who love noisy parties. If friends should come to you or a large company is going to celebrate the occasion, take out the set and lay out the cards. At the same time, from two to twenty people can participate in such entertainment, so it is suitable even for really large companies. Two can draw cards, so even at dinner with your best friend or lover, Ira will be relevant.

In theory, the game is also suitable for children, but parents will have to go through all the available cards of the set and select only acceptable ones. Therefore, the authors advise to participate in entertainment only to persons from eighteen years of age. Funny leisure for players is guaranteed. And most importantly, there are no winners and losers in entertainment, so there will be no disputes "who has more points and who cheated."

Video review

If you want to see how Truth or Dare is played, watch the video review with a detailed story and all the components.



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