Discharge after caesarean section for how many days. How long is the discharge after caesarean? How long after a cesarean is the discharge normal

How long does discharge last after a caesarean section? What are the discharges?

A caesarean section is a major operation, and therefore it will take a woman longer to restore her health than after a natural birth. But childbirth is not always easy, often with complications, and then surgery is indispensable.

After childbirth, the uterus undergoes the greatest changes. During the postpartum period (close to 2 months), the uterus decreases by 20 times.

Wounds heal inside the uterus, a new mucosa is formed, but first the uterus must be cleansed of all unnecessary that remains after the removal of the child. Therefore, a woman has discharge from the uterine cavity, they are also called lochia.

What is lochia? These are blood clots, dead small particles of the placenta.

Why is there discharge after a caesarean section?

Applying a cold heating pad to the lower abdomen in the first days after cesarean section

After a caesarean, the same, and perhaps even more than after a normal birth, there is a discharge, because the uterus must be completely cleared of the remnants of the placenta. And yet, after a cesarean, a woman is even more at risk, because during the operation some kind of infection can get inside, and then inflammations will go.

In order for the postpartum period to pass without complications, a woman needs to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take care of personal hygiene: after visiting the toilet, wash the genitals and anus, preferably with a warm decoction of chamomile, you can use calendula, or warm water with baby soap, take a shower every day.
  2. Immediately after childbirth and for 2 weeks, use diapers as pads for better ventilation, and not store-bought pads. Change them every 4 hours or more.
  3. To better contract the uterus, lie on your stomach for a short time.
  4. Wear a special postpartum bandage.
  5. Go to the toilet regularly so that feces and urine do not stagnate.
  6. Gently massage the belly.
  7. First days after surgery apply a cold heating pad to the lower abdomen, for 5-10 minutes, 3-5 times a day.

Note. During breastfeeding, the discharge is more abundant, and the pain in the lower abdomen increases - this is not bad, but even good: oxytocin is produced in the uterus, and it contracts better and clears faster.

What should be the discharge after caesarean section?

Discharge after caesarean section
  1. First week after surgery- the color of the discharge is bright red, they are plentiful, with clots and blood clots.
  2. Second week- discharge reddish-brown, less abundant.
  3. Subsequent weeks- mucous discharge with streaks of blood, the brown color of the discharge gradually changes to yellow. Yellow color is normal, appears due to the large number of leukocytes - white blood cells that protect the body from infections.
  4. Further allocations will be less and less, and they are slimy, light with a yellowish tint, and then transparent.

Restoring her health in the postpartum period, a woman loses close to 1 liter of blood. After a cesarean, the recovery period is about 2 months.

Discharge color after cesarean

It is recommended to wear a bandage for the first months after the operation.

The color of the discharge after cesarean, if there are no complications, goes in the following sequence:

  • The discharge is bright red with clots and blood clots
  • Red discharge with a dark tint
  • The discharge is reddish-brown, gradually turning to dark brown, and then to brown
  • Light brown discharge
  • yellowish discharge
  • White discharge with a yellowish tint
  • Colorless discharge

How long is the discharge after a caesarean section?

Discharge after caesarean lasts up to 2 months

Discharge after cesarean usually lasts 5-6 weeks, up to 2 months. This is a little longer than after an uncomplicated childbirth, and this is because the muscles of the uterus were injured during the operation, and now the uterus contracts more slowly.

Important. Discharge with blood lasting more than 2 weeks should alert the woman - inflammation has begun inside the uterus, and she should immediately tell the doctor about it.

Important. Also abnormal is the rapid, less than a week, cessation of discharge with blood, or the discharge has stopped, and a week later resumed again - this is a sign of a weak uterine contraction. You need to tell the doctor, and he will prescribe oxytocin and massage on the lower back to stimulate the uterus.

Important. If there is no discharge after cesarean, this is a bad sign, you need to urgently tell the doctor about it. The reasons may be different: the bend or spasms of the cervix, and the discharge cannot come out, but accumulate inside the uterus.

What does purulent discharge after cesarean mean?

Purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates inflammation inside the uterus - endometritis

Purulent discharge with a foul odor indicates an inflammatory disease inside the uterus - endometritis.

Important. After caesarean section, inflammatory processes inside the uterus develop much more often than during childbirth in the usual way.

Why does brown discharge occur after cesarean?

Brown discharge is a sign of a quick recovery of the body

If the first week of discharge with blood has passed, and scant brown discharge has appeared to replace it, this means that the recovery of the woman's body is going well, and she will soon fully restore her health.

Green discharge after cesarean, causes

Green discharge with an unpleasant odor can stand out for 2 reasons: with endometritis and infectious diseases
  1. Green discharge, unpleasant in smell, may appear a week or a month after the operation.
  2. Such discharge is a clear sign of the presence of inflammation in the uterine mucosa ( endometritis). In addition to discharge with endometritis, the body temperature rises, and there are severe pains in the lower abdomen.
  3. Green discharge can also be caused infectious diseases (trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhea, colpitis) in the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes:
  • Bacterial vaginosis. The disease begins with a grayish discharge of a foul odor, severe itching and redness of the genital organs. Further, the amount of discharge increases, and they become thick, green, affect the entire vagina.
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea. These diseases are characterized by green discharge, the amount of which does not increase, painful urination and severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) - green thick discharge, pus with blood, severe itching and burning in the genitals.

Treatment for infectious diseases antibiotics, multivitamins, and if the case is strongly launched - scraping.

Bleeding after caesarean, causes

Blood discharge the first week after a caesarean section is normal, if longer - you need to see a doctor
  • Blood discharge after a caesarean section should be the same as after a normal birth. Many women have a misconception about the caesarean section. They think that during the operation the doctor will clean everything, and the woman will only have to make sure that the suture heals, but this is not so.
  • During the operation, the doctor takes out only the child and the placenta from the abdominal cavity, and he does not scrape the uterus so as not to injure her even more - the uterus will clean itself. Therefore, red spotting with clots and blood clots for the first week is natural and normal.
  • If after the first week the bleeding hasn't stopped, and even intensified - this is a sure sign that a woman’s health is not all right, and she should go to the doctor. The cause of bleeding may be clots and pieces of placenta that have not separated that don't come out on their own.

Discharge after caesarean with smell

Discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates inflammation of the uterine lining - endometritis
  • Discharge with a spicy smell the first days (3-4) after the operation - it's quite normal.
  • But if the selections have unpleasant musty smell- it is explicit sign of inflammation and infection. You need to urgently consult with your doctor.
  • And if in addition to the discharge with a nasty odor, pain in the lower abdomen increased, the temperature increased- this is possibly endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus) need to see a doctor urgently.

Why does the discharge after cesarean not go away?

Blood discharge in women for more than 2 months leads to a strong decrease in hemoglobin

If the discharge with blood continues for more than 2 months, and the ultrasound showed that the uterus is clean, the bleeding may be due to very low hemoglobin. A sign of a low state of hemoglobin is an unusual pale skin.

Important: If you pull the lower eyelid of the eye, and inside the mucous membrane is not pink, but white - this is low blood hemoglobin.

Recovery of the body after childbirth lasts about 2 months. How can you understand that the reproductive system of a woman has recovered? The first sign is that the discharge became colorless and stopped.

Video: Recovery after childbirth, caesarean section in the hospital

Allocations after a caesarean section are the same as after natural childbirth. A lot of women who are going to have surgery think that the recovery period consists in successfully tightening the sutures, the surgeon will “clean out” everything during the operation and there will be no copious discharge (lochia). This is far from true. During a caesarean, the surgeon takes out only the baby and the placenta, scraping the uterus to remove the endometrium would be a traumatic and pointless procedure, the body will get rid of it on its own. Let's talk about how many days the discharge goes after a cesarean section and what is normal.

In the first week, lochia comes out with clots, a rich red color, can be frighteningly plentiful in the process of breastfeeding a baby. What should be the discharge after a caesarean section. The very fact of feeding stimulates the production of oxytocin, which, in turn, causes an active contraction of the uterus, which can provoke pain and increase bleeding. During physical activity (it is enough to take the child in your arms), the discharge will also become more abundant.

Gradually, on the fifth - seventh day after cesarean, spotting becomes less and less, replaced by spotting, thick. They can appear up to several weeks, and this is normal, especially if the child is fed only with a mixture, since during breastfeeding the uterus contracts more intensively and recovers faster. Over time, they should lighten and become transparent and slimy. Normally, after two months, ordinary leucorrhoea should be released.

If after cesarean there is no discharge at all (during the recovery period) - this is a reason to seek urgent medical help! A common cause may be a bend, spasm of the cervix, or early closure, which leads to an accumulation of blood inside the uterus.

On the contrary, prolonged profuse spotting without a tendency to decrease, with the addition of green or yellow clots, is an alarming symptom. Especially if there is a smell of rot, the temperature rises or the pulse quickens. In such cases, inflammation of the endometrium, the suture is possible, or the doctors, completing the operation, forgot something inside (a tampon, for example). With significant physical exertion, the seams can disperse, which will also cause heavy bleeding.

It happens that the abundant discharge in the first weeks stops abruptly, then resumes. In this case, an additional examination and repeated ultrasound is needed. It happens that part of the placenta lingers in the uterus. Such pieces, remaining in the uterus, interfere with the normal detachment of the endometrium and rot. Accompanying symptoms may be purulent yellow discharge after cesarean section, fever, increased bleeding, and pain in the uterus and ovaries. Cardinal treatment is the "cleansing" of the uterus. Anti-inflammatory measures give only a temporary effect.

On the twelfth day, the color of the discharge after cesarean section, as well as their consistency, change. They brighten, become more mucous and acquire a yellow tint due to the large number of leukocytes, this is the body's natural defense against infection. Often during the recovery period, thrush makes itself felt. In this case, itching appears in the area of ​​​​the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

In some women, discharge after a caesarean section lasts up to 2 months. It happens that blood from the vagina reappears 4-6 weeks after childbirth. This is nothing but menstruation. Usually the first menstruation after childbirth, in the event that a woman is breastfeeding, begins late, sometimes after 6 or more months, but there are such exceptions. But if less than 4-5 weeks have passed since the birth, then most likely the problem lies in the poor contractility of the uterus.

Bloody discharge after a cesarean section after 2 months, that is, continuing for such a long time, even if there are no placental remnants in the uterus, is dangerous with a strong decrease in hemoglobin. Because of this, oxygen is poorly supplied to tissues and organs.

Scanty brown discharge after cesarean replaces bloody and is most often a sign that the postpartum period will end soon, the female body is returning to normal.

So, the causes of late bleeding can be: unseparated pieces of the placenta, endometrial or blood clots. All these “remnants” sometimes cannot come out on their own, especially if the uterus contracts poorly or the lumen in the neck is very narrow, and they begin to actively decompose, which further increases the bleeding. Additional symptoms may include low blood pressure, rapid heart rate, fever, anemia, and cold skin. Against the background of elevated temperature, unusual pallor may not be noticed, but in order to leave no doubt, it is enough to delay the lower eyelid, with anemia, its mucous membrane will be white.

Discharge after caesarean section with a smell, pus, an unusual color requires especially close attention. Any deviation from the norm is a reason to seek urgent medical help. It is very important to observe hygiene and doctor's recommendations during the recovery period. Frivolity and inattention can have sad consequences.

Allocations after caesarean section will be required. Postpartum discharge - lochia - does not stop throughout the entire period of recovery of the uterus.

What are the discharge after caesarean section

After childbirth, the uterus is damaged and takes some time to heal. Surgical childbirth significantly prolongs the rehabilitation time compared to natural. In the postpartum period, women are allocated lochia, which consist of:

  • blood;
  • dead particles of the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • mucus from the cervical canal.

Over time, bleeding stops, the volume of lochia decreases, they become thicker. The color of the discharge gradually changes because the wound surface is tightened. Lochia change color step by step:

  • bright red;
  • red;
  • bloody-serous;
  • red-brown;
  • dark brown;
  • brown;
  • light brown;
  • yellow;
  • yellowish white;
  • serosanguineous;
  • colorless.

If the discharge contains pus, green clots, remains bright red for too long, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Yellow discharge after caesarean section

There is more and more mucus in these lochia, but sometimes streaks of blood may appear. The yellow hue is associated with a large number of leukocytes in the secretions. Leukocytes - white blood cells - protect a person from infections. The female body during the recovery period is weakened, the protective environment of the genital organs is not restored, so additional measures against infection are necessary.

Allocations are becoming poorer, "smearing", serosanguineous and, finally, colorless. This means that the lochia has stopped, and the woman's reproductive system has recovered after childbirth. In operated puerperas, this moment comes later, because. their muscle fibers are so damaged that they prevent the uterus from recovering faster.

Bleeding after caesarean section

At first, the lochia is bright red in color with clots, because they have a lot of red blood cells. In fact, at this time, the most intense blood loss occurs, a woman's hemoglobin drops sharply. Gradually, the color turns into bloody-serous. This means that there are fewer red blood cells, plasma, serum and leukocytes ooze from the healing walls of the organ. Then the color will darken, become red-brown, brown.

Some women are surprised that after the operation, blood comes out of the vagina, because the suture is on the stomach. They do not take into account that the wall of the uterus was also cut, and when the child was removed, the mucous membranes of the organ were damaged. The uterine scar prolongs lochia by an average of 20 days (compared to women who gave birth naturally). Surgical intervention significantly complicates the process of contraction of the uterus, which in a short period should restore its previous size, shrinking by almost 20 times.

Mucous discharge after caesarean section

Colorless transparent mucus comes out of the cervical canal. These are the usual discharge, the so-called, which every healthy woman has every day. The cells of the mucous membranes of the genital organs are constantly updated, dead particles of the epithelium are excreted with the help of a mucous secretion. Normally, there may not be any discharge at all, they may be whitish.

At the moment when the lochia lose their color, the postpartum period is over, the uterine mucosa has regenerated, and the puerperal can completely surrender to the role of the mother.

Brown discharge after caesarean section

Lochia becomes brown when the volume of secretions decreases significantly. The color then begins to lighten to light brown and yellow.

To get rid of secretions as soon as possible, you need to move a lot and monitor regular bowel cleansing, which sometimes has to be stimulated with glycerin suppositories or enemas.

How long is the discharge after a caesarean section?

The maximum duration is 56 days. When discharged from the maternity hospital, the doctor on duty conducts an examination on a gynecological chair, takes a smear for the microflora, and conducts a conversation. It is better to think over the questions in advance, the answers to which excite. The main one should be: “When to start worrying about prolonged bleeding?”.

Sometimes a few days after the cessation of spotting, bleeding resumes. This may begin menstruation, which for the first time after childbirth takes longer than a woman is used to. Another reason for "intermittent" lochia may be that the contractility of the uterus is impaired.

If the woman in labor feels great, but the discharge does not stop in any way, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor. The check will not take much time, but it will be possible to avoid hospitalization in case of complications. It is better to contact the antenatal clinic in a timely manner.

Women with prolonged bleeding after a caesarean section are taken immediately, without waiting, even if she feels well. More often this is done by the doctor on duty in a separate office. First, an examination is carried out on a chair, then an ultrasound is done (immediately, out of turn). If the results of the examinations are satisfactory, hemostatic agents, antispasmodics are prescribed. For example, an infusion of water pepper and No-shpa.

The uterus takes on its former size much faster in those women in labor who often put babies to their breasts, lie on their stomachs, and also move a lot. During feeding, a woman feels that the uterus begins to contract more intensely. Allocations at this moment are amplified. They are also stimulated by walks and small physical activities. The cessation of secretions is a sign of involution, i.e. complete recovery of the uterus.

When should you worry?

  • After 8 weeks of continuous bleeding.
  • If the amount of discharge has changed dramatically. When the bleeding intensifies so much that no hygiene products can save, or, conversely, it stops abruptly (lochiometer - delay, accumulation of lochia in the uterus), you need to sound the alarm. If the contractility of the uterus is reduced, it must be stimulated. Sometimes doctors recommend taking No-shpu for several days in case of sudden disappearance of lochia. This drug reopens the cervix, which closed prematurely, blocking the flow of secretions. They are locked inside, accumulate, which leads to internal inflammation.
  • With daily increasing pain in the lower abdomen.
  • With the occurrence of itching in the genital area. This is a symptom of thrush - vaginal candidiasis.
  • High temperature, low blood pressure, increased heart rate, cold skin are clear signs of an inflammatory process. By the way, we must not forget that during lactation it is better to measure the temperature in the bend of the elbow.

Possible causes of unpleasant symptoms:

  • An unprofessional operation (for example, leaving parts of the fetal bladder or placenta in the uterus). If after the birth there are some extraneous pieces left inside that even an ultrasound scan did not find before being discharged from the hospital, then they will begin to decompose, and the inflammatory process will begin. Antibiotics will not help a woman in this situation, these particles (or a tampon forgotten by surgeons) will have to be removed. In the "best" case, a "cleansing" of the uterus is carried out, in the worst - a second operation.
  • The inability of the body to recover on its own after childbirth (for example, poor contractility).
  • Curvature of the uterus.
  • Spasm of the neck.
  • Infection.

It is important to take timely measures and stop the development of complications after surgery. Otherwise, a young mother runs the risk of being hospitalized for a long time, leaving her newborn baby at home.

Care after caesarean section

In addition to the mandatory hygiene procedures, dressings are made daily. You can not douche and take a bath, so as not to infect the infection. For a while, the seam cannot be wetted. Rubbing with a damp terry towel can help out.

Special gymnastics, which strengthens the abdominal muscles, which begin to be done even in the maternity hospital, should also remain the rule. It is recommended to perform exercises after each feeding, ending with the most difficult one, when you need to lie on your stomach for some time.

You can not immediately abandon the postpartum bandage. It is necessary for the wound to heal faster, because the “sagging” stomach stretches the skin and prevents the edges of the wound from quickly growing together.

If during dressing it was noticed that the seam began to diverge, classes should be stopped. Signs of inflammation, "swelling" of the seam should also cause concern. You need to immediately contact the gynecologist so that he prescribes new drugs for dressings. Usually, in addition to the seam, Levomekol ointment is applied in a thick layer. The main thing is to immediately seek medical help, otherwise you can end up in the operating room again.

The cessation of discharge indicates that intimate relationships can be resumed, and pathological changes in the uterus have been avoided. And when the baby is 2 months old, you can pamper yourself by taking a bath.

Now some pregnant women seriously believe that a caesarean section is the best method of childbearing and insist on having an operation. If there are no indications for surgical intervention, then it is unreasonable to require it. For a healthy woman in labor, an operation will never be better than natural childbirth. Any operated mother will confirm this.

Caesarean section, as a method of delivery, sometimes becomes the only possible one. But after it, the restoration of the female body has its own nuances. Its important criteria are discharge after caesarean section, how long it lasts, how it looks. This should be known to the woman who underwent the intervention.

Read in this article

Types of discharge after surgery

Many are sure that the release of the uterus from the remnants of unnecessary tissues after is the same as during normal childbirth. But this is not entirely true. During the operation, the organ was dissected, then sutured. There is a scar on the uterus that needs to heal. That is, the damaged surface is larger, which means that the course of tissue regeneration will take longer. Yes, and the nature of the discharge is somewhat different:

  • At the initial stage (5 - 7 days), a lot of mucus is noticed in the lochia. After natural delivery, this is not the case. The color of the discharge is intense red due to the significant amount of blood and is richer than in the absence of surgical intervention.
  • Clots are definitely present. They are evidence that the uterus is freed from the remaining placental particles in it. But after 7 - 9 days after the intervention, they become smaller, and the discharge has a more uniform consistency.
  • After 6 - 7 weeks, their shade changes to brown, as the inner lining of the uterus has mostly recovered. The organ contracts less intensively, the contents have time to curl up before leaving its cavity.

How else does it happen at different times from the completion of the operation:

  • Abundant discharge (250-300 ml of fluid per day) cannot, if everything goes well, appear longer than 3-4 days. But this time a young mother is usually still in the hospital.
  • More modest in volume, with less presence of blood and not so bright red, they become from 4 to 10 days.
  • From the 11th day, their shade brightens. The volume is shrinking.
  • On the 21st day after caesarean, the discharge becomes more noticeable. And they have less blood.

How long to wait for the end of the discharge after the intervention

Lochia after caesarean section has a longer duration than those who gave birth without the help of a surgeon. This is due to difficulties, the likelihood of which is also higher.

Normally, they do not go longer than 7 - 9 weeks. During this period, the uterus has time to cleanse itself of the consequences of the existence of the fetus in it, to restore the mucous membrane.

The first 7 days this happens especially intensively, which is reflected in the number of lochia. A woman will have to use a new one every 2 hours.

There is no reason to rejoice if the process ended earlier. This does not indicate an imminent recovery, but rather the emergence of non-trivial problems. However, the individual physiological characteristics of some mothers make it possible to complete the withdrawal of secretions earlier and in full health. But this is rare, and the absence of danger must be confirmed by a specialist.

When it's time to panic

How much discharge goes after a cesarean section is an important criterion in assessing the gynecological well-being of a young mother. It is important to keep under control not only the timing, but also the appearance of the contents of the uterus. Differences in secretions at each stage of recovery are different.

Symptom Causes
At a period of 4 - 6 days after birth, bright yellow inclusions were found in the discharge This happens with acute endometritis. When this is noticed after 2 weeks, the pathology is sluggish, but already developed.
The volume of discharge obviously decreased in the first week after delivery This may be a sign of premature narrowing of the cervical canal, which prevents their exit. The same happens with the weakening of uterine contractions. Pathology, in addition to a sharp decrease in the volume of fluid with blood, is manifested by an increase in abdominal pain. The temperature may rise, severe weakness may occur. The same is suspected if the cleansing of the organ is stopped too quickly (up to 7 weeks after the operation).
The volume of allocations does not decrease with time Bleeding after a caesarean section opens if the fetal membranes remain in the uterus, the organ is weakly contracting, or there are problems with blood clotting. Another circumstance that can cause intense secretions, when their character should already change, is. This is possible if the operation was performed with insufficient quality, the woman started too early or hurried to resume her intimate life.
Allocations stopped abruptly ahead of time, but then resumed again This sign indicates the existence of an obstacle to their removal. How long does the discharge after a cesarean section go, can “decide” a polyp that has grown after childbirth, stenosis of the cervical canal. Simultaneously with their disappearance, discomfort occurs, then abdominal pain, temperature. The resumption of the cleansing process is complemented by a putrid odor, a change in the color of the mucus.
Discharge disturbing for more than 9 weeks As in all previous cases, an examination is necessary, since there are many causes that cause the problem. This is a hormonal disorder, the pathology that has arisen, uterine atony and the divergence of the internal seam.

It is unacceptable to endure the appearance of severe pain in the abdomen. Discomfort is present for a long time, but it should decrease, not increase. The same applies to the color and smell of the contents of the uterus. Greens, water at an early recovery stage will require the intervention of a doctor.

Regardless of what the birth turned out to be - natural or operational, the inner shell of the reproductive organ needs time to recover. On average, it lasts 5-9 weeks, if there are no complications. Particular attention is paid to discharge after caesarean section. In obstetrics, they are called lochia.

Lochia includes blood, torn particles of the epithelium and mucus. There are no fundamental differences between the discharge that occurs after physiological childbirth and those that appear after a cesarean. Most women treat them like menstrual bleeding. According to indicators such as smell, color and volume of discharge after cesarean section, one can judge whether everything is in order with the newly-made mother.

In the early postoperative period, discharge after caesarean section is easy to compare with normal heavy menstruation - the lochia is colored red and contains separate clots.

In the first 7 days after the operation, their total volume can reach 500 ml; normally, a sanitary napkin should be filled no faster than 2 hours. Every day, the doctor asks the woman the number of lochia and their color.

Discharge after caesarean section increases with physical activity, breastfeeding, and palpation of the abdomen. As a result of these actions, the natural contractile activity of the uterus is stimulated, due to which its contents are more effectively expelled outward.

From the 2nd week, the lochia begins to darken, acquiring a brownish tint. Their volume gradually decreases. By the end of the 5th week, blood discharge after caesarean section should normally become spotty, weak and acquire a lighter shade.

On the 8th week, the process of restoring the inner layer of the reproductive organ is almost completely completed. Thus, the discharge after cesarean section after 2 months becomes light, as before pregnancy. At this time, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist for an appropriate examination and choice of a contraceptive method.

The nature and intensity of lochia is affected by contractions of the uterine myometrium. After childbirth by caesarean section, this process proceeds worse than after natural ones, since part of the muscle fibers are damaged as a result of a surgical incision.

To improve the contractile activity of the uterus and prevent the development of postpartum hemorrhage, immediately after the operation, the woman begins to administer the drug Oxytocin according to the scheme, and it is also strongly recommended to establish natural feeding to enhance the synthesis of oxytocin by the body.

Personal hygiene after cesarean

Personal hygiene after operative delivery has its own nuances:

  1. Sanitary pads are changed as needed, but at least every 3 hours.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use tampons in the postpartum period, since their use can cause the development of an infectious process.
  3. After each visit to the toilet room, a woman should wash her genitals with clean water.
  4. It is impossible to douche and take a bath until the end of the recovery period, only take a shower.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Every woman who has become a mother through surgery should be informed about how long the discharge after cesarean lasts. Too early cessation of lochia, as well as a prolonged one, can be a bad sign.

But doctors insist that it is not so much the time frame that matters, but the composition, color, smell and total amount of lochia. If the nature of the discharge is normal, then there is nothing to worry about. And how long the discharge after a cesarean section lasts depends almost entirely on the specific characteristics of the body. But even in this situation, you should consult a doctor.

Be sure to tell the specialist if the lochia ended too early - less than 5 weeks, or too late - lasting 10 or more weeks after childbirth. Both of these conditions pose a serious risk.

In the first situation, the uterus could not be completely cleansed and blood, mucus and remnants of the epithelium remained in it, which often ends in a serious inflammatory process. It should be evidenced by discharge after caesarean section with a smell.

Prolonged lochia are also the result of an infectious process -. The situation is also dangerous when the discharge either ends or increases again: a similar case also does not fit into the format of the norm.

Yellow discharge after caesarean section without the presence of foreign odor is normal only towards the end of the first 3 weeks after childbirth. But if they continue after this time, they are considered a sign of pathology - an advanced form of endometritis, which must be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

Purulent discharge after cesarean, colored green, indicates the presence of an acute infectious pathology in the uterus.

White discharge from the genital tract is not dangerous until they are accompanied by symptoms such as redness and itching in the intimate area, discharge with a sour smell and a curdled consistency. Most likely, we are talking about vaginal candidiasis - a frequent companion of antibiotic therapy, which is mandatory after surgical delivery. But the exact diagnosis will be called only by a specialist.

Watching how much discharge goes after a cesarean section, evaluating their nature, a young mother will understand whether her recovery postpartum stage is delayed or everything is in order. If there are deviations from the norm, do not hesitate to contact a doctor.

The examination and the course of treatment that you will have to undergo if necessary are trifles compared to the complications that can arise if you let the situation take its course.

What else to pay attention to?

A woman's fear should be caused not only by the changed nature of postpartum discharge, but also by such alarming signs as abdominal pain and fever.

But the last symptom can also be a variant of the norm, if the young mother has not yet established lactation and the first pronounced flushes of milk are observed.

Sometimes, against the background of insufficient care or infection, a woman in the postpartum period develops discharge from the suture after a cesarean section.

This pathology is characterized by the following symptoms: hyperemia, fever, swelling and sanious or purulent discharge from the suture after cesarean.

If you do not notice this complication in time or self-medicate, the suture will fester and the young mother will need surgical assistance.

Usually, every woman who has become a mother by cesarean visits a specialist 2 months after the baby is born. During this time, it becomes known how the recovery process proceeds, whether there are any complications.

But the woman will have to control whether the postpartum discharge is normal on her own in order to seek medical help in time.

Useful video about caesarean section



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