The impact of forest management on the natural environment. Study of the forest area in the Taldom region

The Russian Federation has a quarter of the world's timber reserves - over 80 billion m 3 . For regions such as Transbaikalia, forest resources are a factor of economic well-being. The Chita region ranks seventh in the country in terms of the area of ​​the forest fund; as of January 1, 2002, it was 31,307 thousand hectares. The total area of ​​forests available for exploitation is 16,372 thousand ha; allowable cutting area - 13,576 thousand m 3.

At the same time, in recent years there has been a steady trend towards an increase in the number of offenses and crimes in the field of forest relations. In the Chita region, the number of registered facts of illegal logging in the period from 1998 to 2001 increased from 233 to 826, i.e. 3.5 times. The amount of damage inflicted in this case increased by 43.1 times, amounting to 48.4 million rubles in 2001.

In the conditions of criminalization of the sphere under consideration, the role of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of forest legislation is objectively increasing. In 2000 - 2002 three coordinating meetings of the heads of law enforcement agencies were held on the state of legality in the harvesting, transportation and export of timber abroad. The Prosecutor's Office of the region, on the instructions of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, carried out inspections of the implementation of legislation aimed at the rational use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests, as well as regulating the protection of forests from fires. The legitimacy of the amount of financing in the formation of the budgets of the subject of the Federation in 2002 and 2003 was checked. The checks revealed numerous offenses committed in the course of forest management and the use of the forest fund.

If in 2000 the prosecutor's office and internal affairs bodies of the region registered 492 statements and reports on crimes under Art. 260 and 261 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, then in 2001 - 622, i.e. their number increased by 12.6%. Criminal cases were initiated under these articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in 2000 - 169, in 2001 - 371, sent to court 35 and 69, respectively. When exercising supervision over the consideration of applications and reports on crimes in the internal affairs bodies, the city district prosecutors sent 27 materials on refusal to initiate criminal proceedings for additional verification in 2000, 31 decisions were canceled in accordance with Art. 116 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR. In 2001, 17 materials were sent for additional verification, decisions were canceled in accordance with Art. 116 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR - 9. A criminal case was initiated against two employees of the internal affairs bodies on the fact of illegal logging, which caused damage in the amount of 888,166 rubles. The case has been sent to court.

Main forest violations: illegal logging, including unauthorized; felling on fake logging tickets; undercuts; felling outside the cutting areas transferred to the forest user; logging in specially protected areas. Non-cleaning of logging sites, violations of sanitary rules and fire safety rules in forests are allowed.

Offenses in the field of forestry legislation are committed, among other things, by officials of forestry enterprises. For example, according to prosecutorial inspections, in 2001, 63% of felling of single trees in 13 leskhozes of the region was allowed in violation of the law. Only in the Chita region, 106 logging tickets were illegally issued, the damage caused (based on the volume of felling) amounted to 15,559,544 rubles. Felling of single trees is allowed in the absence of forest management recommendations, without the conclusion of the forest pathological service, there are facts of overestimation of the volume of felling, felling on fellings, where in reality there are no single trees. According to these facts, the prosecutor's office of the region appointed an inspection to establish signs of a crime in the actions of officials of the Verkh-Chita forestry enterprise and resolve the issue of bringing them to justice. A submission was made to the leadership of the Committee of Natural Resources of the region, which did not use its powers to exercise state control over the activities of subordinate bodies and did not take timely measures to stop violations and punish those responsible. In 2001, the district prosecutor's offices of the oblast initiated three criminal cases against forestry workers on illegal logging. The cases were terminated due to the act of amnesty.

The measures taken by law enforcement and regulatory authorities are insufficient and inadequate to the current situation, however, the reasons for the increase in the number of offenses in the field of forest relations lie not only in the shortcomings of their activities.

To combat crimes in this area, it is necessary to improve legal regulation, make additions and changes to the legislation. For example, in 2001, out of 494 statements and reports on crimes related to illegal logging, 156 decisions were made to refuse to initiate criminal cases due to the absence of corpus delicti. In most cases, the amount of damage did not fall under the signs provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as a basis for initiating a criminal case. In this regard, in order to ensure the inevitability of punishment, it is necessary to revise downward the amount of damage, which causes criminal liability. The point of view of Professor E.N. Zhevlakov about the need to distinguish between the amount of damage considered as the basis for criminal liability and the damage caused by the crime to the natural environment. The specific composition of the crime under Art. 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are relations in the field of ecology. The forest must be considered as a complex multifunctional ecosystem, and when calculating the damage to the natural environment, it is necessary to take into account not only the damage from the removal, destruction, damage to the extent of stopping the growth of trees, shrubs and vines, but also other environmental damage.

It is necessary to toughen the punishment under Parts 1 and 2 of Art. 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for causing harm on a large and significant scale such a type of punishment as imprisonment. The lenientness of sentences for sentences passed under this article stimulates an increase in the number of cases of illegal felling of trees.

It is also necessary to amend Art. 261 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, determining the amount of damage at which criminal liability arises for the destruction and damage to forests.

The most important condition for strengthening the rule of law in the field of forest relations is to ensure the unity of the legal space in the Russian Federation. This direction is one of the priorities in the activities of the prosecutor's office. Inspections carried out by the regional prosecutor's office in 2001-2002 uncovered the facts of the adoption by state authorities of the constituent entity of the Federation, local government bodies of regulatory legal acts that contradict federal forestry legislation. Illegal legal acts negatively affect the legal consciousness of the population, create conditions for committing offenses in the field of forest fund use. In 2002 the Regional Prosecutor's Office protested four normative acts of the Head of the Regional Administration and the Chairman of the Committee of Natural Resources, 4 submissions were made to them. This work is also carried out by district prosecutors. In 2001 and the first quarter of 2002, they protested 33 resolutions of the heads of district administrations, and submitted 44 proposals to officials of forestries and local self-government bodies to eliminate violations of the law in the field of forest relations.

An application was sent to the Chita Regional Court in accordance with Art. 41 Code of Civil Procedure of the RSFSR on recognition of certain provisions of the Law of the Chita Region as contradicting federal legislation, invalid and not subject to application "On the empowerment of local governments with state powers in the field of use and protection of the forest fund" dated March 1, 2001, adopted by the Chita Regional Duma. Paragraph "c" Art. 1 of the Law in violation of Art. 35, part 2 of Art. 44 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF), local governments are empowered to approve the composition of the commission for holding forest competitions and auctions for the transfer of the forest fund for use. By the decision of the Chita regional court, the prosecutor's office of the region refused to satisfy the application. The regional prosecutor filed a cassation protest with the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

In the Chita region, the territory of which is a border area, in recent years the number of offenses related to the illegal export of timber abroad has significantly increased. The liberalization of foreign economic activity contributed to a sharp export activity. For example, in 1998-2000 the volume of exports of raw sawn timber to China in value terms increased by almost 6 times. In 2001, exports amounted to 771,208 m 3 , i.e. compared to 671,109 m 3 in 2000, it increased by 14%. This process, however, is accompanied by violations of customs legislation. The state, in addition to the damage caused by illegal logging, does not receive full taxes on foreign exchange earnings for the export of timber (the lost taxes amount to millions of US dollars). Of the fines imposed for these violations, less than 2% is collected.

The imperfection of the legislation contributes to the illegal circulation of wood in many respects. So Art. 193 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as the subject of a crime (failure to return funds in foreign currency from abroad) determines the heads of enterprises. It follows from the content of the article that the subjects of this crime are not private entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity. Position "On streamlining the state registration of entrepreneurs on the territory of the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1994, applicable to individuals, creates a simplified procedure for registering such entrepreneurs. The opportunity granted by law to this category of entrepreneurs to carry out foreign economic activity has led to the growth of “one-day” firms. Such firms operate through nominees who cannot be held liable under Art. 193 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and do not have money or property that could be foreclosed. It seems necessary to eliminate the gap in the legislation by establishing criminal liability for non-return of funds in foreign currency from abroad and for private entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity.

In order to organize effective control over business entities and establish the legality of the origin of timber, to bring to justice those who illegally harvest or sell timber, there is a need to issue a legal act on licensing activities for the use of the forest fund, which would correspond to Art. 81 LK RF.

In order to streamline the turnover and export of timber, it is necessary at the federal level, in accordance with Article 174 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation, to recommend to the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation (SCC of Russia) to develop a list of additional documents presented by timber exporters during customs clearance of cargo in order to confirm the legality of harvesting or purchasing timber ( felling tickets or their copies certified by the forestry at the felling site, purchase certificates, invoices). At the same time, within the framework of the regulatory framework, customs officials (clause 2.8 of the order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1994 No. 624) are entitled to require the declarant to submit additional documents necessary for customs purposes.

The state authorities of the region made attempts to streamline the harvesting, transportation and export of timber. Thus, the head of the regional administration issued a resolution dated January 18, 2001 No. 39, in which local governments were instructed to issue permits for the right to export timber outside the region (including export). According to the decree, the leadership of customs was ordered to check the presence of permits of the heads of local governments for the export of timber from participants in foreign economic activity from the participants in foreign economic activity. The State Border Inspectorate for Plant Quarantine in the Chita Region was asked to issue a phytosanitary certificate for forest products upon presentation of felling tickets or their copies. However, the resolution was contrary to federal law, as it limited the constitutional rights of citizens to freedom of economic activity and the free movement of goods and services. The measures introduced by the decree are within the competence of the federal authorities. The prosecutor of the region submitted a proposal to eliminate violations of the law, which was satisfied.

In view of the urgency and significance of the problem, the issues of harvesting, transportation and export of timber abroad became the subject of coordination meetings of the heads of law enforcement agencies held by the prosecutor's office of the Chita region in 2000, 2001, 2002. During the meetings, the causes of offenses in this area were analyzed, and organizational and practical measures were developed to prevent them. Among the reasons for the low efficiency of activities to ensure the legality in the field of timber turnover, the following were attributed:

insufficient work of district prosecutors in organizing interaction between law enforcement and regulatory authorities in the field;

violations and crimes of forest service officials;

the failure of law enforcement agencies to take exhaustive measures to identify offenses in this area, to bring the perpetrators to justice established by law.

In pursuance of the decisions made, coordination meetings on these issues were held in all districts of the region; a working group was created and operates under the leadership of the prosecutor's office of the region, which included representatives of law enforcement agencies and the regional administration; a unified computer database was created under the Committee of Natural Resources, which contains all the necessary information about the participants in forest legal relations (series, number, date of issue and other data of logging tickets).

In the area of ​​responsibility of the Trans-Baikal customs, when customs clearance of timber from participants in foreign economic activity, customs officers demand copies of logging tickets and invoices confirming the legality of the purchase of timber.

Forest fires cause enormous damage to the forest fund. As of October 1, 2002, 1,121 of them were registered in the forests of the Chita region. The damage caused in the first half of 2002 amounted to 76,615 thousand rubles. The main cause of forest fires is the careless handling of fire by citizens and agricultural burns. Checking the legislation regulating the protection of forests from fires revealed violations by employees of forestry enterprises of their duties to prevent and combat forest fires, a low level of control over these issues by the leaders of the Committee of Natural Resources of the region. Based on the results of the audit, five legal acts of the heads of municipalities were protested, 21 recommendations were submitted to them and to the heads of forestry enterprises to eliminate violations of forest legislation. A submission was made to the leadership of the Committee of Natural Resources of the region.

The prosecutor's check also revealed an alarming situation in the financing, material and technical support of forestry enterprises. Funding for fire fighting activities in 2002 began on 15 February. The provision of transport to the leshozes is only 50%; 78% of fire fighting equipment is worn out or out of order. Vast areas were left without air patrols. As of November 25, 2002, the debt of the Chita Aviation Base for Forest Protection to aviation enterprises for the lease of aircraft amounted to 14 million rubles. The average salary of those working in forestry is 2030 rubles. with a living wage in the region for the able-bodied population of 2333 rubles. The staffing of the personnel of the forestry enterprises is 54.5%. There is an urgent need to address at the federal level the issues of improving material, technical and personnel support, increasing wages in the field of forestry, sufficient advanced funding from the federal budget to prepare for the fire season.

1.Ecological impact of industrial forest management (clear, selective, sanitary felling, reforestation).

Industrial forest management
The main direction of industrial forest management is timber harvesting. Related to this is the emergence of environmental problems in the areas of mass logging. One of the main effects of timber harvesting is the replacement of primary forests with secondary forests that are generally less valuable and often less productive. But this is only the first step. Cutting triggers the mechanisms of deep economic changes in the region of deforestation. These changes affect all areas. The intensity of changes depends on the intensity of logging, and they, in turn, depend on a number of factors: the need for wood, transport accessibility of the harvesting area, and the equipment of work in the cutting area. The composition of species and the age of forests also affect the intensity of felling. Adverse effects are especially evident in cases where there is overcutting of wood (more is cut down than grows in a year). During cuttings lagging behind in terms of wood growth, undercutting is observed, which leads to aging of the forest, a decrease in its productivity, and diseases of old trees. Consequently, overcutting leads to the depletion of forest resources in some areas, and undercutting leads to their underutilization in others. In both cases, we are dealing with irrational use of natural resources. Therefore, foresters advocate the concept of continuous forest management, based on a balance between the reduction and renewal of forests and timber resources. However, for the time being, deforestation predominates on the planet.
The emergence of environmental problems is associated not only with the scale of deforestation, but also with the methods of deforestation. Comparison of positive and negative consequences indicates that selective logging is a more costly form and is characterized by less environmental damage. Forest resources are renewable resources, but this process takes 80-100 years. This period is lengthened in cases where land is severely degraded after deforestation. Therefore, along with the problems of reforestation, which can be carried out by self-restoration of forest plantations and, to speed up, by creating forest plantations, the problem of careful use of harvested wood arises. But deforestation - a destructive anthropogenic process - is opposed by stabilizing anthropogenic activities - the desire for the full use of wood, the use of gentle logging methods, as well as constructive activities - reforestation.
The term "forest use" or "forest use" means the use of all forest resources, all types of forest resources.
Forest management

Industrial by-product

The main forest management is engaged in the harvesting and use of wood products: the main one is wood, the secondary one is live bait, bark, wood chips, stumps, bast. In Russia, this also includes the harvesting of birch bark, spruce, fir and pine feet. Industrial main forest management is called due to the large scale of work and their setting on an industrial basis.
Secondary forest management uses non-timber products and is similar in character to commercial forest management. A distinctive feature of the two types of nature management is that industrial forest management is characterized by a wide range of environmental problems, and for side management, problems associated with excess visits to forest areas and immoderate withdrawal of forest biological resources are especially significant.

Clear felling

· Significant territories are exposed, the natural balance is disturbed, erosion processes are accelerating.
· Biocenoses are completely destroyed, flora and fauna are degrading.
· Growth is destroyed, the conditions for self-restoration of forests become more difficult.
· Complete clearing of the cutting area facilitates the planting and care of forest cultures.
Clear felling - felling of the main
The upper timber yard on clear felling for use or reforestation, in which the entire forest stand in the cutting area is cut down in one step with the preservation of individual trees and shrubs or groups of trees and shrubs for reforestation. Clear-cutting is allowed only under the condition of reforestation on forest plots provided for timber harvesting.
Some clear cuts are associated with the laying of roads, pipeline routes, power lines, clearings. In this case, felling of forest plantations of any age is allowed.
Concentrated felling - clear felling carried out on an area of ​​50 hectares or more. In such felling areas, the temperature amplitude increases more than in narrow-cutting areas, and frosts are possible in the taiga zone in any month. The risk of damage to young woody shoots by the May beetle increases.
Narrow-cut felling - a clear felling, in which the width of the cutting area does not exceed 100 m. In narrow clearings, the snow cover is higher, it melts more slowly, and the soil does not freeze as deep as in wide clearings. They are more slowly overgrown with grass, seeding is better, and the tree canopy closes faster.
Selective logging (remedial logging)
· Purposeful reforestation works become more difficult.
· When felling and transporting, the forest floor and other trees are damaged, the hydro regime of the territory and the habitat of plants and animals is disturbed.
· Ripe, low-value, diseased plants are selected, healing is taking place, and the composition of the forest is improving.
· Landscapes, biocenoses, typical flora and fauna are mostly preserved.

Sanitary felling
Sanitary felling is carried out in order to improve the sanitary condition of the forest, in which individual diseased, damaged and drying trees or the entire forest stand are cut down.
Sanitary cuttings are aimed at improving the health of plantings by harvesting faut and disease-infected forest trees from them and are appointed when the sanitary condition requires prompt intervention, where conventional types of thinning are not planned in the near future.

Sanitary cuttings are divided into two types: selective and continuous.

Selective sanitary felling is a felling carried out in order to improve the sanitary condition of plantations, in which dead, drying out, affected by diseases, inhabited by pests, as well as other damaged trees are cut down.
To some extent, the tasks of selective sanitary felling are top-priority and are solved during all types of thinning, as well as non-clear felling of the main use. Timely and high-quality (without negative impacts on the forest) maintenance felling largely prevents the need for special sanitary felling. However, if due to thinning, especially mechanized, violation of silvicultural and sanitary requirements (damage to trees, soil compaction by technical means during other forest management activities), the sanitary condition of plantations deteriorates sharply, selective and sometimes clear sanitary felling is required.
Clear sanitary cuttings are sanitary cuttings carried out to completely replace plantations that have lost their biological stability as a result of massive damage to trees by harmful insects, diseases, fires and other adverse factors. Despite the commonality of the reasons that make it necessary to carry out all sanitary cuttings and the general goal of forest care, in contrast to selective felling aimed at improving and preserving plantings, clear sanitary felling pursues to a certain extent the opposite goal - replacing diseased plantations and, thereby, improving the forest. generally.
Clear sanitary cuttings are prescribed in plantations:
- dead;
- so weakened as a result of various factors that their loss is inevitable in the near future;
- affected by stem pests and diseases with such a ratio of current and total mortality and a forecast of changes in the state and number of pests in the coming years that it is impossible to save them by measures available to forestry, including forest protection;
- where selective sanitary cuttings will lead to a decrease in canopy (fullness) to a level below the critical one, at which it is impossible to ensure acceptable productivity and efficiency in the performance of target ecological functions;
- such cuttings are prescribed in plantations of the dead, with the presence of increased current mortality, as well as in heavily weakened, windfall, windbreak, affected by diseases, populated by stem pests and with other damage to trees, during the harvesting of which the density (fullness) of forest stands will decrease below 0.4 - in pine forests, birch forests , and below 0.5 in spruce forests.
The basis for the appointment and conduct of clear sanitary felling are the materials of the forest pathological survey. The plots planned for clear sanitary felling are examined by a special commission under the leadership of the chief forester of the State Forestry Administration or PAs with the participation of a forest protection specialist. In the absence of materials characterizing the state of plantings, as well as when checking the quality of the forest pathological survey, the laying of trial plots is carried out with a recount of trees and their assessment by condition categories. At least 100 trees should be counted on each trial plot of each plot, the total area of ​​trial plots should be at least 2% of the total area on plots up to 100 ha. On plots of more than 100 ha, it is allowed to lay trial plots in the most characteristic places, which are determined at least on three route passages for every 100 ha, with the addition of visual forest pathological inventory of plantings in sections where trial plots were not laid.
The intensity of changes depends on the intensity of logging, and they, in turn, depend on a number of factors: the need for wood, transport accessibility of the harvesting area, and the equipment of work in the cutting area. The composition of the species and the age of the forests also affect the intensity of felling. Adverse consequences are especially evident in cases where there is a pre-cut of wood (more is cut down than grows in a year).
During cuttings lagging behind in terms of wood growth, undercutting is observed, which leads to aging of the forest, a decrease in its productivity, and diseases of old trees. Consequently, overcutting leads to the depletion of forest resources in some areas, and undercutting leads to their underutilization in others. In both cases, we are dealing with irrational use of natural resources. Therefore, foresters advocate the concept of continuous forest management, based on a balance between the reduction and renewal of forests and timber resources. However, for the time being, deforestation predominates on the planet. Upholstered furniture store: where to buy a leather sofa.
The emergence of environmental problems is associated not only with the scale of deforestation, but also with the methods of deforestation.
Comparison of positive and negative consequences indicates that selective logging is a more costly form and is characterized by less environmental damage.
Forest resources are renewable resources, but this process takes 80-100 years. This period is lengthened in cases where land is severely degraded after deforestation. Therefore, along with the problems of reforestation, which can be carried out by self-restoration of forest plantations and, to speed up, by creating forest plantations, the problem of careful use of harvested wood arises.
But deforestation - a destructive anthropogenic process is opposed by stabilizing anthropogenic activities - the desire for the full use of wood, the use of gentle logging methods, as well as constructive activities - reforestation

Forest restoration

Artificial restoration Natural restoration

Artificial reforestation is the creation of forest plantations on areas that were previously under forest. It is divided into: preliminary, when planting or sowing is carried out under the canopy of a plantation several years before its cutting; concomitant, when planting or sowing is carried out in the process of non-clear cuttings or after their completion; the subsequent - forest cultures on clearings; reconstructive, when in the areas occupied by low-value plantations corresponding to these specific conditions, forest plantations of economically valuable species are planted. Planting a forest. Planting a forest is the creation of forests by planting forest planting material on a silvicultural area. Sowing the forest. Sowing a forest is the creation of forest crops by sowing seeds of forest species on a forested area.
Natural reforestation. Natural reforestation is the process of creating a new generation of forests in a natural way. It allows you to restore with a relatively small cost of labor, relying on the forces of nature. The arborist purposefully uses this process in his work. Promoting natural renewal. Natural regeneration is promoted in a variety of ways. These include: preservation of undergrowth and young growth during final fellings, leaving seedlings, soil mineralization, clearing clearings from logging residues, draining and fencing areas.
Restoration and formation of the forest after final felling in the Yesenovichi forestry. The sequence of actions when performing reforestation work. Collection of seeds of coniferous and deciduous species. In the second half of May, seeds are planted in forest nurseries to grow planting material. Caring for the territory of the nursery. Weeding and mowing of weeds that inhibit the growth of planting material is carried out. Plots are cleared of logging residues. Three to four years after sowing the nursery, the grown planting material is planted on cleared plots. For the first three years, the planted young animals are carefully cared for.

2. Can "off-road" be considered the best protection for pristine nature?
In order to answer the question, let's first consider what impact the construction of roads has on the environment. The environmental safety of the road is established using a set of environmentally significant indicators and their evaluative meters that determine the characteristics and properties of the road as a source of impact on the natural and social environment, as well as environmental components that are affected by the road.
The main types of road impact on the natural and social environment are:
1. Withdrawal (consumption) of non-renewable natural resources
- Alienation of land area (permanent and temporary)
- Extraction of stone materials, sand, soil.
- Removal of soil, sod layer.
2. Physical presence of the object (construction and use of the object), impact on the landscape, hydrology, climate,

The situation with forests is also unfavorable on the European continent. At the forefront here are the problems of atmospheric pollution by industrial emissions, which are already beginning to have a continental character. They affected 30% of the forests of Austria, 50% of the forests of Germany, as well as the forests of Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Germany. Along with spruce, pine, and fir, which are sensitive to pollution, such relatively resistant species as beech and oak began to be damaged. The forests of the Scandinavian countries have been severely affected by acid rain, formed by the dissolution of sulfur dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by industry in other European countries. Similar phenomena have been noted in Canadian forests from pollution carried from the United States. Cases of forest loss around industrial facilities are also observed in Russia, in particular on the Kola Peninsula and in the Bratsk region.

The death of tropical forests. Virtually all types of habitats are being destroyed, but the problem is most acute in tropical rainforests. Every year there is cut down or otherwise exposed to forests on an area equal to approximately the entire territory of Great Britain. If the current rate of destruction of these forests is maintained, in 20-30 years there will be practically nothing left of them. Meanwhile, according to experts, two thirds of the 5-10 million species of living organisms that inhabit our planet are found in tropical forests. Most often, excessive population growth is cited as the main cause of the death of most of the rainforests. This last circumstance in developing countries leads to an increase in the supply of firewood for heating homes and an expansion of areas for slash-and-burn agriculture practiced by local residents. Some experts believe that the accusation is directed to the wrong address, since, in their opinion, the destruction of only 10-20% of forests is associated with the slashing method of cultivating the land. Much of the rainforest is being destroyed due to the massive development of pastoralism and the construction of military roads in Brazil, as well as the growing demand for timber from tropical trees exported from Brazil, Africa and Southeast Asia.

How to stop the loss of tropical forests? A number of organizations, such as the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, have put a lot of thought and money into trying to stop the massive loss of tropical forests. For the period from 1968 to 1980. The World Bank has spent $1,154,900 on rainforest restoration programs. But it is not yet clear whether this has had any significant effect on the resolution of the problem. One of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the measures taken is that much larger amounts are spent on agricultural development projects. When a country's government has the option of choosing between an agricultural development program and reforestation projects, the choice is usually made in favor of the former program, as it promises to quickly meet the population's food needs. Another reason is that loans, such as those provided by the World Bank, actually sometimes increase deforestation. A country may find it more profitable to first generate income from the sale of mature timber, and then, using the loans received, implement a program for the restoration of cut forests. Consequently, as a result of such a statement of the case, the amount of the loan doubles.

Industrial forest management

The term "forest use" or "forest use" means the use of all forest resources, all types of forest resources.

The main forest management is engaged in the harvesting and use of wood products: the main one is wood, the secondary one is live bait, bark, wood chips, stumps, bast. In Russia, this also includes the harvesting of birch bark, spruce, fir and pine feet. Industrial main forest management is called due to the large scale of work and their setting on an industrial basis. Secondary forest management uses non-timber products and is similar in character to commercial forest management. A distinctive feature of the two types of nature management is that industrial forest management is characterized by a wide range of environmental problems, and for side management, problems associated with excess visits to forest areas and immoderate withdrawal of forest biological resources are especially significant.

The main direction of industrial forest management is timber harvesting. Related to this is the emergence of environmental problems in the areas of mass logging. One of the main effects of timber harvesting is the replacement of primary forests with secondary forests that are generally less valuable and often less productive. But this is only the first step. Cutting triggers the mechanisms of deep economic changes in the region of deforestation. These changes affect all areas. The intensity of changes depends on the intensity of logging, and they, in turn, depend on a number of factors: the need for wood, transport accessibility of the harvesting area, and the equipment of work in the cutting area. The composition of species and the age of forests also affect the intensity of felling. Adverse effects are especially evident in cases where there is overcutting of wood (more is cut down than grows in a year). During cuttings lagging behind in terms of wood growth, undercutting is observed, which leads to aging of the forest, a decrease in its productivity, and diseases of old trees. Consequently, overcutting leads to the depletion of forest resources in some areas, and undercutting leads to their underutilization in others. In both cases, we are dealing with irrational use of natural resources. Therefore, foresters advocate the concept of continuous forest management, based on a balance between the reduction and renewal of forests and timber resources. However, for the time being, deforestation predominates on the planet.

The emergence of environmental problems is associated not only with the scale of deforestation, but also with the methods of deforestation. Comparison of positive and negative consequences indicates that selective logging is a more costly form and is characterized by less environmental damage. Forest resources are renewable resources, but this process takes 80-100 years. This period is lengthened in cases where land is severely degraded after deforestation. Therefore, along with the problems of reforestation, which can be carried out by self-restoration of forest plantations and, to speed up, by creating forest plantations, the problem of careful use of harvested wood arises. But deforestation - a destructive anthropogenic process - is opposed by stabilizing anthropogenic activities - the desire for the full use of wood, the use of gentle logging methods, as well as constructive activities - reforestation.

Forest fires

Among the important abiotic factors influencing the nature of the communities formed in the ecosystem, one should include fires. In coniferous forests growing in the southeastern United States, and treeless shrouds, as well as in the steppe zone, fires are a very common occurrence. In forests where fires occur regularly, trees usually have thick bark, which makes them more resistant to fire. In some cases, the soil after fires is enriched with biogenic elements, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. As a result, animals grazing in areas subject to periodic fires receive more complete nutrition. Man, preventing natural fires, thereby causes changes in ecosystems, the maintenance of which requires periodic burnouts of vegetation. At present, fires have become a very common means of controlling the development of forest areas, although the public consciousness is having difficulty getting used to this idea.

The forests of the Earth are seriously affected by fires. Forest fires destroy 2 million tons of organic matter annually. They cause great harm to forestry: the growth of trees is reduced, the composition of forests is deteriorating, windbreaks are intensifying, soil conditions and windbreaks are deteriorating, soil conditions. Forest fires promote the spread of harmful insects and wood-destroying fungi. World statistics claims that 97% of forest fires are caused by human faults and only 3% by lightning, mainly ball lightning. The flames of forest fires destroy both flora and fauna in their path. In Russia, great attention is paid to the protection of forests from fires. As a result of the measures taken in recent years to strengthen preventive fire-fighting measures and to implement a set of works for the timely detection and extinguishing of forest fires by aviation and ground-based forest fire units, the forest areas covered by fire, especially in the European part of Russia, have significantly decreased.

The term "forest use" or "forest use" means the use of all forest resources, all types of forest resources.

The main forest management is engaged in the harvesting and use of wood products: the main - wood, the secondary - live bait, bark, wood chips, stumps, bast. In Russia, this also includes the harvesting of birch bark, spruce, fir and pine feet. Industrial main forest management is called due to the large scale of work and their setting on an industrial basis.

Secondary forest management uses non-timber products and is similar in character to commercial forest management. A distinctive feature of the two types of nature management is that industrial forest management is characterized by a wide range of environmental problems, and for side management, problems associated with excess visits to forest areas and immoderate withdrawal of forest biological resources are especially significant.

Industrial forest management. The main direction of industrial forest management is timber harvesting. Related to this is the emergence of environmental problems in the areas of mass logging.

One of the main effects of timber harvesting is the replacement of primary forests with secondary forests that are generally less valuable and often less productive. But this is only the first step. Cutting triggers the mechanisms of deep economic changes in the region of deforestation. These changes affect all areas.

Ecological impact of logging methods

Negative environmental impacts.

Positive environmental impact.

Clear felling

Significant territories are exposed, the natural balance is disturbed, and erosion processes are accelerating.

Biocenoses are completely destroyed, flora and fauna are degrading.

Growth is destroyed, the conditions for self-restoration of forests become more difficult.

The complete clearing of the cutting area facilitates planting and caring for forest crops.

Selective logging (remedial logging)

Work on purposeful reforestation is difficult.

During felling and transportation, the forest litter and other trees are damaged, the hydrological regime of the territory and the habitat of plants and animals are disturbed.

Ripe, low-value, diseased plants are selected, healing takes place, and the composition of the forest improves.

Landscapes, biocenoses, typical flora and fauna are mostly preserved.

The intensity of changes depends on the intensity of logging, and they, in turn, depend on a number of factors: the need for wood, transport accessibility of the harvesting area, and the equipment of work in the cutting area. The composition of species and the age of forests also affect the intensity of felling.

Adverse effects are especially evident in cases where there is overcutting of wood (more is cut down than grows in a year).

During cuttings lagging behind in terms of wood growth, undercutting is observed, which leads to aging of the forest, a decrease in its productivity, and diseases of old trees. Consequently, overcutting leads to the depletion of forest resources in some areas, and undercutting leads to their underutilization in others. In both cases, we are dealing with irrational use of natural resources. Therefore, foresters advocate the concept of continuous forest management, based on a balance between the reduction and renewal of forests and timber resources. However, for the time being, deforestation predominates on the planet.

The emergence of environmental problems is associated not only with the scale of deforestation, but also with the methods of deforestation.

Comparison of positive and negative consequences indicates that selective logging is a more costly form and is characterized by less environmental damage.

Forest resources are renewable resources, but this process takes 80-100 years. This period is lengthened in cases where land is severely degraded after deforestation. Therefore, along with the problems of reforestation, which can be carried out by self-restoration of forest plantations and, to speed up - by creating forest plantations, the problem of careful use of harvested wood arises.

But deforestation - a destructive anthropogenic process - is opposed by stabilizing anthropogenic activities - the desire for the full use of wood, the use of gentle logging methods, as well as constructive activities - reforestation.

The timber industry could not exist without deforestation, since it uses primary raw materials. This is the main environmental problem of this sphere of production.

The forestry industry is engaged in deforestation, processing of blanks and the production of wood or paper products. In the recycling of wood, such as pulp and sawdust, the same difficulties arise in the coexistence of the forest industry with ecosystems.

Main problems:

  1. Wastewater
  2. Deforestation

Let's consider each problem in more detail.

Loss of wood during harvesting and processing

Careful use of natural resources is necessary to preserve the environment. To do this, it is necessary to rationally use wood raw materials in order to reduce the amount of waste. Proper storage of wood and its transportation to the place of processing will contribute to the preservation of the forest and harvesting.

If secondary raw materials remain after logging and woodworking, they should not be thrown away or left at the work site in the forest, they must be used correctly. This will bring additional profit and save the forest from littering with recyclables.

Entrepreneurs often refuse to recycle waste, because recycling costs a lot of money. Not in every country there are prerequisites for the correct processing of recyclable materials that can be used in biological energy.

It is necessary to adapt modern technology to work in the forest industry. Then the recyclables will undergo the necessary processing and find application in other areas.

Use of large water supplies

This problem applies to industries that process pulp to make paper. This industry is one of the most costly in the use of water. It takes ten liters of water to make one sheet.

The used water enters the sewers, which return it to nature, but the quality composition is not natural. Impurities are not useful for the ecosystem, they pollute it. Chlorine products predominate, and they have a negative effect on the soil, as well as iron-containing products.

Each person is capable of making a contribution to solving this problem. All you have to do is throw away the waste paper. Less water is spent on its processing, as a result we save about twenty thousand liters!

Industrialists must improve production by installing new developments in which the water circulation system is closed. You can switch to a technology that does not involve the use of chlorine in production.

The government of the countries should develop an ecological image, urging private traders themselves to take care of the renewal of production to solve environmental problems.


Not only the pulp and paper industry pollutes nature through wastewater, but wood processing also significantly spoils the environment. The production of furniture, fiberboard, plywood poisons the soil with harmful impurities.

Suspensions and emulsions cloud water, colloid solutions change color, molecules in solutions are responsible for a strange taste and unpleasant odor. Solutions of ions endow water with minerals unusual for it.

As a result of the ingress of even one of the above substances into wastewater, it will immediately lead to pollution. The physical properties of water, its chemical composition will change. This will lead to a biological catastrophe of the ecosystem.

Waste from the industrial production of fibreboard and chipboard has surplus heat that heats the water bodies into which this wastewater ends up. Species may become extinct due to heatstroke.

Businesses should pay more attention to wastewater treatment plants. They will rid the wastewater of harmful impurities and keep their temperature. This will greatly save nature.


One of the biggest problems. Trees are the "lungs" of the planet. They are involved in replenishing the supply of oxygen needed by mankind for breathing. Of course, instead of cut down forests, new ones are planted, but the balance has not been reached.

Primary forests are more productive than secondary ones. In the future, to cut them down, you will have to use a large area. The area cannot increase indefinitely.

The forest belongs to renewable resources, but it takes about a hundred years for its natural restoration! And if the soil after cutting down is badly damaged, even more so.

The forest is rich in fruit and berry plants. Shrubs cannot develop without trees. We will lose them when cutting down. Medicinal herbs, mushrooms, nuts - everything will disappear. Animals living in the forest will lose their homes, food chains will be interrupted. The ecosystem will collapse.

Deforestation is global, it is not selective, as it is not profitable. Uncontrolled logging leads to the disappearance of plantings in large areas. Up to thirteen million hectares of land are cut down annually. Mostly felling is carried out in places that have not yet been mastered by man for habitation.

Why are they cutting down the forest? First, free up space. The construction of new cities and villages in new territories has not been canceled. Secondly, for the manufacture of various goods necessary for man from wood. The timber industry requires more and more wood every year.

After cutting down, an empty field is formed - a bare space that has lost the unique conditions under which a forest ecosystem can exist. The larger the felling area, the more difficult it is for the remaining forest to give rise to a new one on the vacated site.

Young shoots cannot rise for a variety of reasons: a change in lighting, a different temperature, increasing humidity, leading to swamping of territories. The wind blows the soil, destroys the roots.

Deciduous trees recover best, and raspberries also grow rapidly. Coniferous forest recovers longer, as seeds are not always accepted in new environmental conditions. A negative result is noticeable when there is a cut of wood - more is removed than grows in a year.

If the increase in wood is small and felling begins, then we will not be dealing with an undercut. It will age the forest in a matter of years, reduce its productivity, and cause diseases of old and young plants. In each example, there is an irrational use of nature. Ecologists adhere to the concept of continuous use of the forest. It is based on the balance of deforestation and restoration of forests and timber stocks. Now the picture is as follows: overcutting of forests prevails on Earth.

Greater attention is given to the deforestation of tropical forests. They strongly influence the climate of the planet. The uncontrolled disappearance of these forests will lead to the collapse of the Earth's biosphere. It will be felt by all mankind.

Not only the timber industry harms forests by deforestation, the anthropogenic factor is the most significant. Fires by arson, pollution of vegetation by emissions from industrial enterprises for various purposes, leading to the occurrence of acid rain, which harm both the forest and humans.

How to solve the problem of deforestation?

  1. Refusal of paper media and purchase of electronic ones;
  2. Delivery of waste paper;
  3. Waste sorting;
  4. Arrangement of forestry;
  5. Restraining order for logging in areas where nature is protected by law
  6. Tougher punishment for non-compliance with the rules;
  7. Increase in duties for the export of trees abroad;

Until humanity understands that environmental problems are associated with everyone, that the forest gives them the existence to which they are accustomed, the situation will not change. Careful handling of nature will secure their future. Everyone must contribute to the conservation and protection of the forest. Plant trees, do not litter in the forest, take care of nature.

It is necessary to look for alternative ways to solve environmental problems in any kind of industry. Develop technology for recycling raw materials. Invent and instill rules for the correct use of forest resources, based on the balance of cutting and restoration of forest zones and wood reserves.



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