The influence of power lines on the human body. High-voltage power lines are harmful to health

In the 60s, specialists in Russia paid attention to the electromagnetic fields of power lines (PTLs). After long-term and in-depth studies of the health of people who have contact with power lines at work, the results of these studies showed that people who spent a long time in the electromagnetic field more often complained of weakness, irritability, fatigue, weakened memory and sleep disturbances.

Currently, there are many problems associated with long-term exposure to power lines on the nervous system, cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems.

Power line(power line) is one of the components of the electrical network, a system of energy equipment designed to transmit electricity through electric current.

The wires of a working power line create electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency in the adjacent space. The distance over which these fields extend from the line wires reaches tens of meters.

Within the sanitary protection zone of power lines it is prohibited:

    place residential and public buildings and structures;

    arrange parking areas for all types of transport;

    locate automobile servicing enterprises and oil and petroleum products warehouses;

    carry out operations with fuel, repair machines and mechanisms.

SaNPiN No. 2971-84

And now what happens in reality:

One of the most powerful exciters of electromagnetic waves is industrial frequency currents (50 Hz). Thus, the electric field strength directly under the power line can reach several thousand volts per meter soil, although due to the property of reducing soil tension, even when moving 100 m from the line, the tension sharply drops to several tens of volts per meter.

Studies on the biological effects of electric fields have found that already at a voltage of 1 kV/m it has an adverse effect on the human nervous system, which in turn leads to disruption of the endocrine system and metabolism in the body (copper, zinc, iron and cobalt), disrupts physiological functions: heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity, metabolic processes and immune activity.

As for electricians and other power line workers, the situation is even worse.

Among power line personnel, visual impairments, changes in color perception, narrowing of visual fields in green, red and especially blue colors, and vascular changes in the retina were noted. Studies have been conducted of professionals working 8 hours a day in contact with AMY. Some reported decreased sex drive, a tendency toward depression, and irritability. There was a decreased number of lymphocytes in the blood.

Look what happens to the biofield of a person living near power lines:

Human biofield– this is its electromagnetic field, that is, the totality of radiation from every cell of our body. In fact, any object on Earth, any living organism, has it.

Our electromagnetic field was formed under the influence of the Earth's electromagnetic field. And since today’s electromagnetic background is tens of thousands of times higher than natural, our field cannot withstand such an onslaught.

If our electromagnetic field begins to be affected by other sources of radiation, much more powerful than the radiation of our body, then chaos begins in the body. This leads to a dramatic deterioration in health.

From an energetic point of view, the biofield performs a protective function. It is also called aura. In fact, this is the first protective barrier.

Fig. 1 - Normal human biofield. A person has protection from electromagnetic radiation

Rice. 2 - Biofield of a person living near power lines and in a geopathogenic zone


One of the largest studies of this issue took place in England and Wales from 1962 to 1995.

Medical records of more than 29 thousand children under 15 years of age were reviewed

It turned out that the risk of leukemia in children who lived from birth at a distance of up to 200 meters from power lines is 70%, and from 200 to 600 m – 20%.

Statistics have shown that power lines have a significant negative impact.

"Our study shows that approximately 5 in 400 cases of childhood leukemia can be associated with high-volume lineages, representing about 1% of cases," said Gerald Draper, leader of the research team at the University of Oxford.

The works of Anisimov V.N. provide facts from Swedish scientists:

They analyzed information about the incidence of cancer among people living in close proximity to high-voltage power lines (at a distance less than 300 m).

In a group of 400 thousand. man was discovered 142 children with various types of malignant neoplasms and 548 adults with a brain tumor or leukemia.

An examination was also carried out to determine the reproductive function of 542 workers substations Power lines. This analysis allowed us to identify pathologies such as:
1) an increase in the number of congenital deformities if the father worked at a power plant;
2) decreased fertilization function among some male workers
3) The birth rate of boys has decreased.

Was also examined group of youth under 18 years old, living within 150 m from substations, transformers, subways, railway power lines and power lines. They were twice as likely to have nervous system disorders and leukemia.

In Denmark, 1,707 children under 16 years of age were examined during the period. Due to living near power lines, some developed brain tumors and leukemia.

Protection from electromagnetic fields of power lines:

So what should we do??

We understand that if a power line is built near your house, you cannot move it. And not everyone can afford to move today.

And even if you don’t live near power lines, then, believe me, they make a very good contribution to the overall electromagnetic background of the city in which you live.

Today there is already reliable protection against electromagnetic fields and their torsion component.

This must be done because the situation concerns your health and the health of your entire family. Especially if you are young and just planning it, or you have small children.

Nine years ago they walked along my estate high voltage line with voltage 10 kV. Since then, especially after the night, I have had a headache and high blood pressure. It seemed to me that this was due to age (I’m 56 years old), but when children and grandchildren come from the city, they experience the same thing after the night. Therefore, please answer my question: at what distance from residential premises should the high-voltage line be located? How can it affect human health if it is placed at a distance of 4 meters from the house? ( In addition, a detailed plan of the area was attached to the letter, indicating the distance from the high-voltage line, the distribution station to the residential and commercial buildings that belonged to the applicant.- Ed.).

Maria Sidorovna Ban, village of Bolshoy Rozhan, Soligorsk district.

Having received a letter from our reader with almost 30 years of experience, as she herself wrote, we first called Soligorsk Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. We were informed that they had all the necessary equipment to carry out the necessary measurements, and they could check the information provided by the woman on the spot.

Soon we received official answer to our request. It consists of two parts - general and specific, with regard to the situation described above. Since letters and calls from readers regarding the possible impact on human health from high-voltage power lines are not such rare occurrences in editorial mail, it makes sense to provide the answer in full.

“In order to protect the population from the effects of the electric field that is created by overhead power lines, sanitary protection zones are established (territories along the routes of power lines where certain types of activities and residence are limited or prohibited). The dimensions of sanitary protection zones are established depending on the voltage of the high-voltage power line in accordance with Section 4 of the Sanitary Rules and Standards of the Republic of Belarus No. 10-5 “Sanitary Classification of Enterprises, Buildings and Other Facilities. Sanitary protection zones” and are corrected by instrumental measurements of electric field voltages. The criterion for organizing a sanitary protection zone and adjusting its size is an electric field voltage of 1 kV/m. Overhead power lines, which due to their technical characteristics cannot create an electric field voltage along the route of 1 kV/m or more, do not require the organization of sanitary protection zones and have no hygienic significance. This is due to the fact that an electric field voltage of 1 kV/m or less does not have an adverse effect on the human body throughout his life. Such power lines also include overhead lines with a voltage of 10 kV.”.

Next, the results of instrumental measurements of the electric field voltage are reported, which were carried out in the residential premises of the house that belongs to the applicant, and in the yard, which is directly adjacent to an overhead power line with a voltage of 10 kV.

“As a result of the measurements, it was established that the electric field voltage in residential premises and in the courtyard of the house did not exceed 0.002 kV/m, which is significantly less than 1 kV/m. Therefore, an overhead power line with a voltage of 10 kV during operation cannot have an adverse effect on the health of the residents of the house.

It is also worth adding that in accordance with GOST 12.1.051-90 “System of work safety standards. Electrical safety. Safety distances in the protective zone of power lines with voltages above 1000 V”; for overhead power lines with voltages up to 20 kV, a protective zone of 10 meters is established. In accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules, the minimum distance from the outermost wire of a 10 kV power line to the nearest residential buildings has been established - at least 3 meters. The actual distance is at least 4 meters (by the way, the same figure - 4 meters - was indicated on her diagram by the reader herself. - Ed.). Control over the maintenance of minimum distances to residential buildings, as well as over activities and work in the protective zone, is carried out by the organization that operates the power line and transformer substations.”

Newspaper "Zvyazda", 2007. Translated from Belarusian.

25 comments to the article “High-voltage power lines do not affect health”

    I have been working at the Electric Company for 28 years. and my office is inside
    power station b 132 sq. 400 sq.
    and everything is fine 😐

    Well, some grannies suddenly get headaches after her neighbors installed a satellite dish (passive receiving device). Well, what can you do - problems with your head.

    Old age is not joy ((

    Please, tell me, is it worth buying an apartment in a house located 45 meters from a 500 sq.m. power line and next to it there is a 220 sq.m. power line? I've heard a lot about possible health problems, but apartments in this building are selling out very quickly, maybe I'm wrong and it's not dangerous??? [email protected]
    Thank you.

    Personally, I would try not to buy, although the power line nearby probably makes housing cheaper. In general, you need to order a study of the electric field in the living areas of the apartment. The voltage is quite high.

    No one still knows the real nature of electricity! Only a crude and small part of the power of electricity is used. And, accordingly, no one can assess how it affects. But humanity has always written the rules and norms, no matter what!

    From various sources:

    1. I bring you data from the Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations (as amended in 2003) POT RM-016-2001 RD 153-34.0-03.150-00
    So: on overhead lines with a voltage of 330 kV and above, workers must be protected from a biologically active electric field that can have a negative effect on the human body and cause the appearance of electrical discharges when touching grounded or electrically conductive objects isolated from the ground.

    In electrical installations of all voltages, workers must be protected from a biologically active magnetic field that can have a negative effect on the human body.
    Biologically active are electric and magnetic fields, the intensity of which exceeds the permissible value.
    The maximum permissible level of intensity of the acting electric field (EF) is 25 kV/m. Staying in an ED with a voltage level exceeding 25 kV/m without the use of personal protective equipment is not allowed.
    At ED voltage levels above 20 to 25 kV/m, the time spent by personnel in the ED should not exceed 10 minutes.
    When the EF voltage level is over 5 to 20 kV/m, the permissible personnel stay time is calculated using the formula:

    T = 50/E − 2,

    where E is the intensity level of the influencing EF (kV/m),
    T is the permissible stay time of personnel (hours).

    If the electric voltage level does not exceed 5 kV/m, personnel may remain in the electric zone throughout the entire working day (8 hours).
    The permissible time spent in the electric field can be implemented once or in fractions during the working day. During the rest of the working time, it is necessary to use protective equipment or be in an electric field of up to 5 kV/m.
    The permissible intensity (N) or induction (B) of the magnetic field for conditions of general (on the whole body) and local (on the limbs) exposure, depending on the duration of stay in the magnetic field, is determined in accordance with the table.
    In buildings made of reinforced concrete, in brick buildings with reinforced concrete floors, a metal frame or a grounded metal roof, there is no electric field and the use of protective equipment is not required.
    In short, EF in the house is not dangerous, but outside (say on the balcony) the EF voltage should not exceed 5 kV/m. Magnetic field - see table.
    Surely there are also rules for residential buildings (some kind of SanPin), but to a first approximation you can assess the harm to health anyway. Measure the intensity of the electric field and magnetic field. I think the fields can be filled by an organization that has the appropriate license/certificate.

    2. In 1979, researchers first suggested that the likelihood of childhood cancer increases in places where families live near high-voltage power lines. At the same time, other scientists and representatives of the energy industry dismissed such claims as unfounded. However, subsequent findings by other researchers confirmed the earlier discoveries. Over more than 20 years of work, it has been possible to prove that the likelihood of cancer in children living near power lines increases by 1.5-2 times.
    Studies of adults have found that electrical workers have an increased risk of brain cancer, lymphoma and leukemia. Interestingly, these are the same types of cancer that researchers encountered while studying children. Power plant operators, electricians and maintenance workers are the main risk group here.
    Until recently, it was believed that electromagnetic radiation affects living cells in only two ways: the first is ionization, and the second is heating tissue, as happens in a microwave oven. Since the fields entering the human body from power lines are weaker than the fields created by the body itself, they were considered harmless and had no effect on the body.
    The debate on this topic is alarming and confusing, since in an industrial society there is little that seems more useful and vital than electricity, even outperforming oil in this regard. It is also interesting that there are more and more reasons for concern. Previously limited to power lines, suspicion now includes electric blankets, video display terminals, television, radio, microwave ovens and even waterbeds, as they all expose the user to electromagnetic fields.
    A growing number of scientists, public health organizations, and some in the energy industry and policymakers are increasingly calling for serious research into the potential effects of electromagnetic fields on human health and ways to reduce those effects.
    Parents often express concern about schools being built near high-voltage power lines. In Australia, citizen activist groups are fighting new power lines, electricity distribution stations, mobile phone towers, and even the placement of television cables on top of poles and houses, just as they have previously fought the construction of airports, prisons and landfills near their homes. .
    One U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report described fields from "high-voltage power lines and possibly other electromagnetic field sources in the home as a possible, but unproven, cause of cancer in humans." That same month, a study by the Food and Drug Administration concluded that there was enough evidence to support the topic's importance that more research was needed. However, the Product Safety Commission recommended that the consumer group's request for a warning of possible harm be denied and included in the instructions for waterbeds. The Australian Environmental Protection Agency has released several reports in an effort to clarify the issues.
    If it turns out that the danger of electromagnetic fields does exist, the industrial community will have a serious challenge to reduce the risk posed by them. Partial solutions may be to increase the height of transmission towers, expand the area within which buildings are not allowed, or create “phasing” lines. The phasing lines can be lined up so that the electric fields begin to balance each other. But what changes should we start with? It's unclear yet. The US Office of Technology Assessment concluded that if electrical fields cause disease, then our home wiring, lighting and electrical appliances play a much more significant role in this process than power lines.
    While researchers are hesitant to definitively clarify this issue, a 1998 report published by the US National Institute of Environmental Conservation revealed one of the most alarming studies. It found serious cause for concern about the likely risk of cancer caused by electromagnetic fields. In the energy industry, there is a link between electromagnetic fields and the "increasing prevalence" of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in workers, the report said. However, the report stated: “The majority of the scientists involved in the study concluded that identifying low-frequency fields as a possible carcinogen is a conservative public decision based on limited evidence about the significance of this risk.”

    Amid all this uncertainty, some experts are talking about "prudent evasion," or trying to limit one's reach into the field's range in cheap and easy ways. Dr. Leslie Robinson says: “You can reduce your exposure to radiation, but you don't need to make any major changes to your life to do so.” “Prudent avoidance” has recently become a popular way to reduce the risk of exposure. It was invented by Dr. M. Granger Morgan. Dr. Morgan opposes sudden, expensive and disruptive changes. He advises following the following simple and easy rules.
    — Move the bed away from the wall through which electrical wires enter the house.
    — Children should sit at least a few feet away from the TV to avoid increased exposure to electromagnetic fields.
    — Electric blankets are a direct source of increased electromagnetic fields. Pregnant women and children should not use these blankets and should only use them to warm up the bed before going to bed.
    — Electric alarm clocks next to the bed, on night tables, can also be a source of electromagnetic fields. Parents should change them to digital or regular mechanical ones.
    — Computer users must be at least 60 centimeters from the screen and a meter away from the system unit. These devices typically emit strong electric fields from the sides and rear.

    3. While epidemiologists were studying cases of tumors in people working or living in areas exposed to low-intensity electromagnetic fields, other scientists were studying the effects of exposure to weak ELF fields on experimental animals. The work was led by Dr. W. Ross Edey, a neurologist, clinician, and researcher who first worked as the director of the Brain Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles, and is now the deputy head of the research institute of the Department of the Veterans Hospital. J.L. Pettis in Loma Linda (California). In the 1970s, Edey and his colleagues discovered that weak ELF electromagnetic fields alter the chemical processes occurring in the brain cells of living cats. In the 1980s, they discovered that low-intensity electromagnetic fields negatively affected the ability of T cells—those cogs of the immune system—to kill tumor cells; This means that such fields, by suppressing the immune system, can promote the formation of tumors. In 1988, Edey and his associates showed that weak electric fields with a frequency of 60 Hz and a strength equal to the field strength that are created in the tissues of a person standing directly under the wires of a high-voltage power line (or located next to a monitor display) can increase the activity of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase, which is thought to promote tumor growth.
    Back in 1980-1981, when government health officials in the United States and Canada denied the existence of any connection between electromagnetic radiation from display monitors and adverse pregnancy outcomes in women working on computers, experiments related to this issue were conducted by Spanish researchers . In experiments, it was found that when chicken eggs were exposed to weak alternating ELF magnetic fields, about 80% of the embryos developed abnormally, with the most significant defects in brain development. The adverse effects of alternating magnetic fields on chick embryos were confirmed in 1984 by researchers from the Swedish State Council for Occupational Safety and Health Prevention.
    Later that year, Prof. A. V. Gai, director of the laboratory of bioelectromagnetic research at the University of St. Washington in Seattle, was hired by IBM to review the literature on the biological effects of radiation from video display terminals. He found that the shape of the alternating signal in the work of Spanish scientists is very different from the sawtooth, which is characteristic of computer terminals, therefore, in his opinion, there is no reason to assume that computer radiation causes any harm to the body.

    New evidence

    In early 1986, the material of Guy's critical article was addressed by Dr. D. Tribukait, a Swedish professor specializing in radiobiology at the Department of Radiology of the world-famous Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Tribukait and his colleagues discovered that mouse embryos exposed to weak alternating fields with the same pulse shape as those found in monitor displays had more birth defects than unirradiated experimental animals. (This discovery was reported by Tom Brokaw on the NBC Evening News, but it went unnoticed by the New York Times and virtually every major newspaper in the United States.)

    In the spring of 1987, Dr. H. Frelen of the Swedish Agricultural University reported a discovery he and a colleague had made that pregnant mice exposed to weak alternating magnetic fields experienced a sharp increase in the incidence of fetal pus and their resorption (a phenomenon similar to premature termination of pregnancy in women) compared to irradiated laboratory animals. In June, other Swedish scientists reported that radiation similar to that produced by a monitor display could cause genetic changes in irradiated tissue. An important point in all three Swedish works was that in each of them the nature of the irradiation pulses was as close as possible to sawtooth,
    New data indicating that weak alternating magnetic fields can be harmful to the body appeared in the spring of 1988. The results of joint experiments by six laboratories in the United States, Canada, Spain and Sweden confirmed the conclusions of earlier studies: such fields may in fact have a negative effect on development of chick embryos. Somewhat later, Frelen discovered that mouse embryos are most sensitive to the effects of alternating magnetic fields in the early stages of embryonic development; this result was consistent with the findings of the Canadian and Spanish researchers.
    At the Second International Conference on Video Display Terminals, held in September 1989 in Montreal, Frelen described a series of experiments in which he irradiated pregnant mice with an alternating magnetic field at various stages of early pregnancy (up to 9 days). The results were amazing. All mice irradiated immediately after fertilization, as well as on the first, second, or fifth days after fertilization, showed an increase in the incidence of embryo resorption.
    Meanwhile, the Workplace Technology Alliance campaigned among members of various state legislatures against health laws. Industry spokesman and SWEMA communications director Charlotte Le Gates said requests from pregnant female operators to be reassigned were tantamount to requests to be reassigned from a job under a spotlight.

    4. Electromagnetic fields are formed in cities as a result of the action of transmitting radio stations, television centers, radar stations and high-voltage power lines. These objects create electromagnetic fields having a frequency range from 50 to 3000 Hz, which, in turn, are divided into low-frequency or industrial, long-wave (LW), medium-wave (MW), short-wave (KB), ultra-short wave (VHF), centimeter or, so-called ultra-high frequency (microwave). Antenna systems serve as sources of electromagnetic energy radiation. The electromagnetic field propagated in space is conventionally divided into two zones: the near zone, located near the antennas, and the far zone, extending beyond the antenna field.
    Measurements of electromagnetic fields at the locations of transmitting objects have shown that the field strength sometimes reaches values ​​dangerous to human health. Electromagnetic fields cause headaches, dizziness, increased irritability, fatigue, memory loss, sleep disturbances, general weakness, and decreased sexual activity. Tremors (shaking) of the fingers, increased sweating, leukopenia, hypotension, and cardiac dysfunction are noted. Experiments on animals revealed more subtle changes in the nervous system (disorder of conditioned reflex activity), functional disorders of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, dystrophic changes in the testes, etc.
    As a result of the studies, maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic energy in populated areas, as well as in places where high-voltage power lines pass, were recommended. The values ​​of sanitary protection zones between transmitting radio stations and other objects (sources of electromagnetic radiation) and residential areas have also been established.

    Under a high voltage line is not a place to walk

    Throughout human life, we are surrounded by natural atmospheric electric fields. They show themselves most clearly during a thunderstorm. Then the voltage at the ground reaches 10 kilovolts per meter (kV/m). But even in cloudless weather, the atmospheric field has an average strength of 130 volts per meter. We talk about an average value because, as we assume, solar activity and atmospheric electric fields fluctuate cyclically, reaching a maximum in certain periods. There are 22-year (two eleven-year), annual, 27-day and daily periods. This value also depends on the geographic location: the strength of the electric field is maximum in temperate latitudes, and minimum at the poles and near the equator. But all these changes are taken for granted by the body.
    Thanks to active scientific and technological activity, especially in recent decades, man has made his own adjustments to the atmosphere around us. The level of electric field intensity has increased and in some places has become no longer indifferent to a living organism.
    High-voltage power lines (PTLs) have a particularly strong impact on health. The field strength directly under the power line, depending, of course, on its design, sometimes reaches tens of kilovolts per meter.
    According to scientists, the main mechanism of the biological effect of an electric field is the appearance of “displacement currents” in the body. This is the name given to the movement of electrically charged particles.
    Studies have shown that the degree of functional disorders depends on the duration of a person’s stay in an electric field. The nervous system is the most sensitive. Following it, apparently, indirectly, disorders of activity and the cardiovascular system, changes in the composition of the blood may occur. Therefore, high-voltage structures are built taking into account the fact that people in their area comply with all necessary hygiene standards.
    Scientists have established the potential danger of a person being in an electric field whose intensity exceeds 25 kV/m. You can only work here using personal protective equipment.
    The safe level of electric field strength in residential buildings, where a person stays for an unlimited amount of time, is 0.5 kV/m. For comparison, we can cite an electrical household appliance such as an electric blanket, which creates a voltage level of up to 0.2 kV/m. 1 kV/m is the permissible voltage level in residential areas. But in places rarely visited by people (undeveloped areas, agricultural land), the safe level is set at 15 kV/m, in hard-to-reach, almost impassable places - 20 kV/m.
    Not knowing about the impact of a high voltage electric field on the body, some people in the power line zone plant vegetable gardens, spend a long time and often there, tending the beds. It is unacceptable! Even professionals who are responsible for monitoring and repairing these places are allowed to work no more than one and a half hours a day if the electric field strength reaches 15 kV/m. At a voltage of 20 kV/m - no more than 10 minutes.
    It is not advisable to walk or ski in the power line area, especially for children and people with weakened cardiovascular activity. This also applies to urban areas through which high-voltage lines pass. You need to limit your stay in such places as much as possible. Overnight stays are unconditionally excluded.
    I would like to warn amateur gardeners: do not build any metal houses or sheds for storing equipment on the territory of power lines. Touching such a structure, even if a person is isolated from the ground, for example, with rubber shoes, can cause a very strong and not always life-threatening electric shock.

    If you are interested in measuring electromagnetic radiation from power lines, electrical substations, computers, household appliances, etc. at home (in an apartment, private house or on a property), please contact us.

    I carry out measurements in the frequency ranges 5 Hz - 400 kHz (from a computer) and 50 Hz (industrial frequency) separately. I will indicate the norm in accordance with current standards, and give recommendations for eliminating excesses, if any.

    Also, if necessary, I can measure and evaluate the levels of ionizing radiation (radiation), illumination, noise, vibration and other physical factors (using specialized certified instruments). It is also possible to do a physical and bacteriological analysis of drinking water.

    Work in St. Petersburg and Len. areas as well. I will provide free consultation on issues of workplace certification, production control, as well as on measurements, assessment and standardization of physical factors.

    I work in paramilitary security at a state district power plant. I have to be on duty without shifts for 12 hours near a 330 sq.m. power line. The guard's booth is located on the side, 6-7 meters from the wires, and is also raised at a level of 1.5 m from the ground. In general, no more than 10-12 m in a straight line. How does this affect health?

    I watched a movie on TV about 7 years ago. So it talked about a study of cancer patients in the USA. Observations began to be made after, at a certain period, mass health complaints began among people from one street. They began to find out the reasons why there were many cancer patients on one street. And they found out that a year ago a new power line was built along their street, and it was this that became the cause of mass disease. After this, amendments were adopted to the legislation prohibiting the laying of high-voltage power lines near populated areas, as well as the construction of residential premises near them.

  1. working under a high-voltage line - what to expect?

    What matters is the intensity (intensity) of the electromagnetic field and the exposure time.

    1) asthenic syndrome (weakness, fatigue),
    2) astheno-vegetative syndrome (+ sweating, palpitations, feeling of lack of air, etc.),
    3) hypothalamic syndrome (impaired vascular tone, endocrine disorders, impaired thermoregulation, sleep and wakefulness disorders),
    4) exacerbation of other diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, hypertension, etc.

    The increase in leukemia in children under the influence of electromagnetic radiation and the formation of brain tumors (meningiomas, gliomas) with long-term (more than 10 years) intensive (more than 1 hour per day) use of cell phones are considered proven.

Long-term stay of people for months and years in the area of ​​power lines that emit electromagnetic vibrations and create an electromagnetic field leads to negative changes in the body. This condition causes disturbances in the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, reproductive, hematological, and immune systems and increases the risk of developing cancer pathology.

That is why, in order to protect people from the harmful effects of the electromagnetic field along the high-voltage line, the installation of sanitary protection zones is prescribed, the size of which is set taking into account the voltage of the power line.

In accordance with SanPiN No. 2971-84, sanitary protection zones for alternating current power transmission are determined. In particular, at a voltage of 330 kV, the size of the sanitary protection zone is twenty meters. At 500 kV this value reaches thirty meters. Accordingly, forty-meter protection is provided for lines of 750 kV, and 55 meters for a voltage of 1150 kV.

In these zones, dacha and garden plots are prohibited, not to mention residential and public buildings and structures.

To determine whether high-voltage power lines really have such a detrimental effect on the human body, you can compare the distances and transmitted voltages in these structures with a regular 220 V outlet located in our home a meter from a person.

Why are high-voltage lines harmful?

Power lines emit static fields and alternating waves. However, the same radiation comes from electrical wiring and from any electrical appliances that are located in our houses and apartments. When comparing a 220 V AC outlet located one meter away from a person and a power line transmitting approximately 200 kV current located thirty meters away, and considering that the strength of the static field decreases in proportion to the square of the distance, both of these radiation sources influence approximately the same.

The calculation shows that the equivalent of an outlet located a meter away from us would be a power line transmitting a current with a voltage of 6.5 kV. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in our house there are several sockets, up to tens of meters of electrical wiring, a TV, refrigerator, computer, and other electrical appliances, whose radiation can be much stronger.

It follows from this that it is not worth asserting that high-voltage power lines have such a detrimental effect on the human body. On the other hand, this issue has not yet been fully studied. Theoretically, a power line located near a home can cause a resonance of internal organs in the body. The industrial frequency of the current is 50 Hz, but there are no organs that respond to similar frequencies in the human body and vibrations of lower frequencies negatively affect the body. Although people dealing with high-voltage power lines often experience:

  • irritability,
  • decreased immunity.

At the same time, these manifestations may be associated with the need for constant composure, accuracy and attentiveness, which distinguishes this profession from other jobs in which the need for increased attention arises only periodically.

The body's reaction to radiation from power lines

In some countries, people who are very sensitive to the radiation of high-voltage lines have the right to move away from passing power lines, while the costs and search for housing are paid by the government. We spend money on developing standards for the installation of high-voltage lines.

It has been observed that two people of the same age may experience different effects from a nearby high-voltage power line. It can have a depressing effect on one, while another will experience a surge of energy at this time.

The only thing that is known for certain at the moment is that there is no evidence of the harmful effects of power lines on the human body, as well as evidence of their harmlessness. That is, their certain influence on a person is known, but what it consists of is still a mystery.

In the 60s of the XX century it was discovered dangerous effects of electromagnetic fields from power lines on the human body.

The health status of people who come into close contact with power lines in production conditions or who live nearby is approximately the same. People complain of increased fatigue, irritability, memory impairment, sleep disturbances, depression, migraine, disorientation in space, muscle weakness, problems with the cardiovascular system, hypotension, visual impairment, atrophy of color perception, decreased immunity, potency, changes in blood composition. This list can be continued with a number of physiological disorders and various diseases.

It has been proven that people living near power lines experience cancer, serious reproductive dysfunction, as well as the so-called electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome. It is quite scary to hear reports of research by some foreign scientists on the impact of high-voltage power lines on the health of children. It was found that children living at a distance of up to 150 meters from power lines and substations are twice as likely to suffer from leukemia, and almost all of them have nervous system disorders.

In some countries there is such a medical term as electromagnetic allergy. People suffering from it have the opportunity to change their place of residence for free to another, located as far as possible from sources of electromagnetic radiation. All this is officially sponsored by the government! How can the energy sector comment on the possible danger posed by power lines? First of all, they insist that the voltage of the electric current in power lines can be different, and therefore it is necessary to distinguish between safe and dangerous voltage. The range of influence of the magnetic field created by power lines is directly proportional to the power of the line itself. A professional determines the voltage class of a power line by the number of wires in a bundle not on the support itself:

– 2 wires – 330 kV;

– 3 wires – 500 kV;

- 4 wires - 750 kV.

The lower voltage class of power transmission lines is determined by the number of insulators:
— 3-5 insulators – 35 kV;

— 6-8 insulators – 110 kV;

- 15 insulators - 220 kV.

In order to protect the population from the harmful effects of power lines, there are special standards that define a certain sanitary zone, conditionally starting from the outermost power line wire projected onto the ground:

— Voltage less than 20 kV – 10 m;

— Voltage less than 35 kV – 15 m;

— Voltage less than 110 kV – 20 m;

— Voltage less than 150-220 kV – 25 m;

— Voltage less than 330 – 500 kV – 30 m;

— Voltage less than 750 kV – 40 m.

These standards apply to Moscow and the Moscow region, and in accordance with them, plots for development are allocated. These standards do not take into account the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, which is sometimes tens and sometimes hundreds of times greater more dangerous to health!

To prevent the magnetic field from affecting health status, multiply each of the listed indicators by 10. It turns out that a low-power power line is harmless only at a distance of 100 meters! Power line wires contain voltage that is in maximum contact with the corona discharge threshold. In bad weather conditions, this discharge releases a cloud of oppositely charged ions into the atmosphere. The electric field created by them, even at a great distance from power lines, can be much greater than the permissible harmless values.

A new project of the Moscow government to move some sections of high-voltage power lines underground. The mayor's office plans to use the vacated area for construction. This is where a logical question arises - will underground power lines be safe for people living above them? Will developers call energy specialists to the area planned for housing construction? Electromagnetic radiation from underground power lines and its impact on the human body, unfortunately, is still poorly understood.

The first to go underground will be the power lines located in the areas of Leninsky Prospect, Mira Avenue and Shchelkovskoe Highway. Next, it is planned to remove the power lines of the North-Eastern Administrative District underground, namely in Northern and Southern Medvedkovo, as well as in Bibirevo and Altufyevo. These territories are already put up for sale and are waiting for their investors. In total, there are more than a hundred power lines and open-type electrical substations in the capital. Potential developers of land under power transmission lines, and along with them the Moscow government, claim that modern technologies will make it possible to completely isolate electromagnetic radiation. For this purpose, it is planned to use coaxial cables laid in special shielding collectors.

Moving power lines underground is an expensive procedure (approximately 1 million euros per 1 km of cable laid), and therefore there is no guarantee that developers will not “save money”. Consequently, there is no certainty that housing built above power lines will be safe in all respects.

The most correct decision is to buy a home located in a safe zone - where there is no harm to health! ♌

Catching Goldfish on the Internet

There is a lot of talk about the dangers of high-voltage power lines, and most often in vain. Whatever theories have been put forward about how power lines affect a person, here are statistics on the incidence of cancer of people living in an area with a nearby high-voltage line, and the influence of power lines on brain cells, and even widespread hair loss is associated with closely located high-voltage lines. Let's try to understand this issue and justify what is said but never proven.

So, only two types of radiation can come from power lines, in the form of a static field and alternating waves. In addition to high-voltage lines, the same radiation is produced by electrical wiring and any of the electrical appliances in our houses and apartments. For comparison, let's take one AC outlet with a voltage of 220-240 volts, located a meter from a person, and a power line with a voltage of about 200 kilovolts, located at a distance of 30 meters. The strength of the static field becomes smaller in proportion to the square of the distance, so both radiation sources, the outlet and the power line, have approximately the same effect.

In the case of alternating waves, the attenuation occurs much weaker, since their strength is inversely proportional to the distance from the radiation source, and if we take the same distances as in the previous case, then the equivalent of an outlet located a meter away from us will be a power line with a voltage of 6. 5 kilovolts. Please also note that in our home there is not just one outlet, but also meters of electrical wiring, a refrigerator, a TV, a computer, and a bunch of other electrical appliances, and their radiation will be much stronger.

It is impossible to say that high-voltage power lines have any harmful effects on the human body. The fact is that this issue has never been fully studied. In theory, the only thing that a nearby power line can cause in the body is resonance of internal organs. However, the industrial frequency of the current is 50 Hz, and there is no such frequency in the human body; lower frequencies influence us. However, people who work with high voltage, including high-voltage power lines, have noted that they experience chronic fatigue syndrome, irritability, and weakened immunity. It is quite possible that the listed symptoms are due to the fact that work with high voltages requires constant composure and attentiveness, in contrast to other jobs, when increased attention is required only periodically.

The issue of the dangers of power lines will remain unstudied for a very long time, and the point is not that there are people for whom it is important that this information remains sealed, although this may well be the case, the point is that Each person has a very different perception of both electromagnetic fields and static radiation from high-voltage lines. In some countries there is even the concept of “electrical allergy”.

People who are especially sensitive to radiation from electrical appliances and high-voltage lines have the right to move to a greater distance from passing power lines. By the way, all costs and search for housing are borne by the government. In our country, the maximum money was spent on was to develop standards according to which high-voltage lines are installed. Residential buildings should be located no closer than 10 meters for a line of 35 kilovolts, 50 meters for 110-220 kilovolts and 100 meters for 330 kilovolts and above. The distance is calculated from the outermost wire to the wall of a residential building.

Another interesting fact: living next door in the same house, two people of the same age can experience different effects from power lines passing nearby. For one it will have a depressing effect, while for another, on the contrary, it will feel a surge of vigor and strength.

It turns out that indeed high-voltage power lines affect people differently. Perhaps this is precisely what is slowing down research in this area? Although it is quite possible that in reality there is no powerful influence at all, and in both the first and second cases it is simply self-persuasion.

At the moment, there is no evidence that power lines are harmful to humans, however, nothing has been written about their harmlessness. Indeed, what is known for certain is that they have a certain effect on the human body, but how detrimentally it affects us remains a mystery.

However, supporters of the opinion that high-voltage lines destroy the human body annually publish dry mortality statistics in areas where powerful power lines run. Sanitary services, in turn, claim that high-voltage power lines are harmless and provide physical calculations. If you look at this problem sensibly, without giving preference to one side or the other, then you can draw certain conclusions. For example, a drop of water cannot kill a person, but if it methodically drips on his head, then very soon the person goes crazy.

If you spend your whole life under the support of a power line of 330 kilovolts, then naturally there will be a very significant effect of its radiation on your body, but if you are constantly away from power lines and only periodically come into contact with the radiation emitted by them, then you will not see any changes in your body notice.

That is why, if possible, try to get out of the city, at least occasionally, because our cities have long become a kind of energy cesspools, where electromagnetic, static and many other types of energy fields intertwine. In some places, influencing each other, they weaken, in others, overlapping, they intensify many times and no longer meet sanitary standards at all. It is virtually impossible to protect yourself from them, but giving your body a break from their effects is available to almost everyone.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs