Human papillomavirus in women: causes, signs and treatment. HPV in women and its treatment: a list of effective methods and recommendations from doctors

The papilloma virus most often affects only people who live a regular sexual life without using barrier methods of contraception. But there are also cases when the disease enters the body through the blood and during passage through the birth canal. The disease itself is a small neoplasm that can lead to oncological neoplasms. It is especially important to treat papillomas in women, as they can penetrate the genital tract and lead to cancers on the cervix and vaginal walls. Treatment is most often combined, carefully thought out.


The procedure is carried out in a cosmetology room. The removal of one papilloma on average costs the patient 100-120 rubles. The procedure is carried out using a small device through which current passes. It is directed to cauterization of papillomas, which prevents their growth. The procedure is effective enough to remove existing papillomas and shows good results in 90% of cases. At the same time, after some time, 45% of patients developed new localizations of neoplasms. The procedure has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Laser therapy

It is also a fairly common hardware procedure that can allow women to get rid of existing papillomas by 92%. The success is influenced by the number of neoplasms, their nature and localization. A rather painful procedure that leaves wounds on the body. The traces of laser therapy can heal within a whole month. After such treatment, recurrences of viral lesions were recorded in quite a few cases. It is used to remove papillomas from the mucous walls of the vagina. The cost of such a procedure is 1000-2000 rubles.


The procedure is carried out with liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy allows to remove approximately 60% of viral localizations. At the same time, after some time, in 15% of cases, patients experienced relapses of the disease, which required repeated treatment. Quite an expensive procedure, which involves 10-20 sessions. The cost of cryotherapy ranges from 10 to 40 thousand rubles for the total number of manipulations.

Video - Removal of warts (papillomas) with a laser, liquid nitrogen, current and radio waves

Radio wave

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Radio wave removal involves the removal of papilloma along with its root. For this, the radio wave laser makes the most accurate size within 10-30 minutes, it all depends on the complexity of the procedure. Typically, patients need 10 to 20 sessions to completely get rid of the tumors. The recurrence of the disease after such manipulations is 30%. The cost of radio wave surgery is from 3,000 to 10,000 thousand for the entire number of procedures.

Attention! The decision to conduct hardware treatment can only be made by the attending physician after an internal examination of the neoplasms. This is important to do, because with the wrong approach, papilloma can grow much faster and go into the pathogenic stage.

Antiviral drugs against papillomas

Allokin Alpha

The drug is available in the form of a powder, which should be used to prepare a solution for injection. After preparing the solution, it is administered subcutaneously. When treating an oncogenic type of papilloma virus, six injections should be given. Each procedure is performed every other day. To prepare the injection, you should take a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, which allows you to create an ideal environment for the active substance.


This drug can be used to treat papillomas not only on the body, but also on the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix. To obtain a good result, one milligram of the active substance should be taken and applied with a swab or soft applicator to the affected areas twice a day. External manifestations are treated with the help of local application of the agent also twice a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician and is usually 1-2 weeks.

If necessary, the gel can be replaced with rectal suppositories. They are more convenient and easier to use. Treatment requires the introduction of only one suppository of the drug after a natural act of defecation. This form of the drug affects all viral formations. The duration of candle therapy is also 1-2 weeks.


The drug is available in two pharmacological forms - vaginal and rectal suppositories. Rectal suppositories are used to treat papillomas localized on the body of a woman. She is recommended to put one candle of Genferon for two weeks.

The mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix should be treated with vaginal suppositories. Taking into account the severity of the disease, the patient may be recommended to put 1-2 candles. Treatment can continue for 10 days. A further increase in the course of therapy is permissible only with the permission of the gynecologist.

Attention! Taking antiviral drugs is also advisable during hardware treatment, which will consolidate the result.

Immunomodulators for papillomavirus


This drug can only be used in combination with one of the above methods of hardware therapy. The Immunomax course consists of six procedures. Patients are administered the drug intramuscularly at a dose of 200 IU of the active substance. You can use Immunomax only after receiving a detailed immunogram.


The drug is available in the form of tablets. If the skin is affected by papillomas, the patient is recommended to take sublingually 2 mg of the active substance twice a day. Therapy in this case continues for six days. When treating papillomas on the vagina and cervix, the patient should take 10 mg of Likopid once a day for 10 days.

Attention! Usually, these drugs are prescribed only when combined treatment with antiviral drugs and hardware therapy has not given the desired result.

The cost of drugs against papillomavirus

A drugImagePrice in Russia in rublesPrice in Belarus in rublesPrice in Ukraine in UAH
Allokin Alpha 3500-7500 112-224 1435-2870
Viferon 80-300 2,56-9,6 32-123
Genferon 700-1000 22,4-32 287-410
Immunomax 800 25,6 328
Likopid 300-2000 9,6-32 123-820

Attention! The given prices may not coincide with the prices in a particular pharmacy chain, as they are averaged. The cost is also affected by dosages and places of production of drugs.

Alternative methods of treating papillomavirus in women

Celandine juice against neoplasms

The drug shows a fairly good result in the treatment of various types of papillomas. It is best to purchase a ready-made pharmacy solution, which has the maximum safe concentration. Use celandine follows a strictly defined scheme:

  • first you need to steam out the problem area;
  • after that it is lubricated with any greasy non-allergenic base, it is best to take vegetable oil;
  • after that, a small amount of juice is applied to the papilloma, it is important to avoid contact with healthy areas of the skin;
  • the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day;
  • every 48 hours, carefully remove dead areas of neoplasms;
  • papillomas of the flat type fall off on their own without external intervention.

The duration of treatment is determined by its success and continues until complete recovery.

Video - How to get rid of papillomas with folk remedies

potato juice

It is also an excellent tool, which at the same time does not have a toxic and dangerous effect on the body and skin. Suitable for combined treatment not only with traditional drugs, but also with folk ones. Only freshly prepared juice can be used to lubricate papillomas. The procedure is repeated an unlimited number of times a day, since potato juice cannot cause allergies. This home remedy can also lubricate neoplasms on intimate places and the face.

Attention! The possibility of combining folk remedies with traditional medicine for each individual patient should be checked with your doctor. These recipes are not suitable for the treatment of papillomas on the walls of the vagina and cervix.

If you have papillomas on any parts of the body, you should seek help from a gynecologist. In this case, a woman should definitely undergo a colposcopy, which can see the absence or presence of viral neoplasms on the walls of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. After that, complex treatment will be prescribed, which will avoid the transition of the disease into pathological and health-threatening processes.

HPV in gynecology is classified as a sexually transmitted infection. A feature of the disease is that without timely treatment, the virus can mutate into cancerous neoplasms. HPV in women is a fairly common disease, according to statistics, more than 50% of sexually active women are infected, in addition, most of them are not even aware of their carriage. Papillomavirus infection in women can be asymptomatic and be detected quite by accident during a routine examination.

I would like to note that the papilloma virus in women can appear at any age in sexually mature women. The good news is that papilloma in women does not always cause cancer. With strong protective properties, the immune system resists infection and destroys the virus cells as soon as they begin to activate.

What is HPV?

What is HPV in gynecology, the doctor can tell you in detail, he will even analyze how the virus could get into your body. In medicine, more than 120 ways of infection are distinguished, 40 of them are unprotected sexual contact. In most cases, those types of HPV in women that are caught during sex develop into erosion.

In order for the human papillomavirus to develop in women, vaginal sex is not necessarily necessary, the disease is transmitted through oral contact and contact with the lubricant of the genital organs. If the virus entered the body of a woman through anal sex, then the likelihood of developing cancer of the anus and rectum is much higher than oncology of the uterus and appendages. In rare cases, HPV in women can be manifested as a result of a kiss. Infection can occur during childbirth from a sick mother to a child.

The human papillomavirus in women in gynecology is very common, even a risk group of patients is identified that can get sick, these include:

  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequently changing sexual partners;
  • with hormonal disruptions;
  • women during menopause;
  • with the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • people with reduced immunity.

According to the science of gynecology, the human papillomavirus is not transmitted when using the same household appliances and hygiene products with a sick person.

Once in the body, the virus is met by immune cells that suppress the activity of the virus and prevent it from multiplying, but if a person's immunity is weakened, HPV penetrates the basal layer of the skin and integrates into the chromosomes. Cells mutate due to exposure to the virus, and begin to divide uncontrollably on a limited surface. Accordingly, outwardly this manifests itself in the development of warts and genital warts.

papilloma virus type 16 and 18

Modern gynecology identifies more than 150 types of papilloma in women. Among them are safe types of HPV and malignant strains. Types 68 and 58 are considered the most dangerous. In 70% of cases, these strains degenerate into cervical cancer. HPV types 16 and 18 in women are also considered highly oncogenic species. They do not always lead to malignant warts, but the risk is very high. If a woman was once diagnosed with hpv 16 or 18, then she must be registered with a doctor until the end of her life.

The slightest decrease in immunity or inflammation can provoke a reactivation of the disease, because, as you know, it is impossible to cure HPV 16.18 and other strains, the activity of the virus can only be suspended for a while.

Papilloma type 16 begins to show symptoms after three weeks, this is the main threat. When HPV in women of type 16 is at an early stage of its development, it provokes benign neoplasms on the skin and mucous membrane of the penis, they usually have a round shape and a diameter of 10 mm. The color of the growths can be flesh and brown. HPV type 18 in women is also very often noted, this is the same highly oncogenic disease with similar symptoms, the difference is only in the cellular structure of the strain.

If papillomavirus types 16 and 18 are present in the body, then boweniod papulosis can be provoked. When infected with hpv 16, patients first notice beige neoplasms on the labia, then on the thighs and in the anus. Warts may not cause discomfort, as they do not itch or hurt. Human papillomavirus type 18 develops much more actively than HPV type 16, and affects large areas of skin in a short time. Sometimes, warts merge with each other and form large lesions that look like mushrooms.

HPV symptoms

The symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in different ways, the signs of the disease directly depend on the strain of the virus that entered the woman's body. As a rule, the main symptom of the development of HPV in women is warts in intimate places and spotting during sex. Warts can be located on the external genitalia or inside. They are diagnosed during the examination by a gynecologist. Type 16 papillomas, being torn or ulcerated, secrete a clear liquid with an unpleasant odor. The main symptoms of HPV 16 are condylomas, they can be large and grow over the entire genital gap, moving to the femoral-inguinal folds.

The human papillomavirus in gynecology is not uncommon, and medicine has already studied this disease in detail. In addition to the formation of genital warts and warts, the disease does not show additional symptoms that would characterize reproduction in the DNA of HPV 16, 18 or other strains. Against the background of reduced immunity, there may be general weakness, dizziness, sleep disturbance and other typical symptoms, but they are in no way associated with the virus.

Diagnosis and treatment of HPV in women

Treatment of papillomavirus infection is a long and troublesome process, it usually begins with a correct diagnosis. In order for the treatment of papillomavirus in women to be successful, you need to understand exactly which strain develops in the body, because sometimes the HPV treatment regimen is different. What is HPV 16 and 18 laboratory staff are well aware of, and can identify these and other strains in a cytological smear. Sometimes, for an accurate diagnosis, the patient can be sent to:

  • colposcopy;
  • PCR analysis;
  • biopsy of the cervix;
  • molecular - biological test;
  • histology of the removed material.

Gynecology has been studying the papilloma virus for a long time, and doctors can say with confidence that this disease does not develop alone, but against the background of other sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to the above tests for the presence of HPV, the patient is referred for the diagnosis of chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and herpes. If there is an additional venereal infection, then it is first eliminated, and then they begin to treat papillomavirus in women.

Papillomavirus infection how to treat specifically in your case, the gynecologist will tell, it is important that both sexual partners should undergo therapy. If only a woman is cured, and the carrier was a man, then the couple will never get rid of HPV, there will be repeated infections, and repeated exacerbations.

Assign HPV treatment in women with drugs that are chosen based on the results of the tests. As a rule, use such medicines:

  • Panavir - intravenously;
  • Condimin;
  • Viferon;
  • Solcoderm;
  • Bonafton ointment;
  • Aldora cream.

If there is HPV type 16 in women, treatment with antiviral agents cannot completely heal the patient. It is necessary to rid the body of concomitant diseases, which can give impetus to the development of a dormant virus. To treat papillomavirus infection, you can use the following drugs:

  • Galavit;
  • Imunofan;
  • Immunal;
  • Epigen;
  • Sumamed;
  • Neoir;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Fluorurvcil;
  • Retinoic ointment.

Separately, I would like to mention pregnant women. If a lady became infected in the first months of bearing a child, then HPV type 16, 18 and other strains will not be treated until the baby is born. Treatment of papillomavirus in women during this sensitive period will be to increase immune forces. In an infected pregnant woman, the child is born a carrier of the virus in 78%. If the human papillomavirus type 16 in women was before pregnancy, then the baby can be born without defects and completely healthy.

HPV infection in the first months of pregnancy is fraught with fetal pathologies. The woman may even be advised to terminate the pregnancy or allow her to have a caesarean section.

Treatment of papilloma surgery

Human papilloma in women treatment may include not only conservative. Of course, antiviral agents act on the pathogen from the inside, dulling its activity, but most of all, visible growths on the skin cause discomfort. Treatment of HPV 16 and 18 can be carried out surgically - doctors excise the skin along with condyloma, and send it for cytology. This analysis will allow you to understand the degree of aggressiveness of the disease and remove the growth that haunted the patient. Doctors do not give guarantees that a wart will no longer appear in this place, in addition, the rehabilitation period after the complete removal of the growth is long and painful.

Whether HPV 16, 18 is treated in other ways is of interest to a huge number of people who are faced with the disease. In modern medicine, there are a number of minimally invasive techniques that are increasingly used in the fight against warts. Some of the most effective treatments include:

  • electrocoagulation- impact of low power electric current on the build-up;
  • cryodestruction - exposure to liquid nitrogen on condyloma and the skin next to it;
  • laser therapy- exposure to a wart with a laser beam of a certain length.

These minimally invasive techniques provide an answer to the question of how to treat the papilloma virus in gynecology without leaving large scars on the skin, as well as with a complete absence of a rehabilitation period. After these procedures, there is no need to stay in the hospital, you can immediately go home. For the procedure, the patient does not even need to inject anesthesia, pain is minimal.

HPV in women, what it is, now you know, it is important that with this disease, it is not enough to remove condyloma, it is necessary to act on the causes of their formation. If the papilloma is treated correctly, and the patient observes the prevention of its exacerbation - consumes vitamin-containing food, leads an active lifestyle and uses barrier contraceptives, the disease will recede, and may not make itself felt for a long time. Remember what HPV is, and what serious consequences can be if you run the virus. At the slightest symptoms and even guesses of infection with papilloma, contact your doctor, how to treat the disease, he will tell you in an individual consultation.

Human papillomavirus (HPV, HPV) is a DNA virus that contributes to the active division of body cells, which leads to the appearance of genital warts, warts and papillomas on the skin of the anorectal zone. Today, more than 100 types of human papillomavirus are known to exist, each of which has a different degree of oncogenicity.

The greatest danger of this infection lies in the fact that the papillomavirus in women can cause the development of a malignant tumor of the cervix, vulva or anus. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment of human papillomavirus infection minimizes the risk of developing cancer, especially of the cervix.

Given the danger of this infection, we want to tell you where the human papillomavirus comes from, how papillomavirus infection manifests itself and how to cure it. We will also introduce you to modern methods of diagnosing and preventing human papillomavirus in women.

The type of human papillomavirus determines how papillomavirus infection will develop and manifest itself in the future, as well as the choice of treatment methods.

Human papillomaviruses are usually divided according to the degree of their oncogenicity. Thus, all types of virus can be divided into three groups. HPV typing makes it possible to identify a group of patients with a high risk of developing cancer.

The first group includes five types of non-oncogenic HPV, namely 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The listed types are not oncogenic, therefore they cannot cause cervical cancer.

The second group consists of human papillomavirus types 6, 11, 42, 43 and 44, which have a low degree of oncogenicity. By themselves, representatives of this group cannot cause cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus, but they can prepare fertile ground for the appearance of malignant tumors.

The most dangerous is the third group of HPV, which consists of types such as 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 59 and 68. The listed types of HPV have the highest degree of oncogenicity. Almost 80% of women infected with these types of human papillomavirus sooner or later develop cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus, and the risk of breast cancer is also significantly increased.

Human papillomavirus in women: causes

Human papillomavirus DNA is the causative agent of human papillomavirus infection. This virus penetrates not only the mucous layer, but also the deeper layers of the skin.

There are a number of factors that contribute to human papillomavirus infection, namely:

Ways of transmission of human papillomavirus can be as follows:

The main way is sexual transmission. The infection can be transmitted to girls not only during unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse, but also during petting.

If a woman suffers from a papillomavirus infection and there are warts or papillomas on the walls of the vagina or labia, then the child can also become infected with them during childbirth.

Also, HPV infection through handshakes, personal hygiene items, pool water, sauna, etc. is not excluded.

Why is the human papillomavirus dangerous in women?

Human papillomavirus, if the immune system is strong, 90% heals itself. But in the presence of favorable soil, which is created by the above factors, human papillomavirus infection can transform into cancer of the vulva, cervix, labia or anus.

As we have already said, in 70% of women with cervical cancer, human papillomaviruses, which belong to the third group, were identified in the blood. Type 16 and 18 HPV are considered the most dangerous.

The human papillomavirus in women on the cervix requires immediate treatment to exclude the development of dysplasia, and then cancer.

In addition, papillomavirus increases the risk of contracting other genital infections, and can also be transmitted to the child during passage through the genital tract.

Each type of human papillomavirus has its own characteristics and specific symptoms. Let's consider them.

Human papillomavirus type 16 in women

Human papillomavirus 16 is a common type of HPV that is found in more than half of infected people. This type has a high oncogenicity.

The pathogenesis of papillomavirus infection caused by HPV 16 is that the pathogen invades the genome of the cells of the body and blocks the processes of natural antitumor defense, as a result of which papillomas, condylomas or warts appear on the skin.

In infected women with HPV 16, gray or brown, flat, rough patches of various sizes appear on the skin of the genitals and anorectal area. Such rashes are called bowenoid papulosis.

The second sign of a papullovirus infection caused by HPV 16 can be genital warts, which appear not only in the genital area, but also in the eyelids, hips, neck, armpits, etc.

The most dangerous manifestation of HPV 16 is intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervical mucosa, which belongs to precancerous conditions.

Human papillomavirus type 18

HPV 18 is another oncogenic virus that, by integrating into the DNA of human cells, blocks the immune system and promotes the formation of benign tumors. Such tumors are prone to malignancy.

Papillomavirus type 18 in women can cause cervical cancer. This trend was proven by scientists who identified this type of virus in 70% of women with cervical cancer.

Signs of HPV 18 activation:

  • genital warts on the skin of the genitals and anus. When injured, these neoplasms can bleed. Condylomas are most prone to malignancy;
  • papillomas. These rounded neoplasms do not differ in color from the skin, but rise above its level. Most often, papillomas affect the skin of the armpit and genital organs, but in advanced cases, they can spread to other areas.
  • warts, rounded rashes that rise above the skin and are red or dark in color.

HPV 31 is not only dangerous, but also an insidious oncogenic virus, since it can persist in the body asymptomatically for a long time.

Symptoms of papillomavirus infection appear when favorable soil is created in the body, that is, the immune system weakens under the influence of various factors (hypothermia, hormonal failure, exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute infections, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.). Moreover, this type of virus is equally dangerous for both females and males.

Papillomavirus type 31 in women is manifested by papillomas and condylomas in the genital area and anorectal region. There may also be vaginal discharge, soreness during intercourse, discomfort in the vagina, and others.

Human papillomavirus type 33

HPV 33- This is another dangerous virus that can provoke the appearance of a carcinogenic process.

Symptoms of the human papillomavirus type 33 in women can manifest as warts on the genitals. The incubation period of this type of papillomavirus infection is 12-16 weeks. After this time, genital warts on a wide stalk are determined on the labia, the walls of the vagina and the cervix. A feature of warts caused by HPV 33 is that they do not have clear boundaries and a flat surface.

Also, this type of virus can cause a precancerous condition called intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix.

Human papillomavirus type 35

Human papillomavirus type 35 in women may present with the following symptoms:

  • the formation of warts, which is more common in girls;
  • genital warts that occur on the genitals and tissues of the anorectal region. This type of neoplasm progresses very quickly, turning into large spots;
  • flat warts rarely appear with type 35 papillomavirus infection. But, nevertheless, this type of genital warts is dangerous, because it often degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

These neoplasms are accompanied by severe itching, soreness and discomfort. Women may also have symptoms of intoxication of the body in the form of fever, chills, excessive sweating and general weakness.

Human papillomavirus type 39 is also included in the group of viruses with a high risk of oncogenicity. It should be said that this type of virus is most dangerous for women, since men are mainly carriers of the infection.

Type 39 papillomavirus in women can cause the formation of both warts and papillomas or condylomas, which are prone to degeneration into malignant neoplasms. Most often, such neoplasms are localized on the walls of the vagina and cervical canal.

Human papillomavirus type 45

The papillomavirus type 45 in women is also highly oncogenic. Moreover, the first signs of papillomavirus infection can appear even 20 years after infection.

During the course of papillomavirus infection caused by type 45 virus, three stages are distinguished. The first stage is characterized by the appearance of genital warts and genital warts. The second stage of the disease is accompanied by dysplasia of the epithelium of the cervix. The most dangerous third stage, which is characterized by the development of cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus.

Human papillomavirus type 51

Symptoms of human papillomavirus type 51 in women appear already in the incubation period, which can last several years. In this period, single genital warts, genital or flat condylomas are poured out in women. The classical localization of these neoplasms is the genital organs (vaginal walls, cervix, small and large labia), but the process can also spread to the eyelids, inguinal and axillary region.

What type 51 papillomavirus infection looks like can be seen in the presented photos.

Human papillomavirus type 52

A feature of the human papillomavirus type 52 in women is that it is activated mainly during the period when the aging of the body begins (after 35 years).

For this type of papillomavirus infection, the same symptoms are characteristic as for other types, namely: warts and condylomas on the genitals, as well as cervical dysplasia.

Human papillomavirus type 56 is characterized by a short incubation period (up to three months).

Symptoms of type 56 papillomavirus in women appear at the end of the incubation period and are characterized by the formation of genital warts and genital warts on a thin stalk, which are localized on the walls of the vagina and cervix. In advanced cases, cervical dysplasia occurs, which is a precancerous condition.

Human papillomavirus type 59

A distinctive feature of the human papillomavirus type 59 in women can be called the fact that warts and condylomas affect not only the genitals, but also the anus and rectum, which increases the risk of getting anorectal cancer.

Warts reach a fairly large size (up to 10 mm) and have a rough surface and uneven edges, which can be seen in the photo.

Genital warts have a thin stalk and a pointed apex (see photo). The color of warts may differ from skin color.

Papillomas are characterized by rapid growth and spread.

Skin rashes (warts, warts and papillomas) can be easily seen during external and internal gynecological examination (see photo).

Also, in the process of diagnosing HPV, colposcopy can be used - examination of the cervix with a special device - a colposcope, which allows you to enlarge the image several times and even display the image on a computer monitor.

But the most accurate diagnostic method is an analysis for the human papillomavirus, which is carried out using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

PCR is used both to confirm the presence of the human papillomavirus in the female body, and to identify its type.

The "gold standard" for diagnosing HPV is the Digene-Test, which determines the number of viral bodies in the body. Knowing the number of viruses in the body, you can estimate the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Also, all patients with suspected HPV are assigned a cytological examination.

How to treat human papillomavirus in women?

Treatment of human papillomavirus in women can be conservative and surgical.

Tablets from the human papillomavirus should have both antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The following medications are considered the most effective today:

Monotherapy with these drugs is rarely used. Basically, one drug is combined with another, for example, Allokin-alpha is prescribed systemically, and Epigen-Intim cream is locally prescribed. Also, therapy is supplemented with immunomodulators, such as Likopid, Immunomax and others.

Since genital warts, papillomas, genital warts and cervical dysplasia increase the risk of cancer, they are removed using minimally invasive surgical techniques, which include the following:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • chemodestruction;
  • removal by radio waves and others.

In severe cases, amputation of the cervix may be used.

Is there a specific prevention of human papillomavirus?

Today, two vaccinations against the human papillomavirus in women are certified in our country, namely: Gardasil and Cervarix.

These vaccines protect the body against HPV types 16 and 18, which most commonly cause cervical cancer. In the developed countries of America and Europe, these vaccines are included in the vaccination schedule for girls. For example, in Germany, the HPV vaccine is shown to all girls who have reached the age of 12. Vaccination is carried out in three stages.

In Russia, the vaccine can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. The average cost of the drug is 7200 rubles.

A large number of different viruses live in the human body. Many of them are inactive, and do not affect health in any way. But at the slightest failure, the immune system can go into an active state. That is exactly what it is. The causative agent is in the blood. The disease is infectious, chronic, often relapses.

Women aged 30-50 are most susceptible to the disease. Approximately 10% of people have human papillomavirus in their blood; in women, treatment can be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Human papillomavirus in women - what is it

This virus is very common, has many different subtypes. Each variety causes a separate disease. For example, there may be. Some cause warts and various neoplasms. Others lead to cancer.

Papilloma is a benign tumor. In the main element (papilla of connective tissue) there are vessels and a layer of squamous epithelium. They can occur in the oral cavity, in the nasal mucosa, on the organs of the reproductive system.

Important! For the female body, the virus is very dangerous. It causes serious diseases of the genital organs. In 8 out of 10 cases, this virus develops into cervical cancer.


The virus has mostly external manifestations. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Warts. Benign neoplasms. The color almost merges with the skin. They can appear and disappear on their own. Because they are common viral infections.
  2. Confluent pointed neoplasms. Sometimes several condylomas merge together, acquiring the color of seaweed. When magnified, individual papillae with looped blood capillaries can be seen.
  3. Flat warts. Appear on the cervix. They indicate a chronic and advanced disease, which led to changes in the epithelium of the organ.
  4. Pointed warts. They can be multiple and single. Most often they appear. They can be easily detected during hygiene procedures.

In addition to the appearance of various papillomas in a woman, the lymph nodes may increase slightly, profuse leucorrhoea, itching and irritation occur.

Important! The papilloma virus has no special clinical symptoms, timely diagnosis is difficult. Therefore, only strong immunity and regular medical examination can protect the body from the negative effects of this virus.

What do they come from

With the bloodstream, the virus spreads throughout the body, enters the epithelium. Failures begin, which lead to rapid cell division and the appearance of benign neoplasms.

Most often, the virus appears during promiscuity. Men are most often latent carriers of the virus. Since in their body the pathology is in a latent state, men get sick with this disease less often. Read more in our article.

Important! There is also a household way of infection when using infected household items. Especially when they arise.

Children can become infected from a sick mother during delivery. These children may develop cancer of the larynx.

Risk factors:

  • weakened immune system, beriberi, stressful and depressive conditions;
  • uncontrolled intake of medications and oral contraceptives;
  • infectious diseases, changes in the microflora of the vagina;
  • bad habits.

Poor heredity, frequent abortions and childbirth, anal sex, inflammatory processes in the cervix can provoke the manifestation of pathology.

Which doctor to contact

The choice of a specialist depends on the location of the growths. A dermatovenereologist deals with papillomas on the body. If neoplasms are found on the genitals, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. With discomfort in the anus, you will need to consult a proctologist.

Before starting treatment, the doctor will prescribe PCR diagnostics, biopsy and cytological studies. At the moment, in modern medicine there is no effective remedy for papillomas. Complex therapy is used for treatment.

Other treatments include:

  • the use of chemicals (vartek) - the treatment of papillomas occurs with the help of an applicator that is wetted in a solution;
  • a liquid nitrogen;
  • surgical intervention;
  • radio wave scalpel;
  • removal of neoplasms with a laser.

Important! The presence of a virus in the body is not a guarantee of the development of serious diseases. Manifestations are noted in every second woman.

Papilloma in an intimate place

The appearance of this pathology on the genitals, in the anus and on the mucous membrane of the perineum gives women particular discomfort. During sex, such warts can be injured - pain, blood and discomfort appear. For a woman, this can be a serious stress.

What is the difference between such papillomas:

  • this variation of the disease is the most contagious - during sexual contact with an infected partner, the probability of getting the virus is equal to 100%;
  • neoplasms in intimate places often develop into malignant tumors.

The virus is often transmitted on shared objects. You can get it in baths, saunas, pools.

On the labia

Such an outgrowth looks like a small mushroom - the skin grows, is fixed on a small leg. It may have a sharp end, or resemble a flat wart. The color of the papilloma is the same as that of the skin, or somewhat lighter. Visually, the neoplasm does not resemble a mole in any way, so it is impossible to confuse it.

A common occurrence is the accumulation of growths on the labia, which have a fleshy texture. Such papillomas need to be removed.

Into the vagina

Papillary growths can be on the walls or near the entrance to the vagina. Cause itching and burning at the site of formation. They are flesh or pink in color.

The virus enters the vagina through sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. The incubation period is from 2 to 3 months. Adverse factors can accelerate the development of the disease, visible signs will appear after 14 days.

Also, the disease can occur due to diseases of the reproductive sphere and weakened immunity.

Causes of genital warts:

  • earlier onset of sexual activity;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • unbalanced state of the flora in the vagina;
  • frequent nervous tension.

Important! To the human papillomavirus, a strong immunity is not developed. Therefore, the likelihood of re-formation of growths and infection is quite high.

Human papillomavirus on the cervix

These growths are often the cause of cancer. Every woman who does not have a permanent partner is at risk of infection. The virus can enter the body during kissing, oral and anal sex.

The main reasons for the activation of the virus on the cervix are weak protective functions of the body, stress, bad habits, digestive disorders.

  1. The virus survives well in the environment. Therefore, you can not measure someone else's underwear, use washcloths and towels of other people.
  2. It is impossible to recognize this disease on your own. Pathology can be detected only during a routine examination by a gynecologist.
  3. Pointed papillomas indicate an acute course of the disease. But it is much easier to treat them than inactive ones.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is accompanied by hormonal changes in the body. This is the main reason for the appearance of the papillomavirus. Also in an interesting position, a woman gains weight. There are many fat folds that rub against each other. In such places, warts appear most often.

Warts are small, flesh or brown in color. They are rarely malignant, cause more aesthetic problems.

If a woman had papillomatosis before pregnancy, then in the second half of pregnancy the virus will become active and spread throughout the body. But the presence of this disease does not imply a mandatory caesarean section. Such delivery is indicated only if the warts on the genitals are very large and interfere with the normal process of childbirth.

A child can become infected in the womb, or at the time of birth. But most often this is not dangerous for the baby, his body can independently cope with this pathology.

Important! If during pregnancy, papillomas appear on the cervix, this can lead to the loss of a child.

Intraductal papilloma of the breast

The disease does not apply to common female ailments, but can be very dangerous. This type of papilloma is benign, it is an internal growth in the form of a small nipple. It can form in any part of the breast. But most often - in the development of mastopathy.

Laundry soap

The tool has been successfully used to treat many female diseases. Even gynecologists recommend it.

  1. To combat papillomas, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of the agent to the neoplasm.
  2. The procedure is carried out before going to bed for 3-4 days.
  3. Then the growth will begin to inflame. The papilloma will dry out and fall off.

Soap the build-up should be very careful - any damage can lead to infection.

In the same way, you can use tar soap.


The most famous folk method of treatment is. You can use the fresh juice of the plant, or the oil purchased at the pharmacy - the effect will be about the same.

The liquid is applied to the affected areas three times a day. You should not tie up the growth with a thread - with regular use, it will fall off on its own pretty soon.

  1. Pregnant women can also be vaccinated - safety for the child has been confirmed by many studies.
  2. Vaccination protects the body from a carcinogenic type of virus. They develop strong immunity. Vaccination is carried out in 3 stages for 6 months.

Anyone can get infected with the human papillomavirus. And only the observance of simple preventive measures, regular examinations by a gynecologist will help reduce the chance of developing the disease to zero. If a virus has been detected, start treatment immediately so as not to infect a child or a beloved man.

HPV, or human papillomavirus, is an infectious disease that affects about 80% of the world's population of reproductive age. Outwardly, it manifests itself in the form of unpleasant growths on the skin and mucous membranes. The pathogen is transmitted only from person to person and has the ability to be in the body in a "sleeping" state for several months or several years.

The virus can make itself felt suddenly as a result of weakened immunity, stress, inflammatory disease, hormonal failure. Moreover, it poses a greater threat to the health of a woman than for a man. Why? The fact is that HPV in women causes the development of an erosive process on the cervix, which can lead to cancer. For this reason, as soon as you notice neoplasms on the body, and even more so on the labia, you should immediately consult a doctor and treat HPV.

Manifestations and diagnosis of the disease

The manifestations of HPV can vary. Starting to actively develop in the body, the pathogen leads to changes in epithelial cells. As a result, the appearance of neoplasms of various types:

  • Warts are thread-like or bump-like growths on the neck, eyelids, back of the body, under the breasts. The color changes from brown to beige. They are caused by non-oncogenic or low-oncogenic strains of HPV.
  • Genital warts. They appear on the genitals and are distinguished by a high risk of degeneration into malignant tumors. Often they are injured during intercourse, because of which they merge into one neoplasm, outwardly resembling cauliflower in their structure.
  • Flat warts - growths on the cervix, in the thickness of its epithelium.

In addition to external manifestations, when infected with HPV, women may experience a deterioration in general well-being, fever, swollen lymph nodes, pain or bloody discharge during intercourse.

The detection of the virus is carried out using a number of examinations:

  • Palpation and visual examination on the gynecological chair using mirrors.
  • Colposcopy is the study of the cervix using a special magnifying device, a colposcope. To test for the presence of an infection, the doctor pre-treats the area of ​​​​the cervix with a solution of acetic acid or Lugol. By the nature of the reaction of the mucosa with the reagent, the specialist will be able to identify the lesion, analyze the general condition of the tissues of the cervix (presence of scars, tears), differentiate a malignant tumor from a benign one.
  • Cytological examination of a smear (from the cervical canal or cervix) - allows you to see cancers in the cervical area at the time of their inception. The sampling of material is carried out by scraping cells. The material is then sent to the laboratory for analysis. To get extremely accurate results, the patient needs to prepare for the analysis in advance: refrain from sexual intercourse for two days, do not douche, do not take oral contraceptives, go to the toilet no later than three hours before the procedure.
  • PCR diagnostics (a study using the polymerase chain reaction method) - makes it possible to determine the presence of a virus in the blood with 100% accuracy, establish the HPV strain, and make a prognosis for the development of the disease. For the study, a scraping of the epithelium of the neoplasm is taken.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor will see an accurate clinical picture and will be able to choose the optimal treatment for the patient.

Conservative drug therapy

To cure the human papillomavirus, a woman will have to undergo a course of combination therapy, which includes:

  • taking immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs aimed at increasing the body's natural defenses and suppressing the vital activity of the pathogen;
  • treatment of neoplasms with special gels, ointments, aerosols, solutions.

The most effective drugs for the treatment of HPV, according to many infectious disease doctors, are the following:

  1. Alpizarin - its main active ingredient magniferin, obtained from the alpine kopeechnik plant, has the ability to act on DNA-containing viruses and suppress their vital activity. It is recommended to take Alpizarin 2 tablets 3 times a day. This tool works best in the initial stages of the disease or during a relapse.
  2. Isoprinosine is a Hungarian immunomodulatory drug with antiviral activity. At the discretion of the doctor, it should be taken 2 tablets 3 or 4 times a day for a month. After a 10-day break, the course of treatment with Isoprinosine can be repeated.
  3. Licopid is a drug with the main active ingredient glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide (GMDP), which has a strong immunostimulating effect. GMDP is a synthetic analogue of parts of the cell wall of a pathogen. As a result of ingestion, innate and acquired immunity are activated. The body begins to produce its own substances that can suppress the activity and spread of the virus. Likopid can be taken simultaneously with other antiviral and antibacterial agents, as it enhances their action. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.
  4. Acyclovir is an inexpensive, and at the same time effective antiviral drug with a pronounced immunostimulating effect. It should be taken in courses of one tablet every four hours.
  5. Ferrovir - due to the presence in its composition of the salt of sodium deoxyribonucleate with ferrum, it stimulates an increase in local and general immunity, reduces the viral load. Treatment with Ferrovir is carried out in courses of 10 days.

These funds may have side effects in the form of vomiting, nausea, headache, decreased performance, apathy. If one of the symptoms appears, you should not immediately stop taking the drug. As practice shows, after a few days, the discomfort disappears. If the condition does not improve during this time, you need to stop drinking the pills and consult a doctor with a request to choose another remedy.

Dietary supplements as part of complex therapy

Dietary supplements (BAA) belong to a group of drugs that are not registered as medicines, but are often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of HPV in women.

Among them are:

  • Promisan is a drug that contains indole-3-carbinol, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, as well as the minerals manganese, selenium, iodine, zinc, copper, and iron. These components, taken together, prevent the occurrence of atypical cells, increase the sensitivity of malignant tumor cells to the main therapy drugs. Therefore, Promisan is prescribed to women who have been diagnosed with HPV strains of oncogenic risk, there have been changes in the walls of the vagina or cervix.
  • Indinol is a drug with the main active ingredient indole-3-carbinol, which is able to correct the pathological processes that occur in the vagina and on the cervix. It is prescribed to prevent cervical erosion, dysplasia, normalize hormonal levels, inhibit the development of atypical cells, and suppress the vital activity of the virus. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to take Indinol for a long time, not only for the woman, but also for her partner.
  • Indol-forte - thanks to the extracts of cruciferous plants and indole-3-carbinol included in the composition, the drug restores tissue damaged by the virus, stimulates the growth of healthy cells, and is an excellent means of preventing HPV. The course of treatment with Indol-forte takes at least a month. Adults are advised to take 1 capsule daily.

Medicines for topical application

In addition to taking medication for HPV, doctors recommend that patients treat neoplasms with special means. Their choice depends on the location of the papilloma: it is strictly forbidden to use aggressive substances for the treatment of warts on the mucous membranes, and, conversely, sparing ointments and gels will not have the desired effect if they treat neoplasms on the body.

How to treat the human papillomavirus in a woman in intimate places? If during the examination on the gynecological chair the patient has changes in the cervix or vaginal mucosa, the doctor may prescribe Kolpocid gel to her. This tool has an antiviral and immunocorrective effect, it is used for intravaginal administration. Its active ingredients not only suppress viral activity, but also contribute to the rapid regeneration of the tissues of the vagina and cervix. The gel is injected at night. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Oxolinic ointment has proven itself well in the treatment of growths in intimate places. This available tool has both antiviral and antiherpetic properties, is able to suppress the activity of the pathogen. Doctors recommend treating the affected areas with oxolinic ointment twice a day for 15–60 days.

You can get rid of papillomas on the body in a conservative way - by burning out with the help of special means. These include:

  1. Kollomak is a solution based on lactic and salicylic acids. As a result of application to papilloma, necrosis of its upper tissues occurs, it gradually decreases in size and disappears.
  2. Aladar is a cream that stimulates the body to produce its own interferon, which is necessary to fight papillomavirus infection. The procedure for applying the cream to neoplasms is repeated every other day. The maximum treatment course lasts 4 months.
  3. SAN FEN ZHONG is a Chinese ointment with a double effect: it destroys the virus and burns out the growths. Unlike other drugs, it should not be left on the skin for more than 4 minutes. Wash off with warm soapy water. The first result will be noticeable after the sixth application.
  4. Stefalin is an ointment based on vegetable raw materials. Due to the ability of the active components to penetrate to the very root of the build-up, the tool manages to destroy it from the inside. After several treatment procedures, the neoplasm dries up and soon disappears. A small tubercle remains in its place, which should also be lubricated with Stefalin until it disappears completely.

Using the above tools, you should follow some rules:

  1. Wash the pre-treated area with soapy water and dry well.
  2. Apply exclusively to neoplasms so as not to injure healthy skin around.
  3. Carefully study the instructions, do not independently extend the course of therapy and do not increase the recommended number of applications. Otherwise, you can get a severe burn and necrosis of healthy tissues.

Modern methods of destruction of neoplasms

Surgical therapy of papillomas involves their removal with special devices in a clinic. In total there are five ways of destruction of neoplasms. Which one to choose, the specialist decides, given the area of ​​​​the lesion.

Rational ways to remove genital warts:

  1. Cryotherapy - exposure to cold (low-temperature nitrogen). It is used for the destruction of neoplasms on the labia in women.
  2. Radio wave therapy - removal of neoplasms with high frequency waves. For this, the Surgitron apparatus is used. It can be used in any area, since the effect on condyloma is targeted, healthy skin and mucous membranes are not affected.
  3. The laser method is considered the most effective. Firstly, the laser beam can penetrate into the most inaccessible places, i.e., they can remove neoplasms on the cervix. Secondly, after applying the laser, no scars remain, which is extremely important for nulliparous women, the cervix will not lose elasticity.

To remove growths on the body, thermocoagulation or a surgical method can be used.

  1. Thermocoagulation involves the complete removal of papillomas due to exposure to high temperature (burning). After the operation, a scab will remain on the body, which will eventually turn into a clean skin.
  2. It is necessary to remove the neoplasm surgically (with a scalpel) in extreme cases - when it is large. The disadvantage of this method is a long rehabilitation period, as well as the likelihood of scarring.

Surgical therapy should be carried out only in parallel with medical therapy, otherwise there is a possibility of the appearance of a neoplasm again.



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