The newborn's leg twitches like a cramp. How does the disease manifest itself? Due to ischemic encephalopathy and ischemic stroke

Seizures (sudden and involuntary muscle contraction) in newborns, according to various sources, occur with a frequency of 1.5 to 14 cases per 1000 children, and in premature infants in a modern intensive care unit, their frequency reaches 25%.

The main causes of seizures in newborns:
1. Hypoxic-traumatic lesion of the brain (without or with hemorrhage in the brain and - or its membranes, thrombosis of the cortical veins, cerebral edema).

2. Metabolic disorders
- hypoglycemia
- hypocalcemia
- hypo or hypernatremia
- hyperammonemia
- amnioacidopathy
- pyridoxyl dependence
- hyperbilirubinemia with kernicterus

3. Infections
- meningitis
- meningoencephalitis

4. Congenital anomalies (brain dysgenesis)

5. Withdrawal syndrome (children of mothers who are drug addicts or alcoholics)

6. Drug poisoning

7. Family convulsions (hereditary syndromes with mental retardation, benign familial epilepsy)

In 50% of cases, convulsions in newborns occur on the first day of life, in 75% of cases up to 3 days. In the first 48 hours of life, the most common causes of seizures are asphyxia and birth trauma, hypoglycemia.

On days 3-5 - metabolic disorders (uncomplicated primary hypocalcemia), in the period older than 5 days, infectious and genetic factors are of the greatest importance in the development of seizures.

There are the following options for seizures in newborns:
1. minimal, subtle
2. tonic - generalized, focal
3. clonic - focal (focal), multifocal (multifocal)
4. myoclonic

Difficulties in diagnosis cause minimal seizures or seizure equivalents. These are convulsions with minimal peripheral manifestations and convulsions in the form of deviations from normal behavior. Manifested in the form of gaze fixation, eye deviation (sometimes with nystagmus), twitching, movements of the lips, tongue (sucking, smacking, chewing), tonic tension of the limbs, pedaling, floating, circular movements of the limbs, bouts of apnea and unemotional screaming.

Required amount of laboratory examination:
(in addition to a thorough analysis of the nature of childbirth, the clinical picture)

1. Clinical blood test
2. Determination of the level of glucose, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), in the blood, as well as urea nitrogen, creatinine, bilirubin, acid-base balance.
3. Lumbar puncture
4. Neurosonography
5. Electroencephalography (EEG)
6. With persistent convulsive syndrome, computed tomography

Treatment of a child with seizures should be etiopathogenetic. The following medicinal substances are prescribed for the examination period:
- Seduxen (diazepam, Relanium), 0.5% IV or IM 0.04 ml/kg, the dose can be increased to 0.1 ml/kg 0.5% solution. If there is no effect, the injection can be repeated after 30 minutes.
- sodium oxybutyrate (GHB) IV slowly (2 ml / min), - 20% solution at a dose of 0.5 - 0.75 ml / kg (100-150 mg / kg), pre-diluted in 10% glucose solution in a ratio of 1:1.
Less commonly, drugs are administered intramuscularly.
- Droperidol IV or IM 0.25% solution 0.04 - 0.08 ml/kg (especially good for children with fever and peripheral circulatory disorders)
- phenobarbital 20 mg / kg IV for 15 minutes - loading dose, then maintenance dose per os 4-5 mg / kg - day (if a solution for parenteral administration is available)
- to increase the effectiveness of phenobarbital, difenin is prescribed 5-10 mg / kg - a day in 1-2 doses per os.

In case of neonatal convulsions caused by metabolic disorders, they are corrected:
1. Hypocalcemia (the level of total calcium< 1,9 ммоль/л, ионизированного < 0,9 ммоль/л; на ЭКГ - удлинение интервала QТ): в/в струйно 10% р-р кальция глюконата из расчета 1 мл/кг медленно (1мл/мин). При отсутствии эффекта инъекцию повторяют через 20-30 минут.

2. Hypomagnesemia (often combined with hypocalcemia). The critical level of magnesium is -0.5 mmol / l. A 25% solution of magnesium sulfate intramuscularly is indicated at a dose of 0.4 ml / kg (in addition to hypomagnesemia, the drug is indicated for convulsions caused by cerebral edema, intracranial hypertension). For intravenous administration, 25% solution of magnesium sulfate is diluted to 1% concentration with 10% glucose and injected slowly (1 ml / min) 6-10 ml of a 1% solution. Complications from intravenous administration - respiratory depression, bradycardia.

3. Hypoglycemia
The diagnosis is established when the blood glucose level of a full-term baby is less than 2.2 mmol/l. Clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia are pallor, sweating, weak cry, apathy, refusal to feed, lethargy (at the beginning, on the contrary, irritability, tremor, spontaneous Moro reflex may be noted), a drop in the tone of the eyeballs, general muscle hypotension, vomiting, bouts of shortness of breath, cyanosis , bradycardia, respiratory and cardiac arrest, hypothermia, convulsions.
To relieve convulsive syndrome, it is administered intravenously: i.v. 10% glucose solution 2 ml / kg for 1 minute, then 1 ml / min, then they switch to an i.v. hour.

4. Pyridoxine-dependent convulsions: IV or IM 50-100 mg of vitamin B6, i.e. 1-2 ml of 5% pyridoxine hydrochloride solution.

In the first days of life, a baby (even a child under five years old) can often have seizures. Sometimes spasms indicate the presence of serious pathologies in a child up to a year old. Consider the most characteristic causes up to a year of life, signs and possible treatments.

Often the phenomenon occurs in premature babies - up to three to five years. Statistics say that every fifth premature baby is subjected to some degree of convulsive syndrome. Mothers who gave birth to a premature baby need to be attentive to his health.

In children up to a year of life, in older babies (up to three and five years old), convulsions show a different character. The latter is associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the brain and nervous system (the nervous system of newborns is at the stage of formation). Doctors divide seizures up to three years into a number of types.

Is it possible to independently determine the nature of seizures in a newborn and a child under three years old

The manifestation of seizures in children under one year of age are ambiguous and differ in a particular case. Parents will not be able to independently, without medical assistance, determine the nature of a seizure in a child, relying solely on their own experience or on information gleaned from medical sources. Not every case of rhythmic muscle twitching is considered a spasm.

Convulsions in a newborn and a child under three years of age are determined exclusively in a hospital setting. Doctors use the latest diagnostic methods, in particular, electroencephalography and magnetic resonance imaging. In the presence of small seizures, it is difficult to observe the dynamics of changes in brain activity.

It often happens that seizures do not respond to anti-epileptic drugs. The latter means that the previous diagnosis was made inaccurately, the child needs to be re-diagnosed.

Causes of Newborn Seizures

There are many causes of seizures in young children. Consider common and characteristic.

  • Metabolic disorders of various etiologies. First of all, this includes hypoglycemia and hyponatremia. With hypoglycemia, there is a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood. The condition often leads to seizures in the child. Stay attentive to the condition of the child, in some cases, hypoglycemia leads to irreversible consequences in the cerebral cortex. Reduced calcium in the blood (hypocalcemia) also adversely affects the functioning of the brain, leading to convulsions.
  • encephalopathy. Brain damage is manifested by acute or chronic lack of oxygen in the blood.
  • Meningitis and encephalitis are of great danger to the brain of a newborn, are considered a serious cause of seizures.
  • Vascular damage to the brain, often found in premature babies. Threaten with hemorrhages in the brain.
  • Deficiency in the body of a child of magnesium or pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Often pathologies develop simultaneously.
  • Birth injury.
  • Congenital malformations of the brain in children.
  • When treated with psychoactive drugs, seizures occur as a withdrawal syndrome.

Symptoms of seizures in children of the first year of life

Conditions in which newborns develop seizures are often life-threatening. There are cases when children with convulsions in the neonatal period developed further without any special complications. If convulsions arose due to low blood glucose in the baby's blood, the child also did not develop complications in the future. If spasms occurred as a result of meningitis, a high risk of developing various neurological complications is subsequently revealed.

According to clinical symptoms, seizures are divided into partial, localized, and generalized. In the first case, they apply to a specific muscle group. In the second case, a general convulsive seizure develops. The generalized type of seizures develops if both hemispheres of the brain are involved in the painful process.

If there is a recurrence of convulsive seizures, they talk about convulsive status. There is a violation of breathing with the phenomena of hypoxic edema of the brain. With the spread of edema to the brain stem, a disorder of the respiratory, vasomotor center occurs, pathological breathing, vomiting, fever (even up to 39 degrees), bradycardia, collapse.

A generalized tonic-clonic seizure develops suddenly. Disturbed by motor excitement, depression of consciousness up to loss. Characterized by tilting the head back, flexion of the arms at the elbow joints, extension of the legs, facial tension. Perhaps apnea (stop breathing), the face becomes pale and blue. There is vomiting. The breath hold lasts no more than a minute. After the seizure ends, the body is completely restored, the same happens with consciousness. The child does not remember what is happening. The prognosis worsens markedly if paresis or paralysis is observed along with convulsions.

Often, infants experience short-term generalized tonic-clonic convulsions. Typical in children under one year of age, but can occur in older children. Occurs when body temperature rises. The duration of convulsions is no more than three to five minutes. The prognosis is favorable, not accompanied by neurological disorders. Nervous and mental health of children does not suffer, does not lag behind, fully corresponds to age.

With a lack of calcium in the blood, tetanic convulsions occur, attacks of sudden respiratory arrest. Noticeable specific symptoms:

  • Contraction of the circular muscles of the eyes;
  • Contraction of the angular muscle of the mouth;
  • Abduction of the foot when tapping the forearm or shoulder;
  • Laryngospasm.
  • Vomit.

The child bends his arms at the elbow joints, is not able to straighten them. The brushes go down, take on the characteristic form of "obstetrician's hands".

With a decrease in the concentration of magnesium, increased nervous excitability, muscle trembling, and convulsions are noted. With hypoglycemia, weakness, sweating, muscle trembling, a significant increase in the frequency of heart beats with possible respiratory arrest are observed. The state of hypoglycemia threatens the child with the development of a coma.

The main principles of the treatment of seizures in infants

Successful treatment of any seizure in a newborn becomes such after the cause is discovered. General rules for the treatment of convulsive conditions in children:

  • With hypocalcemia as the cause of the convulsive state, the child is given a solution of calcium gluconate in a glucose solution (slowly and intravenously).
  • With hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency), a solution of magnesium sulfate is injected intramuscularly.
  • In case of hypoglycemia, a dextrose solution is first introduced, then - in a jet and intravenously - a glucose solution. It is necessary to monitor the temperature and vomiting.
  • The first step is effective relief of fever.

Newborns who are diagnosed with seizures are placed in the intensive care unit. The task of the nurse is to carefully monitor the condition of the baby. An electroencephalogram is also made there to determine the state of the brain and the functioning of the organ. According to the indications of electroencephalography, correction of therapy is recommended.

If a baby up to a year old has seizures that often recur, become stable, the appointment of barbiturates, derivatives of barbituric acid, is indicated. Barbiturates have a hypnotic and sedative effect, which is necessary for the development of seizures. Shows the use of short, medium and long-term drugs, depending on the case. Prolonged action of barbiturates is required for the treatment of severe epileptic seizures.

In case of respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, fever and periodic vomiting, it is indicated to maintain artificial ventilation of the lungs, blood pressure. Maintaining pressure occurs with the help of special drugs. It is necessary to constantly stop the convulsive paroxysm because of the considerable danger to the heart. Respiratory disorders and persistent impairment of consciousness are absolute indications for urgent etiotropic therapy combined with symptomatic anticonvulsant treatment.

Due to the fact that in the neonatal period of a child's development (especially at the age of several months) it is difficult to detect the true cause of the development of an epileptic seizure, a third of children die. The lethal outcome is associated with severe complications of seizures: ischemic encephalopathy, ischemic stroke. With meningococcal infection, the prognosis is extremely poor. If convulsive syndromes are caused by metabolic disorders, they usually have a good prediction.

The child must be under the supervision of a pediatrician from the first month of life for at least a year. It is supposed to conduct a complete and comprehensive examination of the functioning of the nervous system in the baby in order to prevent the development of serious neurological disorders.

Convulsions in newborns are recognized as the object of close attention of parents and doctors. It is extremely important to immediately establish the cause of seizures in order to begin effective treatment. And although certain types of seizures have not entirely favorable prognosis, they are amenable to effective treatment. Especially if the parents went to the doctor at an early stage of the disease.

Convulsions in a child always look intimidating. Especially in the smallest children. Muscle spasms in a newborn or baby of the first year of life can manifest themselves in different ways, but in all cases, without exception, parents are face to face with a frightening situation in which it is not immediately clear what to do and where to turn.

We will talk about what kind of cramps the peanuts have in infancy and how to act for moms and dads in this article.

How are they developing?

Muscle spasms (convulsions) are involuntary, spontaneous muscle contractions. In the process of an attack, certain muscles may be affected, and large muscle groups may be involved.

Spasms can be long and painful - tonic. And they can be combined with periods of relaxation - clonic.

All young children, from the moment of birth, are characterized by increased convulsive readiness. This term in medicine explains the tendency of the body, under a combination of certain circumstances and factors, to respond with the onset of a convulsive syndrome.

In babies, the nervous system is immature, and the load on it from the very first hours of independent existence, separately from the mother, is very serious. This often explains the increased convulsive readiness in early childhood.

The convulsive symptom in the vast majority of infants occurs only once in a lifetime, and does not recur. But there are other cases when the child grows and experiences muscle spasms from time to time. Any case of seizures needs careful study and follow-up.

Not every spasm is dangerous, not everyone is able to somehow influence the mental and intellectual abilities of the child in the future, and not every spasm contributes to the development of epilepsy.

Muscle spasms in more than 80% of newborns are caused by the influence of an unfavorable factor from the outside or are physiologically explicable and not dangerous. But there are other 20%, which include convulsive manifestations due to diseases, pathologies of the brain, nervous system, and so on.

The mechanism of convulsions in a child always lies in the violation of the close connection between the brain, nervous system and muscles. The signal from the brain may be erroneous, may not reach the desired muscle group due to metabolic disorders, due to pathologies of the nervous system.

A “failure” in signal transmission can be temporary, and the brain can quickly restore it, or it can last quite a long time.

Convulsions or the norm?

For the most part, the parents of a baby are rather hypochondriac people. And therefore, sometimes movements that have nothing to do with spasms are taken for convulsions. Consider a few quite normal and healthy situations that are often perceived by parents as manifestations of a convulsive syndrome:

  • The baby suddenly shudders and abruptly throws up his arms or legs in a dream - this is the norm. The nervous system of the baby is imperfect, it is still in its infancy. Such impulses are a sign of "debugging" the work of a complex and important nervous system.
  • A shaking chin, a quivering lower lip, and trembling hands while crying are normal. The reason lies again in the work of the nervous system.
  • Retention of breath. Mom may notice that the baby sometimes “forgets” to inhale in a dream or holds the breath for a long time while crying - this is also the norm, which cannot be considered convulsions.

Seizures always develop suddenly, most of them - while awake. The cramp looks unnatural. For example, with weak focal convulsions, the baby can only freeze, looking at one point, and this is already considered a muscle spasm.

With some varieties of convulsive syndrome, a loss of consciousness occurs, with some, the child does not lose consciousness.

In an attack, the baby can take unnatural and bizarre poses, can involuntarily write or empty his intestines, stop breathing for a while.

To distinguish convulsions from the usual actions of shuddering, it is enough to carefully observe the baby - if there is a cycle and a certain sequence, then we are talking about muscle spasm.

Possible causes and symptoms by type of seizure

Most of the convulsions occur in newborns and infants who were born earlier than planned, because premature babies have a weaker and more vulnerable nervous system than their peers who were born on time.

Spasmodic muscle contractions in the first days and months of life always have prerequisites, only doctors fail to establish them in a quarter of cases, especially if the spasms happened once and did not recur.

The most common diseases and conditions that can lead to seizures are listed below.


These are muscle spasms that may accompany the first 4 weeks from the date of birth of the crumbs. This is a rather dangerous symptom, which always has adverse consequences.

The mortality rate for neonatal seizures is about 40%. Of the surviving babies, many subsequently become disabled. The cause may be birth trauma, intrauterine infection, anomalies in the structure or tumors of the brain, severe cerebral lesions of a congenital or acquired character during childbirth.

Convulsions are manifested by seizures, in which the baby suddenly freezes, throws his head back, stretches his arms, “rolls his eyes”. Breathing may stop for a while.


These convulsions begin against the background of 12-24 hours of elevated temperature (38.0 - 39.0 degrees and above). Fever can be a symptom of any disease, and it is almost impossible to predict the development of seizures.

If the baby has ever suffered febrile convulsions, then the likelihood that they will recur with the next illness with fever is quite high - more than 30%.

Seizures are not particularly dangerous., only the wrong actions of adults during an attack can harm - attempts to keep the baby in an even position can result in fractures, and attempts to put a spoon in your mouth can result in a jaw injury.

It is not difficult to recognize such spasms in a baby - the baby loses consciousness, cramps cramps his legs, and then his arms and body, the child bends with his chin thrown back. Then the symptoms go in reverse order.

Violation of metabolic processes

Minerals and vitamins that are useful for the human body, as well as hormones, provide easy conduction of signals from the brain to muscles through nerve cells.

An excess or deficiency of certain substances cause disturbances in this interaction. So, convulsions can be observed with a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, lack of glucose, with an excess of sodium, with a lack of vitamin B6.

Symptoms in this case can be very diverse - the baby's body can suddenly tense up, or, on the contrary, relax to an unnatural state. If the child is "soft" and twitches a leg or handle, this may well be a sign lack of calcium or glucose.


Such paroxysms are always associated with the occurrence of apnea. The baby may stop breathing due to strong emotions, with fear, for example, when the baby is immersed in water for bathing.

Convulsions may no longer manifest themselves, usually the state does not reach the loss of consciousness. This type is considered the most favorable in terms of prognosis - such apneas disappear on their own after 7-8 months, and for many - earlier.

It is not difficult to recognize such attacks in an infant - the baby at the peak of inhalation simply stops making sounds, freezes with his mouth open, sometimes the skin of the face turns blue sharply. Such a manifestation is often referred to as “went in” or “rolled up”. If general convulsions occur, they are very similar to epileptic ones.

Pathologies of the central nervous system

Damage to the central nervous system can be the result of congenital pathologies or birth injuries. Convulsive contractions of the muscles of the arms and legs are characteristic of children with hydrocephalus, craniocerebral injuries, microcephaly, cerebral palsy.

With an organic lesion of the central nervous system, for example, when the baby is exposed to toxins, toxic substances, a strong spastic attack also occurs.

Usually, convulsions are painful, frequent, the child definitely needs medical advice and treatment with anticonvulsants.


Tetany (spasmophilia) is manifested by the tendency of children with signs of rickets to convulsions against the background of metabolic disorders. Another official name for the pathological condition is rachitogenic tetany.

It usually manifests itself as laryngospasm., but sometimes it can look like convulsive contractions of the muscles of the arms, legs, face, body.

The extreme danger of tetany is somewhat exaggerated, because the tendency to convulsions disappears along with signs of rickets as the child grows. The influence of such muscle spasms on the mental and mental development of the baby has not been convincingly proven.

What to do?

When any seizures occur in children under one year old, parents should first of all call an ambulance. While the team is on call, mom and dad should refrain from using any medication.

The child must be placed comfortably laying it on its side so that it does not choke own saliva or vomit, if suddenly an attack of vomiting begins.

Many parents are faced with the fact that the baby has muscle spasms and twitches. Such convulsions in newborns cause serious anxiety and anxiety. What should be done in such a case?

Why does the baby have seizures?

The causes of the development of convulsive syndrome in the smallest can be varied:

  1. Violation of the metabolic process. Most often, seizures develop against the background of a decrease in blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or a lack of calcium. Most often, a lack of sugar causes seizures in premature newborns. The danger of such a condition is that it leads to irreversible consequences and disorders in the brain.
  2. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain in a baby leads to the development of ischemic encephalopathy and convulsions.
  3. Infectious damage to the nervous system with the development of meningitis or encephalitis.
  4. Premature babies often develop seizures as a result of subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage.
  5. Adrenal dysfunction in their congenital pathology often leads to hypersecretion of the stress hormone norepinephrine. Its excess in the blood of the baby causes the development of muscle spasm.
  6. Incoming convulsions that occur against the background of hyperthermia, are not dangerous, and pass with time.
  7. Muscle twitching symptoms can be with the development of hemolytic jaundice, against the background of intoxication arising under the influence of high bilirubin in the blood.

Factors that predispose to the occurrence of seizures in a newborn are:

  • underdevelopment of the nervous system;
  • heavy and prolonged childbirth;
  • violation of labor activity in the mother;
  • cord entanglement and asphyxia;
  • use by the mother during gestation of drugs or alcohol;
  • problems with the placenta;
  • general condition of the mother.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Seizures can develop in an infant immediately after birth. In this case, there is a concussion of the upper body, arms and legs. Sometimes the baby develops a tremor of newborns - the hands and chin shake finely.

Such manifestations and symptoms indicate neurological pathologies and require treatment by a pediatric neurologist.

There are also manifestations such as convulsions in a dream in a newborn, which mainly capture the lower limbs. The kid suddenly starts screaming, twisting and jerking his legs. Sometimes the attack manifests itself in the form of holding the breath.

At night, the development of tonic-clonic seizures may indicate the presence of epilepsy. But more often this condition occurs as a result of the immaturity of the nervous system, and disappears after the child is one year old.

With ischemia and hypoxia in the first days of a child's life, tonic, tonic-clonic and multifocal seizures may occur. They are often accompanied by apnea and a decrease in heart rate.

With a birth injury, there are generalized seizures with fever, cyanosis of the skin and a violation of the respiratory rate.

How to treat children's seizures?

If you do not pay attention to the occurrence of convulsive twitches in a baby, then the consequences can be very dangerous for his health. Therefore, he should be consulted by a doctor, who in some cases will advise a complete examination in the neurological department.

There, he will be monitored for the state of the brain using an EEG to rule out organic pathology or epilepsy.

In addition, only in a hospital setting is it possible to correct microelement deficiencies or hormonal disorders, and to treat infections.

Often occurring convulsions are stopped with the help of barbiturates. They have anticonvulsant, sedative and hypnotic effects, calming the excitement that occurs in the central nervous system. Preparations with such an active substance of prolonged action are used in the treatment of epileptic seizures.

The drug of choice for newborns is phenobarbital. If necessary, treatment begins with intravenous administration of the drug.

If convulsions are accompanied by an instant disturbance of consciousness, stopping or changing the frequency of breathing and heartbeat, then in this case only resuscitation measures using mechanical ventilation and artificially maintaining normal pressure can help.

Attack prevention

If convulsions in a newborn are not evidence of severe disorders of the nervous system, then in order to eliminate them and prevent their occurrence, it is necessary:

  1. Massage daily to relax muscle fibers and normalize the conduction of a nerve impulse in them.
  2. Under the guidance of a pediatrician, perform special therapeutic exercises with the baby.
  3. Provide the child with regular walks in the fresh air and ventilate the room.
  4. Keep a clear daily routine.
  5. In the family, the baby should be surrounded by attention, ensure the most calm home environment, save him from stressful situations.

The development of frequent and generalized seizures in newborns is a big problem that requires immediate intervention.

The main task of the doctor in the development of such symptoms is the relief of an attack. But regardless of it, with severe convulsions, symptomatic treatment consists in the use of phenobarbital.

Unfortunately, we have to state the fact that as a result of the impossibility of timely detection or determination of the cause, about one third of newborns die from pathological conditions that cause seizures.

This occurs in the case of the development of meningitis, cerebral ischemia or stroke. In the case when the cause of such symptoms is the insufficiency of the necessary substances, the prognosis is favorable.

Quite often, during the neonatal period, the child has convulsions. They can be caused by various reasons, both external and developmental pathologies. Most often, this condition occurs in premature babies, with birth trauma or infection. Due to the development of the brain, seizures in newborns are slightly different from the same symptom in adults or older children.

The immaturity of the nervous system and its sensitivity to any external influences and internal pathologies explains the fact that involuntary muscle movements often occur during the neonatal period. But it is very difficult to recognize that they are precisely convulsions. At an early age, muscle tremors, tremors, or involuntary movements of the limbs may be observed. Sometimes even an electroencephalogram cannot detect changes in brain activity.

Types of seizures

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions. In a baby, they can be different depending on the reason for which they occur. There are several types of seizures in a newborn.

  • Small convulsions are small twitches of the limbs, blinking or trembling of the eyelids or facial muscles. If they continue for a long time, then they indicate serious pathologies in the development of the nervous system.
  • Tonic neonatal seizures are common in preterm infants. They are expressed in the tension of all muscles, and the baby's body takes the form of a bow with its head thrown back. During an attack, short-term respiratory arrest is possible.
  • - These are rhythmic contractions of one muscle group.
  • are more common in older infants.

In addition, according to the localization of muscle contractions, focal convulsions are distinguished, multifocal and generalized, that is, spreading throughout the body. There are also febrile convulsions that appear due to high temperature. If muscle contractions are observed in an infant in a dream, then this is a normal reaction to brain development. In the absence of other symptoms of pathology, there is nothing to worry about.

Why does this condition occur in newborns

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and physiology, the causes of seizures in newborns can be different. This syndrome occurs due to congenital pathologies of brain development, metabolic and circulatory disorders, complicated childbirth or infections. Seizures are most common in premature babies.

Birth trauma or congenital abnormalities of brain development are the most common causes of seizures.

Pathologies of the development of the central nervous system

This may be congenital underdevelopment of the brain, vascular pathology, or diseases acquired during childbirth.

  • One of the most common causes of seizures in an infant is birth trauma. It can be intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral edema.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Malformations of the brain: hydrocephalus, microcephaly, porencephaly and others.
  • Oxygen starvation of the brain after fetal asphyxia.

Metabolic disorders

The body of a newborn child is sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in the content of nutrients. Especially often cause convulsions lack of calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, some amino acids. Such disorders can occur due to pathologies in the functioning of the kidneys, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, or due to malnutrition. So why do seizures occur:

  • due to hypocalcemia - lack of calcium in the blood;
  • due to hypoglycemia - low blood glucose;
  • rarely, but still causes seizures in babies, hypomagnesemia - a low level of magnesium;
  • when water is retained in the cells of a child, they speak of the development of water intoxication, in which a decrease in the amount of sodium is observed;
  • increased muscle tone can also be in the case of an increase in the sodium content in the blood;
  • due to congenital anomalies in the metabolism of certain amino acids: tyrosine, glycine, proline, valine and others;
  • with a lack of vitamin B 6.

Babies often react with convulsive muscle contractions to elevated body temperature.

External negative influences

The most common causes of seizures in a normally developing child are infections or improper care. The baby's body is very sensitive to various microorganisms and viruses, and it is difficult to tolerate such diseases. Causes of seizures can be:

  • purulent meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • tetanus;
  • toxoplasmosis or listeriosis;
  • rubella or cytomegalovirus;
  • treatment with certain antibiotics and steroid hormones;
  • convulsive syndrome often develops in infants at high temperatures;
  • overheating the baby due to excessive swaddling can also cause muscle contraction.

The child may rhythmically contract arm muscles, roll his eyes and even stop breathing.

What are the symptoms of convulsive syndrome?

In most cases, the appearance of seizures in a newborn can be determined immediately. And it is very important that parents or other adults who are close to the baby help him in time. You need to pay attention to such symptoms:

  • eyelids twitch;
  • chin trembles;
  • movements similar to chewing may appear;
  • the muscles of the arms and legs twitch rhythmically;
  • heartbeat and breathing are disturbed, possibly even apnea (complete cessation of breathing);
  • the child rolls his eyes;
  • there may be hiccups or yawning, twitching of facial muscles;
  • convulsions may be preceded by vomiting, restlessness, strong screaming.

Features of the treatment of seizures in newborns

Convulsive syndrome is almost always evidence of pathologies in the health of the baby. Often it has serious consequences and complications. Therefore, it is necessary to treat convulsions in newborns in a hospital. Doctors first conduct a diagnosis to determine the cause of this condition. In accordance with this, treatment is prescribed. Most often, this is drug therapy, in severe cases, artificial ventilation of the lungs is performed.

Of the drugs, drugs are most often prescribed to normalize metabolic processes: calcium gluconate, magnesia or glucose. To relieve convulsive syndrome, barbiturates are used, for example, Phenobarbital or Phenytoin. Sedative and hypnotic drugs are also important for relieving motor anxiety: Lorazepam, Seduxen and others.

This condition should be treated in a hospital after examination by a doctor.

It is very important for parents to consult a doctor in time if they notice symptoms of seizures in the baby. In the case when muscle contractions are mild and passed quickly, you can visit the clinic the next day. But when they are strong, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you need to free the baby from clothes or undress, provide him with free access to air. Do not disturb the child or give any medication during an attack.

After treatment of a severe stage of the disease in a hospital, the child should be observed by a neurologist for at least a year. He is assigned the following procedures for recovery:

  • therapeutic exercises and massage;
  • regular walks, hardening;
  • strict daily routine;
  • lack of stress - a calm atmosphere in the family.

The prognosis for recovery in infants is not always favorable. Due to the fact that at this age it is difficult to make a quick diagnosis, and convulsions are often the result of serious brain disorders, about a third of babies die.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to unusual symptoms in time and help the baby. In addition, as a result of neurological disorders or oxygen starvation, some recovered infants have various complications.

After treatment, to prevent repeated seizures, it is necessary to do special exercises and massage for the baby.

Prevention of seizures

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to any little things during pregnancy and during childbirth. To prevent the occurrence of convulsive syndrome, the expectant mother must follow several rules:

  • it is advisable to start taking folic acid a few months before conception;
  • during pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude the effects of infections, harmful radiation, do not take any medications without a doctor's prescription;
  • after the birth of a child, a neurological examination should be carried out as soon as possible.

Seizures can be the result of serious brain damage that, if left untreated, leads to developmental delays, mental disorders, and even death. To prevent this, it is necessary to examine the newborn with a neurologist, even if he looks healthy. After all, many diseases can manifest themselves in a few weeks, or even months after birth.



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