Strange mystical dreams. mystical dreams

Why is the mystic dreaming

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Communicate with a mystic - to the fulfillment of desire; if you are sick - to healing; if you see yourself as a mystic, you have set yourself a difficult task, but you can solve it if you resort to an occult ritual.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

In a dream, advice is encrypted, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeping person or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream portends good luck in current affairs and undertakings. Pictures in which there are barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

22 lunar day

A dream can reveal important information for the sleeping person: the answer to a burning question, a hint in a difficult choice, an indication of possible mistakes and ways to prevent them. Treat it more responsibly in order to make the most of the chance to improve your life.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

April 27

The picture seen may consist of many small details that do not portend the dreamer anything grandiose. Interpret the dream at the everyday level. Its implementation is to be expected in the coming days.

Mystery and horror. I like to watch all this on TV, but this is TV, not life. But there are a couple of strange cases in my life that made me think.

We moved to a communal apartment when I was 4 years old and my sister was 2. The house was built in the 19th century, and the apartment was big and old, with 7 rooms, 2 of which we occupied. I personally didn’t see anything like that in the apartment, only even at a conscious age I was afraid to walk along the corridor, and wash dishes alone in the kitchen, go into the dark hallway. But my mother told me that even as a child, my sister crawled into the kitchen and began to cry, point at one point and yell. After that, she stopped crawling there until she was older.

And when we grew up, we were going to move to a separate apartment, we started selling these rooms and looking for another apartment. At this time, strange things began to happen. All the appliances broke down, I stood talking with a neighbor near the kitchen, there was no one there, and suddenly the light turned off. My neighbor and I thought that the light bulb had burned out, I went to the switch, but it was simply turned off. Then I thought, “well, you never know” ...

Then my sister told me that she went to the toilet at night, and she loved to sit there with a book, sits, reads and suddenly hears her name by I thought that it was dad, got up, opened it, looked that there was no one, looked at my parents, looked that they were sleeping. I thought I heard something and went to the kitchen. Sitting, reading, and suddenly the shutters of two windows open sharply. Anyone who has seen old houses in St. Petersburg knows that the windows there are large and hard to open. After that, she ran to sleep in horror.

We safely moved to another apartment, then we were very lucky with the deal, because. there were many difficulties. One was the problem that before that, alcoholics lived in the apartment, whose daughter died from an overdose. My sister got separate rooms, and now we slept alone.

One night I sleep and have a dream that I’m walking with some girl, I have a runny nose and I sniffle and suddenly she starts yelling at me so that I don’t cry and shake my shoulders. I started to wake up and hear that in my room someone tells me not to cry. I thought that my sister and mother were talking, but I opened my eyes - there was no one.

There were many such dreams. But here are three of them that scared me a lot. In the first, I dreamed that I woke up on the floor of an old apartment. And the dream was so realistic that I felt everything and saw everything as it is. Usually dreams are not like that. It was especially hard to wake up, and I could neither scream nor move. When I woke up, there was an unaccountable feeling of fear.

I told my friend about these dreams and one day she stayed to spend the night with me so that it would not be scary. That night I dreamed that I was on a train and talking to this unknown girl again. And suddenly she touches my knees, I just felt this touch live and immediately woke up. A friend slept with her back to me, and I was to her and she was far away on the bed. I immediately woke her up, in my frightened eyes she realized that I was not lying. She calmed me down and we fell asleep again.

The next dream scared me the most. In my room there was an exit to the loggia and usually all sorts of rubbish lay there. Often my mother or sister came to me to take something from there. One night I woke up from the fact that someone entered the room, immediately opened my eyes a little and saw that this person was walking towards the balcony. I thought it was my mother, rubbed my eyes and stood on my elbow to see what she needed - and saw no one. She immediately turned on the light. I saw exactly and clearly that someone was walking towards the balcony, but when I turned around, it was empty. That night I didn't sleep anymore. My sister said that she had the same dreams of and she was scared.

Our dad listened, listened and decided to move from there. Now we have been living in a new apartment for a year now, and dreams no longer torment us. I try to attribute it all to psychology.

We moved to a communal apartment when I was 4 years old and my sister was 2. The house was built in the 19th century, and the apartment was big and old, with 7 rooms, 2 of which we occupied. I personally didn’t see anything like that in the apartment, only even at a conscious age I was afraid to walk along the corridor and wash dishes alone in the kitchen, to go into the dark hallway. But my mother told me that even as a child, my sister crawled into the kitchen and began to cry, point at one point and yell. After that, she stopped crawling there until she was older. And so, when we grew up, we were going to move to a separate apartment, we started selling these rooms and looking for another apartment. At this time, strange things began to happen. All equipment broke down; I was standing, talking with a neighbor near the kitchen, there was no one there, and suddenly the light turned off. My neighbor and I thought that the light bulb had burned out, I went to the switch, but it was simply turned off. Then I thought: "Well, you never know what ..."
Then the sister said that she went to the toilet at night, and she loved to sit there with a book, sits, reads, and suddenly hears her name called. I thought it was dad, got up, opened it, looked that there was no one, looked at my parents, looked that they were sleeping. I thought I heard something and went to the kitchen. Sitting, reading, and suddenly the shutters of two windows open sharply. Anyone who has seen old houses in St. Petersburg knows that the windows there are large and hard to open. After that, she ran to sleep in horror.
We safely moved to another apartment, then we were very lucky with the deal, as there were many difficulties. One was the problem that before that, alcoholics lived in the apartment, whose daughter died from an overdose. My sister got separate rooms, and now we slept alone.
One night I sleep, and I have a dream that I’m walking with some girl, I have a runny nose, and I sniffle, and suddenly she starts yelling at me so that I don’t cry, and shake my shoulders. I started waking up and I heard someone in my room telling me not to cry. I thought that my sister and mother were talking, but when I opened my eyes, there was no one.
There were many such dreams. But here are three of them that scared me a lot. In the first, I dreamed that I woke up on the floor of an old apartment. And the dream was so realistic that I felt everything and saw everything as it is. Usually dreams are not like that. It was especially hard to wake up, and I could neither scream nor move. When I woke up, there was an unaccountable feeling of fear.
I told my friend about these dreams, and one day she stayed to spend the night with me so that it would not be scary. That night I dreamed that I was on a train and talking to this unknown girl again. And suddenly she touches my knees, I just felt this touch live and immediately woke up. A friend slept with her back to me, and I - to her, and she was far away on the bed. I immediately woke her up, in my frightened eyes she realized that I was not lying. She calmed me down and we fell asleep again.
The next dream scared me the most. In my room there was an exit to the loggia, and usually all sorts of rubbish lay there. Often my mother or sister came to me to take something from there. One night I woke up from the fact that someone entered the room, immediately opened my eyes a little and saw that this person was walking towards the balcony. I thought it was my mother, rubbed my eyes and stood on my elbow to see what she needed - and saw no one. She immediately turned on the light. I saw exactly and clearly that someone was walking towards the balcony, but when I turned around, it was empty. That night I didn't sleep anymore. My sister said that she also had such dreams and she was scared.
Our dad listened, listened, and decided to move from there. Now we have been living in a new apartment for a year now, and dreams no longer torment us. I try to attribute it all to psychology.

We moved to a communal apartment when I was 4 and my sister was 2. The house was built in the 19th century, and the apartment was big and old, with 7 rooms, 2 of which we occupied. I personally didn’t see anything like that in the apartment, only even at a conscious age I was afraid to walk along the corridor and wash dishes alone in the kitchen, to go into the dark hallway. But my mother told me that even as a child, my sister crawled into the kitchen and began to cry, point at one point and yell. After that, she stopped crawling there until she was older. And so, when we grew up, we were going to move to a separate apartment, we started selling these rooms and looking for another apartment. At this time, strange things began to happen. All equipment broke down; I was standing, talking with a neighbor near the kitchen, there was no one there, and suddenly the light turned off. My neighbor and I thought that the light bulb had burned out, I went to the switch, but it was simply turned off. Then I thought: "Well, you never know what ..."

Then the sister said that she went to the toilet at night, and she loved to sit there with a book, sits, reads, and suddenly hears her name called. I thought it was dad, got up, opened it, looked that there was no one, looked at my parents, looked that they were sleeping. I thought I heard something and went to the kitchen. Sitting, reading, and suddenly the shutters of two windows open sharply. Anyone who has seen old houses in St. Petersburg knows that the windows there are large and hard to open. After that, she ran to sleep in horror.

We safely moved to another apartment, then we were very lucky with the deal, as there were many difficulties. One was the problem that before that, alcoholics lived in the apartment, whose daughter died from an overdose. My sister got separate rooms, and now we slept alone.

One night I sleep, and I have a dream that I’m walking with some girl, I have a runny nose, and I sniffle, and suddenly she starts yelling at me so that I don’t cry, and shake my shoulders. I started waking up and I heard someone in my room telling me not to cry. I thought that my sister and mother were talking, but when I opened my eyes, there was no one.

There were many such dreams. But here are three of them that scared me a lot. In the first, I dreamed that I woke up on the floor of an old apartment. And the dream was so realistic that I felt everything and saw everything as it is. Usually dreams are not like that. It was especially hard to wake up, and I could neither scream nor move. When I woke up, there was an unaccountable feeling of fear.

I told my friend about these dreams, and one day she stayed to spend the night with me so that it would not be scary. That night I dreamed that I was on a train and talking to this unknown girl again. And suddenly she touches my knees, I just felt this touch live and immediately woke up. A friend slept with her back to me, and I - to her, and she was far away on the bed. I immediately woke her up, in my frightened eyes she realized that I was not lying. She calmed me down and we fell asleep again.

The next dream scared me the most. In my room there was an exit to the loggia, and usually all sorts of rubbish lay there. Often my mother or sister came to me to take something from there. One night I woke up from the fact that someone entered the room, immediately opened my eyes a little and saw that this person was walking towards the balcony. I thought it was my mother, rubbed my eyes and stood on my elbow to see what she needed - and saw no one. She immediately turned on the light. I saw exactly and clearly that someone was walking towards the balcony, but when I turned around, it was empty. That night I didn't sleep anymore. My sister said that she also had such dreams and she was scared.

Our dad listened, listened, and decided to move from there. Now we have been living in a new apartment for a year now, and dreams no longer torment us. I try to attribute it all to psychology.

edited news Aiver - 20-08-2012, 13:17



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