Scenario about bad habits for schoolchildren. Scenario of the matinee “Say NO to bad habits! Uryupinsk municipal district of the Volgograd region

Two grandmothers.

1b . Flower, what happened to you?

2b . Yes, I wanted to become modern - to indulge in grass, to stick out.

1b . What to do?!

2b. Yes, squat! Well, get high, glitch! Well, in short, relax!

1b . I don't understand anything.

2b . Yes, I smoked weed and drove off. Now I'm gathering my eyes together.

1b . Oh, flower, have you gone crazy in your old age? You remember, in the days of our youth there was no talk of this! So I looked at our old photos yesterday and remembered ... Do you remember how we performed in the propaganda team?

2b . Yes, Matryon, I remember. Come on, show me the photo.

propaganda team.

    We are a friendly team, we are all people need!

    Stylish, creative, artistic, bright!

    Guys, there is a problem - we need to solve it!

    And what problem?

    The problem of bad habits!

    You know, girls, can you tell a fairy tale? Listen: once upon a time in our forest there were many different animals: bears, wolves, and foxes...

    And where do they go now?

    And their bad habits are destroyed!

Forest scene.

The fox (with a handbag "Heroin") runs in, the Bear with a bouquet meets her.

M . Will you marry me, Liska?

L . Misha, my friend, is that you? We haven't seen each other all summer. How did you, poor thing, lose weight ... As if you had not eaten for a whole year.

M . I don't know what's wrong with me! Something is not healthy for me, wool climbs, ache in the bones ...

L . You need to contact the woodpecker. He is such a bird with us - he will immediately say what's what. Don't hesitate, go to him.

There is a wolf with a net of empty bottles.

L . Listen, Vovochka-Wolf! The pigs are even cleaner! Dull eyes...failed brakes? Can't stop drinking?

AT . I can not! Melancholy ate ... Fox, melancholy ate me! I love you Lisa! You won't get any good! Heart aches, shivers in paws. I'm lost!

L . You'll be lost if you don't go to the woodpecker. You need to contact the woodpecker. He is such a bird with us - he will figure it out, give advice: yes, that one is yes, but no - that one is not.

AT . Tomorrow I will run to him! Well, answer my feelings!

L . Misha, Vovik, I love you so much! But I won't get married. I'd better take a dose. Drug, sun, I can't live without you!

Woodpecker. Misha! You smoke! And you. Dude, drink. Soot accumulated in the lungs from smoking. Smoking is the problem. You, toptygin, want to stomp? Quit smoking forever.

Rapid pulse, hypertension. Large liver, arrhythmia. If you stop drinking, you will survive, and if you drink, you will die.

propaganda team.

    Have you quit smoking? If not, then remember that the drug almost killed the bear, and you, the man, even more so!

    Smokers, you voluntarily acquire bronchial cancer for the price of cigarettes.

    Alcohol destroys brain cells.

    And the most insidious enemy is a drug.

    Friend! Lighting the 1st or 100th cigarette - stop!

    Opening a can of beer or drinking a glass of wine - stop!

    Picking up a cigarette stuffed with weed or getting ready to take a dose - stop!

    You are human! Your purpose is to live!

    Live for love, family!

    For the sake of the family, the planet!

    Yes, and for yourself!

    Therefore, live! Be healthy and happy!

    Do not let yourself be fooled by momentary dubious pleasures!

    Together: take care of yourself!

1. Organizational moment

Social educator: Good afternoon! I am very glad that you have come today to discuss the very
important problem - the problem of bad habits. Before we get to work, I
I would like to ask the audience: Do you consider this problem relevant? Why? (Opinion of the audience).
Your statements, in my opinion, approved our opinion: the problem of bad habits
deserves a discussion!
The game "Give a smile" (creating a good mood) (Slide).
Teacher psychologist: Let's start, of course, with a smile. Pass your smile around.
Game activator "Friend to friend" (Slide).
Now you will play one very interesting game, during which everything needs to be done
very very fast. Choose your partner and quickly shake his hand. And now I'll be you
say which parts of the body you will need to “say hello” to each other very quickly.
And when I say: “Friend to friend!”, You will have to change partners. So, let's start:
Right hand to right hand! - Nose to nose! - Back to back! - Friend to friend! - Hip to hip!
- Ear to ear! - Heel to heel! - Friend to friend! - Toe to toe! “Belly to belly!” – Lob ko
forehead! - Friend to friend! - Side by side! - Knee to knee! - Pinky to pinky! - Friend to
buddy! - Back of the head to the back of the head! - Elbow to elbow! - Fist to fist! Well done!!!
2. Interactive conversation
Social teacher:
What do you think a habit is? (A habit is a person's ability to get used to
some action or feeling.
- What are the habits? (Good and bad, harmful and useful.)
What good habits do you know? (Brush your teeth, do exercises, exercise
music, dancing, sports, picking mushrooms, etc.)
What habits are bad for a person? (Smoking, drinking, drug addiction, gambling, etc.)
- How do you understand the proverb: “Poverty is from laziness, and illness is from
intemperance"? (Slide). If a person is not used to work, he will be poor. And if he doesn't
get used to fighting his bad habits, he will get sick. So guys we
found out that bad habits appear from the inability of a person to restrain himself. Bad
habits bring poverty and disease to a person.
3. Mini-lecture "In bondage to bad habits"

Teacher psychologist: Guys, you know that thousands of years ago on earth
there were slave states. These states were constantly at war,
conquered neighboring lands, and the conquered peoples were driven into slavery. Slaves built roads
palaces, pyramids, did the hardest work. The life of a slave was worth nothing: a slave
could be humiliated, sold, killed. Fleeing from an unbearable life, slaves often raised
uprisings, the most famous of which is the uprising led by Spartacus. Gone
century, and mankind got rid of slavery. But even today it remains
voluntary slavery. It includes people of different nationalities, men and women,
old people and children. All of them voluntarily become slaves of bad habits. Look at
slide (Slide). This is the realm of bad habits. In this Kingdom, the largest cities are
Nicotine, Alcohol, Drug, Excitement. People who are captured by them become
weak-willed, pathetic victims of their bad habits: smoking, drinking, drug addiction,
gambling addiction. Their destiny is poverty, illness, death. But why is it that people are drawn to this dark
4. Scene “In a forest clearing” (Slide)
The guys show a sketch (Appendix 1)
5. Transition to the theme of the event

say “no” (slide). It is about skill
Teacher psychologist: What happened in the forest clearing?
- Were all the animals able to refuse Wolf's offer to smoke? (Not.)
What do you think we will learn in class today? (Learn to say no.)
– Theme of the event: “Know
allowing with honor to get out of situations dangerous to health and to choose responsible
ways of behaving.
Have there been times in your life when someone suggested you try cigarettes or
alcoholic drinks? If not: Have you observed situations where someone offered to someone
try cigarettes or alcoholic drinks? Such situations sometimes happen. Agreed
did you or did you refuse? (Those people who were observed?) - Was it difficult to refuse? -
Why is it important to learn to refuse offers of cigarettes and alcohol? (Listen
There are effective forms of rejection that can be learned. Let's get acquainted with
them (slide)
"No thanks!" (Spoken in a confident tone without explanation.)
“No thanks + explanation of the reason (headache, need to go to training,
fear of upsetting parents).
“No thanks + suggestion of something else (play together, eat candy,
offer chewing gum, a toy).
Give a monosyllabic answer to all persuasion and suggestions: “No!”, “I won’t!”, “I don’t want to!”, “I don’t
I smoke!”.
Pretend you didn't hear the offer.
Move away from those who offer (or pass by).
Ask the question: “Why do you want me to smoke?” (If they insist.)
Change the topic of conversation.
6. Role-playing game "Know how to say" no ""
Social educator: We started our program by talking about slavery. There is none
person on earth who would like to become a slave. But some out of weakness and lack of will
become slaves to bad habits. How to protect yourself from this? How not to get into them
There can only be one answer here:
We must learn to speak...
Children (in chorus). Not!
Here we are now and we will do it (Slide). We were visited by guests from the tourist
agencies "Dark Kingdom" - Koschey the Immortal and Baba Yaga (Slide).
Scene about Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal (Appendix 2)
7. Game “How to refuse?”

Social educator: Now we offer you a game that will teach you how to lead
yourself in difficult situations, defend your opinion and not succumb to the persuasion of peers.
On one tray are laid out red cards with proposal options. One of
picks up groups and reads aloud. On the other tray are green cards with options.
answers. The second from the group takes, reads out and determines whether the answer is
valid form of denial. (The group needs to match the answer option with the number
withdrawal forms.)
Offer options:
- Do you want to be in a good mood? Try beer!
- Do you want a beer?
- Let's smoke! One cigarette won't do anything.
- Let's smoke! Or are you cowardly?
- Let's smoke! You won't get used to smoking after one cigarette.
- Let's go to smoke! Or are you weak?

Answer options:
- Not! I don't need it, I want to be healthy!
- Not! Let's go for a walk with my dog!
- No thanks!
- Not! I won't! And I do not advise you!
- No thanks! I have puzzles. Let's go collect.
- No thanks! I'm in a hurry to the chess club! If you want, come with me.
- No, I will not! Come to the skating rink with me!
- No thanks! My mother asked me to go to the store, come with me. Maybe your mom
also need to buy something.
- Guys, tell me, please, in whose role did you like to be more?
8. Relaxation complex (Slide).
Teacher psychologist: “Sit comfortably, relax. Breathe evenly and slowly. Inhale - strength and
immersion, exhalation - confidence and calmness. Strength increases with every breath. it
brings pleasure. These forces help to make the right choice in any situation.
Forces will help to say "No!" in any situation. All the strength you need is in
you. This is your strength! She will help you get everything right! Decide when to use it.
This is your strength! She will help you get everything right! Decide when to use it. it
your strength! Clear thoughts will help to use it. No one can take your power away from you.
Your clear mind is only yours! Your strength is only your strength! Now move your fingers
hand, opened their eyes and said aloud: "I can say" No! "When it is necessary!"
To talk about health, it is necessary to remember about stress. They are waiting for us
every step. They say that a sharp awakening and rise is already stressful. Lessons are stressful.
The road is stressful. Parents scold ... I quarreled with friends ... And so on ... There are people who
who say: "And you light up - and everything will pass." And you know how wrong they are!
In your opinion, how can stress be relieved?
(You can go out into the forest and scream loudly; get under the shower; count to 10; turn on the music,
close your eyes, imagine yourself as an animal and try to dance.) Today I want to
teach you quick stress relief techniques, and if you use them in a lifetime, I
I think you will quickly get out of a stressful state.
The teacher-psychologist shows the children an exercise - rubbing the palms
There is another wonderful remedy for stress - this is a song. When you feel bad, try
sing. Your applause is not only gratitude to the singer, but also a massage of your
palms, and through them the massage of your internal organs. It has been proven that the more
applause in the hall, the better the mood of the audience. Therefore, many artists, before
sing, asking the audience to applaud.
9. Group work: Game "Situation" (Slide).
Social educator: And now let's look at situations that can happen with
each of you. You need to present the result of the group discussion in the form
a short role play with an explanation of the preferred form of refusal. Ready 3
minutes. Students are invited to act out the following situations, thinking through the form of refusal:
 The older brother asks you: "Take a cigarette from your father so that he does not notice, and give it to me."
 High school students smoke in the school yard. One of them offers you a cigarette:
- Well done! You coped with the task, and now we are sure that in such situations you will not
get confused and make the right decision.
- What forms of refusal looked more convincing?
What was the easiest way to refuse?
Let's read the proverbs and explain their meaning.

The goal is complex:

  • Teaching practical skills, opposition to bad habits.
  • Education of moral qualities - the desire for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Development of cooperation between the educator and pupils, the development of the creative abilities of children.
  • Creation of conditions for self-development and self-realization of children.

The task of the educational hour is to develop practical skills to resist bad habits and cognitive interest, to increase the individual level of students.

Equipment: hero costumes, music center, multimedia projector, computer.

Event scenario

1st leader. Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you again.

2nd leader. “Bad habits and their consequences” is the theme of our event, which is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

1st leader. It all started in the 15th century, when Columbus landed across the ocean in a distant and unknown country. There, his astonished sailors saw people who looked like conjurers, who rolled pipes from dry leaves, took them in their mouths and set them on fire ...

2nd leader. The natives drew in the smoke and let it out... The unfortunate people often lost consciousness, went into a trance and even writhed as if from severe pain, but, according to them, they could no longer live without this "tobacco"...

1st leader. We all know that a bad example can be contagious. Tobacco first got on the ships of Columbus, and then with the light hand of his sailors - to Europe, where it began to spread to the homes and salons of thrill seekers. However, it was not so much human curiosity that contributed to the rapid spread of tobacco smoking, but greed and aggressive advertising.

2nd leader. At the end of the XVI century. the British, hoping for big profits, brought tobacco to "distant Russia", but at first they failed. Due to the negligence of smokers in Moscow and other cities of Russia, fires began to occur ... Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, seeing that things had taken such an unpleasant turn, banned tobacco and even introduced various punishments for those who, despite the ban, continue to indulge in a dangerous potion . Smokers began to be exiled to Siberia, the most impudent of them had their nostrils torn out as dangerous criminals ... And the people were in solidarity with the government in this.

1st leader. However, by the middle of the XVII century. not only merchants, but also many government officials realized that thanks to the tobacco trade, you can get a lot of money ... The persecution of smokers everywhere began to come to naught, and, finally, completely stopped. The rapid spread of tobacco throughout the world began, the process went on, despite neither the fires, nor the objections of the church, nor even the obvious deterioration in the health of the newly-minted fans of the overseas potion. Tsar Peter I, following the example of European kings, allowed the import of tobacco into Russia by royal decree, imposing a huge duty on merchants ...

2nd leader. Habit! (Slide #2) What it is? (answers) Yes, a habit is something that you get used to and without which, alas, it can be difficult to do later. Habits are good and bad. Name some good habits you know. (Slide #3) (Doing sports, honoring elders, reading books, habits of going to bed on time, being polite, not being rude, not offending the weak, etc.)

1st leader. Now name the bad habits. (Slide number 4) (Spit on the floor, pick your nose, be rude to teachers and elders in general, smoke, be lazy and do everything at the wrong time...) Right.

(Slide number 5)

The melody of the song "If you want to be healthy ..." sounds. Five young people appear on the stage in front of the curtain, the names of cigarettes are written on the chest of each (except one).

I thought about quitting smoking
So that the heart does not ache so much.
First, what to say
It was hard to decide.
But I wanted to, but I managed
And he made a firm decision.
Since then, I seem to have freshened up,
But he turned dark with temptation.
Not even a day goes by
To not surround me
And, teasing with cigarettes,
Friends did not tempt.

The second ("SURF").

Well, how? Shall we smoke one?
What are you looking at with sad eyes?
Here is your favorite Surf.

The third ("BELOMOR"). Let’s smoke better than “Belomor”! ..

Fourth (“AMATEUR”).

Don't be shy, brother, smoke!
Take it... “Amateur” it is.

Fifth (“BOGATYRI”).

Smoke my "Bogatyrs"!
Or maybe you want cigarettes?

I fight back, I scream:
“No need, brothers, to scoff!..”

Doctor (from the hall).

Let me, as a doctor,
And I strongly intervene.
The one who does not decide yet
Quit smoking - scold yourself!
But why embarrass my friend?
Why sometimes on the sly
Are you harming a non-smoker?
You can't quit smoking
So don't disturb your friends!

Waving aside the words of the doctor, the young people playing the role of cigarettes leave the stage. Music suddenly sounds, a young woman appears on the stage in catchy, fashionable clothes in the form of a Stewardess cigarette. Her story is accompanied by a cheerful pantomime.


My name is cigarette.
I am beautiful and strong
I know the whole world
A lot of people need me.
I penetrate with acrid smoke
I'm into people to poison them.
Let the dear ones know
How to be friends with me.
Brain and heart I dope
To the young and the old
Regardless of knowledge
Let's face it, weaklings.
I take years of my life
I am with those who are captivated by me,
I pour this life into myself
Constantly, as the law.
I especially try
To take the young in the network,
I draw strength from him.
Let him smoke, brother!
I've been living for centuries
Years don't take me
This is what longevity means!
And I'm always young.
I am truly immortal
I can't be defeated
I kill unnoticed
You naive friends!
Yes! Yes! You and you friends
And I don't feel sin
Killing... Ha-ha-ha!

Two orderlies appear from both sides of the stage and hold the Cigarette by the hands.

1st orderly.

Finally we got you
You have been ordered to detain!


I won't go anywhere
All help, all here!

2nd orderly.

It's useless, don't scream!
No hysterics, shut up!


Who you are? What do you? What kind of people?
Don't touch me, I'm a girl!
My honor is now offended
You will be responsible for this!
Where is your arrest warrant?

1st orderly.

Here with a seal ... There is a warrant!
Well let's go, let's go girl
Stop messing around with you
Full of heads spinning
We are taking care of you!

The cigarette is taken away. A group of guys appear on the proscenium to the sounds of the Toreador's march, who chant the text from the screen in unison (slide number 6)

“Smoking is an enemy for hypertensive patients.
Although they take baths.
But there is no use: smoking - moreover, tobacco -
More harmful than rubbing salt into wounds.”

They read poetry.

Along the shores of lakes, seas and rivers
It happens that a person drowns.
As soon as he starts calling for help,
Of course, they rush to save him.
And if the house is buzzing, engulfed in fire,
And a man without feelings remained in him,
Immediately a friend hurries to help him -
He has such a good heart.
When a student smokes a cigarette
And he gives years of his life for it,
Understand, he's sinking, he's on fire... Trouble!
Now his fate is being decided.
Don't be an indifferent person
Hurry up to save! He can become crippled!

You smoked only five cigarettes -
And there is no hour of your life.
In the name of playful fashion
You put years into the earth of life,
You make yourself sick
Smoking brings death closer.
You change life for tar, stench.
In a shameful deal, he is only to blame.
You have been given reason, king of nature!
So give up stupid fashion!

Doctor (coming up to the stage from the audience).

You've got the conviction
That in vain they make noise about the harm of smoking,
Like, your grandfather lived ninety,
All my life I smoked, ate simply,
And he was always as healthy as an oak
And lived a life without doctors.
At first glance, this is all
And if the old man did not smoke tobacco,
That could be guaranteed
That grandfather would have lived for another twenty years.

Take some easy advice
How to say goodbye to a cigarette.
Remember: a person is not weak,
Born free. He is not a slave
Born without wings, but flies
Successfully conquers space
Changes the direction of rivers
And even the whole face of the planet.


Believe me, a person can do anything
After all, he is stronger than a cigarette.
Smoking kills health
And there is no happiness without health.
To be lucky in destiny
Get the weapon, it's in you.
Tonight, when you go to bed,
You have to say to yourself:
“I chose my own path to the light
And, despising the cigarette,
I won't smoke for anything.
I am human! I must be strong!

2nd leader. Scientific studies have shown that 70% of smokers, if desired, can quit smoking with the help of an effort of will, since they do not have a strong physiological need for tobacco. But 5-10% of chronic smokers really need the help of doctors. It's all about character, or rather, its strength. Know what, according to doctors:

(Slide number 7)

1 cigarette shortens life by 15 minutes;
- 1 pack of cigarettes - for 5 hours;
- one who smokes for 1 year loses 3 months of life;
- who smokes 4 years - loses 1 year of life;
- who smokes 20 years - 5 years;
- who smokes 40 years - 10 years.

1st leader. Let's take a closer look at the given data. Of course, they are conditional. I completely agree with those who believe that the life expectancy of this or that smoker will not necessarily be reduced by the specified number of years. But about what will be reduced, you can not doubt. (Slide number 8) The composition of tobacco smoke includes more than three thousand harmful substances, and one is worse than the other. To name a few: nicotine, arsenic, lead, carbon monoxide... And numerous chemical compounds. 25% of these substances settle in the smoker's body, 5% remain in the cigarette butt, 20% burns, 50% enters the air ...

2nd leader. What are the negative consequences of exposure to tobacco smoke in the human body? (Answers.)

1st presenter (summarizes answers).(Slide number 9) The negative effects of smoking include: bad breath, coughing and hoarseness, yellow plaque on the teeth, weakening of the lungs, shortness of breath, palpitations, premature wrinkles, pallor, memory impairment ...

2nd leader. You can talk about the consequences of smoking in more detail. Are you interested in, for example, why memory deterioration occurs? I answer: the substances contained in tobacco also act on the nervous system. Under its influence, it is first excited, and then an inhibition reaction occurs and the person's consciousness is dulled. In addition, smokers gradually develop lung diseases that can outgrow chronic bronchitis, asthma and, finally, tuberculosis and lung cancer. Women who smoke are several times more likely to have sick children. It is more difficult for smokers to sit out in the classroom - the attraction to a cigarette prevents them from concentrating ... (Slide #10, Slide #11)

1st leading. However, some of us, perhaps, could say a few words in defense of tobacco. For example, there is an opinion among girls that young men with those of them who smoke begin to lead more relaxed, bold, easier to get to know them ... just don't think that thanks to a cigarette you can gain some special charm. Everything is much easier to explain. A cigarette makes a girl more accessible in the eyes of the guys. Most of them do not want to have a smoking life partner and do not take such seriously.

2nd leader. But if smoking, like, indeed, many other bad habits, does not bring anything but problems, then we need to think about what we can counter this scourge.

All participants of the event take the stage.

1st leader. The one who calls us to sports, who teaches cleanliness and order in everything, is your true friend. (Slide number 12) Learn to say “no” to those who offer to smoke, who give drugs ... Let's sum up our conversation. In the world, 2.5-3 million people die every year from smoking, or 1 person every 10 seconds. We were talking, and people were dying from their lack of will and ignorance. How can we go on with you? What decision will we make?

Children are divided into three groups, each of which makes a joint decision, which can be formalized as follows.

Slide #13 “Solution:

  • get rid of the habit of smoking immediately;
  • think about playing sports;
  • I will try to learn to say “no” when they offer me something bad”

An excerpt sounds to the melody of the song performed by the pupils “If you want to be healthy”:

“Smoking away, if you want to be healthy,
Try to forget about the doctors.
Quit smoking as soon as possible
If you want to be healthy!”

2nd leader. (Slide number 14) Our event has come to an end. Thank you for your attention!


  1. Paleeva V. Class hour “Do not smoke!” / / Theoretical and scientific-methodical journal “Education of schoolchildren”. No. 7, 2006

Theme evening

T. Kaverina

1st leader. Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you again.

2nd leader."Bad habits and their consequences" is the theme of our event, which is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.
1st leader. It all started in the 15th century, when Columbus landed across the ocean in a distant and unknown country. There, his astonished sailors saw people who looked like conjurers, who rolled pipes from dry leaves, set fire to them and smoked.
2nd leader. The natives drew in the smoke and let it out... The unfortunate people often lost consciousness, went into a trance and even writhed as if from severe pain, but, according to them, they could no longer live without this "tobacco"...

1st leader. We all know that a bad example can be contagious. Tobacco first got on the ships of Columbus, and then with the light hand of his sailors - to Europe, where it began to spread to the homes and salons of thrill seekers. However, the rapid spread of tobacco smoking was facilitated not so much by human curiosity as by greed and aggressive advertising.

2nd leader. At the end of the XVI century. the British, hoping for big profits, brought tobacco to "distant Russia", but at first they failed. Due to the negligence of smokers in Moscow and other cities of Russia, fires began to occur ... Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, seeing that things had taken such an unpleasant turn, banned tobacco and even introduced various punishments for those who, despite the ban, continued to indulge in a dangerous potion. Smokers were exiled to Siberia. The most daring of them had their nostrils torn out like dangerous criminals... And the people were in solidarity with the government in this.

1st leader. However, by the middle of the XVII century. not only merchants, but also many government officials realized that thanks to the tobacco trade, you can get a lot of money ... The persecution of smokers everywhere began to come to naught, and, finally, completely stopped. The rapid spread of tobacco throughout the world began, the process went on, despite neither the fires, nor the objections of the church, nor even the obvious deterioration in the health of the newly-minted fans of the overseas potion. Tsar Peter I, following the example of European kings, allowed the import of tobacco into Russia by royal decree, imposing a huge duty on merchants ...

2nd leader. Habit! What it is? (Answers)

Yes, a habit is something that you get used to and without which, alas, it can be difficult to do without. Habits are good and bad. Name some good habits you know.

(Slide No. 3) (Playing sports, honoring elders, reading books, habits of going to bed on time, being polite, not being rude, not offending the weak, etc.)

1st leader. Now name the bad habits.

The audience responds. The melody of the song "If you want to be healthy ..." sounds. Five young people appear on the stage in front of the curtain, each (except one) has the names of cigarettes written on their chests.

The first. I thought about quitting smoking
So that the heart does not ache so much.
First, what to say
It was hard to decide.
But I wanted, but I managed
And he made a firm decision.
Since then, I seem to have freshened up,
But he turned dark with temptation.

Not even a day goes by
So that they don’t surround me And, teasing with cigarettes,
Friends did not tempt.

Well, how? Shall we smoke one?
What are you looking at with sad eyes?
Here is your favorite Surf.

Let's smoke better than Belomor!

Don't be shy, brother, smoke!
Take ... "Amateur" it.

Smoke my "Bogatyrs"!
Or maybe you want cigarettes?
The first. I fight back, I scream:
“No need, brothers, to scoff!”

Doctor(from the hall). Friends!
Let me, as a doctor,
And I strongly intervene.
Anyone who does not dare yet Quit smoking - scold yourself!
But why embarrass my friend?
Why sometimes surreptitiously do you harm a non-smoker?
You can't quit smoking
So don't disturb your friends!

Waving aside the words of the doctor, the young people playing the role of cigarettes leave the stage. Music suddenly sounds, a young woman appears on the stage in catchy, fashionable clothes in the form of a cigarette.

Cigarette. My name is cigarette.
I am beautiful and strong
I know the whole world
A lot of people need me.
I penetrate people with acrid smoke in order to poison them.
Let the dear ones know
How to be friends with me.
Brain and heart I intoxicate Young and old,
Regardless of knowledge
Let's face it, weaklings.
I take years of life from those who are captivated by me,
I pour this life into myself
Constantly, as the law.
I especially try to take Young on the net,
I draw strength from him.
Let him smoke, brother!
I've been living for centuries
Years don't take me.
This is what longevity means!
And I'm always young.
I am truly immortal
I can't be defeated
I kill you imperceptibly, naive friends!
Yes! Yes! You and you friends
And I don't feel sin
Killing... Ha-ha-ha!

Two orderlies appear from both sides of the stage and hold the Cigarette by the hands.

1st orderly. Finally we got you
You have been ordered to detain!

Cigarette. I won't go anywhere
All help, all here!

2nd orderly. It's useless, don't scream!
No hysterics, shut up!

Cigarette. Who you are? What do you? What kind of people?
Don't touch me, I'm a girl!
My honor is now offended,
You will be responsible for this!
Where is your arrest warrant?

1st orderly. Here with a seal ... There is a warrant!
Let's go, let's go girl
Stop messing around with you
Full of heads spinning
We are taking care of you!

The first. Take some easy advice
How to say goodbye to a cigarette. Remember: a person is not weak,
Born free. He is not a slave, Born without wings, but flies, Successfully conquers space,
Changes the direction of rivers.
And even the whole face of the planet.

Doctor (coming up to the stage from the audience).
Trust me, man can do anything
After all, he is stronger than a cigarette.
Smoking kills health
And there is no happiness without health. To become lucky in fate, Get a weapon, it's in you.
Tonight, when you go to bed, you must say to yourself:
I chose my own path to the light,
And, despising the cigarette,
I won't smoke for anything.
I am human! I must be strong!

2nd leader. Scientific studies have shown that 70% of smokers, if desired, can quit smoking with the help of an effort of will, since they do not have a strong physiological need for tobacco. But 5-10% of chronic smokers really need the help of doctors. It's all about character, or rather, its strength. Know what, according to doctors:

- 1 cigarette shortens life by 15 minutes;

- 1 pack of cigarettes - for 5 hours;

- one who smokes for 1 year loses 3 months of life;

- who smokes 4 years - loses 1 year of life;

- who smokes 20 years - 5 years;

- who smokes 40 years - 10 years.

1st leader. Let's take a closer look at the given data. Of course, they are conditional. I completely agree with those who believe that the life expectancy of this or that smoker will not necessarily be reduced by the specified number of years. But about what will be reduced, you can not doubt. The composition of tobacco smoke includes more than three thousand harmful substances, and one is worse than the other. To name a few: nicotine, arsenic, lead, carbon monoxide… And numerous chemical compounds. 25% of these substances settle in the smoker's body, 5% remain in the cigarette butt, 20% burns, 50% gets into the air ...

2nd leader. What are the negative consequences of exposure to tobacco smoke in the human body? (Answers.)

1st presenter (summarizes the answers). The negative effects of smoking include: bad breath, coughing and hoarseness, yellow plaque on the teeth, weakening of the lungs, shortness of breath, palpitations, premature wrinkles, pallor, memory impairment ...
2nd leader. You can talk about the consequences of smoking in more detail. Are you interested in, for example, why memory deterioration occurs? I answer: the substances contained in tobacco also act on the nervous system. Under its influence, it is first excited, and then an inhibition reaction occurs and the person's consciousness is dulled. In addition, smokers gradually develop lung diseases that can develop into chronic bronchitis, asthma and, finally, tuberculosis and lung cancer. Women who smoke are several times more likely to have sick children. It is more difficult for smokers to sit through the lessons - the attraction to a cigarette prevents them from concentrating.

1st leader. However, some of us, perhaps, could say a few words in defense of tobacco. For example, there is an opinion among girls that young men with those of them who smoke begin to behave more relaxedly, boldly, it is easier to get to know them ... just don’t think that thanks to a cigarette you can gain some special charm. Everything is much easier to explain. A cigarette makes a girl more accessible in the eyes of the guys. Most of them do not want to have a smoking life partner and do not take such seriously.

2nd leader. But if smoking, like, indeed, many other bad habits, does not bring anything but problems, then we need to think about what we can counter this scourge.

All participants of the event take the stage.

1st leader. The one who calls us to sports, who teaches cleanliness and order in everything, is your true friend.

(Slide number 12)
Learn to say no to those who offer to smoke, who give
drugs ... Let's sum up our conversation. In the world of smoking
2.5-3 million people die every year, or 1 person every 10 seconds. We were talking, and people were dying from their lack of will and ignorance. How can we go on with you? What decision will we make?

Children are divided into three groups, each of which makes a joint decision, which can be formalized as follows.

- get rid of the habit of smoking immediately;
- think about playing sports;
- I will try to learn to say no when they offer me something bad.

An excerpt sounds to the melody of the song performed by the pupils “If you want to be healthy”:

Quit smoking, if you want to be healthy,
Try to forget about the doctors.
Quit smoking as soon as possible
If you want to be healthy!”
Moderator, Our event has come to an end.

Thank you for your attention!

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Event scenario

for children, teenagers, parents and teachers -

"We are together


bad habits!

additional education teacher

MBOU DOD "Center for additional

children's education "UNITER"

Ruzaevsky municipal district


An important point in the work is to involve as many children as possible in joint activities with teachers in this area, as well as their parents.

The event discusses not just the issue of bad habits of a teenager and their impact on his health, but a global and modern problem - the health of the future generation.

The event can be timed to the following dates:


    to give the concept of sustainable healthy development of the individual;

    form a negative attitude towards smoking in the minds of children and adolescents, teach them to say: “No bad habits !!!”;

    to give students an idea of ​​the consequences of smoking for their body, society and family.


    explain why they say that there is a way out of any situation;

    explain that tobacco, alcohol and drugs are substances harmful to health;

    to help everyone understand that their health needs to be protected.

Expected results from the event:

    Increasing the level of knowledge of students of different ages and their parents about the meaning of a healthy lifestyle and how to implement it.

    Increasing the interest of younger students in a rich, interesting, varied life, including creative activity, in which there is no place for bad habits.

    Obtaining specific knowledge by students about the causes of the harmfulness of bad habits and ways to abandon them.

Campaign handout:

    Memo to students "How to quit smoking" (Appendix 2).

    Welcoming and introductory speech - Head of the structural unit (hereinafter Head of the joint venture).

    The poem "Uncle-smoker" - 4 girls 9-10 years old.

    "On the dangers of bad habits" - Speech by the teacher (lecture mini-conversation) (Appendix 3).

    Poems “A firm “NO!” - Performance of parents (5 people).

    Historical background + poems - Speech by teachers.

    Monologue of a gray-haired woman.

    "Monologue of internal organs" - recording.

    “Smoking is harm” (fable-alteration) - Speech by the teacher.

    Rap "Say NO to drugs!" - Guest speech.

    Closing words of the event.

Throughout the event, songs about health, sports, childhood, family, as well as V. Vysotsky "Morning gymnastics", V. Tsoi "Blood type" (gr. "Kino"), "Childhood is me and you",

“If you want to be healthy, temper yourself”, etc.

On the screen the slogan of the name of the entire event

“We are together against bad habits!”

and slide

"A healthy person and a person addicted to bad habits."

Event progress.

Good afternoon, dear children present, dear parents and teachers!

A number of habits that a person acquires during his school years and which he then cannot get rid of throughout his life, seriously harm his health. They contribute to the rapid consumption of the entire potential of human capabilities, premature aging and the acquisition of stable diseases.

These habits primarily include smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

Think about the future!

Even the ancient Romans said: In a healthy body - a healthy mind. And I think that everyone understands perfectly well what is meant by this catch phrase?

The development of the human body as an organism with its inherent symmetry and stability largely depends on how we live, what lifestyle we lead from early childhood.

An organism is healthy when all its organs are healthy: skin, bones, hair, teeth, internal organs.

Among the ancients, healthy and beautiful were designated, in one word. What is a spirit? - a set of thoughts, actions, knowledge, aspirations, feelings.

Life is motion. If we move forward with it together, then we develop. And if we stop doing bad deeds, then we will begin to lag behind life. That is, a person has the right to choose - what way of life he should lead, he is responsible not only to people, but also to himself.

4 girls aged 9-10 come out.

The poem "Uncle-smoker". Kirill Avdeenko.

Presentation of the teacher. (Annex 3)

5 parents come out. Poetry -"A firm NO!"

1. Vices that lead to Hell,
We will say together "No!".
Let the garden of happiness bloom
Life lasts hundreds of years!

3. Sport saves the whole world!
Because he is my idol!
Who is always friends with sports,
That success is always deserved!
Because physical education really
A healthy mind in a healthy body!

2. Alcohol is not only vodka,
But also beer and wine.
The child must know clearly -
All alcohol is bad for them!
Do you want to be smart and strong -
Never drink it.

4. Rings of smoke flow upwards,
Ashes under the feet lie ...
The world is shrouded in darkness...
Do not smoke, there will be CANCER!

5. Drugs are contagious
But you won't understand it right away.
You quickly become addicted to drugs
And slowly in agony from them you die!

Head SP: Having tried at least once a cigarette, alcohol or a drug, a person may become addicted. Which addiction takes away strength and health the most? Smoking, alcohol, substance abuse, drugs ... it's no longer a secret to anyone that all these habits are harmful to the human body and interfere with human health.

4 teachers leave. Historical reference + poems.

1. The leaves of the Tabago Island plant were brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century and were called tobacco. Smokers develop cravings quickly and are difficult to control. The Indians considered tobacco a calming substance and used it as a remedy. But now it has been proven that tobacco contains 400 chemicals, many of them are poisons, more than 40 substances cause cancer.

Tobacco smoking is classified as a bad habit. Nicotine is a mind-altering substance and is the most powerful drug, cocaine is second only to nicotine.

2. Smoking 1 pack of cigarettes, a smoker clogs his lungs with 1 liter of nicotine resin per year. Each cigarette shortens life by 8 minutes.

Over the past 5 years, 30 million people have quit smoking. Now in Europe it is considered unfashionable to smoke.

Every year in Russia, about a million people die from diseases caused by smoking.

Smoking not only shortens life, but also reduces its quality.

Nicotine causes a large number of diseases, such as stroke, myocardial infarction, diseases of the blood and arteries of the legs, affects the senses, digestion and respiration, affects the nervous system.

3. Well, our friend, the decision is yours -
You have the right to command your own destiny.
You can agree, but the refusal
It will be a hundred times better.
You have the right to save your life.
Think you might be on the right track.
But if you still managed to turn
Then try to restore your health!

4. Health is a value and wealth,

People's health should be valued!

Eat right and do sports

And temper, and be friends with charging.

So that any ailment does not rise,

So that the heart beats evenly, like a motor,

No need to smoke or drink or get angry

With a smile, defeat any reproach.

A healthy lifestyle is power!

After all, life is nowhere without health.

Let's be strong and beautiful together

Then the years will not be a problem for us!

Monologue of a gray-haired woman. Tatyana Vasiliadi.

... taught a neighbor.
I cook fragrant, strong coffee - no one will bring it to bed ...
A habit… and, of course, not against it when a crowd of guests come to smoke.

For some reason, the Ministry of Health warns everyone that nicotine for the lungs is a pure poison,
Vessels - see about ly quickly destroy. So - tobacco is grown in vain ?!
Why give ridiculous advice - when all the smart doctors are smoking?!
But the whole planet breathes smog, a hole in the ozone and ... shut up, shut up!

To forget about the harmful (it seems) habit, her daughter managed to persuade.
So the son-in-law puffs insidiously with a thin plug, so that there is always comfort in the house.
"Smoking is death!" the good doctor assured me when I was only twenty-five.
Words hang all my life, like the sword of Damocles, ... and in my hair - a gray strand for a long time.

And the taste is not the same, and a vile strange smell.
"I'll throw tomorrow!" - every day I say.
But the memory is entirely from holes in the patches ... and I simply do not extinguish the cigarette.

"Monologue of internal organs" - recording.

1. Sick lungs:

We guys are light

Our fate is not easy.

The owner has been smoking for a long time,

We are gradually being destroyed.

All our alveoli

Full of tobacco tar

We have a gray look

We're at risk of cancer

Also emphysema.

Will surely come

Can't say without tears

We are waiting for tuberculosis!

2. Sick heart:

And I work like a slave

Myocardium weakened at the end

Hypoxia is annoying...

3. Healthy heart:

Well, your master does not know

Is it time to quit smoking?

Not afraid to harm?

4. Heartache:

He's only cute with a cigarette

I completely forgot about me.

What's going on, Mama Mia

Soon there will be ischemia!

5. Sick vessels:

We're not doing any better.

Atherosclerosis tortured ...

Plaques everywhere, just look

The walls have become just rubbish!

6. Healthy heart:

No, we have a different matter

I will boldly say this:

I'm proud of the owner

My master loves sports

Fresh air. slim look

And an excellent appetite.

Deep sleep. It's wonderful!

He is not friends with a cigarette.

7. Healthy lungs:

We agree with you!

good diastole,

Plenty of oxygen.

8. Sick lungs:

And we're out of luck

Such a terrible life...

9. Healthy lungs:

But we have a beautiful

We breathe deeply

And we don't hear wheezing.

We like our host

He plays sports

Protects and loves us

He never smokes.

Presentation of the teacher.

"Smoking is harm" (fable-alteration)(Annex 4)

Guest performance - Rap “Say NO to drugs!”(Annex 5)

Head SP: The influence of bad habits only causes harm to a person - harm to his health, strength and position in society. These and other habits hinder the development of personality, stop a person halfway and he can easily get into trouble. A person determines his own destiny, and I advise you to think today - “Is smoking, drinking or drugs worth it for me to break my life?”.

Discuss this issue with your friends, parents at home in a relaxed atmosphere, read more literature about the dangers of these habits and try not to get used to them. A person is responsible for his actions not only to his relatives, but also to society, before the law.

In the end, a person faces a choice: bad habits or life?

A person - if he is a Man with a capital letter - must be able to resist bad thoughts, qualities, deeds and deeds!

And I want to finish our event with you with the words that we started it with - Think about the future!

I'll just add a little more... Think about the future! If you think about it today, it means that you have thought about your tomorrow, your future generation, the continuation of your healthy kind!



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs