The most breathable contact lenses for astigmatism. An excellent replacement for glasses! Astigmatic lenses for vision correction: what are they? How to choose lens coating

Astigmatism is one of the visual defects caused by a disorder of the lens or cornea. The pathology requires certain adjustments, and contact lenses for astigmatism are the most common method of treatment.

In addition to the above indicators, lens stabilization is an important criterion. They must have a fixing device that does not allow the products to rotate on the surface of the eye. Otherwise, the axes will constantly shift. The stabilization effect is achieved in several ways:

  • thickening the lower part of the lens (prismatic ballast method);
  • truncation of the bottom edge of the product and others.

After the lenses are selected, a test test is carried out. A person should wear them for about half an hour. If everything is in order and there are no complaints, then a prescription is issued for the manufacture of an individual pair of astigmatic lenses.

Advice! TCL is essentially a complete optical system that provides higher clarity of vision than astigmatic glasses.

It is worth remembering that wearing lenses is not a panacea, and they do not cure the disease itself. And contact lenses for astigmatism are simply a working option for correcting vision, allowing a person to lead a normal lifestyle.

Untreated pathology causes the development of strabismus, and the end result is a sharp drop in the quality of vision. That is why, if unpleasant sensations appear in the eyes, accompanied by impaired visual acuity, it is necessary to visit the office of an ophthalmologist.

As a rule, astigmatism is combined with nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hypermetropia). In the past, ophthalmologists insisted that glasses were much better at correcting vision than contact lenses, but modern lens manufacturers have refuted this. At the moment, each patient can choose both glasses and contact lenses for astigmatism.

What you need to know about astigmatism

This disorder is characterized by improper focusing of light rays onto the retina, which significantly reduces visual acuity. People with astigmatism see images that appear split and blurry.

At the initial stage of astigmatism development, visual discomfort is practically not felt. Such disorders do not require urgent treatment, but it is still worth contacting an ophthalmologist. Patients with a high degree of pathology note rapid eye fatigue, headaches, a feeling of double vision and a sharp deterioration in vision. You may notice that people with astigmatism constantly squint.

Degrees of astigmatism:

  • weak up to 3 diopters;
  • average from 3 to 6 diopters;
  • high from 6 diopters.

Mild astigmatism is easy to treat. The doctor may offer the patient laser vision correction, or therapy with glasses or contact lenses. In moderate cases, optical correction is required; surgery is possible. A high degree causes severe deformation of the cornea, so conventional lenses for astigmatism are not suitable for such patients. They are prescribed special hard ones that will maintain the normal shape of the cornea. With a high degree of astigmatism, microsurgery is often turned to.

Astigmatism can cause a dangerous situation. At night, the strain on the eyes is greater, the symptoms are more pronounced, so a person may not be able to control a vehicle or not notice the danger in bad weather. Contact lenses can effectively and comfortably improve vision with astigmatism.

Features of contact correction

Contact lenses, despite strict rules of use, are more preferable for visual impairments, since they create a single optical system with the eye. When a person wears glasses, the distance between the lens and the eye creates distortions, affecting the quality of vision.

If the patient has never used lenses, they should start with a few hours a day. You need to monitor your sensations, and only in the absence of severe discomfort can you increase the time you wear contact lenses for astigmatism. Lenses that correct vision for astigmatism are usually thicker than usual, and patients experience discomfort at first. If it does not disappear over a long period, you need to consult a doctor and choose another method of vision correction.

Due to their thickness, lenses for astigmatism do not transmit oxygen well, especially hydrogel ones, so a strict wearing regime is established for them. It is important to follow the rules for caring for contact lenses to avoid contamination and eye infection. If you use lenses incorrectly, unpleasant complications can occur. Among the most common: irritation of the mucous membrane, inflammation, oxygen starvation of the eyeballs.

Modern lenses made of silicone hydrogel allow oxygen to pass through better and increase their service life. However, even they must be removed at night.

Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses

Previously, this was only possible when wearing hard lenses. Today, patients with refractive errors have the opportunity to choose both soft and hard lenses to achieve excellent vision.

Modern lenses are much better accepted by the structures of the eye, and cases of rejection are becoming less and less common. Toric systems are made from hydrogel and silicone hydrogel - ideal materials for correcting astigmatism and maintaining eye health. Lenses can be worn with astigmatism above 0.75 diopters.

Excellent focus. Thanks to their structure, it is possible to maintain a stable position. Blinking and eye movements do not cause the lens to move and diverge along the meridians, which is very important for correcting vision with astigmatism.

Benefits of toric lenses for astigmatism

  1. The eyes adapt well to the lenses, adaptation occurs quickly and without pain. Patients may experience mild discomfort out of habit. Many people note that it was much easier for them to get used to soft lenses than to glasses.
  2. The ability to correct vision even with a high degree of impairment.
  3. The lenses are made from safe materials that minimize the risk of developing allergies.
  4. High quality vision, no distortion.
  5. Contact lenses for astigmatism have different service life and wear, which allows everyone to choose the most suitable option.
  6. Toric lenses can be used for sports and dancing. Some models have UV protection, which is especially important for those who enjoy skiing or fishing.
  7. Therapeutic lenses do not limit the field of vision or cause interference.
  8. Establishing normal lateral vision, which is impossible when wearing glasses.
  9. After getting used to it, the lenses do not cause any discomfort. A person stops feeling them in the eyes, which ensures comfort when wearing.
  10. Toric lenses are harmless, but only if used correctly and properly maintained.

Of course, toric lenses have their drawbacks, just like any other treatment. Wearing lenses can be an unpleasant experience for a person with astigmatism, even if they follow a regular wearing routine and clean their lenses daily. It is better to start contact lens therapy with daily disposable lenses and change pairs frequently.

Disadvantages of Toric Lenses

  1. Like all others, toric lenses require proper care.
  2. Lenses need to be put on and taken off daily, just like everyone else.
  3. Insufficient cleansing and improper use can cause severe inflammation in the eye.
  4. Due to the large thickness of the lens, the eyes become sensitive and get tired faster.
  5. Wearing hard lenses carries a risk of worsening myopia, since the cornea is regularly deprived of oxygen.
  6. Different thicknesses in different areas of the lens can distort the image.
  7. Contact lenses can cause changes in the cornea, and this often becomes the reason for refusing laser vision correction.

Vision correction with contact lenses does not exclude wearing glasses. Since astigmatism lenses must be removed before going to bed, you can wear glasses in the evening. This way the eyes will be able to breathe, and the person will get good vision for evening reading or watching TV.

What lenses are needed for astigmatism?

Until recently, the main method of vision correction for astigmatism was glasses with cylindrical lenses, so many patients are interested in whether they can wear lenses at all. This situation is due to the fact that previously there were not enough high-quality and effective contact lenses for such a disorder, but now many companies produce special lines for patients with astigmatism.

Today, ophthalmologists more often recommend lenses than glasses, since when wearing astigmatic glasses, most patients suffer from headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Such glasses greatly impair peripheral vision and contribute to distortion of the size and shape of objects. Many patients give up glasses in favor of contact lenses for these reasons.

The principle of operation of toric lenses and glasses is no different, but the lenses give the patient greater freedom of action. They are suitable for those who play sports, lead an active lifestyle, or work in an area where wearing glasses is unacceptable.

Toric lenses are effective for astigmatism because they have a special shape. Conventional contact lenses are spherical, while toric contact lenses are spherocylindrical. The lens has two zones with different optical powers. One zone corrects astigmatism along the desired meridian, and the second helps to correct concomitant refractive pathologies (myopia or hypermetropia).

Toric lenses are designed to correct vision for astigmatism, which is caused by changes in the curvature of the cornea or lens. Ophthalmologists even divide pathology into corneal astigmatism and lenticular astigmatism. When the shape of the cornea or lens changes, the refraction is distorted, and the forces in the vertical and horizontal planes differ. In this position, vision becomes blurry, the person is unable to distinguish small details, and vertical lines are distorted and appear slanted.

Features of toric lenses

The peculiarity of toric lenses, which consists in different optical powers in the vertical and horizontal directions, allows them to correct astigmatism. Each toric lens has a mid-axis that maintains a clear line of vision. If it is displaced, the lenses will not perform their functions.

Toric lenses vary in optical power, materials and design. All of them are usually divided into soft and hard. The choice will depend on the degree of astigmatism, including the severity of corneal deformities.

Toric lenses have a strictly defined orientation, so they need to maintain their position in the eye. To achieve this, manufacturers equip lenses with special technical features. These can be lens truncations, where the bottom part is cut off, or ballasts that, under the influence of gravity, will pull the lens down. Thickening and thinning of certain areas allows you to achieve a stable position. However, it must be remembered that most lenses correct vision only when the body is in an upright position. If a person lies down, they will shift and vision will be impaired. This nuance should be clarified by an ophthalmologist.

There are special daily lenses that can be changed daily. They do not require maintenance, because each time a person will put on a new pair. Such lenses are well accepted by the structures of the eye, do not create discomfort and are much less likely to cause complications, since they do not have time to become dirty. But 24-hour contact lenses, on the contrary, increase the risk of complications. They can be worn continuously for up to a month, but without cleaning, particles of dust and tear moisture accumulate in them. The lens hardens and begins to injure the mucous membrane.

Soft toric lenses

Soft toric lenses are made using soft polymer materials. They have a toric shape necessary for an eye with astigmatism, since the usual shape does not allow correcting vision with such a refractive error.

Soft lenses correct vision using two axes with different optical powers. Unlike the ordinary one, which can rotate in the eye as desired, the toric one must maintain a specific position in order to correspond to the strong and weak meridian.

Soft lenses are also worn strictly according to the regime. To get maximum benefit and avoid complications, lenses should be worn during the day and removed in the evening. The frequency of contact lens replacement is determined by the manufacturer. Usually lenses are changed every 2-3 months.

Hard toric lenses

It is logical that hard lenses are made from hard materials. There are regular and special gas permeable lenses. Conventional ones, as a rule, are not prescribed for astigmatism, but gas-permeable ones allow oxygen to pass through well and help correct vision.

The rigid shape of the lenses allows you to correct even severe pathologies. Gas permeable lenses can improve vision with moderate astigmatism, even if they have a regular shape. Complex defects can be corrected with rigid lenses with a toric surface.

Rigid toric lenses are designed for daytime use. It is forbidden to sleep in them. Even forgetting to take off your lenses at night can seriously damage your eyes and cause oxygen starvation. If you have astigmatism, you need to change hard lenses every six months or earlier.

How to choose lenses for astigmatism

Special contact lenses have been developed for patients with astigmatism. It must be remembered that only the attending physician can prescribe any corrective optical systems, based on the diagnostic results. You cannot choose glasses or lenses on your own, as mismatch can negatively affect your vision. Choosing toric lenses is more difficult than choosing regular ones, which are used for vision correction.

It is best to entrust the choice of contact lenses to a qualified ophthalmologist. After a full examination, the doctor will choose the most suitable and safe optical systems for a particular patient. This is important, because it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the disorder, concomitant pathologies, contraindications and patient preferences.

Things to consider when choosing lenses:

  • the degree of daily load on the visual system;
  • availability of a car;
  • addiction to extreme sports;
  • characteristics of the patient's work;
  • Lifestyle.

Choosing contact lenses is an important undertaking. The doctor should explain to the patient how important it is to follow all his recommendations and give the eyes rest. There are no exceptions to the rules for using lenses; even a slight deviation can negatively affect the eyes.

Popular models of contact lenses for astigmatism

Doctors are increasingly recommending hypergel contact lenses to patients. This is an innovative material that perfectly matches the moisture content of the cornea and replicates the functions of the lipid layer of the tear film of the eye. Such lenses allow enough oxygen to pass through to maintain eye health, comfortable lens wearing and high-quality vision correction.

The most popular lenses from this line are the Biotrue ONEday daily lenses. Patients note the wearing comfort even after 16 hours. Such unique capabilities are due to the ability of the lenses to retain moisture and prevent the eyes from drying out even at the end of the day.

The leaders in the production of toric lenses are Ciba Vision, Cooper Vision, Baush&Lomb, Johnson&Johnson. All models have their own characteristics.

Leaders of sells:

  1. Air Optix for Astigmatism. Modern silicone hydrogel lenses, which are designed for daytime wear. The optimal replacement period is a month. The lenses have a wide optical zone, provide excellent vision and do not cause discomfort, since their thickness is reduced. Wearing comfort is guaranteed for 6 hours.
  2. Biofinity Toric. Silicone hydrogel lenses that provide high oxygen permeability and moisture content. The lenses are resistant to deposits and comfortably increase visual acuity. The manufacturer promises no discomfort throughout the entire day of wearing.
  3. PureVision 2 Toric. Monthly silicone hydrogel lenses. The main feature of the product is the high clarity of optics and the reduction of spherical deviations in the structures of the eye. Stable lens position ensures comfort and correct correction. The product is intended for flexible, daytime or continuous wear.
  4. Acuvue Oasis. Silicone hydrogel lenses suitable for two weeks of wear. In addition to correcting astigmatism, the Acuvue Oasys optical system helps protect sensitive eyes and prevent dry eye syndrome during regular computer work.

Rules for caring for contact lenses

If you experience severe eye redness, irritation and discomfort while wearing lenses, you should consult an ophthalmologist. This may be a temporary reaction, or it may be a serious complication. It is not uncommon for people to become allergic to contact lens care products. They can be changed if necessary.

Important rules for caring for contact lenses:

  1. Timely replacement. It is impossible to say exactly how often all people with astigmatism need to change lenses, because each type has its own timing. Manufacturers usually indicate the optimal period - 3 months. If you use optical systems after the expiration date, you may cause swelling of the eye. Old lenses do not allow oxygen to pass through.
  2. Proper storage. Contact lenses should be left in a special solution. It should also be changed and thrown away after the expiration date (2-6 months after opening the bottle).
  3. Regular cleansing. As the eye constantly becomes wet and dirty, the lens gradually accumulates microorganisms and deposits. Over time, it becomes cloudy and hardens, does not provide the shape necessary for vision correction and injures the mucous membrane. To prevent this from happening, you need to clean your lenses daily after removal. If you don't clean your lenses, you can introduce a bacterial infection into your eye.

Contact lenses cannot be washed with tap water. It contains harmful microorganisms that cause infectious diseases. It is strictly forbidden to moisten lenses with saliva or third-party products. Such actions are a direct path to conjunctivitis.

Complications when wearing contact lenses

It must be remembered that contact lenses sometimes cause complications. This may be due to improper care, non-compliance with the wearing regimen, or individual characteristics of the visual system.

In the presence of diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and glaucoma, changes in the eyeball can occur without significant symptoms. Therefore, patients with these diseases should regularly visit the ophthalmologist even in the absence of discomfort.

The vast majority of people have vision problems. Astigmatism is diagnosed in many adults and children, but this disease is not a death sentence, because modern medicine offers various methods of treatment and vision correction for refractive errors.

Often, in the ophthalmologist’s report, along with farsightedness or myopia, you can see the diagnosis of “astigmatism”. What is the essence of this disease and how can vision be corrected with astigmatism? Let's look at this in more detail.

What is astigmatism?

This visual defect occurs due to a violation of the uniform curvature of the lens and/or cornea of ​​the eye. If in a person with normal vision the focusing of light rays occurs at one point on the retina, then in a patient with astigmatism this is impossible, since the rays are refracted with distortions and instead of one, several foci are formed on the retina. As a result, a person sees a blurry, unclear image. Some patients say that they see several translucent copies of an object, shifted relative to each other by several pixels horizontally or vertically.

Those who have similar symptoms should not be upset or panic, because astigmatism is not a death sentence. Just like farsightedness or nearsightedness, it can be corrected, and quite successfully. The most effective way to get rid of the defect, and not just correct it, is laser surgery. Those who do not accept surgical intervention or who cannot undergo laser vision correction for medical reasons are recommended to choose glasses or contact correction.

Which correction method is preferable?

Typically, ophthalmologists prescribe glasses to correct astigmatism. There are two main reasons here: firstly, for quite a long time it was believed that with this defect the effectiveness of glasses is higher, and secondly, selecting and making individual glasses once is much cheaper than ordering new lenses every month.

At the same time, glasses for astigmatism also have disadvantages: wearing them can cause dizziness and pain in the eyes, and due to the limited surface, visibility is reduced, and the shape and size of objects are distorted. In cold weather, glasses fog up when entering a room, and their owners are often teased as having glasses. In addition, many people believe that glasses do not suit them, which is why they prefer to do without them altogether.

Currently, manufacturers of astigmatic contact lenses claim that the effectiveness of the latter is no worse than glasses. There are many models to choose from, so everyone can choose what suits them.

What types of contact lenses are there?

There is a huge variety of contact lenses (spherical, multifocal, etc.) on sale. Astigmatic, or toric, have a spherocylindrical shape, due to which they simultaneously correct myopia/farsightedness and astigmatism. They differ in the material of manufacture (hard and soft), optical power and wear time.

Toric can be the inner or outer surface of lenses for astigmatism. Lenses with an external toric surface are prescribed to correct corneal or lenticular astigmatism up to 4.5 diopters, with an internal surface for corneal astigmatism up to 6 diopters.

Rigid lenses are divided into regular and gas permeable, which give the eyes access to oxygen. For astigmatism, only the latter can be used. In this case, the wearing period of one set is six months (it must be removed at night).

Soft ones are made of hydrogel or silicone hydrogel. They are comfortable to wear and fit perfectly on the eyes due to their structure. They are worn according to the regime for no more than a month, taking them off at night. In addition, there are one-day options that do not require special care.

Benefits of contact correction

Disadvantages of contact correction

It must be remembered that contact lenses for astigmatism will only be effective if they are selected by a specialist ophthalmologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person. Lenses that are chosen carelessly can lead to poor vision. In addition, vision tends to change over time, so it is necessary to undergo regular examinations with an ophthalmologist to adjust the prescription.

a fairly common disease. Until the age of 18, radical measures are not recommended, so a corrective technique is used. Glasses and astigmatic lenses are used. Depending on the form of the disease and its degree, individual selection is carried out.

Astigmatism develops due to the non-spherical shape of the cornea or lens. Non-sphericity affects the refractive power, making the image unclear or blurry. Some images may focus on the retina, others beyond or in front of it. The astigmatic effect can be caused by both acquired and hereditary disorders.

How to choose glasses?

In the photo: glasses that help maintain vision with astigmatism

It is very important to choose the right “difficult” glasses, because they can cause the following problems:
a burning sensation in the eyes;
eye fatigue and discomfort;

A distinctive feature of “complex” glasses is that the action of cylindrical lenses is aimed at obtaining data about the cylinder and its axial position.

Sometimes cylindrical glasses are combined with glasses to correct myopia and farsightedness. This creates great difficulties when choosing optics. Glasses are not the most practical option, as problems may arise such as incomplete access to lateral vision and inaccurate perception of objects. In this regard, patients refuse glasses.


Contact lenses for astigmatism differ in shape; it looks like a torus segment, and not half a ball, like standard models

The disease is also corrected using contact lenses. Previously, they were presented in the form of rigid models, quite uncomfortable for the eyes, and, moreover, negatively affected the condition of the cornea.

It is necessary to use lenses for astigmatism of a toric type, since ordinary ones are not relevant. They differ from standard models in the following parameters:
spherical force;
cylindrical power in diopters;
cylindrical axis in degrees.

When choosing optics, these three indicators are used, which distinguish them from other types. Contact lenses for astigmatism also differ in shape. It looks like a segment of a torus, and not half a ball, like standard models. If you are interested in information about aspherical lenses, read.

Thanks to modern developments, lenses have been created that provide the maximum level of eye comfort and improve image clarity. They are called toric. Such contact lenses are suitable for use with astigmatism of varying degrees.

Lenses for astigmatism - pros and cons

Lenses for astigmatism should be selected so that there is no discomfort while wearing them.

Lenses for astigmatism should be selected so that there is no discomfort while wearing them. Astigmatic contact lenses have their advantages, including:
the possibility of selecting optics for corneal astigmatism;
slight limitation of view and distortion of the picture when compared with glasses;
providing lateral vision;
minimal manifestation of spherical aberrations;
almost complete absence of prism effect;
eye-safe materials.

Now lenses for astigmatism and myopia are made from safe materials. These include: hydrogel and silicone hydrogel. Such material is well accepted by the cornea and does not have a negative effect on it.

The optics have maximum locking, which keeps them in one position. It does not dry out and allows air to pass through well. Despite many advantages, there are also disadvantages, including:
the appearance of eye inflammation;
increased myopia;
optical distortion;
change in topography.

Such effects are observed when wearing torics for a long time with such eye disease as astigmatism. More complete information about the treatment and symptoms of the disease is contained in.

Lenses, when properly selected and used, do not create problems. To do this, you need to consult with an experienced specialist who can select the appropriate model.

Astigmatic lenses: types

Toric optics take the correct position and are maximally fixed on the surface of the cornea, therefore they are the most popular

When asked whether it is possible to wear regular lenses with astigmatism, the answer will be negative. Contact lenses for astigmatism must be special, since simple ones shift, thereby distorting the image. Toric optics take the correct position and are maximally fixed on the surface of the cornea, therefore they are the most popular.

There are the following types of torics:
1. Tough. In manufacturing, polymers are used that allow air to pass through to the cornea, which eliminates the development of hypoxia. Good vision correction is ensured by maximizing the shape of the cornea. The lens wears for a long time, but also has a long adaptation period for the eye. Some people may be intolerant to this type of optics.
2. Soft. Optics appeared relatively recently. It is presented in the form of a film that follows the shape of the cornea, which provides the eyes with maximum comfort. Patients tolerate such contact lenses much easier. In this case, astigmatism is felt more strongly than when using rigid models. This is due to the fact that the thin material follows the shape of the cornea, and therefore its irregularities, so there is no maximum rigidity for good image quality.

When using any type of toric lens, you must adhere to certain recommendations. The contact element must be periodically removed, cleaned and special eye drops applied to avoid inflammation.

How to choose lenses for astigmatism?

The toric type of lenses is the best option; they can be used for any type of astigmatism in children or adults

The question is often asked: is it possible to wear lenses with astigmatism? It is not only possible, but also necessary, as they have many advantages. In order for them to bring the maximum positive effect and be comfortable to wear, it is necessary to select the correct optics.

Before choosing the best toric option, a specialist should take into account the following factors:
amount of daily eye strain;
does the patient drive a car?
presence of extreme sports;
degree of activity of life;
type of person's work.

The ophthalmologist also takes into account the degree of the disease and its form. All indicators are assessed in a complex manner, on the basis of which lenses are selected for astigmatism. Read more about the most popular lenses for astigmatism, “Acuvue Astigmatism.”

The astigmatic glasses and astigmatic lenses used have their pros and cons, so you need to take into account many indicators when choosing, otherwise they will only cause harm and discomfort. The toric type of lenses is the best option; they can be used for any type or adults.

Astigmatism is one of the most common ophthalmological diseases; it is characterized by refractive error and deformation of the cornea; with such a deviation, light rays in the optical system of the eye are projected in the form of several points (instead of one), ovals, circles and segments of different lengths.

This is why people with this disease see distorted images. Most often, this is a hereditary pathology; acquired astigmatism is a consequence of various injuries or surgical intervention.

According to the World Health Association (WHO), there are about 153 million people living in the world with visual impairment caused by uncorrected refractive errors, see for more details.

Patients wonder: is it possible to wear lenses with astigmatism? According to ophthalmologists, correction of astigmatism with contact lenses is the most optimal and convenient method of treatment.

Fitting lenses for astigmatism in the doctor's office takes much longer than for other conditions. This is due to the fact that not all vision correction methods are suitable for astigmatists. For them, the choice of products is not as large as for other users. But manufacturers are trying to expand their range; the most popular lenses for eyes with astigmatism (toric) are presented in the following lines:

  • Proclear Compatibles Toric are soft optical products made from a biocompatible material containing photylcholine, which is found in the cornea. These lenses will provide a clear image for astigmatism. They assume daily use and a replacement period of 1 month. Wearing them is very comfortable, because these products have a high percentage of moisture content.
  • Air Optix for Astigmatism is also designed to be worn for one month. The material from which they are made is resistant to the accumulation of harmful lipid deposits, which will protect their owner from eye infections. These lenses for the correction of astigmatism have the ability to pass the right amount of gaseous substances to the cornea, allowing the visual organs to breathe. Thanks to their thin structure, Air Optix is ​​not felt on the eyes while wearing.

  • Contact Day 30 Compatic Toric differs from other products in its flexibility and is suitable for users with very sensitive eyes. The biocompatible material from which these lenses are made follows the structural features of the cornea, due to this they do not cause irritation, redness and itching. Contact have a subtle tint that will give your look a rich tint.

  • PremiO toric is made of silicone hydrogel material, which allows you to supply the cornea with all the necessary nutrients. When wearing them, the patient feels as comfortable as possible. These two-week toric lenses are manufactured using the unique Mensilk technology. Thanks to it, oxygen penetrates the entire surface of the product, which allows the eyes to breathe. The level of gas permeability in them is 161 DCL.

  • 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism is the safest and most comfortable lens available. They are worn for only one day; every morning the user puts on a new pair. Unlike previous products, they do not require maintenance. The ASD technology used to make Moist ensures the correct position of the lens on the eye and creates four zones of its stabilization. Thanks to this, the user can engage in any active activities throughout the day.

  • Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism with Hydraclear Plus are optical products with scheduled replacement after two weeks. During this period, they do not have time to accumulate protein deposits and do not require enzyme cleaning, which simplifies their care. These lenses have a patented design that ensures they fit correctly on your eyes. A UV filter will protect the cornea from the harmful effects of sunlight.

The online contact lens store will be an excellent assistant for you in finding optical products and care products. Here you can choose any type of vision correction products. Reviews from experienced users will guide you on which lenses to order for astigmatism. Here you will find high quality products from well-known brands. Just click the "Buy" button and select a shipping method.



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