Nutrition advice from a veterinarian nutritionist for dogs. Dog Nutrition Tips

"We are what we eat" - this phrase is true for both people and dogs. If you want your pet to be healthy, beautiful and contented in life, the choice of the best dog food should be given very close attention.

What food is better to feed a dog: dry or natural?

The first thing you need to decide is the type of food. The dog can be fed either “natural” or “drying” - homemade food or dry food bought in a store. Many pet owners believe that "straight" will always be better, but ...

Each dog has its own needs for nutrients: proteins, fatty acids, etc. If it does not get enough of these substances, this is bad, if they come in excess, it is also bad. Keeping a balance at home is very difficult, for this you need to be well versed in both dogs and cooking.

There are no such problems with high-quality dry food. The best dog foods - premium and above - always contain everything that your pet needs for complete nutrition. The benefits of such dog food are confirmed by the reviews of veterinarians who recommend non-professionals to feed animals with ready-made and balanced food.

Another reason why people refuse dry food is the cost. But, given the need to follow the right composition of the diet for the dog, cooking will cost significantly more than buying a bag of premium food.

What is the best dry dog ​​food?

Reviews of the owners, recommendations of veterinarians - everything clearly indicates that economy-class food should not be taken in any case! Such diet options do not contain many essential nutrients, they simply satisfy the animal's hunger and physically clog its stomach - that's it! Look at the composition of any economy feed: corn and bone meal make up 70-80% by weight. There is no question of any correct balance of nutrients.

The best reviews, of course, are on, but the usual premium is quite suitable - if you choose it correctly. In addition to the class, consider a few points:

  1. The breed of the dog. This is important, if only because it affects the size of the granules. For small breed dogs, the task of eating a bowl of shepherd food will be an impossible task. Good manufacturers usually offer different foods for different breeds, look for the one that suits your animal;
  2. Food packaging. Do not buy feed by weight! It is not known under what conditions they were stored and what kind of food they were. Sellers can replace an expensive product with a cheap one, pocketing the difference. And, even if this does not happen, the open bag of food is weathered, moisture gets into it ... Don't risk it;
  3. Feed manufacturer. Read reviews on the net, look for information, consult with veterinarians. Often it is not recommended to change the feed, so you make a choice for a long time - treat it responsibly.

Want to know how to choose healthy and tasty dog ​​food? Give us a call and our consultants will be happy to help you!

Every happy owner of a tiny puppy has often thought about the question: what to feed you now? After all, sometimes you really want to please your pet with something tasty, but a fair fear stops: will this harmless, at first glance, “yummy” damage the pet’s health? When thinking about your pet's diet, you need to constantly have before your eyes a list of natural products compiled by specialists and veterinarians. Most of the products on this list can be safely given to a dog without fear for its health. And if you choose the optimal diet for your four-legged baby, be sure to pay attention to several important points:

  1. New, previously untested foods should be introduced into the dog's diet gradually, one per day. This precaution is due to the fact that almost any product is perceived by dogs in completely different ways. Allergy, constipation, diarrhea can become a negative reaction to a new “dish”, so we introduce new products into the diet with caution.
  2. When compiling a menu for a pet, remember that he does not need variety. Much more important is a high-quality, balanced diet containing animal proteins and fats, vegetable fibers, minerals and vitamins.
  3. When preparing food for your pet at home, it is quite difficult to completely balance the composition, especially in terms of essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements, therefore, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, it is necessary to add special additives to the dog's food.

List of safe foods

From meat products, which should make up 50-70% of the total diet, small dogs can and should be given:

  • lamb;
  • lean chicken without skin;
  • beef;
  • beef offal such as heart, liver, tripe, kidneys;
  • seafood, in particular - lean fish (no more than three to five times a month);
  • egg yolk (no more than three to five times a month).

Before offering the dog meat, it must be scalded with boiling water, and the offal should be slightly boiled.

Fresh vegetables- one of the components of a balanced and healthy diet. The share of the following vegetables in the daily diet should be 10-15%:

  • carrot;
  • green pea;
  • zucchini and cucumbers;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage (with caution - causes increased gas formation);
  • beets (mainly given as a laxative for constipation);
  • Bell pepper.

In no case should you give potatoes and tomatoes, they not only give pronounced allergic reactions, but may also contain toxins that are dangerous for dogs.

From croup, making up about 10-15% of the diet, you can:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;

Wheat-based cereals containing a large amount of poorly digestible gluten (vegetable protein) are categorically contraindicated for dogs, especially small ones. Corn, which contains mainly starch, is also not recommended, since a large amount of starch easily leads small dogs to obesity and improper metabolism.

Berries and fruits do not get too carried away, but it is not forbidden to add them to the diet a little bit (no more than 5%). Exotic and rare fruits are strictly prohibited, but are allowed:

  • apricots;
  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • peaches.

Dairy products, best of all - intended for children (since the production of children's products is more strictly controlled by special supervisory authorities), you should choose with a small percentage of fat content (no more than three percent). You can give:

  • fermented baked milk;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese.

It is also worth bearing in mind that fermented milk products can cause allergies, so it must be given very carefully.
In addition to all of the above, from time to time you can add a few drops of olive oil or unrefined sunflower oil to food prepared for your pet.


If for some reason you cannot prepare a complete fresh meal for your dog on your own, now there is an alternative - MiniMi meat rolls. They contain everything your pet needs and are a complete, naturally balanced diet for small dogs. And most importantly, they do not contain any preservatives, and therefore have all the advantages of homemade food, without having its drawbacks. MiniMi meat rolls allow you to save time on long-term cooking for your dog, without losing the quality of this food, and spend time on joint games and walks, which is no less important for a dog.

A little humor on the topic of feeding)))

No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into gullies,
Well, and your puppy has grown up - imploringly on the table.
Put rich cabbage soup with a bone in a bowl
And throw salsa there, and a little sausage.
If he loves herring - do not refuse a friend!
Pasta with vermicelli and fatter stew.
And don't be greedy with oil! And don't snuggle with the pork!
For dessert, he - condensed milk and a little sweets,
And a little bit of marshmallow, and a little bit of cookies,
And it’s absolutely ugly to refuse him halva!

Special nutritionists and veterinarians have been successfully solving the problems of feeding pets for a long time. Special feeds have been developed with vitamins and many other very useful and vital components that our four-legged friends need.

All the main questions in this area have long been scientifically substantiated and practically tested.
And yet we make mistakes when feeding not only puppies, but also adult dogs.

Most often, our mistakes are caused by ignorance of the feeding needs and daily ration norms for the normal development of the animal, as well as non-compliance with the feeding regimen and, as a rule, overfeeding the dog. The main and most terrible evil that we do out of the kindness of our hearts is feeding dogs with products that we consider tasty for ourselves, people. We give both sugar and salt more than necessary, even servelat and salami. Does the dog need it?
If you decide to kill your puppy, then believe me, you are on the right track. And the most harmful thing for a puppy is the bones. Bones should not be given to the baby until the dental system has formed, but it is better not to give it at all - so the baby will not be able to hurt anything with a sharp edge.

The most basic rule that the dog breeder should know is that the daily feeding rate is directly dependent on the amount of physical activity that the dog has spent during this time.
With increased loads, the amount of food increases slightly, with reduced loads (the dog rests or sleeps more, walks less) - it slightly decreases compared to the usual daily diet.
The main indicator of proper feeding is the normal fatness of the dog with well-developed muscles. If your pet is healthy and is not characterized by increased activity for food (greed), which is quite rare, then he calmly moves away from his empty bowl. If the dog continues to lick (“drive”) the bowl (maybe even drag it to you), then he didn’t have enough food. You always need to remember:
An adult dog is fed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
The bowl is removed 10-15 minutes after the start of feeding, regardless of whether it is empty or full.
Fresh drinking water should be constantly available, especially when feeding dry food.

If your dog is losing weight, after consulting a veterinarian about his health, the total amount of food should be slightly increased.
The normal fatness of the dog is checked as follows. In the place where the dog's croup begins, the maklaki should be freely palpable, but not visually stand out. Otherwise, the dog will have excess fat. Obesity leads to disruption of the heart and shorten the life of your pet. Remember: we and only we ourselves either prolong or shorten their life.
Consult with a cynologist and, if your dog is healthy, but moves a little, take a walk with it more. Dogs take us for walks for a reason. See how they run and play! And they protect the figure and do exercises, and we?

Minerals are vital for both puppies and adult dogs.
Bone meal, calcium, phytin, glycerophosphate, mineral supplements, which include all the necessary components, play an important role in the formation of the backbone of puppies. You need to know and remember that for each breed, the amount of mineral supplement should be different. It is best to seek advice from any club with your breed section leader.
An overdose of a mineral supplement for a puppy can lead to fragility of the skeleton, which will probably be expressed in paw fractures. In an adult dog, excess mineral supplements are flushed out of the body.

An adult dog should receive raw meat, vegetables (preferably vegetable salads).

Boiled buckwheat, rice, sea or ocean fish. River fish must be boiled and separated from the bone.
Never give your dog a whole piece of meat, be sure to cut it into small pieces!

Meat should be fed to the dog only in the evening.
Absolutely exclude bird bones! Don't give bones to small dogs.

It is better to give special bones that are sold in pet stores - for brushing your teeth and mouth. When dieting, it is good to give boiled poultry meat, preferably quail.
A little vegetable oil or sour cream is added to vegetable salads (only a drop, low-fat sour cream and not mayonnaise!) For better digestibility of the "live" vitamins contained in them. It is advisable to add fruits, washed nettle and dandelion leaves to salads. In no case do not collect nettles and dandelions near the road.

There are a number of foods that should not be given to a dog at all.
All kinds of sweets: cakes, cakes, lump sugar, etc. cause watery eyes or suppuration of the eyes, and the normal functioning of the liver may also be disturbed.
A large amount of salt is poison for a dog (as well as for us). Therefore, the feed should be salted minimally or not salted at all. Any spices, spices and aromatic substances, even those contained in ordinary biscuits, can cause loss of smell, especially in hunting and service dogs.
It is strictly forbidden to give lamb and pork, given that raw pork most often contains the canine distemper virus (Pestis canum). Both of these types of meat cause indigestion. They are too heavy for the liver of dogs. Ideal beef.
You can not give legumes, cereals in their raw form, except for hercules. Dogs love raw potatoes, believe me: 1 small potato in one or two months will not hurt.
There are problems with milk. Susceptibility of dogs to milk sugar (lactose) is very limited. Milk can be given to a puppy up to 4 months of age.
Fermented milk products: kefir (except for fruit), cottage cheese and cheese are well absorbed by the dog's body.

The most common mistake! As soon as a puppy appears in your house, he must definitely understand that they won’t give him anything from the master’s table and that he needs to eat only from his bowl. The begging dog sits at the table all the time and looks at you with such eyes that a piece gets stuck in the throat. And when there are guests in the house ... There will definitely be a kind soul and give something tasty in its own, human understanding.
So decide whether to teach a puppy to beg. Feeding him correctly and in a timely manner is the most important thing. Of course, sometimes you can pamper yourself, for example, on your birthday!

Puppies eat very often. Immediately after birth, blind and helpless, they poke into the mother's belly, looking for the precious nipple with colostrum. Up to two months, puppies are fed 5-6 times a day, from two to four months - 4 times: from four to seven, like young dogs - 3-4 times. Adult dogs are fed 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, and in the heat - and 1 time, old dogs - 2-3 times a day.
Sometimes a dog may refuse food throughout the day. If you are sure that your pet is healthy, then you should not panic. Just your dog gave himself a fasting day! And he's right...

Before switching from one food to another, consider whether your dog needs it. If you decide that a change in food is needed, then consult with your dog handler or veterinarian. He will tell you which food to choose, and help control the painless transition from one type to another.
When using dry prepared food, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations so as not to cause digestive disorders in the dog. You need to be especially careful for the first 5-7 days. No other products can be added to such feeds: they already contain everything necessary for the full feeding of your dog. Remember that it is important not to overfeed your dog, especially in the early days of a new food.
Always make sure your dog has fresh drinking water. The dog must drink plenty!

The transition from natural foods (i.e. food prepared by you) to ready-made food (store-bought) and back should not be allowed to be too abrupt.
The process of transition from one type of feeding to another should take at least 10-14 days, because the dog's body needs to be rebuilt to assimilate new food.
Indeed, during this time, a microflora will form, which will allow you to digest an unusually new type of food well. This should happen gradually so as not to cause an imbalance in the digestive system, as a result of which the internal organs may suffer.
Within 10-14 days, you need to gradually increase the portion of the food that the dog goes to and reduce the amount of space from which the transition is made.
The same should be done when switching to another dry food (of another manufacturer). You need to pay special attention to ensure that the new type of food does not cause allergies in your dog.

When using special balanced feeds, there is no need to add mineral supplements or vitamins. They do not improve the health of the dog. Moreover, an overdose of vitamins can lead to serious consequences, and your best intentions will turn into a tragedy.
Please do not experiment on your own pet!
You can always turn to a veterinarian for advice or to any club to a cynologist - head of the section. Be attentive to the norms and regimen of feeding your dogs, to their well-being. Do not be lazy to consult with experts. Learn to understand your dog. Then your pet will be both healthy and happy.

11. Mixed food.
If you mix ready-made food and natural food, then an imbalance in the dog's body may occur. And this will lead to the fact that organs in the body will gradually begin to work poorly. As already mentioned, the process of transition from one type of feeding to another should take at least 10-14 days, because the dog's body needs to be rebuilt to assimilate new food.
Indeed, during this time, a microflora should form, which will allow you to digest an unusually new type of food well. This should happen gradually so as not to cause an imbalance in the digestive system, as a result of which the internal organs may suffer. And then not a single veterinarian will be able to figure out what is the cause of this or that ailment. Not just can not be mixed! It is also impossible to give different types of food in the morning and in the evening (i.e. in the morning - self-prepared, and in the evening - ready-made food). The most important thing is not just not to mix and not to give on the same day - not to feed different feeds at all!!!

12. Overfeeding.
Many dog ​​owners who have no experience feeding their dogs with ready-to-eat food may be surprised by the portion sizes offered by the food manufacturer.
Especially if the owner of the dog used to feed her with natural food prepared by him. The fact is that the visually required amount of natural food and ready-made food differs several times. Naturally, the compassionate owner himself increases the amount of ready-made feed.
This can lead to serious consequences for the health of the pet.

Some of the most common misconceptions according to Minaeva Svetlana (veterinarian):
All of the following is false!

- The cat must eat fish and drink milk,
- Dogs need bones
- Milk is a substitute for water,
- Dry food is a vitamin supplement for an animal,
- The best porridge for a dog is oatmeal,
- Animals should eat the same as their owners,
- A dog should eat only meat,
- Animals need a varied diet,
- The animal itself knows what and how much to eat.


NO BONES SHOULD BE GIVED TO DOGS!!! Bones can only be in the form of a delicacy specially produced for dogs, moreover, do not take it cheaper - they often turn out to be of poor quality. From beef "bones" you can, in extreme cases, give a knee joint - ONLY HIM !!!
Do not offer the baby "pickles" - this will only spoil him. Dogs feel very subtly when they begin to "blow in the ass" and they quickly begin to control their owners ... Please note that the dog quickly gets used to this position and it is very difficult to wean from it. You need to put food to the baby for 15 minutes. Did not eat (show off) - put in the refrigerator. Expose after a few hours - again for 15 minutes. Did not eat - remove again. Thus, you can even arrange fasting days - if the baby is mischievous and refuses to eat what is offered.
You need to feed your baby with a properly balanced diet. IMPORTANT!!! Do not feed puppies too hot or too cold food, as well as salty, sweet, bitter, smoked, spicy food. It is also strictly forbidden to give raw meat from the market, it is dangerous. Do not give sweets (chocolate is poison!).
You need to feed your baby with a properly balanced diet.

Since the domestication of animals, disputes about the proper feeding of animals have not subsided. The number of opinions has increased with the invention of dry food. There are both supporters and ardent opponents of such feeding. But both of them are united in one desire - to provide their beloved pet with high-quality and nutritious food. So that each vitamin is in its place, and that the food is tasty and eaten with pleasure by some especially picky furry people.

Can a cat eat meat?

Some owners believe that the dog should eat only raw meat, and the cat should eat fish and drink milk. This fairly well-established opinion is somewhat wrong. In muscle tissue, which is, for example, beef tenderloin, there are very few vitamins, but there is more than enough protein, and it is difficult to digest. With prolonged feeding of exclusively one meat, protein overfeeding and related problems can occur - allergies, disruption of the liver and kidneys. In nature, a cat can rarely catch and eat fish, and wild cats have never tasted cow's milk at all. Feeding only fish causes severe kidney disease in cats, and salts form in the bladder. A full-fledged menu for a cat can be considered a nimble mouse or a gaping sparrow, where all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as enzymes, will be present, since this prey is eaten along with feathers, bones and stomach contents. Plus fiber in the form of green grass for a snack. Naturally, even a very loving owner will not be able to provide such “food” at home.

Tasty and healthy

In order to make a complete correct diet from natural products, it is necessary to add boiled cereals to meat (rice, buckwheat as the most digestible), vegetables, dairy products (kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese), a spoonful of sunflower oil and do not forget about mineral dressing. Moreover, such food should be only for your pet, and not prepared for our dinner and suitable in composition. Leftover food from the table contains too much sugar, salt, fat, spices and other ingredients that can even be hazardous to animal health. Some foods can cause very serious diseases - for example, chocolate is contraindicated for dogs, and onions for cats. From the abundance of sweet and starchy foods, obesity and heart disease begin. Bones, especially chicken bones, provoke constipation, and sharp fragments can pierce the delicate wall of the intestines and stomach.

Dry food or natural?

Other owners consider feeding natural foods a thing of the past and prefer only artificial, dry or wet foods. Feeding such foods also has its advantages. No need to pick up a lot of ingredients yourself, ready-made food reduces the time for feeding - you just need to open the package and pour it into a bowl. Such food is convenient on the road and in the country. Half-eaten or left dry balls will not spoil quickly. Opponents of "artificial" feeding argue that dry food cannot be healthy food. Both of them are partly right.

First you need to still understand what artificial (sublimated) food is. For the first time, freeze-dried dog food was invented in England back in 1860 - then the first dog biscuits appeared. Since then, pet food has been constantly improved. Today there are more than 250 varieties of feed! According to the consistency of the feed, they are divided into dry (moisture content not more than 10%) and wet (70-80% moisture). According to the quality of the feed, there are professional or otherwise premium and custom or economy class. There are also special therapeutic diets that are prescribed by a veterinarian in combination with treatment; they cannot be fed to healthy animals. Feeds of different classes, as a rule, vary greatly in price. Professional feeds are made from high-quality raw materials, these are chicken, turkey or lamb meat, eggs (a source of protein with a high biological value), rice is the most complete and easily digestible type of grain, beet pulp is the best source of fiber. High-quality fats are stabilized by vitamin E. Their components are easier to digest (total digestibility >83%) and have a higher nutritional value. These foods are the least likely to cause an allergic reaction. In addition, professional feeds differ in composition depending on who they are intended for. For example, the carbohydrate content of a large dog food will be very different from that of a kitten food. In addition to the type and size of the animal, when choosing food, it is necessary to take into account the age, breed, physical activity, and the physiological state of the animal (pregnancy, lactation, old age, etc.).

Economy class feeds are inferior in quality to professional ones, but they win in price. These feeds do not have strict divisions into groups of animals. In their manufacture, by-products are used - lungs, stomachs, liver, etc., as well as dyes, flavors and heavy fats. The right ratio of vitamins and minerals is obtained through artificial additives.

A prerequisite for “dry” feeding with food of any class is a bowl of clean water. All feeds cannot be mixed with natural food; an excess of one or another nutritional component is obtained. Do not feed a small dog cat food and vice versa. Abrupt transitions from one type of food to another can cause indigestion. Each food package has a daily allowance table. Do not give more than what is recommended. If you do not follow these simple rules, then all sorts of negative consequences can arise in the form of allergies, obesity, indigestion, etc. That's when there is talk about the dangers of artificial feed.

Do not feed the parrot with sausage, and the turtle with oranges!

If you have a small nimble hamster, a talkative parrot or a phlegmatic turtle, then the issue of proper feeding should not be neglected either. All animals quickly adopt the habits and tastes of their owners. And if your parrot tried fried chicken from your plate, then you should not be enthusiastic about this and think that the bird itself knows what is good for her. Birds are granivorous animals. In nature, they do not eat sausages and sausages. Such food will quickly lead the feathered gourmet to death. The main diet of parrots, canaries and finches should consist of millet, oats, canary seed, rapeseed, wheat and other grains. For each species of birds, the ratio of components may be different. For birds, there are also ready-made feeds. As in the manufacture of dog and cat food, the composition of the bird food takes into account the size of the bird (huge macaw or small finches), the characteristics of their nutrition in nature (food for large parrots contains more nuts and grains with a high fat content), vitamin and mineral requirements (when molting, incubating eggs or feeding chicks).

For every dog ​​owner, the issue of feeding an animal is far from being idle. What and how to properly feed a pet from the first days when he was “adopted into the family”?

The range of ready-made dog food is quite large. Manufacturers offer a variety of types of dry food and canned meat, taking into account all the characteristics of the animal. The only thing left for the owner is the problem of choice.

What is the best food and what do veterinarians say about it? Let's find out...

Ready-made feed mixtures and canned food for animals

Feed rating by points from 1 to 100 in different categories and prices

0 to 10 points. This category of feed is not cheap, but in terms of quality and safety for animals, it is the worst. The ingredients are waste from the processing of carcasses of livestock and poultry, plus the presence of indigestible additives and drugs. For owners, this is the best way to get rid of an unfortunate animal and quite quickly.

  1. "Kiteket" - according to nutritionists and veterinarians - 1 point
  2. "Chappie" - 1
  3. "Pedigree" - 3
  4. "Whiskas" - 3

10 to 25 points. In the "meat" feeds of this category, there is anything but meat - this justifies the low cost of this product. Most often, the composition is waste from meat processing, giblets, cheap cereals, bran. They have never heard of vitamins here at all, although in most cases they are stated on the packaging. Of course, food for animals in this category is not so dangerous for their life, but they definitely will not add health. In the absence of the best, the animal's body gets used to this feeding, and with a clear lack of vitamins in their diet, the animals themselves find them or “save” them in their liver.

  1. "Meal" - 13 points
  2. "Vaska" - 15
  3. "Max" - 22

25 to 50 points. Very economical food of low quality. It contains extremely low-use ingredients, vitamins and protein, and besides, they are poorly balanced. It is suitable for unpretentious animals that do not have genetic health problems. With extreme caution, young animals should be fed with this food, and it is better to completely exclude its use at least until the age of two.

50 to 75 points. This is a category of inexpensive feed of satisfactory quality, but poor in vitamins. For the most part, dogs do well on this diet if the intake is increased and additional servings of fortified supplements are introduced. The financial savings here are very relative, since you still have to buy the necessary components. The owner is a gentleman, as they say ...

  1. "Purina" - 60 points
  2. "Sheba" - 67
  3. "Gourmet" - in different forms from 55 to 65
  4. "Doctor Alders" - from 50 to 70
  5. "Jimpet" - 72
  6. "Doctor Alders Nature Coast" - 75

75 to 90 points. Feed category with good performance. If animals accept this food well, then it makes no sense to move to a higher and more expensive category. The composition of the ingredients is balanced and as close as possible to that stated on the package. Does not require additional vitamin supplements and does not cause allergic reactions.

90 to 100 points. The best, highest category of feed. Food is developed according to the most modern technologies. It is perfectly balanced, of excellent quality, contains a maximum of useful components for our smaller brothers. Despite the high price, this diet is very economical, as a relatively small portion gives the animal everything it needs for a healthy and active life.

  1. "Yams" - 93 points
  2. "Eagle Pack" - 95
  3. Bosch - 95
  4. "Eukanuba" - 99
  5. "Hills" - 100
  6. "Nutro Choice" - 100

The Best Dog Foods According to Veterinarians

All varieties of ready-made dog food can be classified into three main groups - economy class, premium class and super premium class. Of the categories that were presented above, for obvious reasons, pet food of 50 rating points and above is recommended. But this does not mean at all that the food in the economy class is all completely poisonous, just as the elite super-premium class is not suitable for all dogs. Do not forget that each animal has different needs and characteristics of the body.

Dry food

Questions about choosing the best dry dog ​​food are answered by private practicing veterinarian L. Rudnitskaya, St. Petersburg:

If you decide to buy food on the advice of friends, you should first look at its composition, which should be indicated on the package. The largest amount of animal protein indicates the high quality of this feed. Note! If grains are listed first on the ingredient list, say corn, then that meal can be classified as an economy class meal. Corn is a good volumetric filler that gives the dog the illusion of satiety, but does not have a great energy value, and is poorly digested.

Top feed categories are better absorbed by the animal's body and are well digested, so the daily dose of such a diet is less, but better. Fatty acids, glucosamine, probiotics, chondroitin must be present in the premium and super-premium food categories. The number of these useful components is greater, the higher the category of the feed mixture.

If the list of ingredients contains odor simulants, food coloring or artificial preservatives, this indicates that the food is of poor quality. All these substances can significantly undermine the health of the dog! Carcinogens disrupt the normal functioning of the kidneys and liver, cause anemia, food allergies, itchy skin and other unpleasant symptoms.

Super premium food enriched with natural antioxidants, vitamins, herbs. In fairness, it must be said that by-products are also components in the highest categories of feed, for example, the heart or liver of poultry and cattle. But offal such as intestines, trimmings, feathers, lungs are contained exclusively in the economy class category.

It happens that even the most expensive food is not suitable for a dog. This does not mean that there are a lot of non-natural ingredients in the feed, just one of the components causes an allergic reaction or intolerance in this particular animal. In this case, you need to choose “your” food for the dog or switch to a straight dog ...

Newly introduced food in the Holistic class which means "whole". This food may contain from 3 to 4 meat ingredients of the Human Grade category, which are also suitable for the human diet. The basis of such a well-balanced diet is meat, vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, as well as fatty acids, prebiotics, probiotics, beneficial digestive enzymes and a vitamin complex. Such a diet is extremely useful for animals and does not cause painful symptoms. These are brands of food - Acana, Earthborn, Orijen, Go Natural, Earthborn ...

Wet food, canned meat

Wet dog food or canned meat - favorite food for four-legged animals. All types of this category of food for dogs can be divided into the following types:

  • Basic, everyday food;
  • In the form of treats (meat delicacies);
  • Food for treatment.

The main food should contain all the necessary substances that must be replenished in the dog's body every day. This meat and vegetable products, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Such food should not be mixed with food from another brand in order to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of medicated feed is carried out mainly as prescribed by a nutritionist or veterinarian. If the dog has health problems or disorders associated with age, previous diseases and pathologies, this is an opportunity to carry out prevention, treatment and feeding "in one bowl" without any problems.

Some helpful tips from veterinarians, breeders and dog owners!

So, if the decision to feed a pet with canned food has already been made, then food in the premium and super-premium categories is recommended. These foods are naturally balanced, safe for dogs and contain ingredients to keep them healthy.

Required at the time of purchase pay attention to the following points:

According to veterinarians, the best feeds in the premium and super premium categories include the following brands: ROYAL CANIN, BOSCH, BELCANDO, GIMBORN SHINY DOG, dr. ALDERS, HILLs PD k/d, YARRAH, MERRICK, OSCAR, EXI, HAPPY DOG, POILUX, ANIMONDA and other foods of this line…

It is worth noting that canned food are better absorbed by the animal's body than, say, dry or not always full-fledged natural. They are very well thought out and contain all the necessary elements of everyday dog ​​nutrition.



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