Development of your inner strength. How to develop inner strength for negotiations How to discover inner strength in yourself

Before I talk about inner strength, I will give a small example for a better understanding.




Suppose a person bought some product, he did not like it, or moreover, it turned out to be expired. So, this man came to the store to return his money. If his inner strength is weak, then his desire to return the money, he will simply be sent to hell. And if he has enough inner strength, then the store will decide that it is better not to mess with this person and will do as he wants.

There are people who can get what they need by their very appearance. In addition to this, in order to get what they want, they can use a menacing voice. In this regard, people can be classified according to their inner strength.

There are 3 types of people:

Tyson Man. Holds a punch well and can bite if desired.

Rag Man. Get used to being okay with what you have. It can easily be smeared on the floor.

Owl Man. Calm, not fussy, prudent. Our person.

Inner strength must be developed. It is an excellent and very effective negotiating tool.

Several features of the development of internal strength

It is important to behave calmly, not forgetting about the principle of work and work.

Calm look: Maintain eye contact with the interlocutor.

Calm movements: without fear, uncertainty and fuss.

Calm and slow speech It is important not to rush to say everything faster. It is essential to pause, speak clearly and maintain sufficient volume.

If you follow a few of these points, then people will begin to feel your inner strength and will treat you in a completely different way.

If you stand at a busy intersection, you can easily identify a person with a strong inner core.

This can be seen immediately - by gait, clothing, look, movements, facial expressions, voice.

But the main difference between these people is thatwhat are they set themselves larger goals. And reach them faster.

So if you want to become successful in life, develop your inner strength. Here 10 ways.

Your body + Appearance

Make a beautiful hairstyle. Spend money on fancy clothes. Pump up your muscles. The pumped up body speaks for itself.

As well as being overweight. If you have it, start losing weight.

Changing your appearance is the fastest way to boost your self-esteem.

Engage in a healthy lifestyle, raising vital energy.

These videos will help you.

Find your hero

A person who for you is a symbol of strength and self-confidence and try to copy him.

Appearance, demeanor, gestures. Take EVERYTHING you like about it and build it into yourself. If you need something for this to develop in yourself - do it.

You can use different traits from different people. At the initial stage, the strategy of imitation quickly helps to become better.


Try something new. Say yes to new opportunities. Do what others don't or no one does. Get out of your comfort zone. Strive for more. Don't give yourself up to anything. Any experience helps you in personal development.

Create your Guinness book

Personal records always make you stronger. Just start learning what you are capable of here and now and keep track of your achievements. Try to set one record every day. This will help you gain strength faster.

Set a small goal for yourself every day and work towards it.

Any day without achievements makes you weaker.

Therefore, set yourself a simple goal for the day and achieve it.

The level of the goal is not important - run 10 km or restore order.

It is important that 365 times a year you set a goal for yourself and achieve it at the end of the day.

Over time, increase the level and number of goals per day. This is the only way to become a leader for yourself and others.

Walk towards your fears

Every time you don't do something out of fear, your inner strength decreases.

But overcoming fear accelerates the self-improvement of your personality. So use the ways to cope with fear from this video.

Keep developing your brain

Read for 15 minutes every day. Autobiographies of successful people are best suited.

Sign up for trainings, communicate with interesting people, decide everything in your mind. You will find 10 more ways to become smarter in this video.

A clear, loud voice is an integral part of inner strength. Read aloud more - loudly and with expression. Communicate more often with different people on any topic. Try to express your thoughts out loud when no one is listening to you. Watch the TV presenters and try to imitate them with the same intonations.

Set a big but easily achievable goal and achieve it

For example, run a marathon.

I'm sure you can do it right now. If I gave you a million dollars, you would start without hesitation. It's all about motivation.

If you don't want a marathon, skydive or read 30 personal growth books in a month.

The main thing is that the goal is big, but easily achievable.

So that you do not have to put years of your life into its implementation.

Remove what makes you specifically weaker

You know yourself best. What reduces your inner strength? Make this list and start removing it from your life.

In fact, any personal growth will help you become a person with a capital letter. This is what my entire channel is about.

The introduction of any video will help you develop your inner strength. Take action.

But the state of your health affects the inner strength the most. Find out how to get it back here.

It is not only his protection, but also a way to find happiness, joy, the meaning of life.

Why does one always manage to carry out his plans, while the other has many obstacles? Someone finds a lot of reasons to abandon their plans, someone starts to act, and then quits, finding many excuses. But there are also people who, having conceived something, bring it to the end.

Human strength is an important condition for the successful implementation and completion of the intended goals. If it is present, any undertakings will become successful, otherwise there will always be some obstacles.

The lack of vitality is reflected in the quality of our life, and neither water nor food can make up for it. The vital forces of a person, which is the totality of the nervous and, contribute to our harmonious development and existence.

What powers does a person need?

Physical strength is very important for any undertakings. A healthy working person can do a lot.

How to develop physical strength

This will help with any kind of sport. The main thing is that the loads are regular. In addition, you need proper nutrition.

It has been proven that the power of faith can have a specific physiological effect on a person. For example, when tablets that do not contain any active substances work better than real drugs due to a person’s confidence in their healing properties. The mind, waiting for healing, initiates physiological processes that help restore health.

What are our thoughts capable of?

According to many modern researchers, human thought is a material phenomenon - energy. It has been proven that at the moment of strong emotions, the thoughts that come into our heads throw vibrations into the surrounding space, which can affect the course of events. That is, with a strong desire, there is a chance that the plan will come true. And for a greater effect, you need to learn how to use the power of thought, visualizing what you want.

How does the power of thought work?

Thoughts that are constantly present in a person’s head become his beliefs, which, forming internal images in our brain, thereby materialize the objects of dreams.

Thought can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to control your thoughts and not wish harm to others. The power of a person's thought, having punished the offender, can return to the owner with the opposite effect.

We can attract more than just good things. For example, as soon as thoughts of self-doubt arise, and this immediately undermines our faith in our strength, we step back. Unfortunately, a person is more inclined to believe negative thoughts. Therefore, you should not get hung up on them, it can move us away from the intended goal.

Where are our powers going?

Unfortunately, we waste a lot of vitality. The strength of a person, his energy is spent on outbreaks of both negative and depression, self-flagellation, criticism of both others and himself.

No less energy is spent on unnecessary chatter. No wonder we feel devastated after heated arguments. In addition, endless internal dialogues are a waste of energy.

Motor energy is hindered by which arise from a sedentary lifestyle, heavy loads. Removing bodily clamps, we influence the psyche, harmonizing it.

How can you replenish lost strength?

The most effective remedy is a full sleep, as well as various types of massage and thermal procedures. This cleanses internally and externally: toxins are removed, fatigue is relieved, a boost of energy appears.

In addition to rest for the body, rest is also necessary for the soul, which will bring peace and harmony. This is facilitated by music, dancing, walking, art. Traveling and new experiences are very useful. It is important to remember what brings you pleasure and makes you happy, and turn to it more often. A person who lives to the fullest, does something that requires knowledge and skill, feels joy.

In addition, it is necessary to try to identify the sources of fatigue and realize your own level of satisfaction with life. Most often, the lack of internal strength causes mental tension and resistance.

To gain strength, you need to make an effort and spend a lot of time. Do not think that this will happen immediately, you need to work on yourself all your life.

In order to overcome life's difficulties and achieve success, a person needs inner strength. But it often happens that in the face of a problem, we become completely helpless. How to get out of this state, gain strength and overcome difficulties - this will be discussed in this article.

Inner strength will not leave you in trouble. When difficulties overtook you, in no case, do not give up, but rather rush into them with your head, fight, and it is at this moment that forces will come to you that seemed to be running out. You don't have to stand by while your life crumbles before your eyes. By solving problems, one by one, you become stronger.

Manage your emotions

Your emotions are a huge charge of energy, and only you decide in which direction to direct it. First of all, you need to learn to be aware of emotions. If you experience irritation, anger, resentment, you must remember that they are destructive in themselves. These emotions should be aimed at solving problems, and in no case are they suppressed inside you and not thrown out onto the people around you. Emotions such as joy, happiness, love are creative in nature, they help well in releasing creative potential.

Deal with fear

A strong person must be able to cope with his fear. It is subject to any person. You must stop being a slave to fear. This does not mean that now you will not be afraid of anyone or anything, you will simply control the situation, and fear will become your ally, which will warn you against mistakes and dangers.

Positive thinking and optimism

Optimism and positive thinking gives rise to your inner strength. These are not just words, they really work. If you think positively about a situation, then you automatically discover the power within you to deal with it. You will not even understand how everything happened by itself, being on a wave of optimism. If you are a person who is doing poorly, then no matter how hard you try, you will fail, there will be no strength to cope with the situation, but did you think so?!

Second wind - have you heard of this?

Let us give an example familiar to everyone - an athlete is approaching the finish line and, it would seem, he no longer has any strength to run, but then suddenly he seems to have a “second wind” and now he is already at the goal. The funny thing is that this practice works in everyday life in the same way. If you develop perseverance and perseverance in yourself, in spite of everything you do not give up (in solving problems, in achieving success, in love, in a career, etc.), you will discover a source of inner strength. You will be surprised when you see what you are capable of. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths. Every person is capable of this. With your intent, you will open up backup sources. But once you decide to give up, then so be it. Everyone receives according to their faith.

Willpower is a great help in gaining inner strength. The more effort you put in, the more results you get. Sports are a great example of this. Overcoming reluctance, laziness, pain, you get up from the couch again and go to work, increasing the load. Volitional efforts help develop inner strength.

Forge the iron...

No need to delay. People who like to postpone all their affairs until later, on Monday, the next year, lose inner strength due to their procrastination. The inner strength dries up because they neutralize the energy that it carries in itself. Fight this bad habit of putting things off until later.

Choose the right people

Have you heard anything about people - energy vampires? When communicating with such people, you, unnoticed by yourself, lose strength and energy. You need to be a little knowledgeable about the energy interaction of people if you do not want to waste your strength. It is better to avoid such people or minimize contact with them. Do not be afraid to be tough, think about what is more important to you.

stress tolerance

Develop stress tolerance. Realize that when you don't manage your emotions, you are wasting your energy. Stress resistance can and should be trained, so you gain inner strength.

Time to rest

Most importantly, strength is a renewable resource. It is always necessary to find time for rest. Rest is an integral part of our life. Not only the body needs rest, but also the soul and mind. In order not to deplete your energy to a minimum, find time for rest.

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Ecology of life. Health: According to legend, Bodhidharma passed on the “Basic of Muscle Transformation” (I Jin Jing). His system included static and dynamic exercises. As for static exercises,

Description of the complex of exercises

According to legend, “The basis of muscle transformation” ( And ching ching ) narrated by Bodhidharma. According to legend, Venerable Damo arrived in the East from India and settled in the Shaolin Monastery. There he taught Mahayana "cultivation through contemplation" and became the first Ch'an patriarch to come to the East (according to Indian reckoning, he was the 28th patriarch). He found that his novices were in very poor health and therefore created this qigong exercise, which helped to improve the physical condition of the monks.

His system included static and dynamic exercises. As for static exercises, over time, when passed down from generation to generation, they gradually lost their original appearance. Subsequent patriarchs paid more attention to spreading the Mahayana teachings than to physical exercise.

The Canon of Tendon Change designed to increase inner strength (both physical and spiritual) through the cleansing, strengthening and transformation of the “tendon canals”.

The "Foreword to the Genuine Treatise of the Yijin Jing" describes the successes brought by continued practice:

… I asked what was the use of it.

He said:

- the ability to drive away diseases - once,

- never get sick - two,

- all my life to be strong - three,

- do not be afraid of hunger and cold - four,

- more masculine qualities, intelligence and beauty - five,

- hundreds of victories in bed fights - six,

- the ability to get a pearl out of troubled water - seven,

- the ability to meet any attack without fear - eight,

- success in work without delay is nine.

But these are all small benefits. Using this as a basis for entering the Tao of Buddhahood is the ultimate goal.”.

A set of exercises for changing tendons belongs to the category of “hard qigong” and in essence it is a method of “great orbit” (successive passage of qi through all the meridians of the body), based on controlling the movement of energy with the help of body tension.

In each exercise, one should consistently increase the tension of the tendons while simultaneously relaxing the muscles - "use thought, not force."

For the first two or three weeks, a beginner in practice after completing the complex may feel tired and weak - there is a “loss of old strength”. Then the “accumulation of a new one” begins, and after each workout, an increase in strength and activity is felt.

In the complex, you should move from one exercise to another, without stopping and without dropping the fullness of qi. Each exercise should be performed for a number of breaths that is a multiple of nine - from nine at first to eighty-one in the completed practice. We keep our breathing even and, if possible, slowed down, inhalations and exhalations of equal duration. You should not accelerate progress and give yourself an excessive load - it still will not work. The growth of inner strength should be natural, like a growing tree.

The exercises use the following palm shape: four fingers are straightened and pressed against each other, the thumb is set aside so that the hukou area (the membrane between the thumb and forefinger) is stretched and the center of the palm is somewhat concave. If during practice one finger does not hold the load and moves away from the rest, this is due to the weakness of the corresponding organ and is corrected by continuing training.

Sequence of exercises

Warming up the dan tian

Placing the palms with the centers opposite the dan tian, the right hand on top (for women, vice versa), perform 36 rubbing movements in a clockwise direction. Then swap palms and do 24 rotations in the opposite direction. The sensation of stirring and warming should be achieved in the depths of the abdomen, in the Dan Tian region, and not on the surface of the skin.
Standing as a pillar

Throughout the exercise, the position and condition of the pillar work remains unchanged. In order to avoid “losing old teeth”, the teeth are closed with some effort. The saliva that accumulates in the mouth is swallowed and “immersed in the dan tian” during transitions between exercises.

1. Clenching fists

Clench your hands into fists, bend your thumbs and touch your thighs. While inhaling, clench your fists more strongly, while exhaling, “fill” them, at the same time pulling your thumbs up as high as possible. The shoulders remain relaxed.

2. Palm pressure

Place your palms parallel to the floor, fingers straight out to the sides. While inhaling, we pull the fingertips towards ourselves, while exhaling we press down with the base of the palms. The armpits should remain “empty”, the fingers should not be bent.

3. Pressing palms forward

The palms are placed in front of the face, as if pushing the obstacle away from themselves, while the thumbs and forefingers touch in pairs, forming a triangle. The gaze is directed to the center of this triangle. While inhaling, stretch your fingers, while exhaling, press in front of you, “lengthening your arms”. It is very important to keep your back bearish by avoiding the shoulder blades pulling together.

4. Support with palms to the sides

Spread your arms out to the sides at shoulder level, palms up. On each breath, extend your fingers to the sides, with each exhalation, increase the feeling of a large load lying on the palms. Keep your shoulders down and your arms outstretched.

5. Breeding elbows

This is the first of two dynamic exercises in the complex. Both palms close in front of the chest, thumbs touch the body, the other four are turned straight up. Elbows raised horizontally (to a position where a cup can be placed on them). While inhaling, stretch the elbows to the sides, but not behind the back. As you exhale, bring your palms together with effort and press them against each other. Each subsequent abduction of the elbows is a little further. We avoid bringing the shoulder blades together by stretching the back along with the elbows.

6. Wall repulsion

We spread our arms to the sides at shoulder level with palms pointing away from us. We pull our fingers on ourselves as we inhale and push with the bases of the palms as we exhale, as if pushing the walls of an imaginary corridor. The shoulders should remain lowered and the arms extended.

7. Maintaining the sky

Raising your hands above your head, connect your thumbs and forefingers in a triangle, look at the center of this triangle. Stretch as you inhale and push the sky above you with your palms as you exhale. It is important that the back remains straight, without deflection and the arms are exactly above you - creating a strictly vertical force from the support to the sky.

8. Tilts with exhalations and inhalations

From the standing position, completely relax your arms, avoiding the slightest tension. As you exhale, bend down at the waist, lowering your hands to the ground. While inhaling, rise to the starting position, “pulling out” relaxed arms with the help of the lower back. Each next slope should be a little deeper. The back, with the exception of the lower back, should remain straight and not change. We do not use the respiratory muscles - descending, the body compresses the stomach and pushes the air out, rising - it stretches and draws in.

Self massage

After the previous exercises, we massage the body, removing any enslavement. First, the arms, from the palms to the shoulders, then the face, body and legs. Please note that massage should not cause a feeling of “erasing”, but a feeling of returning energy to the body.
Standing as a pillar

A few minutes of standing like a pillar to “assimilate” the new energy. published

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