At what pressure is magnesia pricked. Magnesia intramuscularly and intravenously from pressure

Instructions for the use of magnesia, what types of medicines exist, in what states of aggregation it is, how and in what cases it should be used, how to make injections. That's what this article is about.

Magnesium sulfate (Magnesium sulfuricum)

Magnesium sulfate is a crystalline powder.

May be available as a powder, tablet, or solution for injection. The therapeutic effect is manifested depending on the method of application.

The taste is bitterly salty. As a chemical product, it is a magnesium salt of sulfuric acid.

Instructions for use

When taken orally (ingestion), magnesium sulfate has the following effects:

  • Choleretic.
  • Laxative.
  • Acts as an antidote for poisoning with mercury, arsenic and other salts of heavy metals.
  • As an anthelmintic.

To take the drug from the powder, you need to make a suspension!


  • For choleretic action

A sachet of the substance (10–25 g) is dissolved in 100 ml of water. Apply 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, preferably before meals.

  • For a laxative

Magnesia in the amount of 20 - 30 g is poured into 100 ml of water. Mix thoroughly and drink. It is taken on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals), but it is allowed to use the suspension at night.

  • Antidote

In case of poisoning with arsenic, mercury, copper (heavy metal salts) they act differently:

  1. Take a 1% solution of magnesium sulfate and wash the stomach with it.
  2. Make a suspension (20 g per 200 ml of water) and take it orally.
  • Anthelmintic

At night, drink magnesia in the amount of 2 tbsp. l.

  • Magnesia tablets are used 2 pcs 2 times a day. You can take 4 tablets at the same time in the evening.

Do not use magnesium sulfate without a doctor's prescription! This can lead to irritation of the stomach lining.

Magnesia sulfate tablets: instructions for use

The medicine in tablets is a preparation containing, in addition to magnesium, B vitamins (B1, B3, B6).


  • Relieves seizures.
  • Increases muscle strength.
  • Helps the body to recover from illnesses.

Magnesia sulfate in ampoules: instructions for use

The drug can be administered intramuscularly and intravenously. Rarely administered intramuscularly. A very painful infusion and sometimes results in an infiltrate.


With parenteral (in the form of injections) administration:

  • It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, reducing arousal.
  • Acts as an anticonvulsant and antispasmodic.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Depending on the dose, it has a sedative, hypnotic or narcotic effect.

25% magnesium sulfate solution is called magnesium sulfate


  • Eclampsia
  • epileptic state
  • Tetanus
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Tumors, trauma, brain surgery
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts
  • Prevention of arrhythmias during myocardial infarction

The use of drugs for high blood pressure

The drug is an "ambulance" for people who have a sharp rise in blood pressure. It is this drug that is called "hot injection". It should be noted that it helps only with intravenous or intramuscular administration.


  • Expands the coronary arteries
  • Removes vascular spasm
  • Normalizes the rhythm of the heart
  • Has a diuretic effect

The doctor calculates the dosage.

Use of magnesium during pregnancy

When prescribing magnesia, the doctor is guided by the condition of the mother and child.


  1. Increased uterine tone
  2. Arterial hypertension
  3. convulsions
  4. Edema

These dangerous conditions can lead to hemorrhage, placental abruption and miscarriage.

The use of the drug in the first trimester is prohibited.

Treatment of pregnant women with magnesium sulfate is carried out only in a hospital. The dose, frequency of use is decided by the doctor.

Instructions for use for children

Children are allowed to use magnesia sulfate in the following cases

  1. As a laxative
  2. Relief of seizures

Application, dosage

  • As a laxative, it is prescribed in powder form. The dosage of the powder is simple: 1 g for 1 year. That is, if the child is 5 years old, then the dosage of the powder is 5 g.
  • To relieve seizures is used once. The dosage of a 20% solution is taken in an amount of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight.

How to give magnesia injections intramuscularly

Injections for the introduction of magnesia are no different from other intramuscular injections, but there are some features.

Magnesia sulfate injection technology

  • Select a syringe and insert into it thin and long needle.
  • We disinfect the injection site.
  • Let's warm the medicine by holding it in a fist.
  • We insert the needle to the full length, all the way.
  • We inject the medicine very slowly.
  • After the injection, it is recommended not to get up for up to 15 minutes.

Do not perform intramuscular and intravenous procedures on your own! Side effects are not excluded.

Magnesia sulfate contraindications

  • cachexia
  • Hypotension
  • Do not prescribe inside for acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

With parenteral administration, respiratory arrest, nausea, colic, polyuria are possible; exacerbation of inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

The price of magnesium sulfate depends on the dosage, on the form of the drug and ranges from 3 to 50 rubles.

The article is given in terms of information. Before use, consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate!

Now there is a discount. The drug can be obtained for 197 rubles.

Magnesia is often prescribed during pregnancy, with high blood pressure. This remedy has many other positive actions, its indications are extensive.

Magnesia - effect on the body

Magnesium sulfate, or Magnesia - mineral salt, preparation based on magnesium salt of sulfuric acid. The medicine has another name - Epsom salt, it is available in different forms. The drug in ampoules or vials is intended for intravenous administration or droppers, intramuscularly it is used much less frequently. Price - 20-70 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. In the composition per 1 ml:

It is also sold in pharmacies, which is used after dilution with water as a laxative. With the help of powders, you can make dubage to cleanse the gallbladder and intestines. The price of powders is 25-150 rubles.

Magnesia for injections is a powerful vasodilator.

When administered parenterally, the drug has a variety of beneficial effects. It relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus, so it is often prescribed for its increased tone in the early stages of pregnancy. Other actions of the drug:

Magnesia injections help in the regulation of metabolism in the body, reduces nervous excitability. Due to the relaxation of blood vessels, high pressure decreases, while urine output (diuresis) increases. Antiarrhythmic action is achieved by reducing the excitability of cardiomyocytes and optimizing the ionic balance.

The use of the drug in large doses is not permissible - it suppresses the respiratory center, inhibits neuromuscular transmission. It also acts as a calcium antagonist, displacing it from the binding zones. If you take Magnesia in powder or inject in injections, it will serve as an antidote during heavy metal poisoning.

Indications of the drug

The medicine is widely used in gynecology and obstetrics, neurology, gastroenterology. Droppers with magnesium sulfate are recommended for pregnant women both in the first trimester to prevent miscarriage, and in the later stages. In the latter case, the indication is the threat of premature birth, increased uterine tone, preeclampsia, eclampsia, high blood pressure.

For children, Magnesia is often prescribed as a solution for electrophoresis on the collar zone - to improve venous outflow.

The drug is in great demand among neurological patients. Due to the relaxation of blood vessels, the elimination of their hypertonicity and the removal of excess fluid from the tissues.

Indications for the use of Magnesia intravenously are as follows:

Magnesia is dripped for various types of ventricular arrhythmias, especially those associated with potassium and magnesium deficiency. Gastroenterologists recommend medicine for gallbladder pathologies - inflection, dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis. In bronchial asthma, the drug may also be indicated to stop bronchial spasms. Among other things, indications for the use of Magnesia in injections are associated with urinary retention, edema, mercury and lead poisoning. A dropper or injections are given to patients with a hypertensive crisis. At home, they often take baths with Magnesia for weight loss.

Magnesia contraindications

The medicine has contraindications, in which it is prohibited to use it. Do not administer magnesium sulfate if you have an arrhythmia with a slow heart rate (bradycardia) or heart block. In hypotension, the agent will cause an even greater drop in pressure, although therapy under the supervision of a physician is acceptable for moderate degrees of hypotension.

The tool is contraindicated in most types of cancer due to unpredictable effects on the body. Magnesia can harm during breastfeeding, with respiratory disorders due to the risk of inhibition of the respiratory center. Other contraindications are:

With dehydration, the drug is also not put - it will cause even more dehydration due to the diuretic effect. For taking powders inside, a contraindication is intestinal obstruction of any genesis. In the first trimester, the drug is placed only for health reasons within the walls of a medical institution. It is forbidden to put Magnesia immediately before childbirth (3 hours before).

Instructions for use

Only a medical professional can correctly administer the medicine. How much and in what mode to put magnesium sulfate, the doctor decides. For course administration, doses are selected taking into account the composition of the blood and the content of magnesium in it.

The solution from the ampoules does not require dilution, it is ready for injection into a vein. To make a dropper, a glucose solution, saline solution is added. The course is 1-10 procedures.

The introduction of Magnesia into the muscle is almost never practiced due to severe pain.

A single dose of the drug is usually equal to 1 ampoule of 250 mg of the main substance, but in acute cases, a larger amount of the drug is administered by drip:

Inside the powder solution is taken 1 pack (30 g) in 100 ml of warm water, the maximum amount per day is 2 powders. For probing, a 25% solution is injected through a probe into the duodenum in an amount of 50 ml.

Side effects of Magnesia

During the introduction of the drug into a vein or the setting of a dropper, various unpleasant sensations often occur. Perhaps the appearance of headaches, there are also flushes to the face, a feeling of heat, dizziness. The heartbeat slows down, which can frighten the patient. About all such effects, the health worker is obliged to warn the person even before the introduction of the drug. A burning sensation is usually noted in the arm or other area where Magnesia is injected.

As side effects are not less often recorded:

In severe cases, when too large a dose is administered, confusion occurs due to depression of the central nervous system. Sometimes, even with intravenous administration, nausea and vomiting appear, although such effects are more inherent in taking the powder orally.

Magnesia has been used in cardiology practice for quite a long time to reduce pressure. This drug provides a rapid expansion of blood vessels, due to which blood pressure decreases.

Arterial hypertension is a leading problem for cardiologists around the world. High blood pressure accompanies over 50 different diseases. In 1% of cases, arterial hypertension leads to the development of a hypertensive crisis, which also shows the introduction of magnesium sulfate.

Magnesia is used to reduce blood pressure, as the drug contributes to the development of the following effects:

    Expands the lumen of the coronary arteries by relaxing their muscular walls.

    Reduces vasospasm.

    Normalizes the heart rhythm.

    Reduces peripheral vascular resistance.

    Reduces platelet aggregation.

    Has a diuretic effect.

    Has a sedative effect.

The most effective use of magnesium sulfate in bidirectional ventricular "pirouette" type.

Intramuscular administration of magnesium to reduce pressure

To lower blood pressure, 1 ampoule of a 25% concentration solution in a volume of 10 ml is used. Since intramuscular administration is quite painful, magnesia is combined with Novocaine or Lidocaine. You can pre-inject an anesthetic drug, then inject magnesia, or mix both drugs in one syringe. One ampoule of Novocaine is taken for one ampoule of magnesia.

The procedure for the introduction of magnesia to reduce blood pressure is carried out as follows:

    The patient is placed on the stomach or side.

    The needle is inserted into the upper part of the buttock, which is located away from the axis of the body. Previously, the skin area is carefully treated with an alcohol solution.

    It is important to administer the drug slowly. The whole procedure should not take less than 2 minutes.

    The needle should go deep into the soft tissue. It is inserted at a right angle.

When using magnesia in the form of injections, it must be remembered that there is an increased risk of infiltrates. For elderly patients, the drug should be used in a reduced dose, since they have reduced kidney function.

It should be understood that intramuscular administration of magnesia at elevated pressure has a very weak effect, especially when it comes to hypertensive crisis. Sometimes intramuscular administration of magnesia is practiced in a hospital with persistent, which is not stopped by other drugs. The effect will be visible, but most often it is insignificant. Therefore, most modern doctors refuse to use this drug to lower blood pressure, especially when it comes to intramuscular injections. Nevertheless, this drug is always present in the arsenal of the ambulance brigade.

Intravenous magnesium to lower blood pressure

Systemic action after intravenous administration of magnesium is achieved almost instantly. Cardiologists prescribe the drug for hypertensive crisis, with myocardial infarction, in a complex treatment regimen for angina pectoris, with arrhythmias. Most often, all these conditions are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

The dose must be specified taking into account the therapeutic effect and the concentration of magnesium ions in the blood serum. As a rule, to stop a hypertensive crisis, the drug is administered intravenously very slowly. The dosage is from 5 to 20 ml of a 25% magnesium solution. Magnesia is injected in a jet, for 5-7 minutes.

The introduction of the drug at a faster rate will lead to the fact that complications such as:

    Increased sweating;

    Respiratory center depression;

    Feeling hot.

If the patient has such complaints, then the rate of administration of the drug should be reduced. The intravenous pressure will drop almost immediately. The effect will last for half an hour. During this time, the patient will be taken to the hospital of the cardiology department, where a decision will be made on the methods of further treatment.

Like any other drug, magnesium can not always be used to reduce pressure.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

    Atrioventricular blockade of 1-3 degrees.

    The presence of hypersensitivity to magnesium in the patient.

    Low blood pressure.

    Any condition of the body associated with a lack of calcium.

    Respiratory depression.

    The period two hours before the onset of labor.

    Any disease of the respiratory system.

    Exacerbations of diseases of the digestive tract.

Magnesia is prescribed with extreme caution to the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, and children. It should be borne in mind that in a hypertensive crisis, the drug is an auxiliary, and not the main tool used to stop an attack.

Features of the use of magnesia to reduce pressure

Do not confuse the treatment of high blood pressure and the signs of a hypertensive crisis, which must be eliminated as soon as possible. Hypertension is a disease that needs constant treatment. Temporary relief of symptoms of high blood pressure will not save a person from health problems. The disease after the use of magnesia does not disappear.

Of course, the pressure after the introduction of magnesia decreases, and sometimes very much. However, after a few hours it will rise again. Therefore, you should not use magnesia alone to treat hypertension. It is very dangerous to make such an injection at night, since the patient's pressure will rise in the morning. This, in turn, leads to the development of heart failure. Therefore, the treatment of high blood pressure with magnesia is not carried out. With its help, emergency care is provided in case of a hypertensive crisis.

So, within an hour, the patient needs to reduce the pressure in the following emergency conditions that occur during a hypertensive crisis:


    Acute aortic dissection;

    Hypertensive encephalopathy;

    Acute left ventricular failure;

    Hypertension with intracerebral hemorrhage, etc.

Moreover, magnesia in this case is used as an auxiliary, and not as the main drug (Nitroglycerin, Esmolol, Labetalol, etc.).

So, if a person has a sharp increase in pressure several times a year, then he should definitely visit a cardiologist and undergo a comprehensive examination. Independent use of magnesia to reduce pressure is unacceptable, as you can cause serious harm to your health.

Magnesia is a drug that can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Magnesium sulfate has an extensive list of side effects, many of which are quite dangerous:

  • respiratory depression;

    Weakening of reflexes;

    Circulatory failure;

    Increase in body temperature;

    Drop in blood pressure to low values;

    Atony of the uterus;



    Speech disorders;

    cardiac arrest, etc.

No less dangerous is an overdose of the drug, which manifests itself in the absence of a knee jerk, in nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression, and a decrease in blood pressure. An overdose of magnesia is stopped by intravenous administration of a solution of calcium chloride or calcium gluconate in a volume of 5-10 ml. Therefore, the procedure for reducing pressure with magnesia can be excluded under medical supervision.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician of the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, she has been working at the diagnostic center No. 3.

Magnesia is used intravenously for various diseases: cerebral edema, magnesium deficiency in the blood, tachycardia, convulsions. It is a sedative and vasodilator and by its action is able to remove excess fluid from the body, relax the vascular walls, normalize blood pressure, relieve an overexcited state.

The drug is widely used in medicine. It is constantly prescribed to pregnant women to lower the tone of the uterus, which provokes a miscarriage.

In addition, magnesium during pregnancy is used to improve the condition, acts as a sedative, lowers blood pressure, relieves swelling, and improves heart function.

The appointment of magnesium intravenously is done in the following cases:

  • swelling of the brain;
  • hypertension;
  • lack of magnesium in the body;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental and nervous excitement;
  • convulsions;
  • encephalopathy.

Magnesium sulfate has the following benefits:

  • favorably affects the movement of blood through the vessels;
  • used as an anesthetic;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • acts as a sedative;
  • relieves constipation;
  • works as a diuretic.

The drug must not be administered in large quantities, as it has a hypnotic, narcotic effect. Magnesia administered intravenously acts instantly and up to 4 hours. Its solution can be used as electrophoresis.

Magnesium is often used as a tocolytic agent, helping to prevent the birth of a baby in the early stages. It relieves spasms on the walls of the uterus, protecting the fetus from miscarriage.

Magnesium sulfate is used for anesthesia, it is added to the main drug, the action improves and the result comes faster.

Side effect

The drug, like all drugs, has contraindications. Instructions for use indicate in detail the exact dosage of the drug for various diseases. The most effective is to prick it intramuscularly and drip intravenously. The remedy is not recommended in such situations:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • after the birth of a child;
  • with appendicitis;
  • with kidney disease;
  • with rectal bleeding;
  • with dehydration;
  • with blood clots in the intestines.

The drug may have the following side effects:

  • pressure drop;
  • flushed face;
  • the occurrence of arrhythmia;
  • sweating;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • vagueness of thinking;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • thirst;
  • spasms, convulsions.

This medicine has analogues in composition.

These include magnesium sulfate-Darnitsa, cormagnezin.

However, the instructions for use are different for them, and before using the drugs, you must carefully read it.

How to administer magnesium?

There are certain indications for the use of magnesia: a complicated course of preeclampsia, the threat of premature birth.

For intravenous injections, a solution of magnesia in ampoules is used. It must be administered slowly, after diluting it with saline or glucose solution so that it comes in drip. When magnesia is administered intravenously, patients may experience a burning sensation in the area of ​​the needle, in which case it is necessary to reduce the transfer of the drug.

It is necessary to prick the medicine intramuscularly carefully: if it is incorrectly administered, bruises form at the injection site with possible tissue death. The use of magnesium is recommended in accordance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor. According to the instructions for use, pregnant women use magnesia intravenously or intramuscularly if there is a risk of losing the fetus. The drug is recommended for strong reporting, uterine tone, thrombophlebitis, if there is not enough magnesium in the body. At low pressure, magnesium is not used. Injections are given intravenously during pregnancy.

Usually, the introduction of the drug is accompanied by pain, a burning sensation, and in order not to decrease blood pressure, it is recommended to drip it slowly.

For children, magnesia is prescribed for constipation as a laxative, it is included in the composition of the enema solution. The drug is administered intravenously for severe asphyxia or intracranial hypertension. Before use, the instructions for use must be studied.

Magnesium sulfate overdose

When a large dose enters the bloodstream, an overdose may occur. Patients experience the following symptoms:

  • allergic reaction;
  • breathing problems;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, apathy;
  • coma (rare)
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lack of strength;
  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • sweating, fever;
  • temperature rise.

Magnesia is used carefully to avoid drug overdose. Before the appointment, find out the presence of an allergy to it. During pregnancy, the drug is allowed only from the second trimester, when the organs of the fetus are already developed.

Use for other purposes

The drug is additionally used as a laxative for constipation, intoxication and for weight loss. Magnesium sulfate is a solution of Epsom salts with water. It can be taken to improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, while losing weight. The powder must be thoroughly dissolved in water, otherwise a gag reflex may occur. It is recommended to drink before meals. To achieve a quick effect, it is recommended to monitor nutrition and exercise.

However, it is worth remembering that magnesia has contraindications. An overdose of the drug can cause great harm to the body.

With headaches, nausea, gag reflex, skin reactions, the drug is canceled. Magnesia is contraindicated during pregnancy as a means of combating excess weight. It is forbidden to take it without a doctor's prescription. Even one dose of the drug is dangerous to health.

When losing weight, a bath with magnesia is used, the powder is added to warm water. It tones the skin, soothes and cleanses, in addition, gives vigor, removes harmful toxins and toxins from the body. When losing weight, be sure to follow a diet, lead a mobile lifestyle. There are contraindications to taking a bath with magnesia:

  • tuberculosis;
  • viral infections (colds, flu, weakness);
  • cancerous tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Magnesium preparations for treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, choosing the right dose depending on the severity of the disease.

Many parents of newborn babies are concerned about issues related to the use of magnesium. Often, doctors prescribe it to very young children. What is it for, how to apply it, and most importantly, will magnesia harm the baby?

What is magnesium?

Epsom salts, magnesia, magnesium sulfate are all names for a drug whose main element is magnesium (Mg). It is used in almost all branches of medicine (gastroenterology, neurology, gynecology), including in babies from the neonatal period.

Why is magnesium important? Its role for the development of the body, ensuring the main processes of its functioning cannot be overestimated. All body cells, bones, teeth, blood include magnesium. The body of an adult contains about 30g of it. This element affects the formation of bone tissue, the transmission of muscle impulses.

A micronutrient deficiency in a mother causes a lack of it in a child. To prevent the development of unhealthy conditions, mothers are prescribed the intake of special vitamin preparations for nursing.

For a day, a baby up to 6 months needs 40 mg of magnesium, up to 1 year 60 mg, up to 3 years 80 mg. An infant under 12 months of age receives magnesium in breast milk, 100 g of which contains 4 mg of the microelement. Until the age of six months, when breastfeeding, a child receives 25-40 mg of magnesium per day. Thus, the requests of the baby in the element are fully satisfied.

Babies who are not breastfeeding get the required amount of magnesium through formula. With the introduction of complementary foods, the baby receives magnesium from products -,. Assimilation of the element is hindered by illness, stress.

Manifestations of magnesium deficiency

The lack of a trace element in a newborn is determined by the presence of:

  • muscle pain, cramps;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • tics, twitches, tremors (trembling of the chin), twitching of the eyelids;
  • headaches;
  • decreased attention, memory;
  • constipation, colic;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • weather sensitivity.

Neurological consequences of micronutrient deficiency:

  • the appearance of phobias (fears);
  • hyperexcitability, emotional lability;
  • tearfulness, capriciousness, irritability, increased emotionality;
  • nightmares, poor sleep, difficulty falling asleep;
  • hyperacusis - the inability to tolerate sounds of a certain frequency.

The use of magnesia

For the treatment of various painful conditions of newborns, magnesium is widely used. The use of the drug as an antispasmodic, analgesic, vasodilator is known. It has anticonvulsant, laxative, moderate diuretic, sedative, antiarrhythmic effect.

Children's neurologists prescribe magnesium sulfate as a means that has the ability to reduce intracranial and arterial pressure, to calm. Indications for use are:

  • epilepsy;
  • increased sweating,
  • nervous excitability;
  • wound treatment,
  • infiltrates;
  • ventricular arrhythmias;
  • constipation.

Epsom salts are available in ampoules with a 25% solution, in the form of powders for the manufacture of suspensions. There is a release form - briquettes, balls.

The solution is used:

  • for compresses,
  • lotion,
  • electrophoresis,
  • local effect on wounds,
  • medicinal baths.

The manifestation of the properties of the drug depends on the method of its introduction into the body: intravenous drip, intramuscularly or orally in the form of mixtures, suspensions.

The doctor should prescribe treatment - an overdose of the drug can be harmful to health. Magnesium sulfate solutions have a number of side effects and contraindications. For infants, excessive doses of medication administered intramuscularly or drip are more dangerous than for adults.


Intramuscularly, drip magnesium preparation for children is prescribed to reduce intracranial pressure, relieve severe asphyxia. To eliminate microelement deficiency, to stop arrhythmias, newborns need to drip the drug intravenously. The doctor selects the dose of medication individually, taking into account the weight of the baby. The introduction is carried out once, repeated as needed.

Magnesia injections are rarely prescribed to a newborn, as they cause pain. In infants, a ready-made solution of 25% in ampoules is used for intramuscular injection. After the injection, the medicine begins to act after an hour and lasts 3-4 hours. Magnesia is injected intramuscularly to stop seizures, for which a dose of up to 40 mg / kg is used.


For intravenous drip in a medical institution, the drug is diluted. Its overly rapid introduction in undiluted form causes complications. Drip administration is sometimes accompanied by a slight burning sensation along the veins. After the end of the infusion, the pulse and pressure are monitored. Systemic effects when administered intravenously appear instantly, the action lasts 30 minutes.

A solution of magnesia is used for jaundice in newborns, for which they put droppers. With high levels of bilirubin, magnesium sulfate gives a choleretic effect.


Epsom salts are used to apply compresses, lotions. Often in infants after birth, inflammatory processes of the mammary glands occur. Mastitis is treated with magnesium-based compresses.

A compress of magnesia for newborns, lotions with Epsom salts have a beneficial effect on seals formed after injections, vaccinations, and facilitate the resorption of bruises. Magnesium solution improves blood flow in skin structures, provides pain relief, resorption effect.

It is easy to prepare a compress from magnesia:

  1. The contents of the ampoule (10 ml) warm up to 38 degrees.
  2. Moisten a small gauze, tissue swab with a warm solution, wring it out, put it on the surface of the bump.
  3. Create additional warmth by covering the top of the fabric with plastic wrap.
  4. Lay a layer of wool on top of the film for insulation.
  5. Fix the lotion with adhesive tape. In order not to damage the thin skin of the newborn, it is preferable to use a clean sterile bandage for fixation.
  6. Change lotion every 3 hours as it dries.

A magnesia compress is used for a compacted navel during the healing period. You should know that the lotion helps the resorption of the infiltrate, but an abscess will require surgical intervention.

Adding dimexide (garlic extract), water, dexamethasone, eufillin to magnesia make compresses on the chest when coughing.

Oral medications for hyperactivity

Signs of hyperactivity are found in young children. Such babies try to get out of diapers, it is difficult to calm down, they protest when they are tightly swaddled and dressed. The first year of life, the crumbs fall asleep heavily, cry loudly, are easily excited, and sleep poorly. Hyperactivity can lead to increased muscle tone.

One of the causes of hyperactivity, neurological disorders is magnesium deficiency. Its lack contributes to impulsivity, uncontrollable behavioral disorders during stress. The diagnosis should be made by a pediatric neurologist.

Why use potions with magnesia and citral? To reduce intracranial pressure, correct the restless behavior of infants. The medicine relieves spasm of blood vessels, improves the outflow of fluid, helps to stabilize the state of the body. The medicine is prescribed for infants with congenital anomalies of the brain, with complex neurological pathologies. Do not prescribe to children with individual intolerance to the components, dysbacteriosis.

Take for a month ½ teaspoon 2 times a day. Due to the fact that the composition of the mixture includes glucose, the kids drink it with pleasure, doctors do not advise mixing it with milk.

Popular with parents of babies is the homeopathic preparation of Magnesia phosphorica from soda phosphate and magnesium sulfate. It is used to alleviate the condition with colic, high blood pressure, headaches. When teething in infants, phosphorica helps to cope with whims, pain, fever.


Magnesium deficiency adversely affects the condition of newborns. Special preparations will help to overcome the consequences of a deficiency. Remember that magnesia is a serious medicine, it is used strictly according to the pediatrician's prescription. Do not self-medicate.



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