Why Plastic Surgeons Don't Do Plastic Surgery. Secrets of plastic surgeons: what should patients know? Not all fillers serve the same purpose

The American publication Buzzfeed found out from several plastic surgeons what they do and what is interesting in their life and work. It turns out that they do other operations besides liposuction and breast augmentation, and not only the rich and famous can afford these services. The rest of the secrets are in our material.

This is not Beverly Hills 90210, where we relax beautifully, wear expensive designer clothes and enjoy luxury. But yes, we do make a lot of money.

2. Most of us got into plastic surgery to help people like themselves and feel good about themselves.

Some people have lost a lot of weight and want to have an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck to get rid of excess skin. Some women want their breasts to look the same after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or cancer. Not all operations are vital, but they can restore people's self-confidence and self-respect.

3. We care about our appearance, it's true.

It is believed that plastic surgeons are very interested in how they look. It is true for many professionals. It's hard to find a fashion designer who doesn't care what he wears. Similarly, it's hard to find a sleazy, unhealthy surgeon who doesn't care about how others perceive him.

4. Plastic surgery is an extremely broad field that includes many more things than liposuction and breast augmentation.

When you start getting a medical education, you immediately understand how many specializations there really are. There is hand surgery, pediatric plastic surgery (for birth defects like cleft lip), cosmetic surgery, peripheral nervous system surgery, microsurgery, and general plastic surgery, which is a mixture of many of these things. Plastic surgery is much more than what people usually see in movies and TV shows.

5. This is one of the few medical specialties in which you have the right to work with people of any age and any part of the body.

Most surgeons in other areas have restrictions on the possible patients and body parts they are allowed to operate on. But plastic surgeons can work with anyone, including children.

6. Plastic surgeons in the US have at least 14 years of training after high school, and their residency training is especially stressful compared to other medical students.

We would like society to better understand how much effort it takes to get professional certification, how many years it takes to get an education, and how many responsible decisions surgeons make.

7. There are two main types of specialists: some are involved in aesthetic surgery, and others in reconstructive.

Aesthetic or cosmetic surgery helps those who want to change something in their appearance. This includes tummy tucks, liposuction, butt lifts, and the like.

Reconstructive surgery can deal with birth defects, with the consequences of unsuccessful operations and accidents (car accidents, burns). Operations can be done for other health reasons. One of the most common indications for reconstructive surgery is damage to the face, nose and ears after skin cancer.

8. In plastic surgery, there is no single “correct” way to perform surgery. It happens that the same procedure can be performed in 25 different ways.

How many different types of noses, eyes, lips and ears do you see every day? There are a huge number of different options for each procedure, and this is one of the coolest things in our work.

9. Therefore, many plastic surgeons have an artistic background behind them, be it sculpture, drawing, architecture or photography.

Some people believe that all orthopedists are former athletes or just sports enthusiasts. There is also a stereotype about plastic surgeons - as if we all understand art. Yes, most of us do have some kind of artistic hobby.

10. In some cases, you can choose a plastic surgeon yourself - just like choosing a tattoo artist.

You can look at our previous work and evaluate whether our ideas of beauty coincide with you - after all, the visual result of each operation depends on the particular doctor. It's like scrolling through a tattoo artist's Instagram or checking out their portfolio at a tattoo parlor. Our websites have a Gallery section and our offices have sample albums so people can check if that's what they're looking for.

11. Botox saves not only from wrinkles. It also helps with excessive sweating, migraines, and twitching of the eyelids or eyebrows.

12. Liposuction is most often used on the abdomen, back and hips.

13. We turn down approximately 30% of people who seek aesthetic surgery services because their expectations are unrealistic or they want to harm their health.

We need to make sure that the patient's desires match what we can give him. Sometimes people want something fantastic, unsafe, unhealthy, or something that isn't worth the risk. Some we will not operate, no matter how much they promise to pay.

14. No, we do not enlarge penises.

This is usually done by urologists.

15. During the operation, we can experiment a little to make sure that everything turns out perfectly, as the patient wants.

In most cases, we have a good idea of ​​how long the procedure will last, but we usually leave a margin of time for experiments, because we know about our perfectionism. For example, for breast augmentation, we can try different sizes and shapes of implants to see which ones look best and choose the perfect one.

16. Plastic surgery isn't just for the rich and famous.

Most procedures are not prohibitively expensive, and if you really need them, it's easy to save up for them.

17. Sometimes consultations, surgeries, filler injections and preventive check-ups can fit into our working day.

Every day can be different from the previous one. It happens that you need to wake up early for a meeting with a patient, go to a conference, and return to the office by lunchtime and do breast augmentation, breast augmentation or rhinoplasty, and then examine a lot of patients.

One of the main advantages in the work of a plastic surgeon is the variety of interactions with different people. Sometimes I do a breast augmentation consultation right after helping a schoolboy whose finger is stuck in the gap between the door and the jamb.

18. We often explain to people that liposuction cannot replace diet and exercise, but it can shape the body.

Most people who want liposuction are already in good shape - they just need help with specific areas that are hard to lose weight.

19. Some of us try not to tell others about our work.

We just don't want our friends to come to us for advice and services: it's awkward and uncomfortable. You don't want to tell people they're bad candidates for surgery, or evaluate their bodies at the risk of hurting their feelings. Therefore, we tend to simply not mention our profession.

20. So if you see us outside the doctor's office, please don't suggest to a friend, mom, or mom's friend to find out what we "can do for them."

We are sometimes expected to consult "here and now" wherever we are, but this is the last thing we want to do while on vacation, vacation with family or just leisure.

21. It is better not to bargain with plastic surgeons. In most cases, you get what you pay for.

If you try to cheat, then the level of service will correspond to the payment. If the clinic offers big discounts, it is possible that they employ uncertified anesthetists or nurses. There is a risk of getting infected with something and dying, the savings are not worth it. Make sure your plastic surgeon is a member of a professional association. You don't want to risk your life just to save a thousand dollars, do you?

22. We try not to evaluate the appearance of people in everyday life, but sometimes it happens.

No, we don't go around in circles thinking about how we want to fix the shape of that person's nose. But sometimes we think what procedures would be useful to people. This is a significant part of our life, so it can be difficult to distract from it.

23. Some operations take up to 12 hours.

We are lucky: we usually do not have emergency operations, like other surgeons. But we can also work long hours. Some surgeries are particularly time-consuming, such as certain types of breast augmentation that require other tissue grafts.

24. At our work, too, you can get emotional. Especially when you communicate with patients who have undergone a mastectomy.

When we work with these women, we usually become involved in their lives for a long time—sometimes years. Therefore, we have a special relationship with them, and in the end we keep in touch.

25. We are lucky: plastic surgery makes people happy and the level of satisfaction of our patients is extremely high.

We usually work with healthy patients who achieve the desired results. We rarely have to deliver bad news. Basically, we do surgeries that people want and that will make them more beautiful and more confident.

For more than 13 years, I have been seeing the results of plastic surgery every day, I see happiness and tears. Frustrated patients often fall prey to myths about plastic surgery.

1. There are plastic surgeons who are never wrong.

The more popular the surgeon, the more dissatisfied patients he has.

A patient with a good result will quickly leave the profile site. Dissatisfied remain, get to know each other and begin to make friends against the doctor. It turns out that the most popular and frequently operating surgeons at some point seem to be charlatans.

It is important how the surgeon responds to the patient's dissatisfaction. The good thing is that he is in touch and ready to correct the problem.

An "infallible" specialist is proclaimed:

1. A little-known surgeon on the Internet. Let's call it N.

By chance (or not so) coincidence, several patients from N appear at the same time with beautiful results. The girls begin to be interested: “What, there is not a single negative review about N?” They do not analyze how long ago patients N appeared on the Internet, how many of them there really are (3-5 on one forum - a drop in the ocean), but succumb to the hype and rush to the “genius” in droves. And one of these girls (well, if not many) inevitably opens the account of N's unsuccessful works. Glory gradually fades and ... a new "genius" appears.

2 . Plastic surgeons famous for Instagram. Where the most popular are usually those who could not become famous if their average results were on the Internet.

2. Plastic surgery is omnipotent.

Alas, it will not be possible to turn from a pig into a crucian.

Most likely, after mammoplasty, breasts in a frank neckline will give out their origin. And if there was asymmetry before the operation, then after the operation it can (in some cases it is simply obliged) become even more noticeable. No matter what you operate on, scars will remain and ... no, laser resurfacing or tattooing will not make them invisible.

Plastic surgery does not create an ideal, but helps to find a worthy compromise between the desired and the possible. And if you seriously think that a slight asymmetry of the nostrils is able to spoil your appearance, you are not on your way with plastic surgery.

3. An oncologist-mammologist will do an excellent mammoplasty, and a reconstructive surgeon will be good at facial plastic surgery , because they "know this organ" and "do such reconstructions".

In order to beautifully enlarge the chest, it is necessary to carry out this particular operation almost daily, as plastic surgeons do. But mammologists-oncologists have a different task.

A reconstructive surgeon aims to improve a deplorable situation, and not to polish millimeters, as is required by those who came for plastic surgery.

You can choose a breast oncologist and a reconstructive surgeon for plastic surgery if you have seen a lot of his results and you really like them. And if the specialization of the surgeon is not an extra argument for you. Only then can you be sure that you are making a sound assessment of the situation.

4. If the surgeon did a good job of liposuction and is generally a nice person, then you should go to him for rhinoplasty.

Each plastic surgeon has his crown surgery (two, three, four), and the rest performs at the usual level or even not very well. Thus, if you or your friend has had a successful liposuction, you should not go to this surgeon for any other operation - first inquire about his success in this area.

And the pleasure that the doctor is a pleasant man will last for several days, but you will have to live with the result.

5. The beautician will not advise bad.

Unfortunately, the worst advice I've heard about choosing a plastic surgeon comes from cosmetologists and doctors from other specialties. Many many times.

Moreover, do not even trust the advice of your plastic surgeon if he recommends someone else for a planned operation. Most likely, he does it out of friendship.

Of course, you can use the advice, but only after studying all the information about the recommended doctor and comparing it with other surgeons.

6. If a plastic surgeon operates on stars, this is a good surgeon.

It would seem that we have seen so many unsuccessful plastic surgeries of stars of the first magnitude, but the myth is still alive. Do you remember Michael and LaToya Jackson? Lil Kim? Mickey Rourke?

In terms of choosing a plastic surgeon, the star is the same person as you and I. And sometimes the stars are even in a less advantageous situation: they do not have time to search for a surgeon based on real reviews on the Internet and communicate with other patients. So the stars in history fall, worse than those of mere mortals.

7. My future surgeon is good: they go to him from the capital / from abroad.

What makes you think that these "newcomers" understand plastic better than you?

They can go to any doctor, there are a lot of simpletons in general. In addition, people may have different motivations. For example, it's cheaper here.

If you need additional reasons to choose a plastic surgeon, then you are not sure of his professionalism.

8. My surgeon does N himself.

Alas and ah - in plastic surgery, everything is redone one after another. Make no mistake: those surgeons that your doctor remodels, in turn, remodel after him.

The conclusion is the same - only the results speak for themselves. The results are plural and not the best, personally chosen by the doctor and posted on the social network, but average, from patients.

9. Expensive means good.

A common misconception of rich girls: "It's you poor people who save and get the corresponding results, but I can afford the best."

How easy it would be to live: saved up money, chose the most expensive surgeon, got the perfect result. But - alas. The price / quality ratio in plastic surgery does not work. There are surgeons who take not just big, but very big money, while their results are no different from the results of "cheap" colleagues. And they can differ - for the worse.

On the other hand, the work of really good plastic cannot be cheap, because expensive clinics are really hunting for them.

10. They operate better abroad and are responsible for their mistakes.

We are lucky - plastic surgery in Russia is at a high level.

Comparison with Europe will not be unambiguously in favor of Europe. However, in Europe, they are much more likely to easily treat nuances that a Russian woman would rate as unacceptable. For example, to the visibility of postoperative scars.

But, of course, in Russia you can also have mammoplasty with an incision 5 cm below the armpit or significantly extending beyond the edge of the areola.

In America, there are more plastic surgery gurus and their operations cost like an expensive car. But even these gurus are not insured against mistakes, but they are perfectly insured against complaints from patients.

There are also countries of one operation. For example, in Asian countries, eyelids are better Europeanized, in Korea, cheekbones are better reduced, and in South America, fatgrafting is carried out. But this does not mean that the result is guaranteed. As usual, it takes a lot of time to find a good surgeon.

As for treaties, in no country in the world do they protect us as we would like. The reason is simple: plastic surgery is impossible without negative results, and if patients were fully legally protected, surgeons would have no motivation to choose this profession - a trial and loss of a license are guaranteed. And no, "try harder" won't help. Have you made a single mistake in your career?

Plastic surgeon of the International Medical Center ON CLINIC Ivan Alekseevich Maisky named three main reasons why you should not decide on plastic surgery

Very often in glossy magazines and on the Internet, we read articles about:
✅ what are the indications for plastic surgery,
✅ the first signs that "it's time"
When is the best time to have plastic surgery?
✅ how not to be late with blepharoplasty, facelift, etc.

But today we are talking about just the opposite: in which cases it is NOT recommended to have plastic surgery and WHY. Let's consider in order.

Too early age

Girls, being teenagers, begin to complex about their appearance: “too big nose”, “not satisfied with the shape of the nose”, “small breasts”, “very fat”, “crooked legs” ... This list of claims to herself can be continued endlessly, and this is what girls usually come with for a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

In this situation, it is important for a plastic surgeon to also be a psychologist, because:

🔸🔹 we do not always see ourselves as we really are, and even more so in adolescence - a period of maximalism and perfectionism! Sometimes it is enough to calmly and carefully talk with a young patient, to hear her, so that she herself understands that she was mistaken.

Loving and accepting yourself for who you are is a quality that needs to be developed from birth!

🔹🔸 the girl, due to her physiological characteristics, continues to grow and form. It will change until the end of the juvenile period - this is the age of 20-21 years. Some a little later, some a little earlier. And it is highly undesirable to make any serious changes until this moment, because the final result after the operation may not suit you. This is especially true for all operations on the face, in particular rhinoplasty. The slightest changes in the proportions of the face are immediately noticeable!

But, of course, there are a number of operations that can be performed at a young age. For example, doctors meet the needs of patients and are ready to perform an operation at such an early age in order to eliminate protruding ears, acquired or congenital deformities of the maxillofacial zone, pronounced asymmetry of the mammary glands, nasal breathing disorders, etc.

Perfectionism elevated to a cult!

There are girls and women who, once having plastic surgery, can no longer stop, and the plastic surgeon has to seriously worry about the health of these ladies.

The main commandment of the doctor: "Do no harm!". In our case, we can also add: “Do not overdo it!”.

And no matter how the patient persuades, you need to follow only medical logic, be a professional and not compromise with conscience and honor.

Psychological features or high expectations

The question is very subtle and very complex with many nuances. Inflated expectations of patients are manifested in his desire to achieve impossible results.

Some girls see plastic surgery as a panacea for all their problems, which, of course, cannot be given by any surgical intervention of this kind.

Exaggerated expectations are sometimes very dangerous, because a person's problems are purely psychological in nature, and he turns to a surgeon. In this case, the help of a psychologist is more likely. At a certain point, the doctor still understands that plastic surgery in a particular situation is not a solution to the problem.

What should be done in such a case? Refuse the patient or agree with his arguments? If, for example, a patient comes to a consultation and says that she needs to have an operation in order to successfully marry or find a good job, then the doctor understands that this is not the right motivation at all.

It is important to understand that in such cases, plastic surgery cannot give you guarantees that after the operation all your wishes will come true. Yes, the operation can help harmonize you both externally and internally, but it does not guarantee to solve the issues of employment, marital status, financial condition, popularity and other things.

Preparing for plastic surgery

If you still decide to have surgery, it is important to know:

🔰 First of all, it is important for a plastic surgeon and an anesthesiologist to know the patient's health status: almost all plastic surgeries are performed under general anesthesia (anesthesia), with rare exceptions - under sedation with local anesthesia. Doctors must be sure that there are no risks from comorbidities for the patient.

The patient's trust in doctors plays a very important role: it is important to be as honest as possible and not hide the existing health problems. The phrase is just right: "With a doctor, as in confession - without deceit!"

All drugs that the patient takes must be known to doctors, since their use can affect both the course of anesthesia and the postoperative period, and the entire rehabilitation period. Patients with diabetes should monitor their blood glucose levels, as its high levels disrupt the healing and nutrition of tissues.

🔰 If blepharoplasty and / or facelift is planned, it is advisable not to do “beauty shots” (Botox, hyaluronic acid) for six months before the operation. It is important to know the true condition of the soft tissues and muscles of the face. The same applies to threads. Also, when planning blepharoplasty, it is worth refusing to wear lenses after surgery.

🔰 Limit smoking before and after surgery, at least for 2-3 weeks. Remember the negative impact of nicotine on the healing and nutrition of facial tissues.

🔰 Arrive on an empty stomach on the day of the operation: during the operation and anesthesia, the stomach must be empty.

🔰 If the operation is planned to be long (more than 2-3 hours), be sure to use compression underwear: stockings, tights. This will also help to avoid the risk of blood stagnation and blood clots (especially those who have varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis).

🔰 Finally, it is important for the patient:

A) get comprehensive answers to questions before the operation in order to eliminate doubts, ignorance, innuendo and surprises;

B) be aware of the risks and possible complications (forewarned - armed);

C) be confident in choosing your doctor;

D) emotional and psychological mood is one of the most important components of a successful operation. In positively minded patients, both the operation itself and the postoperative period always proceed easier.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note that it is important for patients to take the issue of surgical treatment seriously and not consider this step as a trip to a beauty salon. Consciously approach planning, choosing a clinic, a doctor, and in the end you will get a successfully performed operation with an excellent result.

Plastic surgery enters the life of every person with great speed. If 10 more climbs back this topic caused shock and rejection among many girls, now you won’t surprise anyone by talking about the need to correct the chest after childbirth. What are the myths about plastic surgery? read in our material.

Last week, the world's highest paid model Gisele Bundchen hit all the tabloids of the world with the news that the 35-year-old Brazilian woman had breast augmentation and blepharoplasty. We asked the famous plastic surgeon Dmitry Slosser to comment on the changes in Giselle's appearance. Changes, as they say, are visible! The face of the 35-year-old fashion model Gisele Bündchen really looks young and fresh, there is not a trace of small wrinkles left.

Plastic surgery every year more and more closely enters the life of every person and, very soon, will not differ from the usual trip to the dentist. Do you want to fix your nose? No problem. Make cheekbones? Please. Tighten your chest? Super. The services of plastic surgeons become available, and a relatively quick rehabilitation process allows you to correct something in yourself, without interrupting the work or educational process.

For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that despite the increasing popularity, the myths about plastic surgery have not gone away. And for some, they prevent them from getting closer to their dream of an improved appearance. Let's see which of the common beliefs about plastic have nothing to do with reality.


If you are too lazy to do fitness and monitor nutrition, you can do liposuction

Many girls think that the beautiful figure of celebrities is the result of liposuction. And, of course, they are partly right. For example, singer Irina Dubtsova got rid of extra pounds with the help of this procedure. However, for some reason, no one thinks about the fact that in order to maintain results, and even more so to create muscle relief, you have to sweat in the gym and watch what you eat.

Also, liposuction is not able to make the skin elastic. That is, this procedure is designed to correct certain parts of the body, but to maintain the results and create an elastic body, you will have to work hard.

The implants that I insert into the breast during breast augmentation surgery need to be changed regularly.

Modern technologies make it possible to perform an operation to correct the shape and size of the breast only once. Moreover, the breasts will look natural if the patient wants to insert natural-shaped implants. Another question is that the skin will lose elasticity as it ages, and the artificial breast will sag just like the real one. Especially if the girl does not wear a bra.

Therefore, if desired, after some time, you can do a breast lift. But not everyone wants to change something as they age.

After breast augmentation surgery, you will be able to feed your baby in the same way as you would with natural breasts. So, breast implants do not touch the breast tissue, so lactation occurs without any complications.

Plastic surgery is life threatening

Indeed, plastic surgery is a full-fledged operation that takes place under general anesthesia. However, modern drugs make this process as safe as possible for the body. So, modern types of anesthesia no longer have such a detrimental effect on the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, plastic surgery is not performed on vital organs, so if the preoperative examination showed that your heart can withstand anesthesia - do not be afraid, everything will be fine.

If you have plastic surgery at a young age, it will need to be constantly updated.

In fact, the need to repeat plastic surgery depends on its type. Any surgeon will tell you that in order to achieve the ideal, you need to "hit the top ten" from the first operation. Since with each surgical intervention, scars and scars will heal worse and the result, accordingly, will not improve.

If we talk about rhinoplasty (correction of the shape of the nose), correction of the shape of the ears or correction of crooked legs, then it is enough to carry out just one operation and forget about the problem forever. If we talk about the chest, then perhaps with age a lift will be required if you are not satisfied with the fact of natural sagging. As for the facelift, to maintain the result, the operation will have to be repeated every 8-10 years.

In fact, if you do not go to extremes, and treat plastic surgery as a means of improving yourself, and not a complete remake, then there will be no bad consequences.

Plastic surgery is only available to rich people.

Indeed, even 10 years ago, only people with very high earnings could boast of the opportunity to change their shortcomings. Today, virtually everyone can afford plastic surgery. So, liposuction costs from $500, breast augmentation - $1,700, and a circular facelift - $1,500.

Nature will surely take revenge on you

Many people think that nature will surely take revenge on man for interfering with the structure of his body. In fact, if you think like that, then any treatment of a disease that involves interfering with the body should be punished. However, as practice shows, everything happens exactly the opposite. In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it and improve natural data, and not try to completely change them.

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Last week, the world's highest paid model Gisele Bundchen hit all the tabloids of the world with the news that the 35-year-old Brazilian woman had breast augmentation and blepharoplasty. We asked the famous plastic surgeon Dmitry Slosser to comment on the changes in Giselle's appearance. Changes, as they say, are visible! The face of the 35-year-old fashion model Gisele Bündchen really looks young and fresh, there is not a trace of small wrinkles left.

How Kardashian faces changed after plastic surgery: video

The Kardashian family is on everyone's lips, either because of the second pregnancy of Kim Kardashian, or because of the sex change of the father of the family, Caitlin (Bruce) Jenner. This time, talking about star beauties gave rise to a shocking video of an American illustrator, registered on the Web under the nickname Saint Hoax, who proved that the sisters of the star family, namely Kim, Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, resorted to radical surgical intervention.

Myths about breast plastic surgery: what you should not be afraid of

Many women dream of having a breast augmentation. And many make this dream a reality. Others are afraid because of certain prejudices. The editors of WHOCHU.ua figured out what myths about breast plastic surgery should not be believed. Plastic surgery is becoming more and more accessible to each of us every day. Even 10 years ago, at the mention of a plastic surgeon, we imagined his clients as billionaires and multimillionaires.

A conversation with a plastic surgeon: how to make a "young" face. Operations by Rene Zellweger and Lyudmila Gurchenko

For plastic surgeons, the red carpet is a parade of their work, achievements and failures. We are looking at the chic outfits of the stars, and they are looking at the famous noses and cheekbones, because today every second star visits the “plastics” in an effort to bring themselves to perfection. A couple more years will pass, and a visit to a plastic surgeon will be tantamount to an examination by a dentist: an affordable everyday service. Today we decided to find out from a specialist what not to be afraid of and what to hope for.

What plastic surgery did Jennifer Lopez and Lady Gaga

Celebrities rarely advertise their plastic surgery. As a rule, in all interviews, they state that their beauty is exclusively from nature, or it is the result of proper nutrition and careful personal care. But we girls are suspicious, and we decided to check whether this is so. Are you wondering what kind of plastic did the stars do? We will tell all the secrets! We at WANT decided to conduct our own investigation. We chose 5 of our favorite stars and compared their early photos with the current ones.

Was there plastic: the new face of Uma Thurman

The recent appearance of Uma Thurman on the red carpet caused a shock not only among journalists, but also among the star colleagues of the actress. Did she repeat the act of Renee Zellweger and also made plastic surgery? Let's find out the truth from the experts! A few days ago, at the premiere of the mini-series Slap in New York, Uma Thurman surprised everyone with a new face. It cannot be said that the changes are cardinal, but quite noticeable. The actress has already eyes, higher cheeks and a clearer oval of the face.


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Five Myths About Plastic Surgery: Why You Shouldn't - www.wellady.ru

plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon. What myths about plastic surgery exist - read in our material. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that despite the increasing popularity, myths about plastic surgery

Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not - hochu.ua

Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon. 08/10/201523:39. Plastic surgery enters the life of every person with great speed. If 10 more climbs back this topic caused shock and rejection among many girls, now you won’t surprise anyone by talking about the need to correct the chest after childbirth. What myths about plastic surgery exist - read in our material.

Five myths about plastic surgery: why not - rating-hirurgov.ru

For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that despite the increasing popularity, the myths about plastic surgery have not gone away. If you have plastic surgery in your youth, it will need to be constantly updated. In fact, the need to repeat plastic surgery depends on its type. Any surgeon will tell you that in order to achieve the ideal, you need to "hit the top ten" from the first operation.

Myths about breast plastic surgery: what you should not be afraid of - hochu.ua

Read also: Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon. There is another myth regarding breast augmentation: that the operation increases the risk of breast cancer. To date, no study has proven a link between cancer and artificial breasts.

Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not - headwayauto.ru

MYTHS ABOUT PLASTIC SURGERY If you are too lazy to do fitness and watch your diet, you can do liposuction Many girls think that the beautiful figure of celebrities is the result of liposuction. Read also: Alina Grosu has changed: a comment by a plastic surgeon In addition, plastic surgeries are not performed on vital organs, so if the preoperative examination showed that your heart can withstand anesthesia - do not be afraid, everything will be fine.

Five Myths About Plastic Surgery: Why You Shouldn't - inglamour.net

Myths about plastic surgery. If you are too lazy to do fitness and monitor nutrition, you can do liposuction. Many girls think that the beautiful figure of celebrities is the result of liposuction. Read also: Alina Grosu has changed: a comment by a plastic surgeon. In addition, plastic surgery is not performed on vital organs, so if the preoperative examination showed that your heart can withstand anesthesia - do not be afraid, everything will be fine.

Rating of surgeons - rating-hirurgov.ru

From the entire list of plastic surgeries, we have selected 6 main ones, which account for up to 90% of all surgeries - these are: Rhinoplasty (nose job), mammoplasty (breast augmentation), facelift (facelift), blepharoplasty, liposuction and abdominoplasty. 09.11.2015 Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon.

Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not - school120.ru

Myths about plastic surgery. If you are too lazy to do fitness and monitor nutrition, you can do liposuction. Many girls think that the beautiful figure of celebrities is the result of liposuction. And, of course, they are partly right. What equipment should not be used in the gym. Why diets don't work and you can't lose weight. Doctors called 5 reasons why heartburn does not go away. Dress on a naked body: why the stars do not wear panties. Why are you not losing weight.

Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not - miss.inform.kz

Five Myths About Plastic Surgery: Why You Shouldn't - reactor.inform.kz

plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon. What myths about plastic surgery exist - read in our material. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that despite the increasing popularity, myths about plastic surgery

Five myths about plastic surgery: why not - www.miss.inform.kz

For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that despite the increasing popularity, the myths about plastic surgery have not gone away. And for some, they prevent you from getting closer to your dream of an improved appearance. In fact, the need to repeat plastic surgery depends on its type. Any surgeon will tell you that in order to achieve the ideal, you need to "hit the top ten" from the first operation.

Rating of surgeons - rating-hirurgov.ru

From the entire list of plastic surgeries, we have selected 6 main ones, which account for up to 90% of all surgeries - these are: Rhinoplasty (nose job), mammoplasty (breast augmentation), facelift (facelift), blepharoplasty, liposuction and abdominoplasty. 09.11.2015 Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon.

Rating of surgeons - rating-hirurgov.ru

From the entire list of plastic surgeries, we have selected 6 main ones, which account for up to 90% of all surgeries - these are: Rhinoplasty (nose job), mammoplasty (breast augmentation), facelift (facelift), blepharoplasty, liposuction and abdominoplasty. 09.11.2015 Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon.

Myths about breast plastic surgery: what you should not be afraid of - 44 channel Kyiv - 44kanal.in.ua

Plastic surgery is becoming more and more accessible to each of us every day. Even 10 years ago, at the mention of a plastic surgeon, we imagined his clients as billionaires and multimillionaires. Read also: Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon. There is another myth regarding breast augmentation: that the operation increases the risk of breast cancer.

Surgeons - rating-hirurgov.ru

surgeons. 09.11.2015 Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery every year more and more closely enters the life of every person and, very soon, will not differ from the usual trip to the dentist.

School of female beauty! » operations - school120.ru

Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon. If you have plastic surgery in your youth, it will need to be updated forever. In fact, the need to repeat plastic surgery depends on its type. Any surgeon will tell you that in order to achieve the ideal, you need to "spend in the top ten" from the first operation.

Rating of surgeons - rating-hirurgov.ru

From the entire list of plastic surgeries, we have selected 6 main ones, which account for up to 90% of all surgeries - these are: Rhinoplasty (nose job), mammoplasty (breast augmentation), facelift (facelift), blepharoplasty, liposuction and abdominoplasty. 09.11.2015 Five myths about plastic surgery: why you should not be afraid of a plastic surgeon.

Nodari Ioseliani, a plastic surgeon at the Klazko Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, tells what patients most often want to change in themselves and how safe it is to do plastic surgery. Nodari answers the most common questions about plastic surgery and debunks current myths about risks and complications.

Loving yourself is important. Accepting yourself for who you are is important. But alas, it doesn't always work out. In the era of body positivity, when wearing L and XL sizes became normal and not shameful (finally), people became easier to relate to their own and other people's shortcomings (who even decided that these were shortcomings?). But it also happens that a person is not ready and does not want to put up with small or large breasts or a hump on the nose. And then what to do? So far, nothing better than plastic surgery has been invented - and there is nothing bad, shameful or scary in going to a specialist at least for a consultation. If plastic surgery will make you happier and more self-confident, if it will save you from complexes, if your mental and physical condition will become better, then why not?

Nodari Ioseliani



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