Why do people sweat when they fall asleep. Night sweats in men: causes and treatment

Some men are worried about regular sweating at night, but they do not attach due importance to this. At the same time, this problem can signal not only the wrong lifestyle of the stronger sex, but also serious changes in the body, as well as diseases that need to be treated.

Attention! Often, the causes of heavy sweating in men are not associated with diseases. However, if the problem is acute and worries constantly, you should not engage in self-diagnosis. It's better to see a doctor.

Norm or pathology?

First of all, if you constantly sweat at night, you should eliminate the physical factors that can affect this, namely:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room where the man rests and sleeps - it should not exceed 19 degrees.
  2. It is worth moving the bed away from the battery, if it is there.
  3. Bed linen should consist of natural materials (mainly cotton).
  4. Perhaps the reason that the body sweats during sleep lies in an overly warm blanket or synthetic pillow.
  5. Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the room.

If after all the manipulations the problem remains, it is worth looking for the reasons in the wrong lifestyle, diseases or hormonal changes in the body, if the man is over 40 years old or he is in his teens.

Ethyl alcohol adversely affects the health and functioning of all organs and systems. Often a person sweats after taking alcohol if poisoning has occurred. After drinking too much, a man may be disturbed by sticky sweat, which is released for a number of reasons:

  • ethanol is a poison for the human body, therefore, in order to remove it as soon as possible, the body has to use not only the urinary system, but also the epidermis;
  • alcohol raises body temperature, which causes night sweats;
  • cold sweat after intoxication signals the stress transferred by the body.

Attention! Night sweats can occur due to the daily use of a couple of bottles of beer at night, which a man may simply not attach importance to. If a husband complains to his wife about a similar problem, she should draw his attention to cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholic sweat can disturb for several more days after poisoning, even if the person no longer consumed alcohol. The more ethanol is drunk, the longer the period of time the body needs to recover. The same thing happens after drug intoxication.

Men can be described as the stronger sex, not prone to worries and tears. But it is not so. Due to the serious stress that he had to endure at work or at home, a young person may feel unwell or even get sick. If a sweaty, wet pillow or sheet remains after sleep, and the person does not get enough sleep, the cause should be sought in recent stress.

Reasons why you may be disturbed by heavy sweat at night:

  • problems at work;
  • lack of proper rest;
  • quarrels with the second half;
  • family troubles.

Attention! Sometimes the reason for such embarrassment lies in the changes that are favorable for the family. For example, the birth of a child or the purchase of an apartment can also be sources of sleep deprivation and stress, as a result - legs, head or whole body sweat at night.

To eliminate this problem, you should not watch TV before going to bed and do not use gadgets. The best medicine will be a romantic dinner with your beloved woman and a good rest.

Another reason that a person sweats at night when he sleeps may be improper nutrition during the day and a heavy dinner before bedtime. Body temperature rises in the evening - this is normal. The same thing happens after a feast before going to bed. The energy produced by the body is secreted by the sweat glands in the form of a liquid.

Foods that can cause false hyperhidrosis:

  • spicy dishes, supplied with many seasonings;
  • marinades and sauces;
  • hot, fatty soups;
  • heavy meat food;
  • strong tea or coffee;
  • sweet, floury foods.

In order to avoid problems, you need to lighten your diet, enrich dinner with light foods (for example, seafood salad, steamed or stewed fish, dried fruit compote). The last meal should take place no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Heavy foods (mushrooms or meat) are best eaten in the first half of the day - in the second, vegetables and fruits should be preferred.

Attention! Smoking can also cause sweating. The detrimental effect of this habit on the body does not ignore the water-salt metabolism in the epidermis, disrupting all natural processes in it.

In older men

The reason why an elderly person sweats a lot is hormonal changes that begin or have been taking place in the body for a long time. This is explained by a sharp decrease in the hormone testosterone.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

  • profuse sweat at night;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • a man can be thrown into heat or cold (depending on what the sweat will be sticky or cold).

If almost all of the listed symptoms are present and the age of a person is more than 45 years, we can safely talk about hormonal changes. However, self-diagnosis is still not worth it, since some more serious diseases are also accompanied by similar symptoms. They will be discussed below.

Attention! In older people, the thermoregulation of the body is disturbed. This can cause a sharp sensation of heat, or vice versa, a person is thrown into the cold.

Sweating that signals disease

If a young person excludes age-related or alcohol-related causes, as well as physical factors, some medical conditions should be examined. What diseases can disturb night sweats:

  • diseases of the urinary system - malfunctions of the kidneys or urethra, affect the imbalance of fluid in the body;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • some diseases of the central nervous system;
  • malignant and benign formations;
  • acute or chronic infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system - affect the blood circulation in the body, which leads to improper thermoregulation;
  • flu or any SARS.

Sweating in HIV is also quite common. Sticky sweat can disturb immediately after infection and throughout life. This is due to a decrease in immunity, as a result of which the lymph nodes increase and diseases that provoke hyperhidrosis develop.

Pathological conditions include diabetes mellitus and overweight, which is also accompanied by night sweats.

Attention! Some medications a person takes can affect the sweat glands. If night sweats coincide with the onset of medication, you should inform your doctor.


There are many treatments to reduce sweating. Depending on what caused this condition, the doctor selects the appropriate symptomatic therapy. If it is caused by any disease, special attention should be paid to it.

So that a young man does not get into unpleasant situations, he needs to use pharmacy antiperspirants, which are designed to get rid of profuse sweat.

Attention! In emergency situations, you can use special cosmetic pads for the armpits, which leave clothes dry, absorbing all excess fluid. There are liners with an additional deodorizing effect.

For the treatment of hyperhidrosis in cosmetology are used:

  • injections of Botox and preparations based on it;
  • removal of sweat glands with a laser;
  • sympathectomy - surgical excision of nerves (a global solution to the problem).

The cosmetologist will help you choose the most suitable treatment. A specialist should be chosen with experience and the availability of all certificates that allow him to work in the medical field. This will help avoid more serious health problems.

Preventive actions

If hyperhidrosis is not caused by pathological changes, to eliminate the problem, it is enough to slightly change the lifestyle and follow it regularly as a preventive measure against sweating in the future. What can be done:

  1. Ventilate the sleeping area regularly. The air temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 19 degrees.
  2. Refuse to use artificial materials in clothes and bedding.
  3. You should stop smoking and drinking alcohol - even a small amount can provoke night sweats.
  4. Do not burden the body with excessive loads at work or in the gym. It is worth leading a moderate lifestyle.
  5. Regularly undergo medical examinations with all specialized doctors.
  6. Treat infectious diseases promptly.
  7. If you are concerned about excess weight, you should take measures to reduce it and bring the body into shape.
  8. Give up junk food in favor of healthy foods.
  9. Moderate sports and contrast showers are good healers.

You should constantly take care of your health, and if warning signs appear, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. This will help maintain health for many years and avoid serious problems in the future.

Among the symptoms of various diseases and pathologies, there is such a sign as the occurrence of excessive sweating during sleep - night sweats. The ICD-10 classifies it as Class XVIII (symptoms and signs without specifying any diagnosis), category R (general symptoms), subcategory R61.9 - hyperhidrosis, unspecified, night sweats.

night sweats in women

One of the most common causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis in women over 43-45 years of age is hormonal changes associated with menopause and perimenopause. Night sweats during menopause and daytime "hot flashes" are the classic vasomotor symptoms of this condition, which is caused by a decrease in the level of estradiol in the blood and a violation of the circadian rhythm of the secretion of GnRH.

Night sweats before menstruation is a physiologically normal phenomenon and is associated with the same sex hormones. But if a young woman suffers from night sweats, and this is not related to the menstrual cycle, then one should be wary of problems with the thyroid gland or pituitary gland, as well as premature ovarian failure or the possible development of a hormone-dependent tumor.

A change in the content of hormones usually causes night sweats during pregnancy, and night sweats after childbirth are also associated with the removal of excess interstitial fluid that has accumulated during pregnancy.

night sweats in men

Night sweats in men have many causes - see Causes of Night Sweats earlier.

But there are also specific reasons. After 50 nights, bouts of weakness and sweating may indicate the onset of andropause - an age-related decrease in testosterone levels, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and disorders in the urogenital area. This condition refers to physiologically determined, that is, it is not a pathology. However, it should be borne in mind that night sweats in men under 40 can be a sign of dangerous diseases such as inflammatory prostate cancer or testicular cancer.

Night sweats after alcohol are due to the fact that the blood vessels expand reflexively, the acidity of the blood increases, the production of insulin by the pancreas decreases and the toxic load on the liver increases. By the way, increased sweating (as a result of subfebrile temperature) can also be in the initial stage of liver cirrhosis ...

People with hyperhidrosis have to wake up at night in a sweat

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive sweating during sleep. People who suffer from sweating during sleep often wake up in the night sweating. They have to change their sheets and clothes periodically, much more often than people with +normal levels of sweating.

Also, the presence of symptoms of this disease negatively affects a person’s ability to concentrate and his daily performance. After all, excessive sweating makes you constantly think about how you look from the outside, about what impression you make on others, and also periodically distracts you from performing direct duties in the workplace.

In everyday life, nocturnal hyperhidrosis is simply called night sweats.

The most common causes of increased sweating at night include metabolic diseases and hormonal failure. Also, night sweats can be one of the symptoms of stress and mental illness.

Do not confuse night sweats caused by external factors, such as too high room temperature, with sweating caused by nervousness, stress, or structural features of the body.

Body temperature is regulated by sweating. The skin, into which blood is intensively supplied, is cooled by a thin moist layer. Blood, passing through a tight network of capillaries, gives off a large amount of transferred heat. Through the venous system, cooled blood again enters the large vessels and back to the heart.

It is necessary to maintain the same body temperature - no more than 37 degrees. This is vital to many functions. So, at a temperature of 37, enzymes and proteins begin to act to the maximum, and erythrocytes, or red blood cells, bind and transport oxygen faster.

If more than 100 mg of sweat is released at night for 5 minutes, we can talk about increased night sweating, or hyperhidrosis. Most often it manifests itself at the age of 18-30 years.


Nocturnal hyperhidrosis can be:

1) Influenza, infectious mononucleosis and many other acute infections that are usually accompanied by high body temperature. In this case, increased sweating plays the role of a protective mechanism, a sign of activation of the immune system in the fight against infection.

2) Chronic bronchitis, AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.

3) In heart failure and other diseases associated with the heart, increased night sweats may be a symptom of B (PMS).

4) The manifestation of sleep apnea syndrome, as well as the consequences of sleep disturbance.

5) Hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroidism, and other hormonal disorders.

6) Lymphoma, leukemia (with symptoms of PMS).

7) Tumor diseases (with symptoms of PMS).

8) Allergy.

9) Metabolic disorders (Itsenko-Cushing's disease and diabetes).

10) Autoimmune diseases (rheumatic polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis).

11) Taking medications during cytostatic therapy.

12) Disorders of the nervous system (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis).

13) Mental illness (psychosis, phobias, depression, nervous exhaustion).

14) Experience chronic or acute stress.

15) Obesity or emaciation.

14) Drug addiction, alcoholism.

What can cause nocturnal hyperhidrosis?

Other Possible Causes of Nocturnal Hyperhidrosis

One of the most popular causes is sleep disturbance. A person devotes about a third of his life to sleep. At this time, the body is updated not only in terms of energy, but also physiologically, the brain processes and analyzes the information received. Healthy sleep contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, wound healing, metabolism and active fat burning.

In case of sleep disturbance, an imbalance occurs in the functioning of certain systems in the body.

Also, excessive sweating at night can be the result of respiratory failure. With this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis in women

Excessive sweating in women can also be caused by pregnancy. This phenomenon is also common among women of premenopausal age, since hot flashes during menopause increase the overall body temperature. During this period, the level of estrogen in the woman's body decreases. At the same time, the level of hormones that contribute to the work of the adrenal glands increases.

In this case, getting rid of night sweats is not difficult - a good doctor will advise an effective method to eliminate discomfort.

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis in children

The disease does not bypass the disease and small children. If this happened to your child - take a closer look, sometimes it is a symptom of an infectious disease. You should carefully consider and examine the child with a doctor, since excessive sweating can cause disturbances in the work of the autonomic system in a fragile organism.

For the most part, increased sweating in children is associated with age-related changes. During growth, the body rebuilds the ongoing processes, and the temperature regime is accordingly disturbed. In time, everything will return to normal.

It happens that sweating causes problems with peers, and sometimes the child is embarrassed to talk about the problem even to parents. If you notice symptoms of nocturnal hyperhidrosis in your child, try to take the following measures:

  • Set the temperature in the rooms no more than 18-20 degrees
  • Buy clothes for your child only from natural materials
  • A delicate attitude from adults will also help overcome internal psychological barriers.

Consultation with a doctor and diagnosis

With increased sweating, you need to carefully monitor the replenishment of fluid in the body

After the consultation, the doctor will analyze the observed symptoms and complaints of the patient and, depending on the data obtained, refer him for diagnosis to one of the specialists: oncologist, allergist, neurologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, sleep specialist, specialist in internal medicine (cardiologist), psychologist, psychotherapist.

Before the examination, the doctor should ask the patient about complaints about the disease, about the circumstances of its occurrence and about the diseases that were previously transferred.

In order to determine the main parameters of the body, the doctor will not only conduct a general examination, but also prescribe a blood test.

Work to identify the disease is not limited to microbiological research. It also monitors the cellular composition of the blood, indicators of inflammatory processes, thyroid hormones and sex hormones, adrenaline, norepinephrine, kidney and liver function.

By conducting a detailed blood test, you can establish the underlying disease that led to the development of night sweats.

Having determined the origins of the disease, you can proceed to the choice of its treatment. Usually, after the course of treatment, positive changes are observed in the body. Generally, chronic or idiopathic excessive night sweats are rare.

Prevention of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

To prevent hyperhidrosis, pay attention to the temperature of the room at night, avoid eating spicy food before bed, wear light underwear, stay active, do not watch movies that can cause you to think negative thoughts and make you feel anxious, and do not look through your to-do list for the next day.

Some argue that all diseases are from the nerves. Try not to torture: try to relax a little and watch “Live Healthy”, which discusses the causes of night sweats.

Excessive sweating during sleep is a common occurrence in the stronger sex. Often the culprit of the problem is the increased temperature in the room, but in some cases this is a signal that a pathological process is developing in the body. To prevent possible complications, you need to find out the causes of night sweats in men and restore the normal functioning of the sweat glands.


Sweating is a natural reaction of the body, signaling overheating. Human temperature can change under the influence of various factors. The hypothalamus contains a thermoregulatory system that controls this process. Nerve endings send certain impulses to the brain. If they carry information about an increase in temperature, sweat begins to be intensively released.

Sweating in a dream in men is manifested by perspiration on the forehead or throughout the body. Sometimes the liquid is released so profusely that it soaks a person's bedding, pillow and pajamas, and he has to change wet clothes in the middle of the night.

The sweat of a healthy man rarely has an unpleasant odor. Usually it is caused by pathogenic microflora located on the skin, or toxic substances that come out of the pores along with moisture. Sometimes the cause of a strong smell is the excessive consumption of garlic, onions and other foods.

The color of sweat varies from clear to light yellow. If a person works with chemicals, they can color the discharge in brighter shades. Most often, men sweat at night during sleep on the scalp, face, neck, armpits, back and legs.

Excessive sweating is known in medical circles as hyperhidrosis. When it is provoked by pathological causes, other symptoms are observed:

  • restless sleep;
  • excessive excitability;
  • depressed state;
  • causeless fear;
  • weight loss;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • rush of blood to cheeks, heat.

Such signs are a reason to urgently visit a therapist and undergo an examination. The doctor will find out the cause of sweating at night and prescribe adequate therapy.

Possible provoking factors

Men are prone to heavy sweating more than women. This is due to significant body weight and physical activity.

At night, all active processes slow down, so there are few prerequisites for a specific reaction. The regular manifestation of hyperhidrosis during sleep is an alarm signal that makes you think about your state of health.

There are external and internal causes of night sweats in men. Some of them are not a threat. If they are eliminated, hyperhidrosis ceases to bother.

It is much more difficult when sweating is a symptom of an illness. To maintain health, pathology must be identified as early as possible and treatment begun.

External factors

A common cause of hyperhidrosis at night is a stuffy room and heat. If the bedroom windows are closed and there is no fresh air flow, a person experiences discomfort and wakes up with sweat on his head and pillow.

For a good rest, the room must be systematically ventilated, put on pajamas made of natural fabric, use similar bedding and a blanket for the season.

Internal factors

There are much more internal provocateurs of the malfunctioning of the sweat glands. A common cause is alcohol consumption. Toxic substances in it increase blood circulation and cause intoxication. To cleanse itself of harmful compounds, the body begins to intensively secrete a liquid, along with which the components of alcohol exit through the pores. It is not only alcoholics who face this problem. Even a few bottles of beer can disrupt the functioning of the body and provoke hyperhidrosis..

Smoking impairs lung function and causes coughing fits, especially at night. These violations often become a prerequisite for restless sleep and profuse sweating.

Many men do not control the diet and eat unbalanced. Late dinners, fatty, spicy dishes put a strong strain on the stomach, worsen digestion and contribute to the set of extra pounds. The combination of these factors makes the body work for wear and tear and disrupts thermoregulation.

Increased sweating may indicate the development of dangerous diseases. This is a common symptom:

  • tuberculosis;
  • infections;
  • flu and colds;
  • inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

The presence of diseases is accompanied by fever, fever or chills. The man feels weak and weak. Sometimes there are pains in the muscles and knees.

Often, hyperhidrosis is a symptom of hormonal failure during male menopause.

After 50 years, a serious restructuring takes place in the body of the stronger sex. The production of testosterone decreases, the activity of spermatozoa decreases. The process is accompanied by heart rhythm disturbances, pressure surges and excessive irritability.

Causes of heavy sweating at night in men can be:

  • mental disorder;
  • avitaminosis;
  • tumors;
  • pneumonia;
  • endocrine disorders.

The pathological process is observed with HIV infection, hepatitis, prostatitis. If unpleasant symptoms continue for a long time, do not delay a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and determine the exact cause of the problem.


A comprehensive examination is necessary to make a diagnosis. The doctor must send the man for an ultrasound of the internal organs, make a cardiogram, write out a referral for a general blood and urine test. To exclude diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency and anemia, it is required to determine the level of red blood cells in the blood, the amount of glucose and hormones.

After the examination, it may be necessary to consult specialized specialists, for example, a cardiologist, proctologist, infectious disease specialist and oncologist. During the conversation, you need to answer the questions of the doctor in detail. Information will help to find out the clinical picture of the patient and make the correct diagnosis.

How to fix the problem

Treatment of hyperhidrosis is prescribed individually for each patient, based on the results of the examination.

When the pathological process in the body is not detected, the problem of sweating can be eliminated by following simple recommendations.

  1. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the bedroom.
  2. Maintain a comfortable room temperature.
  3. Purchase bed linen and pajamas made from natural fabrics.
  4. Change underwear daily.
  5. Take a shower in the morning and evening.

It is important to regulate your diet. You should limit the use of spices, spicy, fatty foods, salt and include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the diet. It is advisable to give up coffee, dark chocolate, strong tea and drink 2 liters of clean water a day.

Good results can be achieved using antiperspirants. Many deodorants contain substances that block sweat from escaping through the pores. New generation antiperspirants, including difemanil, work on a different principle. The substance, penetrating the skin, stops the signal of nerve endings about overheating and prevents the production of sweat.

Which doctor to contact

If a man is worried about excessive sweating at night, you should contact your family doctor or local therapist. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, prescribe tests and, if necessary, write a referral to narrow specialists.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many effective ways to get rid of night sweats. To prepare a relaxing bath you will need:

  • Oak bark;
  • field horsetail;
  • sage;
  • dandelion;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • calendula.

You need to mix the components in the same ratio. Take 4 large spoons and pour 1 liter of boiling water. After an hour, strain the liquid and pour into a warm bath. Immerse your body in it for 20 minutes. The procedure is done at bedtime 3 times a week. Instead of herbal collection, you can use sea salt - 4 tablespoons per bath, or coniferous extract, sold in a pharmacy.

With hyperhidrosis, a bath with essential oils is useful. They calm the nervous system, cleanse the pores and improve the function of the sweat glands. It is good to add 8 drops of pine, juniper, cypress, lavender oil and a spoonful of olive oil to the water.

  • chamomile flowers;
  • lemon balm;
  • peppermint;
  • strawberry leaves.

Measure out a teaspoon and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and drink as tea 2-3 times a day. Natural honey and a slice of lemon can be added to the drink. To remove night sweats, traditional medicine advises drinking 2 times a day in between meals, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

A simple and safe way to stop sweating is ordinary talcum powder. It must be applied to a clean, dry body. It instantly absorbs moisture and keeps you comfortable throughout the night.

Activation of the secretion of sweat glands occurs due to physical activity, an increase in ambient temperature, emotional overstrain, etc.

This physiologically determined reaction is aimed at maintaining the optimal temperature and protecting the body from overheating.

In a dream, a person sweats very little, because. is in a state of physical and mental calm. However, many men are faced with frequent awakenings at night from the fact that their body is simply wet.

And if in the hot season it is still somehow explainable, then in winter it causes misunderstanding and psychological discomfort.

Why do men sweat a lot at night?

Excessive sweating does not just happen. It may indicate that the body simply overheats during sleep, or it may signal the development of a serious illness.

Increased activity of the sweat glands always indicates an imbalance in the body.

The causes of night sweats in men can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • related to external factors (too high temperature in the bedroom, thick blanket, etc.);
  • caused by somatic or mental pathology (all kinds of diseases from the common cold to the most formidable).

There are cases when night sweats are idiopathic, ie. occurs for no apparent reason.

Overheating during sleep - what to do?

The reason for excessive sweating at night in men may be a banal overheating of the body as a result of non-compliance with the temperature regime in the bedroom.

The quality of bedding is of great importance:

  • preference should be given to natural bed linen;
  • the blanket should be light and not hot.

It is better to choose clothes for sleep not synthetic, but cotton. It should have good absorbent properties and easily conduct heat.

The air temperature in the room intended for sleeping should be between 16 - 21 degrees!

Improper diet contributes to increased sweating

Eating food at night that promotes vasodilation and increased blood flow can simply cause night sweats in men. What are these products?

  • spicy seasonings;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

It is necessary to exclude such products from the evening diet. Dinner should be light and lean. It is better to give preference to dairy dishes, vegetables and fruits. They normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.

Smoking also negatively affects the function of the sweat glands. Quitting cigarettes often helps men quickly deal with the "wet" problem.

"Alcoholic" sweat

Torrential night sweats that occur while drinking alcohol are an unfavorable sign. This indicates a massive poisoning of the body and a violation of heat transfer processes.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • ethyl alcohol has a toxic effect on the brain, resulting in dysfunction of all organs and systems;
  • when alcohol enters the bloodstream, the rate of biochemical reactions increases and body temperature rises;
  • intoxication is a serious stress for the body;
  • The breakdown products of alcohol are excreted along with a huge amount of excess fluid, not only through the urinary system, but also through the skin.

Severe night sweats, insomnia, muscle pain and irritability that appear after drinking are typical signs of withdrawal symptoms, i.e. alcohol addiction!

Symptoms of night sweats

The reason for sweating at night in men can be any disease. This symptom is not specific, but is observed in combination with other pathological signs.

So, what health problems can night sweats signal?

  • sleep apnea syndrome (short-term cessation of breathing during sleep);
  • acute and chronic infectious diseases (including pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and HIV);
  • purulent - inflammatory processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological pathology;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the pancreas, adrenal glands, etc.);
  • autoimmune processes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • neurological disorders (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis).

A common cause of night sweats of the head are neurotic and depressive disorders, acute stress reactions and other mental illnesses (psychoses).

Night sweats can be a side effect of certain medications (for example, antidepressants, antihypertensives, antipyretics, and some others).

Night sweats in men over 40

The reason for heavy sweating at night in men can be hormonal changes, namely a gradual decrease in testosterone production (the period of andropause). Normally, this occurs at the age of 45 - 60 years.

In addition to changes in body temperature and excessive sweating, male menopause has a number of other symptoms (mood swings, feeling hot, deterioration in performance, decreased sexual activity, dizziness, etc.)

After the completion of the processes of hormonal changes, the state of health stabilizes and unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Questions important for diagnosis

With the problem of night sweats, first of all, you need to contact a therapist. To find out the cause of the disorder, the doctor asks many questions that you need to be prepared for:

  • What period of time is there sweating at night and how intense is it?
  • Is sweating only during sleep or also during the day?
  • what additional symptoms does the patient have (accelerated heart rate, appetite disorders, changes in body weight, mood swings, etc.)?
  • the presence of diagnosed concomitant diseases (infectious, endocrine, psycho-neurological, etc.)
  • Do you have a history of allergic reactions?
  • Is the patient taking any medications?

Depending on the results of the survey, the doctor prescribes a series of tests and studies. In some cases, the cause of sweating can be established quickly, and the problem goes away with treatment.

In more complex cases, for the correct diagnosis, it becomes necessary to consult other specialists (neurologist, allergist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, etc.)

How to improve night sleep and reduce sweating?

Increased night sweats can be independent. In such cases, normalization of night sleep is important in combating the problem.

  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • replace bed linen with comfortable natural;
  • do not overeat before bed;
  • exclude products that provoke sweating;
  • stop smoking;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • apply a set of relaxing procedures (aromatic warm baths, calm music, massage, etc.);
  • exercise regularly;

Treatment of sweating in men

Identification of the cause of night sweats in men is decisive in choosing a method of treatment. Based on the complaints presented by the patient, the identified symptoms and the results of additional studies, the course of therapy is determined.

Elimination of the underlying disease, a symptom of which is sweating, leads to the disappearance of the "wet" problem.

Drug treatment of excessive sweating is complex and includes the following groups of drugs:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulators;
  • sedatives;
  • antiallergic;
  • hormonal;
  • vitamins, etc.

The result of treatment depends on the timeliness of the patient's visit to the doctor. The identified disease is most often not serious and easily treatable. But there is always a risk that cancer can be the cause of sweating!


Sweating at night - causes in a man during sleep and treatment for excessive sweating

The attitude towards sweating is always negative, but this process is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Sweat helps maintain body temperature and salt balance, removes toxins. In fact, this is a way of self-purification and healing of the body. The problem is observed if sweating becomes profuse.

Due to the process of releasing moisture, the skin of a person can be cooled. In its upper layer there are a large number of capillaries. Blood moves quickly through them and brings heat, which leaves the body through sweat in large quantities. The blood cools by almost 2 C, after which it moves into large vessels. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is as important as sleep itself: at this time, the body restores its strength for health.

Night sweats in men can occur due to inflammatory processes in the body. Often the cause is a neurological disease, which is provoked by regular stress, trouble, insomnia. Often sweating at night in men is observed with a cold. Uncontrolled intake of nitroglycerin, paracetamol, and other drugs forces the body to cleanse itself of harmful substances through sweat.

Sweating at night in men can cause sarcoidosis: armpits, legs and arms sweat, chest, neck, forehead and entire head are covered with sweat droplets. Sarcoidosis affects several body systems at once, it manifests itself in the form of fatigue, poor appetite, and fever. The person becomes nervous, twitchy. Possible cough, fibrosis of the lung tissue, the appearance of bluish spots on different parts of the body. A characteristic symptom of the disease is constant night sweats in men. In this case, only a specialist can determine the cause of hyperhidrosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

If a person wakes up on a pillow wet with sweat, the first thing that can be suspected with such profuse night sweats is overheating during sleep. The cause of the attack is heat, dry air, a warm blanket. To continue to sleep peacefully, you have to take a shower, ventilate the room. If we talk about psychological problems, then severe stress can become the cause. In such cases, overheating during sleep does not cause much concern: buy a comfortable bed, do not be nervous before going to bed, do not drink hot coffee, stop smoking. Sweating at night during sleep normalizes on its own

Sweating at night after alcohol

Alcohol in the blood disrupts brain activity. The brain is responsible for all body processes, including perspiration. Body temperature rises, and biochemical reactions accelerate. A person throws into a fever, night sweats begin after alcohol. During a feast, a person may not sweat, but sweating still appears at night.

Alcoholism is always hyperhidrosis, problems with the liver, kidneys or other organs. Regular drinking of alcoholic beverages negatively affects the entire body, affects the quality of life. At first, everything looks innocent, but over time, an adult healthy person turns into a sick old man, his appearance completely changes. If an alcoholic does not stop drinking, then everything can end in tears.

sweating after the flu

The human body reacts to the invasion of infectious agents by increasing body temperature. As a result of intoxication, another symptom appears - hyper sweating: the head, armpits, hands and feet sweat. So the body begins to actively fight the disease. Night sweats after SARS occurs against the background of high temperature, accompanied by chest cough, runny nose, apnea, it can start to hurt and feel dizzy.

After the body defeats the virus, a person will sweat for about two more weeks: this is due to astheno-vegetative syndrome. The patient should not rush to work, it is necessary to give the body time to fully recover. After pneumonia, sweating can be observed for about a month, and after sepsis or malaria even longer. Such patients should be treated in a hospital.

What diseases cause a person to sweat at night

Night sweats in men can be triggered by various serious diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • alcoholism;
  • allergy;
  • oncological problems;
  • diabetes;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • kidney problems;
  • infectious diseases.

Causes of heavy sweating of the whole body in men

Idiopathic local sweating - this is the name for the release of sticky sweat not in some separate areas, but immediately throughout the body. As a rule, it has a genetic predisposition. Heavy sweating during sleep in men can occur due to metabolic disorders: for example, overweight people sweat more. Profuse sweating is also provoked by some products, and the body removes harmful substances through sweat.

Causes of cold sweat at night in a man

Cold sweat at night can provoke the following reasons:

  • Reduced blood pressure, and as a result, improper functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood loss.
  • Alcohol abuse. Alcohol has a negative effect on thermoregulation systems. Chills or cold sweats appear.
  • With migraines, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood of a man, which provokes severe sweating.
  • Causeless hyperhidrosis is observed after a man has suffered stress.
  • In adolescence, sweat can be caused by hormonal imbalance.

What to do with heavy sweating

Excessive sweating in men brings a lot of trouble, you need to solve this problem immediately:

  1. If diseases are not provocateurs of sweat, and the man is healthy, you can use special means of protection - for example, choose a reliable antiperspirant.
  2. Pharmacies also offer formagel, which should be used in courses: it suppresses the functions of the sweat glands, eliminates bad odor. One application is enough to forget about sweat for a week. Then the agent is applied again.
  3. Sweating at night - the reasons for a man vary. If they do not lie in diseases, Teymurov's paste will help eliminate the problem. The drug has an antiseptic effect, applied in the armpits.
  4. You can use boric acid - it also disinfects well, narrows the sweat glands.
  5. None of the means can help if you wear clothes made of synthetic materials in hot weather. In summer, preference should be given to underwear made from natural fabrics, such as cotton, silk or linen.
  6. Do not neglect the folk remedies for eliminating profuse sweat. Excessive sweating that occurs without any particular reason can be treated with herbal infusions. Decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, birch buds or horsetail will help improve the condition. To prepare such a remedy from chamomile, you need 6 tbsp. l. crushed flowers brew 2 liters of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. After that, put in it 2 tbsp. l. soda and wipe problem areas.
  7. To get rid of excessive sweating of the armpits, legs and hands, the Drionic apparatus can be used. The therapy is carried out by means of a weak current, which is allowed into problem areas. In the States, this device has already passed a 20-year test and received a lot of positive feedback from users. However, it is suitable for people with mild sweating. The course of treatment with current must be taken every three months.
  8. Another effective way to treat hyperhidrosis is injection. The patient is injected under the skin in problem areas with a special drug. It could be, for example, Botox. The principle of this treatment is simple. The drug blocks the neural connection between the brain and sweat glands. As a result, after the injection, you can not be afraid of sweating for about six months, however, such a procedure will cost a lot.
  9. In extreme cases, doctors suggest a surgical way to destroy the sweat glands with excessive sweating.

Video: causes of increased sweating

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.


The main causes and treatments for excessive sweating in men during the night sleep

The ability to sweat is quite important for the human body. It provides regulation of body temperature, helping to maintain its constant level against the background of changing environmental conditions. If the temperature around is high, but there is no humidity, then strong sweating begins. Such regulation is most effective in air with low humidity.

The composition of sweat fluid is quite variable, and fluctuates depending on many conditions. It includes water, mineral salts, various sulfuric acid compounds, potassium chloride, phosphates, calcium and its compounds, protein metabolism products, urea and ammonia, lactic acid. Sweat is acidic. Sweating is a constant process, it does not stop even when sleep begins.

The concept of hyperhidrosis

If for some reason a person has too much sweating, then this is called hyperhidrosis. It is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom complex observed in different physiological states of the body and in some diseases.

Hyperhidrosis can be both general, in which there is increased sweating on the entire surface of the skin, and local, when the head, hands or other limited area of ​​the skin sweats. One of the most common forms of this syndrome is increased sweating during sleep.

The role of testosterone in the development of hyperhidrosis

Many women worry because their husband sweats a lot in his sleep. Despite the fact that hyperhidrosis can develop in people of any gender, there are a number of reasons associated with the functioning of the male body, leading to the fact that men have increased night sweats. Its regulation depends in part on the level of the male sex hormone called testosterone.

Stress, insomnia, anemia, hyperhidrosis - these diseases can be associated with changes in testosterone levels

If its synthesis increases, it also increases the likelihood that in response to severe stress, physical activity, high temperature of the environment or one's own body, the body will produce an unreasonably large amount of sweat. In this case, both the development of total and local hyperhidrosis is possible, in which the head or another specific part of the body sweats, for example, such as the palms.

How stress factors can affect sweating

At the same time, a situation is possible when constant stress or physical overstrain triggers a cascade of adaptive reactions, as a result of which testosterone synthesis increases. This allows the body to better tolerate stress and cope with stress more easily. However, the next episodes of stressful influences and hard work can lead to hyperhidrosis. Sometimes the reaction does not occur immediately, profuse night sweats are produced in men.

Therefore, often a person does not associate the fact that he is in a state of chronic stress with hyperhidrosis, and tries to understand why his head or hands are sweating. In such cases, night sweats in men should serve as a signal that you need to reconsider your lifestyle and consult a doctor.

If sweating has developed at night, the reasons for men can be purely psychological, because the stronger sex prefers not to expose their experiences, trying to cope with them on their own.

Many also try to hide their emotions. Therefore, they are more prone to vivid experiences in a dream, men are more often tormented by nightmares. A person reacts to this with a strong sweating reaction, which is often called "cold sweat".

Diseases that occur with profuse sweating

Unfortunately, sweating can be a sign of many diseases, so when it appears, it is better to consult a doctor. Increased sweating is observed in the following conditions:

  • diseases of infectious genesis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • disruption of the endocrine glands, such as the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland;
  • diseases with impaired metabolism;
  • a number of rheumatic diseases;
  • some mental disorders.

Of particular concern is tuberculosis, which, despite popular belief, very rarely begins with cough, shortness of breath, or other pulmonary symptoms. On the contrary, at first, this disease can only lead to a slight, subfebrile increase in body temperature, which a person may not notice, and increased sweating.

Later, weakness, weight loss, exhaustion, decreased ability to work and, later, cough and shortness of breath may join. However, this means that the process has gone far enough. Therefore, if sweating increases at night in men, which does not depend on the temperature in the room and working conditions, it is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Increased sweating in men can be a sign of increased nervousness, diabetes, kidney disease, thyroid gland, lungs

Another group of diseases that leads to hyperhidrosis is hormonal disorders. With hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, the level of testosterone in the blood increases, which leads, among other things, to increased night sweats. Obesity is also observed, with a predominant deposition of fatty tissue in certain areas:

Sometimes hyperhidrosis is a consequence of another sleep disorder - snoring and sleep apnea syndrome. As you know, men are more likely to suffer from this disease. As a result of frequent respiratory arrests, there is a decrease in the level of oxygen, the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood, which disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system, leading it into a state of irritation. Therefore, the body reacts to this also by increased sweating.

Basic rules for the treatment of hyperhidrosis

Since hyperhidrosis is only a symptom complex, it is impossible to give unambiguous recommendations for its treatment. On the one hand, this may just be the body's reaction to excessive levels of stress or improper sleep conditions. On the other hand, hyperhidrosis is often one of the symptoms of diseases.

Therefore, when it appears, it is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. If no organic pathology is found in the hospital, then doctors can also help in the correct modification of lifestyle, and refer to a psychotherapist who will help to cope with stress.

The role of hygiene in the fight against hyperhidrosis

It is important not to forget about hygiene, to shower regularly and not to wear the same clothes for a long time. Tight, tight-fitting and excessively hot clothing should also not be used. This can be the cause of ordinary overheating of the body, which causes sweating at night in men.

Sleep hygiene should also be observed.

You need to sleep in a well-ventilated room, with a normal temperature. Bedding and pillows should be clean, and the mattress should support proper posture at night. You need to pay attention to the blanket - is it too hot for sleeping.

People suffering from heavy sweating are usually advised to pay special attention to hygiene.

You need to go to bed after a period of calm, during which it is better not to be exposed to stress or stimuli that cause strong emotions - do not read books, do not watch TV, refrain from the Internet. This will reduce the tone of the nervous system, and, as a result, the level of its response to external influences during sleep.

Don't eat right before bed. Between dinner and the moment when a person goes to bed, at least several hours should pass. It is advisable to exclude fatty, fried and spicy or spicy foods from the diet. Do not drink a lot of coffee or tea, as they contain stimulants and are also consumed hot, and can lead to episodes of hyperhidrosis.

Features of medical care for hyperhidrosis

In the event that sweating is associated with an organic disease, it is necessary to treat it. Of course, the above reactions can help reduce the degree of manifestation of such a symptom as hyperhidrosis, however, they cannot completely remove it. Only the cure of the underlying disease can completely rid a person of this problem.

It is possible to use physiotherapeutic methods - massage, electrophoresis, iontophoresis, injections of certain drugs. However, such treatment can be carried out only after appropriate doctor's prescriptions.

Sometimes hyperhidrosis can be the result of an increased number of sweat glands. This feature of the structure of the skin is inherited. In this case, special techniques are used to reduce the number of sweat glands.

Until the long-awaited effect of the main treatment has come, patients can be recommended special medical antiperspirants with high concentrations of active substances. If excessive sweating is associated with the influence of stress and the reaction of the psyche, then the help of a psychotherapist or neurologist is needed, who can simultaneously prescribe drugs with a sedative effect to calm the excited nervous system.


What to think about if a man sweats at night, or the causes of hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a function by which the human body gets rid of elevated body temperature by evaporating water and mineral salts through the surface of the skin. Therefore, to some extent, sweating can be considered part of the excretory function.

The causes of heavy sweating during sleep may be different, but it must be remembered that, in any case, it will not be caused by increased muscle contraction and will be sweating at rest. This condition is also referred to as hyperhidrosis, and this term may well replace the phrase "excessive sweating."

Night sweats are the result of disturbances or external influences on the body.

It is also important that heavy night sweating is a non-specific symptom, and it can manifest itself in an extremely wide range of diseases and pathological conditions.

We will try to understand this issue, especially since such a condition as sweating at night in men has in some cases a different origin than in women. First, we will try to describe the causes of sweating in a dream that are not related to the state of health:

When not to worry

The causes of heavy sweating are often of a normal, “household” nature. Sometimes they are surprisingly simple, but for some reason they do not pay due attention. Here they are:

  • just a hot blanket chosen "out of season";
  • lack of ventilation of the room, as well as simply high temperature in the bedroom, which exceeds 25 degrees Celsius;
  • sweating at night in men can often appear after "errors" in nutrition, drinking alcohol, and also due to drinking a large amount of liquid;
  • profuse sweating is often due to drinking carbonated drinks, chocolate and drinking coffee.

But still, most often night sweats are a cause for concern because they are simply not expected. The situation with a hot bedroom and previous libations can be understood and conclusions can be drawn. But it is impossible to understand why sweating in a dream, only the head or neck, without referring to medical reasons.

Medical aspects of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

The range of diseases in which severe night sweats in males is a symptom is quite wide. We list the most famous states:

  • Problems associated with endocrine disorders. First of all, thyrotoxicosis and diabetes mellitus should be mentioned. In diabetes, severe sweating is characteristic of the head and neck area.
  • Conditions associated with autoimmune inflammation syndrome, or rheumatological diseases. These include rheumatic fever, and such, for example, an infrequent disease as temporal arteritis.
  • A large group of causes of heavy sweating during sleep are infectious diseases, and tuberculosis is considered a classic of them. Sometimes it comes to the point that the sheets need to be changed several times a night, before they become wet. Why does this happen in dreams? The fact is that this is how intoxication manifests itself, which often causes not only sweating, but also weight loss. At the same time, other common causes of night sweating may be acute purulent diseases, such as lung or liver abscess, HIV infection, chronic viral hepatitis. Sweating during sleep is very typical for infectious mononucleosis, and even for a common adenovirus cold infection.
  • Often men (and women) sweat during sleep in the early stages of malignant neoplasms and various cancerous processes. Moreover, sometimes only this symptom can disturb a person for a long time against the background of complete health. Why is this happening? As a result of manifestations of the same syndrome of intoxication, but not of an inflammatory or infectious nature, but accompanying cancerous growth. In this case, we are talking about a paracancer (near-cancerous) process. Most often, men sweat with lymphogranulomatosis and the development of various lymphomas.

Hyperhidrosis may accompany malignant neoplasms

  • Sweating during sleep is very characteristic of a disease such as multiple sclerosis. Both men and women sweat equally often, although women suffer from multiple sclerosis more often than men. But in men, this disease is more severe. The reason for this is the violation of the myelin sheath in various nerves, and the associated signs of impaired conduction of the nerve impulse. If such patients sweat during sleep, then this indicates a violation of autonomic regulation.
  • Also during sleep, a person sweats excessively in various mental illnesses. This happens with nervous exhaustion, bipolar disorder, hysteria, depression, schizophrenia.
  • Finally, men often sweat in their sleep with various types of drug addiction, substance abuse, chronic alcoholism and other types of abuse of various psychoactive substances.
  • In addition, various drugs, especially antipyretics, such as paracetamol, can cause nocturnal hyperhidrosis if they are used uncontrolled.
  • Sleep apnea syndrome. In the event that a person experiences periodic pauses in breathing during sleep, the body regards this situation as stress and responds to it with excessive production of adrenaline, which also causes an increase in sweating.

Prevention of sweating

If a man sweats in his sleep, then, first of all, in order not to complicate the doctor's diagnostic search, he must take measures to eliminate at least domestic causes. Only in case of ineffectiveness of these measures, he should contact a specialist.

Preventive measures to prevent night sweats

These preventive measures include:

  • implementation of sleep and rest;
  • maintaining the optimal temperature in the bedroom;
  • a blanket and a nightgown should “breathe”, you should not wear underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • limit yourself to stimulants - you can’t drink, smoke, drink coffee and spicy, stimulating food before going to bed;
  • before going to bed, take a warm shower, follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Before going to bed, in addition to body hygiene, you need to do “hygiene of the soul”. You should not watch TV at night to be calm, but it is better to take a walk that calms your nerves.

Then you will get a good sleep. Remember that a person spends a third of his life in a dream, and you need to carefully take care of your own sleep in order to be healthy in reality.

Have you ever experienced insomnia?! Of course, you know firsthand what it is: frequent sleepless nights, weakness, decreased ability to work, mood, daytime sleepiness, a feeling of constant lack of sleep ..

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