Pros and cons of rural life. Living in the countryside after the city: the pros and cons

Before the decision to “move” was made in our family, we thought about this topic for a long time. One of the methods of reflection was a piece of paper, divided into two halves. In the center we wrote "Life in the countryside". On the left we wrote "What we gain" and on the right we wrote "What we lose".

A very good way of thinking! Organizes the mess in thoughts; specifies and identifies ill-conceived questions; allows, having slept with him, once again more soberly “from above” to look at the object of the question.

I suggest everyone to connect to this list and add their items there. So:

Village life. What do we buy

Your home on your land

+ large living space at a much lower cost
+ independence and autonomy in matters of survival: providing oneself with food, warmth, housing, and subsequently - clothes, shoes, utensils and tools
+ stop paying rent
+ own bath

Healthy society

+ an environment of people who think about their health, the future of children, who are open to information about development
+ emotional support from them
+ always ready to help - both skills and actions
+ absence of bad things like violence, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, pornography

physical health

+ from clean air
+ from clean water
+ from the purity of food
+ from regular physical activity

emotional health

+ lack of stress
+ slower pace of life
+ solid foundation
+ less fear for the future
+ closer family relationships, because more time together, because joint creation

mental health

+ stop polluting your brain with unnecessary information
+ quality education for children: based on pure practice


+ daily time is freed up for different things, for the family, for yourself
+ plenty of time in winter - for creativity, family, walks and health activities


+ necessity development "in breadth", the acquisition of many different skills - as opposed to the concentration and deepening of one
+ planning with a long horizon (you need to plan at least a year in advance), and in matters of organizing the landscape and the whole way of life - for many years ahead
+ survival in "independent" conditions
+ caring for plants and animals
+ handicraft

Understanding Nature:

+ how the forest lives
+ what herbs grow and how they act on the body
+ how the sun and moon walk in the sky and affect our lives
+ how plants, animals, fungi interact with each other

Revive the Planet

+ stop buying garbage
+ we improve and multiply Life in its small corner

Village life. What are we losing

Amenities of living

- central heating
- water pipes
- sewerage
- garbage removal
- a stable amount of electricity

Qualified medical care

- ambulance
- surgeons
- pharmacies

modern education

(I don’t even know if this is a minus?)

Grocery stores

- food delivery close to home
- a wide range of products
- exotic and hard-to-find products

Other stores

- ready-made clothes and shoes
- household appliances and electronics
- computers and other toys


- the ability to move quickly and comfortably
- long distance travel


- movie
- TV
- theatres, museums, etc.
- fast internet
- cafes and restaurants; exotic cuisine

What will you add?

I had a choice at a certain time, and money for a house, not bad. But I wasn't on my own. I also have a maman who also needs employment, and since our energies are very similar, there is simply no point in moving away, because there is a complete understanding. As a result, I bought a house in the suburbs for the time being, for mom and me it’s a charm, she has the opportunity of employment, giving private lessons in mathematics and piano, it turned out to be VERY in demand, people themselves find and offer big pay, communication with children, positive energy, people just came to life after the death of her husband, well, 20 hundred. irrigated suburban land is not so little. I gained the opportunity to practice on the ground while simultaneously working, spreading the ideas of RP, studying information and selecting a team for the future settlement. It so happened that there are simply no settlements nearby, and people who are more than 50-70 km away do not want to leave the city. Yes, and a girl - a life partner is better to find before the settlement than when you already have something, and she is simply put before the fact. SO - the disadvantages of living in the village: - in view of the lack of criteria for moving quickly and comfortably, it is more difficult to find a companion. - with a small or undeveloped settlement, it is difficult for a retired person to find employment and remuneration for his labors (by profession), it is clear that work is also a garden, but this is for everyone, I’m talking about the functionality that a person has, but “idle” for lack of demand. When the stagnation of energy is always bad... it leads to depression. Well ... but in the city he is busy and happy ...

I would probably add (or rather paraphrase) + we are getting closer to our ancestors - we work with our hands. With earth, wood, water - with nature. And accordingly + understanding of the nature of man-body and man-soul. Why are there no long distance trips? Here are my thoughts on the cons like a theater (read all entertainment) and other shops (in principle, travel and all the amenities of living are here too): - you can create everything you need, up to the theater. Having lived a little on earth, you will understand - is it really so necessary? (for example, we install sewage into the house, but I don’t know whether we will use it in five years) - you can always plunge into the world of the city. No one forces you to break all ties and say goodbye to all your friends and relatives. (I am currently writing this comment while in Kyiv. I came to plunge, so to speak:) It was the question of entertainment that scared me before. But my husband firmly planted faith: you can! If you want - go, have fun! Feel the difference. And now I can see the difference. And what will happen in a year and whether I want to go is the question. P.S. On the plus side - stop creating garbage :)

I began to write point by point and realized that after a “year”, values ​​and significance change. This time. The second is that in the city we pay for all these amenities. Therefore, it is necessary to consider instead of “we lose” - “we stop working for”. Those. trade your time for money for good. In the village, you can do everything the same, but directly - both heating and water. Azesm, you yourself once wrote that in the city you have to pay for all this, pay with your time, plus the “surcharge value” of all the financial pyramid.

Haven't found any cons yet. (Maybe after moving...) For example, education is definitely not a minus. The son cannot complete his second education at an “advanced” university, literally impudently doing everything to pay and pay. Recently, he went with a friend to a small town, not a regional center, where he studies in absentia at a local university. When he returned, he said: “You know, it’s so clean and comfortable there, and imagine that you can approach the teacher at any time. Calmly explain, do not yell when the student did not immediately understand. A friend passed the entire session in two days, and we need more than a week to hammer the teacher in order to set the day for the exam! I envy him wildly." And about medicine. In such a case, in principle, there are cars, if not their own, then neighbors and acquaintances. They, too, may someday need something from you, this is a village, not a city, where everyone is fenced off from each other. In addition, it seems that we also have such a thing as insurance medicine, when, in theory, if something happens, it’s better for doctors to go and pick you up and do everything possible to pull you out, otherwise the insurers will twist their arms later, and they know how.

My friends sold a cozy two-room apartment and moved to a small village 10 km from the city. I went to visit them and even envied how well they accommodated. I also wanted to leave the concrete captivity somewhere for nature and freedom, but before making such a decision, you need to carefully consider everything.

The friends moved in for a very good reason: they were waiting. There was not enough space for everyone, since their elderly mother also lived with them. Having calculated that real estate in the Volgograd region is cheaper than in the cities, they bought a one-story building with 5 bedrooms. For the price, they turned out almost well, they changed the apartment without additional payments, and the maternity capital went to repair the building. But is it so easy for everyone to move?

The advantages of rural life

The main plus of living outside the city is fresh air. Many people talk about the pollution of the urban atmosphere, but you can feel it only for a few weeks after arriving somewhere cleaner, and then returning. The freshness of the village is very attractive, and besides, there is little noise around. Of course, cars fill the streets, but there are no trams, huge traffic jams, and after 12 at night everything freezes.

Plus, real estate is much cheaper. Of course, depending on where, but usually the farther from large metropolitan areas, the more pleasant the prices. The cost is also affected by the transport network, as well as the location of the infrastructure. If the village is residential, it has shops, a clinic, a kindergarten and a school, then the place is quite suitable. Instead of the usual kopeck piece, friends bought a five-room house with all communications. And in the yard there is a bathhouse and a couple of sheds.

Your home is also a small plot of land where you can grow vegetables, fruits or flowers. For some, this is a great joy. The most important thing is that you decide whether to concrete the territory or plant a lawn. Every year everything can be changed, although it takes time and effort. On the territory you can put a gazebo, make a playground or a corner for.

A huge plus of living in your own house is a separate territory. There are no annoying neighbors who can hear everything that is going on through the walls. You can make repairs at any time and listen to music without restrictions. The fence isolates you from prying eyes, allowing you to maintain privacy.

Cons of country life

Moving to the countryside is an important step worth considering. You need to start with where you are going to work. A modern one cannot always provide a place for a specialist, which means that difficulties will arise. My friends did not change jobs, they continue to travel to the city, but at the same time they bear the cost of moving. It is necessary to have personal transport, and also take into account that the road will take some time.

The village is very convenient for the growth of children, but it is quite difficult to develop them. There is a kindergarten, which is great, but the availability of sports facilities, a music school and other interesting places where children can develop comprehensively is questionable. This should be taken into account, because they will have to be transported to the city in order to gain some skills.

Transport is also an issue. Of course, adults must have cars to be mobile, but a child under 18 will not drive. How will he go to school or somewhere else? Even at 12-14 years old, it will not be very easy for him, so check what types of public transport are available in your new place, how often they run and how much they cost.

You need to understand that life in the house constantly requires some kind of work. A leaky roof, a clogged sink, a burned-out lantern, and more will require skill or a craftsman ready to help at any time. The current one will be permanent, and the cost of it will be significant.

Today we have a lot of very cheap housing for sale in our region, but this is due to the fact that there are no good roads in the district. In summer, the place seems very pleasant, but after rain it is not possible to drive to the dwelling. The autumn-spring season becomes a nightmare for residents. And no one is engaged in the creation of conditions. When moving, you need to make sure that everything is fine with the road, there are no significant problems. Also find out if there are any interruptions in water, electricity and other infrastructure. You need to understand that even the Internet today is not everywhere.

For myself, I decided that all the difficulties that you might encounter are not a problem for me. All of them can be solved, there would be a desire. And the fresh air is worth it. But I just want a house closer to the city, and it wouldn’t hurt me either. So far I'm just planning the move, but I think that soon I will succeed. Where do you live? I would like to know where is it better?

Hello dear blog visitors. I decided to continue the series of articles from the Rural Look section. And in this article, I propose to speculate the pros and cons of rural life.

This topic is very close to me, since for more than five years I have changed the bustling urban pace of life to rural harmony. And during this time, the criteria that distinguish between the city and the countryside have clearly settled in my mind.

I should note that the rural population accounts for only 30% of the total population of the Russian Federation.

And once the share of villagers in the country reached an impressive mark of 75%. But then, industrialization and urbanization. Not surprisingly, 23,000 villages have disappeared in the last 20 years.

Most of the townspeople perceive life in the countryside as something wild, stone age. I will make a reservation right away, in this text I will not talk about a remote village. I will rely on the average village, where there is television, shops, etc.

But I would like to start with city life, where hectic life is in full swing. The city provides many opportunities, both career and cultural and entertainment.

I come from Veliky Novgorod, which is generally recognized as one of the centers of Russian statehood and one of the centers of culture.

But if everything in the city is so wonderful, what made me leave it?

Pros of country life

Cons of country life

There is also an opinion about the lack of abundance on store shelves. It seems to me that all this is already in the past. Trading networks (Magnit, Pyaterochka, Dixie and many others) have long penetrated rural settlements and are successfully sucking finances out of rural residents.

As for the assortment, it may be for the best that there are no fakes on the shelves of rural stores that are on every corner in city stores. From the garden - it is tastier and healthier.

Also, many argue that there is no crime in the village. It only brings an ironic smile to my face. We had one episode when an ATM was stolen from a store. This is the same as saying that there are only alcoholics in the village.

In general, some of these disadvantages can be easily eliminated with the help of finance. Buy yourself a satellite dish, internet... Arrange your home as you want.

Rural life saves our nerves and protects us from everyday stress, unlike the city. And what could be better than living for your own pleasure?

If I missed something or something is wrong, then leave your comments at the end of the article, we will discuss the topic of the village.

Discussion: 5 comments

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A month has passed since we moved from the city to the village forever and we can already talk about the first results. I had only positive hopes when we decided to leave Moscow. However, not everything is as sweet in the village as it seemed at first. Of course, there are pluses and I will describe them, I will start with a description of the "minuses".

1. High humidity in the house

I spent the first 17 years of my life in the countryside, 19 years have passed since then and I don’t remember at all that it bothered me before. Now I feel it and it is essential: a damp bed, stuffy air, wet salt, sugar. You need to think about how to store cereals and flour so that bugs do not start in them. The stainless steel blades are starting to rust.

In order not to sleep in a damp bed, you need to dry your clothes in the sun more often.
This house smelled of dampness, especially the cabinets that were left from the previous owners. I abandoned the closet with tight-closing doors and we built a dressing room from improvised material.

Instead of a door, there is a curtain for good ventilation, and so that the structure is not bulky, we put mirrors on both sides.

When building your house, you need to think carefully about ventilation, it may be worth stopping at forced ventilation.

I used to dream of living near the forest, but now I understand how good it is that the forest is about 800 meters from us. Near the forest - this is even more humidity and hordes of insects. Actually, I moved on to the second minus:

2. There are much more blood-sucking insects than in the city.

In cities, all forest areas are cultivated, which reduces the number of insects and does not spread the diseases they carry. This is not done in the countryside, and there are a lot of forests. Mosquitoes, gadflies, horseflies, flies are the reason why you won’t be able to sleep freely by an open window. First you need to put the grid.
We haven't bought them yet, but I can't sleep with the window closed. Even in winter, the window in my apartment was always ajar.
This minus with modern insect repellents is easily eliminated. You insert the liquid into the heating device and in a few minutes there are no mosquitoes!

3. Lack of entertainment and educational circles for children

This minus really worries me. The nearest city is 30 km from the village, Moscow - 85 km. My daughter is going to study as a veterinarian next year, this is her conscious choice. Now he reads a lot about veterinary medicine, spends all his free time with animals. In Moscow, she went to the KUBZ (the club of the Moscow Zoo), worked as a volunteer in a sled dog kennel.
Now you have to spend 4 hours on the road one way.

In the meantime, our husky Bars helps her adapt to a new lifestyle (all photos are taken by Dasha)

They explore the area together

The younger children, Sonya and Egor, do not have the opportunity to attend additional circles. While they are busy learning about the environment and their inhabitants: hedgehogs, lizards, various butterflies, bugs and spiders - everything is interesting to them.

It is necessary to build a playground.

4. Very poor quality of tap water.

For a village, running water is a luxury. There is water here, it flows from the tap in a thin stream, but with a very strong smell of hydrogen sulfide. You definitely can't drink it. After washing, an unpleasant odor emanates from the body for some time, no soap can dampen the stench.
It is necessary to install a powerful water filter, although, I'm afraid, due to the weak pressure, this is impossible.

5. The mains voltage is weak, it constantly knocks out traffic jams and there are power outages.
Hits plugs at least 3 times a day. It seems that it’s okay, it knocked out, turned it on again and business, but I work remotely all day and when the light knocks out, the computer with unsaved data is cut down. After a long time, the computer boots up, the system is restored, and I sit and worry that I received an important and urgent message.

Now we can only turn on one device at a time. If the electric stove is on, the kettle cannot be turned on.
My electric stove is ancient, or rather not mine, it was here in the house, only one burner works, and no matter how I tried to clean it, I did not succumb. Well, nothing, for the first time until we buy a new one, it will do. I even manage to cook system recipes on it and upload 3 dishes to the group every week.
Here it is, this tile))

There was once a power outage last month due to a thunderstorm. As I wrote above, I work at home, but this is impossible without electricity, and that day I had to urgently rush to work in Moscow, leaving my children at home alone. There is no gas at home, the children could neither boil tea nor warm up food. I described my first trip to work in Moscow here
These two disadvantages with electricity can also be eliminated: change the old wiring, purchase a gas generator and an uninterruptible power supply for a computer, if there is a financial opportunity.

6. The fattest minus that still worries me is the proximity of the test site.

I don’t know what they blow up there, but after each explosion the house trembles and the children and I are very scared to the point of trembling in the knees. It really looks like a war has begun. The first impression of the explosion also described
And yet, you have to get used to it, there is no way to move somewhere.

7. Products in the store are more expensive than in Moscow, stale, the assortment is very small.
For example, a loaf costs 26 rubles, ordinary "brick" bread - 30. In the summer, you won't be able to buy unsour milk. Meat is frozen.

8. No garbage collection.

Because of this, the banks of the forest are filled with garbage. Even our site, which was allocated to us under the program for large families, turned out to be littered with garbage. There is a lot of garbage and it is partially buried.
Everything needs to be picked up and taken away.

Actually, these are all the minuses that we managed to feel. I will try to find at least two pluses for every minus, so as not to lose heart and enjoy life.

When I studied at the university, I had several people from the villages in my group. I have always heard that they want to stay in the city, that there are no prospects in the countryside. I agree with them, I think, basically, all young people are trying to move to the city and take advantage of all the opportunities.

How is rural life different from urban life?

In the village, I came only to my grandmother in the summer for the holidays. Of course, their lives are completely different. I have been living in the city since birth, but so far the maximum that attracts me is the acquisition of a summer cottage. We have a river in the city, and having a small house next to it is quite a good idea.

First of all, in a village or village, the absence of large industrial enterprises is striking. Nowhere you will find a factory in the middle of the village. Sometimes such facilities are built outside the city, but, anyway, settlements near them are considered at least urban settlements. Of course, all villagers keep livestock. But one should not think that people in villages and villages still live without any conveniences. It all depends on finances, in any village you can build a comfortable house.

One of the biggest differences is the people. The rural population is much friendlier and more sociable. For example, I don’t even know all the neighbors in my entrance, but there people personally know each other.

Pros and cons of living in the city

Each person chooses a place to his liking. But, whatever one may say, living in the city has many advantages:

  • developed infrastructure;
  • convenient transport system;
  • more vacancies and higher wages;
  • many educational institutions;
  • advanced medicine.

But not all urban residents are satisfied with their lives, and many even seriously think about moving to some village. The reasons lie in the following:

  • bad ecology;
  • high crime rate;
  • high workload;
  • deterioration of physical and mental condition.

As a rule, the desire to lead a more measured lifestyle among urban residents arises with age, I think this is due to fatigue from a too fast pace of life.



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