Review of blackhead creams: Differin, AFY, Propeller, Faberlik, Klenzit. Blackhead remover best for face

Comedones, or blackheads, are small cysts that form in the skin pores. They rarely become inflamed or provoke complications, but spoil the look, which makes the skin look unkempt. Comedones often form on the wings of the nose, chin, cheeks, ears. To eliminate a cosmetic defect, a black dot remedy is used, which has softening and cleansing properties. Special creams, lotions, masks remove impurities from the hair follicles. Competent care provides cleansing of the skin pores, which prevents the appearance of acne.

Causes of clogged pores

Small dots on the skin are formed as a result of clogging of the follicles with sebum, dirt and dead cells. Over time, the horny masses contained in the pores are oxidized, due to which they become black. Factors causing the problem include:

  • poor hygiene;
  • hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • drug abuse;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

Comedogenic cosmetics based on animal fats or wax also clog hair follicles with horny masses and lipids.

How to get rid of comedones

The remedy for comedones dilates blood vessels, disinfects and softens soft tissues. Its action is aimed at softening the sebaceous plugs in the mouths of the follicles and their removal. In case of irrational use of cosmetic or pharmaceutical preparations, treatment will not bring any results.

To get rid of fatty plugs on the face, therapy is carried out in three stages:

  • expansion of skin pores;
  • loosening of horny masses;
  • removal of fatty plugs.

Even in the case of regular use of TOP products from black dots, it is not always possible to achieve the expected results. Fat plugs occur as a result of dysfunction of the internal organs and sebaceous glands, which begin to secrete an excessive amount of secretion. To get rid of comedones, you need to determine the causes of their appearance. Compliance with a hypoallergenic diet, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and skin pathologies reduces the likelihood of re-occlusion of follicles with natural fat.

Pharmacy remedies for blackheads

At the pharmacy, you can purchase at least 10-15 types of medicines, the action of which is aimed at removing comedones. They not only dissolve the horny masses, but also stabilize the sebaceous glands. Due to this, the likelihood of re-formation of sebaceous plugs in the skin is reduced.

  • Differin is a drug for dots on the face based on retinoic acid. It has a dissolving effect on comedones, narrows pores, reduces the secretion of natural fat.
  • Ichthyol ointment is an effective remedy for acne, boils. Relieves inflammation, accelerates the evacuation of fatty plugs from the hair follicles. The ointment should be used twice a day to treat or prevent acne.
  • Zinc ointment is an antiseptic and emollient for comedones, which has practically no contraindications. It can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as its active ingredients do not penetrate into the bloodstream.
  • Radevit is an antiseptic, wound healing and moisturizing ointment, which is used in the treatment of points on the face. The product contains ergocalciferol, retinol and tocopherol, which normalize the processes of keratinization of the epidermis. This prevents the blockage of follicles by keratinized cells, disruption of the functions of the sebaceous glands.
  • Effezel is an anti-blackhead remedy that contains adapalene. Effectively eliminates comedones, normalizes the processes of keratinization and differentiation of skin cells. Due to this, the risk of formation of microcomedones in the pores is reduced.
  • Retinoic ointment is an anti-acne remedy that improves the condition of the skin. Like many drugs for comedones, it contains retinol (vitamin A), which affects the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands. The ointment eliminates inflammation and points, narrows pores and reduces the rate of sebum production.

Pharmacy ointments for external use are applied only to problem areas 2-4 times a day. Before using these drugs, you should consult a dermatologist. Abuse of ointments and liniments is fraught with allergic reactions.

To prevent the appearance of points, it is recommended to take vitaminized tablets. Multivitamin complexes with tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid and pyridoxine have a beneficial effect on the functions of the skin appendages. Their restoration reduces the risk of blockage of follicles with sebaceous plugs.

Medical cosmetics

Many cosmetics have a cleansing, softening and anti-inflammatory effect. For deep cleansing of the skin from impurities, lotions, creams, face masks are used. They include herbal extracts, vitamins and bioactive substances that normalize fat secretion.

The best remedies for blackheads on the face:

  • Propeller is a light cleansing cream based on organic acids, herbal extracts and oils. Degreases the epidermis, removes comedones and improves the exfoliation of dead cells.
  • Klenzit is a retinoid-based cream that is used to deeply cleanse the face of impurities. Restores the processes of keratinization and exfoliation of epidermal cells.
  • La Roche Posay Effaclar is an anti-blackhead lotion that boosts local immunity and accelerates tissue regeneration. It is used to cleanse the epidermis of dirt and sebaceous plugs.
  • Baziron is an antimicrobial cream that restores the functioning of the external secretion glands. Eliminates points on the face, improves tissue nutrition and narrows skin pores.
  • Daycell JeJu Dol Hareubang is a cosmetic mask with the addition of volcanic ash, white clay and herbal extracts. Dissolves horny masses in the mouths of the follicles and improves the secretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The product has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, so that the skin becomes healthier in appearance.
  • Dermal is a mask based on collagen, glycerin, tocopherol and aloe extract. Removes excess natural fat and keratinized cells, which contributes to the elimination of points. Used to combat open comedones and acne.

To achieve the desired effect, cosmetics are used systematically for 1-2 months. In case of deterioration of the skin condition, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Cosmetic procedures

Mechanical cleaning of the face eliminates only the consequences of disorders in the digestive tract, sweat and sebaceous glands. To get rid of comedones on the face, it is advisable to combine cosmetic procedures with pharmacy products.

Within two days after mechanical cleaning, the use of decorative cosmetics and a visit to the solarium are contraindicated.

To remove dots and other defects, the following cleaning methods are used:

  • Retinoic peeling is a gentle cleansing of the surface layers of the skin from impurities. To soften and remove dots, a dissolving agent, retinoic acid, is applied to problem areas. It quickly removes inflammation, inhibits the secretion of sebum and softens sebaceous plugs. The procedure eliminates cosmetic defects and improves the processes of exfoliation of epidermal cells.
  • Biodermabrasion - elimination of points and acne rashes with products based on herbal extracts. For grinding and quick removal of contaminants, abrasive substances are additionally used, which clean the pores from dirt and fatty deposits.
  • Ultrasonic peeling is a hardware cleaning designed to remove acne and age spots. Under the action of ultrasound, the ducts of the glands of external secretion open, which contributes to the removal of fatty plugs from them. During the procedure, keratinized epidermal cells, impurities and opportunistic microorganisms are removed. Ultrasonic peeling normalizes lymphatic circulation in tissues, thereby increasing local immunity.
  • Ozone therapy is the treatment of dermatological diseases with ozone. When the skin is exposed to active oxygen, the sebaceous plugs soften. The method has a healing effect on the epidermis, prevents the reappearance of comedones and acne.

Regardless of the choice of cleaning method, to consolidate the effect, you should regularly care for the skin. To do this, you need to systematically use cleansing gels, creams and masks based on cosmetic clay, herbal extracts, etc.

Homemade Facial Cleansing Methods

In terms of effectiveness, folk methods are practically not inferior to modern cosmetics. To get rid of points on the chin, nose or cheeks, apply masks based on:

  • aloe;
  • lemon juice;
  • activated carbon;
  • hydrolyzed gelatin;
  • white or black clay;
  • infusion of chamomile, lemon balm, sage;
  • essential oils of bergamot, horsetail, rosemary.

These effective remedies for blackheads contain only natural ingredients, rich in organic acids, vitamins and trace elements. They are used for 1-2 weeks until the complete disappearance of comedones.

Cosmetic mask is the best remedy for oily and combination skin. To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. l. clay mixed with chamomile broth. Apply a paste-like mass on the face and rinse with warm water after 25-30 minutes. Before starting the procedure, the skin should be steamed to facilitate the evacuation of pore sebaceous plugs. To do this, soak a clean towel in hot water and place it on your face.


Cleansing the skin from points can be attributed to the symptomatic methods of treating comedones.

Prevention is, first of all, systematic and regular cleansing of the skin.

And in order to prevent their re-education, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that negatively affect the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands. For this you need:

  • refuse to eat fatty, fried foods;
  • periodically make cosmetic masks or perform cosmetic procedures;
  • daily use a selected effective remedy for acne and comedones;
  • follow the rules for the care of problem skin;
  • reduce the amount of decorative cosmetics used;
  • normalize the diet and include fruits and vegetables in the menu;
  • at least once a week, cleanse the face with scrubbing creams or gels;
  • treat dermatological diseases in time;
  • wash your face at least 2-3 times a day with antibacterial soap;
  • twice a year to undergo vitamin therapy with the use of dietary supplements and multivitamin complexes.

Points on the face often indicate intoxication of the body and the accumulation of toxic substances in the tissues. Elimination of intestinal disorders and restoration of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract ensures the restoration of the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In some cases, the appearance of comedones signals a malfunction in the endocrine system. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is recommended to consult not only with a dermatologist, but also with an endocrinologist.

The main causes of acne on the face:

  • the habit of touching your face with your hands;
  • stress;
  • hormonal disorders, hereditary factor;
  • corticosteroid treatment.

Acne affects the psychological state of a person. In order to avoid low self-esteem and unreasonable complexes in the future, it is recommended not to delay the treatment of acne.

The effect of acne medications

Knowing the cause of acne, it is easier to choose the right effective remedy. Hundreds of drugs that have proven themselves well, most of them have 80% similar composition.

Therapeutic effect:

  • Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agents: inflamed acne contains pus, and this is an unfavorable microflora, especially streptococci. Without the destruction of pathological microorganisms, it is impossible to completely cure acne, preparations are prepared on the basis of an antibiotic.
  • Regenerative agents: for the rapid healing of an acne wound, it contains ingredients that accelerate tissue repair - retinol, B vitamins, Vitamin C, E.
  • Cleansers and Moisturizers: Dissolve dirt and oil accumulated during the day on the surface of the skin. The composition contains mild surfactants (surfactants), for example, Coco-betaine - Coco-Betaine, Caprylyl / Capryl glucoside - Carpylyl / Capryl Glucoside and others. On the tube they are looking for: glycolic acid - Glycolic Acid, lactic acid - Lactic Acid, salicylic acid - Salicylic Acid.
Olga Rosen

Anti-acne preparations should not clog pores on the skin, this exacerbates inflammation, blocks the access of oxygen, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of the most dangerous infections. Avoid cleansers that contain Anionic Surfactants: Sodium Myreth Sulfate (SMS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). And a dangerous agent that clogs the mouth of the sebaceous ducts, but creates a false effect of moisture: Mineral Oil.

Separate external remedies for acne into ointments, gels, creams, moisturizing solutions. Dermatologists recommend using preparations of various forms for the treatment of acne, small spots and blackheads, combining them reasonably.

Top 10 Best Acne Treatments

Manufacturers of therapeutic agents take into account the characteristics of the skin at different ages, the causes of acne, and the sensitivity of the epidermis. The best remedies for acne: hypoallergenic, do not contain toxic substances. Not all the most expensive products meet these requirements, so we will analyze the available and best drugs for a rash on the face.

  1. The first place is shared by and. Salicylic acid is able to destroy half of the bacteria existing in the wound, dissolves comedones, restores tissues after acne. The regenerative ability of the skin depends on the characteristics and strength of the drug. Stagnant red spots are removed by salicylic acid, it penetrates deep into the skin and cleanses. Zineryt contains erythromycin and zinc acetate, which together destroy unfavorable microflora and cleanse the skin. Zinc in the composition of Zineryt has an anti-inflammatory effect, dries, which leads to the complete disappearance of acne.
  2. ranks second among the best products due to its natural composition and ability to cleanse pores, destroying pathological microorganisms. The advantages of Vishnevsky's ointment include efficiency for people of all ages, low cost, and a completely natural composition. Tar cleanses pores, brightens the skin, xeroform disinfects and disinfects, castor oil warms and softens the epidermis, improves blood circulation, and speeds up recovery.
  3. - an effective remedy for the treatment of acne, issued by prescription in a pharmacy. The chatterbox is also prepared independently, having bought salicylic acid, boric alcohol, and a plate of levomycetin in a pharmacy. All these substances are mixed, and the result is the most effective remedy prepared at home.

  4. - a strong antiseptic drug that can fight gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. A highly concentrated agent destroys some types of viruses. Chlorhexidine is a good acne remover, penetrates deep under the skin, remains there for a long time, sufficient to provide a therapeutic effect. The drug is strong, but it does not damage the tissue surface of the face. Available in the form of a solution, gel, patches and creams. The disadvantage is a contraindication for use in children, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with dermatitis. Pustules and any rash on the face are treated with chlorhexidine daily until the problem disappears completely.
  5. - herbal effective remedy against acne, acne and large age spots. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, cleansing and other therapeutic actions necessary to eliminate dermatological problems. Applying aloe is quite simple, wipe the skin with a torn off leaf of aloe or squeeze out the juice and apply on the face. Use aloe in the morning on cleansed skin. Treatment is carried out daily until the rash is completely eliminated. Masks are made from aloe, egg yolk, sour cream are added.
  6. - based on vitamin A, which has a healing effect. Differin can be treated for an unlimited time, it does not contain an antibiotic. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect, effectively copes with comedones. The safest remedy of the entire list, but the result of its use is visible only after two months. In some cases, the course of treatment is repeated after a week and combined with internal preparations: antibiotics, vitamins. You can choose a Differin cream or gel, for oily skin, use a gel, and in the case of dry and sensitive skin, choose a cream that will moisturize well and heal an irritated face.
  7. - a drug that suppresses the reproduction of pathological microorganisms, prevents the formation of acne and cleanses the skin. Baziron moisturizes the skin, creates free access of oxygen to the cells of the epidermis, reduces the secretion of subcutaneous fat. The ointment is applied once a day, and after a month a good result is visible. The drug provokes side effects: dryness, irritation, allergic reaction, profuse peeling.
  8. - an effective anti-acne agent has a drying effect, relieves the inflammatory process, promotes exfoliation and rapid healing of the wound. It is completely natural, one of the safest, to be used at any age. The remedy is cheap, used in combination with other preparations against a rash on the face. The disadvantage of soap treatment is not the most pleasant smell and the risk of overdrying the skin with frequent use. Best used in the evening: lather the soap and wash your face. Do not rub into the skin, the movements should be light, after the procedure the foam is washed off with clean water.
  9. – contains olive oil, dipotassium glycyrrhizinate, shea butter, penthenol. Together, these components have an anti-inflammatory effect, prevent the formation of a new rash, relieve irritation on the face, and fight fungal infections. Natural oils in the composition of Cinovit soften and envelop the skin, protecting it from external aggressive agents. Ointment Cynovit soothes sensitive skin, stimulates regeneration, destroys unfavorable microflora.
  10. And . Isotretinoin belongs to retinoid drugs, copes with the most severe form of acne, is used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases, including seborrhea. This is a strong remedy, contraindicated in women during pregnancy, as it negatively affects the fetus. It is used for a month, after which the doctor can continue the course of treatment. Zinc ointment reduces the production of subcutaneous fat, dries, relieves the inflammatory process, increases the elasticity of the skin, and disinfects. The ointment effectively fights pustules, spots on the face after removing acne, reduces irritation on the skin and even rejuvenates. Zinc ointment regenerates damaged areas of the epidermis, is used together with other therapeutic agents.

In addition to the proposed drugs, there are many little-known acne remedies, therefore, not yet appreciated. These are Polysorb, Roaccutane, dandelion tincture, onion and honey mask.

It should be borne in mind that acne treatment is carried out not only with the best medications, but also with a change in lifestyle. It is important to eat right, avoid foods that negatively affect the skin, normalize sleep, in this case we can say.

On a note

Preparations for the treatment of acne with contraindications. Before using medications at home, you need to consult a specialist.

Self-medication is prohibited in the following cases:

  • chronic skin disease: psoriasis, seborrhea;
  • allergic processes, irritations;
  • open wounds;
  • some drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to individual components of the drug.

They will help to quickly get rid of dermatological defects, if you first undergo an examination by a specialist, find out the cause of the rash and identify possible contraindications.

Acne remedies are prepared and at home these include masks, applications, steam baths with medicinal herbs.

Video how to choose the right remedy for acne.

There are not so few of them. And it's not always about oily skin, when sebum accumulates when the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged and remains under the skin in the form of a white mass, which appears as a dark dot on the surface of the skin. Acne (comedones) can also occur in girls with dry skin, when dirt and dust accumulate on it. In addition, blackheads can make themselves felt if you have chosen a cream that does not suit your skin. Agree, whatever the reason, it is impossible to leave things like that: therefore, we are taking measures!

Black dots on the nose: remove with masks

  • The principle of action of the mask against black dots is simple: it lies on the prepared skin with a strong film, and when you remove it, it “pulls” the contents out of the pores. It is not necessary to buy such a remedy in a pharmacy, because it is easy to prepare it yourself from simple ingredients. For example, from egg white: beat it well and coat problem areas, apply paper napkins on top and another layer of egg white directly on them. Try to make the layers as thick as possible. Let the mask dry (20-30 minutes) and tear off the wipes from the face with a sharp movement. The faster you tear off the napkins, the better the effect will be.
  • We also recommend a homemade mask made from juice or milk (100 ml is enough) and a couple of spoons of gelatin. Warm milk, add gelatin to it. After half an hour, put in a water bath (in a saucepan with water) and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. After allowing the mass to cool, prepare the skin, remove makeup, wash your face. Apply the mask in thick layers on areas with black dots with a cotton pad. Half an hour after application, it is time to remove the dense mask, starting from its edge at the chin. After removing, wash and apply a moisturizer.
  • One of the most effective remedies for points is white clay (kaolin), which can be found in powder form at any pharmacy. Mix the powder with water to make a fairly thick mass, and apply to problem areas, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. After 15 minutes, you can wash off the mask.
  • Another simple way is to apply kefir on the skin for 20 minutes. Due to the special acids in its composition, it is able to dissolve sebum, eliminating black nodules. This mask is especially effective if you have oily or combination skin.
  • From what is always at hand, you will also need regular baking soda. Pour soda into warm water and apply the resulting slurry on your face for 40 minutes. It is recommended to make such a mask twice a week for a month. As they say, cheap and cheerful!
  • Prepare a mask to remove black dots on the nose at home, you can also use oatmeal, salicylic acid, lemon juice.

How to get rid of black dots with pharmaceutical products

The easiest and most effective way (but, unfortunately, not solving the problem forever) is to use a patch (band-aid), which is also called “beauty stickers”. It is created on a fabric basis and has a special shape so that it is easy to stick it on the alar area of ​​the nose. The patch should be used when the skin is steamed and the pores are open. Its impregnation, penetrating into the pores, softens comedones and removes them without damaging the skin. After removing the napkin, they remain on the surface of the skin: remove them with a cotton swab and wash your face.

For a long-term solution to the problem, you should choose a cream or gel against blackheads. It is applied in a thin layer after cleansing the skin. The cream should contain salicylic acid, which helps the natural death of particles and renews the skin by neutralizing bacteria. Another ingredient in these creams is benzoyl peroxide. Such products not only help to get rid of black dots, but also improve the complexion, some even stop using the “tonalka”. But this method also has a downside: creams with alcohol components in the composition dry out the skin, and the sebaceous glands begin to replenish the loss of moisture and produce even more sebum, which means the appearance of comedones is provoked.


In addition to pharmacy products, hardware facial cleansing procedures that are done in beauty salons can help. And now they can be carried out at home with the help of devices with a rotating brush nozzle. Thanks to the micro-vibrations of the brush, the skin is not damaged, and the pores are cleansed, and after a couple of weeks, black dots stop appearing.

Get rid of blackheads on nose at home

Most often, this method is resorted to without understanding the problem and wanting to remove these hated defects from the face as soon as possible - they simply squeeze it out. If you also decide to get rid of comedones, then follow simple rules: wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with alcohol or salicylic acid. Before the procedure, it is better to take a bath so that the pores are open and steamed out. Press on the skin with your fingers - not nails - and black dots will come out easily. Do not abuse this method, so you can easily bring dirt, and new inflammation will appear on the skin.

Better make a homemade scrub. Rinse 2-3 tablespoons of rice and pour boiling water over it, leaving it overnight in a saucepan. In the morning, strain the rice and mash it until it turns into a paste. Scrub is ready! You can make it from sugar, salt, crushed (in a coffee grinder) apricot seeds with the addition of honey, olive oil. Such a composition will remove not only black dots on the nose, but also improve the blood supply to the skin, making the face radiant and smooth.

We hope you find your own way to remove blackheads on your nose, but think about the root of the problem. Perhaps you are too lean on sweet, fatty foods or addicted to alcohol? It is these products that do not affect the condition of the skin in the best way and add problems to you. Try to arrange fasting days and pay attention to how your skin reacts to it. And eat more fruits, protein foods, and foods rich in vitamins A and E, known to help your beauty.

Black dots on the face are formed when the sebaceous glands work hard. Sebum does not have time to get out through the pores, clogs the ducts, mixes with dust. The result is ugly protruding black dots. Sometimes they are called blackheads, but their correct medical name is "open comedones" or "open blackheads". These are not acne, they do not inflame, but aesthetically they look ugly.

What are the ointments from black dots

The insidiousness of black dots is that they cannot be masked with tonal means. Therefore, women are constantly in search of an effective remedy against them, which will relieve this scourge not just once, but for a long time. Scrubs and masks remove points for a short time, they soon reappear. Here we need effective medications that will fight the cause.


Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, works as an anti-inflammatory agent. Retinoic ointment is good for fighting black dots on the nose, acne, inflammation, and subcutaneous tissue. Retinoids in its composition are responsible for skin regeneration. Apply a thin layer to problem areas. For the first few days, once a day is enough (the skin should get used to it), then twice a day. The course of treatment is designed for 2-3 weeks.

The price is about 300 r per tube, it is available in dosages of 0.1% and 0.05%.


Retinoic ointment is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

  • You can not go out into the open sun after the ointment, even in winter, this is fraught with age spots.
  • Sensitive skin may react with swelling, redness and peeling to too frequent use of the ointment.
  • It is impossible to take vitamin A and antibiotics based on tetracycline simultaneously with the ointment.


Differin is sometimes recommended to get rid of blackheads, it is similar to retinoic ointment in action, but more aggressive. More suitable for oily and thick skin, and to combat a complex of problems: acne, subcutaneous comedones, and other inflammations. And getting rid of black dots is a bonus. Differin should be applied once a day. It is contraindicated for people with thin skin.

Price around ~600 r.


A well-known and cheap drug that gives a quick effect against blackheads. Ichthyol ointment pulls out the entire core of fat and dirt from the pores. Ichthyol is applied pointwise (unlike retinoic) once a day for 30-40 minutes. Due to the strong unpleasant odor, it is better to do this in the evening. A few days are enough to get rid of the hated black dots on the nose. For the treatment of acne, ichthyol ointment is diluted with glycerin, the solution is applied overnight.

The price of a tube is about 100 rubles.

Who ichthyol ointment is not suitable for:

  • Women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Children up to 12 years old.
  • People predisposed to cancer.


Decades of proven tool. Vishnevsky's ointment, like ichthyol ointment, also pulls out dirt, pus, and sebum. To combat blackheads on the nose, apply liniment to each problem area on the face. If there are a lot of points, then just anoint the problem area, and wash it off after an hour.

The price is about 60 rubles.

Ointment Vishnevsky well helps against acne. Inflammation should be thickly smeared, apply a compress of bandage and cotton wool, leave overnight.

Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment helps to get rid of both points and acne in 2-3 procedures.


Universal zinc ointment has no contraindications, suitable even for sensitive skin. Zinc in its composition dries, and petroleum jelly immediately acts as a means for regeneration. Zinc ointment removes inflammation, tightens pores, works as an antiseptic.

The product should be applied thickly to problem points. And for the prevention of acne, zinc ointment is applied to the entire face with a thin layer.

Zinc ointment costs about 50 r.


Cheap and effective salicylic ointment is good for many skin problems. Mistakenly salicylic and zinc ointments are often mistaken for analogues. This is not so, salicylic is a strong concentrate, and it does not fit in the pure form of the skin of the face. Salicylic ointment is mixed with face cream. So you will reduce the concentration of the active substance and provide a soothing effect on the skin. Salicylic ointment mixed with cream can be used on areas on the face.

In pharmacies there are many other, more suitable and gentle, but no less effective and cheap means. Salicylic ointment for acne and blackheads is not the best option.


Sulfur ointment is the cheapest remedy (price is about 30 rubles), which gives an anti-inflammatory effect and acts as an antiseptic. For the treatment of acne and blackheads, sulfuric ointment is needed at a concentration of 33.3%. It is applied to the skin and left for 3 hours. The course of treatment can take up to two weeks. Can be used against multiple facial skin problems. Sulfur ointment is absolutely harmless. Among all pharmacy products, sulfuric is the only one that is completely natural.


  • sulfuric is the fattest of all ointments, during treatment it is better to use clothes and bed linen that you don’t mind getting dirty;
  • strong unpleasant odor.

Sulfur ointment is not used for pregnant, lactating, young children.

Summing up, we can say that for getting rid of black dots on the nose, on the forehead, on the chin, the following are best suited: Vishnevsky, ichthyol, retinoic. With complex problems of facial skin, everyone is good: zinc dries acne on oily skin and narrows pores, sulfuric acts as a natural remedy for many rashes, Vishnevsky, ichthyol and retinoic relieve inflamed acne, abscesses, subcutaneous. Salicylic ointment for the face is not recommended.

Pharmacy ointments are medicines and when using them, you must follow the rules:

  1. Apply only to those areas of the skin where there are a lot of black dots. Usually they are collected on the nose, on the forehead and chin, that is, in the T-zone. If there are also dots on the cheeks, but smaller ones, you can smear them every other time. For example, the ointment is applied once a day to the T-zone, and lubricate the points on the cheeks every other day.
  2. Any drug penetrates the skin and acts from the inside, so at first it is better to buy an ointment with the smallest dosage of the active ingredient. Most likely this is enough to deal with black dots.
  3. In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, you need to organize competent facial care. Most often, black dots are the scourge of oily skin. The mistake many girls make is that they use alcohol facial tonics to dry their skin. Such funds give an instant effect, but after them the sebaceous glands work with a vengeance and black dots appear again and again. It is better to use gels or foams for washing without alcohol.
  4. Review your diet. You don't have to switch to oatmeal with broccoli alone, just skip snacking on hot dogs, soda, fatty fried foods, and smoked meats. This will have a positive effect on the skin.

Pharmaceutical preparations help well with black spots and acne, they give a visible and lasting effect, but they cannot be abused, this is heavy artillery. Ointments will help get rid of the problem, and in the future, constant prevention is needed.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the reason why the black dots "occupied" the face. Their appearance can be provoked by improperly selected or low-quality cosmetics that clog pores on the skin, to which it does not fit in a number of ways. When choosing cosmetics, you need to carefully consider the fat content of the day / night cream, the composition of tonal products and even blush.

Also, most of the blame lies with the women themselves, who are too lazy to wash off makeup, the particles of which are mixed with dust during the day and turn into black dots.

An equally provoking factor in the appearance is stress and hormonal failure in the body, which occurs in and, as well as in older women who are on the verge of menopause. Affects the formation of points and exacerbation of chronic diseases, which is often characterized by a rash of acne. Starting a cosmetic symptom, women lose sight of the problem with the body.

How to get rid of blackheads on face

The only way to remove sebum from pores is by mechanical means. In salons, special equipment is used for this, with the help of which cosmetologists literally “suck out” additional preparations from the skin. Women steam out problem areas and squeeze the dirt out of the pores with clean hands.

A good effect in some cases is given by special cleaning strips for the nose based on coal, which are sold in the cosmetic departments of supermarkets.

However, professional ultrasonic facial cleaning in a beauty salon is considered the most effective tool. It is more superficial and less traumatic than manual, vacuum or chemical peeling. Ultrasonic blackhead cleaning can be combined with other similar procedures or used as a preventive measure. Its action is aimed at the destruction of dead skin cells, the elimination of comedones and the smoothing of fine wrinkles and the rejuvenation of the fading epidermis.

However, the best remedy in the fight against black dots is facial hygiene. The skin should be thoroughly cleansed in the evenings, washing off makeup and rubbing the face with a tonic that narrows the pores. Periodically, you need peeling and carefully choose care and decorative cosmetics. The face does not need to be touched with dirty hands, and it is advisable to limit the diet, minimizing the consumption of spicy, fatty and sweet foods.



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