News and promotions. Rules for dispensing prescription drugs

On September 22, new rules for the dispensing of medicines came into force - order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2017 No. 403n “On approval of the rules for dispensing medicines,” which regulates the sale of medicines in pharmacies. The document caused a lot of noise and confusion among both patients and pharmacy employees. Today we tried to answer the most important questions about the new order that an ordinary pharmacy visitor may have.

New order makes all drugs prescription drugs?

No. The new dispensing rules only slightly change how some prescription drugs are sold. It does not place any restrictions on common over-the-counter medications.

And now you can’t just buy a prescription drug?

In fact, selling prescription drugs without a prescription has always been prohibited. For this, the pharmacy faces a considerable fine and loss of license. But, as everyone knows, the severity of the law is compensated by the optionality of its implementation. Therefore, a number of pharmacies ignore the rules. However, the emergence of new dispensing rules means close attention to their implementation, and therefore, pharmacies have now become more sensitive to prescription dispensing.

How do you even know if you need a prescription for the drug?

Whether the drug is prescription or not is stated in the instructions for use. In addition, such information is always indicated on the packaging. Of all drugs registered in Russia, approximately 70% are prescription drugs.

In an ideal world, the doctor knows by heart which drugs require a prescription and which do not. But in harsh reality, very often you have to check such information yourself. Therefore, when a doctor advises you on any medications, you can check them online right at your appointment and immediately ask for a prescription.

Prescriptions are written only on special forms. The most common is form No. 107-1/у. It looks like this:

To check whether a drug is a prescription drug, you can go to the website and enter the name of the drug. All prescription medications on our website are marked “prescription.” By the way, not so long ago we got a special label for drugs for which the prescription remains in the pharmacy.

How do you mean “the prescription stays at the pharmacy”?

The pharmacy has a list of drugs that are subject to strict registration. As a rule, these are medications containing narcotic or psychotropic substances included in a special list. Prescriptions for such drugs always remain in the pharmacy in order to control their sale. The circulation of narcotic substances is checked not only by Roszdravnadzor, but also by the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But now, according to the new dispensing rules, the pharmacy must also keep prescriptions for certain medications (antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sleeping pills and sedatives, as well as alcohol-containing medications with an alcohol content of more than 15%) *.

“Medicines containing alcohol”? So, now you need to get a prescription for Corvalol or valerian?

No. Let us repeat that the new order does not make medications prescription drugs. We are talking only about prescription drugs. Corvalol, valerian tincture and many other popular tinctures and elixirs are over-the-counter. Accordingly, no one can require a prescription for them unless this is stated in the instructions for use.

Okay, let's say I have a prescription, but it contains several drugs, and one of them is marked "remains at the pharmacy." And I want to buy only one. Will they take my prescription?

Yes. Exceptions are made only for annual prescriptions, provided that you do not purchase the entire prescribed amount of the drug at one time (for this you also need the permission of the doctor who wrote the prescription).

For example, you are prescribed a course of antidepressants for a year, but you only need to purchase one package. In this case, the pharmacy does not have the right to take away your prescription. The pharmacist only makes a note of how much of the drug you bought and returns the prescription.

Can I get medications if the prescription is not written for me?

Yes. Almost all medicines are dispensed simply to the bearer of a prescription. Both the patient himself and his friend, relative, or just an acquaintance can get the drug at the pharmacy. The main thing is to have a recipe.

An exception is made only for narcotic or psychotropic drugs. Prescriptions for such drugs are written out on a special form No. 107/u-NP. It is easy to distinguish from other recipes because it is pink in color. When receiving such drugs at a pharmacy, you must have a power of attorney to receive medications and a passport confirming that you are the one for whom the power of attorney was issued.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health especially notes that the power of attorney can even be handwritten. You can write in it that “I trust such and such to receive such and such medications according to such and such a prescription to such and such a person.” And be sure to indicate the passport details of this person. In addition, it must indicate the date of its compilation. Notarization of such a power of attorney is not required.

What else has changed with the new procedure for dispensing medications?

Now all prescriptions are stamped with the statement that “the drug has been dispensed.” Thus, they cannot be reused. Therefore, if you suddenly need another standard of the drug, you will need to get a new prescription.

Also, the pharmacist is now obliged to inform the buyer about the rules for storing the medicine, its interaction with other drugs, as well as its method and dosage. In addition, a pharmacy employee cannot hide information about the availability of drugs with the same active ingredient, but cheaper. Such a norm existed previously in the law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens” and the Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice, but is now duplicated in the dispensing procedure.

* Below is a list of INNs, prescriptions for which, according to the new order, will now remain in the pharmacy. Please note that the active substances (INN) listed here are not specific brand names.

aminophenylbutyric acid
Belladonna alkaloids+Phenobarbital+Ergotamine
lithium carbonate
Common twig fruit extract

Main photo

Dear residents and guests of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory!

From March 1, 2017 pharmacies work in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2016 N 647n "ON THE APPROVAL OF RULES OF GOOD PHARMACY PRACTICE FOR MEDICINES FOR MEDICAL USE" and the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 785 "On the procedure for dispensing medicines"

The law states that all medicines, with the exception of those included in List of medications available without a doctor's prescription must be available by prescription only.

Many patients have already encountered these innovations in their real lives. Having fallen ill with a viral infection, we were unable to buy antibiotics for treatment. Currently, a consultation with a general practitioner is required to prescribe the correct treatment and prescribe an antibiotic strictly according to the prescription.

This list is quite large and includes drugs from almost all medicinal groups. Not all medications will be sold by prescription, but only those that are on a special list published on the website of the Ministry of Health. This list will be updated every year.

You can now buy only by prescription:


I. Anticholinesterase drugs

II. Opioid analgesics and mixed action analgesic

III. Non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

IV. Medicines for the treatment of gout

V. Other anti-inflammatory drugs

VI. Means for the treatment of allergic reactions

VII. Anticonvulsants

VIII. Drugs for the treatment of parkinsonism

IX. Anxiolytics

X. Antipsychotics

XI. Antidepressants and mood stabilizers

XII. Medicines for the treatment of sleep disorders

XIII. Other drugs affecting the central nervous system

XIV. Drugs used in narcology

XV. Means for the prevention and treatment of infections


Synthetic antibacterial agents

Antituberculosis drugs

XVI. Antiviral agents

XVII. Antifungal agents

XIX. Antineoplastic, immunosuppressive and related drugs

Cytostatic and immunosuppressive drugs

Hormones and antihormones for the treatment of tumors

Related drugs for the treatment of tumors

XX. Drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis

XXI. Drugs affecting hematopoiesis and coagulation system

XXII. Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

Antianginal agents

Antihypertensive drugs

Medicines for the treatment of heart failure

XXIII. Drugs affecting the functions of the gastrointestinal tract

Drugs for the treatment of diseases accompanied by erosive and ulcerative processes in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum




Pancreatic enzymes


Choleretic agents

XXIV. Hormones and agents affecting the endocrine system

Non-sex hormones, synthetic substances and antihormones

Anabolic steroid

Medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Sex hormones




XXV. Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma

XXVI. Drugs affecting the respiratory system

XXVII. Drugs used in ophthalmology

XXVIII. Drugs affecting the uterus

XXIX. Vitamins and minerals

XXX. Antiseptics and disinfectants

XXXI. Other means

The list of drugs that are freely available includes some antipyretics and antivirals, stomach sorbents, dietary supplements, iodine, brilliant green, and hydrogen peroxide.

New rules for dispensing prescription drugs should discourage people from self-medicating.

A prescription written by a doctor will be valid for two months - 60 days or 1 year.

If pharmacists do not comply with the order for selling prescription drugs without the appropriate documents, they face a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. Severe penalties may be imposed for selling prescription drugs without a prescription, including suspension of business for up to 90 days.

Photos from open sources

We are all accustomed to change. We are no longer so frightened by reports of another economic crisis, because in our memory there have already been several of them. Innovations in the educational standard of schools and higher educational institutions are not surprising. But news in the field of healthcare and access to medicines cannot but cause concern. There are practically no healthy people in the modern world. We all have some kind of chronic disease and are often forced to purchase certain medications. And when news feeds contain information that changes are coming in this process at some point, we experience anxiety.

From the beginning of 2017, a new order of the Ministry of Health on the rules for dispensing medicinal products from pharmacy chains comes into force. The new order will directly affect every citizen.

In particular, a ban is being introduced on the sale of a number of medicines in large quantities to one person. This restriction is introduced for alcohol-containing tinctures and syrups, the mass fraction of ethyl alcohol in which is higher than 15%. Now they will be sold per person in quantities of no more than two bottles. And it is with these means that many of us treat our own colds at home. We advise you to make sure you have them in advance, since during the peak of the disease you will have to frequently visit the pharmacy under the new conditions of dispensing. The advice is especially relevant given the long shelf life of the latter.

Fans of online shopping should also listen to the innovations, since starting from the new year, any online pharmacy in Moscow will follow them.

A pleasant change is that patients with chronic diseases will be able to purchase the necessary medications for future use using prescriptions. Today this can only be done for the next two months. In this case, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence of the fact of departure or inability to get to the pharmacy in the future. From January 2017, this period has been extended to a calendar year.

If the pharmacy does not have drugs on the list of vital and necessary drugs, it will have to purchase them and make them available for sale no later than a week after the patient’s request. Today this period is stated as five calendar days. But if the buyer needs to take the medicine immediately, which is indicated on the prescription by the doctor’s note “statim”, the pharmacy is obliged to provide this product on the day of application.

According to the new document, pharmacy workers are prohibited from advising the buyer of more expensive drugs when a cheaper analogue is available. Pharmacists will also be required to provide detailed advice on the properties and contraindications of a particular medicine, its expiration date, storage methods and doses used. Currently, such information is provided only at the request of the pharmacy employee and is not necessarily regulated in any way. Therefore, even when purchasing medications from an online pharmacy. In 2017, you can count on the professional participation of a specialist in choosing a particular product, and on advice on its use and storage.

We can only hope that all these innovations will be implemented and will benefit the interests of pharmacy customers.

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What medications will be available by prescription starting in 2017?

In-first, according to recipes in 2017 In 2016, all the drugs that were dispensed by prescription in 2016 will be dispensed in Russia. Unfortunately for buyers of medicines, no relaxations are planned in this list.

In-secondly, Rospotrebnadzor (its head) made a rather unexpected statement-proposal that it is very desirable to sell all drugs that are in pharmacies exclusively by prescription. That is absolutely everything. Maybe with the exception of those medications that are necessary to complete all kinds of first aid kits. Read about it. The Ministry of Health proposes to soften this proposal, and we will see to what extent this softening will occur.

In a word, drug consumers can expect, if not a revolution in the dispensing system, then at least a reformation of the list of prescription drugs in the direction of a clear increase. The list will be replenished with those medications that are not needed urgently, but have a negative effect on the body when self-medicated.

All new medications that contain narcotic drugs are psychotropic. And such funds are only increasing on the pharmaceutical market every year. Alas, people do not solve problems, but accept everything for years.

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The third group is combined drugs: narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors. They decided to designate this group separately: antibiotics. We are used to prescribing them for ourselves, but sometimes there is no other way, especially if we got sick on the weekend. Many people send their relatives to the pharmacy for antibiotics.

We'll see how it turns out in practice.

Definitely, new tranquilizers and antidepressants will also join the ranks of prescription drugs.

Here are some drugs that will be sold by prescription.

What is sometimes surprising is that the drug remains the same, the same active ingredient, but the packaging is different 3D, and the price is already higher and they may ask for the recipe.

Many live without medication at all! Well done!

Currently, work is underway to compile such a list. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was allocated enough time for such work, up to January thirty-first, 2017.

It is already known that the list will definitely include drugs on the prescription form with the following line:

Presumably, only thirty percent of the medicines offered for sale in pharmacies will be available without a prescription.

There is also the following list of medicines

Since January 2017, the dispensing of medicines in pharmacies has become more strict. Many medications that previously could be bought without a doctor’s prescription are now simply not sold. Most of these drugs include antibiotics, but there are also regular painkillers.

The instructions for these medications previously included the clause “dispensed with a doctor’s prescription.” But pharmacies sold them without any prescriptions. Now it is planned to organize unscheduled inspections, which will entail the issuance of fines to those pharmacies where drugs are sold without a prescription.

Another question arises: how should patients receive prescriptions? Everyone knows how long the queues are at the offices of local therapists. Therefore, this issue is now being actively addressed so that the “prescription-only medicine” system will work fully.

Already at the beginning of 2017, a list was posted in which a list of medications appeared that were prohibited from being released without a prescription.

People now really cannot live without medicines and pills, as they help us extend our lifespan when we are sick.

This year, only those medications that contain Khlopinin will be dispensed by prescription:

Also included in this list is the well-known Valocordin:

And here is a complete list of medications that will not be given to everyone, but only to those who have a special “prescription” paper from a doctor:

In 2017, changes occurred in the pharmaceutical field that are now being actively discussed.

The list of drugs that cannot be purchased without a prescription from a doctor has become longer. It contained medications with psychotropic effects and good old antibiotics. Some indignation was caused by the fact that the cardiac drug Valocordin was included in this list. Curantil, so often prescribed to pregnant women, was also there, as well as Nimesil, a well-known painkiller.

Most likely, the list will be replenished with new titles.

Since 2017, pharmacies will not be able to sell prescription drugs if instead of an official document with a doctor’s signature and seal there is a “handwritten piece of paper”

When going to the pharmacy to buy medicine, don’t be lazy, open the Internet. Type the required medication into a search engine and look at the instructions for it. If there is a note “Only with a doctor’s prescription,” it means that without this very prescription the product you need will not be sold.

Medicines are divided into those that can be freely purchased at a pharmacy and those that are available only with a doctor's prescription. For the latter, from January 1, 2017, the rules for their leave are being tightened. The “prescription only” stamp does not include medications that are freely available on pharmacy displays. You can easily purchase antivirals, many medicines for coughs and runny noses, some enzyme and painkillers.

And although the innovation has caused a lot of controversy, it is by no means news for pharmacy workers. Order No. 785 “On the procedure for dispensing medicines” has been in effect since December 14, 2005. But now the very form of the “doctor’s note” is changing.

If previously a prescription was considered a banal piece of paper on which the doctor’s hand had scribbled the prescribed medicine, this “gag” will no longer pass in the new year. A prescription form is required (form No. 107/u). With the personal seal of the doctor, the seal of the medical institution, dosage and frequency of use.

Remember, recipes also have an expiration date. Now it is 60 days. For chronic patients, the validity period of the prescription may be longer.

There is no official list of all drugs that must be dispensed strictly according to a prescription. During January, the Ministry of Health will compile a list of medications that will be available only by prescription. In the meantime, they will focus on the instructions for the medications.

State Duma deputies plan to tighten control over pharmacies. For selling drugs without a doctor’s prescription, you can still face a fine, but people’s representatives propose increasing the administrative penalty to 10 thousand rubles. And as the most extreme measure, it is proposed to close the pharmacy for three months.

Starting from 2017, control over the sale of drugs will be strengthened. Is it worth purchasing drugs? (TV and radio company "Seim")

In recent years, they have had a mania to prohibit everything, limit punishing, etc. all laws are aimed at the negative; there is not a single law to give, provide, ensure, increase in favor of the people, even with authoritarianism, this is rarely seen, well, well, let's see where this curve will lead

Here you go. I've read a lot of nonsense) The comments are about nothing. Why stand in line with a blood pressure of 180, when there is an ambulance for such a situation. Although, in general, it is necessary to stock up on medications as soon as they come to an end, and not on the day of the crisis (. Someone wrote about an antibiotic, which should always be in the first aid kit . Are you sure? And what (read, for what) should be at home? Do you think one antibiotic cures everything? Nonsense! And they will do the right thing by not selling it. Otherwise, citizens drink a “harmful antibiotic for 2.5 days.. and so It is the bacteria that cause its resistance (addiction to the drug), the next time it no longer affects the microbe. This is how we returned tuberculosis to society, for which it became difficult to select drugs and the mortality rate increased. If you are afraid of the drug, do not start taking it.. it will be completely bad , then the doctor will write out a prescription, and in a difficult situation, you yourself will drink it to the end. And Valocordin is not a harmless drug at all, because it contains Phenobarbital (we read on Wiki), but it does not save you from death at all. Rather, from fear)) So, an ambulance and an ambulance again, if you really feel bad. PS. I ALWAYS get a coupon through the Internet, I’ve never sat at the office for 3 hours. strictly on time and almost always on time. Doctors are not interested in accepting 35 people instead of 15. Why is it “impossible to get in”?!

Read also: Application for extraordinary leave

Give me a piece of paper. Starting from the new year, the sale of drugs without a prescription will be tightened

In recent months, Kursk residents, while shopping at the pharmacy, have heard warnings from pharmacists that from January 1, 2017, most medications will be sold strictly according to prescriptions. But is this so and what barriers will now be put in front of patients?

Whose order?

On June 21, 2016, the State Duma adopted in the first reading government bill No. 1093620-6 “On amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses in terms of improving administrative responsibility in the field of healthcare.” And in September, at a meeting with Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation, it was announced that from January 1, 2017, prescription drugs will be under special control of the department.

“Actually, the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 785 “On the procedure for dispensing medicines” is valid from December 14, 2005. It is he who regulates the procedure for dispensing medicines from pharmacies, regardless of the form of ownership. That’s why we still fine pharmacies for selling drugs without a prescription,” explained Lyudmila Ilyukhina, deputy head of the department of licensing, supervision and control in the field of medical and social activities of the regional Office of Roszdravnadzor.

Lethal injection. Kursk children are dying from a “harmless” drug

Let us remind you that 70% of drugs registered in the Russian Federation are sold strictly according to prescriptions, and only 30% are sold without it. But what then will change in the new year? Nothing but tougher legislation regarding control and supervision of pharmacies. Currently, Roszdravnadzor is constrained by current legislation and cannot effectively influence pharmacies for violations of the quality and safety of medical and pharmaceutical activities. It’s just that pharmacists did not always pay attention to these requirements, and the population did not see the problem and did not understand it.

How will they be punished?

The current version of the Code of Administrative Offenses does not establish administrative liability for a number of violations in the field of rules of laboratory and clinical practice when conducting clinical and preclinical studies of medicinal products for medical use, procedures for the provision of medical care in terms of non-compliance with the mandatory requirements established by them, procedures for conducting medical examinations, examinations and examinations , as well as the procedure for prescribing and prescribing medications. Therefore, changes have been made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO).

The price of health. Do beneficiaries have enough medicine?

The new law proposes completely different fines and other types of punishment for violating drug trade regulations, including dispensing prescription drugs without a prescription.

So, from January 1, 2017, if it is discovered that a medicine is being sold without a prescription, Roszdravnadzor may fine the pharmacist who violated the law in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles (now - from 1,500 to 3 thousand rubles); the official will have to pay from 20 to 30 thousand rubles (now - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles); legal - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles (now - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles). The apogee may be the closure of the pharmacy for 3 months (90 days).

Therefore, you understand, most pharmacies, if not all, will not want to take risks and will work strictly according to the letter of the law.

Self-medication is to blame

The impetus for the changes was the level of self-medication of the population, which has recently gone through the roof, and sometimes turns into very tragic consequences. Here it is already worth dealing with another problem - the shortage of doctors and queues in hospitals, which force people to go to the pharmacy and consult with a pharmacist about what medications should be taken for a particular disease.

“But the pharmacy must follow the doctor’s recommendation, draw the buyer’s attention to storage conditions and frequency of administration, nothing more. And the prescription itself is the doctor’s request to the pharmacist about what exactly he should give to the patient,” notes Ilyukhina. “And now it also happens that a person actually visited a doctor, but came to the pharmacy not with a prescription written on an official form, but with a piece of paper on which the doctor indicated the name of the drug. And pharmacists dispense medications based on these scraps. This whole situation must change."

The level of self-medication may be off the charts, but there is a logical explanation for this trend - how long will a person have to wait in line at a hospital for a prescription? Especially considering that the majority prefer not to go on sick leave with every cold, but to endure it on their feet, since the authorities do not favor sick leave, and many of us do not consider a sluggish ARVI to be a real disease, supporting our immunity with medications (not even antibiotics) from the nearest pharmacy. But now, before going to the pharmacy, you will have to go on a “crusade” to the hospital and sit in line there, most likely not for an hour or two.

Shortages and queues

It is impossible to say right now exactly which medications will be dispensed only by prescription: in fact, there is no clear list; it was abolished in 2011 because it was too long and cumbersome. So you will have to focus on the packaging of the drug, which should indicate the name, dose, release form, manufacturers, expiration date, storage conditions and dispensing rules - with or without a prescription.

1. The rules for dispensing medicines from pharmacies and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) determine the procedure for dispensing medicines from pharmacies and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as pharmacies).

All medicines, with the exception of those approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus for dispensing without a doctor's prescription, must be dispensed from pharmacies according to prescriptions in established forms, written out in accordance with the Rules for Prescribing Medicines.

2. If the prescription contains poisonous, narcotic and potent medicines mixed with other ingredients, then it is prohibited to dispense them other than as part of the manufactured medicine.

3. If a doctor prescribes a poisonous, narcotic or potent drug in a dose exceeding the highest single dose without an appropriate prescription, the pharmacist (pharmacist) of the pharmacy is obliged to dispense this drug in half the dose that is established as the highest single dose.

4. Narcotic drugs are dispensed from pharmacies according to prescriptions from territorial health care institutions attached to these pharmacies.

The list of healthcare institutions and pharmacies is determined by a joint order of healthcare authorities and unitary enterprises "Pharmacia".

Pharmacies that dispense narcotic drugs according to prescriptions must be provided with samples of seals, stamps, and sample signatures of doctors prescribing narcotic drugs.

5. Psychotropic drugs, including combination drugs, subject to subject-quantitative accounting, and ethyl alcohol are dispensed by all pharmacies within the city and regions of the region according to prescriptions from medical institutions located on their territory.

6. Cancer patients are assigned to pharmacies to receive narcotic drugs by written order of the head of the treatment and prevention institution. Lists of patients are compiled by the medical institution annually at the beginning of the year and are changed as necessary by separate written orders of the medical institution, certified by the signature of the head of the institution.

7. Disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons equal to them in terms of benefits, medications are dispensed according to free prescriptions written by doctors of medical institutions in any state pharmacy of the Republic of Belarus (regardless of the place where the prescription was issued), with the exception of narcotic drugs drugs, psychotropic drugs, including combination drugs, subject to subject-quantitative accounting, and ethyl alcohol.

8. Medicines listed in Appendix 7 to the Rules for Prescribing Medicines are dispensed from pharmacies in quantities not exceeding the permissible limits for one prescription.

It is permitted to increase the rate of one-time dispensing of prescription drugs in the cases specified in paragraphs 31, 32, 33 of the Rules for Prescribing Medicines.

9. Controlled psychotropic drugs, for which standards for one-time dispensing according to one prescription are not established, are dispensed from pharmacies in quantities not exceeding a course of treatment for a period of up to 1 month.

10. The dispensing of finished medicinal products containing codeine (pentalgin, solpadeine, spasmoveralgin and others), with the exception of the medicinal products specified in Appendix 7 to the Rules for Prescribing Medicines, is carried out according to doctor’s prescriptions in compliance with the one-time dispensing rate of no more than 0.2 codeine.

11. Dispensing of medicines containing ephedrine hydrochloride is carried out according to doctor’s prescriptions within the limits of the one-time dispensing rate (0.6) of ephedrine hydrochloride. An increase in the rate of one-time dispensing of medicines containing ephedrine hydrochloride is allowed in accordance with the conditions specified in paragraph 31 of the Rules for Prescribing Medicines.

12. When dispensing a medicinal product, including for free and preferential prescriptions, it is allowed to violate the original factory packaging, with the exception of contour cell (blister) and contour cell-free packaging, with the obligatory indication by the pharmacist (pharmacist) of the pharmacy number, name of the drug, dosage, manufacturer, series and expiration date of the drug on the pharmaceutical packaging. The total amount of the drug dispensed must correspond to the amount prescribed in the prescription, taking into account the dosage.

13. For external purposes, solutions of phenol, concentrated acids, perhydrol can be dispensed in the concentration prescribed by the doctor, with the obligatory indication on the prescription (requirement) of the concentration and method of use. The package must bear the label: “Handle with care.”

14. Ethyl alcohol is dispensed from pharmacies in pure form in weight measurement, and in a mixture with other ingredients - in volumetric measurement.

15. A pharmacist, with the consent of the patient, has the right, in the absence of a medicine prescribed in prescriptions on Form 1, to prescribe medicines dispensed from a pharmacy at full cost, and on Form 3, a prescription form, to prescribe and dispense medicines free of charge or on preferential terms. , replace it with its synonym.

16. Medicines are dispensed to the population on preferential terms and free of charge only from state pharmacies and enterprises upon presentation of a document confirming this right to patients. Children under 3 years of age and categories of patients for whom medications are dispensed free of charge during outpatient treatment according to the list of diseases approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus do not require presentation of documents.

17. When dispensing medicines, the price, number of packages, tablets (capsules, dragees, ampoules, etc.) must be indicated on the prescription.

The receipt of the prescription contains the amount to be paid by the medical institution, the surname, initials and signature of the dispenser, the surname, initials and signature of the person who received the medicine. The counterfoil with the necessary details filled in is sent with an invoice for payment to the medical institution.

18. When dispensing medicines for which prescriptions remain in the pharmacy, instead of a prescription, patients are given a signature with a yellow stripe or a label indicating the method of use of the medicine. The signature form is given in Appendix 1.

19. It is prohibited to dispense narcotic drugs for injection, anesthetic ether, chlorethyl, ketamine (calypsol, ketalar), fluorotane, sodium hydroxybutyrate in ampoules, lithium hydroxybutyrate in ampoules, barium sulfate for fluoroscopy to outpatients.

expiration of the prescription;

incorrectly written and executed prescriptions.

All incorrectly written prescriptions are canceled with the stamp “Prescription is invalid” and information about them is transferred to the heads of medical institutions for taking action against employees who violate the Rules for Prescribing Medicines.

21. Prescriptions for medicines remain in the pharmacy and are stored for the established periods in accordance with Appendix 2.

The counterfoils of Form 3 prescription forms received from pharmacy organizations are stored in the medical institution in the manner prescribed by law.

22. Upon expiration of the storage period, prescriptions are destroyed by a commission created by order of the head of the pharmacy, which includes at least 3 people, with the drawing up of an act in one copy, which is stored for 1 year, not counting the current one. The act indicates the pharmacological group of medicines, for what period the destruction is carried out and the date of destruction.

23. Packages in which medicines containing poisonous and narcotic medicines manufactured by pharmaceutical manufacturers are dispensed are issued with an additional label “Handle with care”, sealed by the person who checked the medicine, or sealed for rolling. They should be stored in a separate locked cabinet until vacation.

24. The medicines listed in Appendix 3 are subject to special subject-quantitative accounting in pharmacies, pharmaceutical warehouses and healthcare institutions.

25. Payment for the cost of medicines dispensed by a pharmacy institution (enterprise) free of charge or on preferential terms according to prescriptions from doctors of state medical institutions is made at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the health care institution that issued the Form 3 prescription.

Annex 1
to the Vacation Rules
medicines from
pharmacies and enterprises



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