Inappropriate person. Adequate behavior

In our life, we very often hear the phrases "adequate reaction", "inadequate man" and various others related to the concept of "adequate" or "inadequate". Let's try to understand what these terms mean.


Adequate behavior is behavior that is understandable to others and does not run counter to generally accepted norms, corresponds to the situation and the expectations of others. In any society there are generally accepted ones. So, an adequate person will behave in accordance with these standards, perform actions expected by others. For example, if he entered the trolley bus and sat on the seat, this is adequate behavior, but if he lies on the floor in the trolley bus, this is inadequacy. Please note that all these norms are external, created by public opinion. That is, in adequate, a person lives according to external guidelines and is not always guided by his feelings and desires. In other words, he knows how to control himself. For example, you liked a handbag from a neighbor, you have wanted one for a long time, but you won’t go to take it away. In fact, adequacy is a rather relative concept, because in different religions or countries moral norms may differ, for example, if in the East it is customary to drink tea while sitting on the floor, then somewhere in Europe, say, in London, it will be at least least strange. And if a person behaves correctly, in your opinion, this does not mean at all that other people will also consider this normal. In general, all people are inadequate to one degree or another, certainly from time to time they commit such acts.


In psychology, an inadequate person is a person who reacts to an event in a non-standard way, contrary to generally accepted norms of morality. The reaction, emotions and behavior of such a person do not correspond to the situation. For example, a positive event causes negative emotions in a person. It may become inadequate temporarily, for example, in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, in some critical situation. Or it may be his permanent state of consciousness, in which case it is already a disease, such as schizophrenia.

Types of inappropriate behavior

Depending on the ways of manifestation, inappropriate behavior can be divided into several types: deviant, victim, delinquent, conflict, erroneous and demonstrative. Let's consider each of these species separately and draw a conclusion.

deviant state

We can talk about deviant principles if an inadequate person regularly performs actions that run counter to generally accepted norms. This type of behavior includes: drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, prostitution and so on. According to scientists, the probability of deviations definitely increases with the weakening of the normative control that occurs at the social level.

Victim inadequate state

This is when an individual provokes to cause some harm, creates a dangerous situation for him. For example, a girl in a short skirt gets into a car at night with a company of tipsy hooligans. A person can behave defiantly, not suspecting that he himself can begin to provoke danger.

Delinquent state

This is when acts are committed that can cause any harm to both society and the individual. Adolescent delinquency should be emphasized here. Examples of inappropriate behavior of this type include petty offenses, drinking alcohol and using swear words in public places, petty hooliganism, and even violation of traffic rules. By the way, absence from the workplace for an unexcused reason or coming to work in a state of intoxication are also examples of delinquent behavior.

conflict state

This, as you probably already guessed, is behavior when an inadequate person tries to provoke a scandal or create a conflict situation. Lives by the principle "if you don't attack, they will attack you".

Error state

Directed away from the desired target. For example, when a person in childhood found a way that was successful for a child to solve some life problem, and it turned out to be effective, repeated many times, consolidated thanks to repetitions, and now it is repeated by an adult, although this has long been a reaction. An inadequate reaction is when a child was constantly scolded in childhood, and he got used to constantly making excuses, grew up and realized that he no longer needs to make excuses, but he still continues to do it. Behind such maneuverability of a psychologically healthy person are often such reasons: physical problems, accident, bad manners, incompetence, and provocations of the environment.

Demonstrative state

This is when any bright, memorable actions are committed, in which there is a noticeable desire to attract attention to oneself by any means, regardless of the opinions of others. This behavior is sometimes very convenient to use in order to achieve some goal. This is especially true for women, because they love to attract attention. Demonstrative behavior is not always inadequate, very often it remains within the normal range.

Types of inadequacy

By types, inadequacy can be conditionally divided into absolute, formal and relative. Formal - this is when a person does not comply with generally accepted norms of behavior, violates the rules. This includes the same mat in public places. Relative inadequacy lies in the characteristics of a particular individual and may even be invisible to society. The absolute is divided into conscious and unconscious. The inadequacy of the conscious type is when a person completely controls his actions, clearly knows what he is doing, and expects an appropriate reaction from the people around him. That is, such a person behaves inadequately quite consciously. It is always a challenge to public opinion, the moral standards accepted in society. This is how politicians, tyrants-bosses can behave. For example, singers or actors perform such acts in order to shock the public, and cause a general discussion. The unconscious type of inadequacy is considered the most dangerous and is somewhere on the verge of serious personality disorders. Such an individual is not aware of his actions, his principles are almost always inadequate, although he believes that everything is normal with him.

Reasons for inappropriate behavior

In fact, the reasons for the manifestation of this condition can be very different. A person may simply not understand what is expected of him, he may have any psychological problems that contribute to the manifestation of inappropriate behavior. Very often, inadequate people commit any actions that run counter to public opinion, simply because they rely not on the reaction of others, but on their personal opinion, they are guided not by the external, but by their inner world. In various situations, even the most balanced people commit rash acts. Sometimes the reasons for this are hidden in deep childhood. For example, children raised in families of drug addicts and alcoholics very often differ in such norms of principles.

Dangers of inadequate condition

Is an inadequate person dangerous in society? It depends on how much it goes beyond the norms of morality and what actions express his condition. In any case, communication with such an individual is a rather unpleasant experience. But if this is expressed by aggression, or a person is in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, then this can be very dangerous. Avoid this. If this is not possible, try to be as calm as possible and try not to get into conflict. Remember, an inadequate person does not give an account of his actions! And, as in can do anything.

A difficult character is, in essence, an inadequacy of response and, accordingly, unpredictability.

They don’t joke with fire, not because he doesn’t understand jokes, but because fire has an inadequate reaction to jokes

Sometimes pointless fear develops into pointless panic;

panic is accompanied by inadequate forms.

It is not enough to find a non-standard solution,

We still need to find an inadequate performer.

The world is not to blame that EVERYONE perceives it in their own way, that is, inadequately.

If a person inadequately treats different personalities, if he is unfriendly to them

perceives, this is a sign that his understanding of friendship is very narrow.

And the narrower the understanding of friendship in a person, the easier it is to become his enemy.

Inadequacy as a quality of a person is the inability to correspond to something with words, actions, deeds.

Telephone conversation: Hello! Is this a repair shop? - Good afternoon! Yes. - My fridge is broken. Are you far away from him? — No, nearby. - Open the door and stick the tube inside so I can listen and see ... - Well, what do you say now? - What a moron you are!

In psychiatry, inadequacy is understood as the inconsistency of individual mental acts or their combination with external circumstances. For example, in schizophrenia, paranoia is characterized by emotional inadequacy, i.e. strange and incomprehensible emotional reactions to external events, or lack of reactions to events that should have caused them. In ordinary life, inadequacy of behavior is observed in people suffering from psycho-neurological pathology, alcohol and drug addiction, also in adolescence in the form of behavior that deviates from social norms of behavior.

Clinical manifestations of inadequacy are diagnosed by a specialist - a psychiatrist, and in everyday life - by anyone who is not satisfied with the behavior of another person. The pride of an egoist requires that everything must be controlled, people must live up to his expectations, must live according to his ideas about life, must be the same as him. They have no right to be different. If close people deviate from his model of the world, he is offended, condemns and tries to turn the tide. If others “sin” with freethinking, then they are inadequate.

The label "Inadequacy" can be attached to almost any person if his words and deeds do not fit into the picture of the world of others. A bunch of conformists, seeing dissent, will say that their actions are illogical, potentially dangerous and poorly predictable, and Voltaires, Copernicuses and Einsteins will instantly be enlisted in the “detachment of inadequate” human beings. Given our past with the "treatment" of dissent in an extensive system of psychiatric hospitals, people experience fear at the word "inadequacy". Serious mental illnesses are one thing, but they are well aware of the grave fateful consequences that an unfounded, undeserved or thoughtless accusation of a person of inappropriate behavior can lead to. An individual, according to conformists, is inadequate if she crossed the line, stood up for the flags. The party apparatus considered Vladimir Vysotsky inadequate, always kept a free bed for him in a psychiatric hospital, but was afraid of the dangerous “wolf”: “The wolf must not, cannot otherwise! Here my time ends. The one I'm destined for Smiled and raised his gun. I got out of control. For the flags - the thirst for life is stronger! Only from behind I joyfully heard the surprised cries of people.
Recently, an inconspicuous, humble person appeared in a Russian church who wished to serve at the altar completely disinterestedly - to serve a censer, to light candles. It was a St. Petersburg criminal authority, a thief in law and a successful businessman rolled into one. One glance of his led many in awe and horror. The priest says: “The Lord is merciful to everyone and wants to save everyone. He also knocked on the heart of a lost person, baptized in childhood, and awakened his conscience. This Authority frequented one of the cloisters, where with tears he repeatedly confessed his gloomy deeds, and grace touched him and began to visibly change: his face brightened, his behavior changed, in dealing with others and subordinates he became completely different. The abbot of the monastery blessed him to serve at the altar during the service. He began to give the priest a censer, clean the altar, and emphasized his reverence for the holy place by taking off his shoes from his feet when he entered the altar. Rumors spread around the city in certain circles: “Is it true,” the gangsters asked each other, “that our Authority serves in the temple?” “Yes,” answered the priests who knew this, “and we are very pleased with him.” The lads shook their heads meaningfully and wondered. But some time passed, and the Authority was shot from machine guns in his car in Moscow. There were reports in the newspapers that, they say, in the redistribution of the sphere of influence, such and such was killed, but it seems to me that this is not so. The thieves in the law of the spiritual growth of their comrade and boss could not forgive. It can be seen that it is one thing to shower the temple with money, to donate for the construction of chapels and temples, but to part with sins and change your life is quite another. Giving money is one thing, but serving and cleaning the altar is another. They couldn't forgive him for that."

From the positions of the lads, the behavior of the thief in law was inadequate, and if so, there is nothing to disgrace the “glorious” name of the criminal Authority. As you know, people adhere to different concepts of happiness - for an alcoholic it is in a bottle, for a drug addict - in a dose, for a benevolent person - in selfless service to other people. Being on different life platforms, they classify each other's behavior in different ways. Inadequacy in everyday communication without taking into account the life concept of a person, the environment of which he is a representative, turns into the imposition of stereotypes, prejudices and dogmas. Put an American at the table, he and his feet on the table. If you don’t know that he is an American, why are you not a candidate for being inadequate? In other words, inadequacy, excluding clinical cases and the state of affect, is extremely subjective, tendentious and dependent on the life platform on which the “appraiser” stands.

In the series "Lone Wolf" there is such an episode. The good hero is kidnapped by representatives of the world of ignorance and forced to play Russian roulette under a gun in front of spectators who have made bets on life or death. Before the "performance" a prostitute is brought to his room. According to their expectations, the guy should immediately jump out of his shorts, and suddenly they see a refusal. This is shocking, and they conclude that it is inadequate. In this circle, his behavior did not fit into the framework of established and familiar concepts.

Almost everyone behaves inappropriately when frightened, strong fear, excitement. A person sometimes needs time to overcome sticky fear, to cope with strong excitement. The interval between the action of the stimulus and the reaction to it is the most favorable time for the manifestation of inadequacy. Most people overcome fear and excitement, returning to their usual adequate state.

Inadequacy manifests itself especially clearly when a person cannot adapt to the environment, adapt to various life situations. Parable in the context of this thesis. A crow sits on a tree. A hare runs past. He saw that the crow was sitting, shouting to her: - Crow, what are you doing there? - I'm not doing anything. “Oh, can I also sit here and do nothing?” - Go ahead, oblique! Well, the hare sat under a tree, also does nothing, it catches the buzz. But then suddenly a fox runs past, like a hare grabs by the side. The hare shouts to the crow: - Well, you promised that you could sit and do nothing! Crow: - Yes, but I forgot to add: in order to do nothing, you have to sit high!

Inadequacy is a deeply internal quality of a person, manifested in a persistent inability to correspond to something that worries and worries a person. Therefore, it is correct and correct to speak of internal inadequacy, when, for example, a person's actions do not agree with conscience. Inadequacy attributed from the outside, like a label, is just someone's subjective assessment, someone's preconceived opinion.

Internal inadequacy causes pangs of conscience, disagreements between the soul and the mind, constant skirmishes between the coveted mind and the impartial mind. For example, a person does not know how to control the “talk” of the mind. Thoughts hover in his head like a free bird and, without the participation of the mind, end up on the tongue. Having spoken nonsense, he then reproaches himself for incontinence, experiencing a state of internal inadequacy.

Inadequacy is defectiveness, ugliness of character or lack of "brakes" of conscience and reason. Adequacy is always the correspondence of something to something. If a person is at odds with his conscience and reason, then his actions do not meet their requirements, therefore, he is internally inadequate. What prevents him from being adequate to the voice of the heart and the requirements of the mind? First of all, selfishness. Ego strikes the mind and its tentacles - the feelings of a person, permeates all of his consciousness. Having committed some bad deed under the influence of selfish feelings and emotions, for example, deception or treason, a person after a while hears the voice of conscience, experiences psychological discomfort. The content of his act does not meet the requirements of the internal controller - conscience, which is evidence of internal inadequacy.

Petr Kovalev

Inadequacy is the mismatch of individual acts of mental activity or their totality to external circumstances. For example, paranoia is characterized by emotional inconsistency. In other words, an incomprehensible and abnormal manifestation of emotions as a response to an external stimulus, or a lack of response to the condition that awakened it. Often, a discrepancy in behavioral response is noted in subjects suffering from a pathology of a psychoneurological nature, dependence on the consumption of narcotic drugs and alcohol-containing liquids. In addition, inadequacy can be observed at the puberty stage of growing up as a behavior moving away from social boundaries. Inadequacy is more clearly manifested when it is impossible to adapt to the environment or difficult everyday situations.

Reasons for inadequacy

In order to identify the factors that give rise to inappropriate behavior, it is necessary to understand what the concept of "adequacy" means. The definition of this term is rather vague, since the boundary between abnormality and norm is often erased. For example, a certain manner of behavior in one person seems organic and normal to others, but in another subject it causes condemnation and rejection. Excessive extravagance of a young person will be taken as a manifestation of individuality and style, a similar image in an elderly lady will cause ridicule and censure. In other words, the society will consider an elderly lady in an extravagant outfit that does not fit the age period, inadequate.

The inadequacy of behavior, from the position of psychological science, is a behavioral response that does not correspond to the surrounding reality, deviating from the generally established normative postulates and rules.

Simply put, inadequacy means a deviation of behavior, a person’s claims, his plans from the edges of established norms, elementary prudence, beyond the limits of behavior that is considered natural in order to obtain the optimal result, mutually beneficial for the subjects that are included in the interaction.

Inadequacy differs from recklessness in that a stupid individual makes mistakes and acts incorrectly due to delusions, misunderstanding of things, skewed ideas towards an irrational view. At the same time, there is a certain in his behavior. In other words, the actions of such subjects are incorrect, but quite understandable.

Inadequate individuals commit unacceptable and abnormal acts intentionally, realizing this. Acting inadequately, the subject consciously seeks to destroy or deform the established norms of society in his own favor in order to obtain a certain benefit, material or psychological.

The state of inadequacy may occur due to the following factors:

- inborn personality traits;

- individual character traits (, gambling, leadership qualities, exaggerated sexual desire);

– social living conditions;

- economic well-being;

- position in society;

- family relationships;

- serious illnesses, injuries;

- interpersonal relationships, for example, interaction with an individual showing a negative behavior pattern;

- mental disorders;

- an excess of responsibilities (the need to meet norms and standards, reduced deadlines for completing tasks force people to take on an excessive number of responsibilities, fear of being unable to achieve what was planned is poorly reflected in behavioral response);

- consumption of alcoholic beverages;

There can be a lot of reasons that provoke the inadequacy of behavior, in addition to those given. However, it must be remembered that often the essence of the problem is multifaceted and multicomponent.

Signs of inadequacy

There are many signs of inadequacy, but it is necessary to consider it comprehensively. Individuals should not be labeled as inadequate by finding only one of the following manifestations.

The state of inadequacy is expressed in the following actions. And above all, it is found in unpredictable mood swings of a polar nature (a bad mood is replaced by a good one - a bad one), an unexpected reaction to people (excessively impulsive behavior). The facial expressions and gestures of an individual who is in the described state do not correspond to what is happening. Such subjects are characterized by excessive theatricality, fussiness, excessive gesticulation, or, on the contrary, unnatural calmness that does not correspond to the situation, a frozen, unblinking look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

An inadequate person tends to interrupt the conversation, does not listen to their arguments and judgments, may not listen to others at all, or voice his own opinion off topic. Peremptory statements often slip through. Individuals in a state of inadequacy often express opinions that are completely inappropriate. They can translate the subject of conversation in a completely different direction. They talk more about themselves. Their speech is filled with swear words, rude expressions, slang turns. In addition, they can use demonstratively abstruse sentences in everyday everyday conversation.

In appearance there is an inappropriate selection of clothes, a style that does not correspond to the event or setting, frilly or defiant outfits. Appearance also undergoes changes: brightly colored curls, an unusual hairstyle that causes makeup. In the sons of Adam, inadequacy is manifested in excessive piercings, "tunnels" in the auricles, many tattoos, scarring.

Inadequate people tend to perceive "with hostility" any judgments and ideas of opponents during a conversation, regardless of their argumentation and logic. They are also characterized by increased resentment, an inadequate reaction to friendly banter, jokes, harmless jokes.

Inadequacy of behavior can be expressed in suspicion, motor disinhibition, suicidal attempts or a tendency to self-harm, immoral acts, antisocial actions, conflict, violation of social interaction, categorical statements.

Affect of inadequacy

The described phenomenon is a stable negative emotional state that arises as a result of failure, failure and is characterized by ignoring the fact of a fiasco or unwillingness to take responsibility for failure. It arises as a result of conditions that entailed the subject's need to preserve his incorrectly formed high self-esteem and an overestimated degree of claims.

To admit one's own inadequacy for an individual means to go against the existing need to preserve one's own self-esteem. However, he does not want to allow this. From here, an inadequate response to one's failure is born, manifested in the form of affective behavioral reactions.

The most important factor of human existence is emotions. They provide a colorful life, allow you to evaluate, to enjoy. Different pathologies can cause different variations of perversion of emotional response.

With individual deviations (schizophrenia, a number), the emotional response becomes inappropriate for the conditions in which the individual finds himself. It is possible to distinguish such variations of the inadequacy of emotions as: paramimia, parathymia, emotional, paradoxicality, echomimy and automatisms.

Emotional paradoxicality is due to the prevalence of connections in contrast. It is expressed in the desire to cause harm or trouble to individuals whom the patient himself especially loves. For example, an irresistible desire to use foul language during worship, which arises in a truly religious subject. Also here can be attributed a kind of pleasure from dental algia or pleasure from the awareness of humiliation.

All manifestations of the considered deviation can be conditionally defined to two subgroups. The emergence of experiences inappropriate to a particular situation is called parathymia. For example, a person reports a joyful moment with tears. Such a change in the expression of emotions arises from damage to the cerebral cortex. Otherwise, emotional paradoxicality is manifested by a weakening of normal emotional reactions to significant events against the background of an increase in response to minor accompanying events. Such inadequacy is due to the psyche-stethic proportion. At the same time, the emotional reactions of the individual are difficult to predict. For example, a person remains indifferent to a tragic event, but will sob heart-rendingly over a plucked flower.

A manifestation of emotional inadequacy is grimacing, expressed in exaggerated, exaggerated, rapidly changing facial movements. The nature of expressiveness and the emotional fullness of the grimace of the situation does not correspond.

Paramimia is the inconsistency of facial reactions with the content of the emotional state of the individual. It is expressed in pathological excitation of a motor character that occurs in the facial muscles. Some arbitrariness of facial contractions, their unidirectionality is preserved with the external manifestation of a certain emotion. Paramimia is also manifested by contractions of various groups of facial muscles of varying intensity. At the same time, their coordination and synergy are lost. This leads to a combination of different, often polar mimic movements.

Emotional ambivalence is found in the feeling of different emotions in relation to one object. "Unrestraint" of emotions occurs in subjects suffering from paralysis or age-related paralysis. Affects quickly arise and almost instantly disappear. Any little thing can plunge such patients into despair or make them happy.

Emotional automatisms are expressed in the feeling of foreignness of one's own feelings. It seems to the individual that emotions are caused from outside, and do not belong to him.

Echomimicry is manifested by the automatism of reproducing vivid manifestations of the partner's emotions. People unconsciously copy gestures, intonation, facial expressions.

In our daily life, you can often hear the phrase "inappropriate behavior." We tend to associate this phrase with behavior that is different from what we consider normal. What should be our reaction to inappropriate behavior: sound the alarm or wait for everything to go away on its own?
The main thing you need to know is that inappropriate behavior can occur in a person with emerging or already existing mental illnesses.

Options for inappropriate behavior

Unmotivated outbursts of aggression

Aggressiveness is the most common manifestation in its various forms. This can be manifested by extreme irritability, when a person “takes out evil” on loved ones, or by excessive conflict. In extreme cases, it comes to assault and antisocial behavior.

Aggression can lead to the destruction of personality, relationships with loved ones and friends. Teenagers are very susceptible to attacks of aggression. In some cases, they seem to provoke adults into scandals. This is a manifestation of unhealthy aggression, indicating mental ill-being, possibly depression. In this situation, the correct behavior of adults is important, which is expressed in sufficient attention to the problems of a teenager, as well as timely seeking qualified help. This will help prevent the development of pathological changes in the psyche and preserve the personality of a person.


Inappropriate behavior also refers to various delusional ideas. In the presence of delirium, a person does not always express it, but changes in his behavior can signal a mental disorder. This can manifest itself in mild forms, for example, when it seems to a person that behind his back other people condemn him. In this case, he can break off all contacts with people who fall under suspicion, without explaining the reasons. There are also more serious signs, for example, if a person stops driving a car because it seems to him that the car was damaged by intruders. He may stop using his computer and telephone for fear of being tapped by the security services.
You should also be wary of a sudden and inexplicable passion for mysticism, extrasensory perception or religion. This may be a sign or hallucinations, about which the patient prefers to remain silent. Pathological passion for mysticism and religion differs from the thinking and behavior of ordinary believers. The patient's thoughts constantly return to delusional ideas, he begins to plan some actions related to the content of the delusion. This is a state of psychosis that needs to be urgently treated in!

Do not underestimate the danger of delusion. A sick person can be dangerous: he can defend himself from imaginary persecutors or personify “demons” in someone. For example, the murder of the priest Father Adelheim was committed by a man in a state of psychosis.


With auditory hallucinations, the sick person can speak, whisper something in the absence of an interlocutor, laugh for no reason, listen. The voices in auditory hallucinations are in most cases unfamiliar, but sometimes they are perceived as the voices of relatives or friends. Appearing can push the sick person to search for an explanation of the phenomenon through religious or mystical teachings.

Find out more about

If you suspect that a person has delusions or hallucinations, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. It should be remembered that in the case of early treatment to a psychiatrist, the disease is much better treated.
You can consult on the symptoms of the disease at the Mental Health Clinic remotely, by phone or by calling +7 499 793-45-15.

Many people in the early stages of a mental disorder are afraid to go to a psychiatric clinic. This is due to the negative image of this area of ​​medicine, which is surrounded by numerous myths. In addition, until now, mental illness is considered something shameful, which is not customary to talk about.
In fact, according to statistics, every seventh person on the planet suffers or suffered from a mental disorder, and psychiatry has become a modern and rapidly developing branch of medicine.

We know how to help you!

A person who stands out from the crowd at first sight can be called inadequate. If he has a bizarre appearance or behavior that differs from the standard, others may consider him strange. Any deviations from the average can alarm those who are close to such an individual. But people are especially frightened by those who, with their strangeness, are also quite active or hypothetically pose a threat to others.

Depending on the situation, a person who simply gesticulates very loudly, gesticulates sharply or laughs loudly in a public place may be considered inadequate. The fact that an individual allows himself more than others can become alert to others. Such fears are associated with suspicions of a person in alcohol or drug intoxication or mental illness.


Of course, some people consider boors and hooligans inadequate. People who show aggression at work or in public places, who do not hesitate to make a fuss with might and main, turn to personalities and insults, cause fear in more restrained individuals.

Aggression may not necessarily result in negativity. Unrestrained fun and on the verge of hysteria can also become the basis for the recognition of a person by others as inadequate. Excessive manifestation of emotions, inappropriate and unrestrained, whether it is anger, tears or laughter, causes a resonance in society, as it does not fit into social norms of behavior.


An inadequate person can be considered someone who has strange habits. People who spend their whole lives collecting collections of things that do not represent any value for the majority of members of society can already count on the title of inadequate. And if a hobby outgrows all boundaries and resembles a mania in its scale, then, most likely, neighbors and acquaintances will begin to twist their fingers at their temples.

When a person is obsessed with some idea and lives only for it, for others he may look strange. For example, if an individual is obsessed with sterile cleanliness or total economy for no particular reason, other people perceive him as inadequate. A person lives in his own world and feels comfortable in this state. And his acquaintances believe that he has a mental disorder and perceive this lifestyle with hostility.


An inadequate person can be called those who themselves behave in a completely different way. Here there is a subjective perception of the behavior and words of other people. For someone, a representative of another state will already be inadequate, because his manners do not fit into the world created inside another individual.

Therefore, when labeling others, some people should think about whether they themselves are examples of inadequate behavior for someone because of their thinking, mentality or actions.

Harassing a person is illegal. However, most of the people who do it go unpunished. The official name for this activity is "stalking". They are engaged in with specific goals and often to the detriment of the object of persecution. Only a person who is familiar with its main motives can protect himself from stalking.


Stalking is a very subtle form of harassment. On the one hand, the victim does not receive direct threats and physical injuries, and on the other hand, he is constantly subjected to moral pressure. Experienced stalkers are able to disguise their persecution in such a way that a person will never know about it, but more often they are engaged in too emotional and stubborn personalities.

Most of the victims of stalkers are women, but men usually play their role. Most often they start chasing a lady because of unrequited love, and everyone does it differently: in this case, some stalkers present obsessive gifts, others send threatening messages, others arrange surveillance.

Stalking is widespread among employees of detective agencies. In this case, it is completely legal and safe. A skilled stalker is looking for information about a person using databases and professional surveillance.

Intentional stalking is often done for the purpose of fraud. The victim is carefully hunted down, and then presented with information that is hard not to believe. For example, a woman received a call in the middle of the night and was informed that her son had an accident, knocking down a man. At the same time, the name and surname of the offspring, his place of registration and year of birth were named. Naturally, a worried mother will make a transfer of money only in order to save the child from imprisonment. Usually the scammers know that the victim's son is currently unable to answer the phone for some reason.

With regard to interpersonal relationships, here stalking is explained as a hidden form of domestic violence. The most common example is divorce. Having lost "power" over his woman, a man begins to show it at a distance, often bringing the victim to a nervous breakdown.

Despite the fact that stalking is not considered a mental illness, more often than not, its manifestation is inadequate. A typical situation is the persecution of an idol by fans. In their obsession, they are capable of everything, up to the use of hidden cameras and terrible death threats. This is done in order to get the attention of the desired object. There are cases in history when, due to such pressure, people committed suicide.

It may seem that stalking is harmless, but it is not. In a fit of emotion, a person obsessed with persecution can bring the victim to mania, and he himself crosses the line and commit a real murder. People who are attacked by stalkers are advised to contact law enforcement agencies.


  • Persecution of a person - who are stalkers in 2019
  • Stalking (stalking) in 2019

Tip 3: How to help a person when he is in an inadequate state

Inadequate states are different: from shock to aggression in alcoholic intoxication. If a person behaves strangely, he needs help, not accusations. Each case has its own approach, and if there are no doctors nearby, you need to provide first aid so that the person does not harm himself and others.

Inappropriate behavior is actions that are not characteristic of a person. Sometimes they appear suddenly as a result of external influences, sometimes they can be found regularly, and this may indicate a mental illness. If you notice something unusual in your loved ones, it is better to consult a doctor, in the early stages it is not difficult to cure many diseases, and advanced forms may even require hospitalization.

state of shock

Shock can occur for a variety of reasons. It occurs during fires, catastrophes, natural disasters or accidents. If something terrible happens in front of a person or he himself became a participant in the tragedy, he may experience shock. In such conditions, a person does not react to external circumstances, repeats some words, and cannot always move normally. In shock, a person may cry, scream, or even fight with those who are trying to help him.

If you see a person in shock, have them sit in a safe place. Find something warm to wrap him up, as chills may be present. And start talking to him. You have to look into her eyes to bring her back to reality. Ask distracting questions, you can repeat the words he says after him, this helps to come to his senses. Stroking or light pats on the back work well, but only if the person lets you in and doesn't push you away.

Describe the environment to him so that he returns to reality. Look at the objects around and name them, this will help you concentrate on the moment. It is not necessary to talk about the tragedy or mention the cause of the condition, it is important to transfer the train of thought in a different direction.

Drunken aggressor

If you encounter a drunk person who is threatening you, find a way to distract him. Say something that will switch his attention, something unexpected is better. At the moment of his confusion, try to escape from him. If the action takes place in a closed room, do not provoke him and do not start arguing, this will only anger the person. To calm him down, you need to lock him in a separate space and call the police squad.

Do not put sedatives in the food or water of a drunk person. Interaction with alcohol can give an unpredictable reaction, even death is possible. Remember that a person does not understand what he is doing, and it is better not to take risks, but to turn to specialists.

Behavior change

If your loved one has become very withdrawn or very active, and for no apparent reason, you should take a closer look. Inappropriate behavior can be a sign of mental disorders. Schizophrenia at the initial stage simply changes a person, makes the character completely different. And if you see this, see a doctor.

Forgetfulness can be a sign of multiple sclerosis or incipient dementia. If a person occasionally starts talking or responds off topic, this may be the first sign. At the initial stage, such things are easy to cure or prevent development, so do not allow complications.



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