Medicinal herbs that strengthen nerve cells. How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche

In modern man, the nervous system is constantly subject to stress. Especially often people in large cities face this, when the rhythm of life is very exhausting. Constant stress often leads to the fact that a person not only has a disturbed nervous system, but also exacerbates or develops somatic chronic diseases.

To improve your resilience to stress, the following is recommended:

First of all, in order to calm the nerves, the body needs to be rid of chronic intoxication, that is, to minimize the use of alcoholic beverages and give up cigarettes.

Ethanol is the most dangerous poison for nerve cells, as it disrupts inhibition and activates excitation processes, which quickly leads to overload.

The constant use of alcohol, even in small quantities over time, leads to the development of complex brain damage - alcoholic encephalopathy. In people with this disease, working capacity decreases, the ability to concentrate attention suffers, and memory deteriorates sharply.

Smoking also has a rather negative effect on the functional work of the nervous system, since nicotine constricts blood vessels. Which, in turn, leads to the death of the cells of the cerebral cortex of the head and oxygen starvation.

Both smoking and alcohol are the main disposing factors for the occurrence of strokes, after which it is often impossible to fully restore the functions of the nervous system.

If possible, you should not allow your physical and nervous overwork. It is imperative to optimize the daily routine. For a good rest, an adult needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep in a day.

Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time(including weekends). Don't stay late at work unless absolutely necessary. It is workaholics who most often experience nervous breakdowns against the background of chronic stress and overwork.

How to heal nerves with proper nutrition

Many people need to reconsider their daily diet. Frequent consumption of unhealthy foods (fast food, in particular) and "snacking on the run" most negatively affect the overall well-being of the body.

You need to pay great attention to foods that increase stress resistance, and include as many vitamins in your diet as possible. The best antidepressant products are considered citrus fruits, bananas and chocolate.

Essential Nutrients

For normal nervous activity, protein is required - both animal and plant origin. Proteins will help increase reflex activity and improve memory. The best sources of protein:

Moderate fat intake(especially vegetable) is also important, since the fatty acids in them improve emotional stamina.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy to nourish the brain. Their lack causes daytime sleepiness, increased fatigue, recurrent headaches and impaired memory ability. Especially useful are carbohydrates, which are found in large quantities in cereals.

Essential Vitamins

The normal functioning of the nervous system with hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins) is simply impossible.

Need remember about trace elements. Phosphorus is especially important for nerve cells, it is abundant in cheese, fish (especially sea), peas, beans, buckwheat and eggs.

Hardening of the body

Hardening implies a dosed periodic effect on the body of various physical factors. The most accessible and common way are considered dousing and rubbing with cold water.

The temperature of the water must be gradually lowered, and duration of procedures - increase. The main role is played not by the strength of the stimulus, but by the duration of its action.

hardening stimulates mental activity, increases physical endurance and working capacity. It is important that the procedures are daily, the only way the body can adapt to them.

One of the factors that have a positive effect on all human systems and organs is moderate ultraviolet radiation. During the summer it is necessary sunbathe for 12-15 minutes everyday. In winter, it is advisable to go to the solarium. It is important to do everything in moderation!

Physical exercises

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, moderate physical activity is of great importance. morning exercises very useful for strengthening the body.

Exercise is best done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. If possible, go to the gym several times a week.

It is useful to take short breaks throughout the day to perform simple exercises, especially for people who have work associated with a constant sitting position.

Helps prevent exhaustion of the nervous system alternation of physical and mental loads. This allows you to prevent the occurrence of a stressful state and restore the energy potential of cells.

An affordable and simple option for strengthening nerves are simple evening walks for half an hour at a calm pace. They are great for helping you recover after a hard day at work. It is advisable to walk just before going to bed, and then take a shower and go to bed.

Means from the group of medicinal plants help to improve the mental and emotional state. To prevent stress, as well as to cope with irritability and overwork, herbs with a sedative (calming) mild effect allow. These include valerian, motherwort, peppermint and melissa. From these herbs you can make infusions and decoctions yourself. In pharmacies, you can buy herbal remedies in the form of dry extracts in tablets and alcohol tinctures (they must be used with caution).

Cope with apathy and improve vitality allow eleutherococcus, echinacea and lemongrass. To restore the balance of inhibition in the nervous system and excitation processes, pharmacological drugs such as Persen and Novo-Passit are sometimes prescribed.

These drugs are made on a natural basis and are well tolerated (almost complete absence of side effects). Medicines prescribed to strengthen the nervous system:

  • Valocordin;
  • Barboval;
  • Adaptol;
  • Afobazol.

With significant nervous disorders, the doctor may prescribe medications from the group of antidepressants. When using these drugs, strictly follow the prescribed doses.

To strengthen the nervous system, relieve fatigue and relax, acupressure of biologically active points or general massage allows you to relax.

A fairly common and effective way to relax considered yoga. You can practice these exercises yourself, but preferably in groups under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Strengthening the spirit and body help traditional Chinese qigong and wushu exercises. Gymnastic exercises are best done in turn with meditation practices that involve temporary retreat into yourself and complete relaxation.

The main thing is avoid questionable groups"personal growth". Often, their advertising claims to achieve complete harmony and any solutions to mental and emotional problems, but in reality, for most people, everything turns into severe nervous breakdowns that require treatment by psychiatrists.

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche of the child

Often the nervous system of a child suffers from a lack of minerals and vitamins of certain groups. Thus, children are most exposed to nervous exhaustion if their body is deficient in calcium. In this case, the child becomes more restless, nervous and irritable. Naturally, children can be given a complex of vitamins, where calcium is present in the composition, however, do not forget about good nutrition. Fermented milk products must be in the daily menu of the child.

In children, excessive arousal and rapid fatigue can contribute to lack of B vitamins. In order to improve attention in children, strengthen the nervous system and increase their efficiency, you need to include seafood, meat, dairy products and beans in the diet.

Do not forget that the child will be inattentive and quickly get tired during the day when he did not have a nutritious and satisfying breakfast. And you also need to remember to give the child handful of nuts in the morning, it will strengthen the nervous system.

But dinner should be lighter, and eating in the evening should take place no later than 3 hours before bed so that the baby does not go to sleep on a full stomach, otherwise there can be no question of any healthy rest at night.

Nothing can help strengthen the nervous system of children like entertainment and relaxation. Take more family outings be outdoors with the kids where you can play active games.

on vacation children must rest, do not load them with tasks when you see that the child is overtired. Make sure that the baby does not spend a lot of time near the computer playing games. Computer battles significantly overload the psyche and brain of the child, which does not help to strengthen the nervous system at all.

And only this comprehensive approach (good rest, taking a vitamin complex and balanced nutrition) will help you decide how to strengthen the child's nervous system.

What conclusion can be drawn from what has been said? If you pay attention to all the above aspects of our life and correct them, then life will be filled with new positive emotions, will sparkle with new colors, and nervousness, irritability, dissatisfaction with others or yourself, depression will simply disappear. A new energy will appear that will help you rush into a new life completely without a trace.

Every person often faces problems in his personal life, at work, in communication with friends.

Sometimes this is accompanied by a stressful rhythm of life. It is not surprising that all this can lead to a state of depression, nervousness or a nervous breakdown. There are various methods on how to strengthen the nervous system at home. You can achieve this with:

  • tempering procedures, physical and breathing exercises;
  • food;
  • compliance with the sleep regimen;
  • folk remedies, including herbal baths or teas.

Taking any medications is possible only after consulting a qualified specialist.

The best way to quickly restore the nervous system, strengthen it, is a good sleep. With regular lack of sleep, not only the central and autonomic nervous system is depleted, but there is a deterioration in appetite, a decrease in efficiency. None of the techniques described below will give a positive result if a person does not comply with the sleep and wakefulness regimen, does not systematically get enough sleep.

Hardening will help both improve the functioning of the nervous system and increase immunity, endurance of the body, its ability to deal with adverse external factors. It will be effective if the principle of systematicity is observed. The first stage of hardening begins with the most gentle wiping procedure with a wet and then a dry towel. Gradually, you can move on to dousing both the whole body and its parts, such as legs. The next step is to take a contrasting, cool, cold shower. For a well-prepared organism, winter swimming is suitable as hardening, which has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. At any stage, at the end of the procedure, rubbing is carried out with a dry towel.

The combination of hardening and physical exercises helps to increase efficiency, maintain the whole body in good shape.

In this case, walking will help strengthen the nerves, during which breathing normalizes, the feeling of fatigue disappears, and mood improves.

Physical activity can be alternated with gymnastics, including breathing exercises to strengthen the nervous system, each of which must be repeated 2-4 times.

When performing the first exercise, you need to inhale deeply, mentally counting 4 seconds. Exhale on the same account, but after holding the breath for a couple of seconds. You should try to focus only on the process of breathing. Repeat until a feeling of calm appears, but no longer than 7 minutes. Gradually, you can move on to longer breathing movements, increasing the count to 6-3 or 8-4 seconds. The advantage of this breathing exercise is that it does not require special training, it can be performed anywhere if necessary.

The next step is a smooth raising of the hands, combined with a deep breath until the palms are clasped above the head. Hold your breath for 7 seconds. Exhale slowly while lowering your arms.

The essence of the third exercise is to gradually take a deep breath while raising your arms in front of you to chest level. After a short pause, you should spread them apart, make lateral torso to the count of 3, and then exhale sharply with your mouth, assuming the starting position.

The fourth technique is similar to push-ups from the floor. However, in this case, before lifting the body, you should take a deep breath, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then taking the starting position.

At the last stage of breathing exercises, the palms rest against the wall. Perform push-ups, inhaling deeply when bending at the elbows, exhaling when unbending.

Performing these exercises is a kind of exercise for (hereinafter referred to as the CNS). They help to quickly cope with excitement, anxiety, abstract from negative thoughts.

Foods and drinks that strengthen the central nervous system

Nutrition plays a leading role in strengthening both the central nervous system and the whole organism. Recognized antidepressants are citrus fruits and bananas. Calcium-rich, dairy and sour-milk products can have a relaxing, calming effect. It is not in vain that with insomnia caused by stress, it is recommended to drink warm milk.

To compensate for the lack of vitamin B1, the inclusion in the diet of bread with bran, peas, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, and egg yolks will help. Be sure to eat a variety of seafood containing zinc and selenium. These trace elements help fight fatigue, improve brain activity.

Herbal teas are effective strengthening folk remedies. For a soothing drink you will need:

  • wild rose (4 tbsp. fruits);
  • medicinal sweet clover herb, hawthorn flowers (200 g each);
  • valerian (130 g);
  • peppermint leaves (100 g).

Infused with hot water (200–300 ml), let the herbal mixture infuse for a quarter of an hour. Drink 150 ml before meals.

With neuroses, tea with lemon balm, which has relaxing and regenerating properties, will help. To prepare it, it is necessary to infuse 10 g of herbs poured with boiling water (250 ml) for 7-15 minutes. Consume approximately one hour after a meal.

From irritability, anxiety will save the infusion of oregano. A glass of boiling water will require 4-6 g of dry grass. Herbal tea is infused for half an hour, taken 100-150 ml an hour before meals.

Ivan tea is able to strengthen the nervous system. 10 g of herbs are poured into 250 ml of boiling water for 4 hours, then filtered. For treatment, such a remedy must be consumed 1 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day before meals.

A drink that includes valerian, orange flowers, mint, basil (10 g each) will help strengthen and restore nerves. Bay with boiling water (200-300 ml), insist, strain.

Firming properties are possessed by such a folk remedy as herbal infusion, which is based on viburnum (bark), motherwort, cumin and fennel (fruits) (1 tsp each). 1 st. l. pre-mixed ingredients pour boiling water (250 ml), leave for about 50-60 minutes. Consume up to 3 times a day.

Baths with herbs and essential oils

Folk remedies that have a relaxing and calming effect are herbal baths and essential oils. Adding medicinal herbs to the bath allows you to quickly cope with fatigue, irritability, normalize the emotional state, and strengthen the nerves.

Recipe 1. To prepare a relaxing decoction, you will need lemon balm leaves (60 g) and 1 liter of water. After boiling for 7-10 minutes, insist a quarter of an hour. Pour the strained broth into a filled bath, the duration of which is from 7 to 15 minutes.

Recipe 2. For 1.5 liters of water you need 3-4 tbsp. l. herbs of wormwood, rosemary, as well as linden flowers. After boiling the broth for about 10 minutes, leave for about a quarter of an hour. Take a firming bath for no more than half an hour.

Recipe 3. 100 g of oregano pour 2–2.5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour. To achieve the desired effect of the herbal bath, 20 minutes is enough.

Essential oils also have medicinal properties. Taking such aromatic baths has a beneficial effect on the whole body, including the central nervous system. An important point when adding an essential agent is that it must first be mixed with a base, such as sea salt (3-4 tablespoons), milk (250 ml) or honey. If the base is sea salt, then it is placed in a small bag or gauze, 3-4 drops of ether are added, then shaken vigorously to mix the components. After that, the bag is lowered into the filled bath. Lavender oil will relieve fatigue and irritability, and a mixture of sandalwood, rose oils, frankincense esters, and geranium will help with severe stress. Orange, tangerine oils will cheer you up.

Regular exercise, an active lifestyle, hardening of the body, as well as treatment with the described folk remedies will help both strengthen the nervous system and increase efficiency, resistance to stress, and also get rid of depression.

In our article we will tell you how to strengthen the nervous system at home using traditional medicine.

Agree that modern life exposes our nervous system to enormous tests every day.

But all people are subject to stress, which leads to nervous breakdowns.

And if you notice that stress has firmly entered your life, then you need to think about how to prevent them.

The length of nerve fibers on the human body is 1 billion meters. Remember the statement that nerve cells do not regenerate? Don't trust him. After all, if this were true, then any unforeseen situations would simply lead us to a dead end.

And it would be very difficult to get out of them. In fact, nerve fibers are restored, but very slowly. But in order for them not to collapse, you need to think about how to save your nerves. And this will help folk remedies.

Everyone knows the saying that all our diseases arise from nerves. You must remember that your health is only in your hands. You can’t let it be destroyed by strangers who can shout at you, insult you.

And if something doesn’t get in your life, then you need to try to achieve your goal. Remember, you cannot allow circumstances to control your life, it is you who must control your emotions and feelings.

The water is great for calming the nerves. Water will help boost your immune system, reduce stress and calm you like no other. That is why in the summer, do not neglect any opportunity to swim in the open water, sunbathe.

But even if you decide to strengthen the nervous system in winter, water will come to your aid here too. You just need to take warm baths, adding decoctions of medicinal herbs to them. You can take chamomile, sandalwood, lavender. In order to prepare such a bath, take 100 g of herbs, fill them with 2 cups of boiling water, then strain and pour into the bathroom. While taking a bath, turn on the music, light the candles and relax.

You can also strengthen your nerves with nutrition.

In order for the nervous system to work without interruption, your diet must be varied. Include seafood, cereals, wholemeal bread in your diet. Strawberries, bananas and, of course, chocolate improve your mood. These are the foods that can boost your mood.

It is also important to use soothing teas. Take 1 tsp. mixture of St. John's wort, oregano and valerian, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Add 1 tsp there. honey - the mood will definitely improve.

We strengthen the nerves with folk remedies

You need to take infusions and decoctions of herbs that have a mild effect on the nervous system.
Here are some recipes for such herbal decoctions:

  • 10 g of peppermint should be mixed with 30 g of oregano, 25 g of hawthorn, 20 g of sweet clover and 15 g of valerian root. Then take 3 tbsp. mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, take 100 ml before meals.
  • 3 tbsp oregano should be put in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Take this remedy for? glass before meals in the morning and evening.
  • 2 tbsp valerian root pour 1 liter of boiling water, steam in a water bath. After strain and take 100 ml after meals.
  • everyone knows the properties of valerian, which puts the nervous system in order. If you apply it systematically, you will protect your nervous system.
    Recipe: 10 g of dried valerian roots and rhizomes should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, then let it brew for 2 hours. You need to take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

Sports will help keep the nervous system and body in good shape. Physical exercise helps to reduce fat reserves, as well as the removal of toxins from the body. If you do not have the opportunity to work out in gyms, do not worry - you can work out at home or go for walks.

No wonder they say that many diseases come from the nerves. As for panic attacks, there can be no doubt. You need to strengthen your nerves, and the fight against panic will be much more productive.

Read the article, which gives just a lot of useful tips on how to strengthen your nervous system. It is not difficult to implement advice, if there is a desire, as they say.

Nowadays, nervous disorders have become constant companions of almost every one of us. Constant stress, intense rhythm of life, overwork negatively affect the human nervous system, depressing and loosening it.

First, irritability accumulates, then nervousness arises, the result of which is nerves that have passed. Even an outwardly calm person can have great inner tension. We will tell you how to strengthen the nervous system with the help of breathing exercises, physical education, nutrition, proper sleep and traditional medicine.

Breathing exercises

The simplest breathing exercise to strengthen the nervous system can be performed at home, at work, in public transport, on a bench in the park, in general, anywhere, as soon as you feel that you are starting to get irritated.

  1. Inhale for 4 counts (or 4 beats of the pulse).
  2. Hold your breath for 2 counts.
  3. Exhale for 4 counts.
  4. Hold your breath for 2 counts, then inhale again for 4 counts and repeat all over again.

If you feel you can take deeper and longer breaths, increase the count from 4/2/4/2 to 6/3/6/3 or even 8/4/8/4 etc.

During the exercise, focus only on breathing, no extraneous thoughts, you can even close your eyes so that nothing distracts you. Performing the exercise for three minutes, you will feel relaxed and calm. But do not do this exercise for more than 5-7 minutes. In general, regular breathing exercises will allow you to relax not only “here and now”, but also put your nervous system in order. Here are 5 more useful breathing exercises:

  1. Stand near a window or go outside. Take a free deep breath, slowly raising your hands up. Continue to inhale until the hands are joined above the head. Hold the position and breath for 7-10 seconds, then also exhale freely, slowly lowering your hands down. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath, raising your hands with your palms down to shoulder level. Then pause and spread your arms to the sides. Perform body tilts to the right and left as deep as you can, leaving your legs motionless. After 2-3 tilts, exhale sharply through your mouth and lower your arms along the torso.
  3. Lie on a flat surface on your stomach. Rest your palms on the floor. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for a few seconds and lift the adze, resting your hands and toes on the floor. Then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 5-6 times. It not only calms the nervous system, but also strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and back.
  4. Stretch your arms forward and rest your palms on the wall. Take deep breaths in and out while bending your elbows until your forehead touches the wall. Return to the starting position with a sharp jerk. When performing the exercise, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, breathing should be free. Take a deep breath while raising your arms to the sides and up to shoulder level. Hold your breath and rotate your arms first forward, then back 3 times in each direction. Then exhale sharply through your mouth and slowly lower your arms down.


Proper, natural nutrition is another effective way to strengthen the nervous system. Fans of soda and fast food will not have strong nerves, as gaining excess weight does not contribute to this. At the same time, “fast food” destroys not only your nervous system, but also your digestive system. If you love chips and hamburgers, change your eating habits urgently.

To strengthen the nervous system, you will need a lot of calcium, because with a lack of it, the transmission of nerve impulses becomes difficult, as a result of which nervous tension grows and takes root.

In addition to calcium, strong nerves need B vitamins. Without them, you cannot boast of steel nerves. Scientists have proven that these vitamins contribute to stress resistance and help to cope with powerful nervous stress.

To get the daily norm of B vitamins, it is enough to drink 3 glasses of freshly squeezed orange, tomato or grapefruit juice daily. Also rich in vitamin B and brewer's yeast. Enough 1 tablespoon to get the required dose of vitamin. Do not forget about meat, egg yolk, legumes, cabbage, wheat and other foods rich in protein and B vitamins.

Physical exercises

This is one of the most powerful ways to strengthen the nervous system. Especially walking and running. Walking or running a distance of about 3-5 kilometers a day will not only help you lose weight, improve your health, speed up your metabolism, but also strengthen your nervous system. Even ordinary walking will make the blood circulate faster, normalizing breathing and having a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

You can also strengthen the nervous system with the help of water procedures. You can go to the pool or take a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings, since it is cool water that helps strengthen the nervous system. In addition, you can get strong nerves with the help of a bathhouse or a solarium, relaxation in which will give peace and tranquility.

Folk remedies

What is not treated with herbs. But the fact that with their help you can strengthen the nervous system, probably everyone knows. Everyone has heard about such soothing herbs as St. John's wort, peony, valerian, lavender, motherwort, and for many they have become saviors from nervous tension. Based on them, you can prepare a lot of tools that help strengthen the nervous system.

Strengthening herbs: viburnum, centaury, sweet clover, lemon balm, catnip, St. John's wort, wormwood, hops, mint, chamomile, wormwood, primrose, motherwort, meadowsweet, lavender, calendula, hawthorn, cudweed, oregano, valerian, angelica, wild rose, honeysuckle, linden, nettle, tansy, birch, peony, fenugreek.

  1. To prepare a strengthening infusion of centaury, pour 2 tbsp. dry grass with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 10-12 hours, then strain the infusion, divide into 4 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.
  2. It will help strengthen the nervous system and herbal infusion with viburnum. Mix 1 tsp. viburnum bark, 1 tsp motherwort, 1 tsp cumin fruit, 1 tsp fennel fruit, 1 tsp valerian root. Take 1 tbsp. the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, then strain and drink 2-3 times a day, one glass.
  3. A soothing tea can be made with fenugreek and lemon balm. Mix these two herbs in equal proportions. Every 2 tsp mixture pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Drink 2 cups of soothing warm tea daily.
  4. With lemon balm, you can make another strengthening tea. Mix 20 g of lemon balm, 20 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of orange flowers, 5 g of rose hips. Take 2 tsp. herbal mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then strain. To strengthen the nervous system, take herbal tea 1 cup 3 times a day.
  5. Another herbal tea recipe. Mix 30 g of St. John's wort, 20 g of peppermint leaves, 15 g of lemon balm. Pour 2 tsp. the finished mixture with a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Strain the finished infusion and drink 2 cups throughout the day.

herbal baths

As we have already said, any water procedures help strengthen the nervous system. Herbal baths also belong to water procedures. They will not only calm and restore the nervous system, but also strengthen the hairline and raise the vitality of the body.

To prepare a herbal bath, use infusions of the herbs mentioned above, in particular creeping thyme, dandelion, celandine, string, lavender, chamomile, horsetail, oregano. Also, to strengthen the nervous system, pine needles, blackcurrant and birch leaves, nettle dioecious. With strong nervous disorders, motherwort, peppermint, hawthorn, calendula, valerian, oregano will help to cope.

Lying in the bath, it is useful not only to wet the body, but also to dip the hair into the water, allowing them to soak in a decoction of fragrant herbs. At the same time, it is also useful to massage the scalp with light circular movements with the fingertips. Don't forget to massage your joints and hands. It will also help you relax and calm down.

Before taking a herbal bath, you should definitely take a shower and wash your body with a washcloth and soap, since after using a therapeutic bath, rinsing the body and using any soap products is not recommended.

  1. Pour 60 g of lemon balm leaves with a liter of water, put the mixture on fire and bring to a boil, then leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain the broth. Then pour it into a bath filled with water and soak in herbal water for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Mix in equal proportions wormwood, linden, rosemary so that you get about a kilogram of the mixture. Pour it with 4 liters of cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, let it brew (15-20 minutes). Strain the finished infusion and add to a bath of warm water. Soak in the herbal bath for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Pour 100 g of oregano with 3 liters of boiling water, let the mixture brew for an hour, then strain it and pour it into the bath. It is recommended to take a bath with oregano before going to bed for 20-25 minutes. The course of procedures - 3 times a week for a month.

Healthy sleep

A prerequisite for the restoration of the nervous system is a healthy full sleep. As a result, you will be full of energy throughout the day. In order for the sleep to be strong and deep, it is important to properly prepare for the rest.

  • Try not to overwork during the day and do not go to bed immediately after active work. Let your brain relax a little and get ready for sleep, but not in front of the TV, with constantly changing pictures of violence and advertising, but for pleasant conversation or light reading.
  • Try not to overeat at night, because sleep on a full stomach will not be complete. For dinner, choose light foods and eat no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  • If it is possible to sleep with an open window, do not neglect it. The influx of fresh air will help to relax both the brain and the body.
  • The sleeping bed should be comfortable. This does not mean that it should be too soft and fluffy. Ideally, the bed should have an orthopedic mattress to avoid curvature of the cervical spine.
  • Do not take sleeping pills, as they only aggravate the situation and are addictive. Instead, drink a soothing herbal tea.

In the modern world, stress lies in wait for a person at every step, and therefore every day more and more methods, drugs and sciences appear that seek to strengthen the nerves, and if it didn’t work out, then calm, heal and restore the nervous system. Since a weak nervous system is not a completely diseased organ that can be studied, examined using instrumental and laboratory research methods and issued a prescription with pills, then the approach should be special.

Treatment of the nervous system

In principle, to be quite frank, it has now become fashionable to treat nerves. And, often, people do not pay such close attention to “bodily” ailments. But in vain.

Not all problems come from stress, and before treating it, you need to make sure that you do not have an organic pathology, which is causing it.

Unfortunately, how fashionable it is now to visit a psychologist, people are so afraid to seek help from a doctor, whose fate is diseases of the nervous system, psyche. But often a favorable outcome in order to strengthen the psyche depends only on how timely assistance was provided.

Any problem needs to be dealt with in a complex way. And if you just can’t take it and stop being nervous, in the same way there is no ideal drug that instantly normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

That is why they resort to the help of both vitamin preparations, various drugs (affecting both the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system), and food products that strengthen the general condition of a person and heal the nerves.

Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system

    Vitamin A. Strengthens the cells of the nervous system, slows down the aging of the body. This vitamin is found in carrots, dried apricots, peaches, beef and egg yolks.

    Vitamin B1. Removes nervousness, distraction; eliminates stress, improves memory. Contained in oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat groats, in milk, sea kale.

    Vitamin B6. It is important because it strengthens the nervous system of children. It also relieves insomnia and improves mood. To do this, you need to eat bananas, potatoes, liver, beef, prunes, white bread and drink orange juice.

    Vitamin B12. It relieves bad mood, helps to maintain clarity of mind in old age. A sufficient amount of B12 is found in seafood, beef, liver, chicken, dairy products, and eggs.

    Vitamin C. Besides the fact that it strengthens the general condition of the body, strengthens the immune system, it also strengthens the nervous system. Eat citrus fruits, melons, kiwi, watermelons, sweet peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach.

    Vitamin D. The advantage is that our body synthesizes this vitamin on its own when we walk in the sun, so it relieves depression and improves mood.

    Vitamin E. Removes signs of fatigue, irritation. It is found in nuts (almonds, hazelnuts), eggs, sunflower oil.

In addition to the fact that the products contain various vitamins, they also contain important trace elements that strengthen the nervous system.

Fruits (especially citrus fruits and bananas) are good antidepressants.

Milk and dairy products have calcium in their composition, and it has a beneficial effect on the muscles, relaxing them.

Fish and seafood contain selenium and zinc, which are useful both during and after stress.

Chocolate is known for its ability to produce the hormone of happiness. We are, of course, talking about real dark chocolate. It also contains magnesium, which has a calming effect.

Apples and legumes contain chromium. It is able to strengthen the nervous system and prevent excessive cravings for sweets.

Drugs that strengthen the nervous system

Walk into any drug store or look at a TV commercial and you will see that pharmaceutical companies have now brought to the market a whole arsenal of drugs that help treat neurosis and other "nervous" defects. And here the main thing is not to overdo it and not self-medicate. If you understand that you can’t cope with the problem on your own and you need medical “support”, then you should seek help from a doctor. This issue can be dealt with by a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist, and a neuropathologist.

As for drugs, here are some of them:

    Drops that are used to reduce pressure, relieve tension, spasms.

    Also in the form of drops, the composition includes mint and hops. Remove the feeling of fear, anxiety, imbalance.

    . "Cocktail" of valerian, lemon balm, mint. Herbal preparation. Most often used when it is impossible to use potent and synthetic drugs.

    Treats neuroses well. It has a hypnotic effect, but removes irritability, anxiety, anxiety, fear.

    Approved for use by adults over 18 years of age. Improves memory, removes dizziness, helps to concentrate. It also removes tearfulness, tension.

You can take a bath in a decoction of pine cones / needles, various herbs or with sea salt and essential oils (all oils of citrus, lavender, patchouli, chamomile).

Drink soothing green tea at night (with lemon balm, thyme, mint).

You can also make a "drug" of 10 lemons and 5 egg shells. The recipe is simple: all this must be crushed as carefully as possible and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 5 days and take 2 tbsp. x 3 rubles / day. Calmness and confidence is attached.

If you put hop cones in honey and insist them, then this remedy will help with insomnia.

How to strengthen the nervous system of a child

Although children have a more flexible nervous system and better adapt to stimuli and stress agents, they are still subject to the destructive effects of stress. Their nervous system also needs protection. First of all, from the parents. The way a child grows up is 75% dependent on the parents. How they will teach him to adapt to the environment, to respond to the “bad” in life and what kind of example they will set themselves. It is important to understand your child and. Do not try to get into the soul of your child, but do not close when the child comes to share his "childish" problems with you. If you do not listen, do not advise, or simply laugh, then the next time he will not come to you. He will find someone who will always treat him with understanding. This creates a gap between parents and their children.


Katsuzo Nishi, a Japanese scientist, says that if a person sleeps on solid, eats natural healthy food, walks a lot in the fresh air, takes contrast showers regularly, then he will not have mental health problems and separate his life "before and after stress" .

You also need to find an activity that will give you relaxation, the opportunity to throw out unrealized energy. Perhaps even aggression! For this purpose, someone can draw, someone can play musical instruments, someone goes hiking, someone goes in for sports, someone loves :). Occupations - a lot. The main thing is not to sit and not "load" even more. Do not let stress overcome you and do not let the problems of the nervous system take their course.

strengthen the nervous system



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