Crinon® vaginal gel. Crinon - official * instructions for use

Nowadays, families that cannot have children have a chance to become parents thanks to the possibility of artificial insemination. This is not the easiest way, requiring financial costs, disciplined compliance with prescriptions and the use of many drugs that ensure the safe fertilization and bearing of the child. One of these drugs is "Krynon", which contains the necessary hormone progesterone.

Composition, release form

The active ingredient in Crinon is progesterone.

The composition of the drug includes excipients:

  • 145.1 mg glycerol;
  • 47.25 mg liquid paraffin;
  • 11.25 mg specially prepared palm oil;
  • 11.25 mg carbomer;
  • 0.9 mg sorbic acid;
  • 22.5 mg polycarbophil;
  • sodium hydroxide and water.

Did you know? Progesterone, testosterone and estrogens are present in different physiological proportions in both female and male bodies.

This drug is available only in the form of a gel, which, however, some patients may mistakenly call a cream or ointment. The gel itself has a white color and a specific smell of fat.

Video: all about the Crinon gel A single dose of the drug - 1.125 g - is placed in a white polypropylene applicator, in which the cap breaks off. Each applicator is packed in laminated foil. The package may contain 6 or 15 applicator packs containing one dose of medication.

Pharmacological properties

When pregnancy occurs naturally, the body begins to produce hormones that provide:

  • preparation of the endometrium for the adoption of a fertilized egg;
  • fixation of the egg in the uterine cavity;
  • full-fledged implantation and provision of the embryo until the moment when the woman’s own body “comes to its senses” and restructures its work to carry the pregnancy.

Important! If during physiological pregnancy the processes necessary for a further successful outcome occur under the influence of natural factors immediately after fertilization, then artificial pregnancy must be provided with conditions for the acceptance of the embryo and its development.

In order to prevent spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage, the reproductive system must be provided with a sufficient amount of progesterone, a hormone that produces the corpus luteum.

Thanks to him:

  • the uterine mucosa (endometrium) passes from the polyferative to the secretory phase;
  • the excitability and tone of the uterus and fallopian tubes decrease;
  • ovulation is suppressed;
  • the production of gonadotropic and some other hormones slows down;
  • the hormonal system of the body is tuned to the bearing of an artificially implanted embryo.

Did you know? It is a mistake to consider progesterone a sex hormone. In fact, it is the matrix of all sex hormones, as well as steroid hormones, and it is this "grandparent" function that determines its importance and exclusivity for the body.

Why is it prescribed for IVF

The drug with progesterone during the use of in vitro fertilization artificially supports the luteal phase, which allows for the successful attachment of the embryo and its further development, until the woman's body gets the opportunity to use its own resources.
It is prescribed from the day of transfer of a fertilized egg and continues to be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Important! It has been established that it does not make sense to use the remedy until the day of the puncture. The maximum result of taking progesterone is obtained if you start using it from the first to the third day after the introduction of the embryo.

How to enter

With in vitro fertilization, "Krynon" is prescribed intravaginally once a day, preferably at night. The dosage is 90 mg of progesterone, which means 1.125 g of gel, which is contained in a single-use applicator.

Therapy begins from the day the embryo is transferred into the woman's body and continues after confirmation of pregnancy throughout the first trimester. The manufacturer has done everything to ensure the hygienic, safe and most comfortable introduction of the gel into the vagina:

  • strictly adjusted dosage;
  • disposable applicator;
  • convenient for self-administration.

Before use, the applicator should be clamped between the thumb and forefinger and shaken vigorously, like a medical thermometer. This is necessary in order to move all the gel to the lower end of the device.

Important! It is very important to carefully follow the recommendations and not skip taking a pregnancy-supporting remedy, since the consequences of such neglect can be very sad.

Take it by the upper (flat) end of the container filled with air and break off the lid at the opposite end by twisting it without pressing the air container.

  1. Take a position convenient for drug administration: sitting or lying with your knees spread apart and insert the lower end of the device into the vagina.
  2. Squeeze the air container with force with your fingers, introducing the gel from the applicator into the vagina.
  3. There is no need to try to introduce absolutely the entire remedy, some part of it will inevitably remain in the device, however, the dose is considered to be applied in full.
  4. After use, the applicator with the remnants of the drug should be discarded.

Application during pregnancy

In cases where the function of the corpus luteum is insufficient, including with assisted reproductive methods, which include IVF, progesterone preparations are prescribed, for example, the same Crinon gel. During breastfeeding, the drug should not be used.

Did you know? Progesterone in a woman's body is produced by the ovaries and placenta during an existing pregnancy. The first is called luteal, the second - placental. Despite the identity of their structure, the functions of each of them are different.

How long to take

Later than the first trimester it does not make sense to use this drug, it is also not recommended at a later date.

How to cancel

Self-activity in the matter of taking a pregnancy-supporting drug is not welcome and can turn into a tragedy. It is unacceptable to cancel the intake of progesterone on your own, this is done exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.
It is believed that Crinon should be canceled upon reaching the 12th week of a developing pregnancy, when the placenta is already sufficiently developed for the independent production of progesterone. In some cases, therapy can be continued up to 16 weeks.

However, modern observations of pregnancies developing due to artificial insemination make it possible to draw conclusions about an earlier termination of progesterone intake.

Currently, when it comes to the standard protocol, some clinics recommend that their patients stop taking the drug at 6-7 weeks, and even earlier - when a positive hCG result is obtained.

Important! It is believed that a healthy fetus needs enough support for full development, and pregnancy with pathological processes in the fetus is still doomed to interruption, only at a later date with artificial support, which is very undesirable for a woman's health.

The above does not apply to cryoprotocols, protocols with a donor egg and a surrogate mother: they have their own characteristics.

Interaction with other drugs

Did you know? In the first pregnancy, progesterone levels are significantly higher in the early stages than in subsequent pregnancies. However, contrary to existing misconceptions, neither the weight, nor the age of the mother, nor the sex of the child affects it.


Contraindications for the use of the Crinon gel include:

  • allergic reactions to the drug or its components;
  • bleeding of unknown origin;
  • malignant tumors located on the organs of the reproductive system;
  • blood diseases;
  • suffered a stroke;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • period of breastfeeding.

Any drug in some cases can cause unwanted side reactions, and "Krynon" in this sense is no exception. Many of the reactions can be mistaken for normal weakness during pregnancy.

It can be:

  • local reactions;
  • pain in the head, perineum, or joints;
  • general weakness;
  • memory impairment;
  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • nervous state;
  • aggressiveness;
  • fainting state;
  • cramps and bloating;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • decreased libido;
  • thrush;
  • discharge from the vagina or, conversely, dryness, etc.

How to store the gel

The gel is stored at +25°C. It is forbidden to freeze. Of course, the place of storage of the medicinal product should be inaccessible to children. It is forbidden to use the product after the expiration date, which is 3 years.

Important! It should be noted that in the summer, room temperature often exceeds the 25-degree limit, which is critical for preparations containing progesterone, including for Crinon. You need to be very careful about this feature.

What to replace: analogues

Other progesterone medications that your doctor may prescribe instead of Crinone:

  • "Progesterone";
  • "Utrozhestan";
  • "Lutein";
  • "Progestogel".

Answers to user questions

Future parents who are interested in the topic, but have not yet chosen a clinic and a doctor for themselves, as well as those who are already on the protocol, but a fertility specialist is not available at the moment, most often look for answers to the following questions online.

How long does it take to absorb

"Krynon" - a remedy in the form of a gel, which is injected directly into the vagina. Thanks to the polymeric delivery system, which is included in the formula of the drug, it binds to the vaginal mucosa and is gradually released, being constantly and evenly absorbed for the most part during the first 6 hours.

Did you know? The production of progesterone does not only occur in the ovaries, because men do not have them. A small amount, sufficient for the male body, is produced by the adrenal glands.

That is why it is recommended to use it at night. Almost entirely, the agent is absorbed into the vaginal mucosa within 12 hours after administration. Doctors often advise immediately after taking it to remain calm and, if possible, lie down for at least the next half hour, if more is not possible for some reason.

Does it delay menstruation

With an unsuccessful attempt at in vitro fertilization, menstruation occurs approximately on the sixth day. If this happens, additional studies are carried out to make sure that pregnancy has not occurred. In this case, "Krynon" is not able to delay menstruation if the implantation of the ovum has not occurred.

Important! There is no need to observe bed rest, however, due to the formed functional cysts, it is desirable to avoid not only vigorous sex, but also additional loads in the form of sports training.

Is it possible to have sex while using the drug

"Krynon" is not a contraindication to intimate life, the observations of doctors suggest that the effectiveness of IVF does not increase or decrease, however, some restrictions should be observed, which, however, do not particularly affect personal life:

  1. You should be aware that condoms contain spermicides - killing all living substances, so do not use them while in the IVF program.
  2. During a puncture, ovarian cysts form in a woman, and too active sex can injure them, which is fraught with pain and bleeding, so some caution is advisable.

Why it comes out with brown streaks and what to do in this case

It happens that "Krynon" comes out with brown lumps and / or streaks. Most often this happens a few days before the hCG test. This is due to a decrease in the production of progesterone and estradiol by its own corpus luteum, the resource of which has been exhausted.

If the egg has successfully attached and the embryo has begun producing its own hCG, it will stimulate the corpus luteum. If this does not happen, then there are problems with implantation.

Did you know? In addition to preparing the uterus for pregnancy and accepting the embryo, progesterone has other “duties”: calm the nervous system, relieve spasm of smooth muscles and stimulate the growth of the uterus, help the mammary glands prepare for lactation and ... stimulate the production of sebum.

With scant discharge, there is a chance to save the pregnancy, since, most likely, the lower layers of the uterine mucosa, the endometrium, located near the cervix, began to exfoliate, while the embryo is transferred to the bottom of the uterus.
Brown streaks may also indicate a local vaginal reaction to the drug. You should know that the dark color (brown, brown, black, grayish) indicates that this is blood, but it is old, and at the moment the woman does not have an acute condition. There is scarlet blood in the blood vessels, and if you see it, consult a doctor immediately, especially if this bleeding does not look like a normal period.

Important! Bleeding occurs due to the fact that the embryo is of poor quality, and never vice versa, therefore there is no indication to maintain such a pregnancy, it will still be interrupted, only later. In any case, if the color of the drug coming out of the vagina changes, you should consult a doctor. He, most likely, will prescribe a clarifying ultrasound, which will show the processes occurring inside and the state of the embryo.

If a full-fledged menstruation has begun, this time there is no chance to keep the pregnancy, in this case it is not necessary to specify hCG, and progesterone support is canceled. Technically, the bleeding can be stopped, but there is no chance that the embryo could be all right.

Which is better: "Utrozhestan" or "Krynon" with IVF

"Krynon" and "Utrozhestan" - modern products containing progesterone, they are equally effective and well tolerated by women.

Did you know? In physiological pregnancy, the ovaries stop producing progesterone starting at 6–7 weeks. In the amount necessary for the fetus, it is produced by the placenta at about 16 weeks, and before that this function is performed by the corpus luteum.

However, there are differences between them, despite one active ingredient:

  1. "Utrozhestan" is much cheaper than "Krynon", and several times. Given the duration of the IVF program and the need to take progesterone for a long time, Crinon will have a greater impact on the patient's budget.
  2. "Krynon" is available only in the form of a gel enclosed in a disposable applicator, and "Utrozhestan" comes in the form of oral or vaginal tablets. As you know, oral systematic pills can cause more side effects than local, vaginal use of the drug.
  3. "Krynon" is administered once a day at night, while "Utrozhestan" must be applied several times, which is undoubtedly less convenient.

Which tool is better - you need to decide individually. "Krynon" is more expensive, but more convenient, "Utrozhestan" is cheaper, but when taking it, you need to have a place and time to take the next pill, and also carefully follow the schedule for taking it.

Important! If you have come to the conclusion that the drug you are currently using can be replaced by another, do not self-prescribe. Contact your doctor with your request, and he will select the right dosage and frequency of taking the medicine for you.

The experience gained over the past decades of successfully carrying an artificial pregnancy makes it possible to fulfill the dream of becoming parents to people who in other times would not be able to have children. Modern diagnostic methods and drugs, including Crinon, contribute to the success of their aspirations.

In vitro fertilization or IVF is a rather complicated procedure that requires not only highly qualified doctors, but also competent preparation. Before the procedure, all patients undergo examination and treatment, if necessary, hormonal stimulation and maintenance therapy may also be required.

Gel Crinon with IVF allows you to increase the chances of pregnancy. With natural fertilization, hormonal changes occur in the body, which must be compensated by drugs during artificial insemination. Let's take a look at what Krynon is and how to use it.

If a woman is prescribed any drug, for example, Crinon, then she will definitely wonder what it is for. Crinon Gel is a progesterone-based topical medication. The tool is used in IVF and artificial insemination to maintain pregnancy. Crinnon is also sold as a vaginal suppository, but the gel is considered more effective, as it is absorbed faster and easier. In what form to prescribe the drug, the reproductologist usually decides.

Progesterone is a female hormone that is produced by the corpus luteum in the second half of the cycle. He is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and proper implantation of the fetus, reducing the tone of the uterus. If there is not enough progesterone in a woman's body, then there is a high risk that implantation may not occur, or pregnancy will be terminated in the early stages.

With artificial insemination, the body does not know that pregnancy can occur, so progesterone levels are quite low. As a consequence, the uterine endometrium is not yet prepared for implantation, so a five-day-old embryo will most likely not take root.

Crinon IVF Gel helps to build up a sufficient layer of endometrium and also relaxes the uterus to allow the embryo to attach normally. Thus, after blastocyst transfer, the probability of normal implantation increases significantly.


Crinon may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • after IVF;
  • after insemination;
  • during hormone replacement therapy;
  • with secondary amenorrhea;
  • at menopause.


The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • if you are allergic to the components of the gel;
  • with bleeding;
  • with acute pathologies of the veins, for example, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • if there was a failed abortion;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with porphyrin disease;
  • during lactation.

In diabetes mellitus and problems with the liver and kidneys, the drug should be used with caution. In the presence of depression and other mental disorders, a consultation with a specialist is necessary before starting the reception.

Crinon gel is recommended to be used only after the examination of the patient in order to exclude oncology. If a woman has signs of thrombophlebitis, for example, pain along the vein, numbness and pallor of the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is not recommended to take Crinone for a long time, as it can provoke the growth of the uterine epithelium. For this reason, it is necessary to monitor his condition by ultrasound. It is also very important to exclude an unfinished abortion, for this a woman is sent to take a blood test for hCG.

Gel Crinon: reviews about it are mostly positive, as it rarely causes side effects and does not cause any inconvenience to a woman. If after applying the gel there is a burning sensation and itching, it is recommended to consult a doctor before the next use. If the gel causes unbearable itching and burning, it is necessary to douche with warm water to wash off the drug, and it should not be used again without consulting a specialist.


Crinon gel for IVF is prescribed to be used from the first day after embryo replanting and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Earlier, the doctor can cancel the drug if the woman's condition is stable.

Mode of application:

  • First you need to carry out hygiene of the external genitalia and wash your hands well.
  • The applicator with the gel is released from the individual packaging, then it must be shaken so that the gel goes down. Hold the applicator by the top edge.
  • The introduction of the Crinon gel is carried out at bedtime, after the procedure it is not recommended to get out of bed in order to exclude the leakage of the drug from the vagina.
  • It is necessary to lie down comfortably and relax, bend your legs at the knees and spread them apart. Carefully remove the cap from the applicator.
  • With one hand, gently push the labia apart, and with the other, slowly insert the applicator deep into the vagina.
  • With a smooth movement, insert the entire gel and slowly remove the applicator from the vagina.
  • The used applicator must be disposed of and not reused.

The gel in a small amount is released from the vagina, so it is recommended to use disposable pads so as not to stain clothes and bedding. It is important not only to administer the Crinon gel correctly, but also in a timely manner, as prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication with hormonal drugs is unacceptable.

Women, due to the peculiarities of the structure of their own body, often have to deal with various diseases. Pathologies of the reproductive and reproductive systems sometimes require expensive and long-term treatment. Often there is a need for hormone therapy. Progesterone-based drugs have become commonly prescribed drugs. They are available in different forms for ease of use. Today you will learn about some of them. Medication "Krynon", instructions for use, analogues and reviews will be presented for your review.

Introduction to medication

Means "Krynon" - instructions for use report - is available in the form of a vaginal gel. It contains progesterone in the amount of 90 mg per applicator. The manufacturer names glycerol, paraffin, palm oil, carbomer, vitamin C, polycarbophil, sodium hydroxide as additional components. In one pack there are 6 or 15 doses of a hormonal agent. A larger volume costs about 2500 rubles. Note that some pharmacy chains sell Krainon applicators by the piece. You will not have instructions for use with such a purchase, since the annotation remains in the pack. Only if you buy the last ampoules (by the piece), the pharmacist will give you instructions. Take care of the preliminary study of the annotation.

Produced by Crinon in the UK by Fleet Laboratories Limited. You can buy the drug with a doctor's prescription. Despite this recommendation, many pharmacy chains, according to consumers, sell hormonal medication without a prescription.

Indications for use

What can you learn if you study several sources of information about the drug "Krynon"? Instructions for use unanimously report that the drug is used with a lack of progesterone. A medication is prescribed in the following cases:

  • maintaining the second phase of the cycle in case of its insufficiency;
  • breakthrough uterine bleeding or amenorrhea;
  • hormone replacement therapy (in combination with other drugs);
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • threatened miscarriage due to low progesterone levels.

Before prescribing the claimed remedy, the doctor recommends the patient a number of studies. They include laboratory diagnostics, ultrasound scanning, examination and collection of clinical complaints. Only after that a decision is made on the possibility of a course of hormonal treatment.

Who should not use Crinon?

Instructions for use must be read before using any medicine. The hormonal remedy "Krynon" is no exception. It is important to get acquainted not only with his testimony, but also to learn about the limitations. The medication "Krynon" should not be used under such circumstances as:

  • hypersensitivity to components or a high probability of an allergic reaction to therapy;
  • acute porphyria;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • malignant neoplasms in the reproductive organs or mammary glands;
  • circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, as well as some blood diseases;
  • lactation period;
  • incomplete abortion.

Be sure to get additional medical advice if you have high blood pressure or diabetes, heart or kidney failure, asthma, epilepsy, neurological diseases. It is unacceptable to use the applicators alone during pregnancy, especially in the second half of the term.

"Krynon": instructions for use, storage

The manufacturer recommends keeping the drug at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. It is unacceptable to freeze the gel. It advises to open immediately before use the ampoule "Krynon" instructions for use. How long can an open applicator lie? This question interests many patients. If you refer to the instructions, you can find out that it is unacceptable to store the opened package. Open ampoules immediately before administration. Adhere to the following usage algorithm:

  1. wash and dry your hands;
  2. open the package with the ampoule;
  3. take the applicator by the wide base and shake like a thermometer;
  4. break off the lid of the container, insert its tip into the vagina (in a sitting or lying position);
  5. squeeze the gel out of the tube with a sharp squeeze of the fingers;
  6. throw away the container and wash your hands.

Many consumers are intimidated by the fact that some gel remains in the applicator. Don't worry, you'll still get the dose you need. Depending on the type of pathology, a specific treatment regimen is selected.

When replacing the hormonal background or for the purpose of treating amenorrhea, uterine breakthrough bleeding, the drug is prescribed from 15 to 25 days. For one cycle you will need 10 ampoules. With hormone therapy during menopause and menopause, the medicine is used twice a week, 1 vial. With the threat of termination of pregnancy, the drug must be administered daily, and canceled only on the recommendation of a doctor. In some cases, the patient requires an increased dose. As practice shows, under such circumstances, the drug "Krynon" is not prescribed as often as its progesterone-based substitutes.

Crinon and assisted reproductive technologies

The drug "Krynon" (gel) instructions for use recommends using in the IVF protocol. A medication is prescribed immediately after the transfer of embryos. Within two weeks, the drug is administered daily (at the same time) by applicator. If the doctor considers it necessary, the dose may be increased. After confirmation of pregnancy (if IVF is successful), the medication is taken for another 10-14 days. At the same time, studies are carried out on the amount of own progesterone. If necessary, therapy is extended up to 12 weeks or more. Often in such situations, the hormonal agent is changed to another, since such support is considered expensive.

Adverse reactions resulting from therapy

Often hormonal drugs cause unpleasant reactions from the body. The claimed remedy is capable of provoking:

  • an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash and itching, burning after injection and redness of the mucous membranes;
  • endometrial hypertrophy (with prolonged use);
  • headache and drowsiness, lethargy;
  • disorders of the digestive function;
  • vaginal bleeding, pain and tightness of the mammary glands.

When such reactions occur, you should consult a doctor.

Popular analogues of the drug

As you already know, the drug is often replaced by similar means. The most popular is Duphaston. This drug is available in the form of tablets for oral use. Also in demand is the medicine "Utrozhestan". Its versatility is that the tablets can be inserted into the vagina or taken orally. Less commonly used are substitutes such as Iprozhin, Injesta, natural progesterone in the form of injections.


Most of the fairer sex speaks well of the vaginal gel. They say you can take the applicators with you. Conveniently, after the introduction of the gel, there is no need to be in a horizontal position. Allows you to use at home, at work, on a trip gel "Krynon" instructions for use.

The responses formed by patients are also good because the medicine is effective. Unlike progesterone injections, it is painless to administer. The manufacturer invented applicators for the purpose of personal hygiene. So, for example, Utrozhestan tablets must be inserted into the vagina by pushing with a finger. In the use of the "Krynon" tool, this can be avoided. Negativity from consumers can be heard due to the high cost of the drug. If you are concerned about this issue, then be sure to talk about changing the medicine with the doctor, and do not act on your own.


Today you were able to get acquainted with the hormonal remedy "Krynon". Instructions for use with a photo are presented to your attention. Remember an important rule: hormonal drugs are used only as directed by a doctor. These are not headache pills to be taken as needed. The consequences of improper treatment can be very serious. Be healthy!

Latin name: Crinon
ATX code: G03DA04
Active substance:
Manufacturer: Fleet Laboratories
Limited, UK
Vacation from the pharmacy: On prescription
Storage conditions: t up to 25 C
Best before date:
3 years

Crinon is a progestogen-containing drug that promotes the rapid transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation stage to the secretory phase. This reduces excitability, as well as the contractility of the fallopian tubes and muscles of the uterus.

Indications for use

The gel-like preparation is prescribed for use for:

  • Supports the full flow of the luteal phase during the implementation of assisted reproductive measures
  • Treatment of secondary amenorrhea, as well as uterine bleeding associated with a lack of natural progesterone
  • Conducting HRT (hormone replacement therapy)
  • Therapy of postmenopausal conditions (complex).

Composition and forms of release

Vaginal gel (1.125 g) includes a monocomponent, which is progesterone (0.09 g). Also in the preparation are present:

  • Paraffin in liquid form
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Sorbic acid
  • Polycarbophil
  • Glycyrin
  • Carbomer
  • Glyceride derivative of palm oil.

Krynon is a gel-like whitish suspension of a homogeneous consistency, characterized by a specific aroma. The drug is packaged in polyethylene vaginal applicators (1 dose each). Inside the pack can be located 6 or 15 ap. At the moment, candles are not produced.

Medicinal properties

Krynon is made on the basis of a synthetic hormonal substance - progesterone, which is identical to the hormone produced in the human body. Under the influence of the drug, the mucous membrane lining the uterus gradually passes into the secretory phase. At the same time, the hormonal component of the gel termozit the process of synthesis of gonadotropic hormones, reducing the contractility of the muscles of the uterus, as well as tubes.

With intravaginal use of the drug, progesterone enters into contact with the vaginal mucosa, penetrates into the uterine cavity and is released over the next 3 days. Due to this, an increased concentration of the hormone accumulates in the endometrial layer, exceeding that observed with intramuscular injection.

During the use of the drug, the highest concentration of the active substance is recorded after 6 hours from the moment of administration. The period of excretion of metabolites does not exceed 48 hours. Metabolic transformations of synthetic progesterone occur in the tissues of the liver and make it possible to achieve a rapid increase in its level in the endometrial layer of the uterus. Metabolic products are excreted by the renal system.

Crinon: instructions for use

Price: from 2132 to 3174 rubles.

IVF gel should be used to maintain the luteal phase on the day of embryo transfer. The standard daily dose of hormonal drugs is 0.09 g. The drug should be administered intravaginally. The duration of maintenance therapy is 4 months, if in vitro fertilization and embryo replanting with its subsequent implantation were successful.

In the case of secondary amenorrhea and uterine bleeding (in case of hormonal imbalance), Crinon is used once per day, 1 ap. (preferably from 15 days to 25 days MT). Adjustment of the dose of a hormonal agent is carried out by the attending physician.

For HRT, a weekly dosage of 0.18 g of Crinon is prescribed, while the use of estrogen-containing drugs is assumed.

How to apply hormonal gel

The use of the drug should take place in a certain sequence:

  • Place the applicator with the preparation between the fingers (thumb and forefinger)
  • Pinch the applicator, and then shake it well to evenly distribute the gel
  • Grab the end of the container
  • Remove the existing cap (slightly turn it to the side)
  • Take a horizontal position pull your knees to your chest
  • Gently insert the end of the applicator into the vagina
  • Squeeze the container so that the gel contained in it penetrates the inside of the vagina
  • Remove applicator and discard.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If indicated, the hormonal gel can be used in the 1st trimester. Starting from the 2nd trimester, the drug is not prescribed. During lactation, Crinon is not used.

Contraindications and precautions

Treatment with a gestagen-containing drug is contraindicated in:

  • Bleeding from the vagina of unknown etiology
  • Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic pathologies
  • Hormone-dependent gynecological pathologies
  • Excessive susceptibility to synthetic progesterone or other components of the gel
  • Porfiria
  • Incomplete miscarriage or abortion
  • Deterioration of cerebral circulation.

With extreme caution, the use of a progesterone-containing gel is prescribed for:

  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Disorders of the renal system
  • migraine-like headaches
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Presence of epileptic seizures
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia
  • depression
  • Serious liver disorders
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency.

Cross-drug interactions

Side effects and overdose

During the use of the drug based on progesterone, the following symptoms may occur:

  • epigastric pain
  • Change in glucose tolerance
  • Severe headaches
  • Local rashes accompanied by itching and burning
  • Dysfunctional bleeding from the genital tract
  • breast engorgement
  • Drowsiness.


Dalchimpharm, Russia

Price from 271 to 729 rubles.

The drug contains a steroid hormone that supports the second phase of the cycle. The use of the drug is indicated in the treatment of a number of gynecological ailments, during IVF and maintaining pregnancy (1 trimester). The drug is produced in the form of a 1% and 2% solution.


  • low price
  • Reduces puffiness caused by hormonal imbalances
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle.


  • Contraindicated in hormone-dependent oncopathologies occurring in the internal genital organs and mammary glands
  • May cause dysphoria
  • Released by prescription.

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, India

Price from 223 to 434 rubles.

Prajisan is a progestogenic drug that promotes the transition of the uterine mucosa into the proliferative phase. It is used for PMS, fibrocystic changes in the mammary gland, MC disorders, infertility. It is produced in two dosage forms: capsules and gel.


  • Can be used in early menopause
  • Treats endometriosis
  • Contributes to the successful implantation of a fertilized egg.


  • Allergic reactions are not excluded during application.
  • Contraindicated in persons with porphyria
  • It is not recommended to use together with enterosorbents (capsules).

"Krynon" is a gestagenic agent used in gynecology. This medicine is actively used in relation to those women who have decided on IVF. It is also used for uterine bleeding and postmenopausal women. Today we will find out what is the price of "Krynon" - a drug that is a real salvation for many women, as well as how to use it correctly. And also find out what women themselves think about him.

In what cases can it be prescribed?

The drug "Krynon", instructions for the use of which must be included in the packaging, can be used in such cases:

  • Hormone therapy in postmenopausal women.
  • Secondary
  • Uterine bleeding associated with a lack of the hormone progesterone.
  • Maintenance of the luteal phase - the period that begins after ovulation and lasts until the next menstruation, in the process of using additional methods of reproduction.

In what form is it produced?

The medicine "Krynon", the instructions for use of which are quite understandable, is a vaginal gel. Its composition is as follows:

  • The main substance is progesterone.
  • Auxiliary components - glycerol, carbomer, liquid paraffin, sorbic acid, palm oil glyceride, sodium hydroxide, polycarbophil, water.

The gel is packaged in special disposable plastic containers.


"Krynon" (gel) is assigned to girls, women in the following quantity according to the instructions:

  • As a substitute for hormone therapy in postmenopausal women - 1 dose (90 mg) 2 times a week.
  • To maintain the luteal phase - 1 applicator daily, starting from day A, when the long-awaited pregnancy occurs, then you need to continue to administer the medicine intravaginally for up to 12 weeks.
  • With uterine bleeding that occurs due to progesterone deficiency, with secondary amenorrhea, 1 dose is prescribed every other day, from the 15th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. If necessary, the gynecologist can either reduce or increase the dose of this remedy.

Rules for the use of the drug

The use of "Krynon", a drug that solves serious problems, is not difficult. For ease of use and hygiene, this drug is packaged in disposable containers, which must be used as follows:

  1. Take a plastic device with medicine, shake it.
  2. Holding the applicator by the upper end of the container, remove the cap by turning it sharply.
  3. You can enter the drug in two positions: sitting or lying with bent legs.
  4. Enter the applicator should be slowly.
  5. In order for the medicine to completely enter the vagina, it is necessary to squeeze the container.

Undesirable manifestations

When using this medication, negative effects may appear:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Headache.
  • Irritation in the vagina.
  • Pain in the mammary glands.
  • Rash on the body.


Gel "Krynon", the instructions for use of which clearly indicate the situations in which the remedy can be prescribed, has the following contraindications:

  • Malignant tumors in the breast, uterus, vagina.
  • Violation of cerebral circulation.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Vaginal bleeding for no apparent reason.
  • Acute porphyria (violation of pigment metabolism is a hereditary disease).
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Acute thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

With forethought, this drug should be used for renal, heart failure, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, migraine, depression, bronchial asthma.

The need to use medication for artificial conception

Gel "Krynon" for IVF (in vitro fertilization) is often prescribed by gynecologists. With such artificial conception, the woman's body does not have time to quickly respond to changes. And it turns out that the shell that envelops the uterus cannot accept a fertilized egg. As a result - spontaneous miscarriages in the early stages. Doctors have solved this problem, and in order to reduce the risk of abortion, they prescribe the Crinon gel. Progesterone, which is the active element of this drug, enters the mucous membranes and helps the endometrium prepare for And this is done quite successfully.

What to do if the gel leaks?

If a woman uses this remedy every day, then, of course, the medicine accumulates in the vagina. In some girls, even after 5-6 days after the end of use, transparent or white discharge may be observed. This is not scary, since it indicates that a special progesterone carrier is coming out of the vagina. And it is transported because the hormone itself has already moved from the medication to the uterus. This is how the drug "Krynon" works. Allocations may disturb a woman, but in fact, you should not worry. Although, for greater certainty, it is still better to contact your doctor.

Doubts of the fair sex

Many women have a completely logical question: is it necessary to lie for some time after Crinon, a drug that embodies the dreams of many girls to become mothers? The answer will be simple and clear: no. The whole uniqueness of this medication is that its components quickly attach to the walls of the vagina, and therefore there is no need to lie down, even for half a minute, after the introduction of the gel.

Also, some women do not know, and therefore doubt the question of whether it is possible or not to have sexual intercourse during treatment with Crinon. Gynecologists unequivocally advise women to approach partners. Sex life will in no way interfere with the transport of progesterone to the uterus. Therefore, this gel should in no way become an obstacle to sexual life.


The price of Crinon, a drug that reduces the risk of abortion, is quite high. Depending on the manufacturer of this drug, the cost of 15 applicators can range from 2.5 to 4 thousand rubles. It is expensive, but still many people buy this medicine.


Popular substitutes for "Krynon" can be considered such medicines as "Progestogel", "Utrozhestan", "Progesterone". For the price, they are in the same category as the medicine to which the article is devoted.

Women's opinions

The drug "Krynon" reviews of the girls who used it, receives only approval. So, users of this medicine note that it is easy to use, there is nothing supernatural and complicated. This is a mobile tool that can be used in any situation, wherever the girl is: at work, at a party, on a train or plane. Also, women note that the procedure for introducing this gel is absolutely painless, in contrast to which were previously prescribed to people. And of course, the effect of this medication is amazing: those women who decide on IVF note that an important factor in their pregnancy is the use of the Crinon gel. Also, many girls who used to have problems with menstruation, the cycle became regular. Such positive reviews about this medication indicate only one thing: the medicine really brings an effect, because it is no coincidence that many gynecologists prescribe it.

Storage rules. Manufacturer

It is necessary to save medicine at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees. The drug should be kept away from children. The shelf life of the gel is 3 years. After the expiration of this period, the funds must be disposed of.

The drug is sold by prescription.

The country of origin of the drug is the United Kingdom.

Interaction with other means

The drug "Krynon" should not be used simultaneously with medicines, which are also intended for intravaginal administration. This may lead to undesirable consequences.

special instructions

  • Women should be aware of what is in the composition that can cause contact dermatitis. This happens extremely rarely, but still patients should be aware of this.
  • If a girl uses this medication for a long time, then she definitely needs to undergo gynecological examinations in order to exclude the possibility of endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Women who experience depression while using Crinon Gel should discontinue treatment if the blues and despondency increase.
  • If a girl has diabetes, then treatment with this medication should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor. The fact is that the components of the drug can reduce glucose tolerance. It is for this reason that diabetic women using the gel need to be monitored.


Now you know everything about the Crinon gel. Instructions for use during treatment must be followed strictly. You realized that this drug helps women with various gynecological diseases. Although the price of this medication is high, no one feels sorry for the money for the effectiveness. In addition, the Crinon gel has many advantages, including ease of use, painless administration, and high efficiency.



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