Kefir for the restoration of microflora in gynecology. Preparations for restoring the microflora of the vagina - an ambulance for dysbiosis


According to statistics, every second woman at least once encountered a violation of the well-coordinated work of microbiota, which serve as beneficial microorganisms that are part of the microflora of the vaginal environment. This disease is called vaginal dysbiosis.

The treacherous ailment does not cause obvious anxiety in the patient and does not have pronounced symptoms. Without giving any signs, dysbiosis can cause serious disturbances in the functioning of the entire reproductive system. A study of the causes of occurrence, based on clinical signs, will help to choose the appropriate method for the treatment of vaginal microflora.

Violation of the flora in women causes

There can be a lot of reasons for dysbacteriosis in gynecology. These include:

  • a decrease in the general immunity of the body as a result of freezing adversely affects the vaginal flora;
  • infections that are sexually transmitted;
  • a sharp change in climate often serves as a factor in the acute phase of dysbiosis;
  • prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • non-compliance with the rules for using tampons during menstruation, their inaccurate introduction and non-systematic replacement form a favorable environment for anaerobic dysbiosis in women;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disruptions in the hormonal sphere due to irregular sex life or irregularities in the menstrual cycle, any trimester of gestation and postpartum recovery, abortion, menopause;
  • various infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • violations of the rules of personal hygiene.

All these factors are not always defined as the root cause in the occurrence of genital dysbacteriosis. In the case when the immune system has strong antiviral characteristics, nothing threatens the health of the microflora, and as soon as any deviations from the norm appear, the forces of a strong organism freely lead to the normalization of the condition. But when a woman is constantly exposed to the above factors (freezing or not treating the intestines), then the vaginal flora can be destroyed and a new problem arises how to restore the vaginal microflora.

Signs of vaginal dysbacteriosis

Asymptomatic course of dysbacteriosis is the norm. But still, there are clear indicators that you should pay attention to, for example, a change in the amount or composition of the released secret from the vagina. Often, women do not pay special attention to this indicator, which is their mistake. Here are some more signs that should alert and set a woman to visit a doctor:

  • there was an unpleasant smell in the discharge;
  • a significant increase in the quantitative indicator of vaginal secretions and a pronounced yellow color;
  • increased dryness, which is manifested by unpleasant sensations during urination, or during sexual intercourse.

Other obvious indicators, such an ailment is not characterized. In the case when additional symptoms are added to the set described above, this indicates the beginning of an inflammatory or infectious process. These include:

  • burning in the perineum;
  • problems with urination;
  • itching of the outer genital area and vagina;
  • increased dryness of the vagina.

Not treating the ongoing clinic of the disease leads to such serious consequences:

  • endometritis, which begins as a result of infection of the uterine body;
  • urethritis and cystitis are a projection of a malfunction in the genitourinary system;
  • adnexitis, provoked by infection of the uterine appendages - tubes and ovaries.

It is better to seek help from a specialist at the first symptoms than to reap the bitter fruits of an irresponsible attitude towards women's health.

How to normalize the microflora in women

The topic of how to restore the microflora of the vagina is quite relevant, because the female flora is easily amenable to imbalance, which leads to such consequences. A special recovery program has been developed, which consists of three stages:

  1. Getting rid of the painful microbiota that caused vaginal dysbiosis.
  2. Regeneration of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa.
  3. Raising the level of immune protection of the vaginal walls, to further maintain a healthy microflora.

Now more about all the stages. The treatment of the disease directly depends on the elimination of the root cause, which provoked such a pathological process. We have already discussed the possible reasons.

First of all, it is necessary to pass tests, while both partners must undergo a clinical study. This is one of the necessary measures to identify the main cause of dysbacteriosis. If the main factor is a disease that is sexually transmitted, both infected partners will be treated.

The infection, which has become a decisive factor, must be eliminated, and as a result, dysbacteriosis will recede. Most likely, a course of antibiotic therapy will be prescribed. The following drugs are considered the most effective: Flagyl, Amoxicillin, Summamed, Unidox Solutab, etc.

In case of not detecting a sexual infection, taking antibiotics is not a necessary measure; a short five-day course can be chosen.

After that, the doctor prescribes topical procedures that are most effective. At home, medicinal tampons are introduced and special baths are made. Such an integrated approach will help not only suppress the pathogenic focus in the microflora, but also restore its health by raising immunity. In this case, it will be appropriate to use drugs of the antiseptic group.

After identifying and eliminating the cause of the dysfunction of the vaginal microflora, the time comes for the regeneration of the natural flora.

How to restore the microflora of the vagina

First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that this stage consists exclusively of immunomodulatory drugs. The consequence of the failures in the indicators of the flora is an underestimation of the immunity of the mucous walls of the vagina. It is this part of the female reproductive system that is responsible for regulating the microflora of the vagina. It turns out that the regenerative reconstruction of the immune characteristics of the walls of the vagina, have one of the most significant roles in all therapy.

Diseases that do not have complications are easily amenable to the therapeutic effect of immunomodulatory drugs. The launched version requires a complex layout of various circuits. In most cases, the therapeutic course starts with taking immunostimulants, and then antibiotic therapy is connected.

Restoring microflora after thrush is also not an easy task. This disease, in most of the diagnosed cases, is a consequence of taking strong antibiotics, including the uncontrolled or frequent use of such drugs. After thrush, you will also have to undergo a course of antibiotics, then treatment for their consequences, and finally, rehabilitation therapy.

The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. Then the patient is examined and control laboratory tests are done to make sure that the treatment is correct. Good results give a reason to stop treatment. It remains to follow preventive measures in maintaining a healthy balance of microflora.

Preparations for the normalization of the microflora of the vagina

The pharmacy market is filled with many quality drugs that are used in the treatment of such a problem. It is worth remembering one thing that only a specialist will be able to choose the right therapy, because the treatment of this disease is not limited to taking one drug, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to draw up a comprehensive drug approach on your own.

Candles to improve the microflora of the vagina that contain lactobacilli have proven their effectiveness. The thing is that the infection affects the surface cells of the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa, as a result of which they die and are rejected, so there is simply nothing for the beneficial microbiota to cling to, and after a week they die. Standard probiotics will not give the expected result. This is where dual action drugs come into play. They build up the epithelial layer and at the same time populate it with vital bacteria. In this way, the restoration of microflora occurs.

The most effective are such tablet preparations: Ecomfemin Floravag, Folio, Gynoflor E. After completing the course, it is expected 7 days and if the symptoms do not recur, then the doctor prescribes Bifidumbacterin suppositories. They will help balance the pH of the vaginal environment, which is an integral part of the recovery process of healthy microflora. Duration of application - 10 days.

Good results were shown by the drug "Tantum Rose". It is produced in powder form. Based on it, a solution for vaginal use is prepared.

Oral preparations can also be prescribed, for example, Normoflorin-B and L. For one month, sachets are taken in the morning and evening.

A prerequisite for treatment is diet. Fatty and smoked foods, as well as sweets and carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet. Sour-milk products are introduced, it is they that enhance the effect of suppositories and probiotics.

The results of bacteriological culture will be able to provide reliable information about the correctness of the treatment.

Traditional medicine

There are also methods of alternative medicine, which are also designed to restore the flora of the vagina. But you should not make a decision on your own, first consult with your doctor. The doctor will be able to tell you about the effectiveness or, conversely, the futility of the measures taken. Some of the most popular ways that traditional medicine offers:

  1. Tampons with sea buckthorn oil. A tampon soaked in oil is inserted at night and removed in the morning. This method is very effective, because sea buckthorn concentrate has a pronounced bactericidal and wound healing effect. The treatment course lasts at least 10 days.
  2. Cotton swabs with an acidic environment and honey panacea. After melting 1 tbsp. honey, moisten a cotton-gauze swab in the prepared solution. The next day, a swab with kefir liquid is introduced. The method is suitable only for people who do not have allergic reactions to honey. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  3. A douche from a decoction of a string. The prepared decoction of the string, filter and cool. Apply it warm for daily douching. The course of treatment is unlimited - until all symptoms are eliminated.

Any folk method can be repeated after a break of 7 days. Menstruation is a contraindication for procedures.

Dysbacteriosis is a pathology that can be prevented. Just follow the steps above. Although vaginal suppositories are considered harmless to the body, it is still better to catch yourself in time, stop the disease and not resort to their use.

  • there was an unpleasant smell in the discharge;
  • a significant increase in the quantitative indicator of vaginal secretions and a pronounced yellow color;
  • increased dryness, which is manifested by unpleasant sensations during urination, or during sexual intercourse.

Other obvious indicators, such an ailment is not characterized. In the case when additional symptoms are added to the set described above, this indicates the beginning of an inflammatory or infectious process. These include:

  • burning in the perineum;
  • problems with urination;
  • itching of the outer genital area and vagina;
  • increased dryness of the vagina.

If signs of dysbiosis appear (leucorrhea of ​​various colors and textures, an unpleasant odor, vaginal dryness, pain, itching and burning in the area of ​​​​the vestibule of the vagina and during urination), you should consult a gynecologist.

First you need to find out the causes of the disease. The survey includes:

  1. 1. Determination of anamnesis.
  2. 2. Examination on a gynecological chair.
  3. 3. Taking smears for bakposev, the study of microflora for sexually transmitted infections.
  4. 4. Blood sampling for hormones.

After establishing the factors contributing to the development of the disease, the following activities are carried out:

  • elimination of pathogens and related complications;
  • colonization of the vagina with beneficial microorganisms;
  • consolidation of the result with the help of immunostimulating drugs.

Dysbiosis is often observed after treatment of thrush or antibiotics.

If dysbacteriosis is caused by pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria) or increased reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora, for example, a fungus of the genus Candida, then antibacterial therapy is first prescribed.

With factors not related to pathogenic influence, medications are immediately prescribed to restore the healthy flora of the vagina.

Traditional medicine

Violation of the microflora of the vagina means a violation of the pH level.

Candles for the restoration of microflora after treatment of thrush are probiotics, with lactobacilli and certain bifidobacteria in the composition.

Lactobacilli produce the necessary acids and lower the pH to normal (3.5-4.5), while simultaneously blocking the possibility of the reappearance of thrush. Bifidobacteria support the immune system.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the candles are universally suitable for everyone. Their effect on the body is individual: drugs that are effective for one woman may be useless for another, regardless of whether they are expensive or cheap candles. The reason for this may be the duration and nature of the infection.

Any infection destroys the upper tissues of the epithelium. The same process is observed after taking antibiotics. When the probiotic enters the vagina, the walls of which are damaged by the infection, there is nothing for it to gain a foothold. As a result, the tool is rendered useless.

Suppositories manufacturers have found a solution: they began to add additional substances to the composition that regenerate epithelial tissues so that the probiotic is fixed and restores the microflora. When choosing a drug, you need to take into account this nuance and carefully study the composition.

First of all, the gynecologist examines the smear on the flora and finds out if the patient needs antibacterial and antifungal medications. If bacteria or fungi are identified that require destruction, antibiotics or medications for thrush may be prescribed. If the tests are normal or dysbiosis occurred after the treatment of other diseases, they proceed to the second stage.

The second stage is very important, since during it the vagina is populated with live bacteria. This is necessary, because their own beneficial microorganisms have died when taking medication or under the influence of an infection.

To restore the natural flora of the vagina, vaginal suppositories are used, which contain lactobacilli, but their use can only be prescribed after a complete cure for thrush! Most often, doctors prescribe Bifidumbacterin, Acilact and Lactobacterin suppositories to their patients. They contain living stamps that normalize the balance of beneficial microorganisms.

Another medicine in the form of suppositories, which can be obtained as a prescription from a doctor, includes a shock dose of vitamin C. Increased acidity has a detrimental effect on bad bacteria, cleanses the vagina and increases local immunity. This drug is called "Vaginorm C", but before using it, you should also make sure that there is no candidiasis.

There can be a lot of reasons for dysbacteriosis in gynecology. These include:

  • a decrease in the general immunity of the body as a result of freezing adversely affects the vaginal flora;
  • infections that are sexually transmitted;
  • a sharp change in climate often serves as a factor in the acute phase of dysbiosis;
  • prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • non-compliance with the rules for using tampons during menstruation, their inaccurate introduction and non-systematic replacement form a favorable environment for anaerobic dysbiosis in women;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disruptions in the hormonal sphere due to irregular sex life or irregularities in the menstrual cycle, any trimester of gestation and postpartum recovery, abortion, menopause;
  • various infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • violations of the rules of personal hygiene.

There are also methods of alternative medicine, which are also designed to restore the flora of the vagina. But you should not make a decision on your own, first consult with your doctor. The doctor will be able to tell you about the effectiveness or, conversely, the futility of the measures taken. Some of the most popular ways that traditional medicine offers:

  1. Tampons with sea buckthorn oil. A tampon soaked in oil is inserted at night and removed in the morning. This method is very effective, because sea buckthorn concentrate has a pronounced bactericidal and wound healing effect. The treatment course lasts at least 10 days.
  2. Cotton swabs with an acidic environment and honey panacea. After melting 1 tbsp. honey, moisten a cotton-gauze swab in the prepared solution. The next day, a swab with kefir liquid is introduced. The method is suitable only for people who do not have allergic reactions to honey. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  3. A douche from a decoction of a string. The prepared decoction of the string, filter and cool. Apply it warm for daily douching. The course of treatment is unlimited - until all symptoms are eliminated.

Statistics say that every 7 women suffer from thrush. There are many drugs on the pharmaceutical market that fight female disease. Thrush is treated quickly and efficiently.

After a full course of taking drugs for thrush, restoration of the microflora of the vagina is required. For the procedure, a variety of medications are available, candles are considered the most effective. Gynecologists recommend starting the restoration of microflora immediately after the complete treatment of thrush.

Why is the microflora disturbed after thrush?

Thrush increases the overall level of dysbacteriosis. This leads to the fact that the microflora does not perform the functions that protect the female reproductive system.

Every 7th woman experiences discomfort associated with thrush. After treatment of this disease, it is necessary to restore the microflora of the vagina.

The microflora maintains the acidic environment of the vagina. Protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, viruses. Enhances protein synthesis.

The entry of viruses, bacteria into the genitals leads to an active state of blood cells. After thrush the microflora of the vagina for a long time delays pathogenic bacteria. Block the normal functioning of the vaginal system.

Why restore microflora after thrush?

Without the acidic environment of the vagina, there is an odor and more active secretions unrelated to the menstrual cycle or whites. Thus, if the microflora is disturbed, the bacteria again cause thrush or candidiasis.

Best of all, the microflora of the vagina is restored by suppositories.

Note, that the violation of the menstrual cycle according to the female calendar signals problems with the normal microflora.

Maintaining the vaginal flora completes the course of treatment for thrush

There is a certain risk of relapse. It is approximately 5.5%.

Candles for the restoration of microflora after the treatment of thrush

The principle of flora normalization: the introduction of bifidobacteria of varying degrees. Contained in probiotics. Restore the natural level of beneficial bacteria in the vaginal microflora. They create an antiseptic and cleansing effect. They are administered in the form of suppositories, drops, tablets, acid solutions. The highest quality and most effective are candles.

Important to remember, medications, including suppositories, to restore the microflora after the treatment of thrush, are prescribed only by a specialist doctor.

The diagnosis is based on the result of the analysis of the flora. Then the treatment begins.

After completing the course, a re-analysis is taken. The level of dysbacteriosis is revealed. If more than 25%, the gynecologist prescribes repeated treatment to speed up the restoration of microflora.


The drug, which includes tincture of calendula. Heals, strengthens the immune system, microflora. Maintains normal acid levels. Produced in the form of candles. They are put daily, at night, after taking a shower. The course is 7-14 days.

Candles "Vagilak" restore the microflora and strengthen the immune system.

It has no special contraindications. However during application, you should forget about alcoholic cocktails, cigarettes and also refuse sexual intercourse. It is not recommended to use the candles in question for pregnant women.


Herbal preparation in the form of suppositories. The composition is based on field chamomile. Disinfects, eliminates dryness and burning in the vaginal area. Treatment takes 10-14 days. In case of recurrence, it is prescribed again for 7 days. Used 1 candle in the morning and evening.

While taking the drug "Ecofemin" doctors recommend not to smoke or drink alcohol.

Contraindicated in diseases of the heart, nervous system, also pregnant and women who have recently given birth. Doesn't cause addiction. During the treatment period, it is recommended to abandon all bad habits.

Gynecologists prescribe chamomile tincture with Ecofemin to reduce the risk of relapse. It is necessary to drink tincture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach.


This is what Bifidumbacterin candles look like

Produced in the form of candles. Main the active substance is bifidobacteria. Restore the acidic environment of the body due to reproduction and detrimental effect on candidal bacteria. Replenish the supply of beneficial bacteria in the vagina.

Candles contribute to the active cleansing of microflora. They are also used to restore intestinal microflora. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of thrush. The course of admission is 10 days. It is administered 3-4 times a day, but with the indication of a specialist doctor. It is prescribed for pregnant girls after 8 weeks for the prevention of candidiasis.

During treatment, do not use antibiotics and antipyretics.


It is prescribed after the treatment of thrush. Produced in the form of candles. Supports metabolism, strengthens the immune system. Improves the concentration of the acidic environment of the vagina. Promotes disinfection of microflora.

Lactobacterin is prescribed to restore microflora

For recovery use 14 days, 2 suppositories 3 times a day. In addition, this drug is prescribed 10 days before delivery. The drug is allowed during lactation. It is also recommended to take drops.

It is important to know, that it is contraindicated for a minor girl to use "Lactobacterin".

Candles "Vaginorm C"

Candles "Vaginorm C" support the acid of the vagina

Release form - candles. A drug contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. Maintains the acidic environment of the vagina. Eliminates bacteria, viruses that cause irritation of the uterine epithelium. Has an antiseptic effect.

The course of treatment involves 10 or 14 days according to an individual indicator. Apply 1 candle per day. For effective results gynecologists recommend drinking more water.

In case of recurrence, the period of application is 2-3 months. The drug is contraindicated in underage girls. Allowed in the 1st semester of pregnancy. Special note: Do not use with antibiotics.

The active substance of suppositories - interferon, taurine - cleanses the walls of the vagina. In addition, it disinfects the urinary system. Supports local immunity.

Genferon can be used during lactation

The concentration of the active substance in the body is negligible. Treatment is 20-30 days, 1 candle is designed for use 3 times a day.

After every 10 days it is necessary to take a smear of flora

Gynecologists prescribe "Genferon" for the treatment of thrush. Used after pregnancy, during lactation. Candles for the restoration of microflora - "Genferon" - are allowed to be taken by underage girls. Compatible with other medications.


This is what Pinafucin candles look like

Complex treatment is prescribed with drops "Vagikal". The course lasts from 10 to 14 days. 1 suppository is administered 3 times a day or as recommended by a gynecologist.

It is also used 7 days before conception, if suppositories were previously used to restore microflora after treatment for thrush. P contraindicated in pregnant women, underage girls. Compatible with antibiotics.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis after thrush

Important to remember on the prevention of dysbacteriosis after thrush. The body is still weak. Candles for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush are suitable as a preventive measure.

Sechi to restore the microflora should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Self-medication is not recommended.

To do this, you need to reduce the amount of the drug. It is enough to take medicines against thrush 1 time in 2-3 months.

  1. Maintain personal hygiene. Take daily, morning and evening, a warm shower, wash the external genitalia with antibacterial soap. Shower more frequently during your menstrual cycle. Change pads every 3 hours, tampons every 7 hours. Use antibacterial personal hygiene products.
  2. Proper nutrition. Predominantly consume dairy products. For example: cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, sourdough, fermented baked milk, kefir.
  3. Exclude fatty foods. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables. From meat preference is given to beef, chicken. Soak potatoes for 3 hours before eating. Steam cooking. Remove bread, sweets, alcohol, spicy cheeses and vegetables from the diet.
  4. Use contraceptives. Take a warm shower after intercourse. It is necessary to drink medicines against thrush before sexual intercourse. Conduct a clinical examination of the partner for the presence of candidal fungus. Start prevention of male thrush.
  5. Choose cotton underwear. It is durable, does not cause an allergic reaction, retains dust and external bacteria.
  6. Take vitamin complexes to strengthen the body's immunity.
  7. visit a gynecologist 3 - 4 times a year. Take blood, urine, smear tests for flora. If symptoms of thrush appear, immediately consult a gynecologist.
  8. Thoroughly wash underwear with baby detergent.

Candles, to restore the microflora after the treatment of thrush, are prescribed by a gynecologist. The range of choices is huge.

Each drug has individual treatment properties. You need to know about the prevention of thrush, dysbacteriosis. Monitor your health daily. In case of discomfort, be sure to contact a gynecologist.

This video will tell you how to overcome thrush in folk ways for pregnant girls:

The following video will talk about products that help in the treatment of thrush:

This video will tell you how to treat thrush after taking antibiotics:

Vaginal dysbacteriosis is a violation of the normal ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms that inhabit the vaginal microflora. Pathology is often accompanied by a violation of the acidity of the vaginal environment, which contributes to the appearance of uncomfortable sensations during intimacy and creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of microbes, bacteria and fungi.

Bacterial dysbiosis has characteristic symptoms that every woman should know in order to take the necessary measures in time and prevent complications. Some infections that can develop in the female body when the vaginal microflora is disturbed can adversely affect health and cause a number of dangerous gynecological diseases. Sexual infections during pregnancy are especially dangerous, as they can cause infection of the baby during childbirth, as well as birth defects and malformations during fetal development.

The imbalance of microorganisms in the microflora of the vagina always has certain signs and symptoms. An asymptomatic course of dysbiosis is possible, but only in rare cases when a woman has no problems with the activity of the immune system.

One of the main clinical manifestations of dysbacteriosis in women, doctors consider an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge between menstruation. This situation may be a variant of the norm in the middle of the cycle, when a woman ovulates. The amount of mucus during this period increases, the consistency of the secretions also changes: they become thicker and more viscous. On the 4-5th day after the release of a mature egg from the ovary, the discharge usually returns to normal, but there are a number of symptoms that should alert the woman and become a reason to contact the observing gynecologist.

  1. Color. Normal discharge is colorless and looks like clear white mucus. If pathogenic flora actively develops in the vaginal environment, their color will change to yellow, green, brown or white.
  2. Consistency. Normal secretions can be compared to egg white - they have the same consistency and viscosity (sometimes the discharge can be more liquid, but if there are no pathological signs of infectious diseases, this is also considered a normal variant). With bacterial infections, the discharge becomes thick and resembles yellow or marsh-colored fatty sour cream. With thrush, plaque on the walls of the vagina and external genitalia looks like curdled cottage cheese.
  3. Smell. If the discharge has a strong smell of fish or decay products, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The symptomatology of dysbiosis depends on which type of microorganisms began to grow in the vaginal environment. Pathogenic flora can be bacterial or fungal in nature - in each case there will be certain clinical symptoms and signs.

Type of dysbacteriosisWhat microorganisms predominate?Symptoms
FungalPredominantly microscopic organisms - yeast-like fungi CandidaWhite discharge with a consistency of thick cream or curd mass. There may be small inclusions. An unpleasant odor may be present, but it is usually mild and resembles sour milk. The main complaints of women are burning and itching in the perineum and anal canal. There may be discomfort during urination (if the infection has spread to the urogenital tract). The skin of the genitals is reddened and inflamed
BacterialTrichomonas, Gardnerella, ChlamydiaThe discharge becomes very thick and profuse, accompanied by severe itching and inflammation of the skin of the labia and mucous membranes of the vulva. The color of the discharge is brown, green or yellow. A distinctive feature of bacterial infections is a sharp, unpleasant odor (also called a "fishy" odor)

Note! Previously, vaginal dysbacteriosis was not considered a disease, and therapy consisted mainly in the use of alternative medicine methods. Dysbiosis is now listed in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) as “inflammatory diseases of the vulva and vagina (including unspecified inflammatory processes).

Vaginal itching

Itching and burning are observed in 100% of cases of vaginal dysbacteriosis. Skin manifestations can have different localization and intensity. Sometimes severe itching in a woman appears only in the perineal area and affects the external genitalia. The opposite clinical picture is when burning occurs in the vaginal tract and intensifies after urination, intimacy and other provoking factors. In half of the cases, the pathology takes a combined form, when pathological manifestations occur both in the perineum and in the vagina. If the number of pathogenic microorganisms is growing rapidly, itching may also appear in the anorectal region: around the anus and in the rectum.

How does intimate life change with dysbacteriosis?

If there is a decrease in the number of bifidus and lactobacilli in the vaginal environment, one of the symptoms may be dryness of the walls of the vagina. Women who have irregular sex life may not notice this symptom, the only manifestation of which at the initial stage of the pathology will be moderate discomfort and itching. But if sexual relations occur periodically, a woman may notice that sexual contact has become more painful, and the feelings of intimacy have changed their physical and emotional coloring.

Pain and discomfort during intercourse appear in three stages:

  • the introduction of the penis into the vagina (the most painful process in severe dysbacteriosis);
  • increased partner activity (stronger and rougher movements);
  • the period after the end of intimacy (the first 1-2 hours).

In some cases, the pain syndrome can be localized not only in the vagina. Pulling pain can be felt in the lower abdomen, on the left or right side of the small pelvis. Bacterial dysbiosis can occur against the background of inflammatory diseases of the uterus, ovaries or bladder, therefore, when a pain syndrome of any localization and intensity appears, it is necessary to check the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system and pass a urine and blood test.

Note! Discomfort and pain during sex are caused by insufficient production of vaginal lubrication or its complete absence. In most cases, women with disturbed microflora do not experience the pleasure of intimacy and cannot achieve orgasm. Such violations should also be the reason for contacting a specialist, especially if such symptoms have not appeared before.

Who is at risk?

Vaginal dysbacteriosis can develop at any age. Often, pathology is diagnosed in adolescent girls during puberty. There may be several reasons for this:

  • increased synthesis of sex hormones and associated hormonal imbalance;
  • weak immunity, the causes of which may be frequent respiratory infections, malnutrition, adherence to rest and mental and physical labor;
  • poor personal hygiene of the intimate area;
  • hypothermia.

Parents of girls should be aware that up to 17-18 years of age, vaginal dysbacteriosis in this age group of patients can manifest itself only with intense itching in the inguinal and anorectal region. Pathological discharge and other signs of disturbed microflora may be absent, so you need to carefully monitor the child's condition and notice signs of discomfort. It is very important to establish a warm and trusting relationship with the child, so that if such problems arise, the girl does not hesitate to inform her mother about them.

In adult women, there are a lot of reasons for bacterial dysbacteriosis. Most provoking factors are associated with a negative effect on the immune system, which weakens and cannot restrain the growth of pathogenic flora.

These factors include:

  • bad habits;
  • unbalanced nutrition with insufficient intake of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and lipids (or a violation of their balance among themselves);
  • work in conditions of constant pollution (in industrial warehouses, factories, industries);
  • a state of chronic stress;
  • taking hormonal drugs (for example, oral contraceptives);
  • frequent change of sexual partners (subject to intimate contacts without a condom).

The condition of the microflora of the vagina and intestines is negatively affected by long-term use of antibacterial drugs. The likelihood of pathology increases if a woman has undergone prolonged treatment with agents from the group of macrolides and cephalosporins. It is these groups of antibiotics that have the maximum list of side effects (compared to drugs of the penicillin series) and have the most aggressive effect on the microflora of the female body.

Specialists distinguish several categories of women who are at risk for the development of bacterial dysbacteriosis. These include women:

  • over 50 years old;
  • in a state of menopause;
  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, disorders of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal cortex);
  • with overweight.

All of the listed categories of patients are recommended to pay special attention to the prevention of dysbacteriosis: eat a balanced diet, include a lot of seasonal berries and fruits, greens in the menu, increase the level of physical activity, give up bad habits, walk more often, and carry out hardening activities. If necessary, you can use medical preventive methods (1-2 times a year after consultation with a gynecologist).

How to treat?

Treatment of bacterial dysbacteriosis includes following a special diet with a complete rejection of products containing chemical additives, as well as sugar, spices, smoked and pickled foods. Coffee and carbonated drinks are also recommended to be excluded before stopping the acute process.

Particular attention should be paid to intimate hygiene. Bed and underwear should be made of natural cotton or linen fabrics. It is necessary to change underwear every day after hygienic washing. Bedding should be changed every 3-4 days. If the fabric from which the duvet covers and pillowcases are sewn allows (for example, bleached calico with a density of 140 g / m), it is better to wash bed linen at high temperatures - from 90 ° to 100 °.

You can wash yourself for the period of treatment with decoctions of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal properties. These are calendula, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile. With severe inflammation of the skin of the genital organs, you can prepare a decoction of oak bark - this is a powerful antibacterial agent that is not inferior in effectiveness to some drugs. To prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of the bark into 500 ml of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes.

Medical treatment

To eliminate the symptoms of bacterial dysbiosis and destroy the pathogenic flora, doctors may prescribe medications containing beneficial microorganisms or topical antibiotics (depending on the indications). Most often, women who are sexually active, doctors prescribe drugs in the form of vaginal suppositories, for example:

  • "Acilact";
  • "Terzhinan";
  • "Pimafucin";
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Ginolact";
  • "Flagil".

Vaginal suppositories should be used 1-2 times a day for 5-10 days (exact information is contained in the instructions for a specific drug). Before the introduction of a suppository or vaginal tablet, it is necessary to wash and dry the skin of the perineum. After that, you need to lie on your back and bend your knees. With a finger (or a special applicator, if it is included), insert the suppository to the maximum depth. After the introduction, the candle will begin to melt, so you need to roll over on your stomach and lie down for 15-20 minutes to prevent the medicine from leaking out.

With a complicated course of pathology, a woman can be prescribed systemic drugs in the form of capsules and tablets for internal use. The most commonly used drugs in combination therapy are:

  • "Trichopol";
  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Metrogil";
  • "Flagil";
  • "Clindamycin";
  • "Dalatsin".

Additionally, you can take oral preparations containing bifidobacteria, probiotics, prebiotics and lactic bacteria: Normobact, Bifidumbacterin, Yogulact, Lineks, Bifiform.

Important! Simultaneous use of vaginal suppositories containing beneficial bacteria and oral preparations based on prebiotics and probiotics is not allowed.

Vaginal dysbacteriosis cannot be called a dangerous disease. Nevertheless, this pathology is extremely unpleasant. Painful symptoms and discomfort impair the quality of a woman's daily and intimate life. Violation of the ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms increases the risk of developing infectious diseases of the vulva, vagina, bladder, appendages, uterus. For this reason, it is important to seek medical help in the early stages of pathology. Women at risk are advised to pay special attention to hygiene and nutrition and annually undergo medical prophylaxis of bacterial dysbiosis, selected by the district gynecologist.

Video - Vaginal dysbacteriosis

Taking antibiotics often solves significant problems. That's just the illiterate use of these drugs can harm the general condition of the patient. The restoration of the female microflora after antibiotic therapy results in serious treatment.

Microflora is a collection of various groups of microorganisms that inhabit a particular system of human organs. It performs many functions:

  • Participates in water-salt metabolism.
  • Stimulates the production of its own biologically active substances.
  • Facilitates digestion.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Protects against the introduction of pathological flora.

Composition of microflora

Normal microflora is different in composition in certain parts of the body. It is represented by bacteria, fungi and protozoa.

All microflora is divided into constant and random. The first consists of microorganisms that are maximally adapted to existence in certain areas of the human body; it includes non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Random microflora implies the presence in the body of microorganisms introduced from outside.

At the stage of intrauterine development, the fetus is sterile in the absence of maternal diseases. The baby first encounters microorganisms during childbirth. Subsequently, some of the representatives of the microflora die, while the rest take root in favorable conditions - on tissues that communicate with the environment. They make up the natural flora on the skin, in the upper respiratory tract, eyes, gastrointestinal tract and genitals. In these areas of the mucous membrane, the composition of microorganisms is different, but is constant for a certain area (in a healthy body).

The difference in the microflora of the genital organs of representatives of both sexes is interesting.

In men, the flora of the genital organs does not change during life and is composed of epidermal staphylococci. They normally also inhabit the human skin, and its reaction is neutral-alkaline.

The natural microflora of the female genital tract (excluding the uterus - it must be sterile) changes throughout life depending on the level of estrogens (female sex hormones) in the blood:

  • During infancy and puberty, it is made up of lactobacilli and bifidumbacteria.
  • During childhood and old age, the flora changes to coccal (due to a low amount of estrogens).

In addition to the listed functions of the normal microflora, the acidic environment of the vagina additionally has a protective property: spermatozoa function in an alkaline environment, and the acidic environment has a detrimental effect on them. That is why only the fastest, hardiest and strongest representative will be able to fertilize the egg, which ensures natural selection.

The composition of the microflora is very variable, it depends on many factors.

In addition to these bacteria, the flora can be supplemented by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms: fungi, bacteria, viruses, the number of which should not exceed more than 1% of the total mass of microorganisms. This amount will not harm the body's natural balance.

In violation of the normal acidity of the vagina, its microflora dies, weakening the protective function. This is manifested by the development of inflammatory or infectious diseases, as well as cancerous processes.

Some causes of violation of the natural microflora of the vagina:

  • taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • change of sexual partners;
  • menses;
  • stress;
  • bad habits;
  • malnutrition;
  • decreased immunity;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • hormonal changes;
  • climate change;
  • surgical interventions;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

The state of violation of the natural microflora is called dysbacteriosis. In the case of the development of a disease in the female genital area, the diagnosis of "bacterial vaginosis" is often made.

Dysbacteriosis is manifested by various symptoms and syndromes: itching and vaginal discharge (color: from white to yellow-green), which can be cheesy or foamy in nature. The clinical picture is sometimes supplemented by the appearance of pain during intercourse.

This condition requires a doctor's consultation and specific treatment.

Diagnosis of vaginal dysbacteriosis

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to pass a smear on the vaginal flora and, if an imbalance is detected, conduct PCR diagnostics to identify a specific causative agent of the disease.

About antibiotics

In this topic, it is impossible not to touch upon such an urgent problem as the uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs.

To date, the appointment and use of antibiotics is very popular, both in necessary cases and without special need. Their use is carried out despite the fact that these drugs actively affect the entire body and, in particular, destroy the normal human microflora.

The use of antibiotics must be justified. Drugs are selected depending on the sensitivity of the pathogen. The use of inappropriate groups of antibiotics will not only not have the necessary effect on the pathogen, but will additionally harm weakened health.

Prescribing antibiotics on your own, on the advice of neighbors or a pharmacist at the nearest pharmacy, is fraught with possible complications, loss of precious time and deplorable results of improper treatment. If a sick person has a viral infection, the use of antibiotics is impractical. Taking such drugs for fungal infection will have the opposite effect, i.e., there will be an increase in the population of fungi and the progression of the disease.

Antimicrobials should only be prescribed by a physician, taking into account the specific causative agent of the disease, preferably after receiving the results of bacterial culture for sensitivity to antibiotics.

Antimicrobial medications are used strictly according to the schedule, with a certain time interval between subsequent medications.


  • Antimicrobial drugs should not be washed down with dairy and sour-milk products.
  • During the course of treatment, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, fried, spicy, fatty and smoked foods, canned foods and sour fruits.

It is necessary to control your well-being after taking the drugs, as there is a risk of allergic reactions or side effects.

During the course of antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to maintain the natural microflora of the body by taking special preparations - probiotics.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis

To preserve women's health, it is necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.

There are 2 tasks in the treatment of the condition in question:

  1. Suppression of pathological flora.
  2. Restoration of natural microflora.

The pathological flora is affected by specific medications, depending on the group of pathogens that caused dysbacteriosis.

Restoration of microflora is carried out by taking probiotics and fermented milk products.

A specific treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the underlying and concomitant diseases, the patient's condition, his age and the nature of the pathological process.


  • Follow the rules of hygiene.
  • Observe the diet and eat foods rich in vitamins, trace elements and poor in fats, chemicals.
  • Do not engage in promiscuous sexual relations.
  • Use barrier contraception.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics, refuse thong panties.
  • Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.

It is worth mentioning that in order to detect diseases in the early stages and their timely treatment, as well as to monitor the condition of the genital organs, it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist 2 times a year. This will help not only to avoid many problems, but also to get answers to many emerging questions regarding health, sexual life, planning and managing pregnancy, etc.



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