Potato flowers on alcohol application. Potato flowers against oncology - folk recipe, method, remedy

Since ancient times, potatoes have been eaten and considered to be the most high-calorie food. It is the most affordable vegetable, from which you can easily prepare a hearty dinner or breakfast. Unfortunately, many do not know the fact that potatoes are not only a very tasty product, but also very useful for the human body. This is what we'll talk about today.

You need to know that potatoes can be very hazardous to health. Its berries have long been considered poisonous. Because of this, in Europe many years ago they could not understand how to consume this vegetable. To prepare a medicinal preparation, you need to take not potato berries, but its flowers or tubers. If you follow certain rules in the preparation of medicines, you can achieve the desired result. How to use potato flowers in folk medicine? In the fight against what ailment will they be effective? How to prepare medicines with potato flowers? This will be discussed.

The use of potato flowers in folk medicine

Potato inflorescences have been used for a long time for the preparation of medicines according to folk recipes. It has been proven that all the tinctures that were made with the help of these components were very useful during the period of dangerous human diseases. Folk remedies are very popular to this day. Recipes for preparing medicines from potato flowers are very simple, but at the same time extremely effective.

What nutrients are found in potato flowers?

People mainly use potatoes to make delicious food. But no one realizes that along with food, many useful microelements enter the human body, without which a person could not live.

First of all, this concerns starch, which is found in large quantities in potatoes. It is very easy to digest and also helps a person to get enough.

It is worth noting that ordinary potatoes contain a lot of vitamin C. If you consume about 3 or 4 boiled tubers per day, then the body will receive a sufficient amount of this substance.

Potatoes also contain vitamin E, various salts, phosphorus and calcium. Vitamins of group A are also present in this vegetable, otherwise it is also called keratin. He takes an active part in the life process of all internal organs. A lot of vitamin A is found in tubers that have a yellowish tint. That is why experts do not recommend eating white and crumbly potatoes.

It is strange, but the product we are considering is very rich in protein and all kinds of amino acids, which are also necessary for good human health.

Potato flowers: medicinal properties

It is necessary to single out potatoes among other vegetables, since it contains a sufficient amount of useful substances that will help to cope with quite serious ailments. It should be noted that potato flowers in folk medicine are used to eliminate inflammatory processes.

Not only the inflorescences of this culture are distinguished by useful properties. The tubers themselves also have a therapeutic effect, especially the starch that is part of them. Boiled potatoes are very useful for the stomach, as it envelops and protects it from the effects of pathogenic microbes and bacteria. Few people know, but a large amount of starch avoids the development of gastric ulcers, as well as pathological conditions associated with the pancreas.

From the tubers you can get juice, which is an excellent remedy for people suffering from stomach problems and frequent constipation. Potato juice is an excellent mild laxative that will work very effectively. Also, this product helps to heal ulcers in the stomach and prevent the appearance of new wounds.

The starch found in potatoes can be used for baby powder and talc. Such a substance is often added to medicinal drugs and powders.

Potato flowers: application in medicine and cosmetology

Potatoes are part of many masks that help make the skin softer, relieving it of inflammatory processes. The use of cosmetics that have this product is useful for sunburn. Raw potatoes are actively used to combat skin diseases such as eczema and pyoderma.

Using potato masks will help make your skin softer and firmer. She will look well-groomed and healthy. Masks of this kind are very easy to prepare yourself. For this we need potatoes, milk and eggs. The tubers need to be boiled and kneaded, then mix all the components and wait until the mask has cooled. Only then can it be applied to the face. You can keep the mask from 20 minutes to half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Treatment of burns with potato flowers

To very quickly get rid of burns or roughness on the skin of the hands, you can prepare a mask according to the above recipe. If the composition is used to moisturize the skin of the hands, then it must be applied for a time that should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

If a person has burns on his hands, then the potato gruel should be placed on a napkin and applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It is recommended to keep it for 1-2 hours. After that, the compresses must be changed.

How can you use potato flowers?

What do potato flowers treat? As a rule, they are not very often used by a person in everyday life, but if they are used, they bring tangible health benefits.

Potato flowers in folk medicine are used to treat diseases of the organs of vision. Dried inflorescences are very often used to treat malignant tumors. And if you skillfully collect pollen from them, then with its help you can significantly improve metabolic processes in the body.

Very good potato flowers help to cope with tonsillitis. To do this, take a tablespoon of dried raw materials, pour boiling water and leave for several hours. After the infusion has cooled, it should be used to gargle. The approximate course of treatment is 10 days. And you need to gargle 3 times a day. After a month break, the course will need to be repeated.

Potato flowers in oncology

Even to fight serious diseases, potato flowers are used. Their medicinal properties effectively cope with the most serious pathologies. But here you need to be as careful as possible, because the situation in this case is very dangerous. Before leaning towards traditional methods of treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

To prepare medicines, we simply prepare real tea from flowers. To do this, you need to brew a tablespoon of flowers with boiling water and send to infuse in a steam bath for about 3 hours. However, you can resort to using a thermos. Drink tea at least three times a day. The best option would be to consume it half an hour before meals. On average, you will need to drink 4 liters of tea per day.

Potato flowers for cancer prevention

Potato flowers in oncology are used in order to prevent the further development of cancer cells. For these purposes, tubers are also used. They have a lot of useful components that help maintain the patient's condition at the proper level. The flowers have a sufficient amount of amino acids, as well as phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt and nickel. Each of these substances performs important functions in the human body. Therefore, it is so important during cancer to resort to a similar method of prevention.

Despite the beneficial properties that potato flowers have, cancer treatment requires an increase in the number of leukocytes. This will help make enough copper and nickel in the body.

In folk medicine, potato flowers are considered the most reliable tool in the fight against cancer. Once upon a time, this was the only sure way to help sick people. And no matter how strange it was, but he gave his results!

Treatment of joint pain with potato tincture

Potato flower tincture for joints is a very effective remedy. It helps relieve severe pain and improves a person's well-being. It is very easy to do without leaving home:

  • We take 1 liter of purified water and throw a tablespoon of coarse salt there. It is also worth stocking up on ammonia (100 milliliters will be enough). All components must be combined and mixed well. In the process, white flakes will begin to form. The jar of liquid must be shaken until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Only after that the tincture is considered ready.

To slightly reduce pain in the joints, you need to make a gauze compress on the affected area. Be sure to cover it with a plastic bag so that the problem area can warm up. You can also cover the ending with a warm blanket. This procedure should be done 2-3 times a day.

Recipe based on potato flowers for joints

For people who suffer from arthritis and arthrosis, using this recipe can be very effective:

  • We take a light glass jar, put potato branches in it and tamp it very well. We leave the open container on the windowsill for about 2 weeks, after which we add real medical alcohol inside. So that it does not disappear, the jar is tightly closed and left in a dark place. It will take about a month for the tincture to infuse.

The method of using this medicine is quite simple. You just need to rub it in those places where the pain is most disturbing. It is recommended to continue such manipulations for 3 weeks, then you need to pay attention to your own well-being.

Excellent to get rid of joint pain will help the use of potato compresses. For this, an unripe vegetable is taken and rubbed on a very fine grater. After that, it is placed in water and heated to 38 degrees. Then the entire potato mass is pulled out and placed in a special bag. You can sew it yourself. It is this bag that will need to be applied to sore spots. It is recommended to keep the compress for at least half an hour. It is best to do this procedure before going to bed. When the pain begins to subside, and then completely disappears, the application of compresses must be stopped.

Method from antiquity

Potato flowers were used in folk medicine by the ancient Indians. They came up with the following method: simply apply flowers or plant tubers to the sore spot. And when the joints swelled on their hands, they put on a glove before going to bed, which was laid with chopped potatoes.

Potato flower tincture on vodka

If you insist on vodka, potato flowers, they will have a therapeutic effect in the presence of sciatica. And when the pain is more disturbing, it is recommended to wipe the limbs with this infusion.

The use of these drugs has a positive effect on the human body. As a result, blood pressure normalizes, breathing improves, and shortness of breath practically disappears during movement. Drink this tincture for a month and you will see the result.



How to be treated with poisonous tincture on potato flowers

Potatoes are an indispensable ingredient in most dishes. But it turns out that it is poisonous, so we eat poison every day. How can this be useful?

The opinions of scientists, even today, are divided into pros and cons of potatoes. But the opinion of traditional medicine is exclusively for him. How to prepare a poisonous tincture using potato flowers, its use for medicinal purposes and much more, read on.


This drug is very easy to prepare. For her, both freshly picked and pre-harvested and dried flowers are perfect. In some cases, they need to be crushed, but for other recipes, they will do just fine. And now a few recipes for such an unusual infusion.

For chronic tonsillitis

  • dry potato flowers - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.
  1. We take potato flowers and fall asleep in a thermos.
  2. We fill them with boiling water.
  3. Then we insist for several hours.

This infusion is prepared for gargling. You need to apply it 3 times a day for 10 days. Then, if necessary, after a month, the treatment procedure can be repeated.

For cancer of the stomach and duodenum

  • dried potato flowers - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • boiling water - 0.5 l.
  1. We take a thermos and fill it with potato flowers.
  2. We fill them with boiling water.
  3. Then we insist 3 hours.

Take the medicine half an hour before meals, no more than 1 tbsp. spoons. In order to complete the full course of treatment, you need about 4 liters of this infusion. You also need to remember that such a course of treatment cannot be considered the main one.

Universal recipe (from fresh flowers)

  • freshly picked potato flowers - 1 liter jar;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.
  1. First you need to rinse the collected flowers well.
  2. Then we pass them through a meat grinder.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar and fill it to the top with vodka.
  4. Next, set to infuse for 10 days.

Such an infusion is taken 3-4 drops no more than 2 times a day.


Probably, you have often noticed that bees and flies do not fly around potatoes, as well as other insects stay away from them. It's all about the flowers, which contain a large amount of toxic substances - alkaloids. Such substances include solanine, which is also abundant in a harmless, at first glance, sprout. Thus, the plant protects itself from pests during the flowering period. Interestingly, green potato tubers are also poisonous, which sometimes even replace flowers if the latter are absent.

Medicine, including folk medicine, has long noticed that alkaloids can be useful for humans. Their guesses were based on the theory that alkaloids are a protective reaction of potatoes to pests. Accordingly, they should have the same effect in humans. The unanimous opinion of scientists on this matter does not exist even today. But at the same time, traditional medicine has long been fighting, with the help of tinctures from potato flowers, with a large number of incurable or incurable diseases, which include tuberculosis and cancer.

Traditional medicine explains all the medicinal properties of the drink very simply. She says that the poison contained in the drink can kill any ailment. But it is worth remembering that you need to use it strictly observing the dosage, otherwise you can easily harm yourself. Solanine is considered the main alkaloid, which is not afraid of any disease. It is he who, in small doses, is able to have a beneficial effect on the human body.


An infusion of potato flowers is used for various types of tumors, both benign and malignant. If the tumors are of an external nature, then lotions can be made from it. Also, it should be taken for any oncological diseases. She also easily copes with colds. And if you drip a few drops of the drink on toothpaste before brushing your teeth, you can easily get rid of caries and easily whiten your teeth.

This tincture is not terrible either:

  • tuberculosis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • any fungus;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • liver disease;
  • diabetes.

Also, thanks to the intake of infusion, you can completely heal the body, normalize digestion and cleanse the skin of any acne or rash.


The first thing to remember is to collect raw materials before spraying potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle. It is also preferable to pick flowers away from highways and other roads. Secondly, all alkaloids, including solanine, are highly toxic substances. They must be applied very carefully. A small overdose leads to severe poisoning.

Thirdly, alkaloids quickly accumulate in the body and are difficult to remove from it. Therefore, even a long course of treatment can lead to poisoning. To avoid this, you must strictly adhere to the above recommendations. It should also be remembered that for any signs of poisoning, treatment must be suspended for several weeks.


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Potato flowers: medicinal properties, indications and uses:

The small white and purple flowers of the potato are very decorative. In ancient times, ladies decorated their hair with them, inserted them into boutonnieres and pinned them to hats. In medicine, the flowers of this plant began to be used relatively recently. Homeopathy was the first to appreciate their healing properties. There is nothing surprising. Solanine, which accumulates more in the flowers of the potato than in the rest of its parts, is a poison. In large quantities, it causes poisoning, sometimes fatal, but in homeopathic doses it is indispensable for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. In this article, we will talk about the medicinal properties of potato flowers, as well as give recommendations on the preparation of healing infusions.

Useful properties of solanine

Solanine (melongen) is the main active ingredient in potato flowers. Experiments conducted on experimental animals with kaolin arthritis showed that microscopic doses of solanine inhibit the development of inflammatory processes.

The chemical structure of the alkaloid solanine is close to cardiac glycosides and corticosteroids. Solanine has the most significant effect on the work of the myocardium, adrenal cortex and kidney. Preparations and tinctures from potato flowers reduce blood pressure, increase cardiac activity - increase the amplitude of heart contractions and reduce their rhythm. Lotions from potato flowers act as an anesthetic, are able to relieve burn shock, suppress the reproduction of many pathogens, such as Staphylococcus aureus, fungi of the Candida genus, etc.


Before starting a conversation about the treatment with potato flowers, we consider it necessary to explain why this method of therapy must be approached very carefully and carefully. In the medical environment, the attitude towards the medicinal properties of potato flowers is contradictory. The danger from an overdose of solanine is too great, because even a single dose of a large amount of decoction can lead to the death of the patient. Our prescription dosages are for an adult of average height and normal weight. For any deviations from it, it is better to reduce the amount of medicine per oral intake.

Even a small dose of solanine has a powerful destructive effect on pathogenic microflora. In order for the healing properties of the healing infusions of potato flowers to bring only benefits, you need to know that 20 mg of solanine, that is, one tablespoon, is an almost lethal dose for a person with poor health. However, it is very difficult to eat such an amount of poison at once - so much solanine is contained in several glasses of freshly picked and tightly packed flowers or in 1 kg of very green tubers. Solanine does not disappear from flowers even after drying - they lose only water. Thus, in one tablespoon of crushed dried flowers there is more solanine than in the same volume of fresh ones, but still not so much to kill an adult.

Procurement of raw materials

The collection of potato flowers should be done in August, in dry weather, in the morning, after the dew has come down. For medicinal purposes, fully bloomed flowers, both white and purple, are suitable.

The collected raw materials should be laid out in a warm, dry, ventilated area and covered with gauze. After two or three weeks, depending on the temperature, when they dry, put them in linen or cotton bags. Store indoors, protected from moisture and strong sunlight.

Another harvesting method is to cut the stems of potatoes along with the flowers and tie them into bunches. Hang these bundles under the ceiling of a dry shed or porch. As needed, pick flowers and prepare decoctions. That's how they did it in the old days. Then brooms with potato flowers were placed in attics. This is very convenient, as it ensures that poisonous flowers, harvested high enough, do not fall into the hands of children who like to taste all their mother's or grandmother's preparations, knowing that it is either very tasty or very healthy.

In the future, flowers dried by one of the described methods can be used for treatment. Both water and alcohol infusions are made from dry raw materials.

The following is information on the various ways in which potato flowers can be used. Medicinal properties and dosage advice, as we have said, relate to the average adult. With any deviation from the norm, the dose must be adjusted, but only in the direction of decrease. This recommendation concerns the internal use of infusions. Externally, there are practically no contraindications.

water infusion

Water infusion is made from both fresh flowers and dried ones. In the second case, their number should be much less. A distinctive feature of solanine is that its concentration in the substance does not decrease over time. In the light, as a result of the reaction of photosynthesis, the amount of solanine increases.

When boiled, solanine is not destroyed, but passes into water. To prepare decoctions, you need to use glass or ceramic dishes, or enameled, with no chips. This will prevent the formation of unwanted chemical compounds. Water infusion is prepared for one, in extreme cases, two days. For surface application, pour it into a spray bottle or use swabs or applicators.

Boiling time - 15 minutes. Then the infusion should be wrapped and kept in a warm place for about an hour. Filter the prepared solution and use as needed.

Potato flowers can be brewed in a thermos with a glass flask. To do this, a handful of flowers must be placed in a flask and left to steam for forty minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth or sieve.

Alcohol infusion

In some cases, instead of a water decoction, it is more advisable to use an alcohol infusion, and making it is quite simple. Next, we will tell you how to prepare an infusion of potato flowers. The healing properties of alcohol, by the way, are much more pronounced than water, since solanine dissolves better in alcohol than in water.

The glass jar needs to be filled with fresh flowers to the top and lightly tamped. Pour them with medical alcohol or vodka. Close tightly to prevent evaporation and place in a warm and dark place. In two or three weeks, the infusion will be ready.

The maximum daily oral dose is 10 drops.

Alcohol tincture is used not only for drinking, but also for rubbing.

The healing properties of potato flowers for joints are well known. Rubbing and compresses quickly relieve pain and reduce swelling.

The shelf life of alcohol infusion is limited to three years. It does not deteriorate and does not lose its properties if placed in a dark glass dish with a tightly screwed non-metallic lid, or better with a wine cork.

Radiculitis, myositis, lumbago

With myositis, lumbago, sciatica, especially with pain in the lumbar spine, the sore spot is rubbed with an alcohol solution of flowers, and then a warming bandage is applied, such as a wide belt made of natural wool.

The procedure is preferably done at night. The pain goes away very quickly.

In general, the medicinal properties of potato flowers are safest to use externally. In this case, the risk of solanine poisoning is completely eliminated.

The medicinal properties and use of potato flowers infused with alcohol is one of the most effective ways to quickly get rid of acute pain caused by hypothermia, or from being in a draft for a long time.

In every home first aid kit, there must be a bottle with an alcohol infusion of potato flowers. After a long stay in the cold, you can protect yourself from a cold if, when you come home, rub your feet with this tincture, and then put on woolen socks.


The healing properties of potato flowers for joints (reviews confirm this), in this case they are used no less widely than in the case of a cold or hypothermia. Arthritis is almost always accompanied by severe pain and swelling in the knee area. Compresses from potato flowers on alcohol effectively alleviate the patient's condition.

The knee should be wrapped with a towel soaked in alcohol tincture, covered with plastic wrap and insulated with a woolen scarf. It is best to do this at night. By morning, there will be no trace of pain and inflammation. The healing properties of potato flowers for joints are well known. They can be recommended without fear of complications or unwanted side effects.

The unique healing and analgesic properties of potato flowers can be used for a variety of ailments. External use of infusions has no contraindications, however, patients with a diagnosis of "arthritis" should in no case use infusions of potato flowers inside. This can cause an exacerbation of the disease and only damage health. In this case, the medicinal properties of potato flowers can only be used for external use.

tonsillitis, common cold

With tonsillitis, an infusion of potato flowers is used to gargle. You need to prepare a warm decoction and gargle every 3-4 hours.

Facilitates the state of inhalation from the flowers. It can only be done at normal body temperature - 36.6. The same procedure is effective for various kinds of seasonal rotavirus infections, accompanied by cough and sore throat.

The healing properties of potato flowers will help you get rid of a cough faster, if at night, instead of mustard plasters, rub your chest with alcohol tincture.


Solanine strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic. The effectiveness of the medicinal properties of potato flowers under pressure is known. Regular use of a weak infusion as a drink at night normalizes blood pressure in the vessels and completely relieves attacks of hypertension.

However, with prolonged use of such an infusion, the opposite effect is possible, so the course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. This is followed by a break of at least one month.


It is quite possible to cure this serious disease if an alcohol infusion of potato flowers is added to the general therapy prescribed by the attending physician. It must be rubbed into the chest, and also drunk for one month. The daily dose for oral administration should be - three doses of 3 drops of a concentrated solution mixed with a teaspoon of natural flower honey.

Solanine kills Koch's bacillus, but in large doses it can greatly weaken the immune system and provoke various diseases of the hematopoietic organs, as it provokes a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

stomach ulcer

Treatment of stomach ulcers with an infusion of potato flowers lasts two weeks, then a break is made for one month. After that, if necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

The infusion is prepared in a thermos or in a water bath. Half a liter of boiling water is taken for one tablespoon of dried flowers. Simmering at high temperature lasts about 40 minutes. The infusion is made for 2-3 days and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, each serving is heated to room temperature.

Half an hour before meals, you need to drink one tablespoon of warm infusion.

Solanine is part of many drugs against gastric and duodenal ulcers.


There are known cases of cure by potato flowers of various forms of cancer diagnosed at the initial stage. The healing properties of potato flowers in cancer are explained by the ability of solanine to destroy diseased cells.

Treatment is carried out with the help of alcohol or water infusion of flowers. The water infusion is prepared for one day at the rate of a tablespoon of dried flowers per one and a half glasses of water. Brewed in a thermos for 40 minutes.

The infusion is drunk in half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day. Alcohol - 3-4 drops also half an hour before meals.


Headaches and migraines are usually relieved with painkillers. This has a detrimental effect on the health of the digestive system and blood formation.

A towel is moistened with an alcohol solution of potato flowers and applied to the head around the circumference - forehead, temples, nape.

If the pain is local, then the tincture is simply rubbed into this place with light circular movements.

To improve vision

Long work at the computer has a detrimental effect on the eyes. Lotions from potato flowers quickly restore visual acuity and relax the muscles of the eyes. It is necessary to pour boiling water (70 ml) about five fresh or dried flowers, insist and cool to body temperature. Further treatment consists in instillation, rinsing the eyes with a pipette, and also in applying applicators. It is most convenient to use cotton pads as applicators. They need to be soaked with a solution and put on the eyes. Lie quietly with your eyes closed for 15-20 minutes.

Some burning sensation is normal and should not be frightening or disturbing.


Alcohol tincture of potato flowers should be in every home first aid kit. Put a small bottle of infusion on the shelf in the bathroom, and once a month make an application on the gums. This is a very good prevention of periodontitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis.

The application is carried out as follows. Two strips of a hygienic cotton pad are moistened with the infusion and applied to the upper and lower gums. To do this, pull the lip a little and apply the application to the base of the teeth. Hold for 20 minutes.

Thermal burn

The healing properties of potato flowers are known for burns of small areas of the skin. A burn from contact with a hot object or liquid requires mandatory treatment. A cool lotion of potato flowers quickly relieves pain. In addition, solanine prevents blood poisoning and promotes rapid epithelialization of the wound. Timely applied bandage not only relieves pain and heals tissues, but also prevents the formation of unaesthetic scars and spots that always remain after burns and stay on the skin for several years.

Skin burns heal better in the open air. When applying a bandage, healing takes longer and there is a risk of blood poisoning. We recommend making a concentrated water decoction of potato flowers, cool it and pour it into a spray bottle. During the day, you need several times, the more often, the better (especially in the first hours), irrigate the wound with a solution. The next day, prepare a fresh decoction. As practice shows, healing takes place very quickly and almost without a trace.

Women's diseases

An infusion of potato flowers has been successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the female genital organs.

Known medicinal properties of potato flowers with myoma. Infusions of this plant stop the development of the tumor and contribute to a complete cure.

The therapy is carried out as follows. The tampon is soaked in water infusion and inserted into the vagina for two hours. During this time, you should not urinate. The course of treatment is 10 days. To consolidate the result, after a month break, the treatment is repeated.

Potato flowers will help to get rid of thrush forever if, at the first signs of illness, you start douching daily with water infusion.

Cervical erosion is also included in the list of diseases subject to treatment with potato flowers. It is important to capture the onset of inflammation. Water tincture will quickly relieve discomfort - itching and heavy discharge. The positive quality of the action of the tincture is also that it heals erosion without leaving scars.

Warts and papillomas

Solanine has long been considered the main enemy of warts and papillomas. If the growth appeared on the sole of the foot or on the palm, then you need to take a cotton swab, soak it with concentrated water, but not alcohol, infusion of potato flowers, attach it to the sore spot and fix it with a bandage or plaster. This method is much more effective than tying a raw potato or lubricating with celandine juice.

Warts on the face can be irrigated by filling a small spray bottle with the solution. Unlike celandine, potato flowers do not leave any stains on the skin.


As we said at the beginning of the article, solanine has the ability to accumulate in the body, that is, it has a cumulative effect. With prolonged use of infusions from potato flowers, the medicinal properties of which are described in detail in this article, signs of poisoning may be observed. In this case, the medication should be stopped.

Treatment with potato flowers is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. In no case should a small child be given infusions from this plant for ingestion. As for an adult, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment, especially if the patient is already taking strong medications.

For patients with diabetes of various forms, the use of infusions of potato flowers should be agreed with the attending physician. In some forms of diabetes, potato flowers help to lose weight, as they help to remove excess fluid from the body.

Emergency help for solanine poisoning

We talked in detail about potato flowers, medicinal properties and contraindications to their use, however, even with a careful and attentive attitude to the use of infusions, no one is immune from accidental mistakes. For this reason, you need to know not only about the signs of solanine poisoning, but also about how to quickly neutralize the effect of a dangerous poison.

If after drinking the infusion there are unpleasant sensations in the stomach, pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pain, drowsiness, lethargy, perspiration and bitterness in the mouth, convulsions, the pulse rate has sharply increased, emergency measures must be taken immediately. Firstly, immediately call an ambulance, and secondly, drink at least a liter of milk. If there is no milk, then eat 15-20 activated charcoal tablets (it must be in every home first aid kit) or drink 2-3 egg whites.

With due care, potato flower solanine will become a good helper and healer for all family members.


The use of potato flowers in folk medicine:

Potatoes have been eaten since ancient times and have always been considered the most high-calorie food. It is widely available and easy to make a delicious and satisfying breakfast, lunch or dinner. However, few people know that such a product not only has high nutritional properties, but is also very useful for the human body.

In addition, potatoes can also be harmful to health. For a very long time, it has been considered poisonous, and therefore in Europe they could not figure out how to use this vegetable correctly. In order to prepare a remedy, not potato berries are taken, but its tubers or flowers. If you follow the manufacturing rules, you can achieve the desired result. We will talk about how potato flowers are used in folk medicine, what diseases they help to successfully fight and how preparations based on them are properly made, we will talk in this article.

Potato flowers and their use in folk medicine

Potato flowers have been used for many years to prepare medicines according to folk recipes. Their use during dangerous illnesses is universally confirmed. Folk remedies based on the inflorescences of this vegetable are popular today. The recipes are very simple, but do not lose their effectiveness.

Useful components of potato flowers

Most often, potatoes are used by people for cooking delicious food. However, few people think about the fact that along with food, various useful microelements enter the human body, without which human life would be impossible. Of course, this primarily applies to the starch contained in potatoes in large quantities. It is very well absorbed, and also contribute to the saturation of the body. Treatment with potato flowers is also very popular.

In addition, there is quite a lot of vitamin C in potatoes. By consuming about three or four boiled tubers per day, a person receives the required amount of this substance.

Potatoes also contain vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus and various salts. It also contains vitamin A (or keratin), which is actively involved in the vital processes of all internal human organs. It is present in large quantities in tubers, which have a yellowish color because of this, which is the reason for the undesirable use of crumbly white potatoes.

In addition, this product is also rich in various amino acids and contains protein. These substances are required to maintain good health. Why are potato flowers used in folk medicine? Let's figure it out.

Medicinal properties of potatoes

Potatoes stand out among other vegetables because they contain as many nutrients as necessary to fight quite serious ailments. Potato flowers are used to block inflammatory processes. However, the benefits are not limited to them. The curative effect is also exerted by the tubers richest in starch. Boiled potatoes bring great benefits to the stomach, as they envelop it and thus protect it from the influence of various bacteria and pathogenic microbes. In addition, starch in large quantities makes it possible to block the development of peptic ulcers and pathologies associated with the work of the pancreas.

The solanine contained in potatoes has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system in general and the myocardium in particular. The juice obtained from the tubers serves as a remedy for those who suffer from stomach problems and frequent constipation. It acts as an effective and mild laxative. In addition, potato juice promotes the healing of stomach ulcers and does not prevent the appearance of new ones.

The starch present in the composition of the potato can be used for baby powders and talcs. Often it is added to powders and various medications.

How exactly are potato flowers used in folk medicine? Let's figure it out.

Use in cosmetology and medicine

Potato is an integral part of a large number of masks that help make the skin softer and more elastic, eliminating inflammation. Cosmetics containing this product are also used for sunburn. To combat skin diseases such as pyoderma and eczema, raw potatoes are used. Gum disease perfectly treats this vegetable.

Potato-based masks make the skin healthier and more well-groomed. And to cook them is quite within the power of each person. To do this, you will need potatoes, eggs and milk. The tubers must be boiled, then mashed and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. After the resulting mass has cooled, it can be applied to the face and kept for twenty minutes to half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. Potato flowers from papillomas help.


To eliminate burns or roughness on the hands as soon as possible, you can make a mask according to the recipe described above. In the case of using it to moisturize the skin of the hands, you need to apply it and keep it for no more than ten to fifteen minutes. In the presence of burns, potato gruel should be put on a napkin and applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It is recommended to keep it for about an hour or two, after which the compresses need to be changed. The properties of potato flowers are very diverse.

What do potato flowers treat?

Potato flowers in everyday life are not used by humans too often. However, their use brings significant health benefits.

In folk medicine, potato inflorescences are used to treat eye diseases. In dried form, they are used to treat malignant tumors. If you collect pollen correctly, then using it will help improve metabolic processes in the human body.

Potato flowers also help fight tonsillitis and gum disease. In this case, you need to take a tablespoon of dried raw materials, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for several hours. When the broth has cooled, they need to gargle three times a day. The course of treatment is approximately ten days. Then you need to take a monthly break, and then repeat the course again.

In addition to the above, potato inflorescences also treat diseases such as osteochondrosis, stomach ulcers, liver disorders, polyarthritis, tuberculosis, diabetes, fungal inflammation, blood pressure, acne, and various rashes. For these purposes, you need to take an infusion and tinctures based on flowers. They help cleanse the body and treat these diseases.

The use of tincture of potato flowers in oncology

Potato flowers are used in the fight against even such serious diseases as cancer. Their healing properties make it possible to effectively cope with very serious pathologies. However, in this case, you should be especially careful, because the situation is dangerous. Before using alternative methods of treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

To make a medicine, you need to make a real tea from the inflorescences. To this end, you need to brew one tablespoon of raw materials with boiling water, insist on a steam bath for about three hours. In this case, you can also use a thermos. This tea should be drunk at least three times a day. It is best to do this half an hour before meals. On average, four liters of infusion should be drunk for the whole day. What is another use of potato flowers?

Potato tincture for joint pain

For joint pain, a tincture based on potato inflorescences is quite an effective remedy that not only helps relieve pain, but also improves the overall well-being of a person. It is done quite simply: add a tablespoon of coarse salt and 100 milliliters of ammonia to one liter of purified water. All ingredients must be mixed well. At this time, white flakes will begin to appear, so the jar of liquid must be shaken until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. After that, the tincture is ready. To reduce joint pain, you need to apply a gauze compress to the inflamed area, and then cover it with polyethylene or a warm blanket to keep it warm. It is advisable to carry out this procedure two to three times a day.

Arthritis and arthrosis

For people suffering from arthrosis and arthritis, this recipe may come in handy: you need to place potato branches in a glass jar and carefully tamp them. Leave an open container for about two weeks on the windowsill, then add medical alcohol to it, close the jar tightly and keep it in a dark place. The tincture will be ready in a month. It needs to be rubbed into those places that are especially disturbing for three weeks. After that, you need to navigate according to your well-being.

Potato compresses are very good for joint pain. To cook them, you need to take an unripe vegetable and grate it on a fine grater. The resulting mass must be put in water and heated to thirty-eight degrees, then pulled out and put in a special bag. It is he who will need to be applied to disturbing places. You need to keep such a compress for at least half an hour. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before going to bed. As soon as the pain ceases to disturb, it is necessary to stop applying compresses.

With sciatica

If potato flowers insist on vodka, then they will help with sciatica. If the pain intensifies, then with this infusion you need to wipe the limbs. In principle, such a remedy has a positive effect on the body, normalizes blood pressure, helps get rid of shortness of breath and improves breathing. If you drink this tincture for a month, you can evaluate its effect.

Traditionally, when talking about potatoes, everyone is used to talking and thinking only directly about root crops. It never even occurs to anyone that leaves, stems and even flowers can be not only important, but also very useful in traditional medicine. By the way, it is the color that deserves special attention, to which there is still some kind of ambivalence.

Flowers and berries

Potatoes did not quickly and easily become the most famous and widespread food product in many European countries, before that it went a long and thorny path. When he got to Russia, people did not accept him for a long time, because they did not trust anything new. At the same time, most people were more negative and called this unknown product something alien and bad. But, it is worth paying attention that, in truth, such a reaction to potatoes was to a greater extent due to constant poisoning in people who tried it. This is not surprising, because, as you know, the alkaloid and solanine are known for their strongest poisonous qualities.

Despite this, after many years, they began to look more closely at the flowers of potatoes, and today most people are not so categorical in matters of their harmfulness. By the way, even in those distant times, when potatoes were not held in high esteem in the kitchen, hairstyles and even wigs were often decorated with flowers.

Many years passed until people finally realized that not everything is so bad and that a golden mean can be found in everything. In addition, if you look at it in more detail, then such a dangerous element as solanine is found to a greater extent in potato berries, and not in flowers. In fact, the poison is of great importance, because it is he who saves the plant from all kinds of fungal diseases and has a strong insecticidal effect. Also, as a result of long-term research by the best scientists, it turned out that it was potato flowers that had a huge impact on staphylococci and any other fungi such as Candida, moreover, they suppressed them until they completely disappeared. Today, no plant can boast of such properties.

How to prepare a tincture?

Recipe 1.

Most often, in folk medicine, only fresh flowers are used, because only in this way will the tincture contain all the necessary properties. Of course, some of them are dried, the main thing is that this is done correctly, and as a result they do not become moldy. To prepare an infusion of fresh potato flowers, immediately after harvesting, finely chop them, and it is best to twist them in a meat grinder or beat them in a blender. Then carefully transfer the resulting mass into a separate bowl with a lid, which must be closed very tightly, and pour vodka. Literally in seven days, a wonderful and most importantly useful natural infusion on vodka will be ready!

Such a medicine is usually used exclusively in drops that can be added to tea. It is especially useful to drink it in those unpleasant cases when there are various fungi in the body, as well as at high pressure, respectively, to normalize it. There is also a method of rubbing tincture of damaged areas on the body, exactly where the fungus progresses. In this case, you can easily and painlessly completely get rid of age spots on the skin. For ease of application, it is mixed with petroleum jelly, although this can be very difficult. It is also popular with most people to simply moisten the cloth in the infusion and make such dressings at night, just on those places that especially require treatment.

By the way, tincture of potato flowers is rightfully considered a lifesaver of teeth and gums - if you constantly rinse your mouth with it, you can forget the way to the dentist for a long time.

Recipe 2.

Another excellent and common way to make a tincture is to dry it immediately after the buds appear. Be sure to make sure that they do not have time to bloom and immediately pluck them. This is so important because it is during such a period that they contain the maximum of useful substances.

The collected color must be completely poured into a bottle or other convenient container and pour vodka. Shake all this well, close tightly and leave in a warm place for at least two weeks. Such a tincture is further considered an excellent tool for rubbing diseased joints. It can also be used as a means of dealing with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is taken only orally 2 times a day, 10 drops. Such a course of treatment should take no more than a week, in especially difficult and advanced cases, you can extend the course, but with a break of 2 weeks. By the way, it is very important not to overdo it with doses, because you should not forget that the tincture contains such a dangerous component as solanine. It is best not to experiment on your health and consult with a competent specialist before starting the course.

What and how can be treated with such a tincture?

Each person must know and not forget that in addition to great benefits, potato flowers can be dangerous not only to health, but also to life. That is why such a medicine can only be used in difficult cases and exclusively with a homeopathic dosage, in other words, no more than a few teaspoons per day. This is so important, because literally an extra drop can not only harm the body, but also be life-threatening. At the same time, one should not forget that such an infusion can cure many diseases, as well as positively affect the state of blood vessels, as well as the whole organism as a whole.

By the way, flowers can very easily and quickly cure a sore throat. To do this, it is enough to boil just one spoonful of fresh buds in a glass of water and wait until the resulting infusion cools down. After that, you can begin to periodically rinse your throat with it, which, literally after the third time, will begin to calm down.

Potato flowers are even credited with beneficial properties in the treatment of such complex diseases as lung cancer and tuberculosis.

For all their usefulness, such tinctures, unfortunately, have one drawback - they quickly deteriorate, as a result of which they simply begin to smell bad and even grow moldy. That is why the tincture aged on pure alcohol is so popular today.

In the list of diseases that such a unique medicine can easily cope with are:

  • fungus of any type and complexity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • tonsillitis and many other respiratory diseases;
  • high or low pressure.

By the way, it will be a pleasant discovery for young people to find out that with the help of this folk remedy, you can easily get rid of age-related acne and acne, and also, in general, noticeably improve skin condition.

What is important to know about safety?

As you know, not every poison is dangerous for the human body and can even be useful if used wisely. But everyone needs to know some features of potato flowers! First of all, you need to remember that you need to collect the color before the Colorado potato beetle attacks it, and especially before treating the bushes with chemicals from it. And it is best to completely abandon this method of processing bushes, if there are plans to use color for medicinal purposes.

When using ready-made tincture, even as rubbing or dressings, take in a ratio of no more than 10 drops per 1 glass of water, because, as you know, even one extra drop can create unnecessary problems, if not worse.

In the same way, it must be taken orally with all caution, because the poison has an interesting and unpleasant property not only to remain in the body, but also to accumulate. If the correct dosage is not observed, such an accumulation will sooner or later make itself felt. Usually the human body itself shows that the medicine is not suitable or even worse - often this is expressed by tachycardia, nausea, interruptions in the normal functioning of the heart and a general state of lethargy immediately after taking. If at least one of these symptoms is observed, you should immediately stop taking the tincture in any form, or at least reduce the dosage to a minimum.

It has already been mentioned that harvesting the young color of potatoes before the bug spraying begins, but it is also very important to do this away from places where there is a road or highway.

Also, even taking into account the fact that such infusions are exclusively traditional medicine, one should not forget about doctors and always consult with them before taking such medicines. Moreover, only an experienced specialist will be able to draw up the correct schedule and dosage of taking the medicine, which is absolutely impossible to do on your own! After all, as you know, alkaloids and solanine, which are contained in potato flowers, are pure poison, which, moreover, is not excreted from the body over time, but, on the contrary, only accumulates. Therefore, self-medication can not only harm your health, but also make it worse. The slightest overdose leads to very strong poisoning, from which it will then be very difficult to move away.

Potatoes are the most popular root crop: there is probably no such person who has never eaten potato dishes in his life. And in terms of cultivation, this vegetable occupies one of the first places - almost every gardener grows it.

It would seem that the popularity of potatoes is explained simply, but few people know that wonderful tinctures can be prepared on the basis of the flowers of this root crop. We will talk about this, as well as about the main properties of potato flowers further.

Botanical description

Potato flowers are small, collected in racemose inflorescences. They are self-pollinating, sprite-petal. Color - white, pink, red or blue-violet (depending on the variety).

The flowering activity of different varieties is different. Some species simply drop buds and do not bloom at all, others may bloom, but do not form berries.

Flowering activity is affected by temperature and humidity. In arid, hot regions, potatoes bloom much weaker than in the north.

Chemical composition

Flowers in their composition represent a unique set of useful elements with their ideal ratio.

Did you know? Potatoes contain 35% of the elements necessary for the body.

Medicinal properties

Potato flowers owe their healing properties to the steroid alkaloid solanine (the strongest poison), which all nightshades contain. This steroid is found in all parts of the vegetable, but its highest concentration (1580-3540 mg) is in the flowers.
Infusions from potato flowers are valued for the fact that they:

  • perfectly cope with swelling of the nose;
  • help normalize blood pressure;
  • activate the heart muscle;
  • normalize the pulse;
  • help with allergies;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • heal wounds and scratches;
  • reduce pain symptoms;
  • help fight viruses and fungal diseases;
  • effective against the tuberculosis virus.

Did you know?Solanine can be obtained from green tubers and potato sprouts.

Application in traditional medicine

For a long time, alternative medicine has been using potato flowers to prepare a variety of potions that help a person cope with the most dangerous and serious diseases. Such tools are popular today. Despite the fact that these recipes are quite effective, the technology for their manufacture is simple.

Most often, infusions from potato inflorescences are used in the presence of tumor formations, which can be both benign and malignant. If the formation is external, then lotions are used.
Well infusions of flowers help to cope with colds. And if you apply the product to your toothbrush before brushing your teeth, you can get rid of caries and whiten your teeth.

Application in cosmetology

Potato tubers are part of many skin masks. With the help of such products, you can improve the condition of the skin, make it more elastic, get rid of various inflammations.

Cosmetic products containing potato inflorescences help in the treatment of sunburn and papillomas.

Indications for use

Despite the fact that solanine in large doses is a poison, in small doses it can help get rid of many diseases (or alleviate their symptoms):

  • tumors of various origin and development;
  • purulent diseases on the skin;
  • arthritis;
  • increased diaper rash of the legs;
  • fungus;
  • sinusitis;
  • skin itching;
  • viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

Harm and side effect

When using potato flower tinctures for treatment, it is important to follow the dosage. As a result of exceeding the norm, the following side effects occur:

  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • burning on the tongue;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • decrease in motor and mental activity;
  • signs of heart failure;
  • stomach ache.

Important!It should also be borne in mind that solanine tends to accumulate in the body, and it is excreted extremely slowly. Therefore, before treatment, be sure to consult a specialist.


In no case should you use poisonous tincture for the following categories of people:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 12;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • people with metabolic disorders;
  • having venereal diseases.
In addition, it is not recommended to use solanine for the treatment of people with increased sexual excitability, suffering from intestinal diseases (colitis, enteritis, etc.) and in violation of the acid-base balance.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

Potato is a crop that has the shortest flowering period. That is why it is important not to miss the moment and collect raw materials on time.

The inflorescences are harvested after they are fully bloomed (on the sixth or seventh day), since the nutrients accumulate at this time to the maximum. It is better to choose warm, dry weather, and the ideal time is from 6:00 to 14:00.
After harvesting, the flowers are sorted and dried thoroughly. The drying process should take place exclusively in a shaded (under a canopy, avoiding sunlight) and not very cool place.

Important! Due to the fact that dried potato flowers cannot be stored for a long time, an alternative harvesting method is alcohol infusion.

Store prepared raw materials in a cool, well-ventilated area in cloth bags. Shelf life - no more than a year.

Preparation of medicinal potions

To get a truly healing remedy, you should be very careful about the technology of preparation.

water infusion

It is not difficult to prepare such a drug: a tablespoon of dried inflorescences is poured with a liter of boiling water and placed in a water bath. After 3 hours, the resulting infusion can be removed.

For diseases of the stomach and duodenum, they drink three times a day, a tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals. After a total of 4 liters of medication is drunk, the treatment is suspended for a month.

The infusion is also used at elevated pressure, to relieve spasms in the bronchi and to gargle with sore throat.
Store in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

Vodka infusion

To prepare such a tincture, you will need 20 g (3 tablespoons) of potato inflorescences, 800 ml of boiling water, 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. The flowers are poured with boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours. Then the solution is filtered and supplemented with vodka. You can store such a tool for no more than two weeks.

It is used, like an aqueous infusion, for high blood pressure, joint pain (externally), for the treatment of infectious and colds.

Potato flowers - from many diseases
Walking along the rows of flowering potatoes, you are surprised to see that there are not a single insect, not a single bee on the flowers. And only when you delve into the special scientific literature, you understand what's what: potato flowers are simply poisonous. And the poison they contain is serious - the alkaloid solanine. This substance is also rich in tops and green and sprouted potato tubers (they can not be eaten by either humans or animals). Treatment with flowers and sprouts of potatoes, cosmetic masks for those over 40.

Solanine can cause severe poisoning. Its main symptoms are: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, inhibition of motor and mental activity, difficulty breathing, cardiovascular insufficiency, in severe cases - coma. First aid: gastric lavage with an aqueous suspension of activated charcoal or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. If necessary - artificial respiration. However, in small doses, solanine has medicinal properties and has a wide spectrum of action with radical and effective results. What I experienced on myself and my loved ones. Treatment with tincture of flowers and sprouts of potatoes, cosmetic masks for those over 40.

I'll start in order. I grow potatoes in a clean ecological environment. As fertilizer, I only apply ash or lake silt. Different mineral (chemical) fertilizers are out of the question! So the flowers do not acquire any unforeseen, extraneous properties.

At first, I was treated with potato flowers infused with water, but soon became disappointed, because the water infusion quickly deteriorates on the second or third day: it emits an unpleasant odor, becomes covered with mold. Then I started doing this: for 0.8 liters of water infusion of flowers, I added about 100 ml of vodka. This tincture was stored for a long time. How to be treated with potato sprouts and flowers, the composition of cosmetic masks for someone over 40.

But over time, I switched to a different way of harvesting flowers for the future. I consider it the best. I pass the freshly picked potato flowers through a meat grinder, put the resulting mass (about three-quarters) into a tightly closed vessel (a bottle with a wide screw-down neck), pour vodka. A week later, the tincture is ready. But the drying of the flowers is doubtful: they turn black, and when poured in two layers, they become covered with mold and, obviously, lose their healing properties. In vodka tincture, the flowers retain these properties perfectly. Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with potato flowers at home. Cosmetic mask from potatoes for the skin of the face to whom over 40 folk remedies.

When I was still being treated with an aqueous infusion of flowers with the addition of vodka, then 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, I drank 0.5 cups of this drug - in order to get rid of two tumors (they are on my chest, almost under my arm, and in my groin ). At first, there seemed to be an improvement, but after two weeks, poisoning set in. His symptoms were as I have described above. How to be treated with tincture of flowers and sprouts of potatoes, how to apply cosmetic masks to women who are over 40.

I immediately stopped taking the drug. But it was necessary to be treated, especially since I knew that tinctures of potato flowers in many recommendations of traditional medicine are considered one of the most effective means of healing. Yes, and from the medical literature it is known that ingestion of small concentrations of solanine gives a significant therapeutic effect (back in 1965, Soviet pharmacologists discovered its anti-inflammatory and heart tone-improving properties). A cosmetic mask made from potatoes for someone over 40. How to use the flowers and sprouts of potatoes for treatment, preparing a tincture.

I began to think, read some more scientific literature and came to the conclusion that solanine, like some other toxic substances, has a cumulative effect, that is, it gradually accumulates in the body when it is used for a long time. This gradual accumulation of toxins in the body is not noticed at all at first, and therefore, signs of poisoning (that is, the penetration of toxic substances into the organs and the occurrence of persistent long-term disorders) are not felt either. I also became aware that solanine is firmly held in the body and is very slowly excreted from it. Folk remedies for home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, the composition of cosmetic masks for women over 40.

I took a break for a week until I felt that the symptoms of poisoning were gone. Then he again began to take the drug (water infusion of flowers plus vodka), but in smaller doses: every other day, 2 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons, and even washed down with a small amount of warm boiled water. Such moderate use did not have a toxic effect. And then I completely switched to taking a tincture of flowers, prepared only with vodka, without the presence of water. I repeat once again: since potato flowers are poisonous, they must be treated very carefully, not a single extra drop should be used. For example, now I take no more than 10 drops per day (I add them to tea or just pure water). And as soon as I felt that there were even the most insignificant signs of poisoning, I immediately stopped taking it for 2-3 days, or even longer.

I used and continue to use the tincture of potato flowers not only internally, but also externally. For example, he applied to his tumors a thick flannel fabric, richly soaked in tincture. This also had a positive effect. First, I applied the fabric for 1 hour, and then - for the whole night, from time to time letting the fabric cool down, since it is very hot when applied to the body for a long time. Tincture of flowers and sprouts of potatoes in the treatment of diseases, the composition of cosmetic masks from potatoes who are over 40.

After just one treatment with tincture, the diaper rash of my legs disappeared, although before that I had lubricated my fingers and feet with pharmacy ointments to no avail.

Lotions from the tincture of potato flowers completely relieve skin itching, acne and a number of other skin diseases.

I used the tincture for inhalation for colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This procedure gives amazing results: coughing, sneezing, itching of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and pharynx immediately disappear. For two nights, I remember, I was tormented: I was choking with a cough, my nose was tightly stuffed up, there was nothing to breathe. I made an inhalation - and immediately everything disappeared, as if by hand! Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with flowers and sprouts of potatoes at home. Cosmetic mask from potatoes for the skin of the face to whom over 40 folk remedies.

I brush my teeth, rinse my mouth and throat with boiled water, into which I pour a little tincture of potato flowers. As a result, the development of dental caries stopped. Those that still survived were white and fresh as new. If I had known earlier about such a healing effect of potato flowers, I would not have lost a single tooth. Now I am glad that I found a means to save the rest.

I rinse my nose, especially when it is stuffed up: I pour a little water into my palm with the addition of tincture of flowers, pull it in with my nose, then splash it out. And when I have time, I treat my throat, nose and mouth with an inhaler: I inhale the sprayed particles of the solution with my whole chest, so that it reaches the lungs. I continued to study in detail the healing properties of potato flowers and came to the conclusion that they, it turns out, are out of competition among plants capable of suppressing the pathogenic activity of fungi, primarily of the candidate type, as well as Staphylococcus aureus. Folk remedies for home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, cosmetic potato masks for women over 40.

How to apply tincture of potato flowers externally for fungal skin lesions? Just moistening it with, say, nails and areas between the fingers infected with fungi is ineffective. It is best to thoroughly mix the tincture with petroleum jelly (although these components do not mix well), and then lubricate the affected areas with this mixture. Such a mixture keeps on the skin for a long time, does not dry out and works better than simple wetting.

My whole family treats skin fungal sores with a tincture of potato flowers. My daughter's mole, sitting on her lower back, began to grow some kind of itchy neoplasm, in addition, it was constantly irritated by the belt. The doctors didn't help. The daughter only lubricated the mole several times with a tincture of potato flowers, and this stopped the growth of the neoplasm, and then it disappeared completely. I also remove all kinds of spots on my skin with the help of tincture of potato flowers. At night I continue to lubricate my two tumors: although they do not disappear at all, they do not increase, they do not bother with pain. Treatment with folk remedies, tincture of flowers and sprouts of potatoes for arthritis and joint diseases. Cosmetic masks from potatoes, cooking at home, for women who are over 40.

What has changed in my body? A lot of things. The main thing is that now I am not so much overcome by fatigue, less often there are leg cramps. I felt some lightness in my body, emotional uplift, optimism. Sometimes I even forget my age. Rejuvenation?! Hardly. Most likely, this is the cleansing of the body, all its organs and cells, blood and brain from accumulations of fungi and other harmful microorganisms, thanks to which I feel like a healthy, full of energy person. Grigory OSHCHENKO, Poronaysk, Sakhalin region Source www.fismag.ru

Treatment with flowers and sprouts of potatoes.
Whole potatoes and tubers, and sprouts, and stems, and flowers - have pronounced healing properties. Potato flowers infused with vodka are great for sciatica. During attacks, tincture is rubbed on painful places and taken orally 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Whole potatoes and tubers, and sprouts, and stems, and flowers - have pronounced healing properties. Potato flowers infused with vodka are great for sciatica. During attacks, tincture is rubbed on painful places and taken orally 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

An infusion of dried potato flowers helps lower blood pressure and also stimulates respiration. It is enough to drink it for a month, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, so that the pressure becomes normal. For chronic hypertensive patients, this is just a salvation. It is prepared like this - brew 1 teaspoon of dried potato flowers with a glass of boiling water and insist. Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with potato sprouts and flowers at home. Cosmetic mask from potatoes for the skin of the face to whom over 40 folk remedies.

Alcohol and water infusions are also used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and as an antitumor agent. Flowers are collected in dry weather, dried under a canopy, stored for no more than a year in canvas bags.

Water infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain before use. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day after meals.

Alcohol infusion: fill the bottle to the top with flowers, pour alcohol or vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Take according to a certain scheme (on the advice of a doctor), depending on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient. Folk remedies for home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, the composition of cosmetic masks for women over 40.

With a decrease in vision, pour 1 tablespoon of sprouts of potato tubers sprouted in the cellar with 1 glass of vodka. Insist 1 week. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

In folk medicine, an infusion of potato flowers is used for cancer. Brew 1 tablespoon of dried potato flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a water bath for 3 hours (you can insist 3 hours in a thermos). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Thus, for a course of treatment, you need to drink 4 liters of infusion.

In scientific and folk medicine, the potato diet is recommended as a diuretic, fresh juice is used for scurvy, scrofula, hemorrhoids, goiter, constipation, gastritis with high acidity, and in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Treatment of folk remedies, potatoes, flowers and sprouts of potatoes for arthritis, joint diseases. Cosmetic masks from potatoes cooking at home to someone over 40.

In cosmetic practice, potato juice is introduced into the composition of nourishing masks, and inhalation of the steam obtained from freshly boiled potatoes helps with catarrhs ​​of the respiratory tract. Raw potato compresses also have healing properties. Mashed potatoes mixed with olive oil are applied to a sore spot with inflammation of the joints, arthritis, hemorrhoids, as well as burn wounds, boils, abscesses and places affected by eczema.

Potato juice is drunk to cleanse the body of toxins.
It regulates bowel function, stops heartburn and pain, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic effects, promotes healing of ulcers.

Drink potato juice 100 ml twice a day half an hour before meals, women with breast fibroadenoma. Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with flowers and sprouts of potatoes at home. Cosmetic mask from potatoes for the skin of the face to whom over 40 folk remedies.

For pain in the joints, a rub of potato flowers infused with triple cologne or vodka is used.

Treatment of arthritis, joint pain.
1) To relieve pain in the joints and legs, it is recommended to apply compresses from green potatoes chopped on a grater or in a meat grinder to sore spots.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly and, without removing the peel, chop. Put the resulting mass into hot water and heat to a temperature slightly above 38 ° C. Then, without squeezing, put the potatoes in a bag made of burlap. Moreover, the bag itself should correspond in shape to the lower leg, ankle joint or fingers, depending on where the compress should be placed. Under the bag, you must first lay an oilcloth. The thickness of the potato layer should be 1.5 - 2 cm. Wrap the sore spot with this bag and cover with oilcloth, then bandage it so that nothing flows out of the compress. With a compress, you should go to bed with your foot on the pillow. Sleep comes quickly as soon as warmth is felt. If the compress does not warm, then it is made poorly. The pain disappears within 20-30 minutes and does not recur until the next exacerbation. Apply the compress daily at night. This must be done within 7 days, and after that - according to the result. If in the first 2-3 days the pain disappeared and then does not appear, there is no need to apply a compress further. Treatment of folk remedies with flowers and sprouts of potatoes for arthritis, joint diseases. Cosmetic masks from potatoes cooking at home to someone over 40.

2) Drink a decoction of potatoes in the morning on an empty stomach, then in the afternoon and before going to bed. It is also recommended to eat 1-2 potatoes - raw, finely chopped on a grater along with the peel.

3) The Indians use the following method of treatment: whole potato tubers are applied to diseased joints, and if the joints of the fingers are swollen, then the potato is sorted out in the hand like a ball, and at night they put a glove with a potato on the hand or tie the potato to the diseased joint. Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with potato flowers at home. Cosmetic mask from potatoes for the skin of the face to whom over 40 folk remedies.

Ambulance medicine for joint pain.
This medicine should be in every home.
Pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coarse salt in 1 liter of water and stir. Separately, take 80-100 ml of 10% ammonia and pour in 10 g of camphor alcohol. Shake the mixture and combine with saline. White flakes will appear. Close the container with a lid and shake the container until the flakes disappear. The medicine is ready. Treatment with potato flowers at home. Cosmetic mask from potato flowers folk remedy.

To relieve a headache, heat the mixture in a water bath, wet your entire head with it and tie your head overnight with a warm scarf. Potato flowers, treatment of diseases with potato flowers, folk remedy. For pain in the joints, make a lotion on the joint, putting compress paper or cellophane on top, and wrap it up. Lotions can be done 2-3 times a day. Cheap and efficient. Folk remedies for home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, the composition of cosmetic masks for women over 40.

Potatoes will relieve joint pain.
Treatment with potato flowers is a folk remedy. It is necessary to boil the potatoes in their skins, knead them well in the water in which they were boiled. Let stand well. Starch remains below, and medicinal infusion remains on top. Carefully drain it and drink 3 times a day for 1/3 cup. As a result: both pains are removed, and you can lose weight.

For those suffering from gout, arthritis, arthrosis, heel spurs, the following remedy will help:
fill a jar of light glass entirely with potato sprouts (choose the thickest and shortest, do not wash), lightly crush. Put an open jar on the windowsill for 2 weeks, after this period, fill the jar with medical alcohol (300 g of alcohol is needed for a half-liter jar), close tightly and place in a dark place for a month. Strain. Once a day, before going to bed, rub sore spots. One course lasts 2-3 weeks, according to well-being. Treatment of folk remedies with flowers and sprouts of potatoes for arthritis, joint diseases. Cosmetic masks from potatoes for women at home who are over 40.
Source zabolevaniya.ru

Although potato flowers do not belong to the category of medicinal raw materials, traditional medicine has repeatedly proven their effectiveness and healing power. Potato flowers owe their medicinal properties to the steroidal alkaloid solanine, which is rich in many representatives of the nightshade family. Solanine is found in all parts of the plant, but its highest concentration is noted in flowers (within 1580 - 3540 mg%), so they are not inferior, and often surpass seedlings in strength (in seedlings, the presence of solanine varies between 565 - 4070 mg%) .

Pharmacological properties of solanine

It is necessary to consider the pharmacokinetics of the action of potato flowers, starting from the pharmacological properties of solanine, which, according to its chemical structure, has a common skeleton with corticosteroids and cardiac glycosides. Obviously, such a structure of solanine gives every reason to assume that the substance, on the one hand, has an effect on cardiac activity, on the other hand, on the kidneys and adrenal cortex. The results of experiments conducted in the study of solanine made it possible to determine the mass of the medicinal properties of this alkaloid.

Here are just a few excerpts from the experiments:

A persistent and prolonged decrease in blood pressure was observed with the introduction of solanine at a dose of 3 mg/kg.
- Solanine at a dose of 1 - 20 mg / kg delays inflammation (the experiment was conducted on experimental animals with "kaolin arthritis").
- Solanine and cortisone at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg showed the same effectiveness in relieving burn shock.
- Solanine has an analgesic effect.
- Solanine effectively suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus and fungi of the genus Candida.

The official conclusion on solanine is as follows: "The alkaloid has a low toxicity, no less effective than cortisone. It causes an increase in cardiac activity, increases the amplitude and at the same time reduces the rhythm of heart contractions. The antiallergic effect of the drug has been proven."

Preparations based on potato flowers

1. Water infusion. The drug is being prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. potato flowers in 250 ml of boiling water. The infusion can be used both externally (for rinsing with angina) and for internal use (lowers blood pressure and relieves bronchospasm). A significant disadvantage is that the infusion is stored for a short time (2-3 days). To preserve the water infusion, you can add 100 ml of vodka to 800 ml of the drug - this method allows you to save the product for a longer time.

2. Tincture - the most promising method of harvesting for the future. Pass fresh potato flowers through a meat grinder, put in a glass dish and pour vodka. The container must be tightly closed. Time of infusion - from 14 to 21 days. Compared to water infusion, tincture has a stronger effect, since solanine is much more soluble in alcohol than in water. You can take a medicinal tincture inside up to 10 drops, while you need to monitor the state of the body, and at the first signs of poisoning, stop taking it until the symptoms disappear.

What is treated with potato flower preparations?

Potato flower tincture has shown high efficiency in the treatment of dermatological skin problems and traumatic injuries (including burns). Tincture can be used for the prevention and treatment of neoplasms (for example, with the threat of malignant degeneration of moles and papillomas). A diluted tincture is used for rinsing the throat and mouth during the epidemic of acute respiratory and viral infections (both for prevention and for treatment). Rinsing the mouth is recommended in case of diseases of the gums and teeth. In gynecology, the tincture can be used to prepare douche solutions (against vaginal infections).

The internal use of the tincture was mentioned earlier.

Side effects and precautions

Solanine, although it has a low toxicity, can accumulate in the body (cumulative effect), so long-term use of medicinal preparations based on potato flowers can cause poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning are as follows: dizziness, nausea and vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances (for example, tachycardia) and other unpleasant sensations. In case of symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.



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