How to grow a new tooth to replace the removed one. For teeth to grow a third time, they need an order

Most people have encountered a problem when they had to for one reason or another. It is painful and unpleasant, but it is even more unpleasant to live without a tooth all your life, besides, it spoils an attractive smile.

And then the only option to return the lost tooth is to resort to or. But both have their disadvantages, as they are not suitable for long-term use and may break down after several years of use.

What if you were offered to grow new teeth in a natural way instead of extracted teeth? It is clear that your natural teeth are much better than artificial ones.

Although the offer is quite tempting, but for the implementation of such an idea, it will have to wait several years, when the latest technology will be put into operation in clinics.

In the meantime, let's take a closer look at the method in order to know what can be expected in the near future.

How can new teeth be grown?

At this stage, more than one way to grow a tooth in a natural way has been developed. But unfortunately all this is still only in the initial development.

Although several experiments have already been carried out on growing teeth in an adult. There are many studies and attempts to grow a normal healthy tooth.

Most of the experiments carried out have given a positive result, but it will still be enough time before the technology is launched into free use in dental clinics.

The main methods of growing teeth, which are confirmed by research and positive practical results, are:

  • change in genes;
  • from stem cells;
  • ultrasonic technology;
  • laser correction.

Creating a tooth with changes at the gene level

All people in childhood who stay with us until the end of life. But if a person loses any of his permanent teeth, he will not grow back.

Scientists also conducted studies during which they discovered the very human gene that is responsible for the change of teeth, while it prevents the formation of extra ones. If this gene were absent in the body, then a person would not have 32 teeth, but, like a shark, an infinite number.

In addition, in the course of experimental studies, it was found that when this gene was removed, new teeth grew in mice. Thus, it is possible to change this gene in humans, so that a new one grows in place of the extracted tooth.

Growing teeth with stem cells

Currently, the most discussed topic in genetic engineering is stem cells. Thanks to stem cells and some manipulations, almost any organ of the human body can be recreated.

To create any desired human tissue, you can manipulate stem cells with the necessary molecular information, that is, transplant them to the right place. After the cells are transplanted to the place of the lost tooth, they are left alone, which gives time for the formation of a new tooth in the required size.

For this kind of experiment, stem cells from dental gums or bone marrow are excellent. As for the sensations that should arise during the process of forming a new tooth, this is a similar feeling experienced by everyone in childhood with.

Growing a bioengineered tooth

But extracting such cells from the bone marrow is a very painful process. Scientists are trying with all their might to facilitate the process of separating stem cells from the bone marrow. That is why in the coming years, people will not be able to use the service of growing teeth in a natural way.

Several experiments have already been carried out with positive results. Scientists have managed to achieve from stem cell transplantation the formation of a normal functioning tooth, no different from others.

That is, he, like others, had nerve endings, blood vessels, enamel and all other components of a standard tooth. So far, such an experiment has been carried out only on mice, and it may not be transferred to humans earlier than in 10 years. But scientists want to refine their methodology in the coming years.

Use of ultrasonic technology

Another way to grow new teeth for the third time is with ultrasound technology. Thanks to this innovative technology, a lost tooth can be painlessly restored.

This happens by transmitting an ultrasound device into the jaw of a person, at the place where a new tooth is needed. Such impulses stimulate the gums and jaw, which is why, in fact, a completely lost or injured tooth of an adult can be restored.

In other words, we can say that there is a massage of the necessary place of the gums. This method is the most original and has a huge potential that can amaze the world in the near future.

Laser correction

The last of the possible methods of naturally growing teeth is laser correction. In general, it seems that using a laser for growing teeth and restoring any part of the body is pure fantasy.

But experts are ready to prove otherwise, and moreover, they have already demonstrated how painless operations can be performed using a laser. Therefore, in the future, they plan to introduce laser technology into dentistry.

Scientists have tested this technology using various mammalian cells under a microscope. And each experiment showed the appearance of specific molecules that contain oxygen. This happened after laser radiation.

The molecules that appeared affected the stem cells, due to which the dental tissue was restored and a new one was formed. Scientists have seen how laser technology can trigger a regeneration process. Nobody has ever seen anything like this.

After such studies, scientists decided to conduct experiments on human stem cells of teeth. The result was the same as before. That is, lasers managed to activate stem cells, which in fact will make it possible to create various types of cells in large numbers.

Estimated prices

As for the prices for the future service of growing teeth in dental clinics, there is no exact data yet and one can only roughly assume that it will not be cheap. Apparently, not everyone will be able to use this service, since the new technology will not be available.

At the moment, only the cost of extracting stem cells is known, and it already exceeds the price of implants or - and averages 1000 euros.

That is why a person will have to pay about 3,000 euros for growing one tooth, including the price of an injection.

Summing up

Thus, soon all people will be able to finally get rid of dental implants and prostheses, if at least one of the methods of restoring the dentition goes beyond the scope of laboratory research.

Then scientists will be able to easily introduce new technologies to the market for open access, and in every dental clinic, anyone who has the right amount of money will be able to use this service.

Although growing teeth naturally will not be a cheap service, some people will still be able to take advantage of it. Technology does not stand still, but moves towards a person in order to improve his life.


Tooth regeneration: myth or reality

Dental problems are found in almost all people, and most are faced with the need to restore them. Unfortunately, today there is no proven and reliable technology for growing teeth, so patients have to be content with and. However, scientists and practitioners from around the world continue to look for ways that could allow new teeth to be grown to replace those removed.

Latest cultivation research

At one time, Japanese scientists tried to grow teeth from a specially processed piece of tissue created from stem cells. Of course, the experiments were carried out only on experimental mice and rats. The result was very impressive - scientists managed to create a full-fledged incisor right in the mouth of a rodent. According to the researchers, the element received all the necessary elements - nerves, enamel, blood vessels and dentin.

However, scientists had to carry out a series of complex manipulations with mouse stem cells. The created embryo was placed in the well immediately after. At the same time, a fluorescent protein was introduced into the cells, with the help of which scientists monitored not only the process of growth of individual elements of the structure, but also the possible development of foreign formations.

However, world experts in the field of dentistry and genetic engineering agree that the results achieved are too exaggerated, and the issue of tooth regeneration remains open, especially since there is no direct evidence of the possibility of using this technology in relation to people. The fact is that the tooth is characterized by a rather complex structure. At the same time, enamel, dentin, blood vessels, nerves - all this should grow evenly and in a timely manner. It will not be able to perform its functions if it has the slightest deviation from the norm, for example, there will be too much hard shell on it or an unnaturally large nerve bundle will form inside.

Specialists from the USA are also involved in the issue of regeneration of bone tissue and dental pulp. They are studying this process in cichlids, a separate species of freshwater fish. In the course of the research, scientists have identified the presence of a special gene that is responsible for the formation of teeth. The experiments gave specialists the opportunity to take control of the formation of rows in fish.

So is it possible to grow new teeth for an adult? To date, the answer to this question is unequivocal - no. Unfortunately, there are no proven methods that would allow you to grow new young teeth instead of removed ones, and even more so on your own and at home. Despite the presence on the Internet of reviews of the successful practice of applying certain techniques, in fact, it is unrealistic to do this, regardless of age.

Known Recovery Techniques

Although science has not found a guaranteed way to grow teeth, there are alternative methods based mainly on spiritual practices and alternative medicine. So, for example, according to Bolotov, elements of the series can be grown using various tinctures of vodka on calamus and propolis. Garyaev, in turn, assures that deep work with the subconscious allows you to achieve your goals. However, it should be understood here that all these methods exist only in theory and do not have any hard evidence.

Among the most famous non-traditional methods, the following theories can be distinguished:

Methods using ultrasound or laser

The method using ultrasound was successfully applied by Harvard specialists. Rabbits acted as experimental subjects. The low-frequency pulses that the equipment transmits, in theory, contribute to the restoration of diseased and decayed teeth. Moreover, this method involves an integrated approach to solving the problem, that is, using stem cells.

Despite the variety of existing methods and numerous studies in this area, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to grow new teeth and how to do it remains unambiguous - today it is impossible to do this. More answers on this topic can be found in the video below.

It turns out that this is quite possible, and moreover, a case has been recorded in medicine with the growth of new teeth, not in infants, but in adults, the elderly. True, such cases are few, but they still exist. And this is the very principle and mechanism of the growth of new teeth in an adult, according to the testimony of that person himself. See below.

Which of us has not dreamed that his teeth would never hurt, and if a tooth had to be pulled out, then in place of the removed one, a new one would certainly grow. Moreover, there is no fantasy in this, since many marine and terrestrial animals have such an ability to change their teeth all their lives, for example, elephants, sharks and others.

Surprisingly, this ability also breaks through in humans. It breaks through, because sometimes older citizens actually suddenly grow new snow-white teeth for the third time, as in childhood instead of milk teeth. Scientists have long been interested in this fact.

Can teeth grow a third time?

It turns out that there are many such cases, however, on the scale of our planet, this is a drop in the ocean. Unfortunately, the mechanism of such regeneration of teeth is still unknown, although, according to sages, people of former civilizations, say, Hyperboreans, Atlanteans, did not suffer from the absence of teeth in old age, which is inherent in modern people. However, they still knew how to levitate, teleport, read minds, move and lift objects with their thoughts (for example, the Mayan tribes did not know the wheel, but they moved any loads and multi-ton stone slabs with fantastic ease, which we can only dream of) and much more. But even today there are people capable of all this. There are those lucky ones who have experienced the third change of teeth ...

Scientists go their own way in restoring teeth

Despite the fact that a person, under special conditions, is able not only to grow new teeth, but even to restore a lost leg or arm, not to mention the internal organs, scientists are used to approaching any problem not from the inside, but, as it were, from the outside (they always climb into house through the window). That is why today they are intensively looking not for the opportunity to “wake up the human body”, but for methods of artificial restoration of lost teeth. The most promising in this direction is the theory of restoring a gene lost by a person, which is responsible for the formation and constant maintenance of gums and teeth.

There are other directions as well. However, before the implementation of all these discoveries in practice, and even more so in full-scale execution at the level of the entire planet, as they say, the distance is enormous, if such is possible at all. Current generations are unlikely to be able to take advantage of the achievements of science in order to remain with strong and beautiful teeth until their death. Therefore, if you want to restore your teeth, then remember that in our world, saving a drowning person is always the work of the drowning person himself. Don't rely too much on science...

Video: To grow teeth for the third time

Wanted and grew new teeth

Mikhail Stolbov lost his teeth in the army in the late seventies of the last century. They were simply knocked out to him, because at that time hazing flourished in the Armed Forces of the USSR - a real criminal lawlessness (very indicative in this case is the story of the world-famous healer and spiritual leader M. Norbekov, who in the army, at about the same time, old-timers completely beat off the kidneys, but later he restored them - read his biography).

While still in the army, Stolbov was given cheap dentures instead of his native teeth, and he lived with them, changing them, if possible, to better ones, but he never managed to get used to them. He was especially depressed by the tongue-tied tongue that appeared for this reason. Once, by the will of fate, Mikhail ended up in a remote taiga. And at that time, his gums ached, and so badly that he was forced to abandon his dentures and completely switch to grated and mushy food. The pain served as a huge incentive for him to search for how to restore lost teeth. This obsession eventually resulted in Stolbov having most of his teeth restored. It was a real miracle, but this fact is recorded in medical practice.

Mikhail himself wrote later that first you need to believe in this miracle, then switch to a healthy lifestyle and nutrition (in this case, life in the taiga, far from civilization helped him), because nothing will come of it without accumulating the necessary energy in the body. And then you should learn to hear your body and try to see, feel how your teeth grow.

Think back to when your teeth grew as a child.

Oryol writer and yogi Sergei Veretennikov believes that only the power of thought can launch a program of teeth growth in your body. And for this, you first need to remember all the sensations that you experienced in early childhood, when your teeth grew. This is the first and most important button we press. The second button is the concentration of attention on the two lower front incisors, which are the first to grow in a person in childhood. And the third button - focusing on the point between the eyebrows (on the third eye) with the thought - I have new teeth growing. And if these buttons are kept “on” for most of the day, success is guaranteed.

The main enemies in this process are disbelief (according to faith, it will be given to you) and fear, especially the fear that new teeth will interfere with somehow preserved ones (they will not interfere, it has been proven in practice). But the most insidious enemy is still human laziness, and not only in the restoration of teeth. It is she who makes us resort to the services of doctors, although our most important healer is ourselves ...

video: How you can grow new teeth with the power of thought

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According to the Slavic-Aryan Spiritual Heritage, even on the Night of Svarog, human life can reach 432 years (3 Circles of Life, 144 years each). In the Morning of Svarogye, which has come from 7521 summer (2012), the duration of our Life increases by at least one more Life Circle. Given the average life expectancy of the population of Russia (about 70 years), all sane people should think about the fact that the health of society is in a deplorable state. After all, in our time it is possible and necessary to live not 432, but 576 years. And certainly not 70!

It is worth noting that, according to the Vedic Scriptures of our Ancestors, those who, following their Fate (destiny), live in accordance with Dharma, achieve a high level of spiritual development and do not violate the Lad of the Universe, live for several thousand years. Of course, such a long Life should be provided with good health and well-being.

Healthy teeth are an important basis for our health and well-being. Teeth not only help us grind food, but are also directly related to the processes of its assimilation by the body, not limited to the digestive system. Teeth (with a certain degree of simplification) can be compared with the stylus of a pickup in a player, with which it recognizes and plays back a record from a record. Teeth pierce the aura of food when it is chewed and read from its biofield the "instruction" for the use of this food for the body.

If the food is healthy, that is, raw (vegetables, fruits, nuts, root crops ...), in its biofield there is a “code” for our biofield - what to assimilate and what to reject (growth accelerators, pesticides are immediately rejected). If the food is not quite healthy (boiled and fried vegetarian products), the biofield of our teeth is distorted by the biofield of not quite healthy food, and the body cannot read its “instruction”, because her natural biofield is killed during heat treatment. If the food is the flesh of innocently killed living beings (meat, fish, fertilized eggs), the biofield of the teeth is defiled by the energy of such food. At the same time, in the biofield of the teeth and in the entire aura of such a corpse-eater, the karma of murder is injected, the energy of the curse of the Patron Gods of these living beings, as well as the energy of fear, mortal torment and hatred for people, which permeates the flesh of our smaller brothers, killed at the whim of the elders, in the darkness of ignorance. Naturally, the teeth from this are very quickly destroyed.

Modern dentistry offers to remove diseased teeth and replace them with artificial prostheses. However, recently there is more and more information that a Person who has refused dead, and then not quite healthy food (albeit vegetarian, but heat-treated), is himself able to control the recovery processes in his body and grow instead of rotten and fallen out teeth are new.

There are certain ways to grow new teeth.

In order to grow new teeth, you need to know the anatomy and their structure well.

Before starting the restoration of teeth, it is desirable to find out the true causes of their destruction, loss or disease in order to draw the right conclusions for the future.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Central Research Institute of Dentistry Gennady Banchenko is convinced that dental diseases occur for the reasons described above, as well as due to internal malfunctions in the body. He correctly believes that every diseased tooth is directly related to the ill health of some of the internal organs of our explicit body.

Slobodskova introduces some bio-energetic concepts into the relationship between teeth and internal organs, in particular, the system of human energy bodies. According to Catherine, the left side reflects interaction with God, with relatives, the right side - with other people around, with society.

The followers of Rodobozhiya know that the right part of the obvious bodies of the Residents, People and Humans is connected with their Gods, and the left part is connected with the Patron Goddesses and, accordingly, with relatives in the male and female lines of the Family. In accordance with this Knowledge, they understand the causes of diseases not only of the teeth, but also of other organs of the explicit body, as well as other bodies and shells of their Consciousness with the Supreme Progenitor.

Description of the practice of growing new teeth:

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - Nature (Foremother Lada in the form of the Goddess Perunitsa, Parvati - the First You) has already tried and gave us the memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the strongest and are remembered for a long time). Remember that constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth. Think of yourself standing in front of a mirror with a thread tied to your tooth, overcoming your fear and pulling it out along with your tooth. Remember this, because this is the first "button" that will "turn on" and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now remember that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors, and from them they begin to change to new ones. This indicates that there is another one of the “buttons” that needs to be “pressed” to start the process of growing new teeth.

3. The third "button" is in our Co-Knowledge with the Progenitor. It needs to be “turned on” to a permanent mode so that it operates all 24 hours a day in interaction with God.

1. Find 10-30 minutes of exercise every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth. and at the same time feel the space under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth like seeds that are just germinating. Think of these new young teeth exactly as seeds that have been planted and are beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point in the practice of growing new teeth) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how they “itched”, how painful it was for them to grow through the gums, etc.

2. Keep your concentration on this for the first third of the practice.

3. Next, without stopping the above concentration (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is under the two lower front incisors (this is the gum area at a depth of about 0.5-0.8 cm). As concentration increases, pressure should be felt in this area. This is good, it means that everything is going right.

4. Keep your concentration on this for the second third of the practice.

5. Without stopping both concentrations described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), concentrate also on the area between the eyebrows and the pineal gland of the brain (on the Third Eye), mentally pronouncing the words: “My teeth are completely renewed! The sick fall out, and the young and healthy grow up!” At the same time, create a thought form of updating your teeth - vividly imagining, and then seeing it with your inner eye.

6. Do this practice for at least a month. Of course, some people may need less time and others more. Therefore, the main rule of success in this matter is the ability to feel your body. It is advisable, before starting the restoration of teeth, to offer gifts and trebs to the God of Haste on the fiery altar of the home Generic Altar. Offer gifts and requests to Mother Lada, who keeps your bodily, mental and spiritual health.


The only reason for a negative result in this practice may be the fear of losing teeth and clinging to "domestic godlessness" - the worldview of ignorant inhabitants who do not believe in themselves or the Ancestral Gods. For example, the assumption of thoughts: “What if all the rotten teeth fall out, but new ones do not grow”, “Better a titmouse in the hand than a crane in the sky”, etc. In this case, you may not even start. First - get rid of inferiority complexes with the help of one of the seminars and trainings of the Rodobozhie project that you liked.

1. It is necessary in your imagination, or in contemplation (meditation), to go back to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth have already gone, and the molars are still healthy. It is necessary to imagine as well as possible the feeling of healthy and strong teeth at this time of your life. To do this, you can use your photos. Remember as many bright moments as possible from this period of life ... For example, how you gnawed hard nuts, “crunched” vegetables and root crops.

2. It is necessary to enter into Co-Knowledge with the Rod, transfer from Navi to Reality and implant the thought forms of the embryos of healthy teeth in the places of the gums you need. It is necessary to give a clear order to the teeth to grow in turn (according to the above diagram). In the future, you need constant mental admiration for healthy, beautiful, shiny, white teeth.

3. Every day, and better - every hour, pay the most attention to the right place on the gums, constantly increasing (physically and psychologically) blood flow to this place, massage the gums with a toothbrush, and train the jaws. Every hour (every hour for 5 minutes), lovingly praise the cells of your gums for growing new teeth. Train your jaws: clench your teeth for a short time, then release, move them from side to side. Massage your gums with your tongue and fingers.

If there are very few teeth in the mouth, then their cultivation should begin, as mentioned above, from the front teeth and further to the edges. If you are restoring one or two teeth, then concentrate only on them.

After successfully growing new teeth, try to provide the body with healthy and nutritious nutrition, as well as caring for your teeth. Just don't use toothpaste. In extreme cases, chalk tooth powder will do. But it is better to use natural tooth cleaners, which can be found in the Holy Vedic Scriptures related to Yoga. For example: Aura Veda (Ayurveda), Ha-Tha Yoga, Knowledge (Jnana) Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc.

It should be remembered that each of us came into this world with his own Fate (destiny) and the loss of health, followed by a hasty departure from life, puts the fulfillment of your Fate in jeopardy.

At present, all sane people should realize the importance of reviving the Culture and Knowledge of the Ancestors - Rodobozhie, restoring the health of the Slavic-Aryan Clans and the communal way of life, a conscious attitude to Life and conscious behavior in society in order to become worthy Sons and Daughters of the Great Slavic-Aryan Gods and Ancestors.

This article collects evidence of the regeneration of new teeth that has been leaked to the media, as well as a general description of the methods that various authors offer in order to restore extracted and diseased teeth.

Here are a few short headlines from materials that testify to this phenomenon.

  • Mikhail, yesterday I watched a TV report about a grandmother who, at the age of 70, discovered that her teeth began to change for the third time in her life ...
  • In a neighboring village, a sorceress teaches people to build up enamel on damaged teeth by rinsing their mouth with a solution of propolis and mentally imagining ...
  • The doctors of the Drozhzhanovskaya district hospital could not believe their eyes when their ward Maria Efimovna Vasilyeva opened her mouth wide. Wow - a 104-year-old resident of the village of Chuvashskoye Drozhzhanoye began to grow teeth again!
  • Darya Andreeva, a 94-year-old resident of Cheboksary, began to cut new teeth. According to specialists from the Chuvash republican dental clinic, now the old woman has already erupted one tooth.
  • A resident of the Sharanglu settlement in the Iranian province of East Azerbaijan has grown new teeth to replace those that fell out from old age.
  • Unexpected happiness came to Marya Andreevna Tsapovalova, who lives in the Rehabilitation Center for Pensioners in Sochi. At the age of 100, she suddenly started growing new teeth!
  • One of them is 128-year-old Iranian Bahram Ismaili. From old age, he lost only three teeth, and new ones grew in their place. Bahram also does not eat meat. Besides, he had never brushed his teeth in his life.
  • A similar incident happened to the Indian peasant Baldev. He grew new teeth at the age of 110. Baldev is a heavy smoker. He complains that he has long been accustomed to holding the pipe with his toothless mouth and now it is inconvenient for him to clamp it with his teeth.
  • 12-year-old French girl Michelle is a little unlucky in life. The fact is that the girl suffers from a rare hereditary disease. Michelle has grown shark teeth that constantly break and grow back. She has much more of them than ordinary people, and they grow in several rows. Michelle recently had 28 teeth pulled out. And still she has 31 more of them than it should be.

Quote from an article by Natalia Adnoral

The first miracle: caries may not be. A similar phenomenon was observed by Italian dentists who visited several monasteries in Tibet. Of the 150 monks examined, 70% did not have a single diseased tooth, while the rest had extremely limited caries. What is the reason? Partly - in the characteristics of nutrition. The traditional menu of Tibetan monks includes barley cakes, yak butter, Tibetan tea; in summer, turnips, potatoes, carrots, a little rice are added, sugar and meat are excluded.

And if caries has already damaged teeth?

Miracle two: caries can be reversed. An example of this is the cases of caries self-healing observed by dentists, when the affected tissues become strong again, and the restored part of the tooth acquires a darker shade. And such cases are by no means isolated. How does this happen? Builder cells detect damage and restore the integrity of the tooth in the same sequence in which it was originally created.

But what if caries won, and there was nothing left of the tooth?

Then prosthetics, of course.

Miracle three: new teeth can grow. This is called the "third change of teeth" and is observed in people of a very advanced age. And although a person does not have the rudiments of the third generation of teeth, but there are remnants of “forever young” tissues that suddenly, for reasons that are not entirely clear, remember their purpose to become teeth and successfully realize their potential. Similar reports have recently been not uncommon: a 110-year-old resident of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has grown two new teeth; new teeth began to be cut in a 94-year-old resident of Cheboksary and a 104-year-old woman from Tatarstan; as many as six teeth appeared in an 85-year-old Novgorodian ... Of course, sensations can be treated with skepticism. If only... not the latest discoveries of science.

Scientifically proven miracle. A group of scientists from the American Research Center in Texas, led by Dr. McDougal, studied special cells that produce dental tissues (enamel and dentin). The genes responsible for this production are active only during the period of tooth formation, and then turn off. The scientists managed to “turn on” these genes again and grow a full-fledged tooth (while “in vitro”, outside the body). True, it is not necessary to count on early changes in the practice of prosthetics. It will take at least 20 years for the wide dissemination of the technology of growing one's own teeth ... "

A few more studies voiced by the media:

  • Researchers at Osaka University are preparing for human clinical trials. According to scientists, this method is much cheaper than prosthetics, ITAR-TASS reports.
  • The treatment system is based on the effect of genes that activate the growth of fibroblasts. It is the main cellular form of connective tissue.
  • Its action was tested on a dog that had previously developed a severe form of periodontal disease - atrophy of the tissues around the teeth, leading to their loss. Then the affected areas were treated with a substance containing the mentioned genes and agar-agar, an acidic mixture that provides a nutrient medium for cell reproduction. Six weeks later, the dog's fangs erupted. The same effect was observed in a monkey with teeth hewn to the ground.

Today, Paul Sharp from King's College London is engaged in the cultivation of teeth, he also heads the most famous company in this direction - Odontis - at Guys Hospital in the same London. In addition, the Forsyth Institute in Boston, USA and Queen Mary's College in the English city of Hants are working in this direction. Of our scientists, a Poltava geneticist from the Center for Transplantation of Cryopreserved Embryonic, Cellular and Fetoplacental Tissues Alexander Baranovich is working in this direction.

A few quotes:

« A revolutionary method of growing teeth has been developed in Ukraine. The author of the idea is Alexander Baranovich, a geneticist at the Poltava Center for Transplantation of Cryopreserved Embryonic, Cellular and Fetoplacental Tissues. He is working on a unique technique by which edentulous people can renew their jaw with little or no prosthetics. To do this, in place of the fallen tooth, an injection of a liquid based on the stem cells of the fallen out children's milk teeth is made into the patient's gum. Once in the jaw bone tissue, the cells begin to multiply, and a new tooth grows in 3-4 months.»

According to the scientist, similar experiments are being carried out in the West. Thus, the English doctor Paul Sharp is close to creating a genetic gel with which a new tooth can be strictly programmed exactly for the shape and size that his predecessor had.

« A team of researchers from the University of Oregon (USA) after a long search found the gene responsible for the production of tooth enamel, which is so necessary for teeth. It is the inability of enamel to recover that leads to tooth decay in more than 8/10 of the world's population. It is quite possible that scientists will be able to force the found gene to restore enamel, covering vulnerabilities. Thus, caries and some other dental diseases can be avoided.»

Scientists have named a new type of gene Ctip2 - it is interesting that it is responsible not only for the production of enamel, but also for some of the functions of our immunity, the development of the skin and the nervous system. Now it is possible to attribute the restoration of enamel to this list of duties of this gene.

« Japanese scientists from the Hokkaido Medical University managed to develop a unique technology for dental treatment thanks to a specially invented chemical composition, which is based on collagen and phosphophorin proteins.

During the experiment, doctors placed a loose protein mass in a caries-damaged tooth of an experimental dog. In just two months, complete restoration of the dentin was recorded. Dentin is the substance that makes up the backbone of the tooth.

Japanese scientists intend to start human trials as soon as possible, but the practical application of the discovery will be possible in five years.».

« Scientists have managed to create a technology that allows you to grow new teeth in place of those that have fallen out. The miniature system stimulates the formation of dental tissue with the help of pulses of ultrasound and helps to heal diseased teeth, Eurekalert reports.

A small wireless device sealed in a biomaterial casing will not cause any inconvenience to the patient. It is attached in the oral cavity in any convenient way, for example, on "brackets" or in a removable crown. Scientists have also developed a sensor that changes the power of the device so that the pulses always reach the roots of the teeth. The researchers hope to have a finished model of the device by next year..

The device is intended for patients with root resorption, which occurs from mechanical or chemical damage. Mechanical damage can be caused by wearing corrective braces for a long time. The new device will allow such people to wear "brackets" and not worry about anything. It is estimated that among this segment of the population (five million people wear braces in North America), sales of the device will amount to 1.4 million copies.

Initially, the technology was tested on rabbits. The device also allows for bone growth in the jaw, which will greatly help children with hemifacial microsomia, a disease in which one side of the child's jaw remains underdeveloped in relation to the other. It is usually treated with surgery».

All dental restoration techniques from various authors have several common points, which are listed below:

  1. Mental teleportation in time. Researchers recommend in their imagination, or in meditation, to be transported to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth are already gone, and the molars are still healthy. As best you can imagine yourself in this time, perhaps using photographs. Recall as many exciting moments from this period of life as possible ...
  2. Work with the energy-information field. The goal is to implant or transfer the “embryo” of a healthy tooth to the place you need. According to Mikhail Stolbov - giving the order to the tooth to grow. Subsequently, a constant mental visualization of beautiful, shiny, white teeth.
  3. Daily, according to some methods, hourly maximum attention to the right place, constant stimulation (both physical and psychological), increased blood flow, gum massage with a toothbrush, jaw training.

Reader comments:

2 years ago, a wisdom tooth was pulled out, an x-ray was taken, the gum was empty. A year later, he began to grow a tooth in the same place. Now I have grown more than half of the tooth. When I'm done, I'll move on to the rest. There is no secret here, our ancestors had it in the order of things. I know another person who has grown a tooth. You don’t even need a practitioner, just trust yourself and believe in the result. Great placebo. :) And there are various practices for that, in order to tune you in to the right wave.
Stepan Rudakov

About 15 years ago, there was a forum on the people (Yandex sites) dedicated to this issue, where military pensioners with bad scans of photos of their extended teeth shared their experience, although they had salt + electricity there, with small currents, they thus welded their teeth, about I don’t remember the fortress, but they were definitely whiter in color than their relatives.
Alexander Dvornikov

Below is an excerpt from Mikhail Stolbov's unfinished book (the author died in an accident), where Mikhail shares his experience of growing 17 new teeth:

It all started in 1978, when I was serving my three years of military service on Russian Island. It was then and there that almost all of my teeth were knocked out with a stool. Then I terribly hoped that they would immediately commission me, but false teeth were made for me at state expense within a week, and for the remaining 2.5 years, because of my burriness, I was “Mongrel” for everyone. Dentures are an unpleasant thing, but not fatal ... and they don’t get used to it.

Over the following years, I repeatedly changed these dental prostheses for new ones and already resigned myself to my fate, but some time ago I found myself “locked” in the Siberian taiga for almost a year. There I was overtaken by a disease, due to which I could not wear prostheses for more than 15-20 minutes a day. Any object, even my own language, hurt me. Food had to be turned into porridge and swallowed without chewing. The process of eating turned into flour and dragged on for forty to sixty minutes. Besides, I couldn't talk! After all, teeth in commonwealth with the tongue are involved in the formation of sounds T, D, Z, N, R, C, C, H; and together with the lips in the formation of sounds V and F. Fortunately, at that time in the gatehouse near Razdolny I had no one to talk to ... But there was no one to save either. It was very painful and scary. This is what made me start looking for ways to GROW new teeth. At the moment I have 17 (SEVENTEEN!!!) of my new teeth, which have grown contrary to all the statements of modern medicine. During this year, a lot of different events took place in the taiga, and I don’t know what specifically played a role in the occurrence of a miracle. Therefore, in my book I will try to carefully repeat the discoveries that I made in the taiga, and describe the actions that helped me become toothy again.

I will try to list them and write each one in sequence.

  • Changing the worldview - learning to believe in miracles
  • Quit smoking
  • Accumulate energy (lose excess weight)
  • Learning to listen to your body
  • Learn to listen to your soul
  • Learning to listen to the world
  • We grow teeth

A few letters:

“Hello Michael! Glad to have discovered your work on growing teeth on the internet. I have had all my teeth removed and recently discovered the growth of two new teeth. I can't explain the reason for this and so far I'm just watching the process ... I'm really looking forward to the end of your book. The teeth were completely removed a year and a half ago and these two teeth are growing in a NEW WAY. I don’t have a serious methodology, with the exception of charging water and the Chew-Bite exercise, and the formula “Where is thought, there is energy, where is energy, there is blood”! I'm 46 years old. Alexander".

“I grew two teeth. The essence of the results in motivation, at least for me it was. Initially, I just wanted to reanimate my teeth, in terms of aesthetics, but gradually I realized that they don’t react just like that. And it all started when the teeth became vital, they just began to fall out of the gums. Then the first results appeared. The pain was incredibly sharp, especially the first 2 days and when the gums broke through in some places. 2 teeth appeared, but not in the place of the old ones, but nearby, however, without curvature. In other words, the result is 2 new teeth and after six months of work there were no more results.”

“When my side tooth was pulled out, the front two teeth parted and a very wide and ugly gap turned out between them. Because of this, I was terribly worried and complexed. What was my surprise when, after some time, another tooth GROWN in this gap!!!”

“I would never have believed it! But, having found your articles in Nete, I decided to try. And three days ago I got a new tooth!!! At first I did not understand anything! Something pricks the tongue and that's it. Yesterday I saw: crawling, infection!!!”

“Hi, Michael! I have one tooth with history. That is, I have had a cyst there for a long time, several years ago we intensively treated it. Today they took a picture, and it turned out that the bone tissue between the roots was restored, which, in principle, cannot be, as my dentist told me.

Forum quotes:

“Anatoly: I grew it purely consciously. He created a mental image of teeth where they no longer existed. In a couple of months, 4 beautiful white ones have grown, like snow. But our dentists are typical barbarians. They began to prove that this is an anomaly, that these are wisdom teeth (after 50 years). And I did not have time to come to my senses, as all 4 of my handsome men were brutally removed without anesthesia. A second attempt to grow new ones did not lead to anything. The fact is that I went to these barbarians to put up a bridge and they “proved” to me that these teeth would not only interfere, but also harm. And faith in Soviet medicine was higher than faith in one's own abilities, that's it ... "

“It so happened that I dragged on with dental treatment to the last, always having the faith that I could do it on my own, and even, it seems to me, once it worked out. Mentally "scanned" the jaws, imagining how strength appears in the teeth and blood flow increases, but somehow non-systemically. And suddenly something appeared in the place of a tooth pulled out in the army. I didn't know what to think. On the one hand, the army could not completely remove the tooth and it could be the remnant of the root, on the other hand, what appeared was absolutely smooth and neat (!!!) Then suddenly on its surface (it protruded by 1-2 mm) appeared a spot that quickly began to turn into caries. And then, because of another tooth, my cheek swelled up and I had to go to the clinic, where the doctor pulled out this piece along with the damaged tooth. Naturally, no one paid attention to all my attempts to pay attention to the fact that it might not be a fragment (and I was good too - under an injection, and even panicked by visiting the clinic - I was not particularly persistent). After that event, about 4 years have passed and I gave up (there is nothing to chew on).

“And here is what one acquaintance told me, a former Khalulaev resident (one of the former special forces elites in Primorye). Once he met a Buddhist monk in the taiga, he was looking for herbs. We got to know each other. He said that it is possible to grow teeth. To do this, you need a special mood (possibly meditation), a certain set of herbs, and most importantly, you need to be in the taiga for three months. Apparently in nature it is necessary (not for everyone who wants to go to the Primorsky taiga, or the Siberian taiga). Herbs, I think, are needed to cleanse the body, nature - to gain energy, meditation - for pure thoughts, mood - for the growth of teeth.

The practice of growing new teeth according to the method of Sergey Veretennikov

“After problems with vision (see the practice of restoring vision) - the problem of bad teeth is in second place in terms of mass. Of course, just as the problem with vision is solved by wearing glasses, so the problem with the teeth is solved by their prosthetics. But is it the same as good young teeth? Of course not.

Nature gave us the opportunity to change teeth once in childhood, and she can give this opportunity again and again, if the same mechanism of teeth renewal is “turned on” again. All you need to do for this is to know which "button" to press so that your body understands what you want from it. This feature is currently sleeping and will continue to sleep until you turn it on. In obedience to a certain program, the teeth change once in childhood, and then this "automatic" program ends and you, if necessary, need to run it on your own with your mind.

Let me briefly describe how the first teeth grow and then change to new teeth in childhood.

1. So, usually the first teeth appear about 5-7 months from the moment of birth, but from 3-4 months the child begins to feel the process of "birth" of teeth in the gums, he bites everything and periodically cries. The two lower central incisors appear first.

After a while, the two upper incisors erupt. Pay attention to this important fact - it will be important in my further narration of this practice.

2. Somewhere within the sixth year, they begin to sway at first, and then the teeth fall out in the same order as they appeared - first the two lower incisors, then the two upper ones, and so on.

Note that this whole process starts again with the two front incisors.

The "old" teeth begin to wobble because young growing new teeth appear below, they destroy the roots of milk teeth and loosen them until they fall out. This is a simple and understandable process that we all remember well thanks to the wisdom of Nature. Through pain, she conveyed to her children the memory of this process, as if telling us: “Remember Children, I know that it hurts you, but this is the only way for you to remember how new teeth grow, so that you can remember it if you wish. in the future and grow new ones, remembering this.

3. By the age of 12, the teeth are completely replaced with new ones, and another program for the growth of new teeth is being implemented at the age of about 18, when wisdom teeth grow. And then history knows only the "accidental" inclusion of a program for the growth of new teeth, when new teeth began to grow in older people who, by one or another unconscious action, "launched" this process, which is waiting in the wings and can be "launched" by absolutely any person.

Description of the practice of growing new teeth

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do, since nature tried and gave us the memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the strongest and are remembered for a long time). Remember that constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth, how you stand in front of a mirror with a thread tied to a tooth in an attempt to overcome your fear by pulling it out, etc. Remember this, because this is the first "button" that will turn on and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now I will return you again to the description that I gave above, namely, to the place where I said that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change into new ones. This stubbornly tells us that there is another one of the "buttons" that needs to be pressed to turn on the process of regenerating teeth.

3. And the third "button" is, of course, in our minds. We must also turn it on permanently, because. everything that I write below, we will not be able to do all the time (all 24 hours).

So, I will describe what exactly needs to be done:

  1. Find 10-30 minutes of exercise every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth, i.e. simultaneously under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth like seeds that are just germinating. Think of these teeth exactly as seeds, ie. about what has been planted and is already beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how the teeth “itched”, how painful it was, etc.
  2. Keep this concentration for the first third of the practice.
  3. Further, without stopping the above concentration (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is under the two lower front incisors (this is an area of ​​about 0.5-0.8 cm). As you concentrate, you can feel pressure in that area, which is good.
  4. Keep this concentration for the second third of the practice.
  5. Without stopping both of the concentrations I have described above (on the gums and at the point under the front incisors), concentrate also on the area between the eyebrows and a little deeper (Third Eye), pronouncing mentally something like the following phrase: "My teeth are completely renewed." At the same time, keep the thought form of the renewal of your teeth, in which bad teeth fall out, and new young teeth grow in their place.
  6. You need to do this practice for at least a month. Of course, some people may need less time and others more. Therefore, the main criterion here is - your ability to feel.


The only reason for failure in this practice may be your fear of losing your teeth and clinging to old ones. For example, such thoughts as “What if all the teeth fall out, but new ones do not grow”, “Better a tit in the hand than a crane in the sky”, etc.



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