How to develop self-confidence and increase self-esteem. How to develop self-confidence and learn to achieve success in life

Self-confidence, which is a combination of self-efficacy and self-esteem, is an important component of personality. Self-efficacy is an internal feeling or belief that you can overcome many difficulties in this life and achieve many different goals. Self-esteem, or self-esteem, is similar to self-efficacy, but also involves the belief that you are competent enough in a particular area and worthy of happiness. A confident person usually likes himself, is willing to take risks to achieve personal and professional goals, and is optimistic about the future. On the contrary, a person who lacks self-confidence doubts his ability to achieve his goals and is often pessimistic about his capabilities and prospects. However, do not be discouraged, because everyone, with some effort, can increase their self-confidence!


Part 1

Developing a positive outlook on life

    Recognize your negative thoughts. These thoughts could be “I can’t achieve this”, “I will surely fail”, “no one wants to listen to my words” and the like. Your inner voice sounds pessimistic and helpless, discouraging you from trying to achieve high self-esteem and increase self-confidence

    Change your thoughts into a positive direction. If you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, change it into a positive one. Positive thoughts can take the form of positive statements such as “I should try to do this”, “I can succeed with proper effort”, “others listen to me”. Start with at least a few positive thoughts throughout the day.

    Try to ensure that the number of negative thoughts does not exceed the number of positive ones. After all, positive thoughts should occupy more “space” in your mind than negative ones. Achieve this by turning negative thoughts into positive ones.

    Maintain positive relationships. Try to have more contact with those relatives and friends whose communication charges you with positive emotions. Conversely, stay away from people and phenomena that negatively affect your mood.

    • Someone you call a friend may actually be a negative influence on you if they constantly make negative remarks and criticize you.
    • Even well-meaning relatives who impose their opinions on you about what you “should” do can also undermine your self-confidence.
    • As you begin to develop a positive outlook on life and take steps towards achieving your goals, those naysayers around you will become more visible. When you're trying to improve your self-confidence, limit your contact with these people as much as possible.
    • Think about what kind of people you communicate with that gives you confidence in your abilities. Try to spend more time with these people who support you and increase your self-esteem.
  1. Eliminate anything that reminds you of past failures. Try not to spend time around things that bring up unpleasant memories and make you relive past failures. These could be items that remind you of bad moments from the past, old clothes that no longer fit, or places associated with unpleasant memories that lower your self-esteem. It is unlikely that you will be able to protect yourself from all sources of negativity, but you can completely reduce their influence. This process, which helps to increase self-confidence, will take a lot of time.

    • Take time and remember all the things and phenomena that have a negative impact on you: these could be unpleasant acquaintances, a career that you do not pay enough attention to, difficult life situations.
  2. Recognize your talents. There are no absolutely untalented people. Remember what you do best and focus on your talents. Allow yourself to be proud of them. Show yourself in what you are strong in, for example, fine arts, music, literature, dance. Find something you like and develop your talent.

    • Diversify your life with different interests and hobbies - this will not only increase your self-confidence, but will also allow you to make new interesting friends.
    • Not only will engaging in a fun activity be therapeutic, but it will also make you feel empowered and unique, which will help boost your self-confidence.
  3. Be proud of yourself. You should be proud not only of your talents and skills, but also of your positive qualities. This could be a sense of humor, compassion for others, the ability to listen to others, the ability to cope with stress. You may not see any admirable qualities in yourself, but if you dig deeper within yourself, you will likely realize that you have many attractive traits. Write them down on a piece of paper

    Stop comparing yourself to others. If you want to become confident, then you need to focus on improving your own life, rather than trying to make your life like your best friend, big brother, or the celebrities on TV. If you want to become confident in yourself, then you should know that there will always be someone who is prettier, smarter and richer than you. Just like there will always be someone who is less attractive, educated and wealthy than you. None of this matters. All that really matters is progress towards your own goals and dreams.

  4. Identify the sources of your insecurities. What does your inner voice tell you? What makes you uncomfortable, what are you ashamed of? This could be anything from acne to past regrets, school friends, past negative and traumatic experiences. Whatever makes you feel unworthy, inferior to others, and shameful, identify it and write it down. Then you can tear up this note or burn it, starting to think positively about this matter.

    • This exercise is not intended to lower your self-esteem. Its purpose is to make you aware of the problems you are dealing with and give you the strength to overcome them successfully.
  5. Recover from your mistakes. Remember that there are no perfect people. Even the most confident people have flaws. At some point in our lives, we may feel a lack of something. This is the reality. Know that life's path is full of obstacles. How often you feel insecure depends on where you are, who you are with, what your mood is, and how you feel. In other words, the degree of self-confidence is not constant. If you have made a mistake, the best thing you can do is admit it, apologize, and think about how to avoid making the same mistake in the future.

    • Don't let one mistake make you think you can't achieve your dreams. Maybe you weren't a great guy and your relationship with your girlfriend ended badly. This does not mean that you are not capable of turning the situation around and meeting your love in the future.
  • Let's say your desk is very cluttered and you're dreading the thought of cleaning it up. Start with the books by returning them to the bookshelf. Then you can simply fold the sheets of paper into a pile, leaving it to be sorted until later - and this small step will bring you closer to your main goal.
  • Don't be afraid of the unknown. People with a lack of self-confidence worry that they will never achieve a goal in an unexpected situation. It's time to stop doubting yourself and try something completely new, unknown, different. Whether you're traveling to a new country or letting your cousin set you up on a date, making embracing the unknown a habit can help you feel more comfortable, feeling like you're in control of your destiny, or rather, willingly surrendering to chance. If you notice that you are able to succeed even in a situation that you cannot foresee, then your self-confidence will rise through the roof.

    • Spend more time with people who enjoy adventure and spontaneity. You will soon find that you will enjoy doing something unexpected.
  • Choose what you can improve. Surely there is something that you would like to change, but are not able to do it - for example, your height or hair texture. However, there are many things (for example, certain flaws in your character) that you can completely change by setting the appropriate goal and making the necessary efforts.

    • Whether you want to become more social or improve your performance in school, you can make a plan and start putting it into action. You may not become the most popular in your class or take first place in your grades, but in any case, you will increase your self-confidence by starting to improve yourself.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't try to change absolutely everything. Tackle one or two things you want to change about yourself, starting small.
    • Keeping a journal to track your progress towards your goals can be of great help. This will allow you to realize how well your plan is working and feel proud of the steps you have taken and the goals you have already achieved.
  • Help other people. If you realize that you are kind to the people around you and make a positive difference in the lives of others (even if it is by being nice to the waiter at the cafe serving you your morning coffee), you will realize that you are a positive force in the world, and this will increase your confidence in itself. Whether you're volunteering at your local library or helping your little sister learn to read, make helping others a part of your daily routine. Not only does helping others benefit others, but it also boosts your self-confidence because you see that you have a lot to offer to those around you.

    • You don't have to help someone on the side to feel the benefits of helping others. Sometimes people close to you, such as your mother or best friend, may need your help.
    • Don't be afraid to challenge yourself beyond your physical or mental capabilities. Strong tension will show you how easily everything can be achieved and thus help you improve your skills. Get out of your comfort zone.
    • You can give yourself an extra dose of confidence by using the Best Me hypnosis technique to inspire yourself to achieve a long-term goal and thereby reduce stress.
    • Don't dwell on your mistakes and don't focus on the negative aspects. They only highlight your merits and suggest further ways of self-improvement. There is no feeling better than achieving something that was previously unattainable.

    Video on the topic

    Children feel very insecure in the world around them without your support. A child's insecurities at an early age develop into insecurities in adulthood, so it is extremely important to help a child develop self-confidence and raise their own self-esteem from a very young age. How can parents help their child develop self-confidence?

    Of course, the child needs to be praised more often. Remember that not all children are geniuses, not everyone is equally good at studying, so you should treat your child more carefully, find his talent and develop it.

    Encourage any child’s desire for self-expression and do not tell him that he will not become, for example, a great artist, singer or writer, because with such phrases you not only discourage his any desire for anything, but also deprive him of self-confidence and lower his self-esteem .

    If something doesn’t work out for a child, don’t scold him, but just come and help him, consult with him and give advice yourself.

    In addition, it should be remembered that children are more sensitive to criticism from other people (teachers, classmates...). If you notice that your child is upset, try to find out the reason and talk to him about his problem.

    If it turns out that he was scolded for a poorly completed task, explain to him that he should make more efforts in the future.

    Be sure to praise your child for his successes: grades, winning competitions, exemplary behavior, etc., because praise always has a beneficial effect on self-esteem.

    Also, you should not exaggerate or generalize his negative actions, that is, do not use phrases like: “You never listen to me,” “You have a bad memory,” “You always behave badly.” Because with such an attitude towards the child’s misdeeds you will suppress his confidence.

    Instead of these phrases, try using others, for example: “I get upset when you behave badly”, “I think that if you listened to me or those around you, you could do it much better.”

    Give children freedom of choice. Give them the right to sometimes decide for themselves some simple, uncomplicated things. For example, what clothes to wear to school, what pen to take with you, what to do in your free time. Solving such issues on your own strengthens your child's confidence.

    Video on the topic

    Confidence in one’s own strengths, in one’s own attractiveness - this is the key to success in many affairs and endeavors. A confident person succeeds in everything, and if something does not work out, he does not despair and looks for how to solve the problem. Not all people have innate confidence. Some people go forward from early childhood and achieve their goals, while others are afraid to take an extra step due to indecision. But confidence can be developed in to myself The main thing is to really want it.


    Determine in which areas of your life you feel insecure. Perhaps you have reached certain professional heights in your career, but in your personal life you have problems because you are afraid to meet the opposite sex, because you think that you are unattractive in appearance or you think that you will not be able to carry on a conversation. In this case, you can sign up for pickup courses, where they will teach you seduction and prove to you that you are capable and worthy of the best. Or take a public speaking course to be able to express your thoughts in an accessible manner.

    Or perhaps, on the contrary, everything is fine in your personal life, but your career is not working out, or you cannot find a job at all. And all because you are afraid to once again express your point of view, to contribute something to improve the work process. You feel like you will be laughed at and not taken seriously. To combat this type of uncertainty, you can only take the initiative into your own hands. You shouldn’t immediately offer your services on some complex projects and tasks, but can you do something? And gradually develop your achievements, complicate them to myself task

    There are people who are unsure of everything, no matter what business they take on, everything falls out of their hands, and nothing

    The basis of a person’s self-image is confidence and self-respect. This is a kind of foundation on which everything else rests. If the foundation is fragile, the personality is susceptible to self-destruction, and its full development suffers. That is why self-development should begin with firm confidence in one’s own strengths and abilities.

    Doubts appear even when a little person is growing up. Constantly faced with new tasks, he simply needs to complete them. Having not coped well enough, he can accumulate negative experience, strengthening the belief in his inadequacy.

    Such misconceptions can be overcome with some effort. This requires self-analysis and practical exercises.

    How to Build Confidence Through Self-Awareness

    Sometimes your own ideas about yourself are like a distorting mirror. Increased demands and the habit of comparing one's own achievements with others lead to low self-esteem. It's a paradox, but it's true. Figure out why you are unhappy with yourself. Write down each complaint as a separate item. Try to make the list as complete as possible.

    When the work is completed, you will receive a list of your own complexes. To cope with them, imagine how you would treat a person you respect if he had such qualities. You will be surprised to discover: most of the “terrible shortcomings” will turn out to be simple faults with oneself. Now let's work on each point to fully establish our thoughts: " I am a strong, confident, strong-willed person".

    To do this, learn to form thoughts correctly, avoiding accusatory forms:

    • Instead of “I didn’t succeed,” say: I’m still working on it. The trick is that you will not lose as long as you continue to achieve results. Thinking about how to overcome the difficulties and obstacles that have arisen, everyone finds ways to achieve the chosen goal.
    • “I’m not doing well, worse than others” replace with “today I did much better than yesterday”, I’m great!

    Now let's get back to our list. Every disadvantage can be turned into an advantage. Important . Example:

    • Flaws in appearance can be made your highlight, if they are flaws at all. This complex can easily be eliminated by working on your own body in the gym or even at home. A beautiful posture that speaks of the dignity of its owner, a clean, sincere smile, and a harmoniously chosen outfit will make anyone attractive.
    • Fears that someone will consider you unworthy of something are easily eliminated through active communication. Make new acquaintances, communicate as equals, learn from others what attracts you. Try yourself in new directions, explore your own abilities. You will definitely discover a huge rich world for yourself.
    • The habit of action helps to establish the idea that everything can be done. An action aimed at obtaining a result invariably leads to it. Only persistent striving forward despite doubts and fears helps to defeat them forever.

    Of course, it will be very difficult at first. Thoughts are accustomed to running along a familiar channel. Learn to block negativity. Throw away all doubtful thoughts. Control your mental flow. We are what we think about ourselves. Think only in a good way! Focus on your strengths, hone your skills, and praise yourself for every achievement.

    Steps towards self-confidence

    Now let's look at some practical steps to help develop self-confidence:

    1. Free yourself from dependence on outside opinions. Stop asking what others think about your decisions. Stop worrying about it. Learn to evaluate yourself impartially. Consider the circumstances, time resources, and degree of preparation. Can someone else repeat my result under the same conditions?
    2. Set reasonable goals. Setting the bar too high is often the cause of self-disappointment. Gradual development of abilities, improvement of performance results is the best way to develop self-confidence.
    3. Put aside your doubts. A bad decision is better than a good inaction. Learn.
    4. Correct attitude towards mistakes. A mistake is just an experience that helps you find the necessary solution. Throw away regrets, worries, self-flagellation about this. Only those who do nothing make mistakes. Make the most of it: identify what caused the failure, fix it, and move on.
    5. Be in society more often. Large companies, social events, and daily communication with a large number of people will help you get rid of the fear of making contacts.
    6. Learn new things. By gaining additional knowledge, improving qualifications and life experience, a person becomes wiser and more successful.
    7. An interesting method will help you get rid of unnecessary worries in a stressful situation. Make what is causing you stress a normal situation. If you are afraid of publicity, look for it, learn to cope with anxiety. Fear the opposite sex - strive to constantly communicate with its representatives. Whatever causes you the most fear, conquer it with practice.
    8. Praise yourself. Rejoice in victories. Share them with your friends. Receive a positive charge of energy whenever you have something to praise yourself for.

    When all else fails, use the practice of meditation. Repeat: “I am strength! I can do anything!” Our thinking is created in an amazing way: it becomes a projection of the future. Imagine yourself strong, able to do everything.

    Show confidence

    Unconfident people often give themselves away with a quiet, trembling voice, downcast eyes, and nervous gestures. Take control of your body:

    • The gaze should be soft, calm, direct. Look your interlocutor in the eyes, don’t look away, don’t hide them bashfully. But don't drill right through.
    • An upright posture will tell others that its owner is confident in himself.
    • Stop fiddling with the corners of your clothes, chewing pencils, nervously hiding your hands behind your back, covering your smile with your hands, dangling your leg crossed over the other.
    • All movements should be measured and calm.
    • Speak loudly, clearly, intelligibly.

    Body language can tell others a lot. Seeing outward signs of confidence will help people warm up to you.

    Act as if

    If you want to be happy, live as if you are already happy. If you want to become balanced, act as if you already possess this quality. Maintain an image of yourself that you are happy with. Create yourself the way you want to see. Persistently, step by step, day by day, changing yourself and your self-image.

    Be prepared to hear praise from others who will notice positive changes. Because they are deserved!

    Everyday small achievements will become bricks that will build a bridge on the path to unshakable confidence: I can do anything, I am worthy of respect, attention, love.

    Many people have heard the following words from relatives, colleagues or friends: “All you need is more determination.” And really: how to develop self-confidence, what to do to feel comfortable in any environment? She is a very valuable quality. Being decisive, you can feel calm in any company. Having strength of character, you will be able to know yourself and wisely choose the path for development.


    But perhaps the main value of not having self-doubt is that it makes you happy. Relying on oneself, a person can more easily endure the blows of fate and realistically imagine all sides of an event.

    Grit takes work, and it can be achieved no matter how confident you are now. Many people may feel self-confidence but not express it, or, conversely, show determination but be afraid inside.

    Therefore, for most people on the planet, developing self-confidence is not an easy task. We need to understand how we think and take into account the behavior of others.

    Self-confidence includes several aspects:

    • self-knowledge;
    • determination;
    • courage;
    • confident look;
    • overcoming stress;
    • the ability to insist on one’s own;
    • formation of incentives.

    Before we deal with the problem of self-doubt, let's consider the reasons for its development.

    One of the most common reasons for loss of self-confidence is considered to be a bad experience. Many people, after not very good attempts at doing something, give up, which subsequently leads to even greater disappointment.

    Another important reason is improper parenting. When they criticize, compare or rate their child low, this also leads to a decline in self-confidence.

    In adolescence and adulthood, these reasons can become the basis for many fears, such as:

    1. being rejected or isolated;
    2. loss of individuality;
    3. loss of control;
    4. turn out to be incompetent.

    Understanding your fears, problems, and causes of self-doubt is the key to solving the problem and the first step for.

    The ability to understand oneself is the main feature of self-confident people. It helps you realize how individual each person is and understand how to develop a sense of confidence.

    Many psychologists have studied the relationship of various factors on the formation of self-confidence. Research results prove that a more destructive attitude towards people does not increase self-confidence, but only reduces it. This behavior is very typical for teenagers.

    However, the education system does not take into account what level of self-esteem is typical for adolescents. But it is precisely this age that is the most critical in the human psyche, and self-confidence affects the further mental development of a person. The techniques in modern training systems are very ineffective, and in most cases, completely absent.

    Let's look at some useful tips from psychologists that will help you cope with self-doubt and increase self-esteem. These practical tips will also reveal the peculiarities of developing self-esteem.

    • Tip #1
      • Spreading self-confidence. As paradoxical as it may sound, great people have done just that. By conveying confidence you can train it in action. In addition, passing on this ability through training to others is very important. By observing the development of those around us, human nature, and, consequently, the person himself, is learned more deeply. And knowing a person, as mentioned earlier, is the key to the question of how to develop determination and self-confidence.
    • Tip #2
      • Allow yourself flexible boundaries and give yourself the opportunity to choose. You need to understand that we live in a world of uncertainty, dynamism and constant changeability. Being decisive and confident does not mean following some rigidly defined path. Rather, confidence is based on knowledge of opportunities, options, and the framework within which they can be pursued.
    • Tip #3
      • Rethink your life attitudes. If the cause of insecurity is childhood complexes, then you need to reconsider some views on life: your behavior in a given situation. Perhaps these false rules were imposed for someone else's benefit.
    • Tip #4
      • Set goals. When people are afraid to engage in self-confidence, they may mask it behind various vague ideas and intentions. In this case, you should clearly set a goal and follow it every day in small steps.
    • Tip #5
      • Praise yourself. Many people do not know how to criticize themselves correctly, which is precisely why self-esteem falls. But, in addition to bad criticism, you must also use good criticism. This will lift your spirits, and a person in a good mood will usually be inspired and will develop their skills. No wonder there is a proverb “education with carrots and sticks.”

    Exercises to develop self-confidence

    Many people wonder: how to develop courage and... After all, it is brave people who achieve great success in life. Let's look at a few exercises that will help develop these qualities.

    Exercise 1

    To develop self-esteem, we need to create a “form of achievements” that we are proud of. You need to write down several columns on it:

    • My most significant achievement......
    • My second significant achievement......
    • My third significant achievement…….
    • I'm great at…..
    • I am very good at…..
    • I'm good enough at…..

    There is no need to be modest here, and it is worth filling out what you are proud of. Then read it carefully and remember it. And the next time your confidence wavers, remember them, it will inspire you and direct you to achieve your goal.

    Exercise No. 2

    It consists of acting out a scene of getting rid of a bad experience. To do this, on a piece of paper you need to write down all the feelings that you experienced during this failure, you can also draw it. Then you just need to tear the paper into pieces and throw it away or burn it. Despite the symbolism and simplicity of the ritual, psychologically it helps to cope with the problem.

    Exercise No. 3

    This exercise will help you work through the situation you may find yourself in. So, we take any situation from life, invented or already happened, or that will happen. Next, we play all the scenes in our heads or on a piece of paper in three versions:

    1. Where you are completely confident in yourself.
    2. Where we are more or less sure.
    3. Where confidence is lacking.

    Think about how the situations will be different and what the result will be. Such an analysis allows you to think about how to behave in a given situation.


    In conclusion, it must be said that to be confident means to have great opportunities to achieve your goals. And then many dreams will come true, you will have no fears, your consciousness will become more flexible, and stress will completely disappear from life.

    All this is available to everyone, if you work on yourself every day, the result will not be long in coming. Develop yourself, because confidence is an invaluable quality that helps you live a full life, and not be someone’s shadow.

    Why do people spend a lot of effort on developing self-confidence? A lot of trainings and seminars are held on this topic. What is so attractive about self-confidence? It is noted that people who possess achieve success and make their lives happy. Everyone wants to be successful and happy. However, only those who persevere due to developed self-confidence achieve this.

    Self-confidence helps a person achieve any success. Whatever goal he sets, he will achieve it, that is, he will make himself a happy person. Others admire successful people, want to imitate them, listen to them, and make them authorities. Successful people seem to be lucky. They themselves create the circumstances, while other people become victims of the prevailing conditions.

    Insecure people are not respected, not valued, and not listened to. They are not authority figures whom you want to turn to and get advice from. And the whole question is who sets goals and achieves them, which depends on the person’s self-confidence and perseverance.

    What is self-confidence? This is the level of self-confidence. Does the person set big or small goals? It largely depends on what actions a person is willing to take to achieve them. And what kind of person is not able to perform all the necessary actions, but agrees only to those that he has already performed before and knows how to do it? Only those who are not confident in themselves.

    All people have some level of self-confidence. They are divided into those who are unsure of themselves, self-confident, and self-confident. What are their differences?

    1. A person who lacks self-confidence is more likely to refuse to perform some necessary action, because he is afraid and doubts that he will be able to do everything.
    2. A self-confident person anticipates what actions he will need to take, while calculating his strengths and capabilities. If he is able to learn something new and make every effort to achieve what he wants, then he begins to act.
    3. A self-confident person only says that he can achieve anything. However, in fact, he only talks, but does nothing, because he does not want to learn or take action. Such a person does not necessarily have to be afraid of anything. He just doesn’t want to, he’s lazy, he can, but he doesn’t.

    How to develop self-confidence?

    To develop self-confidence, you must first understand when it occurs. Many readers of the psychological help site think that they should go to some kind of training or read a book on self-confidence, after which they will begin to feel it and remain so forever. In fact, self-confidence is a feeling that a person experiences only when he has accomplished something that he considered impossible for himself, or something that seemed very difficult or new to him.

    In other words, to develop self-confidence, a person must take action. If you just talk about how confident you are and don't achieve anything, you're just talking. It is impossible to tell about a person whether he is confident or not until he begins to act. A confident person takes the actions that are required of him to achieve his goal. An insecure person resists, gives up, runs away from doing those actions that could give him the desired goal.

    Self-confidence manifests itself in those moments when a person:

    1. Performs the actions that are required of him to achieve the goal.
    2. Learns new things if he doesn’t know how to do something.
    3. He is afraid, but does not run away from the problem, but looks at how to eliminate the difficulty that has arisen in front of him.

    Confident people do not have magic or supernatural powers. They simply evaluate their own potential differently, that is, they have adequate self-esteem, and they think differently in a situation that can realize their desires. When some people run away or are afraid to do something, confident individuals act because this is the only way to achieve something.

    People respect and value self-confident individuals not because of their quality, but because of their fearlessness and ability to achieve even those goals that also seem difficult and distant at first.

    How to develop self-confidence and increase self-esteem?

    Self-esteem and self-confidence are interrelated qualities. Everyone has them, only each of these qualities is at different levels. A person becomes successful when he has adequate self-esteem and complete self-confidence. Why raise and develop them in yourself?

    • Self-esteem is an assessment of one’s own potential and capabilities. Based on self-esteem, a person sets small or large goals. A person with low self-esteem is unlikely to dream of living in a luxurious home and desire it for himself. He will most likely resign himself to living in a small house that has been in need of renovation for a long time.
    • Self-confidence is the prediction of what actions a person is capable of performing in order to achieve a goal. Will a person be able to achieve the goal that he sets for himself? It all depends on what a person is ready to do and what actions he allows himself to commit.

    Often, due to self-doubt, self-esteem falls, and low self-esteem affects the fact that a person is not able to take actions that could show him that he can be confident in himself.

    How to develop the qualities in question?

    1. Surround yourself with confident people who have adequate self-esteem. The more often and more you communicate with them, the better. They will not criticize you, but they will say things about you that are true. They will not interfere in your life, but they will help if you ask for it. It is important to surround yourself with healthy individuals so that they will not be the ones who bring down your self-esteem and self-confidence.
    2. Start forming your vision of the world and situation. Confident people always have their own point of view on a particular issue. You can be wrong. However, it is impossible not to think anything at all on this or that issue. You should have your own opinion and express it boldly.
    3. Attend training to improve self-esteem and self-confidence. We will not say that they are all good and will help in achieving the goal, since much depends on the material offered and the trainer. Let's say that trainings and seminars can help improve the qualities in question.
    4. Learn to communicate with other people. Here we mean not only the ability to speak to any person and build a dialogue with him, but also the ability to adequately respond to criticism and respond to barbs from the outside. This area is very broad; it is impossible to learn effective communication in one year. However, if you master the art of communication, noting the results achieved, then your self-esteem and self-confidence will definitely increase.
    5. Stop self-criticism. Confident people do not engage in self-deprecation. They note mistakes so as not to repeat them again, but do not reproach themselves with them. This is different from the behavior of insecure people who are always eager to blame themselves for something.
    6. Use affirmations. Get yourself in the right frame of mind every morning. Say good things about yourself. Usually this is not noticed, but a person always thinks something about himself. If a person is not confident in himself, it means that he often thinks bad things about himself. You need to change your negative thoughts to positive ones.
    7. Celebrate victories. To increase your self-esteem and self-confidence, celebrate your first achievements and always reward yourself for them.
    8. Be who you want to be. If you don’t like yourself for something, then solve this issue.
    9. Take action and decide for yourself. Do not shift the responsibility for solving important issues and doing necessary things to other people.
    10. Know how to refuse and consider it the right decision for yourself.

    How to develop confidence and perseverance?

    To be confident, you need to take action after you have set a goal. And to develop perseverance, you need to have a goal in order to move towards it, regardless of the difficulties that arise. Perseverance is when you don’t give up, but continue to move and achieve your goal, eliminating all problems. This is all you need to have a goal.

    There are people who don't know what they want at all. And there are people who dream about something, but do nothing to achieve their goals. In the first case there will be a lack of persistence, and in the second there will be a lack of self-confidence.

    To become self-confident and persistent, you need to:

    1. Set a goal that you will achieve. It is better to set a desired goal, something that you really want to achieve.
    2. Start making decisions and taking action. On the way to the goal you will have to take many actions and make many decisions. You need to take on all these responsibilities.
    3. Don't give up in the face of difficulties. Notice your mistakes and change them to start moving forward.
    4. Get out of your comfort zone. The goal is beyond your normal existence. And this will require you to perform actions that are unfamiliar or unusual to you.
    5. Celebrate first and subsequent achievements. Give yourself small gifts for what you have achieved.

    When you reach your goal, then you will understand that you are capable of a lot and can achieve anything if you always believe in yourself and act, taking the necessary actions.

    How to develop self-confidence in a child?

    The child does not yet understand what self-confidence is and how to develop it. Therefore, the presence of a developed quality in it completely depends on the upbringing provided by the parents. What do mom and dad need to do to make their child confident?

    • Always be interested in his opinion and listen to him. The child’s opinion must be taken into account in many matters.
    • Teach your child communication skills. It will be good if he has easy contact with other children.
    • Allow the child to have desires and help him realize them. The child should do most of the work himself, and you should only help and suggest how he can achieve his goal.
    • Communicate with your child. Discuss with them the situations that happened, ways to solve them, and the emotions they experienced.
    • Allow your child to correct you, correct you, or point out your mistakes. Parents can also make mistakes (you can do this intentionally to allow the child to express himself).
    • Do not scold your child, but do not rid him of the negative consequences of his actions. Don't correct your child's mistakes, but tell him what he can do about them.
    • Don't take away your child's responsibilities and responsibilities. Let him gradually begin to have tasks for which he will be solely responsible.

    How to ultimately develop self-confidence?

    Set goals and achieve them - only your self-confidence shows in your actions. If you are afraid, then continue to take the necessary actions, because self-confidence is also the willingness to jump above your head, that is, to take actions that are unusual for yourself.



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