How to survive a difficult period in life. Overcoming Difficulties in Life: One Good Advice

Life is not simple and not fair - it's not for us to tell you about it.

“She got into a storm and when the wind blew the other way, she adjusted her sails to it”

Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards knows life's hardships better than anyone else: she battled breast cancer, suffered an infidelity with her husband (John Edwards, 2004 VP candidate) and faced repeated harassment from the press. Despite all this, she held on and kept her face.

Elizabeth Edwards demonstrated an undeniable truth: we all experience internal struggles, and in some cases it can be terribly difficult.

We are all human and learn from our mistakes, but only to a certain extent.

Any difficulty in our path can teach us something, and Elizabeth Edwards understood this even in her final days.

Harvard University study

The Harvard University study of the formation and development of personality is considered one of the longest studies in history: it lasted as much as 75 years. The researchers tried to find the answer to the question: What is the secret of a happy and successful life? (Hint: it's not power or money.)

George Vaillant, a psychiatrist who has led the study for the past 30 years, was able to come to the final conclusion based on a huge amount of evidence: the happiest people are those who can see the good even in the worst situations.

The ability to accept all the negative that life presents us has a significant effect on social support and well-being in general.

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Based on the results of the research, Vaillant advises everyone to keep a notebook in which to write down all the trials and difficulties that you have encountered. Moreover, Mr. Vaillant argues that the happiest people always ask themselves certain questions when life presents them with difficulties.

Here are 4 questions you can ask yourself in any difficult situation:

  1. What can this teach me?

It's easiest to see any difficulty as an annoyance at best and as something that can break you down at worst. After we overcome the next difficulty or solve a problem, it is important to ask ourselves: What can this situation teach me?

And no, the answer "nothing" is not accepted. Whatever the situation is, it can always teach you something new.

Let's imagine that you were fired from your job. Ask yourself: “Is this what I dreamed of?”, “Was this my calling?”, “What can I do better next time?”.

Just answer honestly. Perhaps you will surprise yourself.

  1. Did it make me stronger?

Try to perceive difficulties on your way as new opportunities. Whether you realize it or not, life's challenges make you stronger. If we are able to recognize this, we can not only cope with difficulties, but also discover hidden strengths and abilities in ourselves, the existence of which we did not suspect before.

  1. How can this situation be beneficial for me?

Life trials can provide you with an invaluable opportunity for personal development.

Let's imagine another situation: your children leave the parental nest, go to school or somewhere far from home for the first time in their lives. Will you be sad? Definitely yes. You love your children and they will always be a part of you.

But if you look at the situation from the other side, you can understand how beautiful it is. For the first time in their lives, your children have a great opportunity to see the world around them and find new adventures. You will also have more free time, which you can devote to what you really like.

  1. How can I use my experience to help others?

Here is another example: military wives who experience a long separation from their husbands.

Women whose husbands are in the army, navy or navy use their experiences to help others, how to cope with a long separation from a loved one and what to expect.

Again, a situation that at first seemed difficult and heartbreaking can become favorable.

If you haven't gone through a certain test, you won't be able to help others cope in similar situations.

Being persistent does not mean being indifferent. You go through this test, you experience certain feelings, you fail and you experience pain. You fall, but nevertheless, find the strength to rise and move on.

Every person experiences crises in different areas of life. For some, they are repeated periodically, while someone manages to learn from life's difficulties and no longer fall under the influence of an evil fate. Today you will learn how to overcome difficulties in life using the methods available to each of us.

It is most prudent to know in advance what to do if difficult times come. Anything can happen: a divorce in the family or the betrayal of a loved one, deterioration in health up to fatal illnesses, the destruction of a business or the loss of a large amount of money, disappointment in any teaching or teacher, and much more. Any of these events can break a person and often it happens.

Why do difficulties arise in life?

In our life, nothing happens just like that and everything has its own meaning. Any events that happen to us speak of something.

First, you need to know what difficulties arise under the influence of our own destiny. That is, we and only we are the cause of what happens to us. It follows from this that if you get angry at someone, then only at yourself. But it is better to draw conclusions and start living a different life, which will not form a bad fate, but rather lead to an exit from the influence of fate.

Secondly, life crisis is a signal of the need for change. Fate tells us that we need to change and now is just the right time for this. The way we lived before the crisis can no longer be the basis of life. We need to find where we are wrong and not do it again.

most reasonable understand the meaning of life. Ask yourself questions: “Who am I really? Why do I live? What happens after the death of the physical body? and try to find answers to them. After all, how to overcome difficulties in life if we do not understand why a person lives and how everything works in the universe?

The modern world is full of "blind" people who see nothing but ways to satisfy their insatiable senses. Fate beats them time after time, but they stubbornly refuse to understand anything and continue to degrade. But if you are a sane person, then perhaps you understand that any events in life mean something and say something.

So why not use the difficulties in life as a starting point for dramatic and positive changes in life?

Two ways of dealing with a life crisis

First you need to learn about two basic ways of dealing with difficult situations in life:

  • Wait until time takes all the problems in the past;
  • Act and influence the situation here and now.

Time heals, but not as quickly and effectively as we would like. It may take years and even decades for the pain of past difficulties to pass and be forgotten. And those who do not want to act and choose this approach should be aware of this.

It is most reasonable to start doing something so that the crisis passes softer and faster, so that as a result you become a more harmonious person and grow personally. It's quite real. It is enough to study the recommendations below and start implementing them in your life.

How to overcome difficulties in life with the greatest benefit for yourself?

So, now for the concrete steps. They should be used constantly in your life, as they not only help to get out of the crisis, but also develop a person, making him happier, healthier and more successful.

  • Analyze why the crisis arose

Try to figure out why certain things happened in your life. It is especially important to think about the cause of the crisis if similar situations are periodically repeated in life. For example, the same problem arises in business. This means that something is pointed out to you from above, but you still do not see what it is.

  • Get out in nature as often as possible

In no case do not take drugs such as antidepressants: they worsen the situation even more. It is better to walk daily in nature: in a park or forest, on the banks of a river or lake, on the sea or in the mountains. Nature will naturally soothe you and give you strength. Nature is the best healer and a bottomless donor of energy and inspiration. The effect of stress will weaken if you walk in nature every day for 1-2 hours or more.

  • Refuse violent and heavy food

A lot of negativity or positivity enters our destiny through food. Food that gets on the table by force (meat, fish, eggs and, unfortunately, dairy products from stores) worsens the fate and aggravates the crisis. If you want to reduce the impact of stress and reduce the negative qualities in your character, you need to gradually give up such food. It is also better to limit heavy foods in your diet (mushrooms, mayonnaise, white flour, etc.), so that more energy remains to confront the crisis and stress.

  • Refuse any drugs

Alcohol, tobacco, black tea, coffee, etc. are narcotic substances that are simply not able to benefit a person. There are no options to become a truly happy person if there is a place for these poisons in life, especially alcohol, tobacco and the like. If a person tries to get rid of the stress that arose as a result of life's difficulties with the help of these drugs, then he only drives it into his subconscious. He also becomes an ordinary drug addict who needs periodic doses of these drugs.

Drinking alcohol, smoking, sniffing powders, "injecting" with other types of drugs - this is a rather primitive level of life that destroys physical and mental health, makes the mind weak and the mind restless. The result is a standard of living at the level of animals and even lower, which consists in satisfying one's feelings and desires.

  • exercise

Long-term aerobic exercise and physical exercise in general are great for reducing depression and throwing out your negativity. At the time of the crisis, there may be an apathetic state in which you do not want to do anything. But you need to overpower yourself and force yourself to go for a run or go to the gym. After training, you will never regret that you forced yourself to come to it.

  • Connect with resource people

Communication with a person who is wise, reasonable and understands how everything works in this world can calm the mind, suggest the right actions, give answers to emerging questions and much more. Proper communication is a very powerful tool for changing fate and overcoming difficulties in life.

Where to look for such people? They can be everywhere: they can be monks, priests, psychologists, lecturers, actively developing people and even your neighbors. Before the crisis, you could not pay attention to such people, but now they can become a saving beacon for you. If you can’t find resourceful people, then you can listen to lectures by wise people and read reasonable books. This is also a form of communication. But there is a condition: it is important that the lecturers and writers, whose materials you will study, themselves seriously develop spiritually and, moreover, correctly. This article may help you figure it out:

  • Pray daily or recite mantras

In this world, there is sound in everything, there are sound vibrations in everything. Therefore, changing fate through sound must be taken very seriously. Certain sound vibrations can totally change our lives and, of course, help to overcome crises in life.

Prayers and mantras in which there are the Names of God or His representatives (devotees) must be read every day. Thus, you will be able to influence yourself, your destiny, the surrounding space. Start with 5-10 minutes each morning and gradually increase the duration of your prayer practice. Teachers say that the daily repetition of the Holy Names of God gradually takes a person out of the influence of fate and no crises are able to bring him out of balance.

A detailed video tutorial on getting out of a difficult situation in life

The recommendations given above are quite enough to gradually overcome the difficulties in life. You just need to be patient and persistent in doing them. But if this is not enough for you and you want to get more knowledge and recommendations, then there are two more options.

The first and best is to sign up for. This method implies a personal approach and the ability to understand your specific life situation. In my opinion, this is the most suitable option for progress and improvement in life. Sergei Yuriev 2018-11-08 05:00:14 2018-10-29 12:11:04 How to overcome difficulties in life: 7 working recommendations for overcoming the crisis

If you are interested in how to overcome difficulties in life, then you are already on the right track. Any, even the most difficult tasks are solved if you set yourself the goal of solving them.

The easiest way to get out of life's impasse is to stop struggling and start fixing your attention on your goals. Describe in detail the life of your dreams, write on paper or in a computer file how you want to see yourself and your reality in a year, five, ten years. All truly successful people in the world resort to this technique, because the art of success is the art of setting goals and planning.

When you have written down all your goals on paper, start moving towards them. Write a plan of elementary actions that you can perform daily and that will bring you at least one step closer to the life of your dreams. Live for several months in an intense and exciting movement towards the fulfillment of your dreams, and you will see that the question "how to overcome difficulties in life" has begun to let go of you. After all, when the whole life of a person is built in the direction of his goals, everything unnecessary begins to fall off and dissipate by itself.

Difficulties usually arise when there is chaos in a person’s head, when there is no consistency in thoughts, a hierarchy of values ​​has not been built, goals have not been set, life priorities have not been defined. Look at the picture of your reality, and with careful analysis you will be able to see that your life is a mirror of your mind and the state of your restless soul.

You can read dozens and hundreds of articles about what to do in a particular situation. But the truth is that everything good in this life always begins with self-improvement, personal growth and inner perfection.

Any difficulties should be accepted with gratitude. If we messed up firewood or even a problem came to us without our direct actions, this means only one thing, that the situation is given to us for internal growth and development. All situations lead us to the fulfillment of our desires. That is, we ourselves subconsciously build the vector of our behavior in such a way that it is faster and easier to get to the destination. If you look back for a moment, you will find that many situations that once seemed like a tragedy have actually led you to very positive consequences. Maybe your loved one left you, but then it turned out that he was a drug addict, a womanizer and an alcoholic, and you subsequently married a very worthy man. Or maybe you were not hired, and then it turned out that this job did not meet your expectations, the enterprise closed and went bankrupt, you found a more promising job, learned Chinese, changed your wardrobe and signed up for a fitness center, took up communication psychology and professional development to improve their chances of getting a decent job.

Some people tend to worry about anything and literally make an elephant out of a fly. Remember that any problem is not a problem, but a task. And if there is a problem, then there is an acceptable solution. Start looking for all possible solutions. The easiest way is to write them on a separate piece of paper.

Another effective coping technique is to take a situation that is holding you back and write down every negative scenario you can imagine. Accept all these options, and you will immediately feel better.

Always remember that not only will you not fix anything with experiences, but you will also drive yourself into an even greater swamp. Whatever happens, rejoice in spite of the circumstances, and you will see how quickly life begins to change in a positive direction.

To effectively overcome difficulties, remember all life situations when you brilliantly got out of a difficult situation. So you can increase your self-confidence and strengthen the idea that you can do everything.

You have created any situation for yourself. When a person constantly grows and develops as a person, problems do not disappear from life instantly, but gradually life becomes easier and easier, and problems reach a new level. As they say, life is an easy thing, and if life is hard for you, then you are doing something wrong.

The easiest way to increase vitality and make life better is to take care of your health and energy. A healthy and energetic body gives a completely different level of life and allows you to cope with current tasks without irritation and stress. Eat only healthy food and exercise. Physical activity helps to release excess energy and clear the mind. To do this, physical education should be quite intense, like dancing or basketball, or deeply work out the body, like yoga. The work of the body at a new level has a direct impact on the work of the brain.

If at the moment there is no way to go to the gym, arrange a general cleaning of the house.

An excellent pill for stress - a variety of breathing techniques and exercises. The simplest option is deep and intense breathing through the mouth for a fairly long period of time. This technique perfectly clears the mind and, with regular use, takes your mind and body to a new level.

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One can talk endlessly about overcoming life's difficulties: after all, this is the salt of life itself; without problems and difficulties, no self-development is conceivable. However, we will not delve into philosophy. At least here. Here - just one way to make it easier to overcome a variety of difficult life situations.

However, there is a small introduction to be made. The method, so to speak, is based on the fact that all our problems and difficulties have two sides, two aspects. Firstly, these are objective circumstances that in one way or another prevent a person from achieving their goals. I think everyone understands what an “objective circumstance” is, but I’ll explain just in case. If you are sitting in a burning house, then the fire that sets your clothes on fire is a very specific and objective circumstance.

The second side is our internal, psychological troubles: phobias, prejudices, stereotypes, and so on. For example, if a person sitting in a burning house also has a pathological fear of fire (anything can happen), then it will be much more difficult to cope with the problem - that is, getting out of a burning building.

Naturally, there is no universal way to deal with the external, objective side of the problem. But it is quite possible to remove internal restrictions.

How to do it?

The main thing is to understand that in almost any difficulty there are these internal brakes. They can be very diverse, take the most bizarre forms, not limited to the standard set of confidence - self-esteem - complexes. Everything may not be so global, but, nevertheless, have a strong impact on our lives and personal effectiveness.

Here is an example from the most ordinary life, without extreme situations (so that you do not get the impression that internal limiters can interfere only in extreme cases). Some time ago I took care of the problem of insuring my precious skin against accidents. By the way, this service is still very unpopular - it is customary to take care of a car or an apartment more than your body (a friend of mine writes well about this situation on his blog about insurance). So. I went around a dozen and a half various insurance offices, not finding human conditions anywhere. Somewhere they generally looked at me like a sheep at a new gate, not understanding why I want to take care of something other than a car. Somewhere they offered a ridiculous sum insured - but I somehow got used to valuing my skin dearly.

After wandering like this for a couple of days, I - attention! - somehow internally disappointed in the idea itself, slightly forgot about this matter, abandoned it. Here they are, internal brakes in the almost complete absence of external ones. Yes, external circumstances did not interfere with me in any way. On Friday, I checked the plan for the week, looked at the unfulfilled item “buy a policy” and ... And I simply chose the best one from all the options, having a sober look at the situation (it took 3 minutes). Then I went to their office - another 40 minutes and it was done. And two days ago, this stupidly simple procedure seemed something almost unattainable. That's why I held out the time - only because of the internal brakes! That's the power of disappointment!

Accordingly, the advice that can be given in relation to overcoming difficulties is to "fight the internal limiters."

The advice itself is simple and almost obvious, but this is not enough. How exactly to deal with them?

I can offer several ways, tested personally. Perhaps, in your case, completely different ones will work better, this is an individual matter, so I give as an example:

  • Distract from the specific situation, forget about it and solve the problem abstractly, on paper: it’s just that person N (not me! I don’t even know him!) Got into such and such a situation. What should he do?
  • Talk to yourself (and it's nice to talk to a good person :)) and advise yourself as an outsider - it's always easier to overcome other people's problems.
  • Ask yourself: what weaknesses can I develop by solving this problem? What qualities will I need? (In this case, the restrictions are not removed, but rather used: very often a person can act correctly and decisively just out of fear, in defiance of it).

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Once a daughter, a young woman, came to her father and said sadly:- Dad, I'm so tired of everything, I have constant difficulties at work and in my personal life, I just don't have the strength anymore ... How to deal with all this?
█ █ Failure doesn't mean I'm a failure;It means that success is yet to come.Failure doesn't mean I didn't achieve anything;It means that I have learned something.

Sit comfortably, relax. Turn to your breath, trust it without trying to control it. We have difficult questions to address, and it's important that you feel comfortable...

█ █ Pay attention to any occasion (even a very small one) that will allow you to feel pleasure. Use affirmative sentences.

█ █ They come when you have gone astray so much that the light at the end of the tunnel has become barely visible.

█ █ Once upon a time there lived a Little Soul who once said to God:- I know who I am!

█ █ I spoke to my inner lover and asked: why such a hurry? After all, we feel that there is a certain spiritual force that loves birds, animals and insects.

█ █ One day, a small gap appeared in the cocoon, and a person who happened to pass by stood for long hours and watched how a butterfly was trying to get out through this small gap. A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to have abandoned its efforts, and the gap remained just as small.

█ █ How did I create this situation? you ask from the position of the owner. “I take responsibility for the situation I created.

█ █ When we give ourselves a second chance and get a little help, very often we DO IT!

█ █ The hallmark of the happiest people is the ability ... to overcome the most serious obstacles.And happy people are fired from their jobs, they also go bankrupt, get sick and depressed!Like everyone, they have many problems.But they have the mental strength to concentrate not on problems, but on their solution.

█ █ "WHY me?" "Why now?""WHY did she make a fool of me?"This question can drive anyone crazy.


██ ██ A dystopian book from a contemporary writer. Interesting)In the world where the main character lives - Celestina North, there are certain rules, for violation of which a person can get a stigma.For the wrong decision - Stamp on the temple.For lies - on the tongue.For an attempt to rob society - on the right palm.For treason to the Tribunal - Brand on the chest, where the heart is.For not keeping up with society - on the sole of the right foot.Therefore, if a person does not want to be branded, then he should lead a decent lifestyle, watch his appearance and speech, do not argue with the Tribunal, because he is the law, in general, it is worth being perfect in everything ...


If you feel bad or difficult, find someone who is worse and more difficult than you, and help him.

If your life is a struggle with a headwind, then stop this meaningless activity and use the time to talk to yourself, to think about your own life. Then you may be surprised to find that the wind has changed direction.

Luule Viilma

I don't like difficulties...
I love sweets!

Under no circumstances should you lose hope. Desperation is the real reason for failure. Remember: you can overcome any difficulty. Be calm even when you find yourself in a difficult and confusing situation: it will have little effect on you if your mind is unperturbed. On the contrary, if the mind allows you to be angry, then you will lose peace, even if the world around you is serene and comfortable.

If you fall, then try to pick something up from the floor while you are lying down.

Scottish proverb

Difficulties are a good thing. When everything is convenient, easy - well, boring, because you want even softer, and you feel that you can’t touch you at all, you can’t do anything at all. Therefore, one must perceive difficulties as a medicine, as a salutary cause, as a boon. Petr Mamonov

We get in trouble from time to time. Do you know why they come? They come to make you aware of the good things you have. It makes life more alive. Accept it.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Never regret anything: sometimes troubles happen for good, and dreams do not come true for the better.

Everything has its reason. Everything is done for a purpose, and every failure carries a lesson. I realized that losses - both personal and professional, and even spiritual - can significantly expand the horizons of the individual. They lead to inner growth and give a whole range of spiritual acquisitions. Never regret the past. Treat him better as a good teacher. Robin Sharma


Many believe that the trials of this life are necessarily retribution for past sins. But is metal heated in a furnace because it has sinned and must be punished? Is this done to improve the properties of the material?

If you are in a bad mood, if you are offended or upset, use the power of a smile. Even if no one sees you, try to smile to show yourself that you are above all difficulties. Think that you are invulnerable, immortal, eternal. Give yourself a smile, as you sometimes do when you walk past a mirror. Even if your smile is a little forced, it will still help. As soon as you smile, you will feel in a better mood. And in a good mood, it will be easier for you to solve your problems.You have no idea how much good can give you and the people around you, a simple smile. Having received another blow from life, tell yourself: "Everything could be much worse" - and smile ...

Mother Teresa

Turn trouble into strength

contributing to your spiritual development.

If you remember the usefulness of problems and apply them in the practice of transforming thinking, they become desirable for you. From harmful they turn into kind and useful.

Some situations you can handle, while others you have to endure. For example, no matter how upset you are that your house is not made of gold, you are still powerless to turn your bricks into gold. No matter how upset you are that the earth is not the sky, you cannot turn the earth into the sky. And there is no point in worrying about such things. No matter how upset you are about your problems or annoyed by little things about other people, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

lama sopa

I asked for strength - and God sent me trials to harden me.
I asked for wisdom - and God sent me problems to puzzle over.
I asked for courage - and God sent me danger.
I asked for love - and God sent the unfortunate who need my help.
I asked for blessings - and God gave me opportunities.
I didn't get anything I wanted, but I got everything I needed!
God heard my prayers...

Mother Teresa.

Take a broader look at your troubles. If someone accuses you of something, do not answer him with scolding: imagine that this accusation loosens the bonds of your narcissism, and therefore increases your ability to care for others.This method is very difficult to apply, but if successful, will bring many benefits.

Dalai Lama

Life gives you only those experiences that best contribute to the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know what kind of experience you need? Very simple - the one you are living at the moment.

Eckhart Tolle

The best indicator of the level of consciousness is the ability to calmly relate to life's difficulties.
They pull the unconscious person down, while the conscious person rises more and more upwards.

Eckhart Tolle

When you ask God about your problem, don't give Him instructions, just tell Him about it...



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