How to identify the symptoms and treatment of drug rhinitis? Symptoms and treatment of drug-induced rhinitis in adults.

Drug rhinitis very often occurs with independent and long-term treatment of the common cold with various pharmacy vasoconstrictor drugs. At the beginning of treatment, such remedies very quickly eliminate nasal congestion and allow you to breathe freely. But gradually the vascular tone decreases, atrophy and swelling of the nasal mucosa occur.

The main symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis are congestion and persistent nasal discharge. Breathing without vasoconstrictor drops becomes almost impossible and there is a dependence on them. Rhinitis is often accompanied by persistent headaches.

Folk remedies for the treatment of medical rhinitis

In the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis, all vasoconstrictor drops are usually canceled. Only local anti-inflammatory or drugs can be prescribed. Surgical treatment is also used if therapy does not give a positive effect. However, at the initial stage of the disease, you can safely resort to folk remedies for the treatment of this form of rhinitis. They, as a rule, consist only of natural components that will gently and without harm to health relieve the disease.

A well-known houseplant, aloe, will very effectively and quickly remove all the negative symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis. It is necessary to prepare juice from a leaf that is cut from the bottom of the agave. The juice is diluted with water 1:2, poured into a sterile vial and stored in the refrigerator. Drip four drops into the nasal passage no more than five times a day.

Nasal congestion is treated with a mixture of aloe juice and olive oil. The proportion of the mixture is 1:3. The tool is recommended to warm up for 4 minutes in a water bath, then cool. Bury the nose with this medicine no more than 2 times a day. You can also soak cotton flagella in the mixture during the day and insert them into the nostrils for 9 minutes. After the procedure, the nose can be cleaned and then lubricated with the product again.

Very good results in the treatment of this rhinitis gives honey. Prepare a composition for instillation of the nose in a ratio of 1: 1 from honey and water. In each nasal passage is poured: for an adult - up to 8 drops, and for children - 2 drops each. The procedure is carried out daily: at least five 5 times. The inflammation and nasal congestion will go away.

Prolonged medication. It is a stimulant for the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa. It is necessary to squeeze the juice, moisten cotton or gauze flagella in it and insert it into the nasal passages for 4 minutes. If a burning sensation appears, the nasal mucosa can be lubricated with petroleum jelly.

Such procedures will quickly help. Prepare small swabs. Mix taken (one spoon each): juice from cyclamen tubers, onions, Kalanchoe leaves and aloe. Also, fresh honey and balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky are added to the mixture. In this composition, swabs are moistened and inserted into each nasal passage for 40 minutes. The mucosa will recover, congestion will pass.

Peach, rose hip and eucalyptus oil are mixed in equal parts, a little carotoline is added. Cotton flagella are moistened in this mixture and inserted alternately into the nasal passages for 40 minutes.

Tea tree oil will help to overcome medical rhinitis. Flagella twisted from a bandage are moistened in it and inserted into the nasal passage for only 10 minutes. Such procedures for rhinitis should be done at least 2 times a day. Also, this oil can simply lubricate the nose from the inside.

With rhinitis on the basis of the use of vasoconstrictor drops, it is recommended to use onion oil. It is prepared as follows: an onion is rubbed on a fine grater and this mass is poured with 220 milliliters of boiling corn oil. Wrap with a warm scarf and let it brew for at least 9 hours. The finished product lubricates the mucous membrane.

A pair of onions clean the nose very well. Grated onion mass is placed in an inhaler and breathe each nostril for at least 3 minutes. If there is no inhaler, onion gruel is placed in a small container (glass, cup, jar) and placed in a water bath. A funnel is prepared from cardboard and placed above the container. Breathe in pairs of onions up to 8 times a day.

Medical rhinitis, which causes discomfort, is fought with sea buckthorn oil. During the day, you need to bury your nose with this remedy at least 6 times. Up to 4 drops are admitted into each passage. Breathing will soon improve, the swelling of the mucous membrane will pass, the walls of the vessels will strengthen, the secretion will stop. Oil can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself. Take fresh berries and squeeze the juice. The cake is dried on a clean sheet of paper (not in the sun!), turning it over regularly. Then grind in a coffee grinder. The mass is placed in a jar and poured with olive oil 1: 1. After a week, the product is filtered and poured into a sterile container. Use if necessary. Store in a cold place or refrigerator.

Well relieves swelling and inflammation, as well as nasal congestion, washing the nose with chamomile infusion. One spoonful of dried flowers of the plant is brewed with a cup (300 ml) of hot boiling water. After the infusion is well infused (at least half an hour), it is filtered and used to rinse the nose.

It also effectively relieves swelling and nasal congestion by washing it with beetroot infusion. Beets are well washed, cleaned and crushed. After that, it is poured with boiling water. For several days, this infusion is warm. After that, all the liquid is drained through cheesecloth and used in procedures.

It should be remembered that the prevention of drug-induced rhinitis will be the use of nasal drops strictly according to the instructions. Remember, long-term use of the drug can be addictive and harm the body. If a runny nose lasts more than four days, be sure to consult an otolaryngologist. Proper treatment is a guarantee of health.

Drug rhinitis is a very urgent problem in otolaryngology. Today, the symptoms of a runny nose are observed in a large number of people, since allergic rhinitis has become widespread.

Many patients complain of dependence on nasal drops and their ineffectiveness.

This is due to the lack of knowledge about how to properly prescribe treatment and prevent drug-induced rhinitis.

What is a drug (drug) runny nose?

Drug rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that develops as a result of prolonged use of nasal drops or sprays that have a vasoconstrictive effect.

Drug-induced rhinitis has a chronic course, since it develops against the background of developed tachyphylaxis to decongestants (vasoconstrictor drops). Tachyphylaxis is usually called the phenomenon of addiction to the frequent use of drugs.

An early symptom of addiction to nasal drops is a decrease in the effectiveness of their use. The disease gradually becomes chronic and the patient becomes dependent on the use of a nasal spray.

The best way to combat drug-induced (drug) rhinitis are

Further, there is a complete lack of result from the use of the drug. This is due to the fact that the nasal spray stimulates a constant narrowing of the vessels of the nasal cavity, but since in the future the vessels become resistant to its effects, their constant expansion develops, which leads to a round-the-clock release of liquid contents from the nasal cavity.

According to the type of exudation, drug-induced rhinitis resembles vasomotor rhinitis, since the secretion of nasal secretions develops as a result of the chemical influence of the drug.

Drug rhinitis due to drops

The main reason for the development of drug-induced rhinitis is the long-term use of nasal drops with a vasoconstrictive effect or their use in a dosage that exceeds the maximum daily dose for treatment.

Especially important!

Drug rhinitis develops after daily use of nasal drops for more than 2 weeks for the treatment of catarrhal phenomena of the nose.

  • Decreased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine is a hormone of the adrenal medulla, the main function of which is the regulation of vascular tone. Prolonged use of nasal drops leads to the fact that the mucosal receptors become less sensitive to its effects. Gradually, changes in the mucous membrane lead to the fact that the receptors stop responding to changes in the concentration of norepinephrine in the blood.

  • The formation of polyps and crusts in the nasal cavity.

The constant intake of vasoconstrictor drugs leads to the development of polyposis changes in the nose. They fill the nasal passage to some extent, which in turn leads to burdening of nasal breathing.

Also, in large quantities, crusts form in the nose. The result of such changes is the narrowing of the common nasal passage. The flow of air through the narrowed nasal passage leads to increased breathing and irritation of the mucous membrane, which provokes the release of mucus from the nose. Often such changes require surgical treatment.

  • Atrophic changes in the nasal mucosa.

The constant introduction of a pharmacological drug into the nasal cavity provokes a decrease in the mobility of the ciliated epithelium. "Paralyzed" ciliated epithelium does not fulfill its functional purpose, which leads to the gradual development of the death of the mucous membrane.

  • Dystonia of the vessels of the nose.

The change in vascular tone is a direct effect of the use of decongestants. Their introduction stimulates vasoconstriction, which is replaced by irreversible dilation and the development of a runny nose in the patient.

  • Long-term use of drugs such as antihypertensive drugs, tranquilizers, hormones.

Antihypertensive drugs for the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system have a systemic effect and lead to vasodilation. The dilated vessels of the nasal cavity stimulate a copious secretion of fluid.

Therefore, a slight runny nose is typical for people suffering from hypertension. Taking hormonal drugs with vasodilatory properties leads to the appearance of constant discharge from the nose. The most modern tranquilizers, in addition to their main functions, affect the tone of the vascular wall, stimulating a decrease in its tone and an increase in exudation from the nose.

  • Work in hazardous enterprises.

Work in chemical, pharmaceutical and toxic industries often leads to constant exposure to harmful chemicals of various origins on the mucous membrane and leads to the development of chronic discharge of mucous contents from the nasal cavity. Such rhinitis is difficult to treat.

There are such symptoms of drug rhinitis:

  1. microscopic symptoms;
  2. macroscopic symptoms;
  3. clinical symptoms.

Can drug rhinitis lead to death?

These cases have not been established in medical practice. But with medical rhinitis, snoring appears during sleep, which is deadly.

The clinical symptoms of drug rhinitis include

  • Insomnia.
  • The development of changes in blood pressure.

At the beginning of the disease, nasal sprays have vasoconstrictor properties, which led to vasoconstriction. As a result, blood pressure rises. In the future, the vessels become resistant to the action of decongestants, then patients with drug-induced rhinitis develop arterial hypotension.

  • Tachycardia under the influence of decongestants is replaced by chronic bradycardia.
  • Development of vegetovascular dystonia.

Violation of vascular tone develops as a result of the use of decongestants. In such cases, it is recommended to prescribe the treatment of rhinitis, which contributes to the disappearance of the symptoms of VVD.

  • Sensation of increased palpitation and constriction in the region of the heart.

Variable fluctuations in blood pressure, as well as vascular tone, lead to the development of such pathological sensations as a feeling of increased heartbeat and a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Microscopic symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis include

  • Atrophy of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium.
  • Enlargement of the glands and goblet cells with the development of hypersecretion.
  • Increased vascular permeability.
  • Edema development.
  • Transformation of a single-layer multi-row ciliated epithelium into a squamous non-keratinizing epithelium.

Microscopic symptoms allow confirming the diagnosis of drug-induced rhinitis, as well as differential diagnosis with other forms of the disease.

Macroscopic symptoms

  • Decreased olfactory function.

Hyposmia is a consequence of such local changes in the nasal cavity as atrophy of the mucous membrane, dysfunction of the ciliated epithelium, as well as the formation of crusts and polyps.

  • Discharge of mucus from the nose.
  • Burning and itching.

The composition of nasal secretions includes salts that irritate the receptors and cause the development of hyperemia in the damaged areas of the nasal cavity.

Drug rhinitis why it is impossible to sleep?

Snoring with drug-induced rhinitis develops as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the nasal passages. The air flow becomes turbulent, which also provokes the development of snoring. This provokes a person to constantly wake up from oxygen deficiency.

Treatment of drug rhinitis

There are conservative, surgical and physiotherapeutic treatment of drug-induced rhinitis. The basis of the treatment of medical rhinitis is the refusal to use nasal drops.

How to treat medical rhinitis?

Especially important!

Refusal to use vasoconstrictor drops should be gradual. If you abruptly abandon the use of drops, then the risk of developing symptoms of acute drug-induced rhinitis with characteristic secretions and swelling of the nasal mucosa increases.

In severe cases It is not always possible to cure drug-induced rhinitis in this way. The following medicines are highly effective in the treatment of a severe degree of drug-induced rhinitis:

  • Corticosteroid drugs (Fluticazole, Avamys).

To surgical treatment drug rhinitis resorted to in cases of:

  • Ineffectiveness of conservative therapy.
  • Lack of response to treatment with Avamys in pregnant women.
  • Extensive nasal polyps.

Surgery The most advanced treatment for drug-induced rhinitis today is to:

  • Conchotomy (partial or complete removal of the nasal mucosa in the lower or middle region).
  • vessels of the nasal mucosa.
  • Turbinoplasty and septoplasty.

After surgical treatment, the use of those nasal drops that provoked the development of a runny nose is strictly contraindicated.

  1. At light degree of rhinitis for treatment, it is enough to abandon the use of drops. Thus, the treatment of drug rhinitis depends on the severity.
  2. At middle severity, treatment of drug rhinitis is based on the additional use of additional drug therapy.
  3. At severe severity, surgical treatment of drug rhinitis is indicated.

To get rid of drug-induced rhinitis, it is recommended to prescribe such physiotherapy procedures:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Inhalation of medicinal herbs;
  • electrophoresis;

Also, in order to improve the results of treatment, it is recommended to do daily wet cleaning, walk in the fresh air and during the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases.

In most cases, it is not difficult to treat drug-induced rhinitis, and noticeable results are achieved after 7-10 days of therapy - the patient's most pronounced symptoms disappear and nasal breathing is partially restored. As a rule, the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis is limited to conservative therapy, and only in the most severe advanced situations can the disease be cured only using surgical methods. In this case, it is not always possible to fully restore the functions of the nasal mucosa if rhinitis has led to the degeneration of its epithelium.

In all cases, the basis for the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis is the rejection of vasoconstrictor drops. It is imperative not only to cancel the drug that caused the disease, and not to start using similar vasoconstrictors. For example, if the disease is caused by long-term use of Naphthyzinum, it makes no sense to simply replace Naphthyzinum with, say, Galazolin - atrophy of the mucous membrane in this case will continue.

The cause of drug-induced rhinitis is the use of vasoconstrictor drops. For effective treatment, this cause must be eliminated.

Cancellation of vasoconstrictor drops in medical rhinitis can be difficult for the patient. In the first days of refusal, his nose is completely blocked, the mucous membrane may dry out with unpleasant sensations. To ease these symptoms, you can use anti-inflammatory nasal drugs that do not contain α-agonists in their composition:

  • Hormonal drops from the common cold (Nasonex, Nasobek, Avamys, Flixonase);
  • Antihistamines (in the form of drops in the nose - Allergodil, Histimet, Reaktin, in the form of agents for oral administration - Erius, Suprastin).

These drugs allow you to remove swelling and inflammation in the nose, but when they are taken, the mechanisms that caused drug-induced rhinitis are not realized. Consequently, nasal congestion during their use disappears for a certain period (usually longer than when taking vasoconstrictor drops), although they do not completely cure the disease, the causes of drug-induced rhinitis already disappear and the restoration of the nasal mucosa begins.

Drug-induced rhinitis in children should be treated with those drugs that are allowed at a particular age, since antihistamines can have systemic side effects, which are especially pronounced at a younger age.

There is no specific cure for drug-induced rhinitis. There is no such remedy on the market that would be enough to drink a special course and be guaranteed to get rid of the disease.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to quickly get rid of drug-induced rhinitis. In the best case, the patient's condition is slightly normalized in 3-4 days, and nasal breathing is fully restored in 2-3 weeks. In more severe situations, it takes several weeks, or even months, to treat the disease.

Adjuvant therapy for drug-induced rhinitis

To eliminate discomfort in the nose, as well as to accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membrane, it is necessary to rinse the nose with saline or its analogues. It is fashionable to buy a saline solution at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it at home if you dissolve a teaspoon of table salt in a liter of water.

The more expensive, more prestigious, but similarly effective taxes of such a solution are:

  • AquaMaris;
  • Dolphin;
  • Marimer;
  • Aqualor;
  • Quicks…

…and others. All of them moisturize the nasal passages, cleanse it, help to remove snot from the nose and generally normalize the condition of the mucous membrane. Restoration and regeneration of it in such conditions is faster.

Washing the nose can be done frequently - up to 8-10 times a day. It is advisable not to do them immediately before going outside at low air temperatures.

Washing the nose is useful even when there is no rhinitis and the nose breathes normally

It is also very useful during treatment (as well as after its completion) to maintain microclimate parameters comfortable for the mucous membrane in the room: air temperature 18-20 ° C and humidity 55-75%. Breathing such air is as gentle as possible for the nasal mucosa.

After giving up vasoconstrictors, you can do acupressure of the nose. It will not give a quick result, but it will provide some activation of the mucous membrane and help speed up its recovery.

These means and methods are conservative and are used for 2-3 weeks under the supervision of a physician. If during this time a clear progress in the restoration of the nasal mucosa and nasal breathing itself becomes noticeable, the treatment continues. If this treatment fails, surgery may be required.

Methods of surgical treatment of medical rhinitis

The effectiveness of surgical intervention is due to the fact that a part of the enlarged mucosa is removed from the patient, sometimes with areas of nasal conchas, as a result of which the lumen of the nasal passages and their throughput increase, and the patient can fully inhale air through the nose and breathe normally. Usually one of the following procedures is used for this:

  • Conchotomy;
  • Cold plasma vasotomy of the inferior turbinates;
  • Submucosal vasotomy;
  • Laser cauterization.

In cases where the patient's drug-induced rhinitis is combined with a strong curvature of the nasal septum, a pronounced effect can be provided by septoplasty or turbinoplasty, in which the normal lumen of the nasal passages is restored only by aligning the nasal septum.

Ineffective means and methods of therapy

Medical rhinitis is extremely difficult to treat with folk remedies. So, with it it is often recommended:

  • Rinse the nose with a decoction of chamomile (a spoonful of chamomile flowers in a glass of boiling water);
  • Bury in the nose aloe juice, diluted with water or olive oil;
  • Lubricate the nasal mucosa with a mixture of natural essential oils of peach, eucalyptus and rosehip;
  • Breathe in the bath over the steam from the infusion of chamomile, celandine, motherwort, St. John's wort and eucalyptus splashed onto hot stones.

However, in practice, the use of such agents practically does not affect the outcome of treatment. Folk remedies allow only to some extent to enhance the effect of other drugs. In particular, chamomile reduces inflammation, essential oils protect the drying mucosa from cracking. All this makes it possible to improve the patient's condition during treatment at home, but practically does not affect the restoration of the mucous membrane. At the same time, most of these drugs can cause side effects that are more pronounced than their beneficial effect. For example, oil drops disrupt the work of the ciliated epithelium and inhibit the removal of mucus from the nose, and aloe juice can cause allergies.

Typical mild allergic rash in response to nasal lavage with herbal decoction

Similarly, it is ineffective to treat drug-induced rhinitis with inhalations (the same effect as with steam inhalations can be achieved by simple, but safer instillation of the solution into the nose, and inhalations with a compressor inhaler or nebulizer do not allow the nasal mucosa to be treated) and the use of homeopathic remedies (for example, Corizalia, Sinupret, Euphorbium Compositum - the effectiveness of these drugs is very small and does not exceed the effectiveness of placebo).

Also, the use of immunomodulators based on interferon and inducers of interferon itself will not give an effect.

Prevention of drug-induced rhinitis

The main and only way to avoid the development of drug-induced rhinitis is strict adherence to the rules for taking vasoconstrictor nasal drops. With SARS and a runny nose, they can be taken no more than 5 days for children and no more than 7 days for adults. Even during this period, they should not be instilled into the nose all the time, but only at bedtime to ensure the patient has a normal rest. It is impossible to use decongestants longer than this period.

If, during the illness, a runny nose and swelling of the nasal mucosa persists for more than a week, vasoconstrictor drops should be replaced with hormonal or antihistamines.

Practice shows that with the correct organization of the treatment of ARVI or another disease that causes a runny nose, the use of vasoconstrictor drops can always be avoided. In any case, they should be treated as emergency aid, used 1-2 times in the most severe cases. Constantly burying them in the nose is harmful and dangerous.

In more than 90% of cases, medical rhinitis can be treated using conservative methods, in which the patient, under the guidance of a doctor:

  1. Completely stops taking vasoconstrictor drops;
  2. In the first days, it eliminates swelling and inflammation with the help of hormonal and antihistamines;
  3. Regularly and often rinses and moisturizes the nose;
  4. Normalizes the parameters of the air in the room where he sleeps and spends the most time.

Only if these measures fail, the option of surgical intervention is considered.

Interesting video: Dr. Komarovsky tells how vasoconstrictor drops cause medical rhinitis


  • Palchun V. T., Magomedov M. M., Luchikhin L. A. Otorhinolaryngology: a textbook for universities. — 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - 2008 - 656 p.
  • On the safety of the use of nasal vasoconstrictor drugs in pediatric practice. — P. Karpova, D.A. Tulupov

How to treat medical rhinitis? This question is often asked by people who uncontrollably took vasoconstrictor drops or sprays. In order for the initial signs of the disease to appear, namely the defeat of the mucous membranes of the nasal canals, it is enough to use vasoconstrictors for more than a week. During this time, the vessels stop narrowing on their own. They are filled with blood, dilated due to drugs, the mucous membrane becomes edematous, which leads to the inability to breathe normally. There is constant congestion in the nasal passages.

Scheme of drug rhinitis

Causes of medical rhinitis

Only a new dose of vasoconstrictor drops can narrow the capillaries again. A stuffy nose always disturbs sleep, squamous metaplasia appears when the cylindrical epithelium is replaced by a stratified squamous one. There is a violation of the structure of capillaries and the functioning of the mucous glands, chronic edema occurs.

Uncontrolled intake provokes the appearance of medicinal rhinitis:

  • Sanorina;
  • Nazola;
  • Nazivin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Otrivin;
  • Glasolina;
  • Xilina;
  • Metazone;
  • Rinorma.

The effect of such drops or nasal sprays is almost instantaneous, but after the cessation of the action, when the runny nose disappears, we are laid down even more.

Naphthyzinum is most often addictive

Symptoms of drug rhinitis

Medical rhinitis has several symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • olfactory disorders;
  • recurrent headache;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • increased heart rate or tachycardia;
  • increase in pressure;
  • symptoms of the appearance of vegetovascular dystonia;
  • burning and pressure in the region of the heart.
  • sensation of dryness in the nose.

Runny nose with medical rhinitis is practically not manifested. There may occasionally be a clear discharge. The mucosa is swollen with this, the nasal canals are completely blocked. Breathing through them practically stops. By evening, the symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis are usually aggravated, as the tone of small vessels decreases due to a decrease in body activity.

Most often, Naphthyzinum causes addiction. There are cases of its long-term use, and the treatment of medical rhinitis was not carried out. During the day, such a person is forced to pour almost the entire bottle of the product into his nose in order to somehow breathe.

Diagnosis of drug rhinitis

In addition to the obvious excess in the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, the doctor additionally prescribes: a blood test, endoscopy of the nasal cavity, as well as the nasopharynx, an x-ray of the nasal sinuses, and an analysis of the secretory fluid. To cure drug-induced rhinitis forever, you need to consult a specialist who knows all the symptoms and treatment of such a disease. It is important to undergo an examination in order to forever forget about sprays and drops from snot and breathe freely.

Treatment of medical rhinitis

The main thing in the treatment of such a disease is the complete rejection of all kinds of vasoconstrictors and the restoration of the function of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity, the only way to properly cure drug-induced rhinitis. If it is not possible to immediately abandon the drops, hormonal preparations with corticosteroids are prescribed: Nasonex, Fluticasone, as well as Avamys, Flixonase. When breastfeeding and pregnant women should not use them. The second group of drugs for the relief of drug-induced rhinitis are antihistamines: Claritin, Zertek, Teridin, Telfast.

Aqualor helps to restore the nasal mucosa

Washing with antiseptics - saline, furacilin, Aqualor, Dolphin, Sterimar helps to restore the mucous membrane. Therapeutic effect also have drugs Derinat and Dexpanthenol, Ipratropium bromide. Tafen and Sinupret tablets, homeopathic preparations gradually help to cope with naphthyzinum addiction. They restore the functions of the nasal blood vessels.

The last argument is a surgical intervention, but if, after the operation, vasoconstrictor drops are uncontrollably instilled again, the disease will immediately return. Surgical treatment involves radiofrequency disintegration of mucous membranes, as well as submucosal vasotomy, low-traumatic laser destruction.

In addition to drug treatment of such a complex disease, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: UHF in the nose, phonophoresis, ultraviolet, inhalations, electrophoresis, nasal lavage. As the cured testify, it is enough to give up the drops for a few days, and the disease will recede. As a relief, the external turbinates are massaged, which improves nasal breathing. Hot mustard foot baths, breathing exercises help relieve nasal swelling.

Aloe restores the function of nasal breathing

Folk recipes

For medical rhinitis, treatment with folk remedies is very effective. First of all, such folk recipes are designed to restore the function of nasal breathing.

  1. Aloe - a popular indoor plant helps to quickly remove the negative manifestations of this type of rhinitis. Juice is squeezed out of its leaf, diluted with plain water and instilled. You can store it in a jar in the refrigerator. Some dilute aloe juice with quality olive oil. Before instillation into the nostrils, it is desirable to warm up such a mixture and use it warm. Gauze turundas soaked in the juice of the plant are also inserted into the nostrils. Hold for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Honey is a good help to cope with drug addiction. It is diluted with water and instilled daily, even for children. It relieves congestion and chronic inflammation of the mucosa in the nasal passages.
  3. Onion juice. Stimulates the normal functioning of the mucosa. The squeezed juice is moistened with gauze or cotton swabs and inserted into the turbinates for a couple of minutes. With a strong burning sensation inside, the nose is smeared with petroleum jelly.
  4. Small swabs are moistened in a mixture of aloe juice, as well as Kalanchoe leaves, onions and cyclamen tubers. It is recommended to add Vishnevsky ointment or fresh honey to the mixture.
  5. Cotton flagella or gauze turundas are moistened in a mixture of eucalyptus, rose hip and peach oil. Keep them in the nose for up to 40 minutes.
  6. Flagella from a bandage or cotton wool are soaked in tea tree oil and inserted gently into the nasal passages. Enough 10 minutes. It is also simply useful to lubricate the entire nose from the inside with such a folk remedy. It softens the mucous membrane and restores its work.
  7. Onion oil. It is obtained from grated onion and corn oil. Onion is poured with hot oil and onion oil is insisted overnight. They lubricate the mucous membrane daily, which helps it recover faster.
  8. Onion vapor inhalation. The shabby onion mass is poured into an inhaler and inhaled in pairs for 3-5 minutes. Onion gruel can be placed in a jar or cup and heated to release vapors in a water bath. It is more convenient to place a cardboard tube over the gruel and breathe through the nose through it.
  9. It is useful to bury it in the nose daily if there is no allergy. It strengthens the vascular walls and helps relieve swelling of the mucous membranes. It is sold in pharmacies.
  10. Chamomile infusion. Used for washing. Medicinal chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water and infused, then filtered. Means for irrigation of the nose is ready.
  11. Beetroot infusion. Well washes the nasal cavity and softens it, removing swelling. Peeled beets are crushed, poured with boiling water and insisted in heat. Then filtered through cheesecloth and instilled daily into the nose.

Sea buckthorn oil should be instilled daily into the nose

Complications of drug-induced rhinitis

Those who do not decide how to get rid of medical rhinitis themselves can get serious complications as a result.

It is very difficult to cure. Medicinal rhinitis, as a rule, causes the so-called "naphthyzinic dependence" - psychological and physical dependence on vasoconstrictor drops, which can lead to respiratory failure, allergies, hormonal changes and pathological changes in the nasal mucosa and nasal septum.

The longer you use drops in the nose without changing them, the more serious the consequences of a runny nose.

At the initial stage, the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis is possible with conservative methods, such as medications and physiotherapy. In a more serious stage of drug rhinitis, the only salvation for you is surgery.

How to treat medical rhinitis? The treatment regimen for drug rhinitis is as follows:

General hardening of the body

  • Being outdoors for at least 2 hours a day
If you have the opportunity to go to the mountains, then take it. Mountain air is healing and has a positive effect on the respiratory organs and nose, improves the condition of the mucous membrane with medical rhinitis. However, it is necessary to completely abandon vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Swimming for 1-2 hours twice a week or more
However, before going outside, you need to dry your head well and wait from 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Bathhouse visit
Especially with the use of various essential oils. It is advisable to go to the bath once or twice a week.
  • Taking activated charcoal, polyfepam or enterosgel two hours before meals for 30 days
Take medications in accordance with the instructions.

Refusal of vasoconstrictor drops

It is quite difficult to do this, it will take great willpower and firmness of character, and the support of loved ones will also not hurt. There are several ways to get rid of drops and sprays in the nose:

  • Gradual dose reduction
Gradually reduce the dose of drops per day and completely get rid of the drops within 2 weeks in this way.

These measures can be carried out with the simultaneous intake of drugs prescribed by the ENT doctor, if you suddenly stop dripping your nose, you do not have enough patience and strength.

  • Using more gentle drops
With a serious dependence on drops, use more gentle drops, such as: Vibrocil (twice a day) with a gradual decrease in doses.
  • Replacing drops for adults with children
Replacing adult drops with children's drops like Otrivin Baby. Drip them for 2 weeks, then start to reduce the doses until they are completely eliminated by the second week of use.
  • Replacement with "placebo"
Replacing drops with so-called pacifiers is a “placebo”. Drip the nose with diluted sea water, poured into a bottle from under your constant drops, or use drops based on sea salt such as Aquamaris, Humer, etc.

Use of drugs - topical glucocorticosteroids - for drug-induced rhinitis

Arranged in descending order of price:

Nasonex (contains mometasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

FLIKSONASE (contains fluticasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

AVAMIS (contains fluticasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

TAFEN NAZAL (contains budesonide) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

NAZOPHAN (contains fluticasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

ALDECIN (contains beclomethasone) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

DIPROSPAN - once a day for 10 days, do not use in children under 16 years of age, as this drug is very strong and is used in severe cases of drug-induced rhinitis

DEXAMETHASONE - 2 times a day for 7 days

BENARIN (contains budesonide) - take 2 drops once or twice a day for a month

Experts believe that drugs containing mometasone are more effective than drugs containing fluticasone. Mometasone is almost not absorbed into the blood and has almost no side effects, but drugs with this substance are more expensive.

At the same time, practice shows that all these drugs act in almost the same way. And since there are no special differences, then it's up to you and your doctor to decide.

The course of endonasal steroids should last no more than one month. If it did not help in a month, there is only one way out - surgery.

Taking antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs

To exclude the allergic nature of the disease or allergy to drugs in combination with endonasal steroids, it is necessary to take antihistamines for the treatment of drug rhinitis.

The following drugs should be taken once a day, 1 tablet (tablespoon) for 7-10 days:




Nasal lavage

Washing the nose gives a good effect with medical rhinitis. For rinsing, both medicinal pharmaceuticals and procedures performed at the ENT are used:

AQUALOR (twice a day)

STERIMAR (twice a day)

DOLFIN (1 time per day for 2-3 weeks)

Lubrication of the nose with medicinal rhinitis

It is advisable not to allow the nasal mucosa to dry out. To do this, you can use the following ointments 1 time per day for 10 days:

LORIZAN (inside the nose)


HYDROCORTISONE OINTMENT(wings and bridge of the nose)

CHATTER, consisting of a mixture of oils and hydrocortisone, is done at the lore (inside the nose)

Physiotherapy for drug rhinitis

It is good to use UHF, acupuncture, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone ointment, intranasal electrophoresis with diphenhydramine and calcium chloride, etc. in the form of additional funds.

Surgery for medical rhinitis

If conservative methods of treatment do not help, do not delay treatment and go for surgery.

  • Laser surgery (cauterization)
There are different opinions about this operation among doctors.
  • Conchotomy
The old method, which is now being tried to be abandoned, since the operation and its results are rather controversial.
  • Cryotherapy
It is a safe method, but not very effective in the treatment of medical rhinitis.
  • Traditional submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinates
It is by far the most effective, frequently used and gentle method for the treatment of drug-induced rhinitis. This operation gives positive results in more than 90% of cases. If the nasal septum does not affect breathing, this operation is sufficient. Usually, computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses is prescribed to make the final decision regarding the operation.
  • Submucosal vasotomy Coblator or cold plasma vasotomy or coblation
Medical rhinitis is also treated with this method, but the results from the operation are not as impressive as from a traditional vasotomy.
  • Turbinoplasty
This is the name of any intervention on the inferior turbinates with the preservation of the mucous membrane, including vasotomy. Therefore, if you are prescribed turbinoplasty for the treatment of drug rhinitis, be sure that the doctor meant a conventional vasotomy.
  • Septoplasty
It is used if there are problems with the nasal septum.

Folk remedies

They are a support measure. They are good for washing the nose, inhalation, etc.
It is only necessary to remember about the individual intolerance of some components or allergies.

Homeopathic remedies for drug-induced rhinitis

It is difficult to attribute them to traditional methods, but for people who believe and use homeopathic remedies, the following remedies may be useful:

KAMETON (2 times a day for a month)


NUX VOMICA (3 peas for three days at night)

CADMIUM SULFURICUM (3 peas 3 times in one day with 6 hour intervals between each dose)




Balm "Asterisk"(dab under nose)

When using homeopathic remedies, drops and other medicines should not be used.

Well, let's sum up. How to get rid of drug rhinitis? Basic treatment for drug-induced rhinitis should include: nasal irrigation, antihistamines, topical glucocorticosteroids, and, in the absence of treatment results, surgery.

The rest of the methods are complementary.

You don’t have to immediately grab onto all the recommendations and follow them from A to Z. Each person and his body is unique and requires an individual approach, so it’s best to go to an appointment with a specialist doctor, get tested and get a qualified treatment that is suitable only for you.



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