How does the first period after childbirth begin? Periods after pathological pregnancy or childbirth

Menstruation that occurs a few weeks after childbirth is called early. The menstrual cycle after the appearance of the baby does not always remain unchanged. The appearance of the first menstruation depends on lactation.

Features of the first menstruation after childbirth and their effect on the female body

Every pregnant woman is concerned about her health. The first period after childbirth is the most important aspect of her anxiety. When they begin, it is difficult to answer - each organism is unique. The first menstruation after childbirth, what will they be like? Their arrival is subject to many moments. Factors such as lactation, difficult childbirth, illnesses, operations, and individual characteristics of the body are important.

The onset of menstruation after childbirth is the predisposition of the body to the next pregnancy. from 21 to 35 days is normal. The resumption of all processes begins after the release of lochia, which occurs on average 7-10 weeks. At this time, the functions of the mammary glands, the genitourinary system, the endocrine, and the nervous system are being adjusted. All processes must return to normal.

It is determined by such factors:

The norm is the first menstruation after childbirth after the expiration of the established period: not earlier than after 7-10 weeks, in a volume of up to 150 ml. The nature of the discharge should not differ from what it was before pregnancy. The first day, during the first two hours, a small amount of bloody discharge of a smearing nature appears, then they take on the natural appearance of blood.

Menstruation ends in the same way: the last 1-2 hours of discharge brighten and stop altogether. The duration of the first postpartum period is usually 3-6 days, but it all depends on the physiology. A deviation from the norm is considered too abundant or very meager discharge, severe pain, itching, fever. These signs indicate an inflammatory process or other pathologies and are serious reasons for a visit to the doctor.

Relationship between menstruation and breastfeeding

Presence is not a typical phenomenon, but is not recognized as an aberration. At this time, prolactin dominates in the body of a woman. This is the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk. It prevents the exit of the corpus luteum and the onset of ovulation, therefore, menstruation should not go.

The appearance of the first blood on the background of breastfeeding is not always a sign of recovery of the body. A common cause of this condition is a failure of hormonal regulation. Menstruation can come when the baby is fed on demand, when water or formula is added to the diet. However, a doctor's consultation is necessary in any case.

Restoration of menstruation with artificial and mixed feeding

Many mothers combine breastfeeding and artificial feeding. If mixtures are actively introduced into the child’s diet, which leads to irregular feeding of breast milk, the activity of the “milk hormone” decreases, and a favorable environment is created for the onset of ovulation. Moms should be ready - menstruation after childbirth in this case will resume very soon.

The first months of mixed feeding are characterized by mood swings for both the mother and the child, as the hormonal balance in the woman's body is restructured, which affects the baby. The term for the arrival of menstruation after childbirth in this case remains very vague and ranges from 3 to 5 months. However, the absence of the beginning of the cycle for longer than the specified norms is not considered a pathology.

The second type of feeding - artificial - means that the baby has been on mixtures since birth and did not eat mother's milk. With this type, the first menstruation after childbirth sometimes comes much earlier - up to 12 weeks. A delay of more than 14 weeks warns of the presence of pathology. After the first, the onset of the next menstruation is mandatory, the cycle should be restored immediately. The consistency, color and abundance of discharge should correspond to a healthy physiology: from yellowish with bloody impurities to rich red.

The nature of the discharge and caesarean section

The birth of a child does not always occur naturally. For medical reasons, surgery is sometimes required. The first come about the same as in the natural process.

If there are no complications after the operation, they are “reborn” with the cessation of lactation.

After the release of lochia - postpartum discharge - the body gradually begins to restore its reproductive functions. However, there are circumstances that can slow down this recovery. A delay in the onset of a new cycle occurs in the following cases:

  • difficult postoperative period;
  • chronic diseases;
  • failure of the hormonal system;
  • infections;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene.

How long menstruation goes after delivery by caesarean section depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

The menu of a nursing mother for the first month after childbirth is compiled taking into account the benefits of the products for her and the newborn. It is important to exclude rough food, food should be fractional and frequent. It is important to avoid low-quality food, artificial colors, use natural products, but fruits and vegetables with caution. Proper nutrition will help a young mother recover more quickly after a abdominal operation, which is a caesarean section.

Miscarriage and the specifics of menstruation

Unfortunately, a long-awaited pregnancy sometimes ends not only with the birth of a child. Miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy associated with pathology or external factors affecting the body. In this case, there are several features of menstruation that are different from the normal cycle.

The blood released during a miscarriage is not menstrual. The first ones depend on how severe were the consequences of cleansing, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, the term of the lost pregnancy, the state of the woman's health. Normally, the first menstrual flow occurs according to the woman's personal cycle. Any delay is an indicator of inflammation or infection.

The color and consistency of the discharge should not differ greatly from the norm. Deviations for each of these signs are considered a violation, in which a doctor's consultation is recommended. But the amount of discharge may be slightly larger than usual. After a full menstruation will completely return to normal.

Sources of delay

A delay in menstruation after childbirth cannot be without reason. In the first month, the body takes a moderate pace of returning to its usual state: the uterus is cleansed, lochia comes out. If the reason for the long delay is not breastfeeding, you should undergo a medical examination.

Possible pathological factors:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • formation of cysts in the ovaries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mother's fatigue, overwork;
  • stress;
  • neoplasms in the genitourinary system;
  • pregnancy.

The first month after childbirth is a crucial time, and the menstruation that has come speaks of the stabilization of the mother's health. Absence or - a serious cause for alarm. It is worth noting that after the birth of a child, premenstrual syndrome almost always remains unchanged, and sometimes even intensifies. But do not neglect severe pain and blame everything on PMS. In most cases, a condition when menstruation after childbirth is very heavy or accompanied by pain is a sign of inflammation, infection, exacerbation of chronic processes.

Excessive abundance, clots, discoloration, smell of secretions, their scarcity, delay in the first menstruation after childbirth and absence on time require an immediate consultation with a gynecologist, and are also a reason to undergo a full examination.

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After the birth of a child, a woman needs not only care, but also an attentive attitude to the recovery processes in the body. And if the first can be given at the mercy of close and dear people, then the care of their health remains with the young mother. One of the most important symptoms of body recovery is the onset of menstruation. However, the first menstruation after childbirth for a number of indicators, including timing, can differ significantly from those before pregnancy. Therefore, this serious issue requires detailed consideration.

Lochia and menstruation: what is what

Many women call spotting with clots after childbirth called menstruation. However, they have a different nature, the name and menstruation are not.

The beginning of the recovery process after childbirth is marked by lochia

Lochia after childbirth

To understand the difference between postpartum discharge and menstruation, it is necessary to understand the physiological process of recovery of the uterus after the birth of a child. Regardless of how the delivery took place - natural or operative (caesarean section), the uterus is a bleeding wound. This is due to the fact that the placenta is torn off from the reproductive organ, thereby there is a rupture of many vessels that connected it with the uterus. In addition, due to the action of the hormone oxytocin, which provokes uterine contractions, part of the fibers is separated from the body of the uterus itself, which leads to the restoration of its pre-pregnancy state. All this leads to the fact that the young mother observes bloody discharge with clots, gradually decreasing in volume - lochia. The average time for their completion, that is, the healing of the uterus, is up to 40 days after childbirth.

This is interesting. The first week of lochia helps the uterus “lose weight” from a kilogram to 300 grams. For 1.5–2 months, the genital organ returns to an average weight norm of 70 grams.

The intensity of lochia should be monitored very carefully, as this is an important indicator of the normal recovery of the body.


Menstruation (regula) is a physiological phenomenon, which is a rejection of the mucous surface of the female reproductive organ, which occurs under the influence of the hormonal background of a woman. The menstrual cycle is determined by the work of the endocrine system, therefore, without understanding its essence, it is difficult to understand the mechanism of the onset of menstruation.

Table: phases of the menstrual cycle

This is interesting. All three phases of the monthly cycle occur under the influence of specific hormones: ovulatory under the action of estradiol, luteal under the action of progesterone.

Each phase occurs on specific days of the cycle.

Video: ovulation after childbirth

First period after childbirth

Based on the mechanism of the onset of menstruation and the nature of lochia, we conclude that these are two different processes, although both are characterized by bloody discharge. Completion of lochia is by no means a signal for the beginning of full-fledged menstruation. The fact is that their arrival is due to a number of related factors.

During lactation, a woman actively produces prolactin, a hormone that, in turn, ensures the production of breast milk, but meanwhile inhibits the hormones responsible for preparing a woman for pregnancy. It turns out that while there will be a lot of prolactin, a young mother may not wait for her period. However, this conclusion can be challenged by citing several arguments related to the individual characteristics of the hormonal background, as well as taking into account:

  • a hereditary factor (of course, you should not expect a complete coincidence of the timing of the onset of menstruation after childbirth in mothers, grandmothers and daughters, but there will also be no strong run-ups in terms);
  • the presence of pathologies (the resumption of menstruation with inflammation, infectious diseases in history is difficult to predict);
  • type and timing of breastfeeding.

The last factor is worth considering in detail.

Prolactin, produced during lactation, is responsible for the inhibition of ovulation and the absence of menstruation.

Resumption of menstruation with breastfeeding

The production of prolactin decreases with the introduction of complementary foods and supplements in the child's diet. That is, according to the experience of the last few years, when pediatricians began to recommend complementary foods from 4–6 months, we can say that this particular period is the starting point for waiting for menstruation.

This is interesting. In some women, even taking into account complementary foods, but while maintaining partial breastfeeding (especially at night, when prolactin production is faster), menstruation may not come until complete weaning.

Menstruation with artificial feeding

In this situation, prolactin is not produced in large quantities, so the completion of lochia and the healing of the uterus is the time for the onset of menstruation. This usually happens 1.5 months after birth. But the absence of menstruation for 4-5 months is not considered a deviation. In situations where lactation was completed for some reason, the regulation will be restored after prolactin begins to be produced in prenatal mode.

This is interesting. A woman who does not have periods after 4-5 months from the end of postpartum discharge needs to consult a gynecologist.

With artificial feeding, menstruation begins earlier

Regulations for the combination of breastfeeding and artificial feeding

If the baby receives both mother's milk and mixtures, menstruation comes after 3-12 months. A large range is associated with the time of day at which the number of feedings has decreased: if in the morning and in the evening, when prolactin is produced especially actively, then menstruation will begin earlier.

Video: restoration of menstruation after childbirth

Features of the first menstruation: symptoms, nature of discharge and timing

The main fear of women who are expecting their first menstruation after childbirth is that they will begin suddenly. In fact, in most (!) cases, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) will not do without it, so the “readiness No. 1” signals will be:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • mood swings;
  • headache.

Before the first menstruation after childbirth, a woman may feel an increase in PMS

Another important point that you need to prepare for in advance is a possible change in the nature of the discharge. After giving birth, they may become:

  • more painful;
  • more abundant or more scarce compared to those before pregnancy;
  • with clots (usually such lumps are characteristic of menstruation, which began shortly after the completion of lochia, and these inclusions are the remnants of damaged tissues and fibers, indicating that the endometrium is still recovering).

As for the timing of the first menstruation, they can be a little longer or, conversely, a little shorter. In general, monthly bleeding in the absence of abnormalities should not last longer than 7-8 days. In this case, the first few cycles will be within 21-30 days, then the terms will be adjusted.

This is interesting. The resumption of menstruation after a caesarean section occurs in the same way as after natural childbirth. After an abortion or miscarriage, the cycle returns depending on the state of health of the woman, as well as the presence of complications after curettage.

When to be alarmed

There are several reasons associated with the resumption of menstruation, requiring prompt medical attention. It is worth noting that it is impossible to draw conclusions about deviations after the first menstruation. The only exception is or unbearable pain. To draw up an objective picture, you need to observe the state of your health for 2-3 cycles.

This is interesting. Despite the absence of menstruation, after the end of lochia, a woman can become pregnant again. This is again due to the individual characteristics of her body, so you should take care of the choice of contraception. It should be borne in mind that if an intrauterine device is chosen, then the first menstruation can be longer, more abundant and more painful, and if birth control pills, then, on the contrary, the discharge will become short, meager, sometimes even spotting.

The duration and intensity of menstruation is also affected by the method of contraception.

Prolonged and profuse discharge

Periods that last longer than 8 days are considered protracted. Often, long-term adjustments are accompanied. If the gasket in two or more cycles has to be changed more often than 2.5–3 hours, then bleeding is considered intense. Especially often such deviations occur in women who have experienced a cesarean or abortion. In addition, in this way the body signals that:

  • particles of membranes remained on the walls of the uterus;
  • inflammation develops;
  • the woman was (or is) in a stressful state;
  • during pregnancy, the young mother suffered from iron deficiency anemia.

Conservative treatment are:

  • hemostatic drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • drugs that replenish iron stores in the body.

If these remedies do not give a result, a curettage is prescribed for a woman, which has two goals: to exclude the development of neoplasms in the endometrium and stop bleeding.

Too fast periods

Common causes of accelerated menstruation (less than 2 days) are:

  • a sharp weight loss of a woman;
  • heavy bleeding after childbirth;
  • hyperprolactinemia - a strong increase in prolactin.

Menstruation less than two days is considered a deviation from the norm

Scanty periods

A discharge resembling a daub (in the absence of hormonal contraception), repeated for more than three cycles in a row, should also cause alarm. Such a violation of the cycle may indicate a hormonal imbalance, endometritis (inflammation of the mucous surface of the uterus) or Sheehan's syndrome (a neuroendocrine disorder caused by the death of pituitary cells due to complications in childbirth or abortion).

Irregular menstruation

Hormonal disorders require precise correction, so consultation with an endocrinologist is mandatory.

Bad smell, bright color, itching

The pungent smell of discharge, bright color, as well as fever, severe pain in the lower abdomen are symptoms caused by infections or oncology. Itching and curdled discharge are signs of thrush.

Cessation of menstruation after the first 1-2 cycles

In this case, first of all, it is necessary to exclude a new pregnancy. The reason for such a stop in the course of the physiological process may be a rather rare condition - an early menopause.

This is interesting. Any worrisome conditions related to women's health should be discussed with a specialist. Therefore, do not neglect trips to the gynecologist.

Personal hygiene during the restoration of menstruation

Hygiene procedures during the resumption of menstruation after childbirth are no different from those that were carried out before pregnancy:

How to stabilize your period

It is worth thinking about restoring menstruation in advance by discussing this issue with a gynecologist. Especially if there were complications during childbirth. In addition, it is worth listening to the recommendations of experts and:

This is interesting. Women with postpartum syndrome (depression) are advised to drink herbal teas, light sedatives based on natural ingredients. If necessary, visit a psychologist.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

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Good day, my dear readers. Today I would like to talk to you about menstruation after childbirth. Most recently, in a conversation with my friends, I heard that one of them began menstruating when the baby was already 1.5 years old, and the second - when only 3 months had passed since the birth of the crumbs. What determines the speed of recovery of critical days? When do the first periods start and how long do they last? Can a young lady who has recently given birth get pregnant again before the onset of the first meager discharge? How do artificial and breastfeeding affect the functioning of the female body? What does it indicate if menstruation began and disappeared? We will talk about this and much more today. Join))

The nature of the recovery of menstruation after delivery

It's no secret that immediately after giving birth, a woman has bleeding (lochia) for about two months. Thus, the uterine cavity is naturally cleansed of the consequences of gestation and childbirth (particles of the fetal membrane, cervical mucus, blood, endometrial cells). At this time, it is very important to monitor the hygiene of the genitals, the color and smell of lochia, and to give up sexual activity.

If you notice any alarming symptoms, then going to the gynecologist should come first!

I think you will agree with me: after everything that has been experienced in recent months, few women who have given birth dream of the imminent return of menstruation. Long 40 weeks of pregnancy, peculiarities of gestation, painful childbirth or cesarean, two-month cleansing - you want to take a break from all this. But still, the questions: how long after the birth menstruation will come, what they should be, they are worried for a reason. After all, the frequency and nature of the menstrual cycle directly indicate the work of the hormonal and reproductive systems, and any deviation from the norm can be the first bell signaling a problem. So, let's figure out what these norms are, and do they even exist for young mothers?

I hasten to dispel the myth: the speed of the appearance of menstruation in no way depends on the type of delivery (caesarean or EP).

I will not open America to you if I say that the first sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. From the moment of conception, the restructuring of all hormonal systems in our body begins, the amount of progesterone increases, new eggs do not mature, the endometrium is not rejected, but on the contrary, its layer is strengthened to further protect the embryo. What happens after the birth of a child?

The relationship between the menstrual cycle and breastfeeding

When your baby is born, the hormonal parade in a woman's body undergoes new drastic changes. Now the “milk” hormone, prolactin, is already intensively being produced, which again suppresses the active functioning of the ovaries. Nature is wise! At each of the stages important for childbearing, those hormones that are needed in greater quantities at the moment come first. Since nutrition is vital for an infant, then all the forces of the body are aimed at producing food for him.

It is conceived by nature in such a way that the period of absence of menstruation is directly related to the time interval of breastfeeding, but it is important to take into account the very nature of feeding. If a woman puts the baby strictly on schedule, introduces complementary foods early, then it is likely that menstruation will not be long in coming. But for mothers who, these "guests" come much later.

I, too, was able to make sure from my own experience and the stories of my friends that the longer and more actively a woman breastfeeds, the slower her periods return to her. For many moms, the "special" days begin shortly after the introduction of complementary foods. This is due to the fact that now the baby needs the breast less and less and the body quickly “strives” to the prenatal state.

I hasten to dispel the myth: menstruation during breastfeeding absolutely does not affect the taste and smell of milk, as some ladies think. Therefore, the menstrual cycle should not affect the feeding schedule in any way. But sometimes with the first spotting, the amount of product produced may slightly decrease.

Don't panic! Attach the baby more often to the breast and lactation will soon be restored.

Remember: the nature of the onset of menstruation after childbirth is purely individual. The return of critical days is considered normal and 3 months after childbirth, and after a year and a half with breastfeeding.

How quickly menstruation returns when feeding a baby with special food

If for some reason a woman cannot (does not want) to put the baby to the breast, then the production of prolactin slows down, the flow of milk decreases. The new egg matures and is released at the right time, along with a layer of the epidermis and uterine bleeding. The first menstruation with artificial feeding normally occurs after 2-3 months. If the baby is on a mixed diet (mixture + breast milk), then this period increases to 4-6 months.

Another important point! The time of "arrival" of menstruation is influenced by such factors:

  • Is the woman getting enough rest?
  • the presence of birth trauma;
  • regularity of nutrition, abundance in weight;
  • treatment with certain medications, especially hormonal ones;
  • the general condition of the body, especially the endocrine system, the presence of chronic diseases.

If a woman completely stops feeding, and menstruation does not begin within 1-2 months, then she should seek the advice of a doctor. Such a delay may indicate both the development of certain pathologies and a new pregnancy.

Is pregnancy possible in the absence of menstruation

The biggest mistake some girls make is the belief that in the absence of menstruation and breastfeeding, conception cannot occur and is not required ... Yes, lactational amenorrhea, in which ovulation is suppressed as much as possible by prolactin, gives some chance for "open" sex without consequences. But still, a certain risk of "flight" is more than possible. Indeed, in order for an unplanned pregnancy not to take place, a number of conditions must be observed. Namely:

  • period after childbirth is not more than six months;
  • frequent attachment of the baby to the breast (breaks of no more than 2 hours during the day and 4 hours at night), that is, expressing milk into a bottle and going to the cinema with her husband (as an option) will no longer work;
  • co-sleeping with the baby and obligatory night feedings;
  • the baby should not be supplemented with water, introduce complementary foods, since the number of attachments in this case is significantly reduced.

And even if all the above requirements are met, the probability of conception in the absence of menstruation after childbirth will be 2-3%. Is it worth the risk? I'm sure NO! You can find more detailed answers to this question in this article.

Features of the first menstruation after childbirth

Dear women, I want to start this section by making you a little happy. Many young mothers notice that previously painful menstruation is now, after the birth of a baby, not so. What is the reason for such improvements? The secret is simple: very often the discomfort and pain during bleeding is directly related to the bending of the uterus, which greatly impedes the free outflow of blood. But after delivery, the position of some organs in the abdominal cavity changes, the bend straightens out on its own, and Hurray - there are no more monthly pains !!!

The first menstruation after childbirth is often heavy, as are the next few. But gradually the cycle stabilizes and becomes regular. It is considered normal if it takes a woman 3-4 months. What to do if during menstruation “it pours like a bucket” or, conversely, they are very meager; if the discharge began, and disappeared after a month?

Go to the doctor or not

Very often, a newly-made mother has no time to take care of her health, because she gives all her free time, strength, attention to the baby. Probably, we all know the feeling that nothing is more important than the crumbs right now. Hormones are raging, the baby becomes the center of the universe. What kind of periods can you think of here?)) But still, I really want you to read this section carefully. After all, babies need healthy moms!

So, when a consultation with a doctor cannot be postponed?

First of all, it should be strange for a woman if, after lochia (discharge after childbirth), there is bleeding with an unpleasant odor; if GV "started" three months ago, and menstruation has not yet begun. No less strong should be alerted by very plentiful (scanty) periods for several cycles (and not once), or if the discharge has passed once and has not recurred.

This may be due to the following pathologies:

  • endometriosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • unnoticed postpartum pathologies, injuries;
  • new pregnancy;
  • inflammatory process in the ovaries, etc.

It is clear that only an experienced doctor can diagnose them by vaginal and (or) transabdominal ultrasound, studying the results of tests, examining on a gynecological chair. Therefore, be sure to find a couple of free hours and visit the hospital if something like this bothers you!


This is the end of our conversation today. But I have one little piece of advice for you. I hasten to recommend for your favorite kids musical night lamp with a projector. It was given to me by my best friend when she came to meet my newborn daughter for the first time. With the help of this cute and, as it turned out, extremely useful device, the baby began to fall asleep faster, and I had a little more time for myself))

I would very much like you, my dear readers, to share your experience. How quickly did your period start after giving birth? Were there any problems with the formation of the cycle? How often do you visit a gynecologist after having a baby? Looking forward to your stories)) See you soon!

The menstrual cycle is the main indicator of the health of the female body, so it is very important that menstruation after childbirth is restored at the right time and with the correct regularity.

Changes can only affect the nature of the discharge itself, in the very first menstruation cycle that has begun after childbirth, they will be meager, more reminiscent of a daub. By duration, they should be no more than 2-3 days. If the first menstruation is too heavy, and one pad is not enough even for 2 hours, the woman is most likely bleeding and should immediately consult a doctor.

At first, the menstrual cycle will range from 21 to 30 days. This will continue until full recovery of ovarian function. This will take several months, for each woman this period is individual.

Signs of pathological menstruation

In some cases, the discharge after the birth of a child is pathological. If you see the following signs in yourself, do not wait for the normalization of the cycle, but urgently go to the gynecologist:

  • if the discharge after the birth of "lochia" abruptly stopped going. This may indicate a bending of the uterus, endometritis, or stagnation of lochia inside the uterus;
  • if more than 3 cycles there are very scanty menstrual flow. This may be a sign of a hormonal imbalance, endometritis, or Sheehan's syndrome;
  • 6 months after her recovery. Breaks between periods of 3 or more months. This may be a sign of ovarian pathology;
  • very heavy periods for 2 or more cycles in a row, especially after surgery or abortion. This may be caused by remnants of the membranes on the inner walls of the uterus;
  • and accompanied by general weakness and dizziness;
  • if menstrual flow has an unpleasant pungent odor, while the woman is feverish and there is severe pain in the abdomen, this may indicate the presence of an infection or oncology;
  • "daub" before and after critical days - a sign of endometriosis or inflammation;
  • curdled discharge and itchy sensations in the vagina - a symptom of "thrush";
  • bloody, from 3 cycles in a row.

What changes can be in the menstrual cycle

Irregular monthly discharge of a menstrual nature can appear in a woman for several cycles after the birth of a baby. But it's not permanent. After 1-2 months, there should be none. Menstruation should take place in the same way as before pregnancy, only a slight change in its duration is allowed:

  • 2-3 initial cycles can be observed, especially if the child is on mixed feeding;
  • the first cycles after the birth of a baby in some mothers, on the contrary, pass with more abundant discharge. If after a couple of cycles the intensity of menstruation does not decrease, but pain is also added, you should definitely consult a specialist;
  • the appearance of menstrual flow may be irregular;
  • painful periods may appear even in those who did not complain of pain before pregnancy. Pain during menstruation after childbirth can cause intense contractions of the walls of the uterus or infection. Most often, after the baby is born, previously painful periods become normal due to a change in the position of the uterus;
  • premenstrual syndrome or its precursors may appear: swelling, nausea, mood swings, dizziness.

irregular periods

Critical days after childbirth can be irregular for several reasons:

  • if irregularity is observed in the first few months after childbirth during the recovery period, then there is no reason to panic. Most often, this is normal behavior for them, since the normalization of the cycle for each woman occurs individually. Irregular periodicity of menstruation is typical for breastfeeding mothers;
  • for about 2 months, all systems and organs in the body of the woman in labor return to normal. But the normal functioning of the endocrine system comes late, especially during lactation. For this reason, even with a good general condition of the body, a representative of the beautiful may not have critical days;
  • if the regularity has not been adjusted for 3 or more cycles, this may indicate inflammation, endometriosis, or an oncological neoplasm in the organs of the genitourinary system.

In order to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies and prescribe treatment in time, at the first doubtful symptoms, seek help from a gynecologist.


There are cases when, after childbirth, menstruation does not occur, although more than six months have already passed, the lactation period is completed, or the child is only supplemented with mother's milk. The most banal reason for the delay is a new pregnancy, but if you should seek help from a doctor, because in this case the delay can be a harbinger of hormonal disorders, for example, Sheehan's syndrome, in which there is also weakness, dizziness, low blood pressure and lack of lactation. This is a very dangerous disease that can cause adrenal insufficiency and various infectious diseases.

In women over 40 years of age, the absence of menstruation may mean the onset of menopause, and in younger women, premature ovarian failure may occur. To determine the reason for the long absence of critical days, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.

Periods after pathological pregnancy or childbirth

The time of arrival of the first menstruation after childbirth depends both on the process of delivery itself and on the presence of any pathologies during pregnancy. Consider the features of critical days, depending on the pathologies that a woman had:

  • . Menstruation is restored after a month only in a small percentage of patients, most often the hormonal imbalance that caused the termination of pregnancy also causes an irregular cycle;
  • abortion. will come in 45 days, otherwise you need to go to the doctor;
  • the remnant of the fetal egg in the uterus or the inflammatory process. To avoid such a situation, you need to undergo an ultrasound scan after childbirth or termination of pregnancy in 10 days;
  • . The first menstruation should come in 25-40 days after its completion. If the critical days come before this period, this is most likely uterine bleeding, requiring urgent medical attention. A delay longer than the specified period is also a reason for a visit to the gynecologist. Very often, an ectopic pregnancy is a strong stress for a woman, in such cases, recovery can occur in at least 2 months;
  • . In this case, the cycle is restored the same as after normal childbirth. When breastfeeding, menstruation does not come earlier than six months later. If the child is on artificial nutrition, then the cycle should return to normal after a maximum of 3 months. Very rarely, the recovery process is delayed for a year, if there are no pathologies, then this is considered the norm.

After experiencing any of the above conditions, a woman is advised to protect herself for at least 6 months from the onset of a new pregnancy, since the absence of menstruation does not mean that ovulation does not occur. So, without critical days, she can become pregnant, which is undesirable for a still fragile body.

Women with good health have no problems with the restoration of the cycle after the birth of a baby. In order to avoid any failures, some expert advice should be put into practice:

  • To quickly restore hormone production, you need to properly compose your diet. It should include more fruit, vegetable and cereal dishes, milk, meat. You should observe the drinking regimen, do regular exercises and take multivitamins prescribed by the doctor for mothers;
  • no need to take oral contraceptives. They are able to influence the hormonal background, causing the irregularity of the cycle. It is better for women who are sexually active to temporarily give preference to condoms or other non-hormonal contraceptives;
  • follow the routine. If the baby does not let you sleep at night, sleep during the day. Don't hesitate to get help from loved ones. Good rest speeds up the recovery process;
  • any chronic diseases can affect the length of the recovery period, therefore, with diabetes, anemia, thyroid diseases, etc. it is necessary to consult with a specialist and adjust the treatment.

There are cases when the first menstruation after childbirth passed in a normal mode, and the next ones after them were delayed.

This may indicate the presence of a hormonal imbalance. In this situation, it may be useful to take tests for hormones and undergo other additional studies. Such measures can prevent the development of various diseases, including oncology.

If these tips did not help and the cycle after childbirth did not recover at the right time, you should definitely seek help from a gynecologist.


When do the first periods after childbirth come and what should they be. How long does it take for a cycle to resume after childbirth? Very heavy menstruation is the norm or a deviation.

For 9 months you carried your baby, and completely forgot about such a phenomenon as menstruation. However, after childbirth, the appearance of critical days becomes a hot topic for most young mothers. We will talk about the restoration of the cycle after the birth of a child, the main features of the first menstruation, the time of their onset and common deviations in today's article.

Recovery of menstruation after childbirth

The onset of menstruation is directly related to the activity of hormones. During the gestation of the fetus, the hormonal background changes dramatically, and the expectant mother spends the entire pregnancy without menstruation. After childbirth, the body begins to recover and gradually switch to the previous regimen: the hormonal background normalizes, and blood discharge reappears in the life of a woman who has already given birth.

No doctor can give a specific date for the onset of menstruation after childbirth. This phenomenon is strictly individual. Most often, critical days come after the cessation of breastfeeding.
Also, the normalization of the menstrual cycle depends on the following factors:

  • Regular eating;
  • Daily routine, rest time;
  • The state of the psyche, the presence of depression;
  • The presence of chronic diseases and / or their complication.

The appearance of menstruation after the birth of a child

As already mentioned, the recovery of menstruation for each woman is different. But still, we can name the average indicators when menstruation begins, which differ from each other by the presence of various factors.

  1. If the mother does not breastfeed her child, then menstruation should appear after 1.5-3 months.
  2. If a non-nursing mother has complications of chronic diseases, a weakened state, depression, etc., critical days can come after 4-6 months.
  3. If the mother feeds the baby every 3 hours, and the night break does not exceed 6 hours, then menstruation can be expected after six months or a year.

To fully restore the cycle, at least 2-3 menstruation must pass. With the introduction of complementary foods into the child's diet, as well as in the case of transferring the baby to mixed feeding, menstruation can go even earlier.

Important: do not confuse menstruation with characteristic postpartum discharge. They last approximately 7-10 days in the form of dark blood clots or fresh blood. The described secretions will be replaced by yellowish ones, gynecologists and obstetricians call them lochia. Their number will decrease over time, and after 1.5 months the uterus should tone up after the birth.

Personally, my first menstruation came 8 months after the birth of Maxim, at that time we were already actively introducing complementary foods. The first ones were very plentiful, as if for all the previous months, but practically painless! This made me very happy, because before pregnancy, on critical days, I suffered terribly. The next ones came literally in 2 weeks, only after 3-4 cycles everything returned to normal.

Features of the onset of the first menstruation

As a rule, the first menstruation of a newly-made mother is meager and smearing. Some, on the contrary, have very abundant discharge, perhaps even 2 times in one month. Their full recovery can be expected only after 2-3 cycles, not earlier.

In most cases, the first menstruation is less painful, the feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen disappears. This condition is justified by a slight change in the location of the abdominal organs, which helps to straighten the bend of the uterus and improve the outflow of blood.

It is also possible to change the nature of blood discharge. This phenomenon directly depends on the chosen method of contraception. When using an intrauterine device, menstruation can become bright and plentiful, sometimes discharge with maroon blood clots is possible. When using birth control pills, you can expect scanty spotting. This phenomenon is associated with the presence of progestin hormones in the tablets, which change the hormonal background, due to which the endometrium grows less than normal before the end of the cycle. If a woman does not use contraceptives, or her partner uses condoms, then the nature of the discharge changes for the better. Premenstrual syndrome, pain and other discomfort that a woman experienced during menstruation before pregnancy may disappear.

Remember that conception is possible even in the absence of menstruation and with continued breastfeeding. The egg will be ready for fertilization 2 weeks before the arrival of critical days, so during this period of time a woman has every chance of becoming pregnant again. The onset of menstruation after the appearance of the baby cannot be called a sign of the body's readiness for the next pregnancy. For a full recovery, it will take at least 2 years, only after this period, doctors advise planning the next conception.

Possible deviations

The newly minted mother, after the onset of critical days, should carefully monitor the nature of the excreted fluid, as well as the duration and course of the menstrual cycle.

The following are considered abnormal:

  • Too much menstruation after childbirth. If you change your pad often (more than once every 2 hours), then this can be regarded as bleeding. In addition, you should be alerted by the dark shade and unpleasant smell of discharge, as well as severe pain.
  • Irregular periods. If after 3 months the cycle has not returned to normal, then you should visit a gynecologist. Perhaps your body has undergone serious hormonal disorders, which are considered abnormal.
  • Absence of menses. If you transferred the baby to artificial feeding and suppressed lactation, and the critical days did not come for 2-3 months, then this indicates the possible presence of diseases of the genitourinary system. The most common postpartum ailments include the appearance of tumors, inflammation of the ovaries, pathologies after childbirth, imbalance in hormone levels and endometriosis. Do not allow the progression of the disease, and do not postpone a visit to the gynecologist.

Proper hygiene of the genitals helps to avoid many fungal, infectious and bacterial diseases. After childbirth, do not use "intimate" gels, but ordinary baby soap. Wash your genitals at least three times a day.

The appearance of menstruation and the full restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth takes a lot of time. Monitor your physical condition and health, in case of any deviations, immediately go to the doctor and go through the full course of the prescribed treatment.



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